Larian scrambles to find out who exactly put Patch 8 on the PS5 early, meanwhile I, a PC unfortunate, rattle the bars of my enclosure

1/27/25: Scuttlebutt on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit is that the unintended early update to Patch 8 has already been yoinked and cannot be downloaded if you haven’t grabbed it already. Meanwhile, Larian has released a guide to rolling back to Patch 7 if you were affected by the bug—saves on this version of Patch 8 are incompatible with Patch 7, and the build is “unsupported” according to Larian. Users on the subreddit who made it in describe it as unstable and prone to crashing.

As PC Gamer is wont to do, we’ve been posting a lot about how our device of choice has won the console war. I would like to unilaterally, with authority that I do not have (and have not asked for), state that we’ve lost. Catastrophically, because the PlayStation 5 has randomly received Patch 8 of Baldur’s Gate 3 early and I’m volcanic with jealousy.

The only saving grace is that it’s not, er, actually supposed to be this way. In an announcement made to the Baldur’s Gate 3 Discord, a senior community manager by the name of Salo writes: “No, the Patch 8 stress test hasn’t yet begun. Yes, PS5 players do currently have access to Patch 8.”

This seems corroborated by, well, the internet—here’s one player who’s downloading it, here’s another. Here’s a PS5 player on the Discord server realising that they had, in fact, downloaded Patch 8 of the game with a: “Hexblade is new, right? Because that means that update 8 is in fact, out right now.”

(Image credit: Baldur’s Gate 3 Discord)

This has Larian, broadly-speaking, on high alert—Larian’s Tumblr account (yes, it’s official, no, I don’t know why it’s called John Larian and why the header image is like that) also shared what appears to be a Slack message titled: “Hello! Welcome to the patch-8-is-on-ps5-for-some-reason-help-help-ahhh task group.”

In a shocking turn of events, Larian Studios is on a wild goose chase to uncover the mystery behind who leaked Patch 8 for Divinity: Original Sin 2 on the PS5 ahead of schedule. While the developers scramble to contain the fallout and address the unintended consequences of the premature release, I, a humble PC player, can only sit and watch from the sidelines as I rattle the bars of my enclosure in frustration.

As a devoted fan of the game, I can’t help but feel left out and envious of those lucky few who were able to experience the new content and features before it was officially ready for public consumption. The temptation to join them and play the latest patch on a different platform is strong, but I must resist and wait patiently for the official release on PC.

In the meantime, I can only hope that Larian Studios will swiftly resolve the situation and ensure that all players, regardless of platform, can enjoy the game to its fullest potential. Until then, I’ll continue to bide my time and eagerly anticipate the moment when I can finally dive back into the world of Divinity: Original Sin 2 with Patch 8 in hand.


  1. Larian Studios
  2. Patch 8
  3. PS5
  4. Early release
  5. PC gaming
  6. Enclosure
  7. Gaming news
  8. Video games
  9. Larian investigation
  10. Console gaming

#Larian #scrambles #find #put #Patch #PS5 #early #unfortunate #rattle #bars #enclosure


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