Tag: Ira

  • EPA cuts off IRA solar money already under contract

    EPA sent letters to recipients of a nationwide solar program Tuesday informing them that their grants had been paused until further notice.

    The Solar for All program recipients — state and local government agencies and a few nonprofits — have signed contracts with EPA amounting to $7 billion. The program is part of the Inflation Reduction Act and is designed to help offset climate pollution and energy costs by financing community and rooftop solar in low-income communities.

    EPA’s letter, which followed the announcement of a broader freeze on federal assistance Monday night, informed program participants that the agency was working with the White House Office of Management and Budget to implement President Donald Trump’s Jan. 20 executive order on “Unleashing American Energy.” It said EPA was pausing “all funding actions related to” Biden-era climate and infrastructure laws.

    “At this time period, EPA is continuing to work with OMB as they review processes, policies and programs as required by the executive order,” the letter stated.

    Four recipients contacted by POLITICO’s E&E News said they had lost access to EPA’s online grant management portal, called the Automated Standard Application for Payments, or ASAP, on Wednesday morning — more than 12 hours after a federal judge temporarily blocked Trump’s expansive spending freeze.

    The recipients, who were granted anonymity to discuss government funding decisions, said they were not given any point of contact for questions related to the spending pause. Two said their EPA program managers had cut off contact.

    OMB on Wednesday rescinded the Monday memo that initiated the spending freeze, but the ASAP portal was still inaccessible by midafternoon Wednesday, four grant recipients said. White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said on X on Wednesday that the administration was not rescinding the spending freeze, only the OMB memo.

    “This is NOT a rescission of the federal funding freeze,” she said.

    EPA referred E&E News to the Justice Department. The Justice Department declined to comment.

    Solar for All is one of three programs under the 2022 climate law’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. It’s the only one that still has funds at the U.S. Treasury. The money for the other two programs, totaling nearly $20 billion, has been deposited at Citibank under a financial agent agreement with Treasury.

    The solar grants are all obligated, meaning that the federal government can’t legally claw back any of the contracted funds unless there is malfeasance on the part of the recipient, according to legal experts.

    EPA grantees can typically access funds for expenditures five days out in the future through ASAP, with federal grant managers auditing transactions on the back end. The four Solar for All recipients said they haven’t been able to access the portal to draw down the money.

    That might not change soon. Zealan Hoover, the Biden administration’s implementation lead for programs under the Inflation Reduction Act and the infrastructure bill, said roughly $50 billion in grants administered by EPA under those two laws are still frozen, pending reviews by the administration.

    “They’ve frozen all [bipartisan infrastructure law] and IRA programs. That has not changed today,” said Hoover, who remains in contact with grantees since leaving the agency. “Everyone’s been getting rejections.”

    Roman Castillo of CohnReznick, a grants management and administration vendor for some of the recipients, said his clients were making contingency plans in case the spending freeze continued — or if the Trump administration finds some other way to turn off the funding spigot.

    “I think it’s safe to say that when funding flows are disrupted, Solar for All grant recipients have no choice but to reevaluate their financial commitments,” he said. “That uncertainty is likely going to result in delays or some sort of interruption in program implementation.”

    The programs lend or grant money to sub-awardees to support solar power deployment in underserved communities. Those awards could be delayed, Castillo said, if grant recipients can’t depend on receiving the federal funds.

    Adam Kent, director of the green finance program at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said administration actions targeting Solar for All would harm low-income communities, including in states that vote for Republicans.

    “This is a local economic development program that’s going to touch all corners of our country and deliver energy savings and help communities become healthier and more resilient,” he said. “So to block these funds from moving forward is really callous and shortsighted.”

    This story also appears in Energywire.

    In a shocking turn of events, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has decided to cut off funding for solar projects that were already under contract with the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA). This decision has left many in the renewable energy industry stunned and confused.

    The EPA’s decision to revoke funding for these projects comes as a major blow to the advancement of solar energy in India, as well as to the companies and individuals who had already invested time and resources into these projects. Many are left wondering what the rationale behind this sudden change in policy is, and how it will impact the future of solar energy development in the country.

    This move by the EPA raises serious questions about the government’s commitment to promoting renewable energy and reducing carbon emissions. It also highlights the challenges that the renewable energy industry faces in navigating a regulatory landscape that is constantly shifting and unpredictable.

    As stakeholders in the renewable energy sector grapple with the implications of this decision, one thing is clear: the fight for a more sustainable and clean energy future is far from over. It is now more important than ever for advocates of solar energy to come together and push back against policies that threaten to hinder progress in this critical area.


    1. EPA cuts
    2. IRA solar
    3. Contract cancellation
    4. Government funding
    5. Solar energy
    6. Environmental Protection Agency
    7. Renewable energy
    8. Clean energy
    9. Solar power
    10. Budget cuts

    #EPA #cuts #IRA #solar #money #contract

  • Mamá de “Fofo” Márquez habla por primera vez sobre su hijo; “por unos minutos de ira perdió todo”

    A pocas horas de que se defina si Rodolfo permanecerá en prisión durante al menos 40 años o si quedará en libertad, su madre, Xóchitl Alcaraz reveló detalles desconocidos sobre su hijo.

    A pesar de que la audiencia programada para el 22 de enero fue pospuesta -lo que impide aún esclarecer su situación legal- la familia del influencer ha recurrido a las redes sociales para exigir justicia y solicitar que se le juzgue únicamente por el delito de lesiones, no por tentativa de femicidio.

    Fofo Márquez se disculpa con víctima de agresión, la afectada considera vacías sus disculpas. Foto: Especial

    Lee también:

    Por medio de una entrevista realizada para el canal “Me lo dijo Adela”, la señora Alcaráz expresó su sentimiento de culpa por la situación actual de su hijo, atribuyéndolo a sus decisiones en la educación de Rodolfo “N”.

    “Me siento muy culpable, siento que quizá lo pude haber metido a una escuela militar, no sé, no darle quizás tanto amor, pero siento que está ahí porque no fui lo suficientemente dura con él y ahí está pagándolo, sí me siento que me equivoqué, pues en consentirlo. Desde que era chiquito siempre fue el mismo calvario con él.”

    La revelación de Xóchitl Alcaráz sobre la infancia de “Fofo” Márquez. Foto: Redes sociales

    Además, recordó que desde temprana edad su hijo enfrentó diversos problemas de comportamiento, lo que los llevó a acudir constantemente a psicólogos y terapeutas. Aunque el youtuber fue diagnosticado con déficit de atención, la madre señaló que, a pesar de sus dificultades, logró superar varios de los obstáculos en su vida, gracias al uso de la tecnología.

    Lee también:

    En su relato, Xóchitl también explicó que Rodolfo nunca creció en un ambiente violento, ya que su esposo, quien falleció, siempre los trató con respeto. Sin embargo, relató que en una de sus relaciones anteriores, Rodolfo fue víctima de agresiones físicas por parte de su expareja.

    Según sus palabras, el influencer llegó en varias ocasiones a casa con marcas visibles de violencia, como arañazos y moretones, pero nunca respondió con agresión, por lo que le extraña que haya agredido a Edith.

    “Tenía una noviecita muy linda que lo tenía todo arañado, lo traía rasguñado, lo traía de los pelos y de las orejas, y Rodolfo nunca le puso una mano encima.”

    Lee también:

    Otro de los momentos difíciles que la madre de “Fofo” relató fue el día en que la policía llegó a su casa para notificarle la detención de su hijo. Xóchitl recordó que la policía le informó que Rodolfo había agredido a una mujer mayor, lo que inicialmente le pareció un error, pues estaba convencida de que su hijo sería incapaz de hacerle daño a una mujer. La confusión aumentó cuando, en lugar de un citatorio, llegó a su domicilio una orden de aprehensión.

    “El policía fue a tocarme a mi casa y me dijo que Rodolfo le había pegado a una viejita y yo dije ‘creo que te equivocaste porque sería incapaz de tocar a una mujer'(…) intentamos saber cómo estaba la señora y que nos hacíamos cargo de ella (…) quizá él no se supo transmitir y en tres ocasiones fue a mi casa a hablar con nosotros y nos decía que la señora quería que nos viéramos en los juzgados. Estábamos esperando un citatorio, pero no llegó y llegó una orden de aprehensión.”

    Elementos de ambas corporaciones, municipal y estatal, cumplimentaron una orden de aprehensión y el influencer fue trasladado al Penal de Barrientos. Foto: Especial y X

    También abordó los videos polémicos que su hijo publicaba en sus redes sociales. Aunque no aprobaba el tipo de contenido que compartía, explicó que él mismo le dijo que “el morbo es lo que vende”.

    En cuanto a las críticas que recibían por sus publicaciones, Xóchitl dejó claro que, aunque no estaban de acuerdo con el contenido, entendía que él estaba creando una imagen para conectar con su audiencia y monetizar su trabajo.

    “Nunca estuvimos de acuerdo, pero Rodolfo nos decía que el morbo era lo que vendía.Cuando regalaba despensas sus videos no tenían vistas y empezó a ver cómo se viralizaba y empezó a hacer ese contenido. Todos los creadores de contenido, bueno no todos, la mayoría conectan con su audiencia a través de personajes, y él así creó el suyo.”

    Lee también:

    En relación con el proceso de sanación de Edith “N”, la mujer involucrada en el incidente, Xóchitl expresó sus dudas sobre la sinceridad de su proceso de recuperación. Señaló que la actitud de Edith, especialmente al hablar en público sobre el caso, ha generado mucho rechazo hacia su familia.

    “Ni cuenta se da del daño que hace cada que tiene un micrófono enfrente, porque ella siempre sale diciendo que tiene mucho miedo de la familia de Rodolfo, que le va a pasar algo (…) si ell tuviera miedo no creo que se metería con nosotros”,comentó, señalando que la actitud de Edith parece más orientada a alimentar el rencor que a sanar verdaderamente. Además, cuestionó si la víctima realmente estaba recibiendo la terapia necesaria, ya que, según su entendimiento, el primer paso en cualquier proceso terapéutico es el perdón.

    Edith, víctima de “Fofo” Márquez, reconoció que si la señora no hubiera llegado a auxiliarla, “estaría en un hospital o ya hubiese fallecido”.Foto: captura de pantalla)

    Ante las declaraciones de Adela Micha, quien le recordó que Edith es una víctima, Xóchitl reafirmó que entendía su dolor, pero insistió en que el enfoque del odio y el rencor que Edith proyecta está afectando profundamente a su familia.

    “Lo sé, pero todo este odio es para nosotros. Rodolfo está encerrado y no dimensiona todo lo que estamos viviendo nosotros. Nosotros no hicimos nada. Rodrigo (su otro hijo) ha perdido muchos contratos y amistades”.

    Tras esto, dijo que su hijo ha considerado la muerte como una salida, ya que no cree que sea posible una vida digna en prisión durante tantos años.

    “Llega un momento en que le dices a Dios que les quite ese dolor. Tiene 27 años, cómo va a vivir 47 años más.”

    A pesar de todo, señaló que Rodolfo está profundamente arrepentido de lo sucedido, aunque no entiende cómo, teniendo todo a su disposición, pudo haber llegado a agredir a Edith.

    “Cada vez que lo veo, no para de llorar. Las tres horas que puedo verlo a la semana en eso se nos va. Nadie llora como él.”

    Por último explicó que su hijo no estaba consciente de lo que hacía en el momento de la agresión, pues, según su versión, había estado estresado por una estafa que había sufrido momentos antes del incidente. No obstante, reconoció que, sin importar las circunstancias, nada justificaba la violencia.

    “Perdió toda una vida de paz, por 8 segundos de violencia”, concluyó, haciendo un balance de la situación de su hijo, quien, según ella, lo tenía todo: salud, trabajo y oportunidades, pero perdió todo por un acto impulsivo de violencia.

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    La madre de “Fofo” Márquez rompe el silencio en una emotiva entrevista donde revela sus sentimientos sobre su hijo y el trágico incidente que lo cambió todo. En un momento de ira, perdió todo lo que había construido. No te pierdas esta conmovedora historia de perdón, arrepentimiento y amor incondicional. ¡Lee más en nuestro sitio web! #FofoMárquez #MadreValiente #PerdónYAmor


    1. Mamá de "Fofo" Márquez
    2. Entrevista exclusiva
    3. Testimonio impactante
    4. Historia de superación
    5. Perdón y reconciliación
    6. Impacto de la ira
    7. Consecuencias de las acciones
    8. Reflexión sobre la vida
    9. Vida de "Fofo" Márquez
    10. Relato emotivo

    #Mamá #Fofo #Márquez #habla #por #primera #vez #sobre #hijo #por #unos #minutos #ira #perdió #todo

  • Berlinale 2025 Adds Films by Bong Joon Ho, Ira Sachs, Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese & More

    Ahead of the Berlinale 2025 taking place February 13-23, they’ve unveiled their lineups for Berlinale Special, Panorama, Generation and Forum sections. Highlights include confirmation of Bong Joon Ho’s Mickey 17 alongside Ira Sachs’ Peter Hujar’s Day, Ancestral Visions of the Future from This Is Not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection director Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, a documentary on the making of Shoah, a new Jacob Elordi-led series from Justin Kurzel, and more.

    See the lineup below via Deadline and check back for the competition lineup next week.

    Berlinale Special

    Ancestral Visions of the Future  

    by Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese | with Siphiwe Nzima, Sobo Bernard, Zaman Mathejane, Mochesane Edwin Kotsoane, Rehauhetsoe Ernest Kotsoane

    France / Lesotho / Germany / Saudi Arabia 2025

    Berlinale Special | World premiere | Documentary form

    A poetic allegory of the filmmaker Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese’s childhood, an ode to cinema and an inner nod to his mother. Through fragmented narratives and mythic imagery, Mosese crafts a haunting reflection on dislocation and belonging.

    Honey Bunch  

    by Madeleine Sims-Fewer, Dusty Mancinelli | with Grace Glowicki, Ben Petrie, Kate Dickie, Jason Isaacs, India Brown Canada 2025

    Berlinale Special | World premiere

    Diana’s husband is taking her to an experimental trauma facility deep in the wilderness, but she can’t remember why… As her memories begin to creep back in so do some unwelcome sinister truths about her marriage.


    by Jan-Ole Gerster | with Sam Riley, Stacy Martin, Jack Farthing, Dylan Torrell

    Germany 2025

    Berlinale Special Gala | World premiere

    Tom, a tennis coach at a luxury hotel, has his life changed when a new family arrives. Matters take a dark turn when the husband disappears and both Tom and the wife become suspects.

    Je n’avais que le néant – “Shoah” par Lanzmann  (All I Had Was Nothingness) by Guillaume Ribot

    France 2025

    Berlinale Special | World premiere

    Forty years after the release of Claude Lanzmann’s monumental film Shoah, Guillaume Ribot reveals the director’s relentless pursuit to tell the untold, using only Lanzmann’s words and unseen footage from the masterpiece.

    Köln 75  

    by Ido Fluk | with Mala Emde, John Magaro, Michael Chernus, Alexander Scheer

    Germany / Poland / Belgium 2025

    Berlinale Special Gala | World premiere

    The true story of Vera Brandes, teenage patron saint of the 1970s Cologne music scene, who risked everything to organise the greatest solo jazz concert in music history: Keith Jarrett’s legendary Köln Concert.

    Das Licht  (The Light)

    by Tom Tykwer | with Nicolette Krebitz, Lars Eidinger, Tala Al-Deen, Elke Biesendorfer, Julius Gause Germany 2025

    Berlinale Special Gala | World premiere

    The Engels family is comfortably living separate lives under the same roof until the enigmatic Farrah, their new housekeeper who has just arrived in Berlin from Syria, enters their lives and challenges each of them in unexpected ways.

    A melhor mãe do mundo  (The Best Mother in the World | Die beste Mutter der Welt) by Anna Muylaert | with Shirley Cruz, Seu Jorge, Rihanna Barbosa, Benin Ayo

    Brazil / Argentina 2025

    Berlinale Special | World premiere

    To escape an abusive relationship, Gal puts her two young children into the recycling cart she uses to collect trash on the city’s streets and runs away. Alone and facing the dangers of homelessness, she convinces them that they are on an adventure.

    Mickey 17  

    by Bong Joon Ho | with Robert Pattinson, Naomi Ackie, Steven Yeun, Toni Collette, Mark Ruffalo

    USA / South Korea / United Kingdom 2024

    Berlinale Special Gala | German premiere

    The unlikely hero, Mickey Barnes has found himself in the extraordinary circumstance of working for an employer who demands the ultimate commitment to the job… to die, for a living.

    The Narrow Road to the Deep North  

    by Justin Kurzel | with Jacob Elordi, Ciarán Hinds, Odessa Young, Olivia DeJonge, Simon Baker Australia 2025

    Berlinale Special Gala | World premiere | Series

    A celebrated World War II hero is haunted by his experiences in a Japanese prisoner of war camp and memories of an affair that took place just before the war in this adaptation of Richard Flanagan’s Booker Prize-winning novel.

    Pa-gwa  (The Old Woman With the Knife)

    by Min Kyu-dong | with Hyeyoung Lee, Kim Sung-cheol, Yeon Woo-jin, Kim Moo-yul, Shin Sia South Korea 2025

    Berlinale Special | World premiere

    Hornclaw, a legendary assassin in her 60s, specialises in eliminating the scum of the earth. She has learned to accept loss but finds new meaning in her mundane yet bloody life when she meets Bullfight, a promising young killer who wants to work with her.

    Shoah  by Claude Lanzmann

    France 1985

    Berlinale Special | No premiere

    Claude Lanzmann’s monumental Holocaust film, made over 12 years from interviews filmed around the globe with survivors, bystanders and perpetrators, powerfully recounts the extermination of six million Jews during the Second World War.

    The Thing with Feathers  

    by Dylan Southern | with Benedict Cumberbatch, Richard Boxall, Henry Boxall, Sam Spruell, Vinette Robinson United Kingdom 2025

    Berlinale Special Gala | European premiere

    Following the death of his wife, a young father’s hold on reality crumbles as a seemingly malign presence begins to stalk him from the shadowy recesses of the apartment he shares with his two young sons.


    1001 Frames  by Mehrnoush Alia

    USA 2025

    Panorama | World premiere | Debut film

    In the studio of a well-known director, female actors audition for the role of Scheherazade in “A Thousand and One Nights”. But the women gradually realise that the director has more in mind than just casting the leading role.

    Ato noturno  (Night Stage) 

    by Marcio Reolon, Filipe Matzembacher | with Gabriel Faryas, Cirillo Luna, Henrique Barreira, Ivo Müller, Kaya Rodrigues Brazil 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    An actor and a politician start a secret affair and together discover their fetish for having sex in public places. The closer they get to their dream of fame, the more they feel the urge to put themselves at risk.

    Bajo las banderas, el sol  (Under the Flags, the Sun) by Juanjo Pereira

    Paraguay / Argentina / USA / France / Germany 2025

    Panorama Dokumente | World premiere | Debut film | Documentary form

    This fully archival journey through the 35 years of Alfredo Stroessner’s regime in Paraguay reveals unseen footage and explores one of the longest-running dictatorships in history, whose effects still resonate today.

    Bedrock by Kinga Michalska

    Canada 2025

    Panorama Dokumente | World premiere | Debut film | Documentary form

    For 80 years, everyday life in Poland has been increasingly expanding into sites of the Holocaust. Bedrock weaves together the stories of the people who call these places home.


    by Jeanette Nordahl | with Trine Dyrholm, David Dencik, Johanne Louise Schmidt, Bjørk Storm, Luna Fuglsang Svelmøe Denmark / Sweden / Belgium 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    Ane and Thomas are on the verge of being divorced when Ane suffers a stroke, forcing them to stay together and postpone telling their children about the split. Faced with this new reality, the two find hope where they least expect it.

    Confidente  (Confidante)

    by Çağla Zencirci, Guillaume Giovanetti | with Saadet Işıl Aksoy, Erkan Kolçak Köstendil, Muhammet Uzuner, Nilgün Türksever, İlber Uygar Kaboğlu

    Turkey / France / Luxembourg 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    Ankara, 1999. Arzu takes one call after another in the sex call centre where she works. When an earthquake hits Istanbul, a young client she spoke to earlier phones her back, begging her to rescue him from the rubble.


    by Nele Mueller-Stöfen | with Fahri Yardim, Valerie Pachner, Carla Díaz, Naila Schuberth, Caspar Hoffmann Germany 2025

    Panorama | World premiere | Debut film

    A wealthy German family hires a young woman as a maid during their summer holiday in Provence. Gradually, the life of the entire family changes – with dramatic consequences.

    Den stygge stesøsteren  (The Ugly Stepsister)

    by Emilie Blichfeldt | with Lea Myren, Thea Loch Næss, Ane Dahl Torp, Flo Fagerli

    Norway / Poland / Sweden / Denmark 2025

    Panorama | European premiere | Debut film

    Elvira will go to any lengths to compete with her insanely beautiful stepsister. In a fairy-tale kingdom where beauty is a brutal business, she uses blood, sweat and tears to catch the Prince’s eye. A twisted take on the classic Cinderella story.


    by Joy Gharoro-Akpojotor | with Ronkę Adékoluęjo, Ann Akinjirin, Diana Yekinni, Aiysha Hart, Harriet Webb United Kingdom 2025

    Panorama | World premiere | Debut film

    When Isio is caught working in the UK without papers, she is taken to a deportation centre. There, she learns that finding love, friendship and freedom can sometimes only be achieved by doing the wrong thing.

    Dreams in Nightmares  

    by Shatara Michelle Ford | with Denée Benton, Mars Storm Rucker, Dezi Bing, Sasha Compere, Charlie Barnett USA / Taiwan / United Kingdom 2024

    Panorama | International premiere

    Three Black queer femmes in their mid-thirties take a road trip across the American Midwest in search of their friend who has seemingly disappeared off the grid.

    The Heart Is a Muscle  

    by Imran Hamdulay | with Keenan Arrison, Melissa De Vries, Loren Loubser, Dean Marais, Ridaa Adams South Africa / Saudi Arabia 2025

    Panorama | World premiere | Debut film

    At a barbecue, Ryan’s five-year-old son briefly goes missing. Ryan’s violent reaction to this scare sets off a chain of events and unearths secrets from the past. A journey of self-discovery and forgiveness begins.

    Hjem kaere hjem  (Home Sweet Home)

    by Frelle Petersen | with Jette Søndergaard, Karen Tygesen, Mimi Bræmer Dueholm, Hanne Knudsen, Finn Nissen Denmark 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    Sofie begins her new work as a carer making home visits to old people. She is quickly confronted with the harsh realities of this challenging job. A precise, authentic representation of a profession that remains largely invisible to the public eye.


    by Mehmet Akif Büyükatalay | with Devrim Lingnau, Mehdi Meskar, Serkan Kaya, Nicolette Krebitz, Aziz Çapkurt Germany 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    A film shoot takes a dark turn when the burning of a Quran throws the crew into turmoil. Caught in the crossfire of accusations, intern Elif (24) is drawn into a dangerous game of secrets and lies and finds herself at the heart of an all-absorbing conspiracy.

    Ich will alles. Hildegard Knef  (I Want It All) by Luzia Schmid

    Germany 2025

    Panorama Dokumente | World premiere | Documentary form

    Hildegard Knef achieved worldwide success, overcame crushing defeats and always maintained her dignity. A portrait of a unique artist and remarkable woman, told via archive footage from six decades.

    L’ Incroyable femme des neiges  (The Incredible Snow Woman)

    by Sébastien Betbeder | with Blanche Gardin, Philippe Katerine, Bastien Bouillon, Ole Eliassen, Martin Jensen France 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    Travelling solo across Greenland, camping on an ice floe, single-handedly wrestling a bear. Not much daunts Coline Morel – except, perhaps, confronting her own existence when it starts to spiral out of control.


    by Anas Saeed, Rawia Alhag, Ibrahim Snoopy, Timeea M Ahmed, Phil Cox | with Khadmallah, Majdi, Jawad, Lokain, Wilson Sudan / United Kingdom / Germany / Qatar 2025

    Panorama Dokumente | European premiere | Documentary form

    Five lives, one city, the fate of a nation. A civil servant, a tea lady, a resistance committee volunteer and two street boys are forced to flee when civil war breaks out in Sudan. An emotional and lyrical portrait of five people from Khartoum.

    Lesbian Space Princess  

    by Emma Hough Hobbs, Leela Varghese | with Shabana Azeez, Gemma Chua Tran, Richard Roxburgh, Bernie Van Tiel, Mark Bonanno Australia 2025

    Panorama | World premiere | Debut film | Animation

    The introverted space princess Saira is forced to leave her home planet of Clitopolis on an inter-gay-lactic mission to save her exgirlfriend who has been kidnapped and is being held ransom by the Straight White Maliens.

    Listy z Wilczej  (Letters from Wolf Street) by Arjun Talwar Poland / Germany 2025

    Panorama Dokumente | World premiere | Documentary form

    A central Warsaw street becomes a kaleidoscope of Polish society. Behind the camera is an Indian migrant who is seeking to overcome the distance between himself and a country full of contradictions and anxieties.

    Looking for Langston  

    by Isaac Julien | with Ben Ellison, Matthew Baidoo, Akim Mogaji, John Wilson, Dencil Williams

    United Kingdom 1989

    Panorama | No premiere

    The 1989 film Looking for Langston is a lyrical exploration of the world of poet and social activist Langston Hughes (1902–1967) and his fellow Black artists and writers of the 1920s Harlem Renaissance.

    Magic Farm  

    by Amalia Ulman | with Chloë Sevigny, Alex Wolff, Joe Apollonio, Camila Del Campo, Simon Rex USA / Argentina 2025

    Panorama | International premiere

    An American film crew working for an edgy media company travels to Argentina to cover a musician who has the potential to go viral.

    When they realise they have landed in the wrong country, they decide to hire local people to fabricate a trend.

    Mikusu Modan  (The Longing)

    by Toshizo Fujiwara | with Daiki Ido, Toshizo Fujiwara, Rino Tsuneishi, Sasha, Tomoko Fujita Japan 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    A couple running a restaurant hires young people who have been released from juvenile detention to help them reintegrate into society. The 18-year-old Yuto is keen to start a new life with their help.

    Die Möllner Briefe  (The Moelln Letters)

    by Martina Priessner | with Hava Arslan, İbrahim Arslan, Namık Arslan, Yeliz Burhan

    Germany 2025

    Panorama Dokumente | World premiere | Documentary form

    Thirty years after the racist attacks in Mölln, survivor İbrahim Arslan discovers hundreds of forgotten letters of solidarity. The film follows him and his family in their struggle to foster a new, victim-centred culture of remembrance.

    Monk in Pieces  

    by Billy Shebar | with Meredith Monk, Björk, David Byrne, Ping Chong, John Schaefer

    USA 2025

    Panorama Dokumente | World premiere | Documentary form

    Visionary composer and performer Meredith Monk overcame hostile critics to become one of the great artists of her time. In her seventh decade of creativity, she ponders how her unique work can continue without her.


    by Fernando Eimbcke | with Aivan Uttapa, Gustavo Sánchez Parra, Diego Olmedo, Andrea Suárez Paz, Rosa Armendariz

    USA / Mexico 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    On a Saturday like any other in 1979, the 14-year-old Olmo is stuck at home caring for his bedridden father. When his next-door neighbour Nina invites him to a party, Olmo’s world is suddenly turned upside down.

    Once Again… (Statues Never Die)  

    by Isaac Julien | with André Holland, Danny Huston, Sharlene Whyte, Devon Terrell, Alex Part

    United Kingdom 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    The film explores the storied relationship between Dr Albert C. Barnes, an early US collector and exhibitor of African cultural artefacts, and the renowned philosopher and cultural critic Alain Locke, known as the “Father of the Harlem Renaissance”.

    Other People’s Money  (Die Affäre Cum-EX)

    by Jan Schomburg, Dustin Loose, Kaspar Munk | with Justus von Dohnányi, Nils Strunk, Lisa Wagner, Karen-Lise Mynster, David Dencik Germany / Denmark / Austria 2025

    Panorama | World premiere | Series

    A global network of bankers, lawyers and mega-rich investors are defrauding European treasuries of €146 billion. Two women try to put a stop to it, but the states and the banks seem intent on thwarting their efforts at all costs.


    by Denis Côté | with Cleaning Simp Paul

    Canada 2025

    Panorama Dokumente | World premiere | Documentary form

    Struggling with depression and social anxiety, Paul has found refuge in serving women who invite him to clean their homes. By sharing his gently eccentric routines on social media, he combats loneliness and takes it one day at a time.

    Peter Hujar’s Day  

    by Ira Sachs | with Ben Wishaw, Rebecca Hall

    USA / Germany 2025

    Panorama | International premiere

    A 1974 conversation between photographer Peter Hujar and his friend Linda Rosenkrantz provides a glimpse into the New York downtown art scene of the time and the personal struggles and epiphanies that define an artist’s life.


    by Jun Li | with Jayden Cheung, Erfan Shekarriz, Sebastian Mahito Soukup, Arm Anatphikorn, Zenni Corbin USA / Hong Kong, China 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    A gay man impersonates men he has had sex with and brings this new persona with him to his next hook-up. Only by pretending to be someone else can he be truly himself.

    Schwesterherz  (The Good Sister)

    by Sarah Miro Fischer | with Marie Bloching, Anton Weil, Proschat Madani, Laura Balzer, Jane Chirwa Germany / Spain 2025

    Panorama | World premiere | Debut film

    Rose is very close to her older brother Sam. When a woman accuses him of rape, Rose is asked to testify in the investigation against him. This tests both their relationship and her moral integrity.

    Silent Sparks  

    by Ping Chu | with Akira Huang, Shih Ming Shuai, Jui Chun Fan, Chih Wei Cheng, Wei Jei Hu Taiwan 2024

    Panorama | International premiere | Debut film

    Freshly released from prison, Pua plunges into the world of gangsters. His long-awaited reunion with his former cellmate Mi-ji falls short of his expectations. Both men will soon have to make some difficult choices.

    Sorda  (Deaf)

    by Eva Libertad | with Miriam Garlo, Álvaro Cervantes, Elena Irureta, Joaquín Notario Spain 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    Ángela, a deaf woman, is expecting a child with her hearing partner, Héctor. The baby’s arrival causes a crisis in their relationship, forcing Ángela to face the challenges of raising her daughter in a world which is not made for her.

    Welcome Home Baby  

    by Andreas Prochaska | with Julia Franz Richter, Reinout Scholten van Aschat, Gerti Drassl, Maria Hofstätter, Gerhard Liebmann Austria / Germany 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    Judith works as an emergency doctor in Berlin. When she inherits a house in Austria from the family who gave her away as a child, her quest to solve the mystery of her origins turns into a nightmarish journey into the past and the dark places of her soul.

    Yalla Parkour  

    by Areeb Zuaiter | with Ahmed Matar

    Sweden / Qatar / Saudi Arabia / Palestine 2024

    Panorama Dokumente | European premiere | Debut film | Documentary form

    In pursuit of a memory that reinforces her sense of belonging, Areeb crosses paths with Ahmed, a parkour athlete in Gaza, sparking a journey where conflicting aspirations clash. Nostalgia meets ambition, the weight of the past meets an unpredictable future.

    Zikaden  (Cicadas)

    by Ina Weisse | with Nina Hoss, Saskia Rosendahl, Vincent Macaigne, Greta Richter, Thorsten Merten Germany / France 2025

    Panorama | World premiere

    Isabell is struggling to look after her ageing parents and facing a crumbling marriage when she meets single mother Anja. The new connection forces her to confront the fragility of her carefully constructed world.


    Akababuru: Expresión de asombro (Akababuru: Expression of Astonishment | Akababuru: Ausdruck des Erstaunens)

    by Irati Dojura Landa Yagarí | with Heluney Nerio Niaza, Wayra Andrea Aguilar Tascón, Escolástica Yagarí Gónzalez, Kipara Niaza, Isabel Yailu Vergara Niaza

    Colombia 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Short Film

    Kari, an Indigenous girl, is afraid to laugh. But a new interpretation of the old legend of Kiraparamia helps her to set herself free.

    A natureza das coisas invisíveis (The Nature of Invisible Things | Die Natur der unsichtbaren Dinge) by Rafaela Camelo | with Laura Brandão, Serena, Larissa Mauro, Camila Márdila, Aline Marta Maia Brazil / Chile 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Debut film

    During the summer holidays, the paths of two ten-year-old girls cross in a hospital and they form an unexpected bond. Their connection leads them on a bittersweet journey of loss, farewells and quiet discoveries about life.

    Anngeerdardardor  (The Thief | Dieb)

    by Christoffer Rizvanovic Stenbakken | with Kamillo Ignatiussen, Mikkel Paalu P. Bianco, Simujooq Ikila Denmark / Greenland 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Short Film

    Kaali embarks on an intense search through the town of Tasiilaq in East Greenland, determined to find his missing sled dog. After an encounter with a group of young bullies, he recovers the dog but risks losing his only friend.

    Arame farpado  (Barbed Wire)

    by Gustavo de Carvalho | with Camila Botelho, Isabella Guido, Ricardo Bagge, Gabriel Novaes, Bruna Domingues Brazil 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere | Short Film

    After a serious accident in rural Brazil, two sisters and their stepfather are forced to spend the night in a hospital emergency room. As they face challenging interactions with strangers, they also struggle with their own family dynamics.

    Atardecer en América (Sunset over America) by Matías Rojas Valencia Brazil / Chile / Colombia 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere | Documentary form | Short Film

    The Altiplano plateau is one of the most dangerous migration routes in Latin America. A teenager recalls the night she crossed the plateau and the feeling of being accompanied by a spiritual presence that wanders like the wind.


    by Sylwia Szkiłądź | with Natalia Wolska, Henryk Niebudek, Elżbieta Gaertner, Marcin Pempuś, Lidia Sadowa Belgium / France 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Animation | Short Film

    In the 1990s, 8-year-old Agata leaves her home in Poland and travels by herself to Belgium. Her perceptions transform the reality of migration into an imaginative experience of initiation.

    Beneath Which Rivers Flow by Ali Yahya | with Ibrahim Halim

    Iraq 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere | Documentary form | Short Film

    In the marshlands of southern Iraq, Ibrahim feels like a stranger in the world. His sole companion is his faithful buffalo. But a looming environmental catastrophe threatens the only life he knows and the one living being he truly understands.


    by Brendan Canty | with Danny Power, Diarmuid Noyes, Emma Willis

    United Kingdom / Ireland 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere | Debut film

    Two estranged brothers with chequered childhoods in the care system suddenly find themselves living under the same roof. They must now reconcile with their pasts and make decisions about the future.

    Daye: Seret Ahl El Daye (The Tale of Daye’s Family)

    by Karim El Shenawy | with Aseel Omran, Badr Mohamed, Islam Mobarak, Haneen Saeed, Mohamed Mounir Egypt / Saudi Arabia 2024

    Generation 14plus | European premiere

    Daye, a 14-year-old Nubian albino with a golden voice, is used to having to stick up for himself. Inspired by his idol Mohamed Mounir, he and his family journey to Cairo so he can audition for “The Voice”.

    De menor (Underage | Minderjährig)

    by Caru Alves de Souza | with William Costa, Carlota Joaquina, Giovanni Gallo, Marina Medeiros, Rita Batata Brazil 2025

    Generation 14plus Special Screening | World premiere | Series

    A fictional TV series about how the justice system in Brazil can commit injustices against underprivileged youngsters. Six young actors perform different stories on a theatre stage via various genres.

    Down in the Dumps  (Tief unten)

    by Vera van Wolferen | with Yootha Wong-Loi Sing, Alex Klaasen, Manoushka Zeegelaar Breeveld Netherlands 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Animation | Short Film

    Cinelli is a perfectionist ladybird. When her red wing sheath are stolen, she falls into a deep depression. But then she learns that her true worth goes far beyond her looks.

    El paso (The Leap | Der Schritt) by Roberto Tarazona

    Cuba 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Documentary form | Short Film

    Two children set out to decipher the mystery of events the adults only talk about in secret: in the darkness of the moonless nights, cattle are disappearing along with the farmers who dare to confront the “monster” that is taking them.


    by Halima Elkhatabi | with Tania Doumbe Fines, Juan Mateo Barrera Gonzales, Bourriquet, Adam Hilali, Ryan Hilali Canada 2024

    Generation 14plus | International premiere | Short Film

    Tania decides to take her horse Fantas to the city and introduce it to some friends in the working-class neighbourhood where she and her family live. Two worlds that have never crossed paths before collide in this little urban tale.

    Hora do recreio (Playtime) by Lucia Murat

    Brazil 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere | Documentary form

    Brazil from the perspective of school pupils aged 14 to 19. Combining a documentary with a fictional approach, Hora do recreio addresses topics including violence, racism and drug dealing.


    by Domini Marshall | with Ingrid Torelli, Kristina Bogic, Safe Shahab, Liam Mollica Australia 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere | Short Film

    Daisy and Lila are best friends. At a suburban house party, shifting desires and tough choices force them to reconsider their place in the world and what they mean to each other.

    I  Agries Meres Mas  (Our Wildest Days)

    by Vasilis Kekatos | with Daphné Patakia, Nikolakis Zegkinoglou, Eva Samioti, Stavros Tsoumanis, Natalia Swift Greece / France 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere | Debut film

    Chloe leaves her family behind and joins a group of teenagers crossing Greece. On her journey, she helps poor people in unconventional ways and starts to wonder if tenderness is the ultimate act of rebellion.


    by Karen Joaquín, Uliane Tatit | with Leire Bravo, Laura Gómez, Joana Belmonte, Sofia Bordon, Eli Iranzo Spain 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Short Film

    Twelve-year-old Latina Juanita is growing up with stringent female beauty ideals, even though she has now moved to the seemingly more open-minded Barcelona. Before a pool party, she realises something else has been growing with her: the hair on her legs.

    Julian and the Wind  

    by Connor Jessup | with David Webster, Joel Oulette, Joey Klein

    Canada 2024

    Generation 14plus | International premiere | Short Film

    Arthur and Julian share a dorm at a boys’ boarding school. Arthur is in love with Julian, but Julian ignores him. When Julian begins to sleepwalk, a strange intimacy develops between the two.

    Little Rebels Cinema Club  

    by Khozy Rizal | with Jordan Omar, Muzakki Ramdhan, Mian Tiara, Cleo Haura, Al Ghazali Indonesia 2024

    Generation Kplus | International premiere | Short Film

    2008, the Indonesian city of Parepare. Together with his best friends, 14-year-old Doddy tries to recreate an iconic scene from a zombie movie and record it with the video camera that belongs to his sad and angry emo brother, Anji.

    Maya, donne-moi un titre (Maya, Give Me a Title | Maya, schenkst du mir einen Titel?) by Michel Gondry | with Maya Gondry, Pierre Niney

    France 2024

    Generation Kplus | International premiere | Animation

    Michel Gondry’s stop-motion love letter to his daughter Maya brings to life a poetic and amusing journey that invites you to dream and laugh.

    Ne réveillez pas l’enfant qui dort  (Don’t Wake the Sleeping Child)

    by Kevin Aubert | with Khadia Ndiaye Fall, Mama Sané, Samba Ly, Adji Mareme Hanne

    Senegal / France / Morocco 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere | Short Film

    Fifteen-year-old Diamant from Dakar dreams of making films, but her family has other plans for her. To Diamant, however, these are out of the question. She falls into a deep sleep from which no one can wake her.

    On a Sunday at Eleven  (Sonntags um Elf)

    by Alicia K. Harris | with Zoe Peak, Amia Ogieva, Samaya Hodge, Jasmine Best, Malea Yarde Canada 2024

    Generation Kplus | International premiere | Short Film

    A young Black ballerina carries out her Sunday rituals while facing the pressure to perform whiteness. The film is an unapologetic celebration of the powerful, ancestral bond embedded in Black women.

    Only on Earth by Robin Petré Denmark / Spain 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Documentary form

    A visually stunning journey into southern Galicia, one of the most wildfire-prone zones in Europe, where humans and animals alike are struggling to cope with the hottest, driest summer on record.

    Ornmol (White Ochre) by Marlikka Perdrisat

    Australia 2025

    Generation Kplus | International premiere | Documentary form | Short Film

    Kupungarri in northwestern Australia is one of the most natural places left in the world. The small community strengthens its young people through a close connection with Country. Excitement grows as they prepare for the biggest event of the year, the Mowanjum Festival.

    Paternal Leave  

    by Alissa Jung | with Juli Grabenhenrich, Luca Marinelli, Arturo Gabbriellini, Joy Falletti Cardillo, Gaia Rinaldi Germany / Italy 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere | Debut film

    Torn between longing and anger, 15-year-old Leo travels to the coast of northern Italy to meet her biological father. The two are complete strangers to each other. They struggle to find truth, affinity, love and the courage to face themselves.

    Pohádky Po Babičce (Tales From the Magic Garden)

    by David Súkup, Patrik Pašš, Leon Vidmar, Jean-Claude Rozec | with Arnošt Goldflam, Zuzana Kronerová, Žofie Hánová, Alex Mojžíš, Mikuláš Čížek

    Czechia / Slovakia / Slovenia / France 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Animation

    Three children spend the night at their grandpa’s house after their grandma has died. There, they discover the magical power of the imagination. A stop-motion animation that celebrates the art of storytelling.


    by Giovanna Molina | with Cecilia Rene, Caroline Campos, Tyler Diamond, Ayana François, Allegra Leguizamo USA 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere | Short Film

    At a final meeting before they graduate from high school, Quaker pupils in Brooklyn reveal their unfiltered feelings to each other.

    Ran Bi Wa (A Story about Fire | Eine Geschichte vom Feuer) by Li Wenyu | with Yang Haoyu, Zhou Xun, Bei Yile, Kang Chunlei

    People’s Republic of China 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Debut film | Animation

    The legend of Ran Bi Wa talks about a monkey who was raised by humans. When he sets off to the Holy Mountain to steal fire for humankind, a journey begins from which he will return transformed into a man.

    Ruse  (Finte)

    by Rhea Shukla | with Khurangi Vijayshri Nagraj, Akshara Padwal, Sammara Khan India 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Short Film

    On a rainy afternoon, three adolescent girls rehearse a dance that takes on a life of its own, somewhere between innocence and awareness.

    Sous ma fenêtre, la boue  (The Mud Under My Window)

    by Violette Delvoye | with Gabriella Zola, Jasmina Douieb, Stéphanie Coerten

    France / Belgium 2025

    Generation 14plus | International premiere | Animation | Short Film

    One of Emma’s mothers is too busy; the other is too far away. One is rejected, the other idealised. Out of a trivial tension, an intimate and unsettling face-to-face confrontation suddenly arises.

    Space Cadet  by Eric San

    Canada 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Debut film | Animation

    When the astronaut Celeste blasts off into space on her first solo mission, the guardian robot that has accompanied her throughout her childhood is left alone to wonder: What now? A tomorrow-days lullaby about finding your place in the universe.


    by Antoinette Jadaone | with Maris Racal, Annika Co, Jennica Garcia, Meryll Soriano, Elijah Canlas Philippines 2024

    Generation 14plus | European premiere

    During the week of try-outs for the national team, a young gymnast discovers she is pregnant. On her way to meet a dealer in illegal abortion pills, she encounters a mysterious girl who questions her decision.

    Têtes Brûlées  

    by Maja Ajmia Yde Zellama | with Safa Gharbaoui, Mehdi Bouziane, Mounir Amamra, Adnane El Haruati, Saber Tabi Belgium 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere | Debut film

    Twelve-year-old Eya has to face the sudden death of her beloved older brother Younès. In an intense grieving process, she draws on her creativity, resilience and the support of Younès’ friends to come to terms with her loss.

    Uiksaringitara  (Wrong Husband)

    by Zacharias Kunuk | with Theresia Kappianaq, Haiden Angutimarik, Leah Panimera, Mark Taqqaugaq, Emma Quassa Canada 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere

    After a mysterious death, Kaujak and Sapa are separated, even though they were promised to each other at birth. Spirit helpers intervene to make things right again in this arctic fairy tale set in an Inuit community.

    Umibe é Iku Michi (Seaside Serendipity)

    by Satoko Yokohama | with Konosuke Harada, Kumiko Aso, Kengo Kora, Erika Karata, Koharu Sugawara Japan 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere

    A seaside town that attracts artists who involve children and adults alike in dubious events. A collection of vignettes from an unforgettable summer, both gently mysterious and bittersweet.

    Village Rockstars 2  

    by Rima Das | with Bhanita Das, Basanti Das, Junumoni Boro, Boloram Das, Manabendra Das India / Singapore 2024

    Generation 14plus | European premiere

    In a small and charming village, a teenage girl passionately pursues her musical dream. But the harsh realities of life get in the way.

    Defying the challenges, she embarks on a journey to rediscover the profound harmonies between music and life.

    Wish You Were Ear  by Mirjana Balogh

    Hungary 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere | Animation | Short Film

    In a world where ex-partners have to swap a chosen body part after breaking up, someone rediscovers their former ear on someone else. A journey towards self-acceptance begins.

    Zečji nasip  (Sandbag Dam)

    by Čejen Černić Čanak | with Lav Novosel, Andrija Žunac, Leon Grgić, Franka Mikolaci, Tanja Smoje Croatia / Lithuania / Slovenia 2025

    Generation 14plus | World premiere

    In a village on the brink of flooding, Marko’s life is turned upside down when Slaven returns for his father’s funeral and rekindles their forbidden romance. Marko must confront his family and make a difficult choice.

    Zirkuskind (Circusboy) by Julia Lemke, Anna Koch

    Germany 2025

    Generation Kplus | World premiere | Documentary form

    Santino is a circus kid. He travels round the country with his family and animals and is here today, there tomorrow. His greatgrandfather tells him stories from the past. As the old man looks back on his life, Santino’s is just beginning.

    Exciting news for film enthusiasts! Berlinale 2025 has just announced a stellar lineup of films, including works by acclaimed directors Bong Joon Ho, Ira Sachs, Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, and more.

    Bong Joon Ho, known for his groundbreaking film “Parasite,” will be presenting his latest project at the prestigious film festival. His unique storytelling and innovative filmmaking style are sure to captivate audiences once again.

    Ira Sachs, known for films like “Love is Strange” and “Keep the Lights On,” will also be showcasing his latest work at Berlinale 2025. Sachs is known for his intimate and emotionally resonant storytelling, and his new film is sure to be a must-see.

    Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, a rising star in the film industry, will be presenting his latest film at the festival. Mosese’s work is known for its powerful storytelling and visually stunning cinematography, and his presence at Berlinale 2025 is sure to generate buzz.

    In addition to these acclaimed directors, Berlinale 2025 will feature a diverse range of films from around the world, showcasing the best in international cinema. From thought-provoking dramas to captivating documentaries, there is something for every film lover at this year’s festival.

    Stay tuned for more updates on the full lineup of films and events at Berlinale 2025. This is one film festival you won’t want to miss!


    Berlinale 2025, Bong Joon Ho, Ira Sachs, Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, film festival, Berlinale news, Berlinale lineup, film industry, international films, movie premieres, film directors, cinema, Berlinale highlights, entertainment industry

    #Berlinale #Adds #Films #Bong #Joon #Ira #Sachs #Lemohang #Jeremiah #Mosese