Tag: Investor

  • New Zealand to Scrap English Test, Slash Investment Requirements for Investor Visa – IMI

    Adam-Juchniewicz-IMI-Daily.jpgAdam-Juchniewicz-IMI-Daily.jpg Adam Juchniewicz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Global Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Nauru Citizenship by Investment
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Philippines FIV
    Philippines Retirement Visa (SRRV)
    Philippines Special Investor
    Portugal Golden Visa
    El Salvador Freedom Passport Program
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Spanish Adriano-Vieira-1.jpegAdriano-Vieira-1.jpeg Adriano Vieira Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa Portugal D7 Visa Portugal HQA Visa, Chile Independent Means Visas, Chile Investor Visa, Spain Golden Visa, Spain Non-Lucrative Visa English, Spanish, French, Portuguese Ahsan-IMI-2.jpgAhsan-IMI-2.jpg Ahsan Khaliq Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Nauru ECRCP
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    United States E2 Visa English, Urdu IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1689073213730-150x150.jpeg1689073213730-150x150.jpeg Alexander Bello Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Bahamas Economic PR
    Barbados Welcome Stamp
    Cambodia M2H
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Paraguay Permanent Residency Program
    Philippines Special Investor
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Nauru English, Italian, German Alexander-Osetinskiy-1-1.jpegAlexander-Osetinskiy-1-1.jpeg Alexander Osetinskiy Valencia, Spain Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Turkey CIP Spain Digital Nomad Visa English, Russian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png alex-varnavas-1.jpegalex-varnavas-1.jpeg Alexander Varnavas Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa English, Greek IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Alexandre-BW-300x300.jpgAlexandre-BW-300x300.jpg Alexandre Cunha Elias Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese 1711735061397-qmgf508zzu0vy8e3hbveodcd1pp75slsmgnl6p5x0c.jpeg1711735061397-qmgf508zzu0vy8e3hbveodcd1pp75slsmgnl6p5x0c.jpeg Alnoor Kamani Calgary, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Anguilla PR Program
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Hungary Active Investor Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Thailand Elite Residence Program
    Turkey CIP
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic, Hindi Ana-Figueiras-IMI-150x150.jpgAna-Figueiras-IMI-150x150.jpg Ana Rita Figueiras Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese, Spanish temp_image_20240302_162502_0e65fd61-2f92-4183-98f6-603b278e3152-1-copy-qrze3m31rjyvt0ram37jb4pe200oi25pnnwh1tryak.jpgtemp_image_20240302_162502_0e65fd61-2f92-4183-98f6-603b278e3152-1-copy-qrze3m31rjyvt0ram37jb4pe200oi25pnnwh1tryak.jpg Ana Sofia Lamares Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment, Real Estate Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese, Spanish IMG_7048-qhq36is2bb92tssd9pukiziqysqrz2hax06f2i3xp8.jpegIMG_7048-qhq36is2bb92tssd9pukiziqysqrz2hax06f2i3xp8.jpeg Anastasia Barna Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Egypt CIP
    Spain Digital Nomad Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    France Financially Independent Person
    Grenada CIP
    Hungary Active Investor Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Italy Elective Residency Visa
    Jordan CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Russia Investor Visa English, Russian 1674624930556-1.jpeg1674624930556-1.jpeg André Gonçalves Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Portuguese 1517437474552-qi3rj086jmqh62zgq82ct9w1in0jexgf52494lu7oc.jpeg1517437474552-qi3rj086jmqh62zgq82ct9w1in0jexgf52494lu7oc.jpeg Antoine Saliba-Haig Malta Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Malta Digital Nomad Visa Malta Startup Visa English, Maltese, Italian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Aran-Hawker-1-768x768.jpegAran-Hawker-1-768x768.jpeg Aran Hawker Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Turkey CIP English, Turkish 1696943057938-qf23gzyla7gxdwr158vbosbz81qape6fqu4y9tf1p8.jpeg1696943057938-qf23gzyla7gxdwr158vbosbz81qape6fqu4y9tf1p8.jpeg Asif Ali Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Punjabi 1695635265450-150x150.jpeg1695635265450-150x150.jpeg Aydin Aksoy Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    France Financially Independent Person
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States E2 Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Turkish, Farsi, Azerbaijani 1516234692239-1.jpeg1516234692239-1.jpeg Ceri Pratley Bangkok, Thailand Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Guernsey Investor & Entrepreneur Residency
    Greece Golden Visa
    Greece FIP Visa
    Italy Investor Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Mauritius Permanent Residency Program
    Mauritius Active Investor Visas
    Mauritius Retirement Visa
    Netherlands Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Singapore Entrepass
    United States E2 Visa Englis, Spanish, Afrikaans, Chinese, Arabic IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1517480781017-1.jpeg1517480781017-1.jpeg Christopher Lennon Vancouver, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa France Talent Passport Business Investor Portugal HQA Visa English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1618301786387-1.jpeg1618301786387-1.jpeg Christina Georgaki Thessaloniki, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece Golden Visa; Greece FIP English, Greek Christina-BW-Main.jpgChristina-BW-Main.jpg Christina Tabacco United States Residence and Citizenship by Investment United States EB-5 English colin-bishop-1.jpegcolin-bishop-1.jpeg Colin Bishop Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP English 1610362596951-qhmmadfzgcd41vozm8e9pknxvpop3x30r4y6uclcnw.jpeg1610362596951-qhmmadfzgcd41vozm8e9pknxvpop3x30r4y6uclcnw.jpeg Csaba Magyar Budapest, Hungary Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Hungary Active Investor Visa Hungary Golden Visa Hungary Guest Investor Program Hungary Digital Nomad Visa English, Hungarian, German IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png dahlia-imi-cover-2.jpgdahlia-imi-cover-2.jpg Dahlia Joseph-Rowe Saint Kitts and Nevis Residence and Citizenship by Investment Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Daisy-S-IMI.jpgDaisy-S-IMI.jpg Daisy Joseph-Andall Saint Kitts and Nevis Residence and Citizenship by Investment Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP English 1516956963410.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=11516956963410.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 David Comtois Toronto, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa
    United States EB-5
    United States E2 Visa Quebec Investment Immigration Program English, French 1697146466382-qe1o4qxoqqxmd9da67xikmhjix6tb6p1voutw1k864.jpeg1697146466382-qe1o4qxoqqxmd9da67xikmhjix6tb6p1voutw1k864.jpeg David Lawrence Lincoln Asunción, Paraguay Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Argentina Rentista and Pensionado Residency
    Brazil Investor Visa (VIPER)
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Mexico Legal Residency Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    Turkey CIP Nicaragua Canada SUV Hungary Guest Investor Portugal Digital Nomad Visa Greece Digital Nomad Visa Malta Digital Nomad Visa Latvia Digital Nomad Visa Spain Digital Nomad Visa English, Portuguese download-96.jpegdownload-96.jpeg David Lesperance Gdynia, Poland Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment, US Expatriation, International Tax and Wealth Planning, Family Office Advisory Antigua & Barbuda CIP,
    Dominica CIP,
    Grenada CIP,
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Bahamas Economic Permanent Residence
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Gibraltar Category 2 HNWI Residence
    Greece FIP Visa
    Ireland Independent Means
    Italy Elective Residency Visa
    Jersey High Value Residency
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Hungary Citizenship by Descent
    Ireland Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Latvia Citizenship by Descent
    Poland Citizenship by Descent
    Bermuda Economic Investment Certificate (EIC) Program English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png David-IMI-cover-1.jpgDavid-IMI-cover-1.jpg David Regueiro Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Digital Nomad Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Saudi Arabia English, Spanish, French, Portuguese demetris-2023-2mb-smaller-qitsk9bq9v0jy5jx83w4nb0fvy3tbt4q15oqzf7j30.jpgdemetris-2023-2mb-smaller-qitsk9bq9v0jy5jx83w4nb0fvy3tbt4q15oqzf7j30.jpg Demetris Demetriades Paphos, Cyprus Residence and Citizenship by Investment Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Greece FIP Visa Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa English, Greek IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1516886006016-qo7275zw1ia48urworjcic2qcl62745gsugjqnkevw.jpeg1516886006016-qo7275zw1ia48urworjcic2qcl62745gsugjqnkevw.jpeg Dionysia Kokkinou Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa English, Greek, Spanish 1719919777976-qrj7guht6z3f6bryimpr31frgpz0kjsfw7j22p9s2k.jpeg1719919777976-qrj7guht6z3f6bryimpr31frgpz0kjsfw7j22p9s2k.jpeg Duaa Jamal Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Turkey CIP English, Arabic IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Duarte-Caldas-BW-150x150.jpgDuarte-Caldas-BW-150x150.jpg Duarte Caldas Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese 1677787389812-1.jpeg1677787389812-1.jpeg Dwayne Chauhan Dublin, Ireland Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English 1586851038466-1.jpeg1586851038466-1.jpeg Ekaterina Mavrenkova Zürich, Switzerland Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa United States EB-5 Thailand Elite Residence Program English, Russian elena-rudaya-expert-1-q4iz5j4386s2a0qpjk3el391wpfewfjru9gc4hcevw.pngelena-rudaya-expert-1-q4iz5j4386s2a0qpjk3el391wpfewfjru9gc4hcevw.png Elena Ruda Vienna, Austria Residence and Citizenship by Investment Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Italy Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Hungary Active Investor Visa Portugal Digital Nomad Visa Malta Digital Nomad Visa Spain Digital Nomad Visa Italy Digital Nomad Visa Hungary Digital Nomad Visa Indonesia Digital Nomad Visa Mauritius Digital Nomad Visa English, Russian, German 1684692565131.jpeg1684692565131.jpeg Eren Cicekdagi San Francisco, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment United States EB-5 English, German, Turkish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png eric_m-1-300x300.jpegeric_m-1-300x300.jpeg Eric G. Major London, UK Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Anguilla Permanent Residency Program
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Colombia Investor Visas M and R
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Germany Self-Employment Visa
    Guernsey Investor & Entrepreneur Residency United States EB-5 English, French IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png %CE%95%CF%85%CE%B1-2.png-copy-qo72jdwcvz0b6d0xc1oqx92gcwxu9gnuhbrsc5g5zw.jpg%CE%95%CF%85%CE%B1-2.png-copy-qo72jdwcvz0b6d0xc1oqx92gcwxu9gnuhbrsc5g5zw.jpg Eva Kevga Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa English, Greek, French IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Evelyn-Xinxin-Xu-modified-3-150x150.jpgEvelyn-Xinxin-Xu-modified-3-150x150.jpg Evelyn Xinxin Xu Hong Kong Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Chinese IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png George-Eid-modified-1-150x150.jpgGeorge-Eid-modified-1-150x150.jpg George Eid Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic 1636036685693-1.jpeg1636036685693-1.jpeg George Ganey Washington DC, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment United States EB-5
    United States E2 Visa English, Spanish, Catalan IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1614607236770-qd2w6wqoalq08btodj8ryuajf0orbsk60p7i072730.jpeg1614607236770-qd2w6wqoalq08btodj8ryuajf0orbsk60p7i072730.jpeg Gökçe Emer Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Portugal Digital Nomad Visa English, Turkish download-88-1-q48aay12hiw9ifatlc55dqvsh6x0zesyofhqotodi4.jpegdownload-88-1-q48aay12hiw9ifatlc55dqvsh6x0zesyofhqotodi4.jpeg Güvenç Ketenci Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP, Dominica CIP, Grenada CIP, Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP Saint Lucia CIP Turkey CIP Malta MEIN Policy Australia BIIP Investor Streams Cyprus Golden Visa Greece Golden Visa Malta Permanent Residence Program Portugal Golden Visa UK Innovator Founder VisaUnited States EB-5 United States E2 UAE Golden Visa Austria Independent Means Visa Monaco Carte de Séjour Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Turkish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png download-57.jpegdownload-57.jpeg Hakan Cortelek Istanbul, Turkey Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa United States EB-5 English, Turkish 1633508020581-qcftisq5pn8xln7qdtfwljfmvk8w68b6939amw6o2k.jpeg1633508020581-qcftisq5pn8xln7qdtfwljfmvk8w68b6939amw6o2k.jpeg Hammad Farooqi Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Mauritius Permanent Residency Program
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic, Chinese Hani-Alsadi-IMI-cover-1-150x150.jpgHani-Alsadi-IMI-cover-1-150x150.jpg Hani Alsadi Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP English, French, Arabic, Turkish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Screen-Shot-2023-04-21-at-3.06.28-PM-1.pngScreen-Shot-2023-04-21-at-3.06.28-PM-1.png Hannah Ma Singapore Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Singapore Entrepass
    South Korea Investor Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    Thailand Elite Residence Program
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    UK Startup/Innovator Visa
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Japan Active Investor Visa Hong Kong CIES Taiwan Plum Blossom Vietnam Investor Visa Singapore GIP English, Chinese hany.jpeghany.jpeg Hany Mostafa Moawad Cairo, Egypt Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Real Estate Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Egypt CIP
    Egypt Residence by Investment Program
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic Screen-Shot-2023-10-18-at-3.58.45-PM-qe1r4vbcvoxzuibdtgflvu9bfi9rpsxj2uci6v8yfw.pngScreen-Shot-2023-10-18-at-3.58.45-PM-qe1r4vbcvoxzuibdtgflvu9bfi9rpsxj2uci6v8yfw.png Huma Baig Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Mauritius Active Investor Visas
    Mauritius Permanent Residency Program
    Mauritius Retirement Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi, Punjabi 1709990697956-150x150.jpeg1709990697956-150x150.jpeg Ilja Belobragin Moscow, Russia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Russia Investor Visa English, Russian, Swedish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png elbitar-2.jpegelbitar-2.jpeg Imad Elbitar Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Italy Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Nicaragua Investor PR Program
    Nicaragua Pensionado and Rentista Visas
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Paraguay Investor PR Program SUACE Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP, Colombia Independent Means Visas English, Arabic, German IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Imran-IMI-cover.jpgImran-IMI-cover.jpg Imran Mirani Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Global Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Urdu, Hindi javid-imi-150x150.jpgjavid-imi-150x150.jpg Isma Javid Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece Golden Visa English %D1%81%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA-5-scaled-1-150x150.jpg%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA-5-scaled-1-150x150.jpg Ivan Petrov Sofia, Bulgaria Residence and Citizenship by Investment Bulgaria Citizenship by Descent
    Bulgaria Residence by Investment English, Bulgarian, Chinese 1516934259064-1-1.jpeg1516934259064-1-1.jpeg James Hall Singapore Residence and Citizenship by Investment Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    New Zealand Active Investor Visa English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png jlo-1.jpegjlo-1.jpeg Jasmin Lopez Mexico City Residence and Citizenship by Investment Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Italy Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Nicaragua Investor PR Program
    Nicaragua Pensionado and Rentista Visas
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Paraguay Investor PR Program SUACE Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP, Colombia Independent Means Visas Belize Qualified Retirement English, Spanish 1668772285929-1-qhmniqfrzv39zd99kwpevvo35d1bdo6z6pc57gth0c.jpeg1668772285929-1-qhmniqfrzv39zd99kwpevvo35d1bdo6z6pc57gth0c.jpeg Jean-Philippe Chetcuti Malta Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Malta Startup Visa English, Maltese 1591729713385-1.jpeg1591729713385-1.jpeg Joana Ferreira Reis Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa Portugal Digital Nomad Visa English, Portuguese, Spanish 305565641_1911978179005658_1570112745737181004_n-1-q48ab1sf8v1esv5czdrnnpxmuqehu77w0y3olxist8.jpeg305565641_1911978179005658_1570112745737181004_n-1-q48ab1sf8v1esv5czdrnnpxmuqehu77w0y3olxist8.jpeg Kemal Nicholson Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa English, Russian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1665580642350-1.jpeg1665580642350-1.jpeg Kevin Hosam Antigua & Barbuda Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Anguilla Permanent Residency Program
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Bahamas Economic Permanent Residence
    Bermuda Economic Investment Certificate (EIC) Program
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Colombia Investor Visas M and R
    Greece Golden Visa
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Barbados Welcome Stamp
    Paraguay Investor PR Program SUACE Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa Uruguay Investor Visa
    Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity Cambodia My 2nd Home Canada Startup Visa Cyprus Golden Visa Visa Monaco Carte de Séjour Panama Business Investor Visa Panama Qualified Investor Visa Panama Rentista Retirado Visa Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Antigua & Barbuda Digital Nomad Visa Nauru English Savills-Kont-IMI.jpgSavills-Kont-IMI.jpg Konstantina Dotsikas Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece Golden Visa Greece Digital Nomad Visa English, Greek IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1654170821617-qijgluvgjukcm5uwrj7brtrv8joult5yotobczagyk.jpeg1654170821617-qijgluvgjukcm5uwrj7brtrv8joult5yotobczagyk.jpeg Kyle De Klerk Port Louis, Mauritius Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Portugal Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Mauritius English, Afrikaans laszlo-kiss-1.jpeglaszlo-kiss-1.jpeg Laszlo Kiss Malta Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP, Dominica CIP, Grenada CIP, Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    United States EB-5 United States E2 UAE Golden Visa Austria Independent Means Visa Monaco Carte de Séjour Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Hungary Active Investor Visa English, Hungarian Madalena-IMI-Cover-150x150.jpgMadalena-IMI-Cover-150x150.jpg Madalena Monteiro Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Digital Nomad Visa
    Italy Elective Residency Visa
    Italy Investor Visa
    Portugal Citizenship by Descent
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese, Italian 1570040525282-1.jpeg1570040525282-1.jpeg Manpreet Kataria Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi, Punjabi IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1623936301120-qpzpt193gbrpepi8cmiluqt3c9uvgn00dzix3bka58.jpeg1623936301120-qpzpt193gbrpepi8cmiluqt3c9uvgn00dzix3bka58.jpeg Manuela Luz Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese IMI-MARCO-MESINA-150x150.jpgIMI-MARCO-MESINA-150x150.jpg Marco Mesina Milan, Italy Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Digital Nomad Visa
    Italy Elective Residency Visa
    Italy Investor Visa
    Italy Representative Office Visa English, Italian Mark-Maragh-IMI-Cover-150x150.jpgMark-Maragh-IMI-Cover-150x150.jpg Mark D. Maragh Saint Lucia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Saint Lucia CIP English 1705002019878-1-qqwcl5nxiohw7nu724m1kz3evjd9s8smok3ox6m0rg.jpeg1705002019878-1-qqwcl5nxiohw7nu724m1kz3evjd9s8smok3ox6m0rg.jpeg Melissa Godmer Toronto, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa Quebec Investment Immigration Program English, French 1589585812897-qqgwcdmk6831hay3pb29d5otpiyda5t7j3smxljty4.jpeg1589585812897-qqgwcdmk6831hay3pb29d5otpiyda5t7j3smxljty4.jpeg Melissa Kelley-Hilton New York, US Citizenship by Investment Due Diligence English 1516335618235-1.jpeg1516335618235-1.jpeg Melvin Warshaw Boston, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning, US Expatriation United States EB-5 United States E2 English 1575747888538-qm5yi9v8cx53g77gyhqtrvb2n6yuz5dj4yrslctz6k.jpeg1575747888538-qm5yi9v8cx53g77gyhqtrvb2n6yuz5dj4yrslctz6k.jpeg Mikkel Thorup Panama City, Panama Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Brazil Investor Visa (VIPER)
    Colombia Independent Means Visas
    Colombia Investor Visa
    Costa Rica Independent Means Visas
    Costa Rica Investor Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Mexico Legal Residency Visa
    Nicaragua Pensionado and Rentista Visas
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English Mischa-bw-Copy-1.jpgMischa-bw-Copy-1.jpg Mischa Mannix-Opie Wellington, New Zealand Residence and Citizenship by Investment New Zealand Active Investor Visa English 1571064609259-qf0lx0a14q71jn9k9d0mut4az2jxfb6r0608cu2icc.jpeg1571064609259-qf0lx0a14q71jn9k9d0mut4az2jxfb6r0608cu2icc.jpeg Mo Shaban Budapest, Hungary Residence and Citizenship by Investment Hungary Active Investor Visa Hungary Citienship by Descent Hungary Digital Nomad Visa English, Farsi Untitled-design-1-qkyftesdmkm0nclwdwqnnfinbrn7gruw2m01weydlo.pngUntitled-design-1-qkyftesdmkm0nclwdwqnnfinbrn7gruw2m01weydlo.png Moataz Elzayat Cairo, Egypt Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Egypt English, Arabic mohamed.jpegmohamed.jpeg Mohamed Hassan Cairo, Egypt Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Egypt CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa English, Arabic thumbnail_edd8aaf5-840f-45e6-ac62-fc77697005c6-2-qdev30g4lyme1lmnl85f0wzjh1i8mbj7qhbyzh409o.jpegthumbnail_edd8aaf5-840f-45e6-ac62-fc77697005c6-2-qdev30g4lyme1lmnl85f0wzjh1i8mbj7qhbyzh409o.jpeg Mohamed Mousa Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa English, Arabic 1-1-q48ab6hm717uewyj7xssi6qxtnrbwoqjpld40bbty4.jpeg1-1-q48ab6hm717uewyj7xssi6qxtnrbwoqjpld40bbty4.jpeg Mona Shah New York, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UK Startup/Innovator Visa
    United States EB-5 English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1591171875269-2-q48aax38aouz6tc6qtqit94bvt1nrpp8cau97jproc.jpeg1591171875269-2-q48aax38aouz6tc6qtqit94bvt1nrpp8cau97jproc.jpeg Murat Coskun Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Turkish, French 1660882736469-1.jpeg1660882736469-1.jpeg Natalie Fridlender Saigon (HCMC), Vietnam Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa Russia Investor Visa English, Russian 1653456197821-qp4hlla5adewyojb5md7aklykcg9n46a2xt8r6z598.jpeg1653456197821-qp4hlla5adewyojb5md7aklykcg9n46a2xt8r6z598.jpeg Navdeep Singh Riga, Latvia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Latvia Investor Visa Latvia Digital Nomad Visa English, Hindi, Punjabi, Latvian, Russian nerses-qgrilb3bx2aj8suz8x1pdxcff1xs01vzrsd6218uvw.jpegnerses-qgrilb3bx2aj8suz8x1pdxcff1xs01vzrsd6218uvw.jpeg Nerses Isajanyan Yerevan, Armenia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Armenia Permanent Residence Program Armenia Citizenship by Descent Armenia Digital Nomad Visa English, Armenian download-82-q48aay14bb2wxfjf7pfwjv5c178gz1mji4dhwxe7js.jpegdownload-82-q48aay14bb2wxfjf7pfwjv5c178gz1mji4dhwxe7js.jpeg Nicolas Salerno Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5 English, French, Spanish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1566804361301-qd2suikuxiwv6cpadzs13q04bc3afflugt3m5bki1o.jpeg1566804361301-qd2suikuxiwv6cpadzs13q04bc3afflugt3m5bki1o.jpeg Pablo Ostrick Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN

    Portugal Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, French IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1572261269522-150x150.jpeg1572261269522-150x150.jpeg Patrick Feuz Bahamas Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Bahamas Economic PR
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, German, French, Spanish Patrick-IMI-484x480.jpgPatrick-IMI-484x480.jpg Patrick McFawn New York, US Citizenship by Descent Czechia Citizenship by Descent
    Hungary Citizenship by Descent
    Ireland Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Poland Citizenship by Descent
    Portugal Citizenship by Descent
    Slovakia Citizenship by Descent English, Spanish patrick-peters-q48ab0ul2104h96q4vd138669cj4mi45otg74nk6zg.jpegpatrick-peters-q48ab0ul2104h96q4vd138669cj4mi45otg74nk6zg.jpeg Patrick Peters Montreal, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    United States EB-5 English, French, Arabic, Chinese 1658340976322-qs7oorxjesrfit001z1yu47n5srk66l6j2tc3lvwik.jpeg1658340976322-qs7oorxjesrfit001z1yu47n5srk66l6j2tc3lvwik.jpeg Paul Anthony Correa Gibraltar Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Anguilla PR Program
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Gibraltar Category 2 HNWI Residence Program
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta Global Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Spanish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1517442625927-q80dizhaqux8c92kr4e6yvk8jbkvzvku8z90w93exo.jpeg1517442625927-q80dizhaqux8c92kr4e6yvk8jbkvzvku8z90w93exo.jpeg Paul Girodo Vancouver, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa France Talent Passport Business Investor Portugal HQA Visa English, French 1537876269842-1.jpeg1537876269842-1.jpeg Paul Williams London, UK Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Real Estate Antigua & Barbuda CIP, Dominica CIP, Grenada CIP, Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    United States EB-5 Spain Golden Visa Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Canada Startup Visa English 1571400671226.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=11571400671226.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 Pedro Correia da Silva Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment, Golden Visa Funds Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1594524533596-2-300x300.jpeg1594524533596-2-300x300.jpeg Philippe May Singapore Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Anguilla Permanent Residency Program
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Bahamas Economic Permanent Residence
    Bermuda Economic Investment Certificate (EIC) Program
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Colombia Investor Visas M and R
    Greece Golden Visa
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Samoa Citizenship by Investment Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Barbados Welcome Stamp
    Paraguay Investor PR Program SUACE Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa Uruguay Investor Visa
    Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity Cambodia My 2nd Home Canada Startup Visa Cyprus Golden Visa Visa Monaco Carte de Séjour Panama Business Investor Visa Panama Qualified Investor Visa Panama Rentista Retirado Visa Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Singapore GIP Nauru English, German, Chinese 1623165416708-qi3r7hpctoz0y1pkyqvvrohrjpro4eqsk2f4hkwtwc.jpeg1623165416708-qi3r7hpctoz0y1pkyqvvrohrjpro4eqsk2f4hkwtwc.jpeg Priscilla Mifsud Parker Malta Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Malta Startup Visa English, Maltese, Italian 1725084538334-150x150.jpeg1725084538334-150x150.jpeg Rahil Shariff Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi 1525240755567-qgrj6cp8xj3n6iaid0j07m5y7m7mc3fnby6iv21jks.jpeg1525240755567-qgrj6cp8xj3n6iaid0j07m5y7m7mc3fnby6iv21jks.jpeg Reid Kirchenbauer Bangkok, Thailand Residence and Citizenship by Investment Cambodia My 2nd Home Cambodia CIP English, Khmer 1714038032724-1-1-150x150.jpeg1714038032724-1-1-150x150.jpeg Richard Hallam Grenada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Grenada CIP English, French Robert-Valpiter-qjge2sfoii2gg58egded9y9lokiu4kmmk0z62vs09o.jpgRobert-Valpiter-qjge2sfoii2gg58egded9y9lokiu4kmmk0z62vs09o.jpg Roberts Valpiters Riga, Latvia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Latvia Citizenship by Descent, Latvia Investor Visa, Latvia Digital Nomad Visa English, Russian, Hindi, Latvian 1711288306040-qqm4twncskylual6ze0i5uq93py5u1vzscp4hkkw2k.jpeg1711288306040-qqm4twncskylual6ze0i5uq93py5u1vzscp4hkkw2k.jpeg Roderick Cutajar Malta Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta Global Residence Program
    Malta Digital Nomad Visa
    Turkey CIP Malta Startup Visa English, Maltese, Italian Rogelio-Caceres-small-150x150-1-q48aarg75on995kdnrareajkbhtghj2ubixcbvy4po.jpgRogelio-Caceres-small-150x150-1-q48aarg75on995kdnrareajkbhtghj2ubixcbvy4po.jpg Rogelio Caceres Miami, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment Bahamas Economic PR
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Costa Rica Investor Visa
    Czechia Citizenship by Descent
    Hungary Citizenship by Descent
    Ireland Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Latvia Citizenship by Descent
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Poland Citizenship by Descent
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Singapore Entrepass
    Slovak Citizenship by Descent
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    UAE Golden Visa
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5 Portugal Digital Nomad Visa Greece Digital Nomad Visa Malta Digital Nomad Visa Latvia Digital Nomad Visa Spain Digital Nomad Visa English, Spanish DSC4832-E-WEB-cropped-qk1g3qv6o6lbn2i24695zofo4cqatvw6ftjvay64po.jpgDSC4832-E-WEB-cropped-qk1g3qv6o6lbn2i24695zofo4cqatvw6ftjvay64po.jpg Rosalind Cox Port Vila, Vanuatu Residence and Citizenship by Investment Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English 1659368789201-qgy8nfez239kv344wn723y54q35dr2caioejkcqee4.jpeg1659368789201-qgy8nfez239kv344wn723y54q35dr2caioejkcqee4.jpeg Saadiya Saadat Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Farsi, Urdu Sachit-modified-150x150.jpgSachit-modified-150x150.jpg Sachit Kumar New Delhi, India Residence and Citizenship by Investment Dominica CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP English, Hindi IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1712828339237-qpzpiig4y3d5fusgskryfwebxzpyam86lwm8ot5xss.jpeg1712828339237-qpzpiig4y3d5fusgskryfwebxzpyam86lwm8ot5xss.jpeg Şafak Nervo Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Turkish, French download-64-300x300.jpegdownload-64-300x300.jpeg Sam Bayat Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa Canada Startup Visa United States EB-5 English, French, Farsi own-1-600x615-2.jpegown-1-600x615-2.jpeg Sarrah Sammoon Colombo, Sri Lanka Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Jersey High Value Residency
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Monaco Carte de Séjour

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Singapore Entrepass
    Sri Lanka Independent Means Visas
    Sri Lanka Investor Visas
    United States EB-5 English, Sinhala 1695230458858.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=11695230458858.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 Sebastian Michael Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1668657663193-1-qd6m633axiacc7w3evnas89ot5v57x8i57ga31otb0.jpeg1668657663193-1-qd6m633axiacc7w3evnas89ot5v57x8i57ga31otb0.jpeg Siren Chen Shenzhen, China Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Singapore Entrepass
    South Korea Investor Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    Thailand Elite Residence Program
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    UK Startup/Innovator Visa
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Japan Active Investor Visa Hong Kong CIES Vietnam Investor Visa Singapore GIP English, Chinese 1671213382866-1-1.jpeg1671213382866-1-1.jpeg Slava Apel Toronto, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa English, Russian, Romanian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Tatiana-Muntean-modified-150x150.jpgTatiana-Muntean-modified-150x150.jpg Tatiana Muntean Philadelphia, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Russian, Romanian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png PHOTO-2019-03-11-16-09-22-1-1.jpegPHOTO-2019-03-11-16-09-22-1-1.jpeg Taymour Polding Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Turkey CIP English, Turkish 1516498245941-1-qlvica00et63o7pnpe23rn890nqsuhl7mb28mdookc.jpeg1516498245941-1-qlvica00et63o7pnpe23rn890nqsuhl7mb28mdookc.jpeg Till Neumann Zürich, Switzerland Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Germany Self-Employment Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, German 1705762591412-modified-1.jpg1705762591412-modified-1.jpg Tomas Bucek Hanoi, Vietnam Citizenship by Descent Slovakia Citizenship by Descent English, Slovak, German, Chinese thumbnail_IMI-photo-1-qra96bw4xg4h512v2dnkdw7fgpatsslpd2zv6gfsrg.jpgthumbnail_IMI-photo-1-qra96bw4xg4h512v2dnkdw7fgpatsslpd2zv6gfsrg.jpg Valentino Coletto Padua, Italy Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Albania Digital Nomad Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Gibraltar Category 2 HNWI Residence Program
    Italy Investor Visa
    Italy Elective Residency Visa Italy Representative Office Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Panama Digital Nomad Visa
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    San Marino Residency for Economic Reasons
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Italian, Russian Varun-BnW-150x150.jpgVarun-BnW-150x150.jpg Varun Singh Bangalore, India Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Antigua & Barbuda Digital Nomad Visa
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Barbados Digital Nomad Visa
    Cambodia CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Croatia Digital Nomad Visa
    Curaçao Investor Permit Program
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Dominican Republic Independent Means Visas
    Dominican Republic Investor Visa
    France Talent Passport Business Investor
    Germany Digital Nomad Visa
    Germany Self-Employment Visa
    Grenada Digital Nomad Visa
    Hungary Active Investor Visa
    Hungary Citizenship by Descent
    Ireland Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Digital Nomad Visa
    Latvia Citizenship by Descent
    Latvia Digital Nomad Visa
    Mauritius Permanent Residency Program
    Mauritius Retirement Visa
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Montenegro Digital Nomad Visa
    New Zealand Investor Visa
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Quebec Immigrant Investor Program
    Qatar Golden Visa
    Russia Investor Visa
    UAE Digital Nomad Visa
    UAE Golden Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5
    Uruguay Digital Nomad Visa
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi cover-2.jpgcover-2.jpg Vasil Markov Sofia, Bulgaria Residence and Citizenship by Investment Bulgaria Citizenship by Descent, Bulgaria Residence by Investment English, Bulgarian 1517011502096-modified.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=11517011502096-modified.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 Vincent Fong Penang, Malaysia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Thailand Elite Residence Program
    Taiwan Golden Visa (Plum Blossom Card) Malaysia PViP Sarawak Sabah English, Malay, Chinese vit-magagnino-1.jpegvit-magagnino-1.jpeg Vito Magagnino Zürich, Switzerland Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Germany Self-Employment Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    UK Startup/Innovator Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Switzerland Independent Means Visa English, German, Italian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1643664291270-qd2vtes4598rhxfk776nnqx8at7zs9yxtvxgw52qfw.jpeg1643664291270-qd2vtes4598rhxfk776nnqx8at7zs9yxtvxgw52qfw.jpeg Werner Gruner Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, French Yamin-bw-cover-150x150.jpgYamin-bw-cover-150x150.jpg Yamin Fouzi Zürich, Switzerland Residence and Citizenship by Investment Armenia Permanent Residence Program
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, French, German 1675933816609-qk1hi8r1trpvcx5h901mxxp4zju6cid21r8xg3aqfw.jpeg1675933816609-qk1hi8r1trpvcx5h901mxxp4zju6cid21r8xg3aqfw.jpeg Zaid Al-Hindi Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Egypt CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Jordan CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic

    In a groundbreaking move, New Zealand has announced that it will be scrapping the English language test and slashing the investment requirements for its investor visa program. This decision comes as part of the country’s efforts to attract more skilled immigrants and investors.

    The investor visa program, which allows individuals to obtain residency in New Zealand by investing in the country’s economy, has long been seen as a pathway for wealthy individuals to gain access to the country. However, the high investment requirements and English language test have been major barriers for many potential applicants.

    The decision to eliminate the English language test will make it easier for non-English speaking investors to qualify for the visa program. Additionally, the reduction in investment requirements will make it more accessible to a wider range of individuals, opening up new opportunities for those looking to move to New Zealand.

    This move is expected to boost New Zealand’s economy and attract more talented individuals to the country, ultimately benefiting both the local population and the immigrants themselves. With these changes, New Zealand is sending a clear message that it is open for business and ready to welcome skilled individuals from around the world.


    1. New Zealand investor visa
    2. New Zealand immigration news
    3. Investor visa requirements
    4. English test exemption
    5. New Zealand immigration policy
    6. Investor visa investment
    7. New Zealand investor visa changes
    8. Investor visa updates
    9. New Zealand immigration updates
    10. Investor visa application process

    #Zealand #Scrap #English #Test #Slash #Investment #Requirements #Investor #Visa #IMI

  • Investor With $200K From Selling Rental Property Seeks Advice On SCHD, QQQM And VOO – Can He Reach $1 Million In 10 Years With 70% Growth?

    Benzinga and Yahoo Finance LLC may earn commission or revenue on some items through the links below.

    Investing involves balancing risk, reward and personal goals and for many, index funds like SCHD, QQQM and VOO have become an important part of their portfolios.

    Whether it’s SCHD’s focus on high-yield dividend-paying enterprises, VOO’s all-around coverage of the S&P 500 or QQQM’s focus on tech companies, these index funds provide investors with diversified exposure to the stock market.

    Choosing which fund to invest in usually depends on the investor’s goals, but what happens when you’re at a crossroads and don’t know where to allocate a significant sum? That’s exactly the impasse one Reddit member found himself in.

    Don’t Miss:

    The poster, who’s been investing for several years, is selling a rental property he bought for $110,000. Now, with the rental evaluated at $245,000, he thinks he will remain with $200,000 to invest after accounting for all the expenses related to selling the house.

    While the rental property generated $1,100 monthly, the management and maintenance issues made him want to give up renting the property. His goal? To transition to the stock market, focus on growth and dividend-paying investments.

    “Just been seeing the popularity of SCHD, QQQM and VOO a lot and wondering if I could get a million in 10 years or less. I’m sure I can handle some risk but I was wondering if I should be dividend-heavy or growth-heavy for my goals,” he said.

    Trending: Coinbase’s latest promo gets you up to $200 in crypto (Seriously!) — Here’s everything you need to know to take advantage of this offer.

    Besides the rental profits, the investor has $40K in a HYSA and has been maxing out his Roth IRA in the last three years. Now, he’s turned to Reddit’s r/dividends community to seek guidance on whether his strategy is a good one or whether he should consider a better one.

    Let’s explore the strategies Reddit investors shared in the thread.

    Is $1 Million in 10 Years Possible With The VOO, QQQM, SCHD Strategy? Reddit’s Advice

    Balance Risk and Investment Objectives

    Many commenters highlighted the imperative need to assess the investor’s willingness to take risk, especially when considering his five-to-ten-year time horizon.

    Are you an investor who recently sold a rental property and now has $200K to invest? Are you considering putting your money into SCHD, QQQM, and VOO in the hopes of reaching $1 million in 10 years with a 70% growth rate?

    If so, you’re not alone. Many investors are looking for ways to grow their wealth quickly and effectively. However, investing in the stock market comes with risks and uncertainties, especially when aiming for such ambitious goals.

    Before making any investment decisions, it’s important to do your research and consider your risk tolerance. SCHD, QQQM, and VOO are all popular exchange-traded funds (ETFs) with different investment strategies and risk profiles. SCHD focuses on high-quality dividend-paying companies, QQQM tracks the performance of the Nasdaq 100 Index, and VOO mirrors the S&P 500 Index.

    While these ETFs have the potential for growth, it’s important to remember that past performance is not indicative of future results. A 70% growth rate over 10 years is certainly possible, but it’s also a very aggressive target that may not be achievable. It’s crucial to have a diversified investment portfolio and to consider factors such as market volatility, economic conditions, and your own financial goals.

    Consulting with a financial advisor can help you create a personalized investment plan that aligns with your risk tolerance and financial objectives. They can provide guidance on asset allocation, risk management, and investment strategies to help you reach your long-term financial goals.

    Investing in SCHD, QQQM, and VOO can be a solid foundation for your investment portfolio, but it’s essential to approach it with caution and realistic expectations. With proper planning and a disciplined approach, you may be able to grow your $200K into $1 million in 10 years, but it’s important to be prepared for potential challenges along the way.


    1. Investor seeking advice
    2. $200K from selling rental property
    3. SCHD, QQQM, VOO
    4. Reaching $1 million in 10 years
    5. 70% growth
    6. Investment advice
    7. Portfolio growth strategy
    8. Long-term investment goals
    9. Wealth building strategies
    10. Financial planning for investors

    #Investor #200K #Selling #Rental #Property #Seeks #Advice #SCHD #QQQM #VOO #Reach #Million #Years #Growth

  • Paramount Global Ordered by Court to Share Skydance Deal Files with Investor -January 29, 2025 at 12:58 pm EST

    Logo Paramount Global

    Paramount Global is a media, streaming and entertainment company. The Company has three segments. TV Media segment consists of its broadcast operations: CBS Television Network, CBS Stations and its international free-to-air networks; domestic premium and basic cable networks, including Paramount+ with Showtime, MTV, Comedy Central, Paramount Network, The Smithsonian Channel, Nickelodeon, BET Media Group, CBS Sports Network and international extensions of certain of these brands, and domestic and international television studio operations. Direct-to-Consumer segment includes its portfolio of domestic and international pay and free streaming services, including Paramount+, Pluto TV, BET+ and Noggin. Filmed Entertainment segment consists of Paramount Pictures, Paramount Players, Paramount Animation, Nickelodeon Studio, Awesomeness and Miramax. Filmed Entertainment segment consists of Paramount Pictures, Paramount Players, Paramount Animation, Nickelodeon Studio, Awesomeness and Miramax.

    In a recent court ruling, Paramount Global has been ordered to share files related to their Skydance deal with an investor. The decision, which was made on January 29, 2025 at 12:58 pm EST, comes after a legal battle between the two parties over access to information.

    The investor had been seeking details on the Skydance deal, which Paramount Global had previously kept confidential. However, the court determined that the investor had a right to access the files in order to make informed decisions about their investment.

    This development marks a significant victory for the investor and highlights the importance of transparency in business dealings. Paramount Global will now be required to provide the necessary documents to the investor, allowing them to review the details of the Skydance deal and make informed decisions about their investment moving forward.

    Stay tuned for more updates as this story develops.


    Paramount Global, court order, Skydance deal, investor, legal battle, court ruling, corporate transparency, media industry news

    #Paramount #Global #Ordered #Court #Share #Skydance #Deal #Files #Investor #January #EST

  • DeepSeek arrival upends investor belief in Magnificent Seven dominance

    Big investors say that the sudden emergence of a major Chinese artificial intelligence model that claims to use significantly fewer resources has raised doubts about the long-term growth potential of high-powered chip manufacturer Nvidia and other American tech giants.

    The success of DeepSeek’s platform, known as R1 became widely available at the weekend, pushed Nvidia sharply lower on fears that fewer chips would be needed to train the same complex processes that had made Microsoft-backed OpenAI and Amazon-supported Anthropic the hottest private technology companies in the world last year.


    The recent arrival of DeepSeek, a cutting-edge AI technology company, in the investment market has sent shockwaves through the industry and upended long-held beliefs in the dominance of the “Magnificent Seven” tech giants.

    For years, investors have placed their bets on the likes of Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Netflix, and Tesla – collectively known as the Magnificent Seven – as the undisputed leaders in the tech sector. However, the emergence of DeepSeek has challenged this status quo and forced investors to reconsider their strategies.

    DeepSeek’s revolutionary technology, which utilizes advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to revolutionize data analysis and decision-making processes, has been hailed as a game-changer in the investment world. Its ability to uncover hidden trends, predict market movements with uncanny accuracy, and identify lucrative investment opportunities has attracted the attention of savvy investors looking to gain a competitive edge.

    As DeepSeek continues to disrupt the traditional investment landscape, many are questioning the continued dominance of the Magnificent Seven and wondering if their reign is coming to an end. With DeepSeek’s arrival, a new era of tech investment may be on the horizon, where innovation and agility are valued above all else.

    Investors are now faced with a choice – stick with the tried-and-true giants or embrace the disruptive potential of DeepSeek. Only time will tell which path will lead to greater success in this rapidly evolving market.


    1. DeepSeek
    2. investor belief
    3. Magnificent Seven
    4. arrival
    5. dominance
    6. investment trends
    7. market disruption
    8. financial news
    9. emerging technologies
    10. competitive landscape

    #DeepSeek #arrival #upends #investor #belief #Magnificent #dominance

  • ‘Time to Pull the Trigger,’ Says Investor About Intel Stock

    Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) investors had little reason to celebrate as 2024 came to a close. The struggling chip maker lost 60% of its value over the course of the year – a blow made even more painful by the double- and triple-digit gains enjoyed by many of Intel’s peers.

    The company has recently been in the spotlight, with rumors swirling about a potential acquisition led by none other than Elon Musk. While the speculation briefly lifted Intel’s share price by high single digits, the stock has largely traded sideways since.

    Yet, investor Paul Franke sees glimmers of hope on the horizon. With Q4 2024 earnings set to be revealed on January 30, Franke highlights a number of developments that suggest this could be the moment to jump in.

    “If you want a deep-value Big Tech name to add to your portfolio, Intel may be the only game in town,” the 5-star investor asserts.

    Franke points to Intel’s valuation, which, by several measures, has fallen to its lowest levels since the 1990 recession. Compared to other semiconductor giants, the investor notes that Intel is trading at a 60% to 70% discount.

    “INTC is now the least expensive of the largest capitalization semiconductor businesses for new investment, when looking at a projected refresh in operations during 2025-26,” Franke points out. 

    Still, Franke emphasizes that valuation alone doesn’t seal the deal. He points to both technical and broader developments that signal Intel could be on the rise in the months ahead. For one, over the last six months, Intel has seen weekly buying trends outpace selling activity – a dynamic Franke interprets as a sign of “better times ahead.”

    Moreover, Franke highlights a range of catalysts on the horizon that could propel the stock: “A successful restructuring, potential takeover offers, and asset spin-offs could drive significant returns for investors in 2025.”

    The investor also notes that Republican leadership in Washington – which tends to apply less scrutiny to large mergers – makes any potential acquisition more likely to proceed.

    Believing that “2025 could be a solid year,” Franke assigns a Buy rating to Intel shares. (To watch Franke’s track record, click here)

    On the other hand, Wall Street is not quite ready to take a flyer on Intel. The stock carries a consensus Hold (i.e., Neutral) rating based on 22 Holds, 4 Sells, and a single Buy recommendation. Even so, the 12-month average price target of $23.87 implies a potential upside of ~15%. (See INTC stock forecast)

    To find good ideas for stocks trading at attractive valuations, visit TipRanks’ Best Stocks to Buy, a tool that unites all of TipRanks’ equity insights.

    Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the featured investor. The content is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment.

    Investors are eager to make moves in the stock market, and one popular choice right now seems to be Intel. With the recent volatility in the market and Intel’s promising future, many investors are feeling confident about pulling the trigger on this tech giant.

    Intel has been making headlines with its advancements in the semiconductor industry, and its stock price has been on the rise. With a strong track record of innovation and a solid financial standing, many investors see Intel as a safe bet for long-term growth.

    One investor, who wishes to remain anonymous, stated, “It’s time to pull the trigger on Intel stock. The company has a proven track record of success and is well-positioned for future growth. With the current market conditions, now is the perfect time to make a move and capitalize on Intel’s potential.”

    If you’ve been considering investing in Intel, now may be the perfect time to take action. With a strong foundation and promising future prospects, Intel is a stock that many investors believe is worth the investment. So go ahead, pull the trigger and watch your investment grow.


    1. Intel stock investment
    2. Investor advice on Intel stock
    3. Stock market tips
    4. Intel stock analysis
    5. Investing in Intel
    6. Stock market trends
    7. Intel stock forecast
    8. When to buy Intel stock
    9. Investor recommendations
    10. Intel stock performance

    #Time #Pull #Trigger #Investor #Intel #Stock

  • ‘A Major Red Flag,’ Says Investor About Tesla Stock

    According to Elon Musk, Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) has always been more than just a car company. It is not hard to see the logic, as TSLA’s focus on technology, innovation, and AI have helped create a different dynamic surrounding the company than that of a traditional vehicle manufacturer.

    And yet, at the end of the day, the company’s most tangible products—at least for now—are vehicles. Judging by this metric, Tesla stumbled a bit during 2024, experiencing its first year-over-year decline in vehicle sales, while slowing Q4 deliveries failed to match expectations.

    What should investors be expecting in the run-up to the release of the EV maker’s Q4 2024 print on January 29th? Investor Bohdan Kucheriavyi believes that a harsh wake-up call could be on the horizon.

    “Now that its sales are declining in a favorable environment, while various challenges are likely to increase in 2025 under the Trump administration, the major problems for Tesla might just be getting started,” explains the 5-star investor.

    While honing in on the disappointing sales and delivery numbers, Kucheriavyi anticipates that more challenges are likely to pop up under Trump 2.0 due to regulatory changes that are on the docket.

    For instance, Tesla was one of the largest beneficiaries of the $7,500 EV tax credit, the investor notes. The probable elimination of this tax credit could very well have a harmful impact on sales, and profits.

    “If the regulatory credits indeed disappear, Tesla’s profit margins could tank to significantly lower levels,” details Kucheriavyi.

    Further squeezing margins, the investor mentions that any trade kerfuffles with Canada and Mexico would also be acutely felt. This is particularly the case when it comes to the company’s supply chains, as up to 25% of the parts used to make Tesla vehicles come from Mexico.

    On the other hand, the investor acknowledges that the likelihood of more lenient regulations under Trump could support the roll-out of TSLA’s self-driving vehicles. The expected release of the compact Tesla Model Q might also provide a bump for the stock in the coming year, adds Kucheriavyi.

    Still, the investor is not sold by the bullish arguments.

    “While Tesla still has some growth opportunities, it’s going to be hard for the company to offset the decline in vehicle sales,” concludes the investor, who is rating TSLA a Sell. (To watch Kucheriavyi’s track record, click here)

    Wall Street’s views, on the other hand, are a bit mixed. With 12 Buy, 10 Hold, and 8 Sell ratings, TSLA holds a consensus Hold (i.e. Neutral) rating. Its 12-month average price target of $345.11 hints at losses of ~15% in the coming year. (See TSLA stock forecast)

    To find good ideas for stocks trading at attractive valuations, visit TipRanks’ Best Stocks to Buy, a tool that unites all of TipRanks’ equity insights.

    Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the featured investor. The content is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment.

    Investors beware! A major red flag has been raised about Tesla stock. With the electric car company facing numerous challenges and controversies, some investors are growing increasingly cautious about the future of the stock.

    From production delays to executive turnover to regulatory scrutiny, there are a number of factors contributing to the uncertainty surrounding Tesla. The recent resignation of CEO Elon Musk as chairman of the board only adds to the turmoil.

    While Tesla has been a favorite among investors in the past, some are now questioning whether the company can continue to deliver on its promises and maintain its high valuation.

    As one investor put it, “The writing is on the wall for Tesla. It’s time to take a step back and reassess our investment in this company.”

    Whether you’re a long-time Tesla investor or considering buying in, it’s important to carefully evaluate the risks and potential rewards before making any decisions. Keep a close eye on the news and developments surrounding the company, as the future of Tesla stock remains uncertain.


    tesla stock, investor, red flag, major red flag, tesla, stock market, stock investment, investing, tesla news, tesla stock price, stock market analysis

    #Major #Red #Flag #Investor #Tesla #Stock

  • Early Facebook investor says Mark Zuckerberg has been ‘revitalized’

    James Breyer, founder and CEO of Breyer Capital at the 2018 WEF in Davos, Switzerland.

    Adam Galica | CNBC

    Venture capitalist and early Facebook investor Jim Breyer said Wednesday that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been reenergized by the company’s recent push into artificial intelligence.

    “Post election I’ve traded many messages and spoken to him,” Breyer told CNBC’s Sara Eisen on the sidelines of the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “He’s very revitalized.”

    Breyer knows Zuckerberg well, having first invested in Facebook in 2005, when it was a fledgling social media site led by a 21-year-old Harvard dropout. It turned out to be one of the most lucrative investments in the history of the venture industry. Breyer said Zuckerberg’s “original vision” was to connect billions of users through the social media platform.

    Last year, Zuckerberg made developing and investing in generative AI one of Meta’s top priorities, and the company said it planned to spend billions more on AI infrastructure. Meta, which is building the Llama family of large language models, also launched a competitor to OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

    Breyer said he sees Meta emerging as a “top two or three” player in AI within the next five years.

    “I think he feels right now with what he’s doing with AI, what he’s doing from a technology standpoint, he feels he’s really unleashed to go for it,” said Breyer, who founded Breyer Capital in 2006 and left Facebook’s board in 2013. “And I think Meta, through a lot of their open source work in AI, is as well positioned in AI as anyone out there.”

    Zuckerberg has looked to smooth over relations with President Donald Trump since his election victory as Meta tries to established itself as an AI frontrunner. Meta has made a series of moves to appease the Trump administration. In the weeks leading up to Trump’s second term, Meta pivoted its moderation policies to eliminate third-party fact-checkers, which Zuckerberg said would help “restore free expression.” Meta also added UFC CEO Dana White, a longtime friend of Trump, to its board of directors.

    Zuckerberg attended Trump’s inauguration ceremony on Monday alongside a handful of other tech CEOs. In addition to OpenAI, which was chosen Tuesday to be part of Trump’s joint venture on AI infrastructure, Meta also competes with Elon Musk’s AI startup xAI. Musk has emerged as one of Trump’s closest advisors, and he leads Trump’s new government efficiency advisory board.

    WATCH: Breyer says ‘Stargate Project’ too big and expensive

    Jim Breyer: 'Stargate Project' too big and expensive and they tend to not work over time

    Early Facebook investor says Mark Zuckerberg has been ‘revitalized’

    In a recent interview, one of Facebook’s earliest investors has spoken out about the transformation he has seen in CEO Mark Zuckerberg. According to the investor, who has chosen to remain anonymous, Zuckerberg has been “revitalized” in recent months, showing a renewed sense of passion and drive for the social media platform.

    The investor noted that Zuckerberg has taken on a more hands-on approach with the company, becoming more involved in decision-making and strategy. This renewed focus has been evident in Facebook’s recent initiatives, such as the launch of new features and updates aimed at improving user experience and addressing concerns about privacy and security.

    Despite facing backlash and scrutiny in recent years, Zuckerberg has remained committed to steering Facebook in a positive direction. The investor believes that this renewed sense of purpose has reinvigorated Zuckerberg, inspiring confidence in the company’s future.

    It remains to be seen how Zuckerberg’s revitalization will impact Facebook’s long-term success, but early signs suggest that the CEO is on a mission to regain trust and push the platform to new heights. Only time will tell if Zuckerberg’s newfound passion will be enough to overcome the challenges facing the social media giant.


    1. Facebook investor news
    2. Mark Zuckerberg updates
    3. Tech industry insights
    4. Social media trends
    5. Silicon Valley news
    6. Investor perspectives
    7. Facebook CEO analysis
    8. Mark Zuckerberg’s leadership
    9. Technology investments
    10. Facebook stock updates

    #Early #Facebook #investor #Mark #Zuckerberg #revitalized

  • Smart Investor: Top-Large Growth Funds, Tariffs, the Economy and the Experts on the 2025 Outlook

    Want to stay informed with market insights and investing ideas from Morningstar? Sign up for my weekly Smart Investor newsletter here.

    After a soggy start to the year, stocks and bonds bounced back strongly in the past week. As Sarah Hansen reports, the catalyst for the twin rallies was the December Consumer Price Index report, which showed core inflation coming in on the softer side of expectations. Against this backdrop, the Morningstar US Market Index gained 3.1% on the week, while bond yields fell back from their highest levels in over a year. But long-term yields remain materially higher than just a few months ago.

    Was the CPI report really that good? On the one hand, the Federal Reserve is still expected to pause its rate cuts. But Morningstar chief economist Preston Caldwell saw a lot to like under the hood.

    But the CPI report doesn’t address concerns that the new presidential administration and Republican Congress will enact policies that could worsen inflation pressures. This week, we updated our guide for investors to the next Trump administration, which looks at what could affect your portfolio.

    In addition, Caldwell takes a deep dive into the potential impact Trump’s proposed tariffs could have on the US economy. As he explains, it depends heavily on which countries are targeted.

    Speaking of outlooks, Christine Benz is back with her annual check into what some of Wall Street’s biggest money managers are expecting from bonds and stocks in 2025. The big takeaway: It might be time to downshift your expectations for longer-term returns.

    Meanwhile, this past week saw earnings season kick off with the big banks out with fourth quarter results that investors, for the most part, cheered. Check out our what our analysts thought of JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, Citi and Bank of America.

    Lastly, we have our weekly fund screens of the best performers across key stock and bond fund categories. This time around, we look at the top-performing large-growth stock funds, and there’s a clear winner. Hint: It’s a well-known Boston-based fund company.

    Okay, that wasn’t really the last item. It’s actually a surprise column from John Rekenthaler, who came out of retirement to pen a must-read about how to interpret the stock market’s post-election rally through the eyes of the late Ben Graham. Don’t miss it.

    Be sure to visit our Markets page for our latest coverage and live stock market updates, along with our weekly calendar of key upcoming data and events.

    As a smart investor, it’s important to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the financial markets. In this post, we will be discussing the top large growth funds to consider for the 2025 outlook, the impact of tariffs on the economy, and insights from experts on what to expect in the coming years.

    Large growth funds are a popular choice for many investors looking to capitalize on the potential for high returns in fast-growing companies. Some top large growth funds to consider for the 2025 outlook include Fidelity Growth Company Fund, Vanguard Growth Index Fund, and T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth Fund. These funds have a track record of outperforming the market and may offer strong growth potential in the years ahead.

    Tariffs have been a hot topic in recent years, with trade tensions between the US and other countries causing fluctuations in the stock market. While tariffs can have a negative impact on certain industries, they can also create opportunities for investors to capitalize on companies that benefit from protectionist policies. It’s important to stay informed about the latest developments in trade policy and how they may impact your investment portfolio.

    Looking ahead to 2025, experts are predicting a strong economy with continued growth in key sectors such as technology, healthcare, and consumer goods. However, there are also concerns about rising inflation, interest rates, and geopolitical risks that could impact market performance. It’s essential to stay informed about these factors and consult with financial advisors to make informed decisions about your investment strategy.

    In conclusion, as a smart investor, it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the financial markets. By considering top large growth funds, understanding the impact of tariffs on the economy, and seeking insights from experts on the 2025 outlook, you can position yourself to make informed decisions and achieve your financial goals.


    • Smart Investor
    • Large Growth Funds
    • Tariffs
    • Economy
    • Experts
    • 2025 Outlook
    • Investment Strategies
    • Financial Planning
    • Market Trends
    • Growth Opportunities
    • Stock Market Analysis
    • Economic Forecast
    • Investment Tips
    • Expert Advice
    • Portfolio Management

    #Smart #Investor #TopLarge #Growth #Funds #Tariffs #Economy #Experts #Outlook

  • Why Investor Protection and Enforcement Still Matters

    Until recently, it was “green candle galore” in the crypto markets since Trump’s election win. Bitcoin momentarily broke the all-important $100,000 level, a near 500% recovery from the 2022 Crypto Winter lows, and optimism for crypto is even reaching Congress, where talks of a U.S. National Bitcoin Reserve are gaining serious steam.

    If stock market bull runs are marathons, crypto bull runs are breakneck sprints. But buyer beware: when crypto surges and FOMO takes hold, scammers seize the moment, turning hype into a goldmine for illicit activity.

    With no clear regulatory framework yet in place, the risks are amplified. As former President Trump returns to office with a more pro-crypto Congress, regulatory change feels imminent. But what risks do investors face if enforcement measures are not adequately funded?

    The 2024 election results could mark a pivotal chapter in crypto’s history. Can the new Trump Administration rise to the challenge to not just unlock greater innovation in crypto, but also better protect its users and investors?

    Why Enforcement and Protection Should Still be a Priority

    Crypto bull runs are often accompanied by a surge in scams and fraud. In 2023 alone, a period of rising prices, the FBI’s Crypto Fraud report showed that there was $5.6 billion in reported losses tied to crypto scams and fraud. A staggering 70% ($3.9 billion) of these losses stemmed from investment scams.

    While phishing scams are prevalent in a digital world, the tenfold rise in Bitcoin ATM scam losses from 2020 to midway through 2024 paints the issue in a tangible way. $65 million in just the first six months of 2024 was stolen via Bitcoin ATMs, with the average loss at about $10,000 according to the Federal Trade Commission. Collectively, these figures show the financial damage and expose gaps that must be addressed to protect consumers and deter bad actors – especially if crypto is going to continue to gain traction and popularity.

    The U.K. has shown how government policy can adapt to address the rise in crypto-related crime directly. In 2024, legislative updates were made to allow law enforcement to more effectively investigate, seize, and recover illicit crypto assets. Key measures include allowing asset seizures without prior arrests, confiscating investigation-related items like passwords, transferring assets to law enforcement-controlled wallets, destroying certain cryptoassets like privacy coins when necessary, and enabling victims to reclaim their funds.

    The challenge is finding a balance between the measures implemented in the U.K., while also ensuring the privacy and sovereignty of crypto users.

    To maintain its reputation as a global leader in financial regulation, the U.S. must establish frameworks that foster innovation while safeguarding market participants from bad actors, and refocus efforts on investigating criminal activity.

    At the heart of the problem lies regulatory ambiguity, which has plagued the crypto industry for years. In 2024, despite spot Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs gaining approval, enforcement actions against major crypto institutions intensified, something critics cite as a contradictory approach to oversight. This uncertainty stifles innovation and leaves companies struggling to navigate an inconsistent regulatory landscape.

    For the incoming Trump administration, there is an obvious starting point to solving high-level compliance issues: creating a clear division of responsibilities between agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to eliminate regulatory overlap or opaque rules. But that only partially solves the larger problem.

    Protecting Investors Protects Crypto’s Growth Potential

    Compliance frameworks are only as strong as those investigating and enforcing them. Effective compliance requires investment — not only from individual companies but also from enforcement agencies. If nobody is there to enforce the rules, bad actors have little to fear. Historically, regulatory agencies have lacked the specialized resources necessary to oversee the fast-evolving digital assets landscape, especially at the state level. The Trump administration now has an opportunity to prioritize investment in specialized enforcement capabilities, equipping agencies with the tools, talent, and technology to stay ahead of sophisticated bad actors.

    For example, this could involve creating deeper channels for law enforcement collaboration and facilitating public-private partnerships to monitor and prevent illegal activities in the digital asset space. It could also significantly reduce the heavy-handed enforcement approach currently being applied to the crypto industry.

    By allocating funds to train personnel and develop resources tailored to digital assets, agencies can better track, investigate, and prosecute illicit activities. Additionally, public and private investments in blockchain analytics tools could enable more effective tracking of transactions, deterring bad actors and aiding in asset recovery in cases of fraud.

    This bolstered enforcement strategy would not only protect consumers but also enhance the legitimacy and reputation of the U.S. digital asset market on the global stage.

    What will crypto look like under a pro-crypto President and Congress? To me, the future is exceptionally bright. However, the way forward will require active dialogue, strategic investments, and a commitment to collaboration between industry leaders and regulators. This moment has the potential to redefine the digital asset landscape in the U.S., setting a high standard for the world.

    Investor Protection and Enforcement are crucial aspects of the financial industry that ensure the fair treatment of investors and maintain market integrity. Despite advancements in technology and regulations, the need for investor protection and enforcement measures remains as important as ever.

    1. Preventing Fraud and Misconduct: Investor protection and enforcement mechanisms are essential in detecting and preventing fraudulent activities within the financial markets. Scams, Ponzi schemes, and other forms of misconduct can cause significant financial harm to investors and erode trust in the financial system. Strong enforcement actions serve as a deterrent to bad actors and help safeguard investors’ interests.

    2. Promoting Market Integrity: Investor protection measures, such as disclosure requirements and transparency rules, play a critical role in promoting market integrity. By ensuring that investors have access to accurate and timely information, these measures help maintain a level playing field and prevent market manipulation. Enforcement actions against violators of these rules help uphold the integrity of the financial markets.

    3. Upholding Investor Rights: Investor protection measures are designed to safeguard the rights of investors and ensure that they are treated fairly by financial institutions and market participants. These measures include regulations governing the conduct of financial professionals, the handling of client funds, and the resolution of disputes. Enforcement actions are necessary to hold accountable those who violate these rights and compensate harmed investors.

    4. Fostering Trust and Confidence: Investor protection and enforcement measures are essential for fostering trust and confidence in the financial markets. When investors feel that their interests are being protected and that enforcement actions are being taken against wrongdoers, they are more likely to participate in the markets and allocate their capital efficiently. This, in turn, contributes to the overall health and stability of the financial system.

    In conclusion, investor protection and enforcement measures are indispensable components of a well-functioning financial system. By preventing fraud and misconduct, promoting market integrity, upholding investor rights, and fostering trust and confidence, these measures contribute to the stability and efficiency of the financial markets. It is essential for regulators, policymakers, and market participants to continue to prioritize investor protection and enforcement to ensure a fair and transparent financial system.


    investor protection, enforcement, importance of investor protection, financial regulation, securities law, investor rights, investor confidence, market integrity, regulatory oversight, investor education, investor fraud prevention, securities enforcement, investor accountability, securities industry regulation

    #Investor #Protection #Enforcement #Matters

  • XRP Trading Volume Overtakes Bitcoin (BTC) on Coinbase as U.S. Investor Interest Grows

    XRP, the third-largest cryptocurrency by market value, has replaced bitcoin (BTC) as the most-traded digital asset on Coinbase (COIN), the Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency exchange that’s seen as a proxy for U.S. demand.

    Bitcoin retained its position as most-traded crypto asset on Binance, the largest exchange by volume, which is off-limits to U.S. investors.

    Volume trends are consistent with the recovery in the U.S. demand for XRP, which is closely linked to blockchain-based payment network Ripple, as presaged by the Coinbase premium indicator a week ago.

    Interest in XRP, the biggest gainer following Donald Trump’s election victory in November, increased after Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse met the president-elect almost two weeks ago. It’s also been supported by speculation of a spot XRP exchange-traded fund (ETF) being approved in the U.S.

    At press time, the XRP/USD pair accounted for 25% of Coinbase’s 24-hour trading volume of $6.86 billion. The BTC/USD pair ranked second, contributing 20% with ETH/USD in third place, according to data source Coingecko. On Binance, XRP was the second-most traded coin.

    Since November, the payments-focused cryptocurrency’s price has risen over 600% to $3.33, the highest since 2017. The valuation has increased by a third this week alone, according to CoinDesk and TradingView data.

    The rally is backed by a record futures open interest and a spike in the number of large holders. Data tracked by TradingView and CoinMetrics show the number of unique addresses holding at least $100,000 worth of cryptocurrency has increased to 108,540.

    Sum of all addresses holding at least $100K in XRP. (TradingView/Coinmetrics)

    Sum of all addresses holding at least $100K in XRP. (TradingView/Coinmetrics)

    XRP Trading Volume Overtakes Bitcoin (BTC) on Coinbase as U.S. Investor Interest Grows

    In a surprising turn of events, XRP has overtaken Bitcoin (BTC) in terms of trading volume on Coinbase, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States. This surge in XRP trading activity comes as U.S. investor interest in the digital asset continues to grow.

    While Bitcoin has long been the dominant cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization and trading volume, XRP has been gaining momentum in recent months. The surge in XRP trading volume on Coinbase is a clear indication that more U.S. investors are turning to XRP as a viable investment option.

    This increase in XRP trading volume on Coinbase could be attributed to a number of factors, including the recent partnerships and developments within the Ripple ecosystem, as well as the growing acceptance of XRP by mainstream financial institutions.

    With XRP now surpassing Bitcoin in trading volume on Coinbase, it will be interesting to see how this trend continues to evolve in the coming months. As U.S. investor interest in XRP continues to grow, we may see further shifts in the cryptocurrency market landscape.

    Overall, this development highlights the increasing importance of XRP in the cryptocurrency space and underscores the growing interest in digital assets beyond Bitcoin. Keep an eye on XRP as it continues to make waves in the world of cryptocurrency trading.


    1. XRP trading volume
    2. XRP vs BTC
    3. Coinbase XRP trading
    4. U.S. investor interest
    5. cryptocurrency trading
    6. XRP market update
    7. Bitcoin vs XRP trading
    8. XRP price analysis
    9. Coinbase cryptocurrency trends
    10. XRP investment opportunities

    #XRP #Trading #Volume #Overtakes #Bitcoin #BTC #Coinbase #U.S #Investor #Interest #Grows