In speed-crazed world, golf is getting slower. Blame self-absorption

In today’s fast-paced world, it seems like everything is constantly speeding up. However, there is one activity that is actually getting slower: golf.

Golf has always been known as a leisurely sport, where players can take their time, enjoy the scenery, and focus on their game. However, in recent years, the pace of play on golf courses has been steadily increasing.

One of the main reasons for this slowdown is the rise of self-absorption among players. With the popularity of social media and smartphones, many golfers are more focused on taking selfies, updating their status, or checking their notifications than actually playing the game. This constant distraction leads to longer wait times between shots and slower overall rounds.

Additionally, many golfers seem to have forgotten the etiquette of the game, such as repairing divots, raking bunkers, and being ready to play when it is their turn. This lack of consideration for other players on the course only adds to the delay.

As a result, golf courses are implementing stricter pace of play policies and even resorting to using pace of play clocks to keep players moving. However, the root of the problem lies in the self-absorption of players who are more concerned with their own experience than the experience of others.

In order to combat this trend and keep golf moving at a reasonable pace, it is important for players to remember the etiquette of the game, put away their phones, and focus on playing efficiently. Only then can we ensure that golf remains the enjoyable and leisurely sport it was meant to be.


golf, speed, self-absorption, slow pace, leisurely sport, society’s obsession with speed, golf culture, slow living, mindfulness in golf

#speedcrazed #world #golf #slower #Blame #selfabsorption


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