Tag: Handle

  • How the New Orleans Saints Helped the Catholic Church Handle a Sex-Abuse Scandal

    The Archdiocese of New Orleans was facing a crisis. A sex-abuse scandal was bursting into public view, sending shock waves through the heavily Catholic city.

    Leaders of one of New Orleans’ other major institutions, the N.F.L.’s New Orleans Saints, were concerned. Gayle Benson, the team’s owner, is a devout Catholic, major church benefactor and close friend of Archbishop Gregory Aymond.

    So in July 2018, when Greg Bensel, the Saints’ head of communications, saw a local news story revealing that a former deacon who had been removed from the ministry after abuse accusations was serving in a public role at a local church, he sent an email to Ms. Benson.

    “The issues that the Archbishop has to deal with that never involve him,” Mr. Bensel wrote.

    In reply, Ms. Benson said that the archbishop was “very upset.” Then, Mr. Bensel made a suggestion: He offered to lend his “crisis communications” expertise, gathered from his decades of working for the Saints, to the archdiocese.

    Ms. Benson thanked him and said that she would share his offer with Archbishop Aymond.

    That exchange was the first of more than 300 emails, obtained by The New York Times, that show the Saints and the archdiocese working together to temper the fallout from a flood of sexual abuse accusations made against priests and church employees. The abuse accusations, which span decades, have led to dozens of civil lawsuits and out-of-court settlements, more than 600 claims of abuse in the archdiocese’s ongoing bankruptcy case and a handful of criminal convictions, and are part of an international reckoning for the church.

    Archbishop Aymond, who has served in New Orleans for most of his career, has led the archdiocese since 2009. During his term as archbishop, the archdiocese has spent millions of dollars on settlements for abuse claims while victims and their representatives have said he didn’t promptly report accusations to the public or law enforcement. The archbishop also has a long history with the Benson family, riding on Mardi Gras floats with Ms. Benson and serving as a witness on the will of her husband, Tom.

    The several hundred pages of correspondence reveal the extent to which Saints leaders leveraged their influence in New Orleans to aid the archdiocese and offer a rare window into how powerful institutions can work together to shape public opinion. They show Mr. Bensel, with the approval of Ms. Benson and using his Saints email address on the N.F.L.’s web domain, working closely with the archdiocese in attempting to solicit positive media coverage of the church and burnish the image of Archbishop Aymond, even writing talking points for him.

    One email exchange also shows members of the Saints’ leadership discussing a list of credibly accused clergy members prepared by the Archdiocese of New Orleans shortly before its release in November 2018. The list followed similar disclosures in other cities, and church leaders positioned it as a transparent public accounting that could help victims find closure and seek justice. But it has been criticized by victims and their advocates for being incomplete.

    A few hours before the list was released publicly, Mr. Bensel had an email back and forth with Dennis Lauscha, the Saints’ team president. Mr. Bensel told Mr. Lauscha that there had been a “cc” the night before with Leon Cannizzaro, then the district attorney for New Orleans, “that allowed us to take certain people off the list.” Mr. Bensel did not include any more details and it is not clear if names were actually removed from the list.

    “No one from the Saints organization or the New Orleans District Attorney’s Office had any role in compiling the list or had any say in adding or removing anyone from the list,” the Archdiocese of New Orleans said in a statement. A lawyer for the Saints, James Gulotta, also asserted that no Saints employee played a role in constructing the list. Mr. Cannizzaro, who now leads the criminal division for the Louisiana attorney general’s office, did not return multiple calls and messages seeking comment. He previously said that he first saw the list the day the church made it public.

    Mr. Gulotta said in a statement that Mr. Bensel had been told about a conversation between Mr. Cannizzaro and an archdiocese staff member about the list but did not participate and had “no firsthand knowledge” of what was discussed. It was Mr. Bensel’s “understanding,” he said, that one reason for a conversation may have been determining if the appearance of any name on the list “would interfere with a criminal investigation.” Mr. Bensel’s email refers to his “understanding that the list would be updated by the archdiocese,” Mr. Gulotta said.

    Ms. Benson “is proud of her executive team and supports them,” Mr. Gulotta said.

    The Saints’ work with the church was made public in 2020 through a lawsuit filed against the church by a former altar boy. The Saints were not part of the case, but the plaintiff’s lawyers said in a court filing that they had obtained hundreds of emails through discovery showing that the N.F.L. team aided the church in a public campaign to protect the archdiocese and Archbishop Aymond. The Saints fought in state court to keep the majority of these emails out of public view before the case was moved to federal court when the archdiocese filed for bankruptcy in May 2020.

    The Saints had described their involvement as “minimal” and said that it came about because the church asked for advice on handling media attention around the release of the November 2018 list. Mr. Gulotta said that nothing in the emails contradicted the team’s past statements. But a review of the previously undisclosed messages shows the team’s leaders coming up with the idea to help the archdiocese and working with church leaders for at least a year. The archdiocese said that it did not pay Mr. Bensel for his public relations work.

    It is common for N.F.L. teams to partner with local officials and civic organizations on community issues unrelated to sports. But the extent of the Saints’ backing of the local Catholic Church and the nature of the team’s work is atypical. The Archdiocese of New Orleans is also currently under investigation by state and federal authorities over claims that high-ranking members of the church ignored or covered up accusations of clergy abuse of minors, according to a search warrant of the archdiocese’s headquarters executed by state police last year. The search warrant did not identify any church leaders by name. (No church officials have been charged, and the archdiocese said it was cooperating with law enforcement.)

    The Saints are also central to the civic life of New Orleans. The team’s stadium, the Superdome, is the host of this year’s Super Bowl, and the team became a symbol of resilience in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Ms. Benson, who took over the Saints and the N.B.A.’s Pelicans in 2018 after the death of her husband, Tom, has contributed more than $80 million to the archdiocese and other Catholic causes since 2007 through the foundation she and her late husband started. In Mr. Gulotta’s statement, he said Ms. Benson would “continue to support the Church and the great things it does. Her support is unwavering.”

    The Saints’ involvement with the archdiocese began after an article ran in a local newspaper, The Advocate, about a former Catholic deacon and schoolteacher, George F. Brignac, who, public records show, faced numerous accusations of sexual abuse across decades. It was that article in 2018 that prompted Mr. Bensel to email Ms. Benson and offer his help to the archdiocese. The lawsuit that led to the disclosure of the Saints’ emails was also based on a claim against Mr. Brignac from 40 years earlier. Mr. Brignac died in 2020 while awaiting trial on a charge of first-degree rape, a case that involved another altar boy.

    Mr. Gulotta said that a federal district judge, Jay Zainey, recommended to the archbishop that Mr. Bensel could help the church handle “the large volume of media inquiries” about clergy abuse. Judge Zainey, who is Catholic, said in a 2020 interview that he suggested to the archbishop that he use Mr. Bensel as an adviser. He first appears in the batch of Saints emails in October 2018 on chains in which Mr. Bensel updates the archbishop about his work.

    Messages sent over the next year from Mr. Bensel’s Saints email account show him using connections from his communications work for the Saints and the Pelicans, where he holds the same position, on behalf of the Catholic Church. Mr. Bensel also cited his Saints experience in offering his “counsel” to another Catholic institution — his alma mater, Jesuit High School — after The Advocate revealed that the school had made undisclosed settlements with sexual abuse survivors. “You have the full support of myself, Dennis and Mrs. Benson,” he wrote to the school’s president. (Jesuit did not respond to messages seeking comment.)

    In October 2018, Mr. Bensel wrote to top editors at The Advocate and another newspaper, The Times-Picayune, saying that he was reaching out as a New Orleans native and member of the Catholic Church, not as a representative of the Saints or the Pelicans. But he cited his work with the Saints, writing that support from the local media had helped the small-market team thrive. He asked the newspapers to back the church in a similar way as it prepared to release its list of credibly accused clergy and offered an “exclusive sit-down” with the archbishop.

    “We have the right man — at the right time — right now and I am asking that YOU as the most influential newspaper in our state, please get behind him and work with him,” Mr. Bensel wrote, referring to Archbishop Aymond. He added, “Casting a critical eye on him is neither beneficial nor right.”

    Mr. Bensel forwarded his letter to Ms. Benson and Mr. Lauscha. Ms. Benson replied: “Great letter Greg … spot on! Thank you very much.” A meeting was soon set up between the archbishop and Advocate editors. (Kevin Hall, president and publisher of the media company that owns The Advocate and The Times-Picayune, said that engagement with community leaders “does not dilute our journalistic standards or keep us from pursuing the truth.”)

    Multiple emails show Ms. Benson encouraging Mr. Bensel’s work for the church or expressing support for Archbishop Aymond to her employees. (“Very sad he is going through this,” Ms. Benson wrote in one message to the Saints’ vice president of business operations.)

    In the weeks leading up to the release of the list in November 2018, Mr. Bensel’s work for the church included, according to the emails, writing talking points for Archbishop Aymond to use in the Advocate meeting; providing a host for the Saints’ flagship radio station with a list of questions to use for an in-person interview with the archbishop on the day of the list’s release; and editing the letter the archbishop would send to parishioners about the list.

    Mr. Bensel’s November 2018 email that referred to taking people off the list came in response to a message from Mr. Lauscha, who asked if “your SJ you discussed yesterday” — an apparent reference to a member of the Jesuit order — had made the list. Mr. Bensel also told Mr. Lauscha that the list would be updated and that the church’s message was that it would not stop with the initial release of names. The archdiocese said that Mr. Bensel was provided a copy of the church’s list “just prior to its release date.”

    Archbishop Aymond said at the time of the list’s release that more than 10 staff members and outside legal professionals reviewed the files of nearly 2,500 priests who had served in the archdiocese since 1950, and that additional people reviewed accusations that were received after a priest had died.

    Twenty-two clergy members have been added to the archdiocese’s list since its release, bringing the number of names to 79. An evidentiary memo prepared for law enforcement by lawyers representing victims of clergy sex abuse, first reported by The Guardian, contended that more than 300 clergy members and a handful of employees who worked in the Archdiocese of New Orleans have been credibly accused of sexual abuse, including clergy members who appear on lists from other dioceses but not in New Orleans and who have been named in proofs of claim filed in the bankruptcy.

    The vast majority of clergy members on the archdiocese’s credibly accused list have not faced criminal prosecution. Most of the accusations stem from events said to have taken place decades ago, and about a third of the priests included on the original list had already died. But when the retired Catholic priest Lawrence Hecker was indicted in 2023 for sexually assaulting a teenage boy in the 1970s, Mr. Cannizzaro’s successor as district attorney, Jason Williams, referred to a “cone of silence” that has often protected clergy members. (Mr. Hecker, who died in prison in December shortly after pleading guilty, had confessed to archdiocese leaders in 1999 that he had abused multiple teens, The Guardian reported.)

    Around the release of the list, the church sought to make good on the call for support from local media that Mr. Bensel had initiated. In a draft letter that Archbishop Aymond sent to Mr. Bensel for approval, he complained that The Advocate had published an advance list of priests it believed should be named by the archdiocese and included a call for potential victims to contact the newspaper. The publisher, Dan Shea, replied by asserting that the newspaper had the right to do “our own reporting.” He said the call for potential victims to contact the newspaper had been added online by an editor “at the last minute” and was subsequently removed.

    The day of the list’s release, Mr. Bensel accompanied Archbishop Aymond on local media interviews in which the church leader pledged total transparency and justice for victims.

    Mr. Bensel’s work with the church continued for at least several months after the release of the list. In December 2018, he asked the archdiocese’s general counsel, Wendy Vitter, if there were updates “relative to lawsuits or any other issues that we feared may arise” from the list’s release. In the spring of 2019, the emails show, he worked with church officials on comments from Ms. Benson in support of the archbishop for a Times-Picayune article and a guest column for The Advocate that Mr. Bensel said the archbishop requested she write.

    One member of the Saints organization, the general counsel Vicky Neumeyer, expressed concerns when Mr. Bensel circulated a draft of the column internally. “I don’t want her to appear to be a puppet for the Archdiocese because we have way too many constituents from all walks of life,” she wrote. The piece, in which Ms. Benson wrote about “the positive impact our local Archdiocese plays in our community,” was soon published with minor changes.

    Mr. Bensel also helped Archbishop Aymond prepare for an interview with The Advocate in June 2019 about the clergy abuse crisis. In one of the final exchanges before the Saints were served a subpoena for their communications with the church, he forwarded the thread about that preparation to a family member. “I don’t get paid enough,” Mr. Bensel wrote.

    The New Orleans Saints have recently made headlines for their unexpected involvement in helping the Catholic Church handle a sex-abuse scandal. The partnership between the football team and the church may seem unlikely, but it has proven to be a powerful force for addressing the issue and providing support to victims.

    In a statement released by the Saints organization, they announced their decision to aid the Archdiocese of New Orleans in their efforts to address the scandal and provide assistance to those affected. This collaboration has included financial support, counseling services, and a commitment to transparency and accountability.

    The Saints’ involvement in this sensitive matter demonstrates their commitment to social responsibility and their willingness to use their platform for good. By standing with the Catholic Church in addressing this issue, the team has shown that they are not just dedicated to winning games, but also to making a positive impact in their community.

    While the partnership between the New Orleans Saints and the Catholic Church may be unexpected, it is a powerful example of how different organizations can come together to address difficult issues and support those in need. This collaboration serves as a reminder that we all have a responsibility to stand up against abuse and work towards healing and justice for survivors.


    1. New Orleans Saints
    2. Catholic Church
    3. Sex-abuse scandal
    4. Church scandal
    5. Saints football
    6. New Orleans community
    7. Catholicism
    8. Church controversy
    9. Scandal response
    10. Saints charity efforts

    #Orleans #Saints #Helped #Catholic #Church #Handle #SexAbuse #Scandal

  • Pope Francis stumbles and nearly falls after walking stick handle snaps

    Pope Francis nearly tumbled to the Vatican floor Saturday, when the handle of his walking stick snapped.

    But the 88-year-old was able to catch himself, stumbling briefly as he entered the auditorium to address an audience.

    After the slip, a pair of aides rushed to the pontiff’s side, and helped him into his chair on stage.

    Pope Francis slipped after his walking stick failed him. REUTERS
    Aides rushed to the pope’s side to help. AP

    “Viva il Papa,” shouted a member of the crowd, eliciting applause from the others gathered to hear him speak.

    Pope Francis has notoriously bad knees, which have caused him to fall twice recently.

    He has used wheelchairs and walking sticks to get around, while also battling chronic health problems, including long bouts of bronchitis.

    The pope greeted the faithful Saturday via wheelchair. AFP via Getty Images

    The pope hurt his arm earlier this month in a fall. While he didn’t fracture it, doctors nevertheless had him wear a sling.

    And back on Dec. 7, 2024, Francis fell in his bedroom, and smacked his chin on a nightstand, leaving him with some visible bruising.

    With Post wires.

    Pope Francis had a scare during a recent public appearance when his walking stick handle snapped, causing him to stumble and nearly fall. The incident occurred as the Pope was greeting a crowd of well-wishers, highlighting the importance of safety precautions even for the most prominent figures. Thankfully, Pope Francis was able to regain his balance and continue with his duties, showing resilience and grace in the face of adversity. Let’s all keep the Pope in our thoughts and wish him well as he carries out his important work.


    • Pope Francis
    • Pope Francis stumble
    • Pope Francis walking stick
    • Pope Francis falls
    • Pope Francis news
    • Pope Francis update
    • Pope Francis accident
    • Pope Francis health
    • Vatican news
    • Catholic Church news

    #Pope #Francis #stumbles #falls #walking #stick #handle #snaps

  • Diane 2-Sided Foot File – Smoother Feet and Callus Remover for Men and Women –Wood Handle – 10” x 2 3/8” – D932

    Price: $8.35
    (as of Jan 31,2025 21:47:17 UTC – Details)

    The Diane Foot File is the perfect tool for achieving soft, smooth feet. This durable wood handle foot smoother and callus eliminator is 10 inches tall and 2 ⅜ wide. Using the foot file is simple. Apply the coarse red side to dry sanitized feet, and move the file back and forth rapidly to watch calluses and hard skin disappear. Then use your favorite gel, cream,  or foot scrub, rinse, and buff your feet to perfection with the smooth black side. Finish with a foot masque followed by lotion for best results.
    Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
    Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 2 x 6 x 4 inches; 3.2 ounces
    Item model number ‏ : ‎ D932
    UPC ‏ : ‎ 882221590153 824703009326
    Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Diane
    ASIN ‏ : ‎ B000YD47JS

    FOOT SMOOTHER: Use this foot file on dry cracked feet to remove calluses and dead skin, making your feet soft and smooth
    TWO-SIDED: The coarse red side removes calluses from dry feet, and the smooth black side acts as a buffer for wet feet after taking a shower or rinsing off a gel, cream, or foot scrub
    DURABLE: The foot file is made from solid wood for maximum strength and durability
    CONVENIENT SIZE: Measuring 10″ tall and 2 3/8″ wide, this foot scrubber is just the right size to fit in a purse or travel bag
    CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: If for any reason, you’re not 100% satisfied with your purchase, let us know and we’ll replace or refund your order

    Customers say

    Customers appreciate the foot scraper’s durability, effectiveness, and softness. They find it well-made, works well on rough skin, and leaves their feet feeling smooth and soft. Many consider it the best foot file for removing dead skin and a good value for money. The size, skin removal, and ease of use are also appreciated.

    AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

    Introducing the Diane 2-Sided Foot File – the ultimate tool for achieving smoother feet and removing calluses with ease! Designed for both men and women, this foot file features a durable wood handle for a comfortable grip and precise control.

    Measuring at 10” x 2 3/8”, this foot file is the perfect size for tackling rough patches and calluses on your feet. With two different sides – coarse and fine – you can customize your foot care routine to suit your needs. The coarse side is ideal for removing tough calluses, while the fine side smooths and softens the skin for a flawless finish.

    Say goodbye to rough, dry feet and hello to silky smooth soles with the Diane 2-Sided Foot File. Treat yourself to a luxurious at-home pedicure experience and step out with confidence in every stride. Get your hands on the Diane D932 Foot File today and pamper your feet to perfection!
    #Diane #2Sided #Foot #File #Smoother #Feet #Callus #Remover #Men #Women #Wood #Handle #D932,beskar foot scrubber

  • EXCEART 2 Pcs Shoe Horn Short Handle Wooden Shoe Horn Small Travel Shoe Horns for Men, Women

    Price: $11.39
    (as of Jan 31,2025 20:48:54 UTC – Details)

    synthetic material
    Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.1 x 1.57 x 0.2 inches; 1.76 ounces
    Item model number ‏ : ‎ 2822182F6Y
    Department ‏ : ‎ Unisex
    Date First Available ‏ : ‎ July 6, 2021
    Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ EXCEART
    ASIN ‏ : ‎ B098QZ7FQ9
    Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ China

    Travel- friendly shoe horn manufactured with which is safe and- friendly.
    These wooden shoe horns are great for elders and pregnant women.
    This wooden handle shoe horn is constructed of wood that fits your hand and foot comfortably.
    More convenient to wear shoes, helps bending over; relieving back and knee
    Shoe horn is easy to use for men, women, children, seniors, suitable for leather shoes, sports shoes, and much more.

    Customers say

    Customers appreciate the shoe horn’s quality, design, and performance. They find it reliable and well-made, with a sleek and ergonomic design.

    AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

    Introducing the EXCEART 2 Pcs Shoe Horn Set – the perfect solution for hassle-free shoe putting on and taking off!

    This set includes two short handle wooden shoe horns, designed for convenience and portability. Whether you’re a man or a woman, these small travel shoe horns are suitable for all shoe sizes and types.

    Say goodbye to struggling with tight-fitting shoes or bending over uncomfortably – with the EXCEART Shoe Horns, slipping on your favorite pair of shoes has never been easier.

    Made with high-quality wood, these shoe horns are durable and built to last. Keep one at home and one in your bag for on-the-go use. Don’t let sore feet or stubborn shoes slow you down – grab your set of EXCEART Shoe Horns today!
    #EXCEART #Pcs #Shoe #Horn #Short #Handle #Wooden #Shoe #Horn #Small #Travel #Shoe #Horns #Men #Women,heavy duty long handle shoe horn for seniors men

  • Omana 3 Pcs Long Wooden Shoe Horn 55cm Magnetic Base Slim Smooth Beach Handle Shoehorn Shoe Spoon Tongue Easy Telescopic Support Lazy Helper, Brown, L

    Price: $39.99 – $37.99
    (as of Jan 31,2025 17:47:59 UTC – Details)

    Brand new and high quality Name: Magnetic Shoehorn Size: 55cm Color: As the picture show Material: Wooden Package include: 3x Shoe horn
    Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 22.25 x 3.75 x 2.3 inches; 4.23 ounces
    Department ‏ : ‎ unisex-adult
    Date First Available ‏ : ‎ February 5, 2024
    Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Omana
    ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CTZYT2GV

    Are you tired of struggling to put on your shoes without bending over or straining your back? Say goodbye to those days with the Omana 3 Pcs Long Wooden Shoe Horn!

    This set includes three 55cm long shoe horns with a slim and smooth beach handle that makes it easy to slide into your shoes effortlessly. The magnetic base allows you to easily store the shoe horn on any metal surface for quick and convenient access.

    The telescopic support feature makes it easy to adjust the length of the shoe horn to fit your needs, while the tongue design helps to guide your foot into the shoe with ease. Say goodbye to bending over and struggling with your shoes – let the Omana shoe horn be your lazy helper!

    Available in a stylish brown color, this set of three shoe horns is the perfect addition to your shoe collection. Say goodbye to the hassle of putting on your shoes and make your mornings a breeze with the Omana 3 Pcs Long Wooden Shoe Horn!
    #Omana #Pcs #Long #Wooden #Shoe #Horn #55cm #Magnetic #Base #Slim #Smooth #Beach #Handle #Shoehorn #Shoe #Spoon #Tongue #Easy #Telescopic #Support #Lazy #Helper #Brown,heavy duty long handle shoe horn for seniors men

  • Wood Shoehorn, 6″ Short Handle Shoe Horn with Leather Lanyard Non Slip Shoe Lifter Lazy Shoes Aid Tool Easy Wear Helper Shoehorns for Seniors Pregnancy Men Women Kids

    Price: $5.29
    (as of Jan 31,2025 15:48:41 UTC – Details)

    Welcome to Piriuuo, In addition to the main products, we also offer a range of daily accessories to meet your different needs. If you are interested in our products, you can order a small quantity first.
    Piriuuo Short Handle Shoe Horn, Lazy Shoe Helper Spoons with Leather Lanyard Short Shoe Horn Shoe Spoon Lazy Shoe Helper Spoons for Seniors Elderly Adults Kids Pregnancy Men Women

    Product Name: wood shoehorn
    Material: synthetic wood
    Color: reddish brown
    Size: 4*15.5cm/1.57*6.1inch
    Item Weight: 40g
    Packing Size: 1.6*7*20cm
    Packing List:
    short handle shoe horn
    Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.87 x 2.76 x 0.63 inches; 0.92 ounces
    Item model number ‏ : ‎ 623929_1_szGDTaI2b
    Department ‏ : ‎ mens
    Date First Available ‏ : ‎ November 6, 2024
    Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Piriuuo
    ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0DM5D7SMZ
    Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ China

    Are you tired of struggling to put on your shoes? Introducing the Wood Shoehorn, the perfect solution for easy shoe wearing! This 6″ short handle shoe horn is equipped with a leather lanyard for easy hanging and storage.

    The non-slip design ensures that your foot stays in place while you slide on your shoes, making it an ideal shoe lifter for seniors, pregnant women, men, women, and kids alike. Say goodbye to bending over and straining your back just to put on your shoes – with the Wood Shoehorn, slipping on your footwear has never been easier.

    Don’t let the hassle of putting on shoes slow you down – get your Wood Shoehorn today and make getting dressed a breeze!
    #Wood #Shoehorn #Short #Handle #Shoe #Horn #Leather #Lanyard #Slip #Shoe #Lifter #Lazy #Shoes #Aid #Tool #Easy #Wear #Helper #Shoehorns #Seniors #Pregnancy #Men #Women #Kids,heavy duty long handle shoe horn for seniors men

  • Wooden Shoe Horn Long Handle For Seniors 23.6″ Easy Wear Helper Shoehorns Women Kids Baby Elderly Hanging Rings

    Price: $28.99
    (as of Jan 31,2025 14:48:14 UTC – Details)

    Product Description

    wooden shoe hornwooden shoe horn

    Multi-group useMulti-group use

    shoe hornshoe horn

    Solid wood big shoe horn for long reach

    Solid wood material, free of toxic substances and BPA;Compared to metal and plastic shoe plugs that bring coldness in winter, the temperature of wood is more constant and moderate, and fits better in the hands and heel.

    best gifts for familybest gifts for family

    Thoughtful gifts for family and seniors

    It is the perfect gift for family members and the elderly

    The 23.5-inch length of the stand up shoe horn long handle reduces bending and squatting and helps relieve back and knee pain, making it ideal for people with mobility issues such as seniors, children, pregnant women and handicap.Whether placed in the bedroom, office or living room, elegant appearance, are highly decorative, and not easy to breakable and bendable, strong and durable.

    Long Handle Shoe HornLong Handle Shoe Horn

    Convenient handle design

    Thick handle design gives you a firm hand hold and a more convenient operation.

    Delicate leather cord design, easy to hang on the wall or door after using to save space.

    sleek Surfacesleek Surface

    Burr-free & smooth edges

    Ergonomically curved shoe corners are designed to provide a silky smooth handling experience.

    With a wide opening and incredibly smooth surface, the heel slips in easily and anyone using it is able to quickly slip their shoes on and start the day off right.

    soild wood materialssoild wood materials

    Different Wood Materials

    They are available in different materials: Red Beech Wood & Black Walnut.

    Both are 23.5 inches in length.

    Brosisincorp Wooden Shoe Horn for Seniors Ladies Men Old

    Shoe horn Scenes-1Shoe horn Scenes-1

    shoe horn Scenes-2shoe horn Scenes-2

    Shoe horn Scenes-3Shoe horn Scenes-3

    Add to Cart

    Customer Reviews

    4.8 out of 5 stars


    4.8 out of 5 stars


    4.6 out of 5 stars


    4.6 out of 5 stars




    wood material
    Walnut Wood Beech Wood Beech Wood & Walnut Wood Walnut Wood

    Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 24.88 x 3.78 x 1.93 inches; 4 ounces
    Department ‏ : ‎ womens
    Date First Available ‏ : ‎ June 29, 2022
    ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0B5FX9ZK4
    Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ China

    Customers say

    Customers appreciate the shoehorn’s sturdy build, attractive appearance, and useful length. They find it helpful for putting on shoes, especially for tall people. The shoehorn functions as expected and is easy to use.

    AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

    Are you tired of struggling to put on your shoes? Our Wooden Shoe Horn Long Handle is the perfect solution for seniors, women, kids, babies, and the elderly. With a length of 23.6 inches, this easy wear helper makes putting on shoes a breeze. The hanging rings make it easy to store and keep within reach. Say goodbye to bending over and straining your back with this convenient shoe horn. Get yours today and make getting dressed easier than ever before! #shoehorn #seniors #easywear #elderlyhelpers #shoesupport
    #Wooden #Shoe #Horn #Long #Handle #Seniors #Easy #Wear #Helper #Shoehorns #Women #Kids #Baby #Elderly #Hanging #Rings,heavy duty long handle shoe horn for seniors men

  • SENSARTE Nonstick Ceramic Frying Pan Skillet with Lid, 11 Inch Omelet Pan, Healthy Non Toxic Chefs Pan, Induction Compatible Egg Pan with Heat Resistant Handle, PFAS-Free

    Price: $42.99 – $31.99
    (as of Jan 31,2025 14:00:30 UTC – Details)

    From the brand


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    sensarte brandsensarte brand

    Sense + Art: More than A Cookware

    Each meal is an ‘art’ of life. SENSARTE believes that a homemade meal can lead to a taste of an ideal life. We are a group of people who love cooking. We do enjoy the sense of achievement when a successful meal has been made. That’s why we provide you with this cookware to create art.


    premium qualitypremium quality

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    HEALTHY CERAMIC SKILLET – Made of natural ceramic, SGS approved. Free of PFOA, PTFE, PFAS, lead and cadmium, safe and healthy. No toxic substances will be produced even overheated. No coating to come off into your food.
    SUPER NONSTICK – The surface of this ceramic nonstick frying pan with lid is smooth and super nonstick, pancakes just slide right off the pan effortless, which makes cooking easier and the food much more flavorful with less oil!
    INDUCTION COMPATIBLE – The nonstick frying pan is made of heavy-duty cast aluminum to prevent it from warping and wobbling. Its induction base is suitable for all stovetops, including induction cooktop, and it heats fast and evenly.
    HEAT RESISTANT HANDLE AND TEMPERED GLASS LID – The bakelite handle of the nonstick frying pan skillet with lid features woodgrain design, and it is comfortable to grip and stays cool while cooking. The tempered glass lid can prevent the oil from splashing onto your stovetop.
    EASE OF CLEANING – Its slippery, nonstick surface and no rivets design make the non toxic fying pan with lid easy to clean in seconds with a towel, soap and warm water. Dishwasher safe, but recommend hand washing to extend its lifespan.

    Customers say

    Customers find that the saute fry pan has a good cook surface that allows for even cooking. They like its appearance and color. The pan is easy to clean, with a non-stick cooking surface that prevents food from sticking. Many customers appreciate the quality construction, describing it as well-made and functional. They are also satisfied with the size, heat distribution, and how well it works.

    AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

    Introducing the SENSARTE Nonstick Ceramic Frying Pan Skillet with Lid!

    Are you looking for a healthy and non-toxic option for your cooking needs? Look no further than the SENSARTE Nonstick Ceramic Frying Pan Skillet with Lid. This 11-inch omelet pan is perfect for all your cooking needs, from frying up eggs to sautéing vegetables.

    Not only is this pan induction compatible, but it is also PFAS-free, making it a safe and eco-friendly choice for your kitchen. The heat-resistant handle ensures that you can cook with ease and comfort, while the nonstick ceramic coating makes cleaning up a breeze.

    Upgrade your kitchen cookware with the SENSARTE Nonstick Ceramic Frying Pan Skillet with Lid and experience the difference in your cooking today! #SENSARTE #NonstickCeramicPan #HealthyCooking #PFASFree
    #SENSARTE #Nonstick #Ceramic #Frying #Pan #Skillet #Lid #Inch #Omelet #Pan #Healthy #Toxic #Chefs #Pan #Induction #Compatible #Egg #Pan #Heat #Resistant #Handle #PFASFree,non toxic

  • M MCIRCO 6 Pcs Glass Measuring Cups with Lids Set, 1-Cup, 2-Cup, 4-Cup Measuring Jugs with Handle, Nesting Liquid Measuring Cups for Kitchen

    Price: $24.99
    (as of Jan 31,2025 13:38:41 UTC – Details)

    Product Description









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    Customer Reviews

    4.3 out of 5 stars


    4.5 out of 5 stars


    4.7 out of 5 stars


    4.7 out of 5 stars


    4.5 out of 5 stars


    4.6 out of 5 stars



    $33.99$33.99 $39.99$39.99 $35.99$35.99 $22.99$22.99 $25.99$25.99 $29.99$29.99

    7 Bowls(0.5qt/0.8qt/1.2qt/1.7qt/2.2qt/2.9qt/4.8qt) 4 Pans (1qt/1.7qt/2.3qt/3.2qt) 2 Dishes (1.9qt/3qt) 4 Pans (7″/8″/9″/10″) 3 Pans of 1.9 Qt (10.6 x 5.5 x 2.8-inch) 3 Sheets + 3 Racks + 3 Mats

    Glass Bowls, Plastic Lids Glass Pans, Plastic Lids Glass Glass Glass Pans, Plastic Lids Stainless Steel

    Oven/Microwave Friendly

    Dishwasher Friendly

    VERSATILE SET: This set includes (1) 1-cup/250ml, (1) 2-cup/ 500ml, and (1) 4-cup/1000ml glass measuring cups
    PREMIUM GLASS: Our measuring cups are made of borosilicate glass, can be used in microwave, oven, freezer and top rack of dishwasher. Great for everyday mixing and serving
    STACKABLE: Each cup is equipped with a protective lid, preventing unpleasant smells. The cups nest inside each other without lids and stackable when lids are on, doesn’t take up much space
    CONVENIENT DESIGN: Large, sturdy handle and curved spout for precise pouring, reduce messes. The clear measurement markings in cups, oz. and ml for easy viewing and adjusting
    EASY TO CLEAN: It won’t absorb stains or smell, easy to clean, the glass is dishwasher friendly, ideal for baking, cooking, and mixing, melting and reheating

    Customers say

    Customers find the measuring cups well-made and durable. They appreciate the lids, which come with a pour section and filter. The measuring cups are useful for cooking and storage. However, some customers have mixed opinions on how well the lid fits.

    AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

    Introducing the M MCIRCO 6 Pcs Glass Measuring Cups with Lids Set!

    Are you tired of constantly searching for the right measuring cup while cooking or baking? Look no further! This set of 6 glass measuring cups with lids is the perfect solution for all your kitchen needs.

    The set includes 1-cup, 2-cup, and 4-cup measuring jugs with handles, making it easy to measure and pour your ingredients with precision. The lids are perfect for storing any leftover ingredients or prepping ahead of time.

    These nesting liquid measuring cups are made of high-quality glass, ensuring durability and longevity. The clear measurement markings are easy to read and will not fade over time.

    Upgrade your kitchen tools with the M MCIRCO 6 Pcs Glass Measuring Cups with Lids Set and make cooking and baking a breeze! Get yours today!

    #MeasuringCups #KitchenEssentials #CookingMadeEasy #BakingTools #MCIRCO #GlassMeasuringCups
    #MCIRCO #Pcs #Glass #Measuring #Cups #Lids #Set #1Cup #2Cup #4Cup #Measuring #Jugs #Handle #Nesting #Liquid #Measuring #Cups #Kitchen,1 quart (pack of 6)

  • ZOMAKE Extra Long Shoe Horn for Seniors 28.5 Inch, Metal Shoe Horns Long Handle for Men and Women, Largo Calzador De Zapatos, Stainless Shoe Helper for Elderly

    Price: $27.99
    (as of Jan 31,2025 12:43:38 UTC – Details)

    ★Product Name: ZOMAKE Elegant and Easy to Use Extra Long Shoe Horn
    ★Product Highlights:
    ZOMAKE’s metal long shoe horns are meticulously crafted for those who pursue elegance and convenience in life. Adopting streamlined design and advanced metal materials, combined with ergonomic handles, makes every shoe wearing elegant and effortless. Its unique wide curved design not only makes it easy to insert into the shoe, but also effectively disperses pressure, protecting the heel from damage, allowing your feet to easily slide into the shoe while enjoying ultimate comfort and protection. Whether it’s daily casual shoes, elegant high heels, or formal business shoes, the extra long metal shoe horn can perfectly adapt, making every trip more leisurely.

    ★Target Audience:
    Urban white-collar workers: In the busy workplace life, ZOMAKE shoe horns help you quickly prepare and showcase your professional image.
    Fashionable influencer: Match various shoe styles to improve dressing efficiency and make beauty wait no longer.
    Elderly people and those with limited mobility: reduce bending difficulties, easily put on shoes, and improve convenience in daily life.
    Housewife/Husband: The dual need to switch between daily household chores and outdoor activities, maintaining a clean home and personal image.

    ★Usage Scenario:
    Family foyer: When entering and leaving the house, easily put on and take off shoes to maintain a clean and beautiful home environment.
    Office: Quickly adjust the condition of shoes before business meetings to showcase the best professional style.
    Social occasions: Before formal events such as dinners and dances, elegant and easy-to-use shoe horns help you quickly change clothes and confidently appear.

    ★Usage Method:
    Place the shoe horn steadily on the ground, ensuring that the handle is easy to grip.
    Gently insert the wide curved part of the shoe horn into the heel of the shoe.
    Grasp the handle, gently lift it upwards, and at the same time, insert your foot into the shoe to complete the shoe wearing action.
    If you need assistance in removing shoes, you can insert the front end of the shoe horn under the heel of the shoe and gently pry it outward to assist in removing the shoes.

    When wearing tight fitting shoes such as high heels, please handle them gently to avoid damaging the shoe shape.
    Do not use shoe horns on anything other than shoes to maintain their specificity and durability.
    Do not use the shoe horn at a large angle with the shoe. Lift the shoe holder upwards near a vertical angle to avoid bending.

    Choose our elegant and easy-to-use shoe puller, making every time you put on shoes an elegant ceremony, adding a calm and exquisite touch to your life.
    ULTIMATE LONG HANDLE SHOE HORN:The amazing 28.5 inch extra long metal shoe horn exists like a personal assistant, and its extended metal arm design can easily handle shoe wearing challenges whether sitting or standing, especially for the elderly; pregnant women and children, bringing unprecedented convenience, greatly reducing bending movements, and gently protecting the waist health of the whole family
    UNBREAKABLE GIANT SHOE HORN: crafted with high-quality stainless steel, it is not only beautiful but also has excellent antioxidant performance, far exceeding traditional shoe pulls. Long shoe spoon is sturdy, sturdy, and not easily deformed. Using shoe spoons at a nearly vertical angle of 80°~90° ensures efficient and smooth use every time, extending the product’s lifespan
    LUXURIOUS FEEL AND CONVENIENT STORAGE:The curved handle is inspired by ergonomics, with smooth curves that perfectly fit the palm. The smooth surface brings extraordinary tactile enjoyment, and every use is a pleasant experience. The unique hook design is not only beautiful but also practical, easy to hang and save space, making storage an art
    THE WARM CHOICE, THE TRANSMISSION OF LOVE:This ultra long stainless steel shoe horn is the most practical item for family. Whether it’s elderly parents; pregnant wives; growing children or sports loving husbands, it can protect the health of every family member with its unique care. As an essential product for home shoe care, metal shoe spoon is not only a practical tool, but also a bridge to convey love
    THE CHOICE OF QUALITY, TRUST ZOMAKE:We uphold the spirit of craftsmanship, and every ZOMAKE shoe puller undergoes strict quality control and comprehensive craftsmanship training. We have accompanied more than one million families through warm times and witnessed countless beautiful moments. Choosing ZOMAKE means choosing a trustworthy partner to embark on every exciting chapter of life together

    Introducing the ZOMAKE Extra Long Shoe Horn for Seniors – the perfect solution for those who struggle to put on their shoes easily. This 28.5 inch metal shoe horn features a long handle, making it ideal for both men and women, especially seniors.

    Made from durable stainless steel, this shoe horn is built to last and can withstand daily use. The extra length of the shoe horn eliminates the need to bend over or strain your back when putting on your shoes, making it a great option for those with mobility issues or arthritis.

    Say goodbye to struggling with your shoes and invest in the ZOMAKE Extra Long Shoe Horn for Seniors today. It’s the perfect tool to make your daily routine a little bit easier. ¡Obtén tu Largo Calzador De Zapatos hoy mismo y disfruta de la comodidad que te brinda!
    #ZOMAKE #Extra #Long #Shoe #Horn #Seniors #Inch #Metal #Shoe #Horns #Long #Handle #Men #Women #Largo #Calzador #Zapatos #Stainless #Shoe #Helper #Elderly,heavy duty long handle shoe horn for seniors men