Tag: Fidough

  • Niantic nerfs Pokemon Go Fidough Global Challenge to make it easier

    Niantic nerfs Pokemon Go Fidough Global Challenge to make it easier

    Pokemon Go is debuting Fidough at an event where players worldwide need to unlock it, and Niantic has made that task considerably easier by nerfing the throwing requirements.

    Pokemon Go Global Challenges involve all players contributing to a task to unlock something. The sheer number of people playing the game ensures that they’re completed with time to spare, as they usually involve something players do anyway, like catching lots of ‘Mons.

    The Fidough Fetch event began on January 3, and Niantic toned down one of the Global Challenge requirements, as announced on the Pokemon Go Twitter/X account. Originally, players had to “Make Nice Curveball Throws,” but they now only have to “Make Nice Throws.”

    Fidough Fetch now only requires Nice Throws to complete

    The purpose of the Global Challenge was for players to unlock Fidough and its evolution, Dachsbun. It seems that Niantic must have been unsure about the goal being met, as lowering the throw requirement means most people will contribute without even trying.

    Performing a Curveball throw in Pokemon Go used to be a lot easier, as the throwing reticle was more forgiving. As time passed, players needed to become more accurate with their throws, especially for smaller Pokemon.

    The spinning motion, combined with the strange angle, means that landing a Curveball can be a pain and sometimes requires a few throws to get right. Meanwhile, a standard Nice/Great/Excellent throw can be done in a straight line.

    In the future, Niantic shouldn’t bother with Global Challenges when tied to unlocking a Pokemon. It’s not as if Pokemon Go would never feature a popular Gen 9 ‘Mon like Fidough because the fans messed up a throwing event, so why not just put them in without requirements?

    The Fidough Fetch event only runs until January 7, so maybe it was the short event duration that made Niantic change the task? After all, bread must spend the correct amount of time in the oven before it’s ready to be taken out.

    Recently, Niantic announced that they will be nerfing the Pokemon Go Fidough Global Challenge to make it easier for players to complete. This decision comes after receiving feedback from the community that the challenge was too difficult and time-consuming.

    The Fidough Global Challenge tasks players with collecting a certain number of Fidoughs, a rare in-game currency, in order to unlock special rewards and bonuses. However, many players found it almost impossible to gather enough Fidoughs within the given time frame.

    In response to this feedback, Niantic has decided to lower the Fidough requirements for the challenge, making it more accessible to all players. This change is sure to be welcomed by many trainers who were struggling to complete the challenge.

    So get ready to jump back into the game and start collecting those Fidoughs, because the newly nerfed Global Challenge is now within reach for all Pokemon Go players!


    Niantic, Pokemon Go, Fidough Global Challenge, nerf, update, gaming news, mobile game, augmented reality, Pokemon trainers, community event

    #Niantic #nerfs #Pokemon #Fidough #Global #Challenge #easier

  • Pokemon Go Fidough Event Just Got Even Easier

    Pokemon Go Fidough Event Just Got Even Easier

    After a few days of catching Pokemon in party hats, Pokemon Go fans are eager for the first new debut of 2025. The puppy Pokemon that resembles a baked good, Fidough, is set to make its first appearance in Pokemon Go as part of the Fidough Fetch challenge event. This debut has already garnered fan attention thanks to the lack of detail about how Fidough will be available once players meet Niantic’s challenge. And now, hours before the event actually begins, it’s catching eyes again thanks to a last-minute change of heart from Niantic.

    Videos by ComicBook.com

    As originally written, the Fidough Fetch Global Challenge would require players around the world to make a certain number of Nice Curveball Throws to unlock various event rewards, including the debut of Fidough. However, Niantic apparently decided that was a bit too harsh a way to start off the new year, as a last-minute update reveals that the challenge will now feature Nice Throws, period. No curveballs required.

    Despite the promise that their blog post will help trainers learn more, Niantic did not divulge their reasons for switching up the effort level before the event even started. In the past, some Global Challenges have been tweaked once it became clear that players weren’t going to pull it off. But given that the global Pokemon GO community hadn’t even begun trying to throw those Nice Curveballs yet, it seems something else led to Niantic’s change of heart.

    Undoubtedly, Niantic has access to plenty of player data that might have led them to predict a challenging first event of the year with those curveballs still in the game. Perhaps this is their way of avoiding the need to pivot on the fly, based on the number of currently active players or other factors known only to the folks behind Pokemon Go. At any rate, it’s an interesting way to start 2025.

    Players Confused About Pokemon Go Fidough Fetch Event Start Time

    Fidough and Dachsbun
    Pokedex Entries for Fidough and Dachsbun

    Even with the last-minute difficulty adjustment, players are feeling uncertain about this 2025 event. For starters, the switch-up with event timing has many Pokemon Go fans confused. Most events in the mobile game start based on local time, which leads many players to ask why they’re still not seeing the Fidough Fetch challenge at 3 PM on Friday January 3rd their time. Trainers can rest assured that it’s not a Niantic error (this time).

    The Fidough Fetch event will start at the same time globally, to account for the challenge factor. The event starts on Friday, January 3rd at 3 PM Pacific Standard Time – not 3 PM local time. That means players in other time zones may not actually see the challenge until January 4th, depending on where they’re located.

    Not much else about the event has changed, aside from the removal of the Curveball hurdle. Trainers will still need to meet the Level 2 challenge to unlock Fidough and its evolution, Dachsbun, in Pokemon Go. Trainers are also still wondering just how they’ll catch those two cute pups once they debut, as we still don’t know if they’ll be Wild Spawns, Raids, or Research Task rewards. As one player puts it, “Will Fidough spawn wild? Obviously not because we can’t have nice things.”

    Whatever the reason, Niantic’s made it that much easier for trainers around the world to unlock Fidough and figure out just how to get one for the Pokemon Go collection.

    Attention Pokemon Go trainers!

    We are excited to announce that the Fidough event in Pokemon Go just got even easier!

    During this event, you will have the opportunity to catch rare and exclusive Pokemon, as well as earn extra experience points and rewards.

    But now, we have made it even more accessible for all trainers to participate. We have increased the spawn rates of rare Pokemon, reduced the difficulty of raids, and added more opportunities to earn rewards through various tasks and challenges.

    So grab your Pokeballs and get ready to catch ‘em all during the Fidough event! Happy hunting, trainers!


    Pokemon Go, Fidough Event, Easier, Pokemon Go Event, Pokemon Go Fidough, Fidough Challenge, Pokemon Go Update, Pokemon Go Tips, Pokemon Go Tricks, Pokemon Go Events, Pokemon Go News

    #Pokemon #Fidough #Event #Easier

  • Pokémon Go Fidough Fetch Global Challenges, rewards and end time

    Pokémon Go Fidough Fetch Global Challenges, rewards and end time

    Fidough Fetch sees the release of Fidough and Dachsbun – the pastry dogs from Gen 9 – debut in Pokémon Go!

    Though, if you actually want to catch these new Pokémon, then you first need to partake in the Fidough Fetch Global Challenges. Fidough’s release isn’t, however, the only reward completing these challenges will unlock in Pokémon Go though. Players will also be able to enjoy the double Catch XP bonus, which may increase even further if we’re lucky.

    First, however, it’s important to know the start and end times for the Fidough Fetch event in Pokémon Go as they might be a little different to what you’re expecting.

    On this page:

    Watch us battle Guzzlord – one of the Ultra Beasts in Pokémon GoWatch on YouTube

    Fidough Fetch start and end times in Pokémon Go

    Knowing the start and end times for the Fidough Fetch event in Pokémon Go is important, because, unlike other events, it does not keep to local time. Instead, it follows PST time which means the event will start and end at different times in different regions. For this reason, we’ve listed the Fidough Fetch start and end times down below to help you know when you can partake in this Pokémon Go event.

    Here are the Fidough Fetch event start times in Pokémon Go:

    • UK – 11pm on Friday 3rd January (GMT)
    • Europe – Midnight on Saturday 4th January (CET)
    • US East Coast – 6pm on Friday 3rd January (EST)
    • US West Coast – 3pm on Friday 3rd January (PST)

    Here’s the Fidough Fetch event end times in Pokémon Go:

    • UK – 6am on Wednesday 8th January (GMT)
    • Europe – 7am on Wednesday 8th January (CET)
    • US East Coast – 1am on Wednesday 8th January (EST)
    • US West Coast – 10pm on Tuesday 7th January (PST)

    If we haven’t listed your region, then we recommend using this time zone converter to check when this Pokémon Go event begins and ends for you.

    Why does Fidough Fetch break Pokémon Go event time tradition though? Well it could have something to do with the Global Challenges running throughout the event. (Though I can’t say for certain.)

    Image credit: Niantic

    Fidough Fetch Global Challenges in Pokémon Go

    The Fidough Fetch Global Challenges sees every Pokémon Go player come together to reach a specific number of Nice Throws and, in return, receive some great bonuses. There’s six reward levels to be unlocked, so make sure you’re always throwing nicely to ensure everyone can enjoy all of the bonuses.

    Here are the Fidough Fetch Global Challenges rewards, and at what level they unlock, in Pokémon Go:


    Level One Reward

    Level Two Rewards

    • Fidough and Dachsbun debut in Pokémon Go
    • An additional event-exclusive research task is released
    • Double Catch Stardust

    Level Three Rewards

    • x2.5 Catch XP
    • Another event-exclusive research task is released
    • Hisuian Growlithe and Greavard will appear in the wild

    Level Four Rewards

    Level Five Rewards

    • Triple Catch XP
    • Triple Catch Stardust

    Level Six Rewards

    • Quadruple Catch XP
    • Quadruple Catch Stardust

    The Dual Destiny Season is here! The Fidough Fetch event sees the release of Fidough and Dachsbun in Pokémon Go.

    You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest.

    Don’t forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you’re hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.

    Everything you need to know about the Fidough Fetch event in Pokémon Go

    Fidough Fetch breaks Pokémon Go’s tradition of keeping to local times for the beginning and end of an event, so, if you’re looking for when this event is occurring, head to the first section of this guide. For now, let’s take a look at the bonuses and there is… one. To begin with. It’s a good one though if you’re in need of a shiny Voltorb or Electrike as you’ll have an increased chance of encountering both.


    Additional bonuses, such as double catch XP, will be unlocked as players complete the Global Challenges running throughout the event, which you can learn more about in the section above.

    The main attraction of this event, however, is revealed in its name – the release of Fidough and Dachsbun from Gen 9. These dogs are literally made of pastry. Fidough’s official Pokédex describes it as being ‘smooth and moist to the touch’ and that the ‘Yeast in Fidough’s breath induces fermentation’. Life finds a way I guess. (Though it also puts you at risk of being eaten by a hungry Pokémon trainer.)

    You’ll need 50 Fidough Candy to evolve (or bake) this little pastry dog into a Dachsbun. First, however, you need to wait for Level Two of the Global Challenges to be completed before Fidough is released. Once that happens, we’ll all be able to catch this delicious confection – I mean, Pokémon.

    Image credit: The Pokémon Company

    Outside of Fidough’s release, there will also be a selection of event-exclusive research tasks to complete and PokéStop Showcases to partake in.

    Finally, the following Pokémon will be appearing more frequently in the wild:

    • Growlithe
    • Voltorb
    • Snubbull
    • Poochyena
    • Electrike
    • Lillipup

    Growlithe and Poochyena are appearing more frequently in the wild during Fidough Fetch.

    Hope you enjoy the Fidough Fetch event!

    Attention all Pokémon Go trainers! The Fidough Fetch Global Challenges have officially begun, and it’s time to put your skills to the test.

    During this event, trainers from around the world will be tasked with completing various challenges to earn rewards and bonuses. These challenges will involve catching specific Pokémon, hatching eggs, and participating in raids.

    As you complete these tasks, you’ll earn Fidough Points that can be redeemed for exclusive rewards, including rare Pokémon encounters, items, and even a chance to catch the elusive Shiny Fidough.

    But remember, these challenges won’t last forever. The Fidough Fetch Global Challenges will come to an end on [insert end date], so make sure to get out there and start completing those challenges before it’s too late.

    So gather your friends, stock up on Poké Balls, and get ready to embark on this global adventure. The fate of the Pokémon world is in your hands, trainers. Good luck!


    1. Pokémon Go Fidough Fetch Global Challenges
    2. Pokémon Go Fidough Fetch Rewards
    3. Pokémon Go Fidough Fetch End Time
    4. Pokémon Go Global Challenges
    5. Pokémon Go Fidough Fetch Event
    6. Pokémon Go Fidough Fetch Updates
    7. Pokémon Go Fidough Fetch Tips
    8. Pokémon Go Fidough Fetch Event Details
    9. Pokémon Go Fidough Fetch Event Rewards
    10. Pokémon Go Fidough Fetch Global Event

    #Pokémon #Fidough #Fetch #Global #Challenges #rewards #time

  • Pokémon Go ‘Fidough Fetch’ event guide

    Pokémon Go ‘Fidough Fetch’ event guide

    Pokémon Go is having a global challenge event themed around dog-like Pokémon, called “Fidough Fetch.” Rather than running in your local time, the event will take place at a global time. The event starts on Jan. 3 at 6 p.m. EST and ends on Jan. 8 at 1 a.m. EST.

    The meat of this event is the global challenge, which requires players to make nice throws in exchange for some pretty good bonuses.

    Below, we list the event perks for Pokémon Go’s “Fidough Fetch” event, including the global challenge rewards and Field Research tasks.

    Pokémon Go ‘Fidough Fetch’ Global Challenges

    Throughout the event, more perks will be unlocked the more players are able to make nice throws. The bonuses are as follows:

    Pokémon Go ‘Fidough Fetch’ event Field Research and rewards

    Spinning a PokéStop during the event period may yield one of these tasks:

    More Field Research will be added to the event as the global challenges complete, though these are the ones available at the time of publishing.

    Pokémon Go ‘Fidough Fetch’ event boosted spawns

    These Pokémon will spawn more frequently during the event period:

    Hisuian Growlithe and Greavard will also be added to the boosted spawns once players hit the level three rewards.

    *There is an “increased chance” of finding this shiny in the wild as part of the event.

    Are you ready to catch ‘em all in the latest Pokémon Go event? Get ready for the Fidough Fetch event, where you’ll have the chance to encounter rare Pokémon and earn exclusive rewards. Follow this guide to make the most of this exciting event:

    1. Event Details: The Fidough Fetch event will take place from [start date] to [end date]. During this time, you’ll encounter a higher number of Fidough-type Pokémon in the wild, as well as in raids and research tasks.

    2. Special Research: Complete the special research tasks to earn exclusive rewards, including Fidough-themed items, encounters with rare Pokémon, and more. Make sure to check the in-game news for updates on the special research tasks.

    3. Raid Battles: Take on Fidough-themed raid battles to earn rewards and potentially catch rare Pokémon. Coordinate with other players to take down powerful raid bosses and maximize your chances of success.

    4. Field Research: Keep an eye out for Fidough-themed field research tasks, which will offer rewards such as Fidough encounters, rare items, and more. Complete these tasks to earn valuable rewards and progress in the event.

    5. Trading and Gifting: During the Fidough Fetch event, trading and gifting with friends will offer bonus rewards, including extra candies and Stardust. Make sure to connect with your friends in-game to take advantage of these bonuses.

    6. Incense and Lures: Use Incense and Lures to attract more Fidough-type Pokémon to your location. This can help you encounter rare Pokémon and complete event tasks more quickly.

    7. Community Day: The Fidough Fetch event will culminate in a special Community Day on [date], where you’ll have the chance to catch a shiny Fidough and earn exclusive rewards. Don’t miss out on this exciting day of Pokémon hunting and battling.

    Get ready to embark on a Fidough-filled adventure in Pokémon Go! Follow this guide to make the most of the Fidough Fetch event and catch ‘em all. Good luck, trainers!


    1. Pokémon Go event guide
    2. Fidough Fetch event
    3. Pokémon Go Fidough Fetch
    4. Pokémon event tips
    5. Pokémon Go event strategy
    6. Pokémon Fidough Fetch guide
    7. Pokémon event walkthrough
    8. Pokémon Go event rewards
    9. Pokémon Go event challenges
    10. Pokémon Go event updates.

    #Pokémon #Fidough #Fetch #event #guide

  • Fidough AR 085/078 SV1S Scarlet EX Pokemon Card Japanese

    Fidough AR 085/078 SV1S Scarlet EX Pokemon Card Japanese

    Fidough AR 085/078 SV1S Scarlet EX Pokemon Card Japanese

    Price : 2.20

    Ends on : N/A

    View on eBay
    Introducing the Fidough AR 085/078 SV1S Scarlet EX Pokemon Card in Japanese!

    This stunning card features the powerful Scarlet EX Pokemon in all its glory, with vivid colors and intricate details that are sure to impress any collector. With its AR technology, this card comes to life like never before, adding a whole new level of excitement to your collection.

    Don’t miss out on adding this rare and exclusive card to your Pokemon collection. Get your hands on the Fidough AR 085/078 SV1S Scarlet EX Pokemon Card today and take your battles to the next level! #Pokemon #PokemonCards #ScarletEX #JapanesePokemonCard
    #Fidough #SV1S #Scarlet #Pokemon #Card #Japanese, AR