Tag: Borussia

  • Fußball | 1.FC Heidenheim: Borussia Dortmund kommt: Marvin Pieringer und die Mission Klassenerhalt

    Stand: 01.02.2025 09:56 Uhr

    Nach zwei Niederlagen in Serie steht der 1.FC Heidenheim weiterhin im Tabellenkeller der Bundesliga. Gegen Dortmund wollen die Schwaben punkten.

    Rückblende: Es war der 13. September letzten Jahres, ein fußballhistorischer Tag für den 1.FC Heidenheim. Die Schwaben fuhren nach den beiden Auftaktsiegen gegen Augsburg und St.Pauli erstmals in ihrer Geschichte als stolzer Bundesliga-Tabellenführer zu einem Auswärtsspiel. Der Erste Heidenheim beim Vierten Borussia Dortmund, die Top-Partie des damaligen dritten Spieltags. Der FCH schlug sich wacker, verlor zwar mit 2:4 vor den 80.000 Zuschauern in der Dortmunder Arena, begeisterte aber die Massen mit flottem Fußball.

    Zwischen Dortmund und Dortmund: Heidenheim von Platz eins auf Platz 16

    Vier Monate später, vor dem Rückspiel an diesem Samstag (15.30 Uhr) in Heidenheim, ist von den tabellarischen Hochgefühlen wenig übrig. Und zwar auf beiden Seiten. Der FCH ist seither auf Relegationsplatz 16 abgerutscht, der einstige Titelaspirant Dortmund dümpelt auf Rang elf und hat sich vergangene Woche vom glücklosen Neu-Trainer Nuri Sahin schon wieder getrennt.

    Wohin also des Wegs, FCH? “Das Ziel ist der Klassenerhalt, und das werden wir auch schaffen”, ist Marvin Pieringer im Gespräch mit SWR Sport überzeugt. Der 25-jährige Stürmer, einer der beiden Heidenheimer Torschützen beim Hinspiel in Dortmund, setzt trotz der verzwickten Lage auf dem Schlossberg auf die Ruhe im Umfeld des Vereins und den nach wie vor völlig intakten Teamgeist: “Wir waren und sind immer ganz nah beeinander, können uns in die Augen schauen und ehrlich miteinander umgehen”, beschreibt “Pieri”, wie er genannt wird, das mannschaftliche Binnenverhältnis, “das müssen wir weiter beibehalten”.

    Nächste Kehrtwende nach zuletzt zwei Niederlagen?

    Nach der langen Niederlagenserie vor Weihnachten war der Start ins neue Jahr zunächst bestens geglückt: Dem 2:0 daheim gegen Union Berlin folgte das Last-Minute-3:3 in Bremen, der 1.FC Heidenheim wähnte sich 2025 wieder auf gutem Weg. Doch dann folgten die beiden bösen Rückschläge gegen St.Pauli (0:2) und in Augsburg (1:2). Die sportliche Situation ist weiterhin ernst, sehr ernst. Zumal zuletzt die Kellerkonkurrenz immer wieder eifrig punktete.

    Marvin Pieringer und Marco Fritz Studiogäste bei SWR Sport am Sonntag

    Torjäger Marvin Pieringer ist am kommenden Sonntag (02.02) ab 21.45 Uhr Studiogast bei SWR Sport. Der 25-jährige gebürtige Bad Uracher wurde fußballerisch beim SSV Reutlingen groß und kam über die Stationen SC Freiburg II, Schalke 04, Kickers Würzburg und SC Paderborn im Sommer 2023 zum damaligen Bundesliga-Aufsteiger 1.FC Heidenheim.
    Beim FCH etablierte sich Pieringer als laufstarker und torgefährlicher Angreifer und ist aktuell mit vier Treffern und drei Vorlagen der Topscorer der Schwaben in der laufenden Bundesliga-Saison.
    Neben Marvin Pieringer ist auch Ex-FIFA-Schiedsrichter Marco Fritz zu Gast bei Moderator Michael Antwerpes. Fritz ist seit 1. Januar leitendes Mitglied der Schiri GmbH des DFB und berichtet über die ersten Erkenntnisse des Piloptrojekts rund um den VAR, die Schiedsrichter-Erklärungen per Stadionmikrofon.

    Und so hilft in Heidenheim nur die nächste Kehrtwende wieder hin zum Positiven. Und dabei soll und will auch Marvin Pieringer kräftig mithelfen. Am besten gleich gegen die ruhmreiche Borussia aus Dortmund: “Es ist immer schön, wenn so große Vereine zu uns nach Hause kommen”, sagt Pieringer, “Dortmund macht auch gerade eine schwierige Phase durch. Deshalb müssen wir uns nicht verstecken und wollen den Heimsieg einfahren”.

    Der FCH steht aktuell mit nur 14 Zählern aus 19 Spielen da, bis zum Nichtabstiegsplatz sind es bereits vier Zähler. Nun “müssen wir auch mal anfangen, in einem Spiel zu punkten, wo man es nicht unbedingt erwartet”, fordert auch Trainer Frank Schmidt, der in der Unruhe in Dortmund in den vergangenen Tagen keinen direkten Vorteil für seine Mannschaft sieht. Beim BVB sitzt am Samstag noch Mike Tullberg auf der Bank, ehe Niko Kovac das Traineramt am Sonntag übernimmt.

    Marvin Pieringer ist der Topscorer der Heidenheimer

    Mit vier Treffern und drei Vorlagen ist der großgewachsene Stürmer der Topscorer der Heidenheimer in der laufenden Bundesliga-Saison. Marvin Pieringers letztes Tor liegt indes auch schon wieder einige Wochen zurück: Am 10. November traf der frühere Reutlinger bei der Heimniederlage gegen Wolfsburg. Danach wurde er mehrere Spiele wegen einer Verletzung ausgebremst.

    Auch deshalb und um eine hochkarätige Alternative zu schaffen, legte der FCH in der Winterpause im Sturm noch einmal nach, holte Karlsruhes Torschützenkönig Budu Zivzivadze als zusätzlichen Stoßstürmer ins Brenztal. Marvin Pieringer rückte daraufhin wieder eine Position zurück als zweite, eher hängende Spitze. Wie schon in der vergangenen, so erfolgreichen Saison hinter dem wuchtigen Tim Kleindienst, der inzwischen für Borussia Mönchengladbach Tor um Tor schießt und beim FCH als Goalgetter schmerzlich vermisst wird.

    Marvin Pieringers Wunsch für die Rest-Rückrunde: “So viele Siege wie möglich einfahren und wieder die Leistung bringen, die wir zu Beginn der Saison hatten”. Damals im September, als der FCH nach zwei Siegen aus zwei Spielen als Tabellenführer nach Dortmund gefahren ist. Eine schöne Erinnerung, mehr aber auch nicht: “Wir wissen um was es geht”, so Pieringer, “jetzt heißt es Punkte sammeln”.

    Der 1. FC Heidenheim steht vor einer schweren Aufgabe, denn am kommenden Spieltag erwartet sie der Bundesliga-Spitzenreiter Borussia Dortmund. Für die Mannschaft um Trainer Frank Schmidt geht es dabei um nicht weniger als die Mission Klassenerhalt.

    Ein Spieler, der dabei eine wichtige Rolle spielen könnte, ist Marvin Pieringer. Der Stürmer hat in dieser Saison bereits mehrere wichtige Tore für Heidenheim erzielt und wird auch gegen Dortmund wieder gefordert sein. Mit seiner Schnelligkeit und seinem Torinstinkt könnte er für die entscheidenden Momente im Spiel sorgen.

    Die Fans des 1. FC Heidenheim sind gespannt, ob ihre Mannschaft gegen den Favoriten aus Dortmund bestehen kann und hoffen auf einen erfolgreichen Ausgang. Es wird ein spannendes Spiel erwartet, bei dem die Heidenheimer alles geben werden, um ihre Mission Klassenerhalt voranzutreiben.


    1. Fußball news
    2. 1.FC Heidenheim
    3. Borussia Dortmund
    4. Marvin Pieringer
    5. Mission Klassenerhalt
    6. Bundesliga
    7. German football
    8. Soccer match
    9. German clubs
    10. Football updates

    #Fußball #1.FC #Heidenheim #Borussia #Dortmund #kommt #Marvin #Pieringer #und #die #Mission #Klassenerhalt

  • Borussia Dortmund confirm Mike Tullberg will remain on the bench against Heidenheim

    Borussia Dortmund confirm Mike Tullberg will remain on the bench against Heidenheim

    Borussia Dortmund confirm Mike Tullberg will remain on the bench against Heidenheim

    Borussia Dortmund’s Lars Ricken confirmed that BVB interim head coach Mike Tullberg will remain on the sidelines for this weekend’s Bundesliga fixture against Heidenheim. Tullberg responded to an enquiry from the German associated press on Wednesday. Tullberg coached the team during last Saturday’s 2-2 league draw against Bremen and will be on the bench for this evening’s Champions’ League fixture against Shakhtar Donetsk.

    Ricken and his fellow co-sporting-director Sebastian Kehl both commented on the BVB coaching search whilst speaking to German footballing media after the Bremen match. The two front office administrators emphasised that they found themselves in no rush to fill the position. Ricken lauded Tullberg for his work. Kehl hinted that Tullberg might remain in charge for quite some time.

    Mike Tullberg has our full confidence,” Ricken – as quoted by Kicker – said. “We’re allowing ourselves the requisite time. We’re excellently positioned with Mike at the moment because he reaches the players.”

    “The right decision will be made when we are ready,” added Kehl, “Until then, Mike enjoys our confidence. I’m a big fan of promoting from within, but we might need some external input in our current situation.”

    GGFN | Peter Weis

    Borussia Dortmund confirm Mike Tullberg will remain on the bench against Heidenheim

    Borussia Dortmund has confirmed that assistant coach Mike Tullberg will remain on the bench for their upcoming match against Heidenheim. Tullberg, who has been serving as interim head coach since the departure of Lucien Favre, will continue to lead the team in the absence of a permanent replacement.

    Despite rumors swirling about potential candidates for the head coaching position, Dortmund has decided to stick with Tullberg for the time being. The club has expressed confidence in Tullberg’s abilities and believes he is the right person to guide the team through this transitional period.

    Fans will be eagerly watching to see how Tullberg and the team perform in their upcoming match against Heidenheim. Will he be able to lead Dortmund to victory and solidify his position as a potential long-term head coach? Only time will tell. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.


    Borussia Dortmund, Mike Tullberg, bench, Heidenheim, confirmed, remain, soccer, Bundesliga, match, coach, starting lineup

    #Borussia #Dortmund #confirm #Mike #Tullberg #remain #bench #Heidenheim

  • Borussia Dortmund set to appoint Niko Kovac as head coach after Nuri Sahin exit

    Borussia Dortmund are set to appoint Niko Kovac as their new head coach, with an agreement in place on a contract that will run through to 2026.

    Formerly of Monaco, Bayern Munich and Eintracht Frankfurt, Kovac had been out of work since leaving Wolfsburg in March 2024.

    The 53-year-old replaces Nuri Sahin, who was dismissed by Dortmund following a winless start to 2025, ending in a 2-1 defeat to Bologna in the Champions League a week ago.

    Mike Tullberg, Dortmund’s under-19 coach, has been in temporary charge of the side since Sahin’s departure and will be on the touchline again for the Bundesliga game against Heidenheim this weekend, with Kovac likely to take training for the first time on Sunday.

    Kovac will be joined by his brother, Robert, his long-time assistant and by analyst Filip Tapalovic, and immediately faces a tough task. Dortmund were aiming to break their winless run as they face Shakhtar Donetsk in the Champions League on Wednesday.

    Dortmund are yet to win in the Bundesliga since the end of the winter break, sitting in 11th-placed in the league, 22 points behind leaders Bayern Munich, and six points adrift of fourth-placed Stuttgart, who occupy the final Champions League qualification place.



    With Sahin gone, what next for Borussia Dortmund?

    Kovac will add needed balance to Dortmund play

    Kovac feels like a good contrast to Sahin. The Croatian did not play for Dortmund and is not loyal to their house style, meaning that some fans will treat him with suspicion. Given the events of the past few years and how obviously the side needs fresh ideas, both of those actually feel like strengths. His football has always been based, first and foremost, on a rigid and dependable defence, and that will be his priority upon taking charge at the Westfalenstadion.

    Dortmund must become more balanced. They must attack more responsibly and without leaving themselves so exposed in transition. Kovac, who is a far more experienced coach than Sahin or Edin Terzic, should be able to deliver that improvement.

    It will certainly be interesting to see what happens. His second second at Wolfsburg did not go well and his time at Bayern Munich (2018-19), during which he found it difficult to wrangle a squad full of stars and egos, will also be fresh in the mind, even if he did win a Bundesliga-Pokal double in his first season.



    How Borussia Dortmund’s Yellow Wall became the envy of European football

    But this is a different situation and Dortmund seem to be in need of a specific set of coaching attributes, which Kovac arguably possesses. He has a fine record in developing young players and identifying their best roles. At Monaco, he turned Aurelien Tchouameni into a holding midfielder, helping him towards that €100m transfer to Real Madrid. At Wolfsburg, he repeated that trick with Felix Nmecha, who is unavailable through injury for the next few months, but who he will now coach at Dortmund. He also converted Tottenham’s Micky Van der Ven from a full-back into a centre-back, and coached a young Omar Marmoush.

    Do Dortmund currently have the talent to take advantage of that? Arguably not, but if Kovac can help some of the existing players to evolve — in particular Jamie Gittens, Nmecha, Karim Adeyemi, and Julen Duranville — while instituting some discipline, this could be a good match.

    (Marco Steinbrenner/DeFodi Images via Getty Images)

    Borussia Dortmund is reportedly set to appoint Niko Kovac as their new head coach following the departure of Nuri Sahin. The former Bayern Munich boss is expected to bring his tactical knowledge and experience to the Bundesliga club, as they look to challenge for the top spot in the league.

    Kovac has previously managed Eintracht Frankfurt and Croatia national team, and is known for his disciplined approach to coaching. His appointment is seen as a signal of intent from Dortmund, who are aiming to compete at the highest level in both domestic and European competitions.

    Sahin’s exit from the club has paved the way for Kovac to take charge, with the midfielder opting to pursue a new challenge elsewhere. The 32-year-old has been a stalwart for Dortmund over the years, but now the club is looking to the future with Kovac at the helm.

    Fans will be eagerly anticipating the official announcement of Kovac’s appointment, as they hope he can lead the team to success in the upcoming season. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.


    1. Borussia Dortmund
    2. Niko Kovac
    3. Head coach
    4. Nuri Sahin
    5. Appointment
    6. Bundesliga
    7. Soccer news
    8. German football
    9. Borussia Dortmund news
    10. Football coaching changes

    #Borussia #Dortmund #set #appoint #Niko #Kovac #coach #Nuri #Sahin #exit

  • Tullberg: “Nicht Ajax oder Barca. Wir sind Borussia Dortmund”

    Noch ist unklar, wie lange Mike Tullberg Interimstrainer des BVB bleiben darf. Beim Champions-League-Spiel gegen Donezk aber sitzt der Däne definitiv noch auf der Bank – und setzt wie gegen Bremen auf Primärtugenden.

    “Er war vom ersten Tag an sehr selbstbewusst und hat eine Top-Energie”, sagt Gregor Kobel über den abgebildeten Mike Tullberg.

    picture alliance/dpa

    Als Trainer von Borussia Dortmund erlebt man selten ruhige Phasen, doch so turbulent, wie sich die Situation derzeit für Interimscoach Mike Tullberg beim BVB darstellt, ist es dann doch außergewöhnlich. Der Däne muss nicht nur die Unruhe ausblenden, die rund um den nach einem neuen Trainer und Neuzugängen suchenden Klub herrscht. Er muss auch eine zutiefst verunsicherte Mannschaft zurück in die Erfolgsspur führen.

    Tullberg versucht daher erst gar nicht, sein Team mit Inhalten zu überfrachten, sondern setzt – wie bereits bei seiner Premiere beim 2:2 gegen Bremen – darauf, über Primärtugenden zurück zu Selbstvertrauen, Lockerheit und Erfolgserlebnissen zu finden. “Wir sind nicht Ajax oder Barcelona. Wir sind Borussia Dortmund”, sagte Tullberg am Dienstag auf der Pressekonferenz vor dem abschließenden Spieltag der Ligenphase der Champions League, an dem der BVB am Mittwoch (21 Uhr, LIVE! bei kicker) auf Schachtar Donezk trifft: “Leidenschaft und Mut – für diese Tugenden steht dieser Verein.”

    Natürlich gebe er der Mannschaft auch inhaltliche Anmerkungen mit auf den Weg. In der Kürze der Zeit, die er mit dem Team habe, seien aber “riesige Ansätze” nicht möglich. Wenn jedoch die läuferischen und kämpferischen Attribute stimmen würden, “dann ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß, dass wir das Spiel gewinnen”.


    Neuer Champions-League-Modus: Fluch oder Segen?

    14:42 Minuten

    Nmecha und Süle fallen aus

    Personell muss Tullberg bei der Aufgabe gegen die Ukrainer neben dem Langzeitverletzten Niklas Süle (Aufbautraining) auch auf Felix Nmecha verzichten, der sich eine Bänderverletzung am Knie zugezogen hat und mehrere Wochen ausfallen wird. Als Reaktion darauf arbeitet der Klub an einem Ende der Ausleihe von Salih Özcan an den VfL Wolfsburg.

    Der defensive Mittelfeldspieler könnte aber frühestens in der Zwischenrunde der Königsklasse, für die sich der BVB bereits sicher qualifiziert hat, für den Klub auflaufen – sofern er denn nachnominiert wird. Der zuletzt angeschlagene Waldemar Anton, der nach kicker-Informationen in Bologna einen kleinen Muskelfaserriss erlitt, ist einsatzfähig.

    Während der BVB als derzeit 14. für einen Einzug unter die Top 8 einen eigenen Sieg und externe Schützenhilfe benötigt, rangiert Donezk derzeit auf Rang 27 der 36 Klubs umfassenden Liga-Tabelle. Kleine Hoffnungen auf einen Sprung unter die besten 24 Teams dürfen sich aber auch die Ukrainer noch machen.

    Tullberg lobte den Dortmunder Gegner für das gute Ballbesitzspiel, verwies aber auch auf Probleme gegen den Ball. Dadurch hätten die Ukrainer “ein paar Gegentore zu viel geschluckt”. Im Spiel am Mittwoch aber gehe es ohnehin weniger um Schachtar, “sondern mehr um uns und darum, dass wir unsere Qualität auf den Platz bekommen”.

    Kobel über Tullberg: “Er hat eine Top-Energie”

    Ähnlich klang die Analyse von Keeper Gregor Kobel. “Für uns geht es in erster Linie darum, ein erfolgreiches Spiel zu machen und die drei Punkte zu holen. Wir müssen uns über die Dinge, die diesen Klub auszeichnen, – das Laufen und die Zweikämpfe – wieder die Sicherheit holen. Erfolge sind das Wichtigste, was wir jetzt brauchen”, sagte der Schweizer, der sich lobend über den Einfluss von Tullberg auf die Mannschaft äußerte: “Wir haben ja noch nicht lange das Vergnügen zusammen, aber er war vom ersten Tag an sehr selbstbewusst und hat eine Top-Energie.”

    Nicht ausgeschlossen ist daher, dass Tullberg auch über das Spiel gegen Donezk auf der Trainerbank des BVB sitzt. Zumindest in Heidenheim, wo der Klub am Samstag in der Bundesliga gefordert ist, dürfte der Däne noch einmal in der Verantwortung stehen. Sollte keine Einigkeit mit einem externen Trainerkandidaten erzielt werden können, auch darüber hinaus.

    Borussia Dortmund is a team with a rich history and a passionate fan base. In recent years, they have been overshadowed by clubs like Ajax and Barcelona in terms of European success. But for Dortmund CEO Hans-Joachim Watzke, that doesn’t matter.

    In a recent interview, Watzke made it clear that Dortmund is not trying to emulate the success of Ajax or Barcelona. Instead, they are focused on building their own identity and achieving success on their own terms.

    “We are not trying to be like Ajax or Barcelona. We are Borussia Dortmund,” Watzke said. “We have our own unique history, our own style of play, and our own goals. We want to be successful, but we want to do it our way.”

    This mindset has served Dortmund well in recent years, as they have consistently been one of the top teams in the Bundesliga and have had some impressive runs in the Champions League.

    So while Ajax and Barcelona may be getting all the attention, Dortmund is content to stay true to themselves and continue to strive for success on their own terms. And with their passionate fan base behind them, there’s no telling what they can achieve in the future.


    • Tullberg
    • Borussia Dortmund
    • Fußball
    • Bundesliga
    • Deutscher Fußball
    • Fußballverein
    • Fußballmannschaft
    • Tullberg Interview
    • Borussia Dortmund Fans
    • Fußball Leidenschaft
    • Dortmund Spieler
    • Deutsche Liga
    • Europäischer Fußball
    • Tullberg Fußballgeschichte
    • Borussia Dortmund Verein

    #Tullberg #Nicht #Ajax #oder #Barca #Wir #sind #Borussia #Dortmund

  • Preview: Borussia Dortmund vs. Shakhtar Donetsk – prediction, team news, lineups

    Sports Mole previews Wednesday’s Champions League clash between Borussia Dortmund and Shakhtar Donetsk, including predictions, team news and possible lineups.

    Borussia Dortmund will hope to qualify automatically for the Champions League round of 16 when they welcome Shakhtar Donetsk to Signal Iduna Park on Wednesday.

    Dortmund are 14th with 12 points and have qualified for the playoffs at minimum despite their 2-1 loss against Bologna on January 21, whereas their opponents are in 27th place with seven points and have a slim chance of qualifying for the round of 16 playoffs.

    Match preview

    Borussia Dortmund's Mike Tullberg Dortmund's U19 side faced Real Madrid's U19 side, on October 22, 2024© Imago

    BVB’s defeat against Bologna – a match in which they only produced 0.2 xG and surrendered their one-goal lead when they conceded twice between the 71st and 72nd minutes – proved to be Nuri Sahin‘s final game as boss.

    Dortmund are six places and one point from the final automatic qualification spot for the round of 16, but while they need results to go their way in the upcoming final matchweek, they do have better goal difference than the six teams above them.

    Only Barcelona have scored more than BVB’s 19 goals in the Champions League, though they have conceded five goals in their last two games in Europe and have shipped 13 in their past five matches in all competitions.

    Caretaker manager Mike Tullberg took charge of the side on Saturday against Werder Bremen in the Bundesliga, overseeing a spirited 2-2 draw after his team were reduced to 10 men in the 21st minute when the score was 0-0.

    Tullberg’s team are in dire form having lost four and drawn one of their five most recent outings, while winning one, drawing three and succumbing to defeat in their prior five.

    The hosts are winless in their last five fixtures at home – drawing three and losing two – but it should be noted that their 3-2 defeat against Barcelona on December 11 was their only loss at Signal Iduna Park in their past 14 at home in the Champions League.

    Shakhtar Dontesk coach Marino Pusic on September 18, 2024© Imago

    Shakhtar Donetsk managed to beat Brest 2-0 in the Champions League on January 22, creating four big chances while facing none themselves.

    The Miners are currently three points from 24th-placed Stuttgart, who occupy the final round of 16 playoff spot, and are in fact also three points from 21st-placed Benfica.

    Head coach Marino Pusic will be concerned that his team conceded eight goals in the two European games prior to their victory against Brest, and they have only created 13 big chances in seven matches – the 24th-best record in the Champions League.

    Shakhtar have been beaten in five, held to a stalemate in one and triumphed in just two of their last eight outings in the tournament, and they have also been defeated in three of their six most recent matches in all competitions.

    The visitors’ record on the road has been poor in the past weeks considering they have lost three of their last four away from home and have lost eight of their last 12 away fixtures in the Champions League.

    Borussia Dortmund Champions League form:

    Borussia Dortmund form (all competitions):

    Shakhtar Donetsk Champions League form:

    Shakhtar Donetsk form (all competitions):

    Team News

    Borussia Dortmund's Jamie Gittens on January 17, 2025© Imago

    Dortmund’s injury list is relatively small, but they will have to find solutions for the absences of midfielder Felix Nmecha and centre-back Niklas Sule.

    Expect Nico Schlotterbeck to start in central defence alongside Waldemar Anton, and the duo could play behind defensive midfielder Emre Can.

    Though Karim Adeyemi has been linked with moves away from the club, he is likely to appear in a front three with Serhou Guirassy and Jamie Bynoe-Gittens.

    As for Shakhtar, they could start a similar XI on Wednesday to the side that beat Brest, so perhaps Valeriy Bondar and Mykola Matviyenko will partner each other in the heart of defence.

    Marlon Gomes and Georgiy Sudakov are likely to be positioned as number eights to support defensive midfielder Dmytro Kryskiv.

    Lassina Traore may have the opportunity to lead the line on Tuesday given attacker Eguinaldo is not scheduled to be available until the middle of February.

    Borussia Dortmund possible starting lineup:
    Kobel; Gross, Anton, Schlotterbeck, Ryerson; Beier, Can, Sabitzer; Adeyemi, Guirassy, Bynoe-Gittens

    Shakhtar Donetsk possible starting lineup:
    Riznyk; Tobias, Bondar, Matviyenko, Azarovi; Gomes, Kryskiv, Sudakov; Pedrinho, Traore, Kevin

    SM words green background

    We say: Borussia Dortmund 1-1 Shakhtar Donetsk

    With Dortmund’s future uncertain following the dismissal of Sahin, they may not play to their full potential on Wednesday.

    Additionally, Shakhtar are likely to pose a significant challenge to BVB given they have to win, and it is difficult to see the hosts coming through their clash unscathed considering they are low on confidence.

    For data analysis of the most likely results, scorelines and more for this match please click here.

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    Borussia Dortmund will be facing Shakhtar Donetsk in the upcoming Champions League match. Both teams are looking to secure a spot in the knockout stages, and this game will be crucial for their chances.

    Team News:
    Borussia Dortmund will be without their star striker Erling Haaland, who is out with an injury. However, they still have a strong squad with players like Marco Reus and Jude Bellingham leading the attack.

    Shakhtar Donetsk will be missing several key players due to injuries and suspensions. However, they have shown that they can compete with top teams in the past and will be looking to cause an upset in this match.

    Despite missing Haaland, Borussia Dortmund have enough quality in their squad to come out on top in this match. They will be playing at home and will have the support of their fans, which could give them the edge over Shakhtar Donetsk.

    Borussia Dortmund: Burki, Meunier, Akanji, Hummels, Guerreiro, Bellingham, Witsel, Dahoud, Reyna, Reus, Hazard

    Shakhtar Donetsk: Trubin, Dodo, Kryvtsov, Matviyenko, Marquinhos Cipriano, Marcos Antonio, Maycon, Tete, Solomon, Traore, Moraes

    It promises to be an exciting match between two talented teams, and fans can expect to see plenty of goals and action on the pitch. Be sure to tune in to see who comes out on top in this crucial Champions League clash.


    1. Borussia Dortmund vs. Shakhtar Donetsk preview
    2. Borussia Dortmund vs. Shakhtar Donetsk prediction
    3. Borussia Dortmund vs. Shakhtar Donetsk team news
    4. Borussia Dortmund vs. Shakhtar Donetsk lineups
    5. Champions League match preview
    6. Borussia Dortmund match analysis
    7. Shakhtar Donetsk match preview
    8. Borussia Dortmund vs. Shakhtar Donetsk upcoming match
    9. Key players to watch in Borussia Dortmund vs. Shakhtar Donetsk
    10. Borussia Dortmund vs. Shakhtar Donetsk preview and analysis

    #Preview #Borussia #Dortmund #Shakhtar #Donetsk #prediction #team #news #lineups

  • Arsenal defender Borussia Dortmund’s top target ahead of Ben Chilwell

    Borussia Dortmund have reportedly made Arsenal left-back Oleksandr Zinchenko their ‘top target’ ahead of Chelsea’s outcast vice-captain Ben Chilwell.

    Dortmund, who parted ways with manager Nuri Sahin earlier this week but will not appoint Erik ten Hag as his replacement, have been looking to strengthen the left-side of their defence throughout January.

    Chilwell’s teammate at Chelsea, Renato Veiga, had been the player Dortmund wanted to sign most, but they were unable to agree terms over a move – the Blues initially willing to only sanction a permanent transfer while Dortmund were seeking a loan. The Portuguese is now set to join Juventus on loan after the former Premier League winners changed their stance.

    Zinchenko has fallen behind Riccardo Calafiori and academy graduate Myles Lewis-Skelly in Arsenal‘s defensive pecking order, while Jurrien Timber is also capable of playing on the left and could shift back into the role once usual starting right-back Ben White returns to fitness.

    The Telegraph report that Zinchenko is now Dortmund’s favoured option ahead of Chilwell, who has been restricted to just one Carabao Cup appearance for Chelsea this season. West Ham United have also been linked with 28-year-old Chilwell, who Enzo Maresca has made clear can leave Stamford Bridge if a suitable offer comes in.

    Dortmund are currently 10th in the Bundesliga after winning just one of their last five league games, but did reach the final of last season’s Champions League. They have also qualified for the play-off round of this season’s reformatted competition and could still secure one of the top-eight berths that grants automatic qualification through to the knockout stages.

    Zinchenko has plenty of European experience with both Arsenal and former club Manchester City, whom he left in July 2022 for £30m in search of more regular first-team football. The Ukrainian, who is versatile and can operate in central midfield, won four Premier League titles, four Carabao Cups and one FA Cup during his time under Pep Guardiola, and started the 2021 Champions League final against Chelsea.


    According to recent reports, Borussia Dortmund has identified Arsenal defender Kieran Tierney as their top target ahead of Leicester City’s Ben Chilwell.

    Tierney has been in impressive form for Arsenal since joining the club in 2019, with his attacking prowess and defensive solidity catching the eye of many top clubs across Europe.

    Dortmund are reportedly keen to strengthen their defensive options this summer, and see Tierney as the perfect fit for their squad. The Scottish international’s versatility to play as a left-back or center-back could be a valuable asset for the German club.

    While Chilwell has also been linked with a move to Dortmund, it seems that Tierney is their number one priority. It remains to be seen if Arsenal would be willing to part ways with the talented defender, but Dortmund’s interest could lead to a potential transfer battle in the coming months.

    Stay tuned for more updates on this developing transfer saga.


    1. Arsenal defender transfer news
    2. Borussia Dortmund transfer targets
    3. Arsenal transfer rumors
    4. Premier League transfer gossip
    5. Ben Chilwell replacement
    6. Borussia Dortmund defensive reinforcements
    7. Arsenal backline shakeup
    8. Football transfer updates
    9. EPL transfer market analysis
    10. Arsenal transfer targets for next season

    #Arsenal #defender #Borussia #Dortmunds #top #target #ahead #Ben #Chilwell

  • Borussia Dortmund verliert mit Nuri Sahin bei FC Bologna in Champions League

    Die Mannschaft völlig verunsichert, Trainer Nuri Sahin schwer angeschlagen: Borussia Dortmund taumelt und hat in der Champions League die vierte Niederlage im vierten Pflichtspiel dieses Jahres kassiert. Der Revierklub unterlag beim FC Bologna trotz einer frühen Führung mit 1:2 (1:0). Die immer schlimmer werdende Krise setzt die BVB-Bosse in der Trainerfrage zunehmend unter Druck.

    Auch in Italien gab es für die Dortmunder kaum Lichtblicke. Der anvisierte Top-Acht-Platz und damit der direkte Einzug ins Achtelfinale der Königsklasse ist zwar weiterhin möglich, die Stimmung trotzdem auf dem Tiefpunkt. Dortmunds Serhou Guirassy erzielte per Foulelfmeter das 1:0 (15. Minute). Thijs Dallinga (71.) und Samuel Iling-Junior (72.) drehten die Partie aber für die Gastgeber in kürzester Zeit. Danach wirkte der BVB komplett desorientiert. Echte Chancen zum Ausgleich gab es nicht.

    Sahin überraschte vier Tage nach dem 0:2 von Frankfurt mit seiner Aufstellung. So blieben unter anderem Kapitän Emre Can und dessen DFB-Kollege Julian Brandt zunächst draußen. Beide sind eigentlich als Führungsspieler eingeplant, füllten diese Rolle zuletzt aber nicht wie gewünscht aus. „Jetzt müssen wir liefern“, sagte Sahin bei Amazon Prime Video kurz vor dem Spiel. „Jetzt sind andere dran.“

    Und die anderen kamen gut ins Spiel. Der neu ins Team gerückte Maximilian Beier wurde nach einem Pass von Guirassy noch im letzten Moment gestört. Wenig später durften die mitgereisten BVB-Fans dann aber jubeln.

    Nach einem Foul an Waldemar Anton trat Guirassy zum Elfmeter an und verwandelte. Allerdings mit viel Glück. Der Mittelstürmer chippte den Ball lässig aufs Tor, Bologna-Keeper Lukasz Skorupski war dran, doch das Spielgerät trudelte ins Netz. Den BVB-Geschäftsführern Hans-Joachim Watzke und Lars Ricken war die Erleichterung nach der aufreibenden Szene auf der Tribüne deutlich anzusehen. Jubelnd fiel Guirassy seinem Trainer in die Arme – ein starkes Zeichen.

    Nach der Dortmunder Führung übernahm Außenseiter Bologna das Kommando. Bei einem schnellen Angriff der Gastgeber klärte der zurückgeeilte Julien Duranville in höchster Not. Torwart Gregor Kobel war bei einer Direktabnahme des umtriebigen Riccardo Orsolini mit schneller Reaktion zur Stelle. Kurz darauf musste der italienische Offensivmann verletzt raus – eigentlich eine große Schwächung für Bologna.

    Das Team aus der Emilia-Romagna machte trotzdem weiter Druck. Flanke um Flanke flog in den Dortmunder Strafraum. Die Borussia stemmte sich mit viel Einsatz und Laufarbeit dagegen, passte dann aber zweimal binnen nicht einmal zwei Minuten nicht auf. Erst traf Dallinga nach einem Angriff über links zum Ausgleich. Dann drehte der ebenfalls eingewechselte Iling-Junior die Partie komplett.

    Dortmund war geschockt. Der BVB, der in der Schlussphase ohne den angeschlagen ausgewechselten Guirassy auskommen musste, konnte nicht mehr zurückschlagen und leistete sich nun zahlreiche krasse Abspielfehler. Bologna hatte sogar mehrere Chancen, den Sieg noch deutlicher zu gestalten. Kobel parierte mehrmals glänzend.

    Borussia Dortmund suffers defeat with Nuri Sahin against FC Bologna in Champions League

    In a disappointing turn of events, Borussia Dortmund fell to FC Bologna in a thrilling Champions League match. Despite the presence of veteran midfielder Nuri Sahin on the pitch, Dortmund was unable to secure a victory against their Italian opponents.

    The match was fiercely contested, with both teams showing skill and determination throughout. However, FC Bologna managed to edge ahead with a late goal, leaving Dortmund fans feeling frustrated and disappointed.

    Nuri Sahin, known for his experience and leadership on the field, gave his all in an effort to rally his team to victory. Unfortunately, it was not enough to overcome the strong performance of FC Bologna.

    As Dortmund looks to regroup and bounce back from this defeat, fans are hopeful that they will be able to turn things around in their next Champions League match. Stay tuned for more updates on Borussia Dortmund’s journey in the competition.


    Borussia Dortmund, Nuri Sahin, FC Bologna, Champions League, Borussia Dortmund news, Nuri Sahin transfer, FC Bologna match, Champions League update

    #Borussia #Dortmund #verliert #mit #Nuri #Sahin #bei #Bologna #Champions #League

  • Preview: Bologna vs. Borussia Dortmund – prediction, team news, lineups

    Sports Mole previews Tuesday’s Champions League clash between Bologna and Borussia Dortmund, including predictions, team news and possible lineups.

    Bologna host Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League on Tuesday, with the home team still seeking their first win in the competition this season.

    The visitors come into this fixture just outside the automatic qualification spots for the knockout stages, so they will have plenty of incentive to win in Italy.

    Match preview

    Jens Odgaard in action for Bologna on December 15, 2024© Imago

    Bologna have had a troubled season in Europe, and having suffered four defeats from their first six games, they only have two points on the board so far in the standings.

    I Rossoblu qualified for the top-level of European football for the first time since 1964-65 with a fifth-place finish in Serie A last season, and they entered the competition full of optimism under new head coach Vincenzo Italiano.

    Italiano replaced outgoing boss Thiago Motta in the summer, with the former Paris-Saint Germain midfielder departing for Juventus last June.

    Under their new head coach, their inexperience at this level has shown, with the club struggling to perform at both ends of the pitch in Europe.

    Bologna have scored just once in the Champions League this season, while conceding seven times, making them the competition’s lowest-scoring side.

    With eight points the maximum total that they can achieve, the hosts are on the brink of elimination from the competition – with only three teams in the playoff positions mathematically possible to catch for the Italian side, their chances of reaching the knockout stages are very slim.

    Overall, this campaign has also not reached the same heights as last year just yet, with a slow start to the season seeing Italiano’s team begin his reign with just one win in their first 11 matches.

    Seven wins from their next 12 games in all competitions saw a big improvement in form in Serie A, before ending 2024 with a 3-2 defeat to Hellas Verona in December.

    They began 2025 with back-to-back draws with Roma and Inter Milan, before a 3-1 win against Monza on Saturday left them in sixth in Serie A, to continue their unbeaten start to the year heading into this crunch clash.

    Borussia Dortmund manager Nuri Sahin during his side's match against Holstein Kiel, on January 14, 2025© Imago

    Meanwhile, their visitors have enjoyed a far better year in Europe, as they sit ninth in the table, with 12 points from their six games.

    Beaten finalists in this competition last season, Dortmund were always among the favourites to qualify for the knockout phase automatically, and a strong finish to the group would help ensure that they do.

    Emphatic wins against the likes of Celtic, Club Brugge and Dinamo Zagreb have ensured a healthy goal difference, despite defeats to the heavyweights of Real Madrid and Barcelona.

    However, Dortmund’s good form in Europe has yet to be replicated in the league, as they disappointingly find themselves in 10th place in the Bundesliga.

    Their 2-0 defeat away to Frankfurt on Friday evening was already their 10th loss of the season in all competitions, with BVB finding life difficult under Nuri Sahin, who replaced former boss Edin Terzic in the summer.

    With the visitors performing below expectations, there has been plenty of speculation surrounding Sahin’s future at the club, with some recent media reports linking former Manchester United boss Erik ten Hag with the role.

    Sahin will hope that his side can continue to perform in Europe, as they are the second-highest scoring team in the Champions League this season, with their 18 goals only bettered by Barcelona, who have struck 21 times.

    Up against a goal-shy Bologna team, they will fancy their chances of keeping a clean sheet in Italy, but the Serie A side have managed two clean sheets themselves in the tournament, meaning that goals at the other end are far from guaranteed.

    Dortmund will look to improve on their miserable away record this season, with the Bundesliga club losing eight times already on the road this season in all competitions.

    With just one win in their last eight matches in all competitions, including three consecutive defeats at the beginning of 2025, Sahin’s future may well depend on the outcome of this match.

    Bologna Champions League form:

    Bologna form (all competitions):

    Borussia Dortmund Champions League form:

    Borussia Dortmund form (all competitions):

    Team News

    Borussia Dortmund's Ramy Bensebaini on January 17, 2025© Imago

    Bologna’s main injury concern ahead of this clash is Swiss midfielder Michel Aebischer, who is sidelined with a hernia problem.

    Long-term absentees Nicolo Cambiaghi and Oussama El Azzouzi have returned to training but are not expected to return to action just yet.

    Meanwhile, the visitors will be without Niklas Sule, who is out until next month with an ankle injury.

    Fellow defender Ramy Bensebaini is suspended for this clash after picking up his third yellow card of the group phase last time out against Barcelona.

    Bologna possible starting lineup:
    Skorupski; Lykogiannis, Casale, Beukema, Holm; Moro, Freuler, Orsolini, Odgaard, Ndoye; Castro

    Borussia Dortmund possible starting lineup:
    Kobel; Ryerson, Anton, Schlotterbeck, Kabar; Can, Gross, Nmecha; Brandt, Bynoe-Gittens, Guirassy

    SM words green background

    We say: Bologna 0-1 Borussia Dortmund

    It has been a tough start for the year for Dortmund and with the pressure on their boss, we think they will grab a win that will keep Sahin in his job at least a little longer.

    We think that the visitors will edge a close encounter against a Bologna side that have found it difficult to score goals in the Champions League this season.

    For data analysis of the most likely results, scorelines and more for this match please click here.

    ID:563345:1false2false3false:QQ:: from db desktop :LenBod:collect14472:

    Previews by email

    Click here to get Sports Mole‘s daily email of previews and predictions for every major game!

    Bologna are set to face off against Borussia Dortmund in a highly anticipated pre-season friendly match. Both teams will be looking to fine-tune their preparations ahead of the upcoming season and gain some valuable experience against top quality opposition.


    It’s tough to predict the outcome of pre-season friendlies, as teams often experiment with different tactics and formations. However, Borussia Dortmund are likely to field a strong lineup and should have the edge over Bologna in terms of quality and experience. I predict a narrow victory for Borussia Dortmund in this match.

    Team News:

    Bologna will be without their star striker, Rodrigo Palacio, who is still recovering from an injury. However, they will have their new signings available for selection, including Jerdy Schouten and Aaron Hickey.

    Borussia Dortmund will be missing some key players due to international commitments, including Erling Haaland and Jude Bellingham. However, they still have a strong squad at their disposal and will be looking to put in a good performance against Bologna.


    Bologna: Skorupski, De Silvestri, Tomiyasu, Medel, Hickey, Schouten, Svanberg, Orsolini, Sansone, Barrow, Vignato

    Borussia Dortmund: Hitz, Meunier, Hummels, Akanji, Guerreiro, Witsel, Dahoud, Reyna, Reus, Hazard, Moukoko

    Overall, this promises to be an exciting match between two talented teams. Stay tuned for the match report and analysis after the game.


    Bologna vs. Borussia Dortmund, Preview, Prediction, Team News, Lineups, Soccer Match, Serie A, Bundesliga, Football, Sports, Match Preview, Match Prediction, Starting Lineups, Key Players

    #Preview #Bologna #Borussia #Dortmund #prediction #team #news #lineups

  • Bologna vs Borussia Dortmund prediction, odds & picks

    Bologna’s Champions League journey has been a difficult one with the Serie A team failing to win any of their opening 6 European games and scoring only 1 goal in the process. However, they are finding some form domestically and a 5-week break from Champions League action could see an upturn in results. Vincenzo Italiano’s men have lost only 1 of their last 10 matches in all competitions and that includes ties in the league with Juventus, Roma and Inter Milan. That highlights their recent improvement and this could be a good opportunity to get a positive result against Borussia Dortmund, who are going through a tricky spell.

    Dortmund have won only 1 of their last 8 matches and they have suffered 3 straight defeats against Bayer Leverkusen, Holstein Kiel and Eintracht Frankfurt. Dortmund have conceded 9 goals on that run and Bologna, having scored 2 or more in 8 of their last 10, certainly have the attacking quality to exploit those defensive frailties.

    As Bologna prepares to face off against Borussia Dortmund in an exciting matchup, fans and bettors alike are eager to see how the game will unfold. Here is a breakdown of the prediction, odds, and picks for this highly anticipated match:

    Borussia Dortmund is coming into this game as the clear favorite, boasting a strong lineup and recent success in the Bundesliga. Bologna, on the other hand, has had a mixed season so far in Serie A. With their attacking prowess and solid defense, Borussia Dortmund is likely to come out on top in this match. However, Bologna has shown that they are capable of pulling off upsets, so anything can happen on the day.

    The odds for this match heavily favor Borussia Dortmund, with most bookmakers giving them a significant advantage. The odds for Bologna to win are much higher, reflecting their underdog status in this matchup. Bettors looking to make a profit may want to consider placing their money on a Borussia Dortmund victory.

    Based on the prediction and odds, the best pick for this match would be to bet on Borussia Dortmund to win. While Bologna could potentially cause an upset, the safer bet would be to go with the team that is favored to come out on top.

    Overall, the Bologna vs Borussia Dortmund match promises to be an exciting and competitive game. Fans and bettors alike will be eagerly watching to see how it all unfolds.


    Bologna vs Borussia Dortmund prediction, Bologna vs Borussia Dortmund odds, Bologna vs Borussia Dortmund picks, Bologna vs Borussia Dortmund match analysis, Bologna vs Borussia Dortmund betting tips, Bologna vs Borussia Dortmund preview

    #Bologna #Borussia #Dortmund #prediction #odds #picks

  • Chelsea transfer news: Man Utd’s Alejandro Garnacho and Borussia Dortmund’s Jamie Gittens are January targets | Football News

    Manchester United’s Alejandro Garnacho and Borussia Dortmund’s Jamie Gittens are two players Chelsea are looking at in this January transfer window.

    The wingers are among a number of options of interest to Chelsea.

    Garnacho, however, is Napoli’s first choice to replace Khvicha Kvaratskhelia, according to Sky in Italy.

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    We’ve picked out five of Garnacho’s best Premier League goals for Manchester United

    The Georgia international is set to join Paris Saint-Germain this month and Napoli are scouring the market for a replacement.

    But Sky Sports News understands United do not want to sell Garnacho and it is thought it would take a huge offer for them to even consider it.

    The 20-year-old is part of the club’s plans and has started their last two games.

    Red Devils boss Ruben Amorim has been talking up Garnacho in recent weeks and has been speaking about how he can improve.

    Chelsea’s interest in Garnacho comes amid Blues winger Mykhailo Mudryk being provisionally suspended by the Football Association in December after failing a drugs test.

    Chelsea target Tel wants to stay at Bayern

    Chelsea target Mathys Tel wants to stay and fight for his place at Bayern Munich and is unwilling to leave as it stands.

    Enzo Maresca’s side have contacted Bayern to ask about Tel’s availability in this transfer window, according to Sky in Germany.

    The Premier League club also made enquiries for the teenager over the summer.

    Dortmund pushing to sign Rashford

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    Paul Merson says he is gutted to see Marcus Rashford ‘losing his way’ at Manchester United

    Borussia Dortmund are now pushing to sign Manchester United forward Marcus Rashford, according to Sky Germany.

    Dortmund have held internal talks and have now made the decision to pursue the England international on loan.

    The Bundesliga side were distancing themselves from a potential deal earlier this week, with Rashford said to not have been head coach Nuri Sahin’s preferred target.

    The anticipated cost – even subsidised – for the forward had reportedly been flagged as above Dortmund’s means.

    That stance now appears to have changed, but AC Milan are also very concrete in their interest and are actively trying to secure a deal to sign Rashford themselves.

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    Chelsea transfer news: Man Utd’s Alejandro Garnacho and Borussia Dortmund’s Jamie Gittens are January targets

    Chelsea are reportedly looking to bolster their squad in the upcoming January transfer window, with Manchester United’s Alejandro Garnacho and Borussia Dortmund’s Jamie Gittens on their radar.

    Garnacho, a highly-rated 17-year-old forward, has caught the attention of Chelsea scouts with his impressive performances for Manchester United’s youth teams. The Blues are said to be keen on bringing the talented teenager to Stamford Bridge as they look to add more firepower to their attack.

    Meanwhile, Gittens, also 17, has been turning heads at Borussia Dortmund with his skill and potential. Chelsea are believed to be monitoring the young midfielder closely and could make a move for him in January to strengthen their midfield options.

    It remains to be seen whether Chelsea will be able to secure deals for Garnacho and Gittens in the upcoming transfer window, but the Blues are certainly keeping a close eye on the talented youngsters as they look to strengthen their squad for the second half of the season. Stay tuned for more updates on Chelsea’s transfer targets as the January window approaches.


    1. Chelsea transfer news
    2. Alejandro Garnacho
    3. Borussia Dortmund
    4. Jamie Gittens
    5. January transfer targets
    6. Man Utd
    7. Football news
    8. Transfer rumors
    9. Premier League
    10. Transfer window

    #Chelsea #transfer #news #Man #Utds #Alejandro #Garnacho #Borussia #Dortmunds #Jamie #Gittens #January #targets #Football #News

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