Machine Learning with R : Expert Techniques for Predictive Modeling, 3rd Edition
Machine Learning with R : Expert Techniques for Predictive Modeling, 3rd Edition
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Machine Learning with R: Expert Techniques for Predictive Modeling, 3rd Edition
Are you ready to take your machine learning skills to the next level? Look no further than the third edition of “Machine Learning with R: Expert Techniques for Predictive Modeling.” This comprehensive guide will help you dive deeper into the world of predictive modeling using the powerful R programming language.
With this book, you’ll learn advanced techniques for building and evaluating predictive models, including ensemble methods, feature engineering, and model tuning. You’ll also discover how to work with large datasets, handle missing data, and interpret model results.
Whether you’re a data scientist, analyst, or developer, this book will provide you with the tools and techniques you need to excel in the field of machine learning. So why wait? Pick up your copy of “Machine Learning with R: Expert Techniques for Predictive Modeling, 3rd Edition” and start building better models today.
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