Tag: Bono

  • Bono Organic Sicilian Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Val di Mazara PDO / 16.9 oz.)

    Bono Organic Sicilian Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Val di Mazara PDO / 16.9 oz.)

    Price : 16.00

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    Introducing: Bono Organic Sicilian Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Val di Mazara PDO / 16.9 oz.)

    Looking for the perfect finishing touch to your culinary creations? Look no further than Bono Organic Sicilian Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Made from the highest quality organic olives in the Val di Mazara region of Sicily, this olive oil is sure to elevate any dish to gourmet status.

    This olive oil is not just any olive oil – it is protected by the prestigious PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) certification, ensuring its authenticity and superior quality. With a rich, fruity flavor and a peppery finish, this olive oil is perfect for drizzling over salads, dipping with bread, or adding a burst of flavor to any dish.

    Whether you are a seasoned chef or just starting out in the kitchen, Bono Organic Sicilian Extra Virgin Olive Oil will take your cooking to the next level. Order your bottle today and taste the difference for yourself. Buon appetito!

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  • Biden reconocerá a Hillary Clinton, Bono, Messi y otras personalidades con la medalla presidencial de la libertad

    Biden reconocerá a Hillary Clinton, Bono, Messi y otras personalidades con la medalla presidencial de la libertad


    El presidente Joe Biden concederá este sábado la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad, la más alta distinción civil del país, a 19 personas, entre las que se encuentran la excandidata demócrata a la presidencia Hillary Clinton, el diseñador Ralph Lauren, el astro del fútbol Lionel Messi, el líder de U2 Bono y el filántropo y megadonante George Soros.

    Según un comunicado de la Casa Blanca, la medalla se concede a personas “que han hecho contribuciones ejemplares a la prosperidad, los valores o la seguridad de Estados Unidos, a la paz mundial o a otros importantes esfuerzos sociales, públicos o privados”. El propio Biden recibió la medalla de manos del entonces presidente Barack Obama en los últimos días de su mandato.

    “El presidente Biden cree que los grandes líderes mantienen la fe, dan a todos una oportunidad justa y ponen la decencia por encima de todo”, dijo la Casa Blanca en el comunicado. “Estas 19 personas son grandes líderes que han hecho de Estados Unidos un lugar mejor. Son grandes líderes porque son buenas personas que han hecho contribuciones extraordinarias a su país y al mundo.”

    Dos destacadas figuras de la política estadounidense recibirán un homenaje póstumo: el exfiscal general Robert F. Kennedy y el exgobernador republicano de Michigan George Romney, padre del exsenador Mitt Romney.

    En sus palabras de elogio a la esposa de Kennedy, Ethel, el año pasado, Biden dijo que solo había tenido “dos héroes políticos en mi vida: El Dr. (Martin Luther King Jr.) y Bobby Kennedy”, al tiempo que señalaba que había decorado su Despacho Oval con un busto de Kennedy. La ilustre familia política había saltado a los titulares nacionales en los últimos meses con el segundo hijo mayor de los Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., elegido de forma polémica por el presidente electo Donald Trump para ser el próximo secretario del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos.

    Biden ha reconocido previamente a varios aliados políticos con el premio, incluida la expresidenta de la Cámara de Representantes, Nancy Pelosi, y el congresista de Carolina del Sur, Jim Clyburn, el año pasado.

    La decisión del presidente de honrar a Clinton culmina una larga historia de admiración mutua entre los dos líderes demócratas y se produce después de que Bill y Hillary Clinton honraran a Biden con el Premio Clinton al Ciudadano Global en una ceremonia sorpresa celebrada en Nueva York el pasado mes de septiembre. Al aceptar el premio, un emocionado Biden agradeció a la exsecretaria de Estado “la forma en que me has ayudado, la forma en que has hablado por mí con tanta pasión”.

    “No puedo decírtelo, puedes preguntárselo a Jill, yo… en cualquier caso, te quiero. Te quiero”, dijo Biden.

    El presidente también reconocerá a Soros, un megadonante liberal que, según la Casa Blanca, “ha apoyado organizaciones y proyectos en todo el mundo que fortalecen la democracia, los derechos humanos, la educación y la justicia social”, y a la famosa editora jefe de Vogue, Anna Wintour, que organizó actos políticos de recaudación de fondos para la campaña de Biden.

    Lauren, un titán de la industria del diseño, también figura entre los galardonados de este sábado. La ropa de Lauren ha sido durante mucho tiempo una de las favoritas de la familia Biden, incluida la primera dama Jill Biden, que lució un diseño de Ralph Lauren en la portada de Vogue en agosto, y la primera nieta, Naomi Biden, que llevó un vestido de Ralph Lauren en su boda en la Casa Blanca en 2022.

    El célebre chef, humanitario y abierto crítico de Trump, José Andrés, será reconocido por su trabajo con la World Central Kitchen, que según la Casa Blanca “ha revolucionado la forma en que la ayuda alimentaria llega a las comunidades afectadas por desastres naturales y conflictos en todo el mundo”.

    En el ámbito del espectáculo, está previsto homenajear a los actores Michael J. Fox y Denzel Washington, así como a Messi y al jugador retirado de la NBA, Earvin “Magic” Johnson. Estaba previsto que Washington fuera uno de los homenajeados en 2022, pero tuvo que renunciar a la ceremonia tras dar positivo por covid-19.

    El año pasado, el músico y humanitario Bono acompañó a Jill Biden en su palco durante el discurso sobre el estado de la Unión, en el que se le reconoció su labor en la lucha contra el sida y el apoyo al Plan de Emergencia del presidente de EE.UU. para el Alivio del Sida, o PEPFAR, que celebró su 20 aniversario el año pasado. Bono y sus compañeros de U2 también figuran entre los galardonados en la ceremonia de los Kennedy Center Honors de 2022. El sábado aceptará la Medalla de la Libertad.

    En el campo de la ciencia, Biden reconocerá al director ejecutivo de Planetary Society y defensor del clima, Bill Nye, y a la mundialmente famosa conservacionista Jane Goodall. Nye ha colaborado con la administración en el pasado para impulsar las iniciativas climáticas de la Casa Blanca de Biden, grabando una entrevista en 2021 con Biden en la Casa Blanca para impulsar el plan del presidente “Reconstruir mejor”. Una versión reducida de la legislación se basó finalmente en la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación, después de que el proyecto inicial no obtuviera suficiente apoyo en el Congreso.

    Se concederán medallas póstumas al icono de los derechos civiles Fannie Lou Hamer y al exsecretario de Defensa Ash Carter, mientras que el defensor del colectivo LGBT Tim Gill, el líder del capital privado David Rubenstein y el fundador del American Film Institute y del Kennedy Center Honors George Stevens Jr. completan la lista.

    El presidente electo Joe Biden ha anunciado que reconocerá a varias personalidades destacadas con la prestigiosa Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad. Entre los galardonados se encuentran la ex secretaria de Estado Hillary Clinton, el cantante Bono, el futbolista Lionel Messi y otras figuras destacadas en sus respectivos campos.

    La Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad es la más alta condecoración civil de Estados Unidos y se otorga a personas que han realizado contribuciones significativas a la seguridad nacional, la paz mundial, la cultura o cualquier otro campo de interés público. Biden ha destacado el impacto positivo que estas personalidades han tenido en la sociedad y ha expresado su admiración por su dedicación y logros.

    La ceremonia de entrega de las medallas se llevará a cabo en la Casa Blanca en una fecha aún por determinar, y se espera que sea un evento emotivo y lleno de celebración. Sin duda, este reconocimiento es un merecido homenaje a personas que han dejado una huella imborrable en la historia y que continúan inspirando a otros a través de su trabajo y compromiso. ¡Felicidades a todos los galardonados!


    Biden, Hillary Clinton, Bono, Messi, medalla presidencial de la libertad, reconocimiento, personalidades destacadas, premio honorífico, distinción presidencial, Biden reconocerá a personalidades eminentes.

    #Biden #reconocerá #Hillary #Clinton #Bono #Messi #otras #personalidades #con #medalla #presidencial #libertad

  • Biden to recognize Hillary Clinton, Bono and more with Presidential Medal of Freedom

    Biden to recognize Hillary Clinton, Bono and more with Presidential Medal of Freedom


    President Joe Biden will award the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to 19 people Saturday, recognizing a broad swathe of luminaries across politics, culture and the arts, including former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, designer Ralph Lauren, soccer superstar Lionel Messi, U2 frontman Bono and philanthropist and megadonor George Soros.

    The medal is presented to people “who have made exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors,” according to a White House statement. Biden himself is a recipient, having been presented with the medal by then-President Barack Obama in the closing days of his administration.

    “President Biden believes great leaders keep the faith, give everyone a fair shot, and put decency above all else,” the White House said in the statement. “These nineteen individuals are great leaders who have made America a better place. They are great leaders because they are good people who have made extraordinary contributions to their country and the world.”

    Two prominent American political figures will be posthumously honored: former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and former Michigan Republican Gov. George Romney, the father of former Sen. Mitt Romney.

    In remarks eulogizing Kennedy’s wife Ethel last year, Biden said he had “only two political heroes in my life: Dr. [Martin Luther King Jr.] and Bobby Kennedy,” while noting he’d decorated his Oval Office with a bust of Kennedy. The storied political family had made national headlines in recent months with the Kennedys’ second-eldest son, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., controversially chosen by President-elect Donald Trump to be the next Department of Health and Human Services secretary.

    Biden has previously recognized a number of political allies with the award, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and South Carolina Congressman Jim Clyburn last year.

    The president’s decision to honor Clinton caps off a long history of mutual admiration between the two Democratic leaders and comes after Bill and Hillary Clinton honored Biden with the Clinton Global Citizen Award in a surprise New York Ceremony last September. Accepting the award, an emotional Biden thanked the former secretary of state “for the way you have helped me, the way you’ve spoken up for me with such passion.”

    “I can’t tell you, you can ask Jill, I – anyway, I love you. I love you,” Biden said.

    The president will also recognize Soros, a liberal megadonor who the White House says “has supported organizations, and projects across the world that strengthen democracy, human rights, education, and social justice,” and famed Vogue editor in chief Anna Wintour, who hosted political fundraisers for the Biden campaign.

    Lauren, a design industry titan, is also among the honorees Saturday. Lauren’s clothing has long been a favorite of the Biden family, including first lady Jill Biden, who wore a Ralph Lauren design on the cover of Vogue in August, and first granddaughter Naomi Biden, who wore a Ralph Lauren dress for her White House wedding in 2022.

    Celebrity chef, humanitarian and outspoken Trump critic José Andrés will be recognized for his work with the World Central Kitchen, which the White House says “has revolutionized the way food aid reaches communities affected by natural disasters and conflict around the world.”

    In entertainment, actors Michael J. Fox and Denzel Washington are slated to be honored, along with Messi and retired NBA player Earvin “Magic” Johnson. Washington was scheduled to be among those honored in 2022, but he had to pull out of the ceremony after testing positive for Covid-19.

    Last year, musician and humanitarian Bono joined Jill Biden in her box at the State of the Union address, where he was recognized for his work fighting AIDS and building support for the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR, which celebrated its 20th anniversary last year. Bono and his U2 bandmates were also among the honorees for 2022’s Kennedy Center Honors ceremony. On Saturday, he’ll accept the Medal of Freedom.

    In the field of science, Biden will recognize Planetary Society CEO and climate advocate Bill Nye and world-famous conservationist Jane Goodall. Nye has partnered with the administration in the past to further the Biden White House’s climate initiatives, recording a 2021 interview with Biden at the White House to push the president’s “Build Back Better” plan. A pared down version of the legislation eventually based as the Inflation Reduction Act after the initial bill failed to garner sufficient support in Congress.

    Posthumous medals will be awarded to civil rights icon Fannie Lou Hamer and former Defense Secretary Ash Carter, while LGBT advocate Tim Gill, private equity leader David Rubenstein and American Film Institute and Kennedy Center Honors founder George Stevens Jr. round out the list.

    President Joe Biden announced today that he will be awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to several notable individuals, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U2 frontman Bono. The Medal of Freedom is the highest civilian honor in the United States and is awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to society.

    In addition to Clinton and Bono, Biden will also be recognizing several other individuals for their achievements and contributions. Among them are civil rights activist Dolores Huerta, scientist and astronaut Mae Jemison, and musician Joni Mitchell.

    The ceremony to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom will take place next month at the White House, where the recipients will be honored for their dedication and service to their respective fields. Biden stated that he is proud to recognize these individuals for their outstanding achievements and for their impact on society.

    Stay tuned for more updates on this prestigious event as we celebrate the accomplishments of these remarkable individuals.


    1. Biden Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients
    2. Hillary Clinton Medal of Freedom
    3. Bono Presidential Medal
    4. Biden honors Clinton and Bono
    5. Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients
    6. Biden awarding Medal of Freedom
    7. Hillary Clinton and Bono recognition
    8. Biden to honor famous individuals
    9. Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony
    10. Biden’s Medal of Freedom announcement

    #Biden #recognize #Hillary #Clinton #Bono #Presidential #Medal #Freedom

  • Biden awards Medal of Freedom to Hillary Clinton, Bono Messi and 16 others : NPR

    Biden awards Medal of Freedom to Hillary Clinton, Bono Messi and 16 others : NPR

    Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, when they served as vice president and secretary of state, respectively, are seen here on Dec. 8, 2016. Biden is honoring Clinton and 18 others with the Medal of Honor.

    Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, when they served as vice president and secretary of state, respectively, are seen here on Dec. 8, 2016. Biden is honoring Clinton and 18 others with the Medal of Honor.

    Alex Wong/Getty Images

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    Alex Wong/Getty Images

    President Biden is awarding the Medal of Freedom to 19 people, including civil rights icons such as the late Fannie Lou Hamer and prominent political leaders such as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and billionaire Democratic fundraiser George Soros.

    He’s also honoring actors and athletes, including Michael J. Fox, Denzel Washington as well as Argentine soccer star Lionel Messi and Earvin “Magic” Johnson, the retired basketball star who led the Los Angeles Lakers to five championships.

    “These nineteen Americans are great leaders who have made America a better place. They are great leaders because they are good people who have made extraordinary contributions to their country and the world,” the White House said in a statement.

    Biden will also posthumously grant the medal to former U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, the father of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who President-elect Trump has nominated to be his secretary of Health and Human Services; and former Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, as well as George W. Romney, who served as the chairman of the American Motors Corp. before becoming Michigan governor and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. He is also the father of Utah Sen. Mitt Romney.

    Additional recipients include:

    José Andrés – the renowned chef who brought food aid around the world through his World Central Kitchen.

    Bono – the frontman for legendary rock band U2 and activist against AIDS and poverty.

    Tim Gill – the entrepreneur whose work advanced LGBTQI rights and equality.

    Jane Goodall, a world-renowned ethologist and conservationist whose research transformed human understanding of primates and human evolution.

    Ralph Lauren, a fashion designer who has also helped influenced culture, business, and philanthropy.

    William Sanford Nye – who inspired and influenced generations of American students as “Bill Nye the Science Guy.”

    David M. Rubenstein – the co-founder and co-chairman of The Carlyle Group, where he built one of the most successful global investment firms.

    George Stevens, Jr. – the American writer and director who founded the American Film Institute and co-creator of the Kennedy Center Honors.

    President Joe Biden has awarded the prestigious Medal of Freedom to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, humanitarian and U2 frontman Bono, soccer legend Lionel Messi, and 16 other notable individuals. In a ceremony at the White House, Biden praised the recipients for their extraordinary contributions to society and their commitment to making the world a better place.

    Clinton was recognized for her decades of public service and advocacy for women’s rights and equality, while Bono was honored for his work in fighting poverty and disease around the globe through his philanthropic efforts. Messi, widely regarded as one of the greatest soccer players of all time, was lauded for his talent on the field and his charitable work off the field.

    Other recipients of the Medal of Freedom included scientists, artists, activists, and community leaders who have made significant contributions to their respective fields. Biden commended each of them for their dedication and passion in making a positive impact on the world.

    The Medal of Freedom is the highest civilian honor in the United States, and the recipients join a prestigious group of individuals who have been recognized for their outstanding achievements and contributions to society. Congratulations to all the honorees on this well-deserved recognition.


    Biden awards Medal of Freedom, Hillary Clinton, Bono, Messi, NPR, Medal of Freedom recipients, Presidential Medal of Freedom, Biden administration, political news, celebrity news, awards ceremony, Medal of Freedom honorees

    #Biden #awards #Medal #Freedom #Hillary #Clinton #Bono #Messi #NPR