NS0-162: NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP- BEST EXAM Practice Q&A

NS0-162: NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP- BEST EXAM Practice Q&A

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Are you preparing for the NS0-162: NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP exam? Look no further!

In this post, we have compiled some of the best practice questions and answers to help you ace the exam with confidence. These questions cover a wide range of topics that are likely to appear on the exam, including NetApp ONTAP fundamentals, data protection, storage efficiency, and more.

By practicing these questions, you will not only familiarize yourself with the exam format but also test your knowledge and identify any areas that need further study. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the practice Q&A for the NS0-162 exam!

1. What are the three primary components of NetApp ONTAP software?
A. Data Fabric, StorageGRID, and ONTAP Select
B. StorageGRID, ONTAP Select, and HCI
C. Data Fabric, ONTAP Select, and Cloud Volumes ONTAP
D. Data Fabric, ONTAP Select, and FAS/AFF systems

Answer: D. Data Fabric, ONTAP Select, and FAS/AFF systems

2. Which feature in ONTAP allows for the automatic tiering of data between different storage types based on usage patterns?
A. FlexCache
B. FabricPool
C. SnapMirror
D. SnapVault

Answer: B. FabricPool

3. What is the maximum number of nodes that can be included in a single cluster in ONTAP 9.7?
A. 16
B. 24
C. 32
D. 64

Answer: C. 32

4. True or False: NetApp ONTAP supports both NAS and SAN protocols.

Answer: True

5. Which NetApp feature provides continuous data protection by replicating data to a secondary storage system?
A. SnapMirror
B. SnapVault
C. FlexCache
D. FlexGroup

Answer: A. SnapMirror

We hope these practice questions help you in your preparation for the NS0-162 exam. Good luck!
#NS0162 #NetApp #Certified #Data #Administrator #ONTAP #EXAM #Practice