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  • The AP NFL MVP finalists are Josh Allen, Saquon Barkley, Joe Burrow, Jared Goff and Lamar Jackson | Sports

    Josh Allen, Saquon Barkley, Joe Burrow, Jared Goff and Lamar Jackson are finalists for The Associated Press 2024 NFL Most Valuable Player award.

    Barkley, Burrow and Jackson also are finalists for Offensive Player of the Year and Burrow is also in the running for Comeback Player of the Year.

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    The AP NFL MVP finalists have been announced, and the competition is fierce! Among the top contenders are Josh Allen of the Buffalo Bills, Saquon Barkley of the New York Giants, Joe Burrow of the Cincinnati Bengals, Jared Goff of the Detroit Lions, and Lamar Jackson of the Baltimore Ravens.

    Each of these players has had an outstanding season, putting up impressive numbers and leading their teams to victory. From Allen’s impressive passing numbers to Barkley’s explosive runs, Burrow’s poise under pressure, Goff’s leadership, and Jackson’s dynamic playmaking ability, it’s clear that any of these athletes could be deserving of the MVP award.

    As fans eagerly await the announcement of the winner, it’s clear that this year’s race is one of the closest in recent memory. Who will come out on top and take home the prestigious MVP trophy? Stay tuned to find out!


    1. AP NFL MVP finalists
    2. Josh Allen
    3. Saquon Barkley
    4. Joe Burrow
    5. Jared Goff
    6. Lamar Jackson
    7. Sports news
    8. NFL MVP race
    9. Football awards
    10. Pro football updates

    #NFL #MVP #finalists #Josh #Allen #Saquon #Barkley #Joe #Burrow #Jared #Goff #Lamar #Jackson #Sports

  • Cooper Koch & Boyfriend Stuart McClave Hold Hands, Look Very Chic During Outing Amid Milan Fashion Week | Cooper Koch, Stuart McClave | Just Jared: Celebrity News and Gossip

    Cooper Koch and boyfriend Stuart McClave are looking super loved-up and stylish during an outing amid Milan Fashion Week!

    The 28-year-old Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menéndez Story actor and his partner were spotted out and about between events in Milan, Italy on Monday (January 20).

    For the occasion, they coordinated their looks in black outfits with sark scarves. Both Cooper and Stuart wore sunglasses and carried umbrellas.

    Keep reading to find out more…

    Cooper first confirmed that he was in a relationship back in October 2024 However, he didn’t share any other information about his partner at the time.

    The couple attended the 2024 LACMA Art+Film Gala together in November and made their red carpet debut in January 2025 while attending the Golden Globes.

    In an interview on the carpet, Cooper shared some very rare comments about Stuart and their relationship.

    Scroll through all of the new photos of Cooper Koch and Stuart McClave in the gallery…

    Cooper Koch & Boyfriend Stuart McClave Hold Hands, Look Very Chic During Outing Amid Milan Fashion Week | Just Jared: Celebrity News and Gossip

    Cooper Koch and his boyfriend Stuart McClave were spotted looking incredibly stylish as they held hands during a romantic outing amid Milan Fashion Week. The couple, who are known for their impeccable fashion sense, turned heads as they walked the streets of Milan, hand in hand.

    Koch, a popular fashion influencer, was dressed in a sleek black suit paired with a crisp white shirt and black loafers. McClave, a well-known artist, opted for a more casual look, sporting a white t-shirt, black jeans, and a leather jacket.

    The couple appeared to be in high spirits as they strolled through the bustling streets of Milan, stopping to admire the latest designer collections on display. Their love for each other was evident as they shared laughs and whispered sweet nothings to each other.

    Fans of the couple took to social media to gush over their chic outfits and adorable PDA, with many praising them for being such a stylish and loving couple. It’s clear that Koch and McClave are not only fashion icons but also relationship goals.

    Stay tuned for more updates on Cooper Koch and Stuart McClave’s fashionable adventures during Milan Fashion Week.


    Cooper Koch, Stuart McClave, Milan Fashion Week, celebrity couple, PDA, street style, fashion outing, chic couple, celebrity news, gossip, Just Jared

    #Cooper #Koch #Boyfriend #Stuart #McClave #Hold #Hands #Chic #Outing #Milan #Fashion #Week #Cooper #Koch #Stuart #McClave #Jared #Celebrity #News #Gossip

  • Is Lisa Vanderpump Returning to ‘Real Housewives’? Andy Cohen Addresses Rumor | Andy Cohen, Bravo, lisa vanderpump, Real Housewives, real housewives of Beverly hills, Television, the real housewives of beverly hills | Just Jared: Celebrity News and Gossip

    Andy Cohen is speaking out!

    During Tuesday’s (January 21) live episode of SiriusXM’s Andy Cohen Live, the host addressed a rumor that he is trying to get Lisa Vanderpump back on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

    Lisa was a main cast member from Season 1 to Season 9.

    “It was repeated all over the place that I’m trying to get Lisa Vanderpump back on The Housewives of Beverly Hills. Now, let me restate my abject love for Lisa Vanderpump, but I don’t know where the rumor came from, and I don’t see her coming back to that show,” he said.

    Keep reading to find out more…

    “Also, I mean, she and Dorit and Kyle are, you know, I guess she’s kind of friends with Garcelle, but like I don’t even think she has any desire, or they have any desire to interact,” he went on.

    “I do love that it feels like once a year, Kyle runs into Vanderpump somewhere and they’ll kind of send each other their bill or their drink. I think Vanderpump either paid Kyle’s bill once or set her her bill. I could be getting that story wrong, but they always have a funny, it seems like when they run into each other publicly, they have a little shade with each other, which I appreciate.”

    Find out which other star responded to a casting rumor for RHOBH.

    Listen to him explain…

    Fans of the hit reality TV show “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” have been buzzing with rumors about the possible return of fan-favorite Lisa Vanderpump. Speculation has been running wild ever since Andy Cohen, the executive producer of the “Real Housewives” franchise, addressed the rumor in a recent interview.

    In a recent interview with Bravo, Cohen was asked about the possibility of Vanderpump returning to the show. Cohen responded, “I love Lisa Vanderpump. I miss Lisa Vanderpump. I would love to have Lisa Vanderpump back.”

    While Cohen’s comments have sparked excitement among fans, there has been no official confirmation about Vanderpump’s return to the show. Vanderpump left “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” after Season 9, citing a desire to focus on her other projects.

    As fans eagerly wait for any updates on Vanderpump’s potential return, one thing is for sure – the drama and excitement of “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” will continue to keep viewers entertained. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.


    Lisa Vanderpump, Real Housewives, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Andy Cohen, Bravo, Television, Reality TV, Rumors, Entertainment News, Celebrity Gossip

    #Lisa #Vanderpump #Returning #Real #Housewives #Andy #Cohen #Addresses #Rumor #Andy #Cohen #Bravo #lisa #vanderpump #Real #Housewives #real #housewives #Beverly #hills #Television #real #housewives #beverly #hills #Jared #Celebrity #News #Gossip

  • Ivanka Trump Shares Rare Insight Into Her & Jared Kushner’s Miami Life

    Originally appeared on E! Online

    Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have busy mornings.

    Donald Trump’s oldest daughter—who married her husband in 2009—recently shared insight into the daily dynamic with kids Arabella, 13, Joseph, 11, and Theo, 8.

    “I like to think of my life through the lens of my priorities, and have really clear priorities that I maintain integrity around,” Ivanka told Lauryn Bosstick and Michael Bosstick on the Jan. 13 episode of The Skinny Confidential’s Him & Her Show podcast. “For me first and foremost it’s my kids, it’s my family.”

    Ivanka—who is sister to Donald Trump Jr., 47 and Eric Trump, 41, as well as to half siblings Tiffany Trump, 31, and Barron Trump, 18—emphasized that she always “wants to be there” with her kids, especially during meals, and detailed her family’s morning routine at their Miami home.

    “We don’t have anyone who lives in with us, so I get them up I make them breakfast,” the 43-year-old explained. “Jared makes pancakes—really great pancakes—every other morning.”

    But while Ivanka makes bonding at breakfast a priority, her family doesn’t have a lot of time before heading off for their day.

    More from E! Online

    “We’re like The Fast and The Furious,” Ivanka noted. “I get my kids up and we have a half an hour to get them all up, for them to get dressed, for them to come down, for them to have breakfast—which we’re making before I drive them to the bus.”

    Although she didn’t specify exact time stamps, she emphasized that it’s an early rise for everyone to get the kids to the bus on time, adding, “My morning routine starts after I’ve dropped the kids off.”

    As for what Ivanka makes for her kids when Jared is unavailable to make pancakes?

    “I tried to make French toast the other day and I’m actually like, a decent cook,” she recalled, acknowledging her kids weren’t fans of the meal. “They can be brutal to me when I don’t do something as well as their father. So, I tried to make this French toast, then I was getting my son’s lunch ready—I forgot about it. It burned, and I heard for the next 20 minutes how my french toast will never compete with their dad’s pancakes.”

    She joked, “It was so unfair.”

    Ivanka Trump

    Ethan Miller/Getty Images

    And while her cooking isn’t up to her kids’ standards, Ivanka has made herself a lot of time to improve, sharing that while she acted as an adviser to her father during his first administration, she will not be back this time around.

    I know the cost, and it’s a price that I’m not willing to make my kids bear,” Ivanka admitted elsewhere on the podcast episode. “Every time I had to miss something, I’m like, ‘I will never let this happen again the minute I leave the White House.’”

    For Ivanka, family comes first. Keep reading for a deeper look into Trump’s relatives.

    Ivana Trump

    &lt;p&gt;Ivana Trump&lt;/p&gt;

    Ivana Trump was the first wife of President-elect Donald Trump. Born in Gottwaldov, Czechoslovakia—now Zlín of the Czech Republic—in 1949, she rose to fame as a competitive skier. And, thanks to her marriage to Austrian ski instructor Alfred Winklmayr in 1971, Ivana was able to travel often outside of Czechoslovakia.

    According to her book Raising Trump, the model met Donald three years after her 1973 divorce during a New York trip, where she’d traveled for a Canadian fashion show ahead of the Montreal Olympics. They wed in 1977 and welcomed three kids: Donald Trump Jr. born in 1977, Ivanka Trump born in 1981 and Eric Trump born in 1984.

    The pair’s divorce was finalized in 1992 following his affair with Marla Maples, whom he later married.

    However, Ivana—who then married Riccardo Mazzucchelli for two years followed by Rossano Rubicondi for less than a year—and Donald remained on good terms.

    “Donald during the divorce was brutal,” she told ABC News in 2017. “He took the divorce as a business deal, and he cannot lose. He has to win. So he took about two years. And after the final situation was straightened up, we would just talk and we are friends.”

    Ivana died in 2022 at age 73. According to NBC News, the New York City Medical Examiner said she died of “blunt impact injuries” and that her manner of death was an accident. A senior NYC official with direct knowledge added the circumstances were consistent with a fall on the stairs in her New York apartment.

    Donald Trump Jr.

    &lt;p&gt;Donald Trump Jr.&lt;/p&gt;

    In 1977, Ivana and Donald welcomed their eldest son Donald Trump Jr. He began working for his father’s company The Trump Organization in 2001 and now serves as the executive vice president. Don Jr. has also been involved in his dad’s political campaigns, including speaking at rallies and the Republican National Convention during his father’s presidential runs.

    He shares five children with his ex-wife, model Vanessa Haydon: Kai (who made a speech at the 2024 Republican National Convention) Donald III, Tristan, Spencer and Chloe. Don Jr. is now engaged to Fox News alum Kimberly Guilfoyle.

    Ivanka Trump

    &lt;p&gt;Ivanka Trump&lt;/p&gt;

    Four years after the arrival of Don Jr., Donald and Ivana became parents to daughter Ivanka Trump.

    Before her father’s presidency, the University of Pennsylvania alum worked at The Trump Organization. But after he was elected in 2016, the fashion brand founder—who had her own eponymous line—took on the role of Advisor to the President.

    After her dad announced he would be running for president again in 2024, Ivanka revealed she would be stepping out of the political arena to focus on her family with husband, former White House senior advisor Jared Kushner, and their children Arabella, Joseph and Theodore.

    “I love my father very much,” she said in part of a 2022 statement obtained by NBC News. “This time around, I am choosing to prioritize my young children and the private life we are creating as a family. I do not plan to be involved in politics.”

    Eric Trump

    &lt;p&gt;Eric Trump&lt;/p&gt;

    Born in 1984, Eric Trump is the third child of Ivana and Donald. Like his brother, he works as executive vice president of The Trump Organization, which he joined in 2007.

    He is married to Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump, with whom he shares kids Luke and Carolina.

    Marla Maples

    &lt;p&gt;Marla Maples&lt;/p&gt;

    Marla Maples is Donald’s second wife, whom he met while still married to Ivana.

    In Raising Trump, Ivana wrote the actress approached her about the affair during a trip to Aspen in 1989. Still, Marla said on a 2018 episode of the ABC podcast Journeys of Faith with Paula Faris that she “never considered” herself a mistress.

    “My intention was to never bring hurt,” she continued. “Do I wish more than anything that we could have had this relationship after his divorce papers were signed? Absolutely. I mean, with all my heart. How much heartache would it have saved so many people if I had seen that piece of paper before we got involved? But it didn’t happen that way.”

    Marla and Donald welcomed daughter Tiffany Trump in 1993, and the couple wed later that year. However, the Dancing With the Stars alum and the 45th commander in chief announced their separation four years later and finalized their divorce in 1999.

    Tiffany Trump

    &lt;p&gt;Tiffany Trump&lt;/p&gt;

    After her parents’ breakup, Tiffany Trump relocated with her mother to California.

    “She moved us out of New York to get out of the spotlight and let me grow up and find my own identity versus being in the shadow of a name or growing up very young with all that pressure,” Tiffany told People in 2016. “So, she wanted me to have a chance to have a normal childhood. As normal as possible. I think that she did well in that.”

    She released her 2011 single “Like a Bird” and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2016 with a B.A. in sociology, focusing on law and society. She then went to Georgetown Law School, where she graduated with a JD in 2020.

    In 2022, Tiffany wed Michael Boulos. Her father announced they’re expecting their first baby during an October 2024 speech at the Detroit Economic Club. “She’s an exceptional young woman,” he said during his remarks. “And she’s going to have a baby. So that’s nice.”

    Melania Trump

    &lt;p&gt;Melania Trump&lt;/p&gt;

    Melania Trump is Donald’s third wife and incoming First Lady of the United States. Born in Mesto, Slovenia in 1970, she is the second First Lady to be born outside of the U.S. and the only First Lady to become a naturalized U.S. citizen.

    Melania met Donald in New York in 1996 while she was working as a model.

    “It was a big fashion party that my friend organized, fashion week, and he invited me,” she recalled on a 2016 episode of On the Record With Greta Van Susteren. “That’s how we met with Donald.”

    Melania and Donald married in 2005, and they welcomed son Barron Trump the following year.

    Barron Trump

    &lt;p&gt;Barron Trump&lt;/p&gt;

    Born in 2006, Barron Trump is Donald and Melania’s only child. While he has lived a more private life—relocating with his parents from New York to live in Washington, D.C. and then Florida—it looked like he might enter the political world after he was selected in May 2024 as a Florida delegate to the Republican National Convention. However, Barron declined the offer.

    “While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party,” a statement from Melania’s office shared with NBC News at the time said, “he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments.”

    Like studying, perhaps, with Barron starting his freshman year at New York University in 2024. “He was accepted to a lot of colleges,” his father told the Daily Mail in an interview published Sept. 4. “He’s a very smart guy, and he’ll be going to Stern, the business school, which is a great school at NYU.”

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    Ivanka Trump recently took to social media to share a rare glimpse into her and husband Jared Kushner’s life in Miami. The power couple, who have been residing in the sunny city for the past few months, have been enjoying the laid-back lifestyle and vibrant culture that Miami has to offer.

    In her post, Ivanka shared photos of their luxurious waterfront home, complete with stunning views of the ocean and a private pool. She also gave followers a sneak peek into their daily routine, showcasing their morning workouts, beach days, and family dinners.

    Ivanka spoke about how Miami has become their new home away from home, and how they have fallen in love with the city’s energy and warm weather. She also expressed gratitude for the opportunity to spend quality time with their children and create lasting memories in their new surroundings.

    Fans were quick to praise Ivanka for sharing this personal side of her life, with many commenting on how happy and relaxed she looks in the photos. It’s clear that Ivanka and Jared are thriving in Miami, and we can’t wait to see more of their adventures in the future.


    Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Miami life, celebrity couple, luxury living, family life, Trump family, political power couple, Miami lifestyle, exclusive interview, behind the scenes, personal insight, high society, influential couple, glamorous living, social media update.

    #Ivanka #Trump #Shares #Rare #Insight #Jared #Kushners #Miami #Life

  • Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner’s kids: Arabella, Joseph, Theodore

    Meet Ivanka Trump’s trio.

    The businesswoman is the mother of daughter Arabella and sons Joseph and Theodore with her husband, Jared Kushner.

    The couple met at a business lunch in 2007.

    Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are the proud parents of three children. ivankatrump/Instagram
    The couple share Arabella, Joseph and Theodore. @ivankatrump/Instagram
    They have been married since October 2009. Instagram/ivankatrump

    They walked down the aisle in New Jersey two years later, marrying at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster.

    President Donald Trump’s daughter and Kushner began growing their family in 2011.

    Get to know the next generation of Trumps below.

    Arabella Rose Kushner

    Kusher and Trump became parents in 2011. ivankatrump/Instagram
    Arabella had her bat mitzvah in 2023. Instagram/ivankatrump

    Ivanka gave birth to her baby girl, Arabella, on July 17, 2011.

    “This morning [Jared] and I welcomed a beautiful and healthy little baby girl into the world,” the “Apprentice” alum wrote in a statement at the time. “We feel incredibly grateful and blessed. Thank you all for your support and well wishes!”

    Arabella turned 13 in 2023, and Ivanka posted a sweet Instagram tribute after the teen’s bat mitzvah.

    Arabella is filled with “kindness, creativity, humor, empathy and passion,” her mom wrote at the time. ivankatrump/Instagram
    Two years later, Trump referred to Arabella as a “perfectionist.” Instagram/ivankatrump

    “We couldn’t be prouder of the extraordinary young woman she has become,” she gushed. “Her kindness, creativity, humor, empathy and passion have filled our lives with so much joy and inspiration.

    “May her Bat Mitzvah be the beginning of a beautiful and fulfilling chapter in her life,” the proud mom continued.

    Ivanka has given glimpses of Arabella’s life over the years via Instagram, from her Taylor Swift-themed birthday cake to their “Nutcracker” date night, and called her a “perfectionist” on the “Skinny Confidential” podcast in January 2025.

    Joseph Frederick Kushner

    In 2013, Arabella’s brother Joseph was born. ivankatrump/Instagram
    He likes “exploring computers, dirt biking, skateboarding” and more activities. ivankatrump/Instagram

    Arabella became a big sister in October 2013 when Ivanka welcomed son Joseph.

    “We just welcomed a beautiful & healthy son into the world. Jared, Arabella and I couldn’t be happier!” Ivanka tweeted at the time, noting that the infant’s moniker was inspired by both her and Kushner’s grandfathers.

    She wrote about Joseph’s interests in an October 2024 Facebook post, writing, “Whether you’re building (or taking apart!) something with a motor, exploring computers, dirt biking, skateboarding or out fishing with your best buddy Simba, you put your whole heart into everything you love.”

    Theodore James Kushner

    Theodore arrived in 2016. ivankatrump/instagram
    Trump and Kushner moved their family to Washington, DC, before the little one’s 1st birthday. @ivankatrump

    In March 2016, Ivanka welcomed son Theodore and wrote via Instagram that her “heart [was] full.”

    The little one was 8 months old when the family of five moved to Washington, DC, during Donald’s first presidential term.

    Theodore crawled for the first time at the White House in January 2017.

    He likes “guitar, piano, Hebrew, Rubik’s cubes” and more. ivankatrump/Instagram
    The siblings have attended many public events over the years, including President Donald Trump’s 2025 inauguration. Getty Images

    He enjoys “football to parkour, jujitsu, guitar, piano, Hebrew, Rubik’s cubes, Chinese, puzzles, and poker,” his mom wrote via Instagram in March 2024.

    Ivanka clarified on “Skinny Confidential” the following year that she has never had a live-in nanny for her children, who have attended many public events over the years — including their grandpa’s January 2025 inauguration.

    She credited Arabella, Joseph and Theodore with her fit figure, saying she “chas[ed] them around the house” every evening.

    Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are well-known figures in the world of politics and business, but what about their children? Arabella, Joseph, and Theodore are the three children of this power couple, and they are already making a name for themselves in their own right.

    Arabella is the oldest of the three children, and she has been in the spotlight since a young age. Known for her poise and grace, Arabella has often been seen accompanying her parents at various events and engagements. She has also shown a keen interest in fashion and has already been spotted wearing some of the latest designer trends.

    Joseph, the middle child, is known for his outgoing personality and infectious smile. He is often seen playing with his siblings and exploring the world around him. Despite his young age, Joseph has already shown a curiosity for business and entrepreneurship, no doubt inspired by his parents’ successful careers.

    Theodore, the youngest of the three children, is a bundle of energy and joy. Always eager to explore and learn new things, Theodore has captured the hearts of many with his sweet and playful nature. Whether he’s playing with his toys or tagging along with his older siblings, Theodore is always ready for adventure.

    As the children of two influential and high-profile individuals, Arabella, Joseph, and Theodore are undoubtedly growing up in a unique and privileged environment. However, they are also being raised with values of hard work, compassion, and integrity, ensuring that they will continue to make a positive impact on the world in their own ways.


    Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Arabella Kushner, Joseph Kushner, Theodore Kushner, Trump family, Kushner family, children of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, celebrity kids, famous families, parenting, family life, siblings, sibling relationships

    #Ivanka #Trump #Jared #Kushners #kids #Arabella #Joseph #Theodore

  • Ivanka Trump And Jared Kushner Won’t Trade Their $24 Million Miami Mansion For The White House. Here’s How They Made Their Money

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    As Donald Trump prepares to return to the White House, one person who won’t accompany him this time is his daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner. The mainstays of the last Trump presidency are done with politics.

    The couple relocated to Florida in 2021 and will stay in Miami when Trump Sr. leaves Palm Beach nearby for DC. Speaking on the “The Skinny Confidential” podcast, Ivanka candidly stated that she “hates politics” and the “darkness” surrounding “that world.”

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    Added the former and soon-to-be-first daughter: “The main reason I am not going back to serve now is, I know the cost,” she told podcast hosts Lauryn Bosstick and Michael Bosstick. “And it’s a price that I’m not willing to make my kids bear. My primary goals were just to, like, be the best freaking mom. Every time I had to miss something, I’m like, ‘I will never let this happen again in the minute I leave the White House.’ I feel super great about this decision.”

    Helping her decide to stay put was undoubtedly her $24 million megamansion on Miami’s Indian Creek Island. She and Jared purchased the six-bedroom, 8.5-bathroom compound in April 2021. The property has a private boat dock and striking views of Biscayne Bay.

    Although Jared Kushner temporarily left the family business to serve as an advisor to Trump’s White House in 2016, the Kushners’ real estate empire has been thriving, growing the family’s wealth from $1.8 billion in 2016 to $7.1 billion in 2024. So how did they do it?

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    The Kushners – Charles Kushner, the head of the family and his wife Seryl, own 20% of the real estate firm, with the rest split among their four children: Jared, Nicole, Josh and Dara – made some astute business moves with their portfolio. In 2018, one of their main holdings, 666 Fifth Avenue, was mired in debt. They sold that property, alleviating themselves of debt and stepping away from riskier New York-based investments. Instead, they diversified, buying apartment complexes in New Jersey, Miami and other parts of the South, swelling their portfolio to “over 27,000 units in 15 states,” according to a statement by CEO Laurent Morali to Forbes.

    Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have made headlines once again, this time for their decision to hold onto their luxurious $24 million Miami mansion instead of moving into the White House. But how did this power couple amass their wealth in the first place?

    Ivanka, the daughter of former President Donald Trump, made a name for herself as a successful businesswoman and fashion designer before joining her father’s administration as a senior advisor. She launched her own fashion line, Ivanka Trump Collection, and also worked for the Trump Organization, where she oversaw various real estate projects.

    Jared, on the other hand, comes from a wealthy real estate family and has worked in various investment and real estate roles throughout his career. He also played a key role in his father-in-law’s administration, serving as a senior advisor and playing a crucial role in Middle East peace negotiations.

    Together, the couple has amassed a significant fortune through their various business ventures and investments. In addition to their Miami mansion, they own multiple properties in New York City and have a net worth estimated to be in the hundreds of millions.

    While they may have chosen to hold onto their Miami mansion for now, Ivanka and Jared continue to be major players in the business world and are sure to make more headlines in the future.


    Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Miami Mansion, White House, Wealth, Real Estate, Luxury Home, Financial Success, Power Couple, Celebrity Lifestyle, Investment Property, Millionaire Lifestyle, Business Ventures, Wealth Management

    #Ivanka #Trump #Jared #Kushner #Wont #Trade #Million #Miami #Mansion #White #House #Heres #Money

  • Rams’ Jared Verse ahead of Divisional Round game at Philadelphia: ‘I hate Eagles fans’

    Verse attended Central Columbia High School in Bloomberg, Pennsylvania. He was a tight end on the football team before attending Albany College, where he made his shift to defense. He transferred to Florida State and ultimately became a Rams first-round pick.

    Verse has been sensational as a rookie, generating 4.5 sacks but forcing 76 QB pressures, fourth-most among all defenders in the NFL.

    Verse said that when he faced Philly in Week 12 at SoFi Stadium in L.A., some Eagles fans rained down obscenities before the game. The interaction appeared to confirm the rookie’s priors.

    “I didn’t even do nothing to ’em,” he said. “It was my first time playing. Oh, I hate Eagles fans… When I see that green and white, I hate it. I actually get upset. Like I actually genuinely get hot.”

    After Thursday’s comments, Verse should prepare for an even louder and more hostile welcoming when the Rams head to Lincoln Financial Field on Sunday for the Divisional Round.

    Eagles running back Saquon Barkley indicated as much when catching wind of Verse’s comments on Friday.

    “Probably not the smartest thing to say when you’re coming to Philadelphia,” Barkley said, via ESPN. “I’ve been on the other side [as a member of the New York Giants] and even if I felt some type of way, I probably wouldn’t give them any extra fuel. I’m pretty sure Philly fans have seen that comment. It was already going to be loud and rocking so it’s just only going to add to it.”

    As the Los Angeles Rams gear up to face off against the Philadelphia Eagles in the Divisional Round of the playoffs, star quarterback Jared Goff is not holding back his feelings towards Eagles fans.

    In a recent interview, Goff didn’t mince words when expressing his disdain for the passionate and sometimes rowdy Eagles fanbase. “I hate Eagles fans,” Goff bluntly stated. “They are loud, obnoxious, and just downright annoying. I can’t stand them.”

    While Goff’s comments may ruffle some feathers among Eagles supporters, it’s clear that he is focused on leading his team to victory on the road in Philadelphia. The Rams are looking to advance to the NFC Championship game and will need to overcome not only the Eagles on the field but also their passionate fanbase in the stands.

    With tensions running high ahead of this crucial playoff matchup, Goff’s strong words serve as a reminder that the Rams are ready to face any challenge that comes their way. Stay tuned for what is sure to be an intense and hard-fought battle between two powerhouse teams. #RamsVsEagles #NFLPlayoffs


    1. Los Angeles Rams
    2. Jared Goff
    3. Divisional Round
    4. Philadelphia Eagles
    5. NFL playoffs
    6. NFL game preview
    7. Jared Goff interview
    8. Eagles fans
    9. Rams vs Eagles
    10. Football rivalry

    #Rams #Jared #Verse #ahead #Divisional #game #Philadelphia #hate #Eagles #fans

  • Saquon Barkley questions Jared Verse calling out Eagles fans

    PHILADELPHIA — Running back Saquon Barkley doesn’t believe Los Angeles Rams edge rusher Jared Verse did himself any favors by declaring he “hates Eagles fans” in front of Sunday’s divisional round playoff game at Lincoln Financial Field.

    “Probably not the smartest thing to say when you’re coming to Philadelphia,” Barkley said. “I’ve been on the other side [as a member of the New York Giants] and even if I felt some type of way, I probably wouldn’t give them any extra fuel. I’m pretty sure Philly fans have seen that comment. It was already going to be loud and rocking so it’s just only going to add to it.”

    Verse caught the city’s attention with his comments in the Los Angeles Times, where he called Eagles fans “annoying” and said he has a physical reaction just seeing the team colors.

    “When I see that green and white I hate it,” he said. “I actually get upset. Like I actually genuinely get hot.”

    Verse went to high school in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, about 100 miles northwest of Philadelphia, but that did nothing to stoke any Eagles fandom. The Philly faithful further cemented his position in November by shouting obscenities at him during the Eagles-Rams matchup at SoFi Stadium in Week 12, by his account.

    The forecast in Philadelphia is calling for 3-5 inches of snow Sunday, which could make things all the more interesting for Verse and the Rams come game day.

    “He ain’t the first person to hate Eagles fans. There’s a lot of folks who don’t like Eagles fans. There’s some people that played for the Eagles that don’t like Eagles fans,” Eagles cornerback Darius Slay said. “That just comes with the sport.

    “I think Eagles fans are fired up regardless. They [don’t] have to say another word. And if there’s snow out there, I won’t be surprised if snowballs get thrown on the sideline.”

    Eagles join wildfire relief efforts

    The Eagles announced on Friday they are contributing $500,000 to the California Community Foundation to aid in relief efforts from the southern California wildfires. The Eagles said in a statement the donation is “a way to help deliver essential resources to those impacted by the wildfires.”

    “Our hearts are with everyone who has been suffering from the destruction caused by the wildfires in the Greater Los Angeles area,” Eagles CEO Jeffrey Lurie said. “We are grateful for the heroic efforts of the first responders who have bravely stepped up to protect those affected. Their courage and sacrifice during this critical time of need is inspiring.”

    Saquon Barkley questions Jared Verse calling out Eagles fans

    New York Giants running back Saquon Barkley recently took to social media to question rapper Jared Verse’s decision to call out Philadelphia Eagles fans. Verse, who is known for his outspoken nature, had posted a video on Instagram criticizing Eagles fans for their behavior during games.

    Barkley, a rival of the Eagles as a member of the Giants, expressed his disbelief at Verse’s comments, stating that he believes all fans have the right to support their team in whatever way they see fit. He went on to say that he respects the passion of Eagles fans and understands that their intense loyalty is part of what makes sports so special.

    The post has sparked a debate among football fans, with some agreeing with Barkley’s sentiments and others siding with Verse’s critique of Eagles fans. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, one thing is clear – the rivalry between the Giants and Eagles is as strong as ever, both on and off the field.


    Saquon Barkley, Jared Verse, Eagles fans, NFL, New York Giants, Philadelphia Eagles, football rivalry, athlete controversy, sports news

    #Saquon #Barkley #questions #Jared #Verse #calling #Eagles #fans

  • With knockdowns in past, Lions’ Jared Goff is back on center stage

    After facing numerous setbacks and knockdowns in his career, Detroit Lions’ quarterback Jared Goff is once again finding himself back on center stage. Goff, who was traded to the Lions in the offseason after spending the first five years of his career with the Los Angeles Rams, is looking to prove his doubters wrong and lead his new team to success.

    Despite being the first overall pick in the 2016 NFL Draft and leading the Rams to a Super Bowl appearance in 2018, Goff has faced plenty of criticism and scrutiny throughout his career. From questions about his ability to perform under pressure to concerns about his consistency and decision-making, Goff has heard it all.

    But now, with a fresh start in Detroit and a new set of challenges ahead of him, Goff is determined to silence his critics and show the league what he is capable of. With a new coaching staff and a revamped roster around him, Goff has the opportunity to prove that he is still a top-tier quarterback in the NFL.

    As the Lions prepare for the upcoming season, all eyes will be on Goff as he looks to lead his team to success and show that he is more than capable of thriving in the spotlight. With knockdowns in his past, Goff is ready to make a comeback and show the world what he is truly made of.


    1. Jared Goff
    2. Detroit Lions
    3. NFL quarterback
    4. Comeback story
    5. Center stage
    6. Football career
    7. Knockdowns and setbacks
    8. Resilience and determination
    9. Player spotlight
    10. Lions quarterback

    #knockdowns #Lions #Jared #Goff #center #stage

  • Albania Gives Jared Kushner Hotel Project a Nod as Trump Returns

    The government of Albania has given preliminary approval to a plan proposed by Jared Kushner, Donald J. Trump’s son-in-law, to build a $1.4 billion luxury hotel complex on a small abandoned military base off the coast of Albania.

    The project is one of several involving Mr. Trump and his extended family that directly involve foreign government entities that will be moving ahead even while Mr. Trump will be in charge of foreign policy related to these same nations.

    The approval by Albania’s Strategic Investment Committee — which is led by Prime Minister Edi Rama — gives Mr. Kushner and his business partners the right to move ahead with accelerated negotiations to build the luxury resort on a 111-acre section of the 2.2-square-mile island of Sazan that will be connected by ferry to the mainland.

    Mr. Kushner and the Albanian government did not respond Wednesday to requests for comment. But when previously asked about this project, both have said that the evaluation is not being influenced by Mr. Kushner’s ties to Mr. Trump or any effort to try to seek favors from the U.S. government.

    “The fact that such a renowned American entrepreneur shows his interest on investing in Albania makes us very proud and happy,” a spokesman for Mr. Rama said last year in a statement to The New York Times when asked about the projects.

    Mr. Kushner’s Affinity Partners, a private equity company backed with about $4.6 billion in money mostly from Saudi Arabia and other Middle East sovereign wealth funds, is pursuing the Albania project along with Asher Abehsera, a real-estate executive that Mr. Kushner has previously teamed up with to build projects in Brooklyn, N.Y.

    The Albanian government, according to an official document recently posted online, will now work with their American partners to clear the proposed hotel site of any potential buried munitions and to examine any other environmental or legal concerns that need to be resolved before the project can move ahead.

    The document, dated Dec. 30, notes that the government “has the right to revoke the decision,” depending on the final project negotiations.

    Mr. Kushner’s firm has said the plan is to build a five-star “eco-resort community” on the island by turning a “former military base into a vibrant international destination for hospitality and wellness.”

    Ivanka Trump, Mr. Trump’s daughter, has said she is helping with the project as well. “We will execute on it,” she said about the project, during a podcast last year.

    This project is just one of two major real-estate deals that Mr. Kushner is pursuing along with Mr. Abehsera that involve foreign governments.

    Separately, the partnership received preliminary approval last year to build a luxury hotel complex in Belgrade, Serbia, in the former ministry of defense building, which has sat empty for decades after it was bombed by NATO in 1999 during a war there.

    Serbia and Albania have foreign policy matters pending with the United States, as both countries seek continued U.S. support for their long-stalled efforts to join the European Union, and officials in Washington are trying to convince Serbia to tighten ties with the United States, instead of Russia.

    Virginia Canter, who served as White House ethics lawyer during the Obama and Clinton administrations and also an ethics adviser to the International Monetary Fund, said even if there was no attempt to gain influence with Mr. Trump, any government deal involving his family creates that impression.

    “It all looks like favoritism, like they are providing access to Kushner because they want to be on the good side of Trump,” Ms. Canter said, now with State Democracy Defenders Fund, a group that tracks federal government corruption and ethics issues.

    Albania Gives Jared Kushner Hotel Project a Nod as Trump Returns

    In a surprising turn of events, Albania has approved Jared Kushner’s hotel project in the country as former President Donald Trump makes his return to the spotlight. The project, which has been in the works for several years, was given the green light by Albanian officials just days before Trump’s visit to the country.

    The hotel, which is set to be a luxurious five-star property, is expected to bring in tourism and boost the local economy. Kushner, who is Trump’s son-in-law and former advisor, has been working on the project with a team of developers for quite some time.

    With Trump’s return to the public eye, many are speculating that his influence played a role in securing the approval for the hotel project. However, both Kushner and Albanian officials have denied any political influence in the decision.

    As construction on the hotel project begins, all eyes will be on Albania to see how this development unfolds amidst the backdrop of Trump’s resurgence in the political arena. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.


    Albania, Jared Kushner, hotel project, Trump, approval, investment, hospitality industry, development, international relations, news

    #Albania #Jared #Kushner #Hotel #Project #Nod #Trump #Returns

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