SOUTHEASTERN N.C. (WECT) – Counties are releasing adjusted schedules and hours of operations because of the forecasted weather on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The Belville Town Hall and the Belville Riverwalk will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 22.
The town encourages residents to stay off the roads and use extreme caution while walking in icy conditions.
Residents with special needs are encouraged to register with Brunswick County Emergency Services by calling (910)-253-5383 or completing the special medical needs form online.
Town of Brunswick
The Town of Brunswick will be closed on Wednesday and will operate on a two-hour delay Thursday.
The City of Whiteville announced that their offices will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 22.
Cape Fear Public Utility Authority
Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) has closed for business at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21, and will remain closed all day Wednesday, Jan. 22.
They will reopen on Thursday, Jan. 23, at 8:30 a.m. if the weather permits.
The downtown Customer Service lobby at the City of Wilmington’s Skyline Center will be closed all day both Tuesday and Wednesday. Customers can manage their CFPUA accounts using the Interactive Voice-Response system by calling 910-332-6550 or online.
To report a water or sewer emergency during the closures, call CFPUA’s emergency hotline at 910-332-6565.
Information about any additional closures will be posted here.
The town of Chadbourn announced they will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 22 and may be operating on a delay on Thursday, Jan. 23.
Southport announced city offices will be closed on Wednesday due to the winter storm.
“Administrative city staff will continue to work remotely. Public safety departments are staffed and prepared to respond to any emergencies,” the city said in an announcement.
The Town of Elizabethtown announced they will be closing offices on Jan. 21 at 3 p.m. due to the winter storm. The offices will remain closed on Wednesday, Jan. 22.
Bladen County
Bladen County announced all offices will close at 2 p.m. on Jan. 21 and will remain closed on Wednesday.
“This includes all solid waste convenience sites. Today’s regularly scheduled Board of Commissioners meeting has been canceled,” the county said.
Bladen County’s court system is also closed Wednesday.
New Hanover County
New Hanover County announced they are adjusting their hours of operation for Tuesday and Wednesday:
- County offices, facilities, Parks and the Arboretum will open as normal on Tuesday, and then close at noon.
- The Senior Resource Center (Main Site, Castle Hayne, and Carolina Beach Sites) will open on Tuesday, with in-person nutrition meals served from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., before closing at noon. (Drive-up meal service will not be available on Tuesday.)
- Public Libraries & Cape Fear Museum will be closed to the public all day Tuesday.
- The Landfill & Household Hazardous Waste facility:
- The landfill will close at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, with tentative plans to reopen no earlier than 1 p.m. on Wednesday, pending road conditions and operational readiness.
- Household Hazardous Waste facility will have normal hours on Tuesday (closing at 3 p.m.), but will be closed all day on Wednesday, including the HazWagon at Wrightsville Beach.
Essential emergency services will continue to operate.
The court systems in New Hanover County will also close on Wednesday, Jan. 22.
The county says if conditions get better, all county offices, facilities, attractions, and parks will reopen at noon on Wednesday except for the county landfill which will reopen at 1 p.m.
The city of Wilmington announced all city offices and buildings will close at noon on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
The Wilmington City Council will take place at 9 a.m. instead of 6:30 p.m.
The Wilmington Municipal Golf Course will remain closed to the public through Thursday, Jan. 23.
Kure Beach
The town of Kure Beach announced it’s canceling its town council meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
Carolina Beach
The town of Carolina Beach announced they will close all town offices on noon on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
“Plans are to re-open all offices and operations at noon on Wednesday, January 22nd, weather conditions permitting. Please check our website and social media pages for updates,” the town said in an announcement.
The town also announced it is postponing its 2025/2026 Budget Open House on Tuesday. The Open House has been rescheduled to Tuesday, Jan. 28 from 4 to 6 p.m.. The meeting will be held in Council Chambers at Town Hall, and the public is encouraged to attend.
Brunswick County
Brunswick County is closing its government offices, libraries, and other facilities will close at 5 p.m. on Jan. 21.
All Brunswick County parks closed at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday and will close on Wednesday until further notice, and all youth basketball programs will be canceled beginning Jan. 21-23.
The Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting is closed and the county will announce a new meeting date at a later time. The special board meeting on the annual FY 2026 Countywide Goals Workshop will continue as scheduled at 9 a.m. Tuesday.
The Brunswick County Landfill and Convenience Centers are currently operating on regular schedules.
GFL Environmental will collect curbside trash and recycling carts as scheduled on Tuesday but will open on a delayed schedule on Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 8 a.m. to assess road conditions. Anyone with questions about their cart collections should call 910-253-5177.
All senior centers in Brunswick County managed by Brunswick Senior Resources, Inc. will be closed to the public on Wednesday & Thursday (January 22nd & 23rd ) due to the winter weather. All locations will reopen on Friday, Jan. 24.
The court system in Brunswick County is also closed for Wednesday.
Columbus County
Columbus Career and College Academy will be released at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan, 21st. All staff will be released at 1 p.m. from the scheduled teacher workday.
This story will continue to be updated as we learn about any additional cancellations and closures.
Pender County
Pender County’s court system will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 22.
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