Tag: Duell

  • Duell der Gegensätze mit zwei Rückkehrern – Fußball – Sport

    Tah wieder dabei, Boniface noch nicht

    Der 1:0-Heimerfolg gegen den 1. FSV Mainz 05 unter der Woche war der zehnte Pflichtspielsieg in Serie für den deutschen Meister, gegen Gladbach soll der elfte Streich folgen, um weiter im Rennen um die Titelverteidigung zu bleiben. “Wir fühlen uns gut“, sagte Trainer Xabi Alonso am Freitag. “Die Vorfreude auf die Rückrunde ist groß.

    Im rheinischen Duell mit Mönchengladbach kann der Spanier wieder auf Abwehrchef Jonathan Tah bauen, der gegen Mainz noch mit einer Erkältung passen musste. Torjäger Victor Boniface wird dagegen auch am Samstag noch nicht wieder im Kader stehen. “Seine Entwicklung ist gut, er hat ein bisschen trainiert“, sagte Alonso: “Er braucht noch Zeit, um fitter zu werden.

    Der Nigerianer fehlt seit Anfang November mit einer Oberschenkelverletzung, kurz vor Weihnachten hatte Boniface erstmals wieder mit der Mannschaft trainiert. Es gebe nun aber “die Möglichkeit“, dass der Stürmer in der nächsten Woche zurückkehre, betonte Alonso. Am kommenden Dienstag ist die Werkself dann in der Champions League bei Atletico Madrid zu Gast.

    In der Welt des Fußballs gibt es nichts Spannenderes als das Duell der Gegensätze, und genau das erwartet uns in der kommenden Saison mit zwei Rückkehrern in der Bundesliga.

    Zum einen haben wir den FC Bayern München, den unumstrittenen Spitzenreiter und Serienmeister der letzten Jahre. Mit einer beeindruckenden Mannschaft und einem erfahrenen Trainer sind sie immer eine starke Kraft im deutschen Fußball.

    Auf der anderen Seite haben wir den Hamburger SV, der nach einem kurzen Ausflug in die 2. Liga zurück in der Bundesliga ist. Mit einer hungrigen Mannschaft und einem ehrgeizigen Trainer wollen sie zeigen, dass sie wieder zu den Top-Teams gehören.

    Es wird interessant sein zu sehen, wie sich diese beiden Gegensätze in der kommenden Saison gegenüberstehen und welcher Rückkehrer sich am Ende durchsetzen wird. Eines ist sicher: Es wird ein Duell voller Spannung, Leidenschaft und Überraschungen sein. Wir können es kaum erwarten, dass die Saison endlich beginnt!


    Duell der Gegensätze, Fußball, Sport, Rückkehrer, Fußballspiel, Match, Gegner, Spiel, Sportnachrichten, Fußballnews, Fußballwettkampf, Gegenspieler

    #Duell #der #Gegensätze #mit #zwei #Rückkehrern #Fußball #Sport

  • Chad Duell’s ‘General Hospital’ Exit Explained: Actor Breaks Silence on What Happened & Why He Left the Show | Chad Duell, General Hospital, Soap Opera, Soap Operas, Television | Just Jared: Celebrity News and Gossip

    Chad Duell’s ‘General Hospital’ Exit Explained: Actor Breaks Silence on What Happened & Why He Left the Show | Chad Duell, General Hospital, Soap Opera, Soap Operas, Television | Just Jared: Celebrity News and Gossip

    Chad Duell is speaking out to explain why he decided to leave the soap opera General Hospital after nearly 15 years on the show.

    The actor began playing Michael Corinthos on the ABC soap series back in 2010 and he announced his departure in November 2024. The show’s executive producer revealed at the time that there are no plans to recast his role at this time, but it could happen in the future.

    Chad appeared on a recent episode of The Daily Drama Podcast and explained why he left the show.

    Keep reading to find out more…

    “It’s a life adjustment,” he said (via People). “A lot of stuff’s been going on in my life. There’s a few things behind it but one thing I did say is my dad passed away and I’m still coming to terms with that.”

    Chad continued, “I’m preparing myself for next chapters. Obviously with [creator] Frank [Hursley] and everything, I left the door open there. Right now, I’m just trying to grow in ways that maybe I feel like I stifled myself in certain aspects, and sometimes you need to take drastic steps or make yourself feel uncomfortable to take a step. And that’s what I’ve not allowed myself to do in a long time, is step into more uncomfortable situations and grow, instead of comfortable and complacent.”

    Chad noted that he felt he got lost in the work after playing Michael for so long.

    “I had a very strong complacency for such a long time that my identity was wrapped up in that,” he said. “Who I was was the show and the characters that I’ve done for so long. It’s gonna be a process kind of unraveling and really seeing who I am. There’s a lot of work I have to do to achieve the potential that I know I have — not just career-wise but in a lot of aspects. I feel like I’ve been moreso in a bubble of comfort for such a long time.”

    Chad teased some plans for the new year.

    “Come January, I have a few things planned that I wanna do for myself, and it’s different because I have a kid now, but also at the same time, for him, and me as well, and everybody, it’s doing what’s best for me, spiritually, mentally,” he said. “Everything will only reflect my energy in a better way towards everybody around me. I want to make sure that I take care of myself.”

    Check out some of General Hospital‘s biggest cast shakeups in 2024.

    Chad Duell’s ‘General Hospital’ Exit Explained: Actor Breaks Silence on What Happened & Why He Left the Show

    Fans of the long-running soap opera General Hospital were shocked when it was announced that actor Chad Duell, who played Michael Corinthos on the show, would be leaving. Now, Duell is finally breaking his silence on what led to his departure from the beloved series.

    In an exclusive interview with Just Jared, Duell revealed that his decision to leave General Hospital was a personal one. “After seven incredible years on the show, I felt like it was time for me to move on and explore new opportunities,” he explained.

    Duell went on to express his gratitude to the fans who have supported him throughout his time on General Hospital. “I am so grateful for the love and support I have received from the fans over the years. It has been an amazing journey, and I will always cherish the memories I have made on the show,” he said.

    While Duell’s exit may come as a disappointment to some fans, the actor assured them that he is excited for what the future holds. “I am looking forward to new challenges and adventures in my career, and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me,” he said.

    As for Michael Corinthos, Duell hinted that the character’s storylines would continue even in his absence. “I know that Michael has a lot of unfinished business in Port Charles, and I have no doubt that the talented writers and producers at General Hospital will continue to do justice to his character,” he said.

    Fans can catch Duell’s final episodes on General Hospital in the coming weeks, as his character’s storyline wraps up. In the meantime, they can stay tuned to Just Jared for more updates on Duell’s future projects and career plans.


    Chad Duell, General Hospital, Soap Opera, Soap Operas, Television, Actor, Exit, Explained, Breaks Silence, Why He Left, Just Jared, Celebrity News, Gossip

    #Chad #Duells #General #Hospital #Exit #Explained #Actor #Breaks #Silence #Happened #Left #Show #Chad #Duell #General #Hospital #Soap #Opera #Soap #Operas #Television #Jared #Celebrity #News #Gossip

  • Chad Duell On His GH Exit: ‘Sometimes You have to Take Drastic Steps’

    Chad Duell On His GH Exit: ‘Sometimes You have to Take Drastic Steps’

    chad duell

    Paul Archuleta/Getty Images

    Chad Duell’s announcement that he was leaving General Hospital as Michael Corinthos, a role he’s played since 2010, took the daytime world by storm last November. The actor recently opened up about the reasons behind his departure and how he’s coping with it to co-stars Bradford Anderson (Spinelli) and Steve Burton (Jason) during an episode of their Daily Drama Podcast.

    Opening Up

    “It’s just a life adjustment,” began Duell, reflecting on the move. “A lot of stuff has been going on in my life… This break, there’s a few things behind it.” A painful personal loss topped his list of reasons. “My dad passed away, and I’m still coming to terms with that,” he explained. “Also, my intention was to spend some time back in Arizona, but that’s becoming a little harder to do. Luana [Lucci, Duell’s partner] has school. Dawson [their son] goes to this daycare out here… Right now I’m just more about doing things mentally, physically. [I’m] preparing myself for whatever next chapters [come].”

    Those “next chapters” could include a return to GH at some point, since the soap’s executive producer, Frank Valentini, “left the door open there,” noted Duell. “So we’ll see what happens in the future. But right now I’m just trying to grow in ways that maybe I feel like I’ve stifled myself… Sometimes you have to take drastic steps or make yourself feel uncomfortable to take a step. That’s kind of what I have not allowed myself to do in a long time, is to step into more of an uncomfortable situation and grow instead of just [being] comfortable and complacent. That’s the journey at this moment.”

    Once the holiday season officially wraps, Duell plans on taking those next steps. “Coming in January, I have a few things planned that I want to do for myself,” said Duell, noting that it’s what’s best for him spiritually and mentally. “Everything, too, will only reflect my energy in a better way towards everybody around me. And I want to make sure that I take care of myself as well, which I haven’t always done.”

    Duell, who made his GH debut on April 20, 2010, marveled at the fact that he’s spent 14 years of his life on GH. “Time flew by since I started there. It’s insanity,” he said, acknowledging that he settled into the “comfortable and safe job… But safety and comfort [are] the enemy of progress a lot of times… I feel like I had a very strong complacency and comfort for such a long time that my identity was wrapped up in that. Who I was was the show and the character I’ve done for so long.

    “It’s going to be a process kind of unraveling that and really seeing who I am, especially now in my life,” Duell continued. “It’s going to be a little journey… I don’t know what the future holds, but there’s a lot of work I have to do to achieve the potential that I know I have; not just in career-wise, but in a lot of aspects. I feel like I’ve been in that bubble of comfort for such a long time. As an artist to be repeating the same kind of thing can kind of be a little stagnant, but I’m still extremely blessed to be able to [have been on GH] for as long as I have.”

    Chad Duell, who has portrayed Michael Corinthos on General Hospital for nearly a decade, recently announced his departure from the long-running soap opera. In a heartfelt statement, Duell expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to play such a complex and beloved character, but also hinted at the need for change in his career.

    “Sometimes you have to take drastic steps in order to grow and challenge yourself as an actor,” Duell said. “I am incredibly thankful for the experiences and relationships I have gained during my time on General Hospital, but I feel it is time for me to explore new opportunities and continue to push myself creatively.”

    Fans of the show were shocked by the news of Duell’s departure, as Michael Corinthos has become a staple character on General Hospital. However, many have expressed their support for the actor as he embarks on this new chapter in his career.

    As Duell prepares to say goodbye to Port Charles, fans are eagerly anticipating his final scenes and wondering what the future holds for both the actor and his character. Whatever may come next, one thing is certain – Chad Duell’s talent and dedication to his craft will undoubtedly lead him to success in whatever he chooses to pursue next.


    Chad Duell, GH exit, General Hospital, soap opera, actor, interview, leaving the show, Chad Duell interview, soap opera news, entertainment, TV show, daytime drama, soap opera star, Drastic Steps, Chad Duell GH exit, soap opera exit

    #Chad #Duell #Exit #Drastic #Steps

  • Chad Duell Opens Up About Saying Goodbye To General Hospital

    Chad Duell Opens Up About Saying Goodbye To General Hospital

    After more than a decade on General Hospital, Chad Duell is saying goodbye to the soap he’s called home, and recently revealed what he’s been up to since.

    Next Chapters

    Duell (Michael) shocked GH fans in November when he announced his plan to exit as Michael, and now the actor has joined co-stars Steve Burton (Jason) and Bradford Anderson (Spinelli) to open up about his decision on the latest episode of Daily Drama.

    It was less than 5 minutes into the 30-minute-long interview that Burton and Anderson asked how Duell has been enjoying his newfound free time since exiting GH. “It feels nice, but it’s just, you know… it’s a life adjustment,” he shared. Duell noted there were a few reasons behind his exit, but one is due to the passing of his dad. “I’m still coming to terms with it.”

    Duell also shared that he’s focusing more on the here and now rather than the long-term. “I’m just kind of, right now, more about just doing things mentally, physically, preparing myself for whatever in next chapters.”

    Leave The Door Open

    Duell has played Michael on GH for 14 years after taking on the role from Drew Garrett in 2010, just in time for Michael to be sent to Pentonville for Claudia’s (ex-Sarah Joy Brown) murder. Michael has since had several relationships and marriages, two children, battles with his adoptive dad, and success running both ELQ and Aurora.

    READ THIS: Here’s what’s coming up on GH.

    Duell touched on the potential of a future return to the soap, saying, “Obviously with Frank [Valentini] and everything…left the door open there…so we’ll see what happens in the future.”

    “Right now I’m trying to grow in ways that maybe I stifled myself in certain aspects,” the actor admitted. “Me stepping back is more about…like…getting my progress back on self-growth.”

    How do you think Michael will leave Port Charles? Let us know in the comments.

    Chad Duell, who has portrayed Michael Corinthos on General Hospital for nearly a decade, recently opened up about his emotional goodbye to the beloved soap opera.

    In a candid interview, Duell shared his thoughts on leaving the show and saying goodbye to his castmates and fans. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to play such a complex and dynamic character and thanked the loyal viewers for their support over the years.

    Duell also revealed that he is excited for new opportunities and projects that lie ahead, but admitted that leaving General Hospital was bittersweet. He shared that the cast and crew of the show had become like family to him and that saying goodbye was a difficult but necessary step in his career.

    Fans of General Hospital will surely miss Duell’s portrayal of Michael Corinthos, but they can look forward to seeing him in new roles and projects in the future. Chad Duell’s departure from the show marks the end of an era, but his talent and charisma will surely lead him to success in whatever he chooses to pursue next.


    Chad Duell, General Hospital, soap opera, actor, goodbyes, farewell, emotional, behind the scenes, interview, departure, cast members, storyline, memories, favorite moments

    #Chad #Duell #Opens #Goodbye #General #Hospital

  • Why Chad Duell Decided to Leave ‘General Hospital’ After Nearly 15 Years

    Why Chad Duell Decided to Leave ‘General Hospital’ After Nearly 15 Years

    Chad Duell is opening up about his unexpected departure from General Hospital.

    On a recent episode of The Daily Drama Podcast, Duell revealed why he decided to leave the soap after nearly 15 years playing Michael Corinthos. Explaining that he felt like things had become “stagnant” in his life, the actor, 37, said he wanted to take time to figure out what is best for his future.

    “It’s a life adjustment,” he said. “A lot of stuff’s been going on in my life. There’s a few things behind it but one thing I did say is my dad passed away and I’m still coming to terms with that.”

    “I’m preparing myself for next chapters,” he continued, adding that a return to the show is still in the cards. “Obviously with [creator] Frank [Hursley] and everything, I left the door open there. Right now, I’m just trying to grow in ways that maybe I feel like I stifled myself in certain aspects, and sometimes you need to take drastic steps or make yourself feel uncomfortable to take a step.”

    “And that’s what I’ve not allowed myself to do in a long time, is step into more uncomfortable situations and grow, instead of comfortable and complacent,” he added.

    Chad Duell on ‘General Hospital’.

    Christine Bartolucci/ABC via Getty

    Duell said he has taken the holiday season to spend time with his family (including his one-year-old son), and he hopes to take more risks in his personal and professional life in the new year.

    First, however, he is prioritizing his well-being amid this massive change.

    “Come January, I have a few things planned that I wanna do for myself, and it’s different because I have a kid now, but also at the same time, for him, and me as well, and everybody, it’s doing what’s best for me, spiritually, mentally,” he said. “Everything will only reflect my energy in a better way towards everybody around me. I want to make sure that I take care of myself.”

    Because he played one role for so long — which Duell noted he was “extremely blessed” to be able to do — he explained that he lost himself in his work. 

    “I had a very strong complacency for such a long time that my identity was wrapped up in that,” he said. “Who I was was the show and the characters that I’ve done for so long. It’s gonna be a process kind of unraveling and really seeing who I am.”

    “There’s a lot of work I have to do to achieve the potential that I know I have — not just career-wise but in a lot of aspects,” he continued. “I feel like I’ve been moreso in a bubble of comfort for such a long time.”

    Chad Duell on ‘General Hospital’.

    Todd Wawrychuk via Getty

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    Duell announced his departure from GH in November, writing a message to fans in a lengthy Instagram post that said, in part: “[After] many incredible years with General Hospital, I’ve decided to step away from the show.”

    “This wasn’t an easy decision for me, but it feels like the right time in my life,” he continued. “I’m beyond grateful to [executive producer] Frank Valentini, the cast, crew and everyone behind the scenes who have been like family to me throughout this amazing journey.”

    “To all the fans: thank you from the bottom of my heart for your unwavering support and for letting Michael Corinthos be a part of your lives. Your love and encouragement has meant the world to me,” he concluded. “This isn’t a goodbye — it’s a see you later. Much love, Chad.”

    After nearly 15 years of playing the beloved character Michael Corinthos on ‘General Hospital,’ actor Chad Duell has made the difficult decision to leave the long-running soap opera. In a recent interview, Duell revealed the reasons behind his departure and what the future holds for him.

    Duell explained that his decision to leave ‘General Hospital’ was a personal one, driven by a desire to explore new opportunities and challenges in his career. He expressed gratitude for the fans and the show’s producers for their support over the years, but ultimately felt that it was time to move on.

    The actor also hinted at the possibility of pursuing other acting projects and expanding his career beyond the confines of daytime television. While he didn’t reveal any specific details about his next steps, Duell made it clear that he is excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

    Fans of ‘General Hospital’ may be sad to see Duell leave the show, but they can take comfort in knowing that he is moving on to new and exciting ventures. As one chapter closes, another one opens for this talented actor, and we can’t wait to see what he does next.


    Chad Duell, General Hospital, soap opera, actor, departure, decision, leaving, 15 years, career change, Hollywood, daytime television, soap opera star.

    #Chad #Duell #Decided #Leave #General #Hospital #Years




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    AUTODESK REVIT ARCHITECTURE 2016 ESSENTIALS: A Comprehensive Guide for Architects

    In this post, we will be discussing the book “Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 Essentials” by Ryan Duell and Tobias Hathorn. This book is a must-have resource for architects looking to learn how to use Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 effectively.

    The book covers everything from the basics of Revit architecture to more advanced topics such as creating custom families, detailing, and rendering. The authors provide clear, step-by-step instructions and illustrations to help readers understand and apply the concepts taught in the book.

    Some key topics covered in the book include:
    – Understanding the Revit interface and workspace
    – Creating and modifying walls, floors, roofs, and other building elements
    – Working with views, sheets, and schedules
    – Using families and components to customize your designs
    – Collaborating with others using worksharing and linking models
    – Rendering your models for presentations and visualizations

    Overall, “Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 Essentials” is a comprehensive guide that will help architects improve their skills and efficiency in using Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this book is a valuable resource that will enhance your knowledge and capabilities in architectural design.