Tag: Heresy

  • Destiny 2’s New List Of ‘Heresy’ Exotic Buffs Is Looking Great

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    Destiny 2 continues to be in a tough spot right now in the wake of The Final Shape, but Bungie just laid out a very long list of changes coming to the game for its upcoming episode, Heresy, including sweeping buffs to exotic weapons and armor that may make some more viable than they used to be.

    I always like when these kinds of large-scale changes happen, as it can mix up your build when in conjunction with new weapon additions and the artifact, can result in a lot of fun. This is the aspect of Destiny 2 I still like the most. So, what’s changing?


    • Sealed Ahamkara Grasps (Hunter Arms) – Powered melee and finisher final blows now grant “Nightmare Fuel” which increase your weapons’ handling and airborne effectiveness. Freshly drawn weapons then deal additional damage and grant more Nightmare Fuel on final blows. Then, getting Nightmare Fuel reloads all holstered weapons. Tons of gun buffs for one exotic.
    • Gwisin Vest (Hunter Chest) – Super returns count on Super hits as well as just kills. Max Super energy gains are increased with the amount of progression needed for max gains increased. You emit a cloud of weakening smoke when you exit invisibility near an enemy. Also works when you’re not supering.
    • Renewal Grasps (Hunter Arms) – Now doubled the rate of Frost Armor gain inside the Duskfield grenade.
    • Foetracter (Hunter Helmet) – Now get bonus damage of 15 seconds up from 10 seconds.
    • Radiant Dance Machines (Hunter Legs) – Improved AE, hip fire mobility, range and accuracy for primary ammo weapons. Multikills with primary ammo weapons refund dodge energy. Full dodge energy can get extra charges with more kills. Now dodges count as “real” dodges to trigger perks and aspects as well.
    • Citan’s Ramparts (Titan Arms) – Barricade up to 500 health from 400, doesn’t increase Barricade cooldown, doesn’t increase Barricade duration. But in PvP Guardians do 160% more damage to this Barricade.
    • Eternal Warrior (Titan Helmet) – Final blows with Fist of Havoc now extend duration.
    • Kherpri’s Horn (Titan Helmet) – Sends out three fire waves, not just one. They do not return to you. Combatants hit by the waves are engulfed in a sunspot. If they die, you get a sunspot on you. On Prismatic, a jet dodge blasts out the fire waves in an X shape.
    • Insurmountable Skullfort (Titan Helmet) – Grants energy to Arc melee abilities when hitting targets with any melee attack, though some do more than others based on their ease of use (powered melees grant more than glaive hits, unpowered melees, etc).
    • Stormdancer’s Brace (Warlock Chest) – Doubled the stack damage of Ascending Amplitude up to 20% per stack from 10%. Now reduces Ionic Blink cost by 50%. Max energy refund down to 30% from 50%.
    • Geomag Stabilizers (Warlock Legs) – Sprinting near max Bolt Charge will top it off, starts when you have six Bolt Charge (new Arc ability as of next episode). Ionic Traces now grant 7% super energy up from 2%.
    • Secant Filaments (Warlock Arms) – Now gives class ability energy per kill while Devour is active.
    • Speaker’s Sight (Warlock Helmet) – The turret won’t uselessly target full health allies.
    • Verity’s Brow – Now has a meter to track Death Thrones with shorter durations per stack. Same with bonus grenade recharge, which now has tiers.


    Lorentz Driver – Bounty Tags now give one ammo to mag. Triggering Lagrangian Sight through a bounty tag grants six ammo to mag when first triggered. Returns one ammo per tag while buff active.

    Delicate Tomb – Chance to generate Ionic Trace up to 10% from 4%. PvE bonus damage from Tempest Cascade shot from 30% to 100%. No timer for Tempest Cascade now, lasts until fired.

    DARCI – Hits with Personal Assistant active grant improved recoil, target acquisition, flinch, handling and precision damage to allies with non-Exotic snipers. DARCI user gets 15% damage bonus when granting five stacks to teammates.

    Edge of Action, Concurrence, Intent Glaives – Special shot no longer tied to Glaive energy, special reload triggers on six weapon hits, both shots and melee. Jolting Feedback, Destabilizing Rounds, Incandescent, Cure added to each’s intrinsic perk per damage type. This joins a number of other more general glaive buffs this season.

    Centrifuge – Increased magazine size and you can keep charge longer before needing to reload.

    Dead Messenger, Hard Light and Borealis – 30% damage buff to weapon for 10 seconds when you apply or receive an elemental keyword that matches the current damage type of the weapon. No longer has different stats based on element.

    Telesto – Just refills ammo from its reserves. Triggers with a Void final blow. Requirement increased from two to three but Telesto kills count as double. Catalyst now allows for a special reload that rains projectiles on next hit, after three activations of Harbinger’s Pulse.

    Vexcalibur – Triggering Perpetual Loophole to refresh overshield now gives full Glaive energy. Increased Overshield trickle rate while guarding. Bonus damage with projectiles against Vex increased from 10% to 25%. It now disorients bosses with its melee attack. Also joins the host of glaive buffs this season.

    Wardcliff Coil – Grants one stack of Bolt Charge to you and all nearby allies for every two rockets fired, which is four stacks per trigger pull.

    The Queenbreaker – Can special reload any time to swap scopes. Chaining blinds is now easier with increased range from 8 meters to 10 meters. Combat Charge now lets you fire a three round burst, sustained fire drops to 300 charge time from 533.

    The Colony – Detonation damage up 40%, increased bots per spawn by one based on enemy tier.

    Quicksilver Storm – Reduced shows to trigger a rocket by 17%

    Legend of Acrius – Reduced spread angle by 33%, max projectile range up from 12 to 18 meters.

    The Fourth Horseman – Reduced rate of fire to avoid wasting shots, loads ammo from reserves to magazine on kill.

    Lord of Wolves – Better range, less base damage. No accuracy penalties in standard fire. Release the Wolves triggers on hip fire, not special reload. Full auto, more damage and rate of fire, reduced accuracy and range. The Catalyst now has reload speed and stability boosts built-in. Scorch damage on Release the Wolves. When ADS, scorch spreads to nearby enemies.

    Cloudstrike – Rapid precision hits create lighting storm and grant a charge of Bolt Charge. Precision final blows generate lightning bolts and grant moderate amount of Bolt Charge.

    Thunderlord – Final blows with weapon generate lightning strikes and they grant a Bolt Charge.

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    Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software

    Destiny 2 players, get ready to be excited because the game’s new list of ‘Heresy’ Exotic buffs is looking absolutely fantastic! Bungie has recently announced a slew of changes and improvements to some of the game’s most coveted Exotic weapons and armor pieces, and the community is buzzing with anticipation.

    Some of the standout buffs include increased damage output, improved reload speeds, and enhanced perks that will make these Exotics even more powerful and sought-after than before. From the formidable Ace of Spades to the versatile Monte Carlo, players can expect to see significant improvements to their favorite weapons and gear.

    With these new buffs, players will be able to tackle challenging activities like raids, Nightfall strikes, and PvP matches with even more confidence and effectiveness. Whether you’re a seasoned Guardian or a newcomer to the game, these changes are sure to make a big impact on your gameplay experience.

    So gear up, Guardians, and get ready to take on the challenges of Destiny 2 with an even greater arsenal at your disposal. The ‘Heresy’ Exotic buffs are shaping up to be game-changers, and we can’t wait to see how they enhance our adventures in the world of Destiny.


    Destiny 2, Heresy, Exotic buffs, Destiny 2 buffs, Destiny 2 updates, Destiny 2 news, Destiny 2 patch, Destiny 2 Heresy buffs, Exotic weapons, Destiny 2 gameplay, Destiny 2 meta, Destiny 2 Heresy update

    #Destiny #List #Heresy #Exotic #Buffs #Great

  • Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Artifact Perks Detailed

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    Here’s the detailed look at the new Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Artifact, and its perks.

    Episode Heresy, the third and final episode of Destiny 2’s The Final Shape year, is set to launch next week. This highly anticipated release marks the return of the beloved Dreadnaught destination, a fan-favorite first introduced nearly a decade ago with The Taken King expansion.

    In addition to the return of this iconic location, Episode Heresy promises an array of exciting content. Players can look forward to new seasonal activities, the Heretival Arsenal, two brand-new armor sets, secrets, and a Hive-centric storyline. Bungie has also teased the debut of a new Trials of Osiris armor set, along with new cosmetic rewards such as emblems, a ship, and a sparrow.

    Destiny 2 Episode Heresy: Start Date, End Date, Acts, Leaks, Exotic Mission, New Exotic Weapons and Armor, ArtifactDestiny 2 Episode Heresy: Start Date, End Date, Acts, Leaks, Exotic Mission, New Exotic Weapons and Armor, Artifact
    Image: Bungie

    Similar to previous episodes, Episode Heresy will introduce a brand-new Artifact, bringing fresh opportunities for build crafting. Let’s dive into what this new Artifact has to offer.

    Destiny 2 Heresy Artifact Perks Preview

    During the Episode Heresy Act 1 developer livestream earlier today, Bungie provided a sneak peek at the upcoming Artifact, “Tablet of Ruin,” which will arrive alongside the episode next week. According to Bungie, the general theme for this new Artifact is “subjugation” and “bending enemies to your will.”

    The full list of Artifact perks hasn’t been revealed yet. Stay tuned, as we’ll update this article with the complete list of perks as soon as they’re announced.

    Here’s a preview of the new perks coming with the Tablet of Ruin Artifact in Episode Heresy.

    Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Artifact Perks DetailedDestiny 2 Episode Heresy Artifact Perks Detailed
    Image: Bungie via The Game Post

    Column 1:

    • Unstoppable Fusion: Aiming down sights for a brief period with any Fusiuon Rifle you are wielding loads a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Fusion Rifles are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
    • Overload Machine Guns: Shots from Machine Guns you are wielding disrupt combatants, stunning them, delaying ability energy regeneration, and exhausting them. Strong against Overload Champions. Additionally, Machine Guns are always overcharged when that modifier is active. Exhausted targets deal reduced outgoing damage.
    • Piercing Sidearms: Your equipped Sidearms fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Champions. Additionally, Sidearms are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
    • Anti-Barrier Sniper Rifle: Sniper Rifles you are wielding fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Champions. Additionally, Sniper Rifles are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
    • Unstoppable Glaive: Glaives you wield fire a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Glaives are always overcharged when that modifier is active.

    Column 4:

    • Maligned Harvest: Rapidly applying Volatile causes your next instance of Void weapon damage to create a weakening burst.
      • Boost: Applying Weaken provides a small Void overshield
    • Flashover: When you gain maximum Bolt Charge, you also become amplified. Lightning bolts deal more damage.
    • Horde Shuttle: Damage unraveled targets with a weapon occasionally spawns a Threadling.
      • Boost: Threadlings sever targets that they damage.
    • No Bell: Rapid Glaive melee final lows grant Special ammo Glaives additional ammo. Blocking damage with Glaives increases their melee damage to targets.

    Column 5:

    • Particle Reconstruction: Dealing sustained damage with Fusion Rifle or Linear Fusion Rifle partially refills the magazine from reserves and grants them bonus damage for a short duration against that target.
    • Defibrillating Blast: Stunning a Champion grants maximum stacks of Bolt Charge. Triggers an Arc bolt that heals you and jolts combatants that it damages.
    • Void Flux: Defeating weakened targets with a Void weapon applies Volatile to nearby targets. Powerful targets increase the radius of the explosion.
    Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Artifact Perks DetailedDestiny 2 Episode Heresy Artifact Perks Detailed
    Image: Bungie via The Game Post

    Apart from that, players can also look forward to the brand-new dungeon that’s launching next week, Sundered Doctrine. If you want to learn more about it, check out our article here.

    What are your thoughts on this new Artifact and its perks coming in Episode Heresy? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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    In the latest expansion of Destiny 2, Episode Heresy, players are introduced to a new set of Artifact perks that offer unique abilities and advantages in the game. These perks can be unlocked and equipped to enhance your gameplay experience and help you conquer the challenges that lie ahead.

    Here are some of the detailed Artifact perks featured in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy:

    1. Voidwalker’s Embrace – This perk allows you to deal increased damage with Void abilities and grants a chance to create a void explosion upon defeating an enemy with a Void ability.

    2. Solar Flare – With this perk, your Solar abilities will have increased range and duration, making them more effective in combat situations.

    3. Arc Surge – This perk grants a temporary boost to your Arc abilities, increasing their damage output and recharge rate for a short period of time.

    4. Stasis Mastery – Players who equip this perk will have improved control and manipulation over their Stasis abilities, allowing for more precise and strategic use of these powerful abilities.

    5. Elemental Overload – This perk increases the damage output of all elemental abilities, making them more potent against enemy targets.

    These Artifact perks in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy offer a range of benefits and enhancements that can give players a competitive edge in both PvE and PvP activities. Experiment with different combinations of perks to find the ones that best suit your playstyle and help you achieve victory in the game.


    Destiny 2, Episode Heresy, Artifact, Perks, Detailed, Destiny 2 Episode Heresy, Destiny 2 Artifact Perks, Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Perks, Destiny 2 Artifact Details, Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Breakdown

    #Destiny #Episode #Heresy #Artifact #Perks #Detailed

  • Heresy, launching February 4 – PlayStation.Blog

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    The Dreadnaught has returned. The fabled Hive ship and Throne World to Oryx himself is once again a threat to humanity. It’s under the shadow of this ominous return that Guardians will begin their adventures when Destiny 2: Heresy, the game’s third Episode and final epilogue of the Light and Darkness Saga, launches on February 4. Today, the Destiny team hosted a livestream featuring an in-depth look at what players can expect from Heresy, including exclusive interviews with developers and live gameplay from the Episode.

    Today we’re covering some of the highlights of Heresy that were featured in today’s show. For even more, check out the livestream recap here.

    Inside Destiny 2: Heresy, launching February 4

    A menacing return

    Orbiting the planet Saturn amidst its massive rings, the Dreadnaught never really left the lore of Destiny, serving both as an ominous reminder of Guardians’ previous conflict with Oryx in The Taken King expansion and, later, as a staging ground for the forces of Xivu Arath. With Heresy, the Hive ship will once again return to the forefront.

    “What’s significant about the Dreadnaught’s return for Heresy is that it’s going to be changing, and we’re going to be fighting through it in ways we’ve yet to experience,” said Destiny 2 Narrative Architect Nikko Stevens. “The Dreadnaught has reawakened for the first time in almost a decade, spurring the Vanguard and Guardians across the system to take notice. We finally get to see what has become of the Dreadnaught years after Oryx was felled and its halls were left to corrode, without a Navigator.”

    Into The Nether

    During Heresy, Guardians take the fight into the Dreadnaught itself in a new activity known as The Nether. With an action-packed mix of exploration, combat, as well as gameplay modifiers and escalating difficulty (not to mention some excellent rewards), The Nether promises to keep players on their toes each time they board.

    “There is a constant surge of Taken forces and corruptive power spilling from the Dreadnaught in Heresy,” said Stevens. “The outpouring of corruption is like an acerbic current that pushes back against Guardian forces attempting to board the Dreadnaught. This is where The Nether comes in.”

    With a combination of area patrols, multiple bubbles full of challenging enemies, each culminating in heroic boss fights, and all set in the haunted corridors of a metamorphosed Dreadnaught, The Nether activity will find Guardians besieging the sprawling ship to disable its weaponry and prevent the Taken corruption from spreading. With lessons learned from previous rogue-lite experiments in Destiny 2 such as The Coil from Season of the Wish and Deep Dives from Season of the Deep, Guardians can also look forward to a constantly varied experience. For example, after completing a bubble, the Power level of enemies increase. In addition, the activity introduces a new twist to the combat formula in the form of boons that directly affect gameplay.

    Three types of boons will be available for players to collect: minor, major, and corrupted. Minor boons offer boosts to stats and will stack upon collection. Major boons are acquired by completing a bubble, and though they won’t stack, they offer gameplay-altering benefits such as building up Static Charge stacks by sprinting, ultimately allowing you to unleash a powerful thunderbolt by firing your weapon. Corrupted boons also offer a significant gameplay boost, but also a downside as well. For example, one corrupted boon increases the damage done to targets while also increasing damage taken from sources.

    “We’ve also experimented with player modifiers, with increased health pools, no regenerating of health, low ammo drops and revive tokens, and a modification on healing in the sandbox over the course of play,” said Destiny 2 Senior Designer Ryan Harris, adding that build crafting is a key to success in the Nether activity. “Players should look to build their loadouts geared for survivability as the game mode modifiers increase health pools of players significantly while also stopping all health regen.”

    Alongside the new narrative twists as well as new gear and updates, today’s livestream also introduced the newly announced collaboration between Bungie and Lucasfilm Games to bring Star Wars-inspired gear and accessories to Destiny 2. Available with the launch of Heresy are three new armor ornaments (one per Guardian class), each inspired by the soldiers of the Galactic Empire, in addition to a number of Star Wars-inspired accessories. 

    With three Acts coming this Episode, Heresy still has plenty of fun left in the coming months, with new activities, amazing gear to collect, and much more. Heresy is also just the start of a great 2025 for Destiny 2, so be on the lookout for more!

    Destiny 2: Heresy launches on February 4.

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    Attention all PlayStation fans! Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey through a world of heresy with the upcoming release of Heresy on February 4th.

    In this action-packed game, players will take on the role of a heretic who must navigate through a dark and dangerous world filled with powerful enemies and challenging puzzles. With stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, Heresy promises to be a must-play title for all PlayStation gamers.

    Stay tuned for more updates and information on Heresy, coming soon to PlayStation.Blog. Don’t miss out on this epic adventure – mark your calendars for February 4th and prepare to experience the ultimate thrill of heresy!


    Heresy launch, PlayStation.Blog, February 4, new game release, gaming news, PlayStation exclusive, upcoming release, gaming community, exciting announcement

    #Heresy #launching #February #PlayStation.Blog



    Price : 2.00

    Ends on : N/A

    View on eBay
    The iconic Space Marine MkVI Legionary Armor from the Age of Darkness in the Warhammer Horus Heresy series is a symbol of power and strength. This battle-worn armor has seen countless battles and has become a legendary piece of equipment among the Space Marines.

    The MkVI Legionary Armor is known for its durability and versatility, making it a favorite among Space Marine chapters during the Horus Heresy. Its sleek design and advanced technology provide the wearer with increased protection and mobility on the battlefield.

    Whether you’re a loyalist fighting for the Emperor or a traitor siding with the forces of Chaos, the MkVI Legionary Armor is a must-have for any Space Marine looking to dominate the battlefield. So suit up, grab your bolter, and prepare for war in the grim darkness of the far future. The Emperor protects!

  • Warhammer 40K Horus Heresy Space Wolves WOLF GUARD TERMINATORS Bits Bit thunder

    Warhammer 40K Horus Heresy Space Wolves WOLF GUARD TERMINATORS Bits Bit thunder

    Warhammer 40K Horus Heresy Space Wolves WOLF GUARD TERMINATORS Bits Bit thunder

    Price : 1.25

    Ends on : N/A

    View on eBay
    If you’re looking to add some extra flair to your Warhammer 40K Space Wolves army, look no further than the WOLF GUARD TERMINATORS Bits Bit thunder! These bits are perfect for customizing your Wolf Guard Terminators with intricate details and unique accessories. Whether you’re looking to give your army a more fearsome appearance or simply want to add some extra character to your miniatures, these bits are sure to do the trick. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your army with these high-quality bits – order yours today! #Warhammer40K #HorusHeresy #SpaceWolves #WolfGuardTerminators #BitsBitThunder
    #Warhammer #40K #Horus #Heresy #Space #Wolves #WOLF #GUARD #TERMINATORS #Bits #Bit #thunder, gaming

  • The Primarchs: The Horus Heresy, Book 20

    The Primarchs: The Horus Heresy, Book 20

    Price: $0.00
    (as of Dec 14,2024 22:11:09 UTC – Details)

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software
    “The Primarchs: The Horus Heresy, Book 20”

    In the latest installment of the epic Horus Heresy series, Book 20 focuses on the enigmatic Primarchs, the superhuman leaders of the Space Marine Legions. As the galaxy is torn apart by civil war, the Primarchs find themselves caught in a web of intrigue, betrayal, and tragedy.

    From the tragic fall of Horus, the favored son of the Emperor, to the loyalty and brotherhood of Sanguinius and Vulkan, The Primarchs delves deeper into the complex relationships and motivations of these larger-than-life characters. Readers will uncover the secrets and hidden agendas that shape the fate of the Imperium and the future of mankind.

    Featuring stunning artwork, pulse-pounding action, and heart-wrenching drama, The Primarchs: The Horus Heresy, Book 20 is a must-read for fans of Warhammer 40,000 and the Horus Heresy series. Don’t miss out on this thrilling chapter in the epic saga of the Primarchs.
    #Primarchs #Horus #Heresy #Book

  • The Iron Within (The Horus Heresy Series)

    The Iron Within (The Horus Heresy Series)

    Price: $13.99
    (as of Dec 14,2024 21:03:58 UTC – Details)

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    ASIN ‏ : ‎ B01N7V8ETO
    Publisher ‏ : ‎ Black Library (November 15, 2016)
    Publication date ‏ : ‎ November 15, 2016
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    File size ‏ : ‎ 767 KB
    Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
    Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
    Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    Print length ‏ : ‎ 48 pages

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software
    The Iron Within (The Horus Heresy Series)

    The Iron Within is the ninth book in the critically acclaimed Horus Heresy series, written by author Rob Sanders. This gripping tale delves into the heart of the civil war that has torn the Imperium of Man apart, as the traitorous Warmaster Horus seeks to overthrow the Emperor and claim dominion over the galaxy.

    In The Iron Within, readers are taken deep into the heart of the conflict as the Iron Warriors Legion, led by the ruthless Primarch Perturabo, wages war against their former allies. Betrayal, loyalty, and the unbreakable bonds of brotherhood are put to the ultimate test as the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

    With stunning action sequences, intricate political intrigue, and rich character development, The Iron Within is a must-read for fans of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Join the battle for the soul of mankind and discover the true meaning of loyalty and sacrifice in this epic installment of the Horus Heresy series.
    #Iron #Horus #Heresy #Series

  • The Harrowing (The Horus Heresy Series)

    The Harrowing (The Horus Heresy Series)

    Price: $3.99
    (as of Dec 14,2024 20:01:09 UTC – Details)

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software

    ASIN ‏ : ‎ B01MSZDKBH
    Publisher ‏ : ‎ Black Library (November 15, 2016)
    Publication date ‏ : ‎ November 15, 2016
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    File size ‏ : ‎ 1093 KB
    Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
    Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
    Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
    Print length ‏ : ‎ 27 pages

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software
    “The Harrowing: Unraveling the Dark Secrets of the Horus Heresy Series”

    Delve into the twisted and treacherous world of the Horus Heresy series with “The Harrowing.” Follow the epic struggle between the forces of the Imperium and the traitorous Warmaster Horus as they tear apart the galaxy in a brutal civil war.

    Discover the shocking betrayals, heart-wrenching sacrifices, and epic battles that define this pivotal moment in the history of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. From the fall of Horus to the rise of the Emperor’s loyalist Primarchs, “The Harrowing” will take you on a journey through the darkest chapters of the Horus Heresy.

    Prepare yourself for a tale of heroism and villainy, of loyalty and betrayal, and of the ultimate battle for the fate of humanity. Are you ready to face the horrors of “The Harrowing”?
    #Harrowing #Horus #Heresy #Series

  • Myriad (The Horus Heresy Series)

    Myriad (The Horus Heresy Series)

    Price: $3.99
    (as of Dec 14,2024 18:56:08 UTC – Details)

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software

    ASIN ‏ : ‎ B01N75PWYA
    Publisher ‏ : ‎ Black Library (November 15, 2016)
    Publication date ‏ : ‎ November 15, 2016
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    File size ‏ : ‎ 2282 KB
    Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
    Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
    Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
    Print length ‏ : ‎ 29 pages

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software
    In the Horus Heresy series, the book Myriad takes readers on a thrilling journey through the galaxy as the Imperium of Man is torn apart by civil war. As the forces of Chaos and the traitorous Warmaster Horus seek to overthrow the Emperor, the loyalist Space Marines must fight for the future of humanity.

    Myriad follows the story of several key characters, including Primarchs, Astartes, and mortal soldiers, as they navigate the shifting alliances and betrayals of the Heresy. From epic battles on distant worlds to political intrigue within the halls of power, this book is a must-read for fans of Warhammer 40,000.

    With its rich world-building, complex characters, and gripping action sequences, Myriad is a standout installment in the Horus Heresy series. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the Warhammer universe or a newcomer looking to dive into the lore, this book offers a compelling and immersive reading experience. Pick up your copy today and join the fight for the future of the Imperium.
    #Myriad #Horus #Heresy #Series

  • The Honoured: The Horus Heresy Series

    The Honoured: The Horus Heresy Series

    Price: $0.00
    (as of Dec 14,2024 14:53:29 UTC – Details)

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software
    The Horus Heresy series is a collection of novels and short stories set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, focusing on the pivotal event known as the Horus Heresy. This galaxy-spanning conflict tore the Imperium of Man apart and saw the betrayal of the Warmaster Horus, once the most trusted and beloved of the Emperor’s sons.

    One of the most captivating aspects of the Horus Heresy series is the exploration of the motivations and beliefs of the various factions involved in the conflict. From the loyalist Space Marines of the Imperium to the traitorous forces of Chaos, each side is presented in a complex and nuanced manner, allowing readers to understand the reasons behind their actions.

    One group that stands out in the series is known as The Honoured. These are the Space Marines who remained loyal to the Emperor during the Heresy, fighting bravely against their corrupted brethren. They are hailed as heroes and exemplars of loyalty, honor, and sacrifice.

    The Honoured include iconic characters such as Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, and Sanguinius, Primarch of the Blood Angels. Their stories are filled with tragedy, heroism, and the weight of the choices they must make in order to uphold their oaths and protect the Imperium.

    The Horus Heresy series is a must-read for fans of Warhammer 40,000, offering a deep dive into the lore and history of the universe. The Honoured are just one of the many fascinating aspects of this epic saga, and their struggles and triumphs are sure to leave a lasting impression on readers.
    #Honoured #Horus #Heresy #Series