Zion Tech Group


  • New ALGS Twitch Drops – Rewards & Release Date

    Apex Legends benefits from its live service model. Respawn regularly releases new maps, weapons, and shiny cosmetics during the introduction of a new season. Though we’re still waiting for a powerful legend, lots of exciting updates are coming to the futuristic battle royale.

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    Twitch Drops are one of the most fun types of content for fans of Apex Legends, and a new set of dazzling vanity items will be available soon simply for watching Apex content online. However, not everyone uses Twitch, so we’re here to explain how you can get in on the action.

    The newest collection of Twitch Drops hasn’t released yet, as you’ll only be able to earn them between January 29th and February 2nd. Players can unlock one reward per day, each a unique cosmetic. The Gold Nessie Gun Charm is the most notable prize available, but that’s not all that’s in store.



    January 29th

    Champs Trophy Sticker

    January 30th

    ALGS 30-30 Repeater Skin

    January 31st

    ALGS Horizon Skin

    February 1st

    You are the Champion Holospray

    February 2nd

    Gold Nessie Gun Charm

    You’ll unlock each of the five rewards above for watching 30 minutes of content each day on the Twitch account linked below. Additionally, Respawn is giving players 50,000 Apex Coins on the Twitch.tv/playapex account throughout next weekend.

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    Though you can’t choose your item earned per day, you can get every Twitch Drop by watching Match Point Finals Sunday on February 2nd. Respawn confirmed that 30 minutes of watch-time will unlock a Twitch Drop with the Gold Nessie Gun Charm, while watching another half hour of content on February 2nd will allow you to claim all five rewards.

    Twitch Drop Charm in Apex Legends

    Apex Legends

    Firstly, log in to your EA account, then follow Settings > Connection > Link. A new prompt will pop up, allowing you to log in to your Twitch account. Continue to watch 30 minutes of content per day between January 29th and February 2nd on the Twitch.tv/playapex channel, then you can click Account Settings > Drops and Rewards to claim all of your fun-filled cosmetics.

    NEXT: Big Esports Tournaments of 2025

    Attention all ALGS fans! Get ready for some exciting news – Respawn Entertainment has announced new Twitch drops for the upcoming ALGS tournaments.

    The new Twitch drops will include exclusive in-game rewards such as weapon skins, character skins, and other cosmetic items. These rewards are sure to make your gameplay even more exciting and unique.

    The release date for these new Twitch drops is set for [insert date here]. Make sure to tune in to the ALGS tournaments on Twitch to earn these exclusive rewards. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your gaming experience with these limited-time rewards.

    Stay tuned for more updates and information on the new ALGS Twitch drops. Get ready to level up your gameplay with these awesome rewards!


    1. ALGS Twitch Drops
    2. Twitch Drops rewards
    3. ALGS Twitch Drops release date
    4. Apex Legends Twitch Drops
    5. How to get ALGS Twitch Drops
    6. ALGS Twitch Drops event
    7. ALGS Twitch Drops schedule
    8. ALGS Twitch Drops news
    9. ALGS Twitch Drops update
    10. ALGS Twitch Drops details

    #ALGS #Twitch #Drops #Rewards #Release #Date

  • ALGS Year4 チャンピオンシップ Day4 結果&まとめ【Apex Legends Global Series Year4 Championship Day4】


    ついに!!ALGSが日本で開催!!開催地は北海道・札幌、大和ハウス プレミストドームにてYear4年間王者を決める戦いが行われます!

    念願の日本での開催ということで私も全日程現地で観戦して、APAC Northの選手たちはもちろん、海外強豪選手たちの活躍を目に焼き付けてこようと思います!


    ▼ALGS Year4 Championship Day1~2の結果等はこちらから


    ALGS Year4 Championship 出場チーム一覧

    NA 14枠・EMEA 10枠・APAC-S 8枠・APAC-N 6枠・CN&SA1枠ずつという各リージョンの出場枠数となっています。



    Day1:1/29(水) 9:00~ (A&B→C&D→B&D)
    Day2:1/30(木) 9:00~ (A&C→B&C→A&D)
    Day3:1/31(金) 12:00~ (Elimination Round1)
    Day4:2/1(土) 11:00~ (Winners→Elimination Round2)
    Day5:2/2(日) 12:00~ (Finals)


    グループステージでは各グループの組み合わせで試合を行い、総合で上位20チームがWinners,下位20チームがElimination Round1に進出となっています。

    グループステージ APAC Northチーム出場予定一覧


    APAC North 応援ハッシュタグ
















    他にも今回は日本開催ということで多くの方がWatch Partyもされると思うので自分の楽しめるところで観戦して、力の限り選手を応援しましょう!!

    ALGS Year4 Championship Day4結果速報

    Winners Round


    1位:AURORA 11kill 23pts
    2位:Alliance 8kill 17pts
    3位:Team Falcons 1kill 8pts
    4位:CRAZY RACCOON 5kill 10pts
    5位:FNATIC 2kill 6pts


    1位:Liquid Alienware 10kill 22pts
    2位:GUILD 6kill 15pts
    3位:ShopifyRebellion 6kill 13pts
    4位:Cloud9 5kill 10pts
    5位:100 Thieves 1kill 5pts


    1位:ENTER FORCE.36 21kill 33pts
    2位:TSM 3kill 12pts
    3位:GaiminGladiators 3kill 10pts
    4位:100 Thieves 3kill 8pts
    5位:FURIA 1kill 5pts


    1位:AURORA 10kill 22pts
    2位:ENTER FORCE.36 0kill 9pts
    3位:Exo Clan 6kill 13pts
    4位:Noctem 6kill 11pts
    5位:FURIA 3kill 7pts


    1位:TSM 4kill 16pts
    2位:AURORA 3kill 12pts
    3位:Team Falcons 6kill 13pts
    4位:FURIA 3kill 8pts
    5位:ENTER FORCE.36 2kill 6pts


    1位:GUILD 7kill 19pts
    2位:CRAZY RACCOON 6kill 15pts
    3位:AURORA 4kill 11pts
    4位:ENTER FORCE.36 8kill 13pts
    5位:FURIA 3kill 7pts

    Elimination Round2

    ALGS Year4 チャンピオンシップ Day4 結果&まとめ【Apex Legends Global Series Year4 Championship Day4】

    こんにちは、エーペックスレジェンズファンの皆さん!ALGS Year4 チャンピオンシップのDay4が終了しました。今日は、その結果とまとめをお届けします。




    ALGS Year4 チャンピオンシップのDay4は、激戦の連続であり、多くの感動を与えてくれました。今後も、エーペックスレジェンズの世界に目が離せないこと間違いありません!

    次回の大会も楽しみにしていてください!それでは、ALGS Year4 チャンピオンシップの結果とまとめをお楽しみください。


    ALGS Year4 Championship, ALGS Year4 Day4 Results, Apex Legends Global Series Year4 Day4 Recap, ALGS Year4 Championship Day4 Summary, ALGS Year4 Championship Day4 Highlights, Apex Legends Global Series Year4 Day4 Winners

    #ALGS #Year4 #チャンピオンシップ #Day4 #結果まとめApex #Legends #Global #Series #Year4 #Championship #Day4

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