Displaced by Disaster: Recovery a- Ann-Margaret Esnard, 9780415856041, paperback
Displaced by Disaster: Recovery a- Ann-Margaret Esnard, 9780415856041, paperback
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Displaced by Disaster: Recovery
In the aftermath of a disaster, recovery can be a long and challenging process. In her book “Displaced by Disaster: Recovery,” Ann-Margaret Esnard explores the various factors that contribute to successful recovery efforts following a natural or man-made catastrophe. From the immediate response to long-term rebuilding, Esnard examines the complex dynamics at play in the recovery process.
Drawing on case studies and real-world examples, Esnard provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by communities and individuals who have been displaced by disaster. She addresses issues such as housing, infrastructure, social services, and economic recovery, offering practical solutions for those involved in disaster recovery efforts.
Whether you are a researcher, policymaker, or community member affected by a disaster, “Displaced by Disaster: Recovery” offers a comprehensive overview of the recovery process and valuable guidance for moving forward. This paperback edition is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of post-disaster recovery.
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