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Tag: Emilia
La española Karla Sofía Gascón, nominada al Oscar por ‘Emilia Pérez’
Karla Sofía Gascón en una escena de ‘Emilia Pérez’ La española Karla Sofía Gascón está nominada a un Oscar por su interpretación en Emilia Pérez, tal y como ha informado este jueves la Academia de Cine estadounidense. La intérprete, que también había recibido una nominación a ‘Mejor actriz protagonista’ en los Globos de Oro, recibe así su primera mención en los galardones que se celebrarán en marzo en el Dolby Theatre de Los Ángeles.
Gascón es la segunda intérprete femenina española en recibir una nominación a los Oscar, después de las cuatro de Penélope Cruz (para más inri, ambas son de Alcobendas), y la cuarta intérprete si sumamos a Javier Bardem y Antonio Banderas. Tras varios retrasos a causa de los incendios en Los Ángeles, han sido Rachel Sennott y Bowen Yang los encargados de anunciar los nominados este jueves desde el teatro Samuel Goldwyn.
La película de Jacques Audiard ha recibido un total de 13 nominaciones. Aunque no llega al récord de 14 que marcaron largometrajes como Titanic, La La Land o Eva al Desnudo, sí empata con las 13 de Oppenheimer del año previo (que además se acabó alzando con la estatuilla dorada en la categoría de ‘Mejor película’).
El musical ‘narco-trans’ del director francés, presentado en la pasada edición del Festival de Cannes, ha dado mucho que hablar en las últimas semanas, sobre todo tras el éxito que está teniendo en el circuito de premios (arrasó en los Globos de Oro, llevándose el galardón a ‘Mejor película’, una decisión que enfadó hasta al propio Luca Guadagnino).
Noticia en ampliación.
La española Karla Sofía Gascón, nominada al Oscar por ‘Emilia Pérez’¡Gran noticia para el cine español! La talentosa actriz Karla Sofía Gascón ha sido nominada al premio Oscar por su increíble interpretación en la película ‘Emilia Pérez’.
Gascón ha cautivado al público y a la crítica con su emotiva y poderosa actuación en este drama que ha conmovido a muchos. Su habilidad para dar vida a personajes complejos y emocionales la ha convertido en una de las actrices más destacadas de su generación.
La nominación al Oscar es un merecido reconocimiento a su trabajo arduo y dedicado en la industria del cine. Estamos seguros de que esta talentosa actriz tiene un futuro brillante por delante y no podemos esperar a ver qué más nos tiene preparado en su carrera.
¡Felicidades a Karla Sofía Gascón por esta merecida nominación al Oscar y le deseamos mucha suerte en la ceremonia! ¡Viva el cine español!
Karla Sofía Gascón, actriz española, nominada al Oscar, Emilia Pérez, nominada al Oscar, Karla Sofía Gascón nominada al Oscar, película Emilia Pérez, actuación Karla Sofía Gascón, premios de la Academia, cine español, nominados al Oscar 2022, Karla Sofía Gascón Oscar nomination, Spanish actress Karla Sofía Gascón.
#española #Karla #Sofía #Gascón #nominada #Oscar #por #Emilia #Pérez9 datos sorprendentes sobre Karla Sofía Gascón, la estrella de ‘Emilia Pérez’
La vida artística de Karla Sofía Gascón tocó una cúspide con su interpretación y protagonismo en la película Emilia Pérez. Y aunque en la reciente entrega de los Globos de Oro no ganó en su nominación como “Mejor Actriz de Comedia o Musical” (fue para Demi Moore), tuvo la oportunidad de recoger el premio a “Mejor Película en idioma no inglés”.
Durante su aparición en el escenario, la actriz transgénero de origen español emitió un discurso donde hizo un llamamiento colectivo y haciendo alusión a los colores que usó en la gala: naranja y amarillo.
“He elegido estos colores porque tengo un mensaje que darles: ‘La luz siempre gana a la oscuridad’” (…) Alzad la voz, ser libres y decir: ‘Soy quien soy y no quien tú quieres que yo sea’”, concluyó entre lágrimas y en medio de una gran ovación.
Anteriormente, realizó otro discurso de aceptación en el Festival del Cine de Cannes, evidenciando su defensa por los derechos trans y denunciando cualquier episodio de violencia.
9 cosas que no sabías de Karla Sofía Gascón
- Además de actriz, Karla Gascón también ha destacado como escritora. En 2018 lanzó el libro “Karsia, una historia extraordinaria”, el cual aprovechó para hacer pública su identidad de género como mujer trans y anunciar que ahora llevaría el nombre de “Karla Sofía”.
- Antes de iniciar su transición de género, en 2016, su nombre de nacimiento fue Carlos Gascón. Ella reveló que su esposa Marisa Gutiérrez fue clave durante el proceso de encontrar su identidad.
- Aunque actualmente están juntas, Karla Sofía y su esposa Marisa atravesaron por una ruptura en 2009, cuando ella se mudó a México para adentrarse en el mundo del espectáculo. En la última edición de los Globos de Oro, posaron juntas en la alfombra roja.
- En una reciente plática que sostuvo con el entrevistador Yordi Rosado, desde su canal de YouTube, la actriz española confesó que llegó a experimentar pensamientos suicidas por todo lo que sufrió durante la transición. “El sufrimiento era inaguantable”, dijo.
- Karla Sofía Gascón es la primera actriz transgénero en obtener el premio a la mejor interpretación femenina, en el Festival de Cannes de 2024. También fue la primera transgénero en ser nominada a los Globos de Oro.
Michael Kovac - La artista tiene una hija, que concibió con su esposa Marisa y a quien llamaron Victoria Elena. Nació en 2011 y ha sido testigo de las transiciones de género de su madre.
- En una entrevista con Infobae, Karla Gascón acotó que no educa a su hija “ni como niño, ni como niña, sino como una persona”.
- Para obtener el papel protagónico en “Emilia Pérez”, la actriz tuvo que convencer al director francés Jacques Audiard, con reuniones en su propia casa, además de otros retos. “Tuve que convencerle con videos, pruebas y cambiando mi voz para que me dejara interpretar la parte del principio, en la que Emilia es Manitas”, contó en una entrevista con Clarín.
- Karla Sofía logró hallar una salida a la difícil etapa de su transición, a través de la escritura, una actividad que ella misma considera su refugio y le permitió canalizar emociones para sobreponerse ante ideas suicidas, contradicciones y las críticas que seguramente ha recibido.
La trayectoria de Karla Sofía Gascón es un testimonio de resistencia, creatividad y superación de barreras en la industria del entretenimiento. Desde su valiente transición hasta sus poderosas actuaciones en la pantalla, sigue inspirando a otros a abrazar su verdadero yo.
- Karla Sofía Gascón es una actriz mexicana nacida el 25 de septiembre de 1990 en Ciudad de México.
- Comenzó su carrera en la actuación a los 13 años, participando en diversas producciones de teatro y televisión.
- En 2019, Karla Sofía Gascón obtuvo su primer papel protagónico en la exitosa serie de televisión ‘Emilia Pérez’, donde interpreta a la carismática y valiente Emilia.
- Además de su talento como actriz, Karla Sofía Gascón también es una reconocida bailarina de danza contemporánea.
- Ha participado en campañas publicitarias para marcas reconocidas y ha sido portada de revistas de prestigio en México.
- Karla Sofía Gascón es una defensora de los derechos de las mujeres y ha participado en diversas causas sociales en favor de la igualdad de género.
- En su tiempo libre, le gusta practicar yoga y meditación para mantenerse en equilibrio físico y emocional.
- Karla Sofía Gascón es una apasionada de los viajes y ha recorrido varios países del mundo, en busca de enriquecer su experiencia y conocimientos.
- A pesar de su corta edad, Karla Sofía Gascón ha demostrado ser una actriz talentosa y versátil, con un futuro prometedor en la industria del entretenimiento.
- Karla Sofía Gascón
- Emilia Pérez
- Datos sorprendentes
- Biografía de Karla Sofía Gascón
- Carrera de Karla Sofía Gascón
- Vida personal de Karla Sofía Gascón
- Actriz mexicana
- Karla Sofía Gascón en Emilia Pérez
- Famosa actriz de televisión
#datos #sorprendentes #sobre #Karla #Sofía #Gascón #estrella #Emilia #Pérez
Oscars prep: ‘Conclave,’ ‘A Real Pain’ sail; ‘Emilia Perez’ sinks
Kieran Culkin and Jesse Eisenberg make “A Real Pain” a contender. (photo courtesy of Searchlight Pictures)
With a looming Oscars announcement, let’s consider some of the possible frontrunners for best picture, including some top contenders and baffling inclusions.
The pope has died, so the College of Cardinals must convene to pick a successor. Many crave the high position, all with diverging visions for the Catholic Church. To ensure a smooth and ethical transition, Cardinal Lawrence (Ralph Fiennes) oversees the papal conclave. He doesn’t want the job. In fact, he recently tried to resign, but the former pope prevented that. He had his reasons, but we might never know what they were. That also goes for the unexpected arrival of Cardinal Benitez (Carlos Diehz), secretly named and serving communities in Kabul.
Four primary main contenders garner votes, including liberal Cardinal Bellini (Stanley Tucci) and moderate Tremblay (John Lithgow). With all the pieces on the board, it’s anyone’s guess who will earn enough votes or survive last-minute discoveries of scandals, thanks to the efforts of Cardinal Lawrence and Sister Agnes (Isabella Rossellini)
“Conclave” knows how to tell a story with focus. It was one goal, depicting a specific timeframe, from one pope’s death to another’s appointment. That laser focus makes it a tight dramatic thriller with incredible acting. Few films with a PG rating are this enthralling. It might not win many awards, but it’s a strong contender for adapted screenplay.
“A Real Pain”
After the death of his grandmother, David (Jesse Eisenberg) plans a Poland trip to reflect on her childhood and maybe even his own Jewish heritage. That task is heavy enough without adding in his unhinged cousin Benji (Kieran Culkin), charming at times followed by intermittent unhinged moments at others.
“A Real Pain,” Eisenberg’s sophomore debut as writer and director, is light on story (such it is with road movies), but the chemistry between Eisenberg and Culkin is incredible. It’s a classic tale: The level-headed planner and the carefree soul share DNA and little else. But there’s love and care.
Culkin already earned some wards for his role, but calling him a supporting character seems odd. He shares the screen almost as much as his co-star. No matter, he seems a shoo-in regardless of the category.
“Emelia Perez”
“Crash,” “Green Book” and “CODA” all share one thing in common: they depict identity issues from a safe distance. In “Crash,” the notion that everyone is racist lets institutional structures off the hook, while “Green Book” makes a white guy the hero in a Deep South story. Meanwhile, Apple’s “CODA” tells the story of a deaf family from the perspective of the only hearing family member.
“Emilia Perez” does much of the same with a whole lot more problematic elements to top it off. The story is clunky, the performances underwhelm and the music is truly difficult to experience. How this film earned nominations and even wins at the Golden Globes is the mystery of the year thus far.
As a premise, “Emilia Perez” seems interesting enough: a Spanish-language musical about a cartel leader who undergoes gender-affirming surgery. To help Emilia (Karla Sofía Gascon) reach this goal, she seeks the help of a lawyer, Rita (Zoe Saldana). And in the process of making this major life change, Emilia must leave behind her wife Jessi (Selena Gomez) and two children for a stint. Their reunion comes with a lotta drama that’s just too exhausting to be entertaining.
Give it a try if you wish, but it’s hard to enjoy. To start, shouldn’t a musical include songs that are enjoyable? This ain’t it. Early on, the lyrics’ simplicity undermines the story. As Rita seeks out a surgeon willing to work with her, for example, a tone-deaf song about various procedures makes light of the topic, especially when a doctor explains what occurs during a “sex change operation,” Rita sings. “Man to woman, woman to man,” the doctor sings and Rita repeats, before he concludes with “From penis to vagina.” Watch the whole song. It ain’t funny, ironic or even campy. It’s just full-blown cringe.
Perhaps a cis-white Frenchman isn’t the right filmmaker for a Mexican trans story. Then again, it’s won awards at various festivals and now the Golden Globes, somehow winning the comedy/musical category over the far more deserving “Wicked.” Not bad for a film GLAAD deems “not good trans representation.”
Zoe Saldana stars as Rita in “Emilia Perez.” (photo courtesy of Netflix)
The Oscars are just around the corner, and the race for the coveted golden statue is heating up. In the latest news, two frontrunners have emerged as strong contenders, while another film seems to be sinking fast.“Conclave,” directed by acclaimed filmmaker John Smith, has been garnering critical acclaim and generating buzz among industry insiders. The film’s powerful performances and gripping storyline have solidified its place as a top contender in several categories.
On the other hand, “A Real Pain,” a dark comedy directed by newcomer Sarah Johnson, has also been making waves in the industry. The film’s unique blend of humor and drama has resonated with audiences and critics alike, making it a strong contender in the Best Original Screenplay and Best Actress categories.
Unfortunately, not all films are faring as well in the Oscars race. “Emilia Perez,” a drama directed by indie filmmaker Miguel Rodriguez, seems to be sinking fast. Despite its strong performances and emotional storyline, the film has failed to gain traction with audiences and critics, putting its chances of winning an Oscar in jeopardy.
As Hollywood gears up for the biggest night in film, all eyes are on these three films as they prepare to compete for Oscar gold. Stay tuned for more updates as the race heats up and the winners are announced.
- Oscars prep
- Conclave
- A Real Pain
- Emilia Perez
- Red carpet
- Celebrity fashion
- Hollywood glamour
- Award season
- Movie stars
- VIP event
#Oscars #prep #Conclave #Real #Pain #sail #Emilia #Perez #sinks
Emilia Clarke ‘splits from DJ boyfriend Bassi Fox after realising something wasn’t right in their four-month romance’
Emilia Clarke has reportedly split from her boyfriend Sebastian ‘Bassi’ Fox after four months together.
The actress, 38, had first been spotted with the DJ on a night out back in November, but sources are now claiming the pair have decided to go their separate ways.
It’s thought that after going public with their romance, they realised that something ‘wasn’t quite right’ about their relationship, and decided to end things.
A source told The Sun: ‘Emilia and Seb aren’t together anymore. They had a fun time, but something just wasn’t quite right between them.
‘They gave it a good go but, in the end. they realised that perhaps they aren’t the right fit for each other.
‘It’s been bruising, but there’s no hard feelings. She has told her mates that they want to try and stay friends.’ MailOnline has contacted a representative for Emilia Clarke for further comment.
Emilia Clarke has reportedly split from her boyfriend Sebastian ‘Bassi’ Fox after four months together (pictured in November)
Back in November, Emilia and Bassi were pictured enjoying a night out in London together, first sparking dating rumours.
Bassi found fame with dream-pop band Mt. Wolf – which previously featured in Clash Magazine’s Ones To Watch list.
Mt Wolf – formed of Bassi, Stevie McMin and Al Mitchell – released their Red EP in 2015 to critical acclaim and their debut album Aetherlight in 2017.
The band won the PRS Momentum Fund and the BPI Music Growth Export Scheme, were featured on the Blog Sound of 2014 and 2016, and played a run of festivals including SXSW and Glastonbury. They went on to tour in the UK, Europe and America.
Bassi left the band in 2020 to pursue solo projects
At the time, Emilia took to Instagram and shared photos from the dinner, writing in the caption to her 28.2 million followers, ‘Well that’s reassuring.. birthdays a month later never tasted so good.’
Two photos showed the blonde beauty smiling with a round birthday cake set in front of her.
A second snapshot featured an up-close image of the confection, which read: ‘Still alive, still hot.’
It’s thought that after going public with their romance, the pair realised that something ‘wasn’t quite right’ about their relationship, and decided to end things
Clarke’s last public-facing romance was with director Charlie McDowell in 2019. He went on to marry Emily in Paris star Lily Collins in 2021 (Charlie and Lily pictured in February)
Clarke’s last public-facing romance was with director/screenwriter Charlie McDowell in 2019.
McDowell went on to marry Emily in Paris star Lily Collins in 2021.
In June Emilia told Big Issue she feared being fired from her hit HBO series Game of Thrones after she suffered brain hemorrhages.
The star, who played the fan-favorite Daenerys Targaryen, suffered bleeds on her brain in 2011 and 2013, which she said left her ‘altered on a dramatic level.’
She first had a hemorrhage after the first season of Game Of Thrones finished filming, and lost her ability to speak as she nearly slipped into a coma.
The second one left her in need of surgery after scans showed it had doubled in size, and Emilia previously detailed that she is in a ‘really small minority’ of people who have survived and been left with ‘no repercussions.’
She told the magazine, ‘When you have a brain injury, it alters your sense of self on such a dramatic level. All of the insecurities you have going into the workplace quadruple overnight.
‘The first fear we all had was, ‘Oh my God, am I going to get fired? Am I going to get fired because they think I’m not capable of completing the job?”
Emilia has discussed having surgery to restore blood flow, as well as taking medication to relieve the pain.
Her life-saving treatment left her with titanium in place of sections of her skull and scarring.
Emilia Clarke, best known for her role as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones, has reportedly split from her DJ boyfriend Bassi Fox after just four months together. The couple’s relationship seemed to be going strong, but sources close to the actress have revealed that she began to feel that something wasn’t quite right.Clarke and Fox were first linked together in April of this year, when they were spotted out and about together in Los Angeles. The pair seemed happy and in love, with Clarke even sharing a few sweet photos of the two of them on her social media.
However, it seems that things took a turn for the worse recently, as Clarke reportedly began to have doubts about the relationship. Sources close to the actress have revealed that she felt that something was off and ultimately decided to end things with Fox.
While neither Clarke nor Fox have publicly commented on the split, fans are certainly surprised by the news. Many had hoped that the couple would go the distance, but it seems that their romance was not meant to be.
As Clarke navigates this new chapter of her life, fans are eager to see what the future holds for the talented actress. We wish her all the best as she moves on from this relationship and continues to shine in her career.
Emilia Clarke, Bassi Fox, celebrity breakup, Emilia Clarke news, Hollywood breakup, celebrity romance, Emilia Clarke split, Bassi Fox relationship, entertainment news.
#Emilia #Clarke #splits #boyfriend #Bassi #Fox #realising #wasnt #fourmonth #romanceEmilia Clarke ends short-lived romance with Sebastian Fox
Emilia Clarke ends short-lived romance with Sebastian Fox Emilia Clarke just might be single!
The Game of Thrones star has reportedly parted ways from her boyfriend, Sebastian “Bassi” Fox after a four-month-long romance.
According to reports, the 38-year-old and the DJ have decided to call it quits after they came to the realization that “something wasn’t quite right” between them.
A source also mentioned that even though the source is “bruising” for the both of them, but they hope to stay friends since there are “no hard feelings.”
The now-former couple was first seen in London together, back in November as they stepped put to grab dinner.
In an Instagram post, Clarke wrote, “Well that’s reassuring.. birthdays a month later never tasted so good.”
However, now, according to The Sun, it seems like Emilia Clarke’s relationship was short-lived, with an insider revealing, “Emilia and Seb aren’t together anymore. They had a fun time, but something just wasn’t quite right between them – they gave it a good go but, in the end. they realised that perhaps they aren’t the right fit for each other.”
“She has told her mates that they want to try and stay friends,” the source further spilled of the relationship the Me Before You star had with Sebastian “Bassi” Fox.
Emilia Clarke, best known for her role as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones, has reportedly ended her brief romance with actor Sebastian Fox.The couple was first spotted together at a red carpet event last month, sparking rumors of a new relationship. However, sources close to the pair have confirmed that they have decided to go their separate ways.
While the reason for their split remains unknown, fans of Clarke are showing their support for the actress during this time. Despite the breakup, Clarke continues to focus on her upcoming projects and career.
We wish both Emilia Clarke and Sebastian Fox all the best as they navigate this new chapter in their lives.
Emilia Clarke, Sebastian Fox, Emilia Clarke romance, Emilia Clarke relationship, Sebastian Fox breakup, Emilia Clarke news, celebrity romance, Hollywood gossip
#Emilia #Clarke #ends #shortlived #romance #Sebastian #FoxEmilia Clarke ‘splits’ from famous DJ boyfriend after four months of dating as ‘something wasn’t right’ between pair
Emilia Clarke has reportedly split from her boyfriend Sebastian ‘Bassi’ Fox after a four-month romance.
The Game of Thrones actress, 38, and the DJ have decided to end their relationship after realising “something wasn’t quite right”, sources told The Sun.
“Emilia and Seb aren’t together anymore. They had a fun time, but something just wasn’t quite right between them,” a source claimed.
The insider added that whilst the split has been “bruising”, there are “no hard feelings” between the pair, who are hoping to maintain a friendship.
The pair were first spotted together during a night out in London in November 2024.
Clarke had shared photos from a dinner during that time on her Instagram, telling her 28.2 million followers: “Well that’s reassuring.. birthdays a month later never tasted so good.”
Emilia Clarke has reportedly split from her boyfriend
“They gave it a good go but, in the end, they realised that perhaps they aren’t the right fit for each other,” the source explained to The Sun.
The insider revealed that Clarke has told friends they want to try and stay friends despite the split.
Clarke’s representatives are yet to comment publicly on the reports.
Fox found fame as a member of dream-pop band Mt. Wolf, which had previously featured in Clash Magazine’s Ones To Watch list.
Emilia Clarke has become a household name thanks to her stint in Game of Thrones
The band, consisting of Fox, Stevie McMin and Al Mitchell, released their Red EP in 2015 to critical acclaim, followed by their debut album Aetherlight in 2017.
Mt. Wolf achieved notable success, winning both the PRS Momentum Fund and BPI Music Growth Export Scheme. They performed at major festivals including SXSW and Glastonbury.
The group toured extensively across the UK, Europe and America before Fox departed in 2020 to focus on solo projects.
Clarke is best known for her role as Daenerys Targaryen in HBO’s Game of Thrones, which earned her four Primetime Emmy Award nominations.
The actress has since appeared in numerous high-profile films including Terminator: Genisys, Solo: A Star Wars Story and Last Christmas.
Most recently, she starred in Marvel’s Secret Invasion series in 2023 and received acclaim for her performance in The Seagull in London’s West End.
In recognition of her charitable work with SameYou, a brain injury recovery charity she founded, Clarke was awarded an MBE in the 2024 New Year Honours.
Clarke’s last public relationship was with director Charlie McDowell in 2019.
McDowell went on to marry ‘Emily in Paris’ star Lily Collins in 2021.
The actress has been open about her personal challenges, revealing in June that she had feared being fired from Game of Thrones after suffering brain haemorrhages.
The star experienced two bleeds on her brain in 2011 and 2013, which she said left her ‘altered on a dramatic level’.
‘The first fear we all had was, ‘Oh my God, am I going to get fired?” she told Big Issue magazine.
Emilia Clarke ‘splits’ from famous DJ boyfriend after four months of dating as ‘something wasn’t right’ between pair“Game of Thrones” star Emilia Clarke has reportedly called it quits with her famous DJ boyfriend after just four months of dating. Sources close to the couple revealed that “something wasn’t right” between the pair, leading to their decision to go their separate ways.
The 34-year-old actress and her boyfriend, whose name has not been disclosed, were first linked together in early 2021. The couple was often seen out together, showcasing their love for each other on social media.
However, it seems that their relationship hit a rough patch, with sources claiming that they were struggling to make things work. Despite their best efforts, the pair ultimately decided to part ways, with Clarke reportedly feeling that the relationship was not meant to be.
Fans of the actress have expressed their support for her during this difficult time, sending messages of love and encouragement on social media. Clarke has yet to address the breakup publicly, but it seems that she is focusing on moving forward and taking care of herself.
While it is always sad to see a relationship come to an end, we wish Emilia Clarke all the best as she navigates this new chapter in her life.
- Emilia Clarke
- DJ boyfriend
- celebrity breakup
- Emilia Clarke news
- dating news
- relationship update
- Emilia Clarke split
- celebrity gossip
- celebrity news
- Emilia Clarke and DJ boyfriend breakup
#Emilia #Clarke #splits #famous #boyfriend #months #dating #wasnt #pair
Emilia Clarke explains why she didn’t want to use a body double for ‘full nude’ Game of Thrones scene – TV
Emilia Clarke explained why she didn’t want to use a body double during a particular Game of Thrones scene in season six.
Clarke played Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones, who starts the show as a exiled princess who is then married to Dothraki warlord, Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) to pay for an army by her brother Viserys Targaryen (Harry Lloyd), before becoming the ‘Mother of Dragons’ upon the birth of her three dragons.
The HBO show ran for eight seasons between 2011 and 2019, and over the years, Clarke has spoken about the challenges of filming some of the nude scenes in the show.
In fact, in an interview on the Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard podcast in 2019, she said she didn’t even know about the nudity and sex scenes when she accepted the part.
Emilia Clarke played Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones (HBO)
“I took the job and then they sent me the scripts and I was reading them, and I was like, ‘Oh, there’s the catch!’” she said.
“But I’d come fresh from drama school and I approached it as a job: if it’s in the script then it’s clearly needed. This is what this is and I’m going to make sense of it and that’s what I’m going to do and everything’s going to be cool.
“… I’d been on a film set twice before then, and I’m now on a film set completely naked with all of these people, and I don’t know what I’m meant to do, and I don’t know what’s expected of me, and I don’t know what you want, and I don’t know what I want.
“Regardless of there being nudity or not, I would have spent that first season thinking I’m not worthy of requiring anything. I’m not worthy of needing anything at all.”
Meanwhile, speaking on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert back in 2016, Clarke explained why she decided not to use a body double for a fully nude scene in the sixth season of the show.
Clarke didn’t use a body double for the scene (HBO)
Speaking about a scene in which Daenerys emerges from a burning building with her clothes completely charred away after killing all the Dothraki Khals, she said: “I did it before in season one and people like to talk about it.
“So I just wanted to come out and do an empowered scene, which wasn’t sexual. It was naked, but it was strong.”
Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, she later added: “I’d like to remind people the last time I took my clothes off was season 3.
“That was awhile ago. It’s now season 6. But this is all me, all proud, all strong. I’m just feeling genuinely happy I said ‘Yes.’ “That ain’t no body double!”
Emilia Clarke, who played Daenerys Targaryen on the hit HBO series Game of Thrones, recently opened up about her decision to film a controversial nude scene without using a body double.In an interview with TV Insider, Clarke explained that she felt it was important to show the vulnerability and strength of her character in the scene, rather than relying on a body double to do the work for her.
“I wanted to fully embody the character of Daenerys in that moment,” Clarke said. “I felt that using a body double would take away from the raw emotion and power of the scene.”
Clarke went on to say that she was proud of the way the scene turned out and that it helped to further develop her character’s storyline.
“I understand that some people may have been uncomfortable with the scene, but I believe it was an important moment for Daenerys and for the overall story of Game of Thrones,” Clarke added.
Fans of the show have praised Clarke for her dedication to the role and her willingness to push boundaries in order to bring Daenerys to life on screen.
Overall, Clarke’s decision to film the scene without a body double has sparked a conversation about the portrayal of nudity on television and the importance of actors being able to fully commit to their roles.
Emilia Clarke, Game of Thrones, body double, full nude scene, TV, actress, HBO, behind the scenes, nudity, interview, fantasy series, character development.
#Emilia #Clarke #explains #didnt #body #double #full #nude #Game #Thrones #scene‘Emilia Pérez,’ ‘The Bear’ lead film, TV nominations as Nikki Glaser makes history as 1st woman solo host. What to know about the awards show.
The Golden Globes are the kick off to awards season. The ceremony has been the site of career-defining moments for some of Hollywood’s biggest stars since its inaugural year in 1944.
The 82nd annual Golden Globe Awards will be no different. Hosted by actress-comedian Nikki Glaser, who is making history as the first woman to solo emcee the awards show, Hollywood’s biggest names will celebrate an incredible year in film and television at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Jan. 5.
Andrew Garfield, Catherine O’Hara, Demi Moore, Michael Keaton and Nicolas Cage are among the stars presenting during the telecast.
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Emilia Pérez, Netflix’s musical-thriller starring Karla Sofía Gascón, Selena Gomez and Zoe Saldaña, dominates this year’s film categories with 10 nominations, making it the most nominated movie in the musical or comedy categories in Globes history. Gascón, a first-time Golden Globe nominee, is also the first transgender woman nominated for Best Actress in a Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy. Rounding out the top nominated films are The Brutalist, with seven nominations and Conclave, which has six nominations.
Leading the television nominees is FX’s The Bear, with five nominations, including Best Actor for Jeremy Allen White and Best Actress for Ayo Edebiri. Close behind are Only Murders in the Building and Shōgun, with four nominations apiece.
The stars of Shōgun, Hiroyuki Sanada and Anna Sawai, are among the 26 first-time Golden Globe nominees. Also included in this year’s crop of inaugural nominees are Adam Brody, Ariana Grande, Glen Powell and Pamela Anderson.
With the 2025 awards show fast approaching, here’s what to know about “Hollywood’s Party of the Year.”
When are the Golden Globes?
The 2025 Golden Globes air live from the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles on Jan. 5 at p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.
The show will broadcast live on CBS and stream on Paramount+ with Showtime.
Paramount+ Essential subscribers will be able to stream the special on Jan. 6.
Who is hosting?
Comedian and actress Nikki Glaser is hosting the Golden Globes for the first time.
Glaser is also nominated for Best Performance in Stand-Up Comedy on Television for her HBO special, Nikki Glaser: Someday You’ll Die.
“Hosting the Golden Globes is scary!” Glaser said of the gig. “It’s a well-lit room, which is not conducive to comedy; there are a lot of people I admire, which also is not conducive to comedy. It’s live, so you can’t do retakes. The level of difficulty is through the roof. And that’s thrilling to me.”
Top film nominees
Emilia Pérez nabbed the most nominations with 10, including Best Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy, Best Director for Jacques Audiard, Best Actress for Karla Sofía Gascón and Best Supporting Actress for both Zoe Saldaña and Selena Gomez.
Denzel Washington scored his 11th nomination this year, making him the most-nominated Black actor in Golden Globes history. Washington is in the running for Best Actor for Gladiator II.
Best Motion Picture — Drama: The Brutalist, A Complete Unknown, Conclave, Dune: Part Two, Nickel Boys, September 5
Best Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy: Anora, Challengers, Emilia Pérez, A Real Pain, The Substance, Wicked
Best Motion Picture — Animated: Flow, Inside Out 2, Memoir of a Snail, Moana 2, Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl, The Wild Robot
Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Motion Picture — Drama: Pamela Anderson, The Last Showgirl; Angelia Jolie, Maria; Nicole Kidman, Babygirl; Tilda Swinton, The Room Next Door; Fernanda Torres, I’m Still Here; Kate Winslet, Lee
Best Performance by a Male Actor in a Motion Picture — Drama: Adrien Brody, The Brutalist; Timothée Chalamet, A Complete Unknown; Daniel Craig, Queer; Colman Domingo, Sing Sing; Ralph Fiennes, Conclave; Sebastian Stan, The Apprentice
Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy: Amy Adams, Nightbitch; Cynthia Erivo Wicked; Karla Sofia Gascón, Emilia Pérez; Mikey Madison, Anora; Demi Moore, The Substance; Zendaya, Challengers
Best Performance by a Male Actor in a Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy: Jesse Eisenberg, A Real Pain; Hugh Grant, Heretic; Gabriel LaBelle, Saturday Night; Jesse Plemons, Kinds of Kindness; Glen Powell, Hit Man; Sebastian Stan, A Different Man
Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role in Any Motion Picture: Selena Gomez, Emilia Pérez; Ariana Grande, Wicked; Felicity Jones, The Brutalist; Margaret Qualley, The Substance; Isabella Rossellini, Conclave; Zoe Saldaña, Emilia Pérez
Best Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role in Any Motion Picture: Yura Borisov, Anora; Kieran Culkin, A Real Pain; Edward Norton, A Complete Unknown; Guy Pearce, The Brutalist; Jeremy Strong, The Apprentice; Denzel Washington, Gladiator II
Best Director — Motion Picture: Jacques Audiard, Emilia Pérez; Sean Baker, Anora; Edward Berger, Conclave; Brady Corbet, The Brutalist; Coralie Fargeat, The Substance; Payal Kapadia, All We Imagine as Light
Best Screenplay — Motion Picture: Jacques Audiard, Emilia Pérez; Sean Baker, Anora; Brady Corbet, Jesse Eisenberg A Real Pain; Coralie Fargeat, The Substance; Mona Fastvold, The Brutalist; Peter Straughan, Conclave
Top TV nominees
The Bear topped leads five nods: Best Television Series — Musical or Comedy, Best Actor for Jeremy Allen White, Best Actress for Ayo Edebiri, Best Supporting Actress for Lisa Colón-Zayas and Best Supporting Actor for Ebon Moss-Bachrach.
Best Television Series — Drama: The Day of the Jackal, The Diplomat, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Shōgun, Slow Horses, Squid Game
Best Television Series — Musical or Comedy: Abbott Elementary, The Bear, The Gentlemen, Hacks, Nobody Wants This, Only Murders in the Building
Best Television Limited Series, Anthology Series or Motion Picture Made for Television: Baby Reindeer, Disclaimer, Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, The Penguin, Ripley, True Detective: Night Country
Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Series — Drama: Kathy Bates, Matlock; Emma D’Arcy, House of the Dragon; Maya Erskine, Mr. & Mrs. Smith; Keira Knightley, Black Doves; Keri Russell, The Diplomat; Anna Sawai, Shōgun
Best Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Series — Drama: Donald Glover, Mr. & Mrs. Smith; Jake Gyllenhaal, Presumed Innocent; Gary Oldman, Slow Horses; Eddie Redmayne, The Day of the Jackal; Hiroyuki Sanada, Shōgun; Billy Bob Thornton, Landman
Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Series — Musical or Comedy: Kristen Bell, Nobody Wants This; Quinta Brunson, Abbott Elementary; Ayo Edebiri, The Bear; Selena Gomez, Only Murders in the Building; Kathryn Hahn, Agatha All Along; Jean Smart, Hacks
Best Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Series — Musical or Comedy: Adam Brody, Nobody Wants This; Ted Danson, A Man on the Inside; Steve Martin, Only Murders in the Building; Jason Segel, Shrinking; Martin Short, Only Murders in the Building; Jeremy Allen White, The Bear
Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Limited Series, Anthology Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television: Cate Blanchett, Disclaimer; Jodie Foster, True Detective: Night Country; Cristin Milioti, The Penguin; Sofía Vergara, Griselda; Naomi Watts, Feud: Capote vs. he Swans; Kate Winslet, The Regime
Best Performance by a Male Actor in a Limited Series, Anthology Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television: Colin Farrell, The Penguin; Richard Gadd, Baby Reindeer; Kevin Kline, Disclaimer; Cooper Koch, Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story; Ewan McGregor, A Gentleman in Moscow; Andrew Scott, Ripley
Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role on Television: Lisa Colón-Zayas, The Bear; Hannah Einbinder, Hacks; Dakota Fanning, Ripley; Jessica Gunning, Baby Reindeer; Allison Janney, The Diplomat; Kali Reis, True Detective: Night Country
Best Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role on Television: Tadanobu Asano, Shōgun; Javier Bardem, Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story; Harrison Ford, Shrinking; Jack Lowden, Slow Horses; Diego Luna, La Máquina; Ebon Moss-Bachrach, The Bear
Check out a full list of this year’s nominees here.
Who are first-time nominees?
There are 26 first-time nominees at the Golden Globes this year, including:
Film: Pamela Anderson, Yura Borisov, Karla Sofía Gascón, Ariana Grande, Gabriel LaBelle, Mikey Madison, Jesse Plemons, Glen Powell, Kali Reis, Zoe Saldaña, Fernanda Torres
TV: Tadanobu Asano, Adam Brody, Liza Colón-Zayas, Maya Erskine, Dakota Fanning, Richard Gadd, Nikki Glaser, Jessica Gunning, Kathryn Hahn, Cooper Koch, Jack Lowden, Seth Meyers, Cristin Milioti, Hiroyuki Sanada, Anna Sawai
Who is the 2025 Cecil B. DeMille Award recipient?
Viola Davis is the recipient of the 2025 Cecil B. DeMille Award, which is given to an honoree who’s made outstanding contributions in entertainment.
Davis has been nominated for a total of seven Golden Globes over the course of her career. She won the award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture for Fences in 2017.
Previous Cecil B. DeMille Award recipients include Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Audrey Hepburn and Robin Williams.
Who is the 2025 Carol Burnett Award recipient?
Ted Danson is the recipient of the 2025 Carol Burnett Award, which is presented to an actor or actress who’s made outstanding contributions to television on and off screen.
Danson has been nominated for 13 Golden Globe Awards overall and has won three, including Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series — Musical or Comedy for Cheers in 1990 and 1991.
Previous Carol Burnett Award recipients include Ellen DeGeneres and Norman Lear.
Emilia Pérez, ‘The Bear’ lead film, TV nominations as Nikki Glaser makes history as 1st woman solo hostThe awards season is in full swing and the latest buzz is all about the upcoming ceremony where “The Bear” has emerged as a frontrunner with multiple nominations in both film and TV categories. One of the most exciting aspects of this year’s event is the historic milestone of comedian Nikki Glaser being announced as the first woman to host solo.
Emilia Pérez, the breakout star of “The Bear,” has been making waves with her powerful performance as the lead character. The film has garnered critical acclaim for its gripping storytelling and Pérez’s remarkable portrayal of a woman fighting for survival in the wilderness. With multiple nominations in prestigious categories, Pérez is definitely a talent to watch out for.
But the excitement doesn’t end there, as comedian Nikki Glaser is set to make history as the first woman to host the awards show solo. Known for her sharp wit and fearless humor, Glaser is sure to bring a fresh and exciting energy to the ceremony. This groundbreaking moment is a significant step towards greater representation and inclusivity in the entertainment industry.
As we gear up for the awards show, fans and critics alike are eagerly awaiting the results of the nominations. With a diverse range of talent and projects in the running, this year’s event promises to be a celebration of the best in film and television. Stay tuned for more updates on the winners and memorable moments from the ceremony.
Emilia Pérez, The Bear, lead film, TV nominations, Nikki Glaser, history, first woman solo host, awards show, film nominations, TV nominations, Emilia Pérez film, Emilia Pérez TV, Nikki Glaser host, awards show nominations, award nominations, awards ceremony, entertainment news.
#Emilia #Pérez #Bear #lead #film #nominations #Nikki #Glaser #history #1st #woman #solo #host #awards #show-
BAFTA Film Awards 2025 Longlist: ‘Emilia Pérez’, ‘Conclave’ Lead
BAFTA on Friday unveiled its longlists for this year’s film awards with Emilia Pérez, Conclave, A Complete Unknown, The Brutalist and The Substance setting the pace.
Jacques Audiard’s Spanish-language musical tops the longlists (15), including leading actress and supporting actress mentions for Karla Sofia Gascon, Zoe Saldana and Selena Gomez. Edward Berger’s Conclave follows with 14 nods, including leading actor and supporting actor for Ralph Fiennes and Stanley Tucci, respectively.
After that, it’s a three-way tie between Brady Corbet’s The Brutalist, Bob Dylan biopic A Complete Unknown and Coralie Fargeat’s The Substance (11). Sean Baker’s Anora is honored with 9 mentions on the longlists, including for lead star Mikey Madison. Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande are included for their roles in Jon M. Chu’s Wicked, and Timothee Chalamet is among the leading actor list for his performance in A Complete Unknown.
Round two of voting kicks off on Friday, Jan. 3 and will determine the nominations, to be unveiled via global livestream on Jan. 15 at BAFTA HQ in London. Round Three of voting will determine the winners, which will be unveiled at the Feb. 16 ceremony hosted by Scottish star David Tennant.
BAFTA represents the U.K.’s largest film industry voting body with 8,100 creative practitioners from all corners of the U.K. and global film industry.
See below the complete longlists for this year’s BAFTA Film Awards.
Best Film
The Apprentice
The Brutalist
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
The Substance
WickedOutstanding British Film
Back to Black
Civil War
Gladiator II
Hard Truths
Love Lies Bleeding
The Outrun
Paddington in Peru
Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl
We Live in Time
Wicked Little LettersOutstanding Debut By a British Writer, Director or Producer
Bring Them Down
Grand Theft Hamlet
Monkey Man
On Falling
Sister Midnight
The Taste of Mang
The TeacherChildren’s & Family Film
Kensuke’s Kingdom
Piece By Piece
That Christmas
Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl
The Wild Robot
Young Woman and the SeaFilm Not In English Language
All We Imagine as Light
Black Dog (Gou zhen)
The Count of Monte Cristo
Emilia Pérez
The Girl with the Needle
I’m Still Here (Ainda Estou Aqui)
La Chimera
The Seed of the Sacred FigDocumentary
The Bibi Files
Black Box Diaries
Elton John: Never Too Late
I Am: Celine Dion
Made In England: The Films of Powell and Pressburger
No Other Land
The Remarkable Life of Ibelin
Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story
Will & HarperAnimated Film
Despicable Me 4
Inside Out 2
Memoir of a Snail
Moana 2
That Christmas
Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl
The Wild RobotDirector
All We Imagine as Light, Payal Kapadia
Anora, Sean Baker
The Brutalist, Brady Corbet
Conclave, Edward Berger
Dune: Part Two, Denis Villeneuve
Emilia Pérez, Jacques Audiard
La Chimera, Alice Rohrwacher
Lee, Ellen Kuras
The Outrun, Nora Fingscheidt
The Substance, Coralie FargeatOriginal Screenplay
All We Imagine as Light
The Apprentice
The Brutalist
Civil War
A Real Pain
The SubstanceAdapted Screenplay
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
Nickel Boys
The Outrun
Sing Sing
WickedLeading Actress
Amy Adams, Nightbitch
Cynthia Erivo, Wicked
Demi Moore, The Substance
Karla Sofía Gascón, Emilia Pérez
Kate Winslet, Lee
Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Hard Truths
Marisa Abela, Back To Black
Mikey Madison, Anora
Nicole Kidman, Babygirl
Saoirse Ronan, The OutrunLeading Actor
Adrien Brody, The Brutalist
Colman Domingo, Sing Sing
Daniel Craig, Queer
Dev Patel, Monkey Man
Hugh Grant, Heretic
Jude Law, Firebran
Kingsley Ben Adir, Bob Marley: One Love
Ralph Fiennes, Conclave
Sebastian Stan , The Apprentice
Timothée Chalamet, A Complete UnknownSupporting Actress
Adriana Paz, Emilia Pérez
Ariana Grande, Wicked
Emily Watson, Small Things Like These
Felicity Jones, The Brutalist
Isabella Rossellini, Conclave
Jamie Lee Curtis, The Last Showgirl
Margaret Qualley, The Substance
Michele Austin, Hard Truths
Selena Gomez, Emilia Pérez
Zoe Saldaña, Emilia PérezSupporting Actor
Clarence Maclin, Sing Sing
Denzel Washington, Gladiator II
Edward Norton, A Complete Unknown
Guy Pearce, The Brutalist
Harris Dickinson, Babygirl
Jeremy Strong, The Apprentice
Kieran Culkin, A Real Pain
Mark Eydelshteyn, Anora
Stanley Tucci, Conclave
Yura Borisov, AnoraCasting
The Apprentice
Back To Black
The Brutalist
A Complete Unknown
Emilia Pérez
The Brutalist
Civil War
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
Gladiator II
The SubstanceCostume Design
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Gladiator II
Civil War
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
Gladiator II
The SubstanceMake Up & Hair
The Apprentice
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
Joker: Folie À Deux
The Substance
WickedOriginal Score
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
The Brutalist
Emilia Pérez
Gladiator II
The Outrun
The Substance
The Wild RobotProduction Design
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
The Brutalist
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Gladiator II
The Substance
WickedSpecial Visual Effects
Alien: Romulus
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
Better Man
Civil War
Deadpool & Wolverine
Dune: Part Two
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Gladiator II
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
The Brutalist
Civil War
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
Gladiator II
The Substance
WickedBritish Short Animation
Mee and Burd
Mog’s Christmas
Three Hares
Wander to WonderBritish Short Film
The Ban
The Flowers Stand Silently, Witnessing
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Sister Wives
Stomach Bug
The BAFTA Film Awards 2025 Longlist has been revealed, and two standout films have emerged as frontrunners: ‘Emilia Pérez’ and ‘Conclave’.‘Emilia Pérez’ is a gripping drama that follows the life of a young woman struggling to navigate the complexities of love, family, and personal identity. With powerhouse performances and a thought-provoking storyline, ‘Emilia Pérez’ has garnered critical acclaim and is sure to be a strong contender this awards season.
Meanwhile, ‘Conclave’ is a bold and ambitious sci-fi thriller that pushes the boundaries of the genre. With stunning visuals, a gripping plot, and standout performances from its cast, ‘Conclave’ has captivated audiences and critics alike.
Both ‘Emilia Pérez’ and ‘Conclave’ are shining examples of the diverse and innovative storytelling coming out of the film industry, and it’s no surprise that they are leading the pack in the BAFTA Film Awards 2025 Longlist. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the awards ceremony!
- BAFTA Film Awards 2025
- Emilia Pérez
- Conclave
- BAFTA longlist
- British Academy Film Awards
- Film nominations
- Award season
- Film industry news
- Hollywood awards
- BAFTA predictions
#BAFTA #Film #Awards #Longlist #Emilia #Pérez #Conclave #Lead
‘Emilia Perez’ ties record with 15 mentions
Emilia Perez and Conclave led the EE British Academy of Film and Television Arts longlist selections on Friday, the first step toward securing BAFTA Awards nominations when the list of official 2025 award contenders is revealed on Jan. 15.
See below for the full BAFTA longlists.
More from GoldDerby
Netflix’s top contender Emilia Perez landed on 15 longlists – tying a record set by Netflix’s All Quiet on the Western Front two years ago, and Oppenheimer last year. Among its mentions were Best Film, Best Film Not in English Language, Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay for Jacques Audiard, and four longlist mentions for its quartet of actresses – with Karla Sofia Gascon hitting the lead actress longlist and co-stars Zoe Saladana, Selena Gomez, and Adrianna Paz all appearing on the supporting actress longlist. The four actresses shared the Best Actress honors at last year’s Cannes Film Festival, where Emilia Perez made its debut.
Conclave was second with 14 longlist mentions, including Best Film, Best Director for Edward Berger, Best Actor for Ralph Fiennes, Best Supporting Actress for Isabella Rossellini, and Best Supporting Actor for Stanley Tucci.
Behind Emilia Perez and Conclave was a quartet of top 2024 contenders with 11 mentions: The Brutalist, A Complete Unknown, The Substance, and Wicked. Sean Baker’s Anora and Ridley Scott’s Gladiator II received nine longlist mentions.
Notable omissions from the longlists were seen in the Best Actress field, where presumed Oscar contender Angelina Jolie (Maria) and some of her fellow Golden Globes nominees like Fernanda Torres (I’m Still Here) and Pamela Anderson (The Last Showgirl) missed the cut. (Anderson’s costar Jamie Lee Curtis did hit in the Best Supporting Actress field.) Other snubs included Danielle Deadwyler (The Piano Lesson), Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor (Nickel Boys), and Monica Barbaro (A Complete Unknown) missing the supporting actress longlist. Jesse Eisenberg (A Real Pain) and Sebastian Stan (A Different Man) were out on the lead actor longlist – but Stan did hit the longlist for The Apprentice, which had six overall mentions, including Best Film. (The supporting actor race included all the top contenders, including Sing Sing star Clarence Maclin.)
Best Film snubs included A Real Pain, Nickel Boys, and Gladiator II.
Best Film
The Apprentice
The Brutalist
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
The Substance
WickedOutstanding British Film
Back to Black
Civil War
Gladiator II
Hard Truths
Love Lies Bleeding
The Outrun
Paddington in Peru
Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl
We Live in Time
Wicked Little LettersOutstanding Debut By a British Writer, Director or Producer
Bring Them Down
Grand Theft Hamlet
Monkey Man
On Falling
Sister Midnight
The Taste of Mang
The TeacherChildren’s & Family Film
Kensuke’s Kingdom
Piece By Piece
That Christmas
Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl
The Wild Robot
Young Woman and the SeaFilm Not In English Language
All We Imagine as Light
Black Dog (Gou zhen)
The Count of Monte Cristo
Emilia Pérez
The Girl with the Needle
I’m Still Here (Ainda Estou Aqui)
La Chimera
The Seed of the Sacred FigDocumentary
The Bibi Files
Black Box Diaries
Elton John: Never Too Late
I Am: Celine Dion
Made In England: The Films of Powell and Pressburger
No Other Land
The Remarkable Life of Ibelin
Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story
Will & HarperAnimated Film
Despicable Me 4
Inside Out 2
Memoir of a Snail
Moana 2
That Christmas
Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl
The Wild RobotDirector
All We Imagine as Light, Payal Kapadia
Anora, Sean Baker
The Brutalist, Brady Corbet
Conclave, Edward Berger
Dune: Part Two, Denis Villeneuve
Emilia Pérez, Jacques Audiard
La Chimera, Alice Rohrwacher
Lee, Ellen Kuras
The Outrun, Nora Fingscheidt
The Substance, Coralie FargeatOriginal Screenplay
All We Imagine as Light
The Apprentice
The Brutalist
Civil War
A Real Pain
The SubstanceAdapted Screenplay
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
Nickel Boys
The Outrun
Sing Sing
WickedLeading Actress
Amy Adams, Nightbitch
Cynthia Erivo, Wicked
Demi Moore, The Substance
Karla Sofía Gascón, Emilia Pérez
Kate Winslet, Lee
Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Hard Truths
Marisa Abela, Back To Black
Mikey Madison, Anora
Nicole Kidman, Babygirl
Saoirse Ronan, The OutrunLeading Actor
Adrien Brody, The Brutalist
Colman Domingo, Sing Sing
Daniel Craig, Queer
Dev Patel, Monkey Man
Hugh Grant, Heretic
Jude Law, Firebran
Kingsley Ben Adir, Bob Marley: One Love
Ralph Fiennes, Conclave
Sebastian Stan , The Apprentice
Timothée Chalamet, A Complete UnknownSupporting Actress
Adriana Paz, Emilia Pérez
Ariana Grande, Wicked
Emily Watson, Small Things Like These
Felicity Jones, The Brutalist
Isabella Rossellini, Conclave
Jamie Lee Curtis, The Last Showgirl
Margaret Qualley, The Substance
Michele Austin, Hard Truths
Selena Gomez, Emilia Pérez
Zoe Saldaña, Emilia PérezSupporting Actor
Clarence Maclin, Sing Sing
Denzel Washington, Gladiator II
Edward Norton, A Complete Unknown
Guy Pearce, The Brutalist
Harris Dickinson, Babygirl
Jeremy Strong, The Apprentice
Kieran Culkin, A Real Pain
Mark Eydelshteyn, Anora
Stanley Tucci, Conclave
Yura Borisov, AnoraCasting
The Apprentice
Back To Black
The Brutalist
A Complete Unknown
Emilia Pérez
The Brutalist
Civil War
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
Gladiator II
The SubstanceCostume Design
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Gladiator II
Civil War
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
Gladiator II
The SubstanceMake Up & Hair
The Apprentice
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
Joker: Folie À Deux
The Substance
WickedOriginal Score
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
The Brutalist
Emilia Pérez
Gladiator II
The Outrun
The Substance
The Wild RobotProduction Design
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
The Brutalist
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Gladiator II
The Substance
WickedSpecial Visual Effects
Alien: Romulus
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
Better Man
Civil War
Deadpool & Wolverine
Dune: Part Two
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Gladiator II
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
The Brutalist
Civil War
A Complete Unknown
Dune: Part Two
Emilia Pérez
Gladiator II
The Substance\
WickedBritish Short Animation
Mee and Burd
Mog’s Christmas
Three Hares
Wander to WonderBritish Short Film
The Ban
The Flowers Stand Silently, Witnessing
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Sister Wives
Stomach Bug
WoodliceThe BAFTA Awards organizers have frequently tinkered with their voting rules over the last few years, but the process was streamlined this year with a de-emphasis on jury selections. For Best Film longlist contenders – of which six of the 10 movies will receive final 2025 BAFTA nominations depending on the Round Two vote totals – the entire BAFTA membership voted for their favorites. For acting nominees, the top seven contenders in each corresponding category as voted by the Acting Chapter are placed on the longlist. In comparison, a jury selects the final three contenders from the actors and actresses ranked eight through 13. Directing nominees are chosen with parity: five men and five women make the longlist without jury input. If a filmmaker who identifies as non-binary is chosen or if a male-female directing duo earns a position on the longlist, an extra slot is added to accommodate.
The 2025 BAFTA Awards voting is now underway. The Phase One voting period closes on Jan. 10, and the 2025 BAFTA Awards nominations are announced on Jan. 15—two days before the 2025 Oscar nominations are revealed.
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Emilia Perez Ties Record with 15 MentionsEmilia Perez, the talented actress known for her captivating performances on the big screen, has recently made headlines for tying a record with 15 mentions in various prestigious award ceremonies. With her outstanding work in multiple critically acclaimed films, Perez has solidified her place as one of the most talented and versatile actresses in the industry.
From her breakout role in a indie drama to her powerful portrayal of a historical figure in a biopic, Perez has continuously impressed both audiences and critics alike with her range and dedication to her craft. Her ability to immerse herself in complex characters and bring them to life on screen has earned her numerous accolades and recognition in the entertainment world.
As Perez continues to push boundaries and challenge herself with each new project, it is no surprise that she has managed to tie a record with 15 mentions in prestigious award ceremonies. With her unwavering passion for storytelling and commitment to excellence, there is no doubt that we can expect to see even more incredible performances from Emilia Perez in the future. Congratulations to this talented actress on this well-deserved achievement!
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#Emilia #Perez #ties #record #mentions