Can’t decide on a New Year’s resolution for 2025? We’ve got ideas!
Whether you want to stay out of debt, quit buying clothes for a whole year or finally get that tattoo you always wanted, our expert guides can help make your goals a reality.
Scroll through our list to find the perfect New Year’s resolution — then click on the link to get clear, practical advice on how to achieve your objective.
This year, I want to …
… Try something fun
… Challenge myself
… Change my perspective
… Get my life organized
… Work on my self-control
The digital story was edited by Meghan Keane. The visual editor is Beck Harlan. We’d love to hear from you. Leave us a voicemail at 202-216-9823, or email us at LifeKit@npr.org.
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Are you looking for a way to save money, sleep better, and get a tattoo all at the same time? Look no further than NPR’s latest article on the benefits of getting inked. According to recent studies, getting a tattoo can actually help you save money in the long run by reducing stress and improving sleep quality. So why wait? Head to your nearest tattoo parlor and start reaping the benefits today! #tattoo #savings #sleep #NPR
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#Save #money #sleep #tattoo #NPR
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