Family Feud shared a clip from the episode on YouTube in a video captioned with a rather peculiar question.
“Fellas, your mother-in-law did what to your bottom??” it read.
In the clip, two opponents went head-to-head at the podium as host Steve Harvey informed them that their team of surveyors asked 100 married men to provide them with responses.
The question that followed wasn’t one anybody expected: “What would you be surprised your mother-in-law just did to your bottom?”
Despite the question’s bawdy nature, the contestants played along as if they weren’t fazed.
Family Feud viewers rant and rave over ‘gross’ survey questions
In the comments section of the YouTube video, Family Feud fans weren’t shy about expressing their distaste for the question.
One YouTube user felt Family Feud producers were “trying to shock Steve with these questions.
Family Feud viewers were left outraged after a recent episode featured a survey question that many deemed inappropriate and cringe-worthy.
The question in question asked contestants to guess the top responses to the prompt: “What is something you wouldn’t want to catch your parents doing?” The options included things like “fighting,” “naked,” and “having sex.”
Viewers took to social media to express their shock and disgust at the suggestive nature of the question, with many calling the show a “smut show” and criticizing the producers for crossing a line.
One Twitter user wrote, “Family Feud has officially gone too far with this question. What a smut show. Disgusting.” Another viewer commented, “I can’t believe they aired that question. It’s just cringe-worthy and completely inappropriate.”
While Family Feud is known for its sometimes risqué survey questions, this latest one seemed to have struck a nerve with many viewers who felt that it went too far. Whether or not the producers will address the backlash remains to be seen, but it’s clear that some fans are not happy with the direction the show is taking.
- Family Feud
- Viewers
- Survey question
- Producers
- Cringe-worthy
- Wild
- Smut show
- Criticism
- Audience backlash
- Television controversy
#Family #Feud #viewers #slam #cringe #producers #wild #survey #question #smut #show
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