Tag: Cena

  • WWE Royal Rumble 2025: Punk, Cena, Penta y las historias a seguir

    ¿Quién ponchará su boleto a WrestleMania 41? El camino a ‘La Vitrina de los Inmortales’ comienza este sábado 1 de febrero en el Royal Rumble.

    Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno. Suena la bocina, baja el siguiente luchador y así comienza el camino hacia WrestleMania, en lo que probablemente es el segundo evento más importante del año de la WWE (con respeto a SummerSlam), el Royal Rumble que se lleva a cabo este sábado 1 de febrero desde el Lucas Oil Stadium en Indianápolis.

    Luego de que Cody Rhodes hizo historia en 2024 como el cuarto luchador en ganar Rumbles consecutivos, la edición actual no contará con el Campeón Indiscutido de la WWE, quien tendrá las manos llenas con Kevin Owens en una Lucha de Escalera por el título.

    Pero no hay de que preocuparse. Triple HHH y compañía hicieron una labor magnífica alrededor del evento, sumando poder estelar al Rumble con CM Punk, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Drew McIntyre, Seth ‘Freakin’ Rollins, Logan Paul, Jey Uso y claro está John Cena para crear mucha incertidumbre sobre quién ponchará su boleto a WrestleMania 41 el fin de semana de 19-20 de abril en Las Vegas. Y si creen que me equivoco, solo consulten el promo cara a cara entre Punk y Rhodes del Raw antes del Rumble.

    Eso es sin contar las sorpresas inesperadas en el Rumble, los debuts y las otras luchas que hacen de este Rumble imperdible.

    Consulta aquí algunas de las historias que le darán forma al evento.

    CM Punk y un favor a cobrar

    Desde Survivor Series sabemos que Paul Heyman le debe un favor a CM Punk, y podemos adivinar que el mismo involucra a Reigns. Y con las dos superestrellas destinadas a encontrarse frente a frente en el Rumble con un boleto al main event de WrestleMania en juego, quizás llega el momento en que Heyman se ve obligado a pagar.

    Punk ha estado en fuego recientemente, creando mucho impulso alrededor de su historia rumbo a Mania. Sin duda estará en una de las peleas estelares, y cómo llega ahí y quién será su pareja de baile será de las primeras planas a través de los próximos meses. Nunca ha ganado el Rumble, lo que sería the cherry on top en su camino a WrestleMania.

    Y hablando de una posible pareja de baile…

    ¿Qué del Tribal Chief?

    El OTC de la WWE tiene los ojos puestos en ganar el Rumble por segunda vez y retar a Rhodes por el título que tuvo por 1,316 días antes de ser destronado el año pasado. Desde entonces, Roman estuvo involucrado en la puja con Solo Sikoa y el nuevo Bloodline, pero ese tema parece estar a un lado por el momento luego de la victoria de Roman sobre Sikoa y la bendición de The Rock en el debut de Netflix el pasado 6 de enero.

    De ser así, y asumiendo que The Rock no vuelva para reiniciar la acción familiar, Reigns está libre para ir por el Campeonato y ganar el Rumble lo dejaría al borde de completar solo la tercera trilogía de luchas en la historia de WrestleMania contra Rhodes (Austin vs The Rock, HHH-Taker)

    En teoría. En práctica, Reings no necesita el Campeonato para ser estelar de WrestleMania, y sabemos que el Rumble no es la única forma para llegar al main event. Es solo la primera.

    A menos que sea tu última.

    El último Royal Rumble de John Cena

    Hablando de historias a seguir. 2025 es el año de despedida de Cena, y el 16 veces campeón tendrá un rol protagónico a través del mismo, en especial durante los eventos grandes.

    El objetivo de Cena de ganar el Campeonato y romper un empate con Ric Flair por la mayor cantidad en la era WWE/WCW/NWA parece estar destinado a cumplirse en algún momento, y ganar el Rumble le daría dicha oportunidad, encabezando WrestleMania por 6ta y última vez.

    Sin embargo, el caso de Cena y su historia podría ser un maratón y no un sprint, culminando en algún evento grande post-Mania. Tiene muchas luchas disponibles para llenar su carta mientras tanto y cada una de ellas será especial, desde posibles revanchas con rivales del pasado (Punk, Owens, Randy Orton) a nuevos oponentes (Paul, Gunter).

    El otro lado de la moneda es que las luchas Cena-Rhodes o Cena-Gunther en Mania serían enorme, en especial si Cena logra destronar a ‘The American Nightmare’ o ‘The Ring General’. En el caso de Cena-Rhodes, aunque ambos son faces, solo la electricidad que generaría haría de la lucha memorable (tipo Hogan-Rock).

    Claro está, primero Rhodes tiene que manejar sus negocios.

    Cody vs. KO: dos cinturones, una escalera

    Rhodes tendrá sus manos llenas en el Rumble contra Owens en una Lucha de Escaleras por el Campeonato (con la faja Winged Eagle que carga Owens desde Saturday Night’s Main Event colgando junto al cinturón de Rhodes) en lo que sería la coronación de su rivalidad muy personal de los últimos meses, incluyendo dos luchas por el Campeonato desde finales de agosto.

    Aunque el resultado podría verse un poco coreografiado debido al tiempo restante antes de WrestleMania, todavía existe una ventana para que Owens logre la sorpresa Y Rhodes llega a Mania con el cinturón. Una victoria del villano Owens sería bienvenida por muchos que aprecian el gran trabajo que el ‘Prizefighter’ ha hecho en los últimos meses, mezclando la realidad con la ficción de manera brillante en sus promos y sus acciones.

    Lo que sí es seguro es que esta lucha puede ser la mejor de la noche, involucrando además varias piezas en juego de Campeonato como McIntyre, Zayn y Punk, entro otros.

    Y hablando de otros…

    ¿Regresará Randy Orton?

    Uno que podría estar asomándose de vuelta en el cuadrilátero es Randy Orton, quien lleva fuera desde que KO lo sacó de acción en noviembre. De seguro regresaría para costarle la lucha a KO, pero la relación previa entre Rhodes y Orton y la dinámica entre los tres, deja la puerta abierta para un RKO de la nada que afecte de manera inesperada el panorama de Campeonato.

    Orton siempre ha hecho su mejor trabajo como heel, pero parece estar en este punto de su carrera que será aplaudido eventualmente no importa el rol que tenga, sea de face o heel; similar a Shawn Michaels al final de su trayectoria.

    Y quién sabe, quizás Orton no solo se asoma en la pelea de campeonato, sino en el Rumble también. Si KO supera a Rhodes, que mejor forma de asegurar que podrá vengarse contra Owens que no sea ganando el Rumble para retarlo en WrestleMania; y si Rhodes es el que se impone, Orton fácilmente podría asumir el rol de villano.

    De cualquier forma, ver a Orton de vuelta catalogaría como sorpresa. Pero no necesariamente sería la más grande de la noche.

    Penta, Fatu, sorpresas y debuts



    El debut épico de Penta en WWE Raw

    El luchador mexicano Penta hace su tan esperado debut en el ring de la WWE durante el episodio del lunes 13 de enero.

    Qué sería de un Rumble sin un debut sorpresa o un regreso inesperado. Contestación: no sería un Rumble.

    Muchos de los momentos destacadas durante la historia del evento involucran debuts o regresos en función del factor sorpresa que indudablemente acompaña a este tipo de lucha. La cuenta regresiva se presta para eso.

    Ya hablamos de Orton y su regreso, y sabemos que Charlotte Flair estará de vuelta. Pero también podemos anticipar los debuts de luchadores en el Rumble como Penta y Jacob Fatu, dos apuestas de la empresa para el futuro, al igual que debuts y apariciones de luchadores de otras promociones, ya sea en calidad de prestamo o luchando para WWE a tiempo completo.

    Penta y Fatu, en específico, deben tener momentos destacados en el evento, comenzando a sembrar las semillas en sus respectivas travesías rumbo a WrestleMania. Ya hubo un ‘tease’ de Penta retando a Bron Breakker por el Campeonato Intercontinental, lo cual sería un emparejamiento que dejaría a los fans salivándose.

    Como mencionamos, Flair estará de vuelta y luce como una de las favoritas para ganar un Royal Rumble de mujeres que también podría presenciar los regresos de Jade Cargill y Becky Lynch.

    Y hablando de las mujeres.

    Flair de vuelta; ¿aparecerán Jade y Becky?

    Con las dos campeonas mundiales, Rhea Ripley y Tiffany Stratton, sin compromisos en el Rumble y pendientes a la acción, la contienda dentro del ring se intensifica más debido a la intriga que genera el nutrido campo de luchadoras.

    Flair ganando para retar a Tiffy suena lógico, con Ripley esperando hasta el Chamber para conocer a su rival (¿quizás es aquí que regresa The Man?). Rhea vs. Bianca Belair es probablemente la lucha de ensueño, pero el drama que podría existir entre Belair y su compañera lesionada Jade Cargill y quién la lastimó (¿Belair? ¿Naomi?), dede mantener ocupada a la EST en Mania.

    Fuera de eso, no cabe duda de que el Rumble de mujeres tiene el potencial de ser excelente. No solamente contará con los nombres ya mencionados y las estrellas ya confirmadas, sino que varias luchadoras de NXT deben hacer la caminata rumbo al ring, incluyendo Roxanne Perez, quien debe brincar al main roster pronto, y las internacionales Giulia (actual campeona de NXT) y Stephanie Vaquer.

    Los Campeonatos en Pareja podrían robarse el show en 2 de 3 caías

    Ok, los campeonatos en pareja – tanto en Raw como Smackdown – no han sido necesariamente una prioridad desde que Zayn y KO los perdieron luego de su memorable triunfo sobre los Usos en WrestleMania 39, pero por lo menos la lucha entre los campeones de la WWE, DIY (Johnny Gargano y Tommaso Ciampa) y los ex monarcas Motor Cirty Machine Guns (Chris Sabin y Alex Shelley), tiene todos los ingredientes para ser un clásico.

    La estipulación para la lucha de 2 de 3 caídas debe brindarles tiempo de más a estos cuatro veteranos del ring para montar un show entrenido y contar una buena historia. Gargano y Ciampa han hecho una gran labor luego de convertirse en heels para ganar los títulos, y es casi imposible que tengan una mala lucha con los MCMG.

    La gran pregunta rumbo al futuro es si el abuso y manipulación de DYI a Pretty Deadly terminará en un face turn de Elton Prince y Kit Wilson para desafiarlos en el Chamber o quizás Mania.

    WWE Royal Rumble 2025: Punk, Cena, Penta y las historias a seguir

    El WWE Royal Rumble 2025 promete ser uno de los eventos más emocionantes del año, con algunas de las superestrellas más grandes de la industria listas para enfrentarse en el ring. Entre los nombres más destacados que se espera que participen en el evento se encuentran CM Punk, John Cena y Penta El Zero Miedo, cada uno con su propia historia intrigante que promete mantener a los fanáticos al borde de sus asientos.

    CM Punk, quien ha regresado a la WWE después de varios años alejado de la empresa, está listo para demostrar que todavía tiene lo que se necesita para ser uno de los mejores en la industria. Con su carisma inigualable y su habilidad en el ring, Punk seguramente será una fuerza a tener en cuenta en el Royal Rumble.

    Por otro lado, John Cena, una leyenda viviente en la WWE, también estará en el evento, buscando agregar otro logro a su impresionante carrera. Con su dedicación y determinación, Cena siempre es un contendiente serio en cualquier combate en el que participe, y el Royal Rumble no será la excepción.

    Finalmente, Penta El Zero Miedo, conocido por su estilo único y su actitud desafiante, también estará en el Royal Rumble, listo para enfrentarse a cualquier oponente que se interponga en su camino. Con su capacidad para sorprender a los fanáticos y sus habilidades en el ring, Penta es definitivamente una superestrella a seguir en este evento.

    Con estas tres superestrellas listas para competir en el WWE Royal Rumble 2025, las historias y rivalidades que se desarrollarán en el ring prometen ser emocionantes y llenas de acción. Los fanáticos de la lucha libre no querrán perderse este evento, ya que promete ser uno de los más emocionantes y memorables de la historia reciente de la WWE. ¡Prepárense para el Royal Rumble!


    WWE Royal Rumble 2025, Punk, Cena, Penta, wrestling, WWE Superstars, Royal Rumble matches, wrestling stories, WWE champions, wrestling rivalries, WWE predictions, wrestling news, WWE updates, WWE events, wrestling entertainment

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  • 5 WWE Rivals John Cena Should Face One Last Time

    You Don’t Know What You Got ‘Til It’s Gone

    This classic Joni Mitchell lyric resonates in pop culture because it is true: Nothing lasts forever. 2025 is the last year we’ll see John Cena competing in a WWE ring. Many fans, despite Cena’s polarising career, will miss the face that runs the place. Yet, physically in the ring, John Cena is not the competitor he once was.

    Since transitioning to Hollywood, Cena’s last few bouts have been unmemorable or insignificant. Passing the torch to Austin Theory and Solo Sikoa was a letdown. The reasons go beyond Cena’s control. However, Cena has never been a work-rate wrestler. He’s always had an unpolished streak. Being out of the ring for so long, plus time and age, nature takes its course.

    Realistically, the in-ring performance doesn’t matter as much. This final year for Super Cena could easily coast on nostalgia, Cena’s talking prowess, and goodwill. Plus, the overarching story of can Cena win one more world title.

    But fans don’t want to see an athlete, like aging music, pretending to be still what they once were. AEW currently has this with Chris Jericho. Both matches and a documentary series have worn away at The Undertaker’s omnipotence and impacted perceptions of his legacy.

    Nostalgia has been potent for so long. Nevertheless, utilizing some of Cena’s previous and best opponents could do more than cover up weaknesses. Possibly even help the re-evaluation and appreciation of Cena’s legacy.


    A strange choice, but there are both story and practical reasons.

    Over time, fan appreciation and respect for Sheamus has grown. The Celtic Warrior has become a consistent banger merchant during a career Renaissance. Sheamus is more than a safe pair of hands who could pummel Cena in a way that evokes pathos.

    Sheamus’ is the Benjamin Button of WWE. It’s like the Irishman’s career has gone backward, peaking at its beginning with two WWE Championship victories and then moving down the card. Who did Sheamus beat for that first world championship? John Cena.

    A match or feud with these two could help re-write and re-evaluate both men’s forgettable earlier clashes. Especially given how both men have changed.

    Sheamus, as a heel viciously taking over a decade of frustration out of Cena, could end a so-so rivalry with a bruising red-chested banger. Giving Cena a credible win in a grueling contest would allow him to display his never-give-up attitude in a way that would feel earned.

    A solid story beat if Cena is going to win another world title. For Sheamus, it would be validation for the character and wrestler.

    Seth Rollins

    John Cena and Seth Rollins are foils, yet their careers parallel each other in various ways. Their striking differences in lifestyle, origin, wrestling styles, and personalities. Although similarly, both initially struggled to find their place in the WWE system.

    Each took turns as the flagbearer and locker room leader. They defended the company and took insults and mockery for it. Despite their differences, both are good examples of company men.

    Unlike Rollins, Cena never changed who he was when he became the world champion. Think of the number of gimmicks, adjustments, and wardrobes Rollins has burned through. Likewise, how many times did Cena have to accept stepping aside for someone else to take the spotlight?

    A story of jealousy could result in some cutting promo battles that leave both men looking diamond-sharp. Reexamining their “company guy” personas with a deeper and more personal look would allow The Visionary to emphasize how, during difficult times, he was the guy WWE needed him to be.

    In contrast, Cena defending his stability would emphasize his character’s integrity and willpower.

    The result in the ring could match or be compared with the pair’s previous ten singles matches, which produced some of Cena’s best work.

    AJ Styles

    AJ Styles could return soon. Another round or series between two of the defining wrestlers of the 2000s and 2010s seems like a no-brainer. AJ Styles is one of Cena’s last great opponents. Both men elevated each other in their previous rivalry.

    Cena made Styles a WWE stalwart. Styles made Cena rhythmic in-ring. Plus, there is so much story left on the table that’s not been explored.

    A story that doesn’t have to rely on their pasts. Like Cena, Styles is getting closer to the end of his career. As another foil and parallel, Styles could stand in Cena’s way of the world championship.

    Styles could want the gold for himself to cement his legacy. Such stakes for both men would elevate the world championship’s prestige and could be the heart of their story.

    Also, the possibility of a post-match show of mutual respect between the former TNA original and WWE centerpiece would make another historical moment and milestone for both men’s careers.

    Kevin Owens

    Kevin Owens cracked the code in WWE. No matter the feud or card position, Owens makes it work. During an era when some heels floundered creatively after fighting John Cena, Owens won gold and remains a utility player with credibility.

    He is capable of making any feud or stakes meaningful with his silver tongue and passion.

    Owens’s current heel persona doesn’t stand on ceremony and sees through the aura. If there is a wrestler vicious enough to rip through the veneer of hustle, loyalty, and respect and expose Cena as out of his depth, making Cena an actual underdog because wrestling has moved on, and now Cena is a relic of the past, it’s Owens.

    In establishing and making fans believe Cena is not the invulnerable, indestructible figure he once was, Owens can do it.

    CM Punk

    Even if it’s just in promos rather than in a match, not having CM Punk and John Cena spar again would be a wasted opportunity. Their perfect foils and enemies.

    Punk rock vs. conventional jock; alternative individualism vs. mainstream corporate; indy vs. sports entertainment. More recently, company man since his return vs. company man forever.

    The latter is a rich vein of jewels that remains within the Punk “you left” narrative. It just needs to be struck at the right angle.

    Punk can articulate some fans’ thoughts into a headline. Is this final run a vanity project rather than for the fans? And in return, Cena can point out a perceived hypocrisy.

    Why is CM Punk suddenly a company man? Beyond the change of management and culture change, Punk subtly took credit for it. Praising corporate synergy isn’t punk.

    While opposites, what joined Punk and Cena is their integrity and beliefs. Yet CM Punk has somewhat become a mascot, something Punk demonized Cena for being. In addition, Cena persisted when the business took him from his body, health, and personal life, and fans hated him. He remained true to himself. If Punk was honest, who’s the real sellout?

    It flips the dynamic of their historic feud. With CM Punk playing against the cruel heel, there’s more than nostalgia. As shown from Punk’s feud with Drew McIntyre, although the body weakens, the mind can sharpen. Punk could be the man who makes John Cena’s Superman feel timeless. Make fans want just one more match.

    More From LWOS Pro Wrestling

    Header photo – WWE – Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on the WWE Royal Rumble and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world, as well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world. You can check out an almost unlimited array of WWE content on the WWE Network and Peacock.

    1. The Rock – John Cena and The Rock have had some epic battles in the past, including headlining WrestleMania. A final showdown between these two icons would be a must-see event.
    2. Randy Orton – Cena and Orton have had a long-standing rivalry that has spanned over a decade. A final match between these two longtime rivals would be a fitting end to their feud.
    3. AJ Styles – Cena and Styles have had some incredible matches in the past, showcasing their in-ring chemistry. A final showdown between these two would be a wrestling fan’s dream come true.
    4. Brock Lesnar – Cena and Lesnar have faced off multiple times in the past, with each match being hard-hitting and intense. A final battle between these two powerhouses would be a brutal and unforgettable encounter.
    5. Seth Rollins – Cena and Rollins have had some great matches in the past, and a final showdown between these two would be a showcase of their skills and athleticism. Their contrasting styles would make for an exciting and dynamic match-up.


    1. WWE rivalries
    2. John Cena rivals
    3. WWE dream matches
    4. Wrestling rivalries
    5. John Cena dream opponents

    #WWE #Rivals #John #Cena #Face #Time

  • Cody Rhodes Is Hesitant To Want To Face John Cena During Retirement Tour

    Several people are wanting to face John Cena during his retirement tour this year but Cody Rhodes is hesitant to count himself among them. Rhodes is the current WWE Champion, while Cena is going to be in the Men’s Royal Rumble at tonight’s WWE PLE.

    In an interview with TheOneMona (via Fightful), Rhodes explained: “One thing that’s been on my mind, I think when he announced he was retiring, is a lot of guys jumped to the line of, I want to wrestle John. A lot of guys jumped to the, ‘I want to do something with John.’ I’m probably the one who didn’t hold his hand up and that’s simply because John is everything to me and and there’s been so many guys I’m a product of who i took a little something from. The most that I’ve taken from anybody ever would be from John, and that was from driving those few years of them seeing how he did his interactions with fans, how he would do main events, to see how he did the quarterback , the leader all those things. So when i hear this is it, It’s still not fully for me. I don’t love this is it and I know it is. I know he means it when he says it. But I want to watch like a fan. I almost dread the idea of what that would look like. Because when you’re up against John now, you’re tasked to beat John Cena in his final run and that’s why I’m not raising my hand to be in that spot.

    Cody Rhodes Is Hesitant To Want To Face John Cena During Retirement Tour

    In a recent interview, Cody Rhodes opened up about the idea of facing John Cena during his retirement tour. While many fans would love to see the two wrestling icons go head-to-head one last time, Rhodes expressed some hesitation.

    “I have the utmost respect for John Cena and everything he has accomplished in his career,” Rhodes said. “But facing him in the ring during my retirement tour is a daunting task. Cena is a true legend and I want to make sure that I am at my absolute best if I were to step into the ring with him.”

    Rhodes went on to explain that he wants to make sure that his final matches are memorable and impactful, and facing Cena would be a huge opportunity to do just that. However, he also wants to ensure that he can give his all in the ring and put on a performance that both he and the fans can be proud of.

    While the idea of Cody Rhodes vs. John Cena may be a dream match for many fans, it seems that Rhodes is taking a thoughtful approach to the possibility. Only time will tell if we will see these two superstars collide in the ring once again.


    • Cody Rhodes retirement tour
    • John Cena retirement match
    • Cody Rhodes vs John Cena
    • WWE retirement matches
    • Cody Rhodes future plans
    • John Cena dream matches
    • Wrestling retirement tours
    • Cody Rhodes vs John Cena dream match
    • Wrestlers facing retirement
    • Cody Rhodes career highlights

    #Cody #Rhodes #Hesitant #Face #John #Cena #Retirement #Tour

  • Pacers star Tyrese Haliburton picks John Cena to win WWE Royal Rumble

    In a recent interview, Indiana Pacers star Tyrese Haliburton made a bold prediction for the upcoming WWE Royal Rumble event. The young basketball phenom expressed his belief that wrestling legend John Cena will emerge victorious in the highly anticipated battle royal.

    Haliburton, known for his love of wrestling and his own athleticism on the court, explained his rationale for choosing Cena as the likely winner. “John Cena is a proven champion and a true icon in the world of wrestling. He has the experience, the skill, and the determination to come out on top in the Royal Rumble,” Haliburton said.

    While Cena has not been a regular presence in WWE in recent years, his return to the ring for the Royal Rumble has sparked excitement among fans and fellow athletes alike. Haliburton’s endorsement of Cena only adds to the anticipation surrounding the event.

    As fans gear up for the WWE Royal Rumble, they will surely be keeping a close eye on whether Haliburton’s prediction comes true and if Cena can add another championship victory to his illustrious career.


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    • John Cena
    • WWE Royal Rumble
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    • Tyrese Haliburton WWE
    • John Cena Royal Rumble

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  • Rumor Roundup: John Cena update, Asuka return, Royal Rumble record, more!

    Speculating on the rumors surrounding pro wrestling is a favored pastime of many fans, perhaps second only to actually watching the matches. In this daily column, we take a look at the latest rumors being churned out by the pro wrestling rumor mill.

    Important reminder: Rumors are just that — rumors. None of this has been confirmed as fact, it’s just circulating around the pro wrestling rumor mill. We track rumor accuracy in a weekly feature called Rumor Look Back you can find here. Remember, take it all with a grain of salt.

    Rumors for the Day:

    • John Cena hasn’t made an appearance in WWE since announcing for the Royal Rumble, and PW Insider says that’s because he’s been in Budapest, Hungary filming the Matchbox movie.
    • WWE’s started discussing creative for Asuka’s return, per Fightful Select. Those plans included a potential tag match, but that idea was scrapped. No word on when Asuka will be back; the site was unable to confirm if Asuka’s resumed training, or what her status is for Royal Rumble.
    • Indiana Sports Corp’s Patrick Talty told Inside Indiana Business this weekend’s Royal Rumble in Indianapolis could draw 65,000. The would break the long-standing Rumble record from 1997’s San Antonio show, when 60,447 were at the Alamodome. That’s in line with WrestleTix’s latest report on the show.
    • “Tony Khan has been more in the weeds creatively” for AEW “over the last couple of weeks”, according to a Fightful Select report that also said their sources at the company were “very pumped with the execution and reaction to” last Saturday’s Collision.
    • On Wrestling Observer Radio, Bryan Alvarez said he’d heard from fans that AEW is running a buy-one-get-one-free promotion for Grand Slam Australia tickets. Dave Meltzer replied that doing that multiple weeks before the show indicates to him that “there are a lot of seats left.”
    • Matt Riddle missed his scheduled booking with Memphis Wrestling on Sunday after attending Nick Hogan’s wedding the night before. PW Insider says Riddle informed them he wouldn’t be coming the day of the show, with the site’s Mike Johnson adding, “I am sure that didn’t cause any last minute rewrites at all, since the taping was built around his appearance in terms of promotion.“

    If you have heard of any interesting rumors that you’d like to add, feel free to post them in the comments section below. Just remember they are rumors and not confirmed as fact, so please take them as such. And check our weekly Rumor Look Back here to keep track of how often rumors turn out to be correct.

    In this week’s Rumor Roundup, we have some exciting updates on the world of WWE. From John Cena’s potential return to Asuka’s comeback, and even a Royal Rumble record in the making, there’s a lot to look forward to in the world of professional wrestling.

    First up, let’s talk about John Cena. The wrestling legend has been away from the ring for quite some time now, focusing on his acting career. However, rumors have been swirling that Cena could be making a return to WWE in the near future. While nothing has been confirmed yet, fans are hopeful that they will soon see the Cenation leader back in action.

    Next, we have news about former Women’s Champion Asuka. The Empress of Tomorrow has been out of action due to injury for several months now, but reports suggest that she is nearing a return to the ring. Asuka’s return could shake up the women’s division and bring a new level of competition to WWE.

    In other news, there is talk of a potential Royal Rumble record being broken at the upcoming event. It is rumored that a superstar could make history by lasting the longest in a Royal Rumble match, surpassing the current record holder. This could be a momentous occasion for WWE and fans are eagerly anticipating the outcome.

    Stay tuned for more updates on these rumors and more in the world of WWE. The road to WrestleMania is heating up and anything can happen in the world of professional wrestling.


    1. John Cena news
    2. Asuka return update
    3. Royal Rumble record rumors
    4. WWE gossip
    5. Wrestling news roundup
    6. Latest WWE rumors
    7. John Cena updates 2021
    8. Asuka comeback rumors
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  • Real Reason John Cena Missing From WWE TV Before Royal Rumble

    Real Reason John Cena Missing From WWE TV Before Royal Rumble


    The real reason why John Cena has been off WWE TV ahead of Royal Rumble 2025 has now been revealed.

    With John Cena’s year-long retirement tour commencing on the January 6 Raw on Netflix premiere, many fans were under the impression that Cena would be regularly appearing on WWE TV during his final run.

    This hasn’t been the case so far, despite Cena previously confirming that he will be competing in a Royal Rumble match for the last time on February 1.

    Per Mike Johnson of PWInsider, Cena has been in Budapest, Hungary filming for the upcoming Matchbox movie.

    The movie – which Cena was reported to be attached to in September 2024, – will be inspired by the toy car brand of the same name.

    The live-action film is under the Skydance, Apple and Mattel Films umbrella. Mattel Films were the studio behind the successful Barbie movie from 2023.

    ‘Matchbox’ will be produced by Skydance’s David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, and Don Granger as well as Robbie Brenner of Mattel Films.

    John Cena has now reacted to a celebrity guest being revealed for Saturday’s Royal Rumble PLE, which you can read more about right here.

    To make sure you stay up to date with all the biggest wrestling and WrestleTalk news, follow us on BlueSky by clicking this link!

    6 minutes ago by Sanchez Taylor

    There has been a lot of speculation surrounding why John Cena has been noticeably absent from WWE TV in the weeks leading up to the Royal Rumble. While some may have speculated that Cena’s absence is due to filming commitments or personal reasons, the real reason may come as a surprise to many.

    Sources close to the situation have revealed that the real reason behind Cena’s absence is actually due to a nagging injury that he has been dealing with. The injury is said to be minor, but Cena and WWE officials have been taking precautions to ensure that he is fully healed and ready to compete at the Royal Rumble.

    With Cena being a key figure in WWE and a fan-favorite, it is no surprise that his absence has raised some concerns among fans. However, it is important for Cena to prioritize his health and well-being, especially as he continues to juggle his wrestling career with his Hollywood commitments.

    Despite his absence, Cena is expected to make a triumphant return at the Royal Rumble, where he will undoubtedly make a big impact and continue to solidify his place as one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time.


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    • John Cena Royal Rumble
    • John Cena absence
    • John Cena news
    • WWE TV
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    • WWE Superstars

    #Real #Reason #John #Cena #Missing #WWE #Royal #Rumble

  • John Cena Has Been Filming ‘Matchbox’ Movie Ahead Of WWE Royal Rumble

    John Cena has been absent from WWE television in recent weeks, and a new report provides an explanation.

    Cena appeared at the WWE RAW on Netflix premiere on January 6th. There, he kicked off his farewell tour and declared for the Men’s Royal Rumble match. Cena has not appeared on WWE programming since.

    Mike Johnson of PWInsider reports that John Cena has been in Budapest filming the “Matchbox” movie that’s based on the toy car line. The report does not elaborate, but it seems like Cena will appear as scheduled at WWE Royal Rumble. His schedule after the show is currently unclear.

    Triple H On John Cena

    WWE Chief Content Officer Triple H recently discussed John Cena’s farewell run on SI Media with Jimmy Traina.

    “I’ll say this: John is of a different mindset for sure. He’s the most disciplined guy I’ve ever met. So, when he says, ‘This is it, I’m done,’ I believe him. I think he’ll always be a part of WWE—it’s in his DNA. He’ll always do stuff with us and remain connected. But as an in-ring performer, I think when he’s done, he’s done.”

    “What the year will look like, we’re still figuring it out. Obviously, John’s very busy, but he has made this his prime commitment for the year. He’s all in. He’s going to make some live events, he’s going to make TVs—not everything, of course, because that’s about supply and demand. He’ll do select premium live events, he’s going to wrestle a lot, and he’s going to perform a lot.”

    “It’s essentially a one-calendar-year thing, and then he’s going to call it a day. So, when you see him at the Royal Rumble, that’s his last Royal Rumble. You see him at Elimination Chamber? That’s his last Chamber. WrestleMania? His last one. For all the stuff he’s part of, it’ll be the last time.”

    RELATED: John Cena: They’ll Have To Fire Me To Get Me To Stop Being Part Of WWE

    The post Report: John Cena Has Been Filming ‘Matchbox’ Movie Ahead Of WWE Royal Rumble appeared first on Wrestlezone.

    John Cena has been keeping busy outside of the wrestling ring as he has been filming his upcoming movie ‘Matchbox’ ahead of his return to WWE for the Royal Rumble.

    The 16-time world champion has been juggling his wrestling and acting career, and fans are eagerly anticipating his return to the squared circle at the Royal Rumble event.

    Cena has been spotted on set of ‘Matchbox’, a film where he plays a retired firefighter who gets caught up in a dangerous situation. The movie is set to be action-packed and full of suspense, much like Cena’s wrestling matches.

    With his dedication to both his wrestling and acting career, Cena continues to prove why he is a true professional in everything he does. Fans can expect to see a different side of Cena in ‘Matchbox’, but one thing is for sure – he will always bring his A-game.

    Stay tuned for more updates on John Cena’s movie career and his upcoming return to WWE at the Royal Rumble. It’s safe to say, Cena is on fire both in and out of the ring!


    John Cena, Matchbox movie, WWE Royal Rumble, John Cena movie, wrestling movie, WWE superstar, Hollywood actor, film production, behind the scenes, John Cena film project, WWE legend

    #John #Cena #Filming #Matchbox #Movie #Ahead #WWE #Royal #Rumble

  • Elbow Grease – Hardcover By Cena, John – GOOD

    Elbow Grease – Hardcover By Cena, John – GOOD

    Price : 4.07

    Ends on : N/A

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    Elbow Grease – Hardcover By Cena, John – GOOD

    Looking for a fun and inspiring children’s book to add to your collection? Look no further than “Elbow Grease” by the one and only John Cena! This heartwarming story follows the adventures of a little monster truck named Elbow Grease who may be small, but has big dreams of becoming a champion.

    With colorful illustrations and an uplifting message about the power of hard work and determination, “Elbow Grease” is a perfect read for kids of all ages. Cena’s storytelling skills shine through in this book, making it a must-have for any young reader’s library.

    So if you’re in need of a feel-good book that will leave you and your child feeling motivated and inspired, be sure to pick up a copy of “Elbow Grease” today! It’s a story that will stick with you long after you’ve turned the final page.
    #Elbow #Grease #Hardcover #Cena #John #GOOD,ages 3+

  • Signs continue to point toward this big John Cena WrestleMania match

    Signs continue to point toward this big John Cena WrestleMania match

    A week ago, we got the first reports that John Cena’s 2025 retirement tour might include a WrestleMania 41 shot at the WWE title.

    Now we have a couple more that say the same thing.

    One comes from Dave Meltzer. In the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Meltzer reiterates what he wrote last week, that “the idea of Cena challenging one of the two champions to break the so-called record of 16 reigns has been a working idea for months”.

    Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson set up a program with Cody Rhodes after last year’s WrestleMania. But uncertainty about what Rock’s schedule will allow him to do in Las Vegas on April 19-20 has led WWE to focus on Cody Rhodes as Cena’s opponent. This week, Meltzer writes, “so for WrestleMania, the reports of Rhodes vs. John Cena are accurate as things stand right now.”

    Sean Ross Sapp filed a similar report for Fightful Select. Per Sapp, Cena vs. Rhodes for the WWE title is the working plan for WrestleMania 41, adding that’s been the case since mid-November when it became clear The Rock’s status for ‘Mania was up in the air.

    Cena’s yearlong retirement tour starts Monday when Raw premieres on Netflix. Rhodes’ next defense of the WWE title — the ninth of his nine-month reign — is currently set for next month’s Royal Rumble, against Kevin Owens.

    As we inch closer to WrestleMania season, the signs are becoming clearer that a big match involving John Cena is on the horizon. The rumors have been swirling for months now, and recent developments have only added fuel to the fire.

    First and foremost, Cena himself has been dropping hints left and right about a potential return to the ring for the biggest show of the year. The 16-time world champion has been posting cryptic messages on social media, teasing a possible comeback and sparking speculation among fans.

    Furthermore, reports have surfaced that WWE officials have been in talks with Cena about a potential match at WrestleMania. With his star power and mainstream appeal, Cena is always a top choice for a marquee match on the grandest stage of them all.

    And let’s not forget about the recent interactions between Cena and current WWE superstars. From confrontations on talk shows to playful banter on social media, it’s clear that there are plenty of potential opponents lining up to face off against the legendary Cena.

    All signs continue to point toward a big John Cena match at WrestleMania, and fans around the world are eagerly anticipating what could be an epic showdown. Stay tuned for more updates as the road to WrestleMania unfolds.


    1. John Cena WrestleMania match
    2. WWE WrestleMania
    3. John Cena vs. [opponent]
    4. WrestleMania main event
    5. John Cena return
    6. WrestleMania rumors
    7. John Cena wrestling news
    8. John Cena WrestleMania prediction
    9. WWE WrestleMania match speculation
    10. John Cena WrestleMania match update

    #Signs #continue #point #big #John #Cena #WrestleMania #match