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Tag: Mission

  • Mission Yearbook | Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

    Congresswoman Sarah McBride (Photo: mcbride.house.gov)

    A sudden understanding came to Delaware’s newest member of Congress sitting in a pew on Christmas Eve at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, Delaware.

    Sarah McBride, the child of a corporate lawyer — who was a teenage political activist and president of the American University student body — had always known she was a girl. Assigned male at birth, by the time she was a college junior, her life out of sync with her gender identity had become untenable. 

    Back at home with her parents, sitting in Wilmington, Delaware’s Westminster Presbyterian Church on Christmas Eve, hearing “O Holy Night,” she said to herself, “I cannot continue to miss this beauty,” and resolved to come out to her parents. 

    McBride’s autobiography, “Tomorrow Will Be Different,” is the story of her 20s, bracketed by two Presbyterian moments: the revelation at Westminster Presbyterian Church and the hymns sung at her husband Andy’s funeral a few years later. This youth elder is now Delaware’s sole member of the U.S. House of Representatives, the first openly transgender woman in Congress.

    Born in 1990, McBride grew up with two brothers in a neighborhood of west Wilmington. She recalls dressing up as Cinderella with girl neighbors. Like Cinderella at midnight, time would elapse on her fancy dress, and she would have to return to life as a boy.

    The family was active in Westminster, dad as a ruling elder, mom as a deacon, and Sarah herself in church musicals and the youth group.

    Her parents were successful and politically active, and Sarah was a young politics-obsessive, writing, “Growing up, I personally knew more U.S. senators than transgender people.” Her parents hosted fundraisers for Gov. Jack Markell. 
    Despite believing in her parents — who had steadfastly supported one of her brothers when he came out as gay — Sarah lived in fear of disappointing them and her political family, and losing the trust of people like Markell, who would casually point to the governor’s desk and say, “when this is your chair.”

    During the spring semester, Sarah told close friends at American University that she was trans. On April 30, 2012, she posted a long note to Facebook coming out as trans, receiving support from posters on campus and immediate hugs from her frat brothers. The editor of the campus newspaper came over to her dorm to ask to run her note in the next edition, but with one request: “Cut it down to 600 words.”

    In June 2012 she met Andy Cray, a lawyer with the LGBTQ+ advocacy portfolio inside the Center for American Progress. As a couple they navigated the routine 15-hour days of Sarah’s internship in the Obama White House Office of Public Engagement. In her memoir, Sarah relates the double bind of passing versus being read as trans inside the Office of Public Engagement — other staffers expressed surprise upon learning her identity, and this ironically tended to erase it.

    Book cover (Publisher: Crown Archetype) 

    McBride relates those struggles in part to illustrate her partner’s unwavering moral example. In one passage, Sarah is enraged by members of Congress who support regressive policies and legislation despite their being widely known as being LGBTQ+ themselves, wishing they could be outed. Andy stridently defends them, saying the good of unearthing mere hypocrisy isn’t equivalent to the harm of outing a person.

    Sarah introduces her work with Equity Delaware in 2013 in terms of desperately wanting to move back to Delaware, and being terrified that the state lacked legal protections for trans people before the law. With support from Markell and Attorney General Beau Biden, Sarah and the Equity Delaware team lobbied the legislature to pass, back to back, a marriage equality act and civil protections for gender identity. SB 97 on gender identity protection passed and was signed by the governor on June 13, 2013.

    The next year brought Andy’s cancer diagnosis, and struggle through treatment, remission and recurrence. The couple was married Aug. 24, 2014. Within the week, Andy had passed.

    Inequitable treatment lingers for trans people even after death. In McBride’s retelling, finding a funeral home that would treat Andy in alignment with his gender identity was a struggle. 

    At his memorial service, those gathered sang “Here I Am, Lord” —  “a Presbyterian hymn that Andy and I both discovered a year before had been our favorite hymn growing up as active members of our local Presbyterian churches.”

    David Staniunas of the Presbyterian Historical Society, Special to Presbyterian News Service Click here to read original PNS story)

    Let us join in prayer for:

    Michael Gehrling, Associate, Northeast Region & Assessments, 1001 New Worshiping Communities, Interim Unified Agency 
    Megan Genovese, Religious New Services Project Archivist, Presbyterian Historical Society 

    Let us pray:

    Gracious God, you call us to serve one another with energy, intelligence, imagination and love. Bless us with your creative Spirit so that small acts of courage and kindness can become bold outpourings of your love. Connect with our neighbors near and far so that all of us may rejoice together in your good news. Amen.

    Mission Yearbook: Celebrating the Stories of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

    Join us in celebrating the incredible work being done by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) through our Mission Yearbook. Each year, we highlight stories of faith, service, and transformation from across our denomination, showcasing the impact our members are making in their communities and around the world.

    From mission trips to local outreach projects, from new church plants to innovative social justice initiatives, the Mission Yearbook is a testament to the dedication and passion of our Presbyterian family. Through these stories, we are reminded of the power of God’s love to change lives and bring hope to those in need.

    We invite you to explore the pages of the Mission Yearbook and be inspired by the stories of faith in action. May these stories encourage you to continue to serve, love, and share the gospel with all those you encounter. Together, we can make a difference in the world and spread the message of God’s grace to all.

    Join us in celebrating the stories of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in the Mission Yearbook. Let us continue to be a beacon of light and hope in a world that is in need of God’s love and compassion.


    1. Mission Yearbook
    2. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
    3. Mission Yearbook Presbyterian Church
    4. Mission Yearbook U.S.A.
    5. Presbyterian Church mission
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    7. Mission Yearbook 2021
    8. Presbyterian Church news
    9. Church mission updates
    10. Presbyterian Church resources

    #Mission #Yearbook #Presbyterian #Church #U.S.A

  • Fußball | 1.FC Heidenheim: Borussia Dortmund kommt: Marvin Pieringer und die Mission Klassenerhalt

    Stand: 01.02.2025 09:56 Uhr

    Nach zwei Niederlagen in Serie steht der 1.FC Heidenheim weiterhin im Tabellenkeller der Bundesliga. Gegen Dortmund wollen die Schwaben punkten.

    Rückblende: Es war der 13. September letzten Jahres, ein fußballhistorischer Tag für den 1.FC Heidenheim. Die Schwaben fuhren nach den beiden Auftaktsiegen gegen Augsburg und St.Pauli erstmals in ihrer Geschichte als stolzer Bundesliga-Tabellenführer zu einem Auswärtsspiel. Der Erste Heidenheim beim Vierten Borussia Dortmund, die Top-Partie des damaligen dritten Spieltags. Der FCH schlug sich wacker, verlor zwar mit 2:4 vor den 80.000 Zuschauern in der Dortmunder Arena, begeisterte aber die Massen mit flottem Fußball.

    Zwischen Dortmund und Dortmund: Heidenheim von Platz eins auf Platz 16

    Vier Monate später, vor dem Rückspiel an diesem Samstag (15.30 Uhr) in Heidenheim, ist von den tabellarischen Hochgefühlen wenig übrig. Und zwar auf beiden Seiten. Der FCH ist seither auf Relegationsplatz 16 abgerutscht, der einstige Titelaspirant Dortmund dümpelt auf Rang elf und hat sich vergangene Woche vom glücklosen Neu-Trainer Nuri Sahin schon wieder getrennt.

    Wohin also des Wegs, FCH? “Das Ziel ist der Klassenerhalt, und das werden wir auch schaffen”, ist Marvin Pieringer im Gespräch mit SWR Sport überzeugt. Der 25-jährige Stürmer, einer der beiden Heidenheimer Torschützen beim Hinspiel in Dortmund, setzt trotz der verzwickten Lage auf dem Schlossberg auf die Ruhe im Umfeld des Vereins und den nach wie vor völlig intakten Teamgeist: “Wir waren und sind immer ganz nah beeinander, können uns in die Augen schauen und ehrlich miteinander umgehen”, beschreibt “Pieri”, wie er genannt wird, das mannschaftliche Binnenverhältnis, “das müssen wir weiter beibehalten”.

    Nächste Kehrtwende nach zuletzt zwei Niederlagen?

    Nach der langen Niederlagenserie vor Weihnachten war der Start ins neue Jahr zunächst bestens geglückt: Dem 2:0 daheim gegen Union Berlin folgte das Last-Minute-3:3 in Bremen, der 1.FC Heidenheim wähnte sich 2025 wieder auf gutem Weg. Doch dann folgten die beiden bösen Rückschläge gegen St.Pauli (0:2) und in Augsburg (1:2). Die sportliche Situation ist weiterhin ernst, sehr ernst. Zumal zuletzt die Kellerkonkurrenz immer wieder eifrig punktete.

    Marvin Pieringer und Marco Fritz Studiogäste bei SWR Sport am Sonntag

    Torjäger Marvin Pieringer ist am kommenden Sonntag (02.02) ab 21.45 Uhr Studiogast bei SWR Sport. Der 25-jährige gebürtige Bad Uracher wurde fußballerisch beim SSV Reutlingen groß und kam über die Stationen SC Freiburg II, Schalke 04, Kickers Würzburg und SC Paderborn im Sommer 2023 zum damaligen Bundesliga-Aufsteiger 1.FC Heidenheim.
    Beim FCH etablierte sich Pieringer als laufstarker und torgefährlicher Angreifer und ist aktuell mit vier Treffern und drei Vorlagen der Topscorer der Schwaben in der laufenden Bundesliga-Saison.
    Neben Marvin Pieringer ist auch Ex-FIFA-Schiedsrichter Marco Fritz zu Gast bei Moderator Michael Antwerpes. Fritz ist seit 1. Januar leitendes Mitglied der Schiri GmbH des DFB und berichtet über die ersten Erkenntnisse des Piloptrojekts rund um den VAR, die Schiedsrichter-Erklärungen per Stadionmikrofon.

    Und so hilft in Heidenheim nur die nächste Kehrtwende wieder hin zum Positiven. Und dabei soll und will auch Marvin Pieringer kräftig mithelfen. Am besten gleich gegen die ruhmreiche Borussia aus Dortmund: “Es ist immer schön, wenn so große Vereine zu uns nach Hause kommen”, sagt Pieringer, “Dortmund macht auch gerade eine schwierige Phase durch. Deshalb müssen wir uns nicht verstecken und wollen den Heimsieg einfahren”.

    Der FCH steht aktuell mit nur 14 Zählern aus 19 Spielen da, bis zum Nichtabstiegsplatz sind es bereits vier Zähler. Nun “müssen wir auch mal anfangen, in einem Spiel zu punkten, wo man es nicht unbedingt erwartet”, fordert auch Trainer Frank Schmidt, der in der Unruhe in Dortmund in den vergangenen Tagen keinen direkten Vorteil für seine Mannschaft sieht. Beim BVB sitzt am Samstag noch Mike Tullberg auf der Bank, ehe Niko Kovac das Traineramt am Sonntag übernimmt.

    Marvin Pieringer ist der Topscorer der Heidenheimer

    Mit vier Treffern und drei Vorlagen ist der großgewachsene Stürmer der Topscorer der Heidenheimer in der laufenden Bundesliga-Saison. Marvin Pieringers letztes Tor liegt indes auch schon wieder einige Wochen zurück: Am 10. November traf der frühere Reutlinger bei der Heimniederlage gegen Wolfsburg. Danach wurde er mehrere Spiele wegen einer Verletzung ausgebremst.

    Auch deshalb und um eine hochkarätige Alternative zu schaffen, legte der FCH in der Winterpause im Sturm noch einmal nach, holte Karlsruhes Torschützenkönig Budu Zivzivadze als zusätzlichen Stoßstürmer ins Brenztal. Marvin Pieringer rückte daraufhin wieder eine Position zurück als zweite, eher hängende Spitze. Wie schon in der vergangenen, so erfolgreichen Saison hinter dem wuchtigen Tim Kleindienst, der inzwischen für Borussia Mönchengladbach Tor um Tor schießt und beim FCH als Goalgetter schmerzlich vermisst wird.

    Marvin Pieringers Wunsch für die Rest-Rückrunde: “So viele Siege wie möglich einfahren und wieder die Leistung bringen, die wir zu Beginn der Saison hatten”. Damals im September, als der FCH nach zwei Siegen aus zwei Spielen als Tabellenführer nach Dortmund gefahren ist. Eine schöne Erinnerung, mehr aber auch nicht: “Wir wissen um was es geht”, so Pieringer, “jetzt heißt es Punkte sammeln”.

    Der 1. FC Heidenheim steht vor einer schweren Aufgabe, denn am kommenden Spieltag erwartet sie der Bundesliga-Spitzenreiter Borussia Dortmund. Für die Mannschaft um Trainer Frank Schmidt geht es dabei um nicht weniger als die Mission Klassenerhalt.

    Ein Spieler, der dabei eine wichtige Rolle spielen könnte, ist Marvin Pieringer. Der Stürmer hat in dieser Saison bereits mehrere wichtige Tore für Heidenheim erzielt und wird auch gegen Dortmund wieder gefordert sein. Mit seiner Schnelligkeit und seinem Torinstinkt könnte er für die entscheidenden Momente im Spiel sorgen.

    Die Fans des 1. FC Heidenheim sind gespannt, ob ihre Mannschaft gegen den Favoriten aus Dortmund bestehen kann und hoffen auf einen erfolgreichen Ausgang. Es wird ein spannendes Spiel erwartet, bei dem die Heidenheimer alles geben werden, um ihre Mission Klassenerhalt voranzutreiben.


    1. Fußball news
    2. 1.FC Heidenheim
    3. Borussia Dortmund
    4. Marvin Pieringer
    5. Mission Klassenerhalt
    6. Bundesliga
    7. German football
    8. Soccer match
    9. German clubs
    10. Football updates

    #Fußball #1.FC #Heidenheim #Borussia #Dortmund #kommt #Marvin #Pieringer #und #die #Mission #Klassenerhalt

  • Falcon 9 carrying ESA mission launches Wednesday

    SpaceX is set to launch the Hisdesat SpainSat Next Generation I via a Falcon 9 rocket out of Kennedy Space Center Wednesday night. SpaceX said that this will be the last flight for the Falcon 9 first-stage booster because of the additional performance needed to send the payload into orbit. The booster has been on 20 flights, including 13 Starlink missions. The European Space Agency’s SNG I satellite will provide more “cost-effective, adaptable and secure communication services for governments and emergency response teams” across Europe, the Americas and more, according to the ESA. The ESA said that this new satellite has “special equipment” to make sure that communications are kept secure and reliable, including an advanced antenna system that can modify its coverage in real time.The satellite is set to head to geostationary orbit about 22,236 miles above Earth.The two-hour launch window opens at 8:34 p.m. Wednesday night, with a backup window at the same time Thursday.>> WESH 2 will stream the launch live in the player above.

    SpaceX is set to launch the Hisdesat SpainSat Next Generation I via a Falcon 9 rocket out of Kennedy Space Center Wednesday night.

    SpaceX said that this will be the last flight for the Falcon 9 first-stage booster because of the additional performance needed to send the payload into orbit. The booster has been on 20 flights, including 13 Starlink missions.

      The European Space Agency’s SNG I satellite will provide more “cost-effective, adaptable and secure communication services for governments and emergency response teams” across Europe, the Americas and more, according to the ESA.

      The ESA said that this new satellite has “special equipment” to make sure that communications are kept secure and reliable, including an advanced antenna system that can modify its coverage in real time.

      The satellite is set to head to geostationary orbit about 22,236 miles above Earth.

      The two-hour launch window opens at 8:34 p.m. Wednesday night, with a backup window at the same time Thursday.

      >> WESH 2 will stream the launch live in the player above.

    Exciting news for space enthusiasts! The Falcon 9 rocket will be launching the European Space Agency’s (ESA) mission on Wednesday. This mission is sure to be a significant step forward in our exploration of space.

    Stay tuned for more updates on this historic launch! #Falcon9 #ESAmission #SpaceExploration


    1. Falcon 9
    2. ESA mission
    3. SpaceX launch
    4. Rocket launch
    5. Space exploration
    6. European Space Agency
    7. Space technology
    8. Aerospace industry
    9. Space mission updates
    10. Latest space news

    #Falcon #carrying #ESA #mission #launches #Wednesday

  • Mission Hurricane (The 39 Clues: Doublecross, Book 3) – Hardcover – GOOD

    Mission Hurricane (The 39 Clues: Doublecross, Book 3) – Hardcover – GOOD

    Price : 4.48

    Ends on : N/A

    View on eBay
    Are you ready for an action-packed adventure filled with mystery and intrigue? Look no further than Mission Hurricane, the third installment in The 39 Clues: Doublecross series.

    In this thrilling book, Amy and Dan Cahill must navigate treacherous waters as they race against time to uncover the next clue in their quest for the ultimate power. With danger lurking around every corner, can they outsmart their enemies and unlock the secrets of the past?

    Filled with twists and turns, Mission Hurricane will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Perfect for fans of suspense and adrenaline-pumping thrills, this hardcover edition is a must-have for any bookshelf.

    Don’t miss out on this epic adventure – pick up your copy of Mission Hurricane today and join Amy and Dan on their quest for the truth.
    #Mission #Hurricane #Clues #Doublecross #Book #Hardcover #GOOD,ages 3+

  • YouTube Gold: Mission Possible – Blocking The Skyhook

    A while back we saw a YouTube video that discussed how difficult it was to block Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s signature move, the Skyhook, and it said only two or three people had ever done it, with Wilt Chamberlain and Bill “Poodles” Willoughby among them.

    The problem is, we keep finding more video evidence of other players who pulled this off.

    This video is as comprehensive as we have seen. The Chamberlain blocks are on here of course, but there are others that we hadn’t seen before.

    Ralph Sampson got one, and he got it the hard way, at or near the peak of the shot.

    Boston Celtic Robert Parish got one too and the Willoughby block is here too (what makes his so striking is that, unlike the other guys here, who are all quite tall, Willoughby was just 6-8).

    Bill Walton got one from behind. Hakeem Olajuwon blocked one as well.

    Nate Thurmond got one as well and, most strikingly, so did Manute Bol (look how far away from Kareem he is and think about that for a minute – OMG).

    Finally we see Chamberlain get a pair during Kareem’s rookie season.

    Still, it’s an elite list. As far as we can determine, only eight guys ever did it. The oddball on the list is Willoughby. Everyone else is at least 6-11.

    Willoughby, who was a half-foot shorter than Kareem, was one of the first guys to go to the NBA directly out of high school, in his case in 1975. Moses Malone went to the ABA in 1974 but didn’t get to the NBA for a couple of years when the ABA-NBA merged, and Darryl Dawkins was also drafted in 1975, but he was a first round pick. Willoughby went in the second.

    If you’re a fan of YouTube basketball highlights, then you won’t want to miss this epic video: Mission Possible – Blocking The Skyhook. In this thrilling compilation, you’ll witness some of the most impressive and jaw-dropping blocks on the infamous skyhook shot.

    From iconic players like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to modern-day stars like Anthony Davis, these defenders showcase their incredible athleticism and timing as they rise up to swat away the skyhook attempt. Whether it’s a one-handed rejection or a full-on chase-down block, these defensive gems will leave you in awe.

    So grab your popcorn and get ready to witness some YouTube gold as these defenders make the impossible possible by blocking the skyhook. Don’t miss out on this must-see video that will have you hitting the replay button over and over again.

    Watch now and see why blocking the skyhook is truly a Mission Possible.


    1. YouTube Gold
    2. Mission Possible
    3. Blocking The Skyhook
    4. NBA highlights
    5. Basketball strategy
    6. Defensive tactics
    7. Game analysis
    8. Sportsmanship
    9. Teamwork
    10. Player performance.

    #YouTube #Gold #Mission #Blocking #Skyhook

  • Mission to the Moon: The Mystery of Entity303 Book Three: A Gameknight999 – GOOD

    Mission to the Moon: The Mystery of Entity303 Book Three: A Gameknight999 – GOOD

    Price : 3.59

    Ends on : N/A

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    Mission to the Moon: The Mystery of Entity303 Book Three: A Gameknight999 – GOOD

    Are you ready for the next thrilling installment in the Gameknight999 series? In Book Three, titled “Mission to the Moon: The Mystery of Entity303,” our hero Gameknight999 faces his toughest challenge yet as he continues to battle against the mysterious and powerful Entity303.

    As Gameknight999 and his friends journey to the moon to uncover the truth behind Entity303’s dark plans, they must navigate treacherous obstacles, face formidable enemies, and uncover shocking secrets that will change everything they thought they knew about the game world.

    With pulse-pounding action, heart-stopping suspense, and unexpected twists and turns, “Mission to the Moon” is a must-read for fans of the Gameknight999 series and anyone who loves a good adventure story. Join Gameknight999 on his epic quest to save the game world from destruction and unravel the mystery of Entity303 once and for all.

    Don’t miss out on this exciting new chapter in the Gameknight999 saga. Pick up your copy of “Mission to the Moon: The Mystery of Entity303 Book Three” today and prepare for an unforgettable journey into the world of Minecraft.
    #Mission #Moon #Mystery #Entity303 #Book #Gameknight999 #GOOD,ages 3+

  • Night of the Ninth Dragon (Magic Tree House (R) Merlin Mission) – VERY GOOD

    Night of the Ninth Dragon (Magic Tree House (R) Merlin Mission) – VERY GOOD

    Price : 3.97

    Ends on : N/A

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    Night of the Ninth Dragon is the latest installment in the Magic Tree House (R) Merlin Mission series, and let me tell you, it is VERY GOOD.

    In this thrilling adventure, Jack and Annie are sent on a quest by Merlin to find the ninth dragon and save Camelot from destruction. Along the way, they encounter fierce dragons, treacherous knights, and powerful sorcerers.

    The writing is captivating, the characters are engaging, and the world-building is top-notch. The story is fast-paced and full of twists and turns that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

    If you’re a fan of the Magic Tree House series, you won’t want to miss Night of the Ninth Dragon. It’s a magical and unforgettable read that will transport you to a world of fantasy and adventure. Highly recommended!
    #Night #Ninth #Dragon #Magic #Tree #House #Merlin #Mission #GOOD,ages 3+

  • Mission 300 Energy Summit to Gather Africa’s Leaders and Partners to Transform Energy Sector

    DAR ES SALAAM, January 25, 2025 – African heads of state, business leaders, and development partners will converge tomorrow in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, for the Mission 300 Africa Energy Summit where they will commit to ambitious reforms and actions to expand access to reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity to 300 million people in Africa by 2030.

    Mission 300 is an unprecedented collaboration between the African Development Bank, the World Bank Group, and global partners to address Africa’s electricity access gap using new technology and innovative financing. Nearly 600 million Africans lack electricity, which is crucial for development and job creation.

    Several heads of state and government from Africa will join more than 1,000 other participants—with strong representation from the private sector—at the January 27-28 summit. Together, they will chart Africa’s course toward universal access to energy.

    This week’s summit is expected to yield two significant outcomes: the Dar es Salaam Energy Declaration, outlining commitments and practical actions from African governments to reform the energy sector, and the first set of National Energy Compacts, which will serve as blueprints with country-specific targets and timelines for implementation of critical reforms.

    In the first phase, 12 countries will present their energy compacts: Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, and Zambia. Other African countries are expected to develop their compacts in subsequent phases.

    The partnerships forged and commitments made by the continent’s leaders and changemakers gathering in Dar es Salaam this week will shape the continent’s journey toward achieving universal energy access, transforming millions of lives, and driving sustainable development and job creation.

    To follow the summit live, visit: https://mission300africa.org/energysummit/


    In Dar es Salaam for the World Bank Group: Daniella van Leggelo-Padilla, dvanleggelo@worldbank.org

    In Dar es Salaam from the African Development Bank Group: Kwasi Kpodo, media@afdb.org



    For more information about Mission 300 Africa Energy Summit, please visit: https://mission300africa.org/energysummit/

    For information about the Mission 300 initiative: https://www.worldbank.org/en/programs/energizing-africa

    To follow the summit live on Twitter, follow us using the hashtag #PoweringAfrica

    Join us at the Mission 300 Energy Summit as we gather Africa’s leaders and partners to transform the energy sector. This summit is a call to action for all stakeholders to come together and work towards a sustainable and efficient energy future for the continent.

    The Mission 300 Energy Summit will bring together government officials, industry leaders, NGOs, and other key players to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the energy sector in Africa. Through panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities, participants will have the chance to share best practices, explore innovative solutions, and forge new partnerships to drive progress in the energy sector.

    By working together towards a common goal of achieving Mission 300 – providing reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy access to all Africans – we can create a brighter future for the continent. Join us at the Mission 300 Energy Summit and be a part of the transformation.


    1. Africa energy summit
    2. Mission 300 energy
    3. Energy sector transformation
    4. Africa energy leaders
    5. Energy summit Africa
    6. Africa energy partners
    7. Mission 300 summit
    8. Energy sector development
    9. Africa energy transformation
    10. Africa energy conference

    #Mission #Energy #Summit #Gather #Africas #Leaders #Partners #Transform #Energy #Sector

  • 101 Mission Statements from Top Companies: Plus Guidelines for Writing Your Own Mission Statement

    Price: $5.99
    (as of Jan 25,2025 06:15:04 UTC – Details)

    ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00F8F0KWU
    Publisher ‏ : ‎ Ten Speed Press (October 2, 2013)
    Publication date ‏ : ‎ October 2, 2013
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    File size ‏ : ‎ 3105 KB
    Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
    Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
    Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    Print length ‏ : ‎ 162 pages

    101 Mission Statements from Top Companies: Plus Guidelines for Writing Your Own Mission Statement

    A mission statement is a crucial component of any successful business. It encapsulates the purpose and values of a company, guiding its employees and shaping its strategies. To help you craft a compelling mission statement for your own organization, we have compiled 101 examples from some of the world’s top companies.

    1. Google: “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”
    2. Apple: “To bring the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals, and consumers around the world through innovative hardware, software, and services.”
    3. Amazon: “To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.”
    4. Nike: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.”
    5. Starbucks: “To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.”
    6. Microsoft: “To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.”
    7. Coca-Cola: “To refresh the world in mind, body and spirit.”
    8. Disney: “To entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling.”
    9. Facebook: “To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.”
    10. IBM: “To lead in the creation, development and manufacture of the industry’s most advanced information technologies.”
    11. McDonald’s: “To be our customers’ favorite place and way to eat and drink.”
    12. Tesla: “To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”
    13. Walmart: “To save people money so they can live better.”
    14. Target: “To make Target your preferred shopping destination in all channels by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation and exceptional guest experiences.”
    15. Netflix: “To entertain the world.”
    16. Airbnb: “To create a world where anyone can belong anywhere.”
    17. LinkedIn: “To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.”
    18. Uber: “To ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion.”
    19. Southwest Airlines: “To connect People to what’s important in their lives through friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel.”
    20. Ford: “To become the world’s most trusted company, designing smart vehicles for a smart world.”

    Guidelines for Writing Your Own Mission Statement:

    1. Clearly define your purpose: Your mission statement should clearly articulate what your organization does and why it exists. It should answer the question, “What is our reason for being?”

    2. Be concise and specific: A mission statement should be brief and to the point. Avoid vague language and focus on communicating your core values and goals.

    3. Reflect your values: Your mission statement should reflect the values that are important to your organization. Consider what principles guide your decision-making and how you want to impact the world.

    4. Inspire and motivate: A compelling mission statement should inspire and motivate your employees, customers, and stakeholders. It should convey a sense of purpose and passion for what you do.

    5. Review and revise: Your mission statement is not set in stone. It should evolve as your organization grows and changes. Regularly review and revise your mission statement to ensure it remains relevant and impactful.

    By following these guidelines and drawing inspiration from the mission statements of top companies, you can create a powerful mission statement that will guide your organization to success.
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  • Robert De Niro is a former president on a mission to save the world in first trailer for epic new Netflix thriller series from Narcos showrunner

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     Zero Day.

    Credit: Netflix

    The first trailer for Zero Day, starring Robert De Niro, has arrived – and it looks like an epic political thriller.

    In the brief clip, which can be viewed below, De Niro plays former U.S. President George Mullen who is tasked by the current U.S. president (Angela Bassett) with finding the perpetrators of a devastating cyber attack that killed over 3,000 people.

    It’s far from easy, especially given that the public seems to view him as an enemy – not to mention the fact that another attack could happen at any given moment. “If the public finds out how deep this really is,” Bassett says, “I don’t think we really survive that.”

    Per the official synopsis, “As disinformation runs rampant and the personal ambition of power brokers in technology, Wall Street, and government collide, Mullen’s unwavering search for the truth forces him to confront his own dark secrets while risking all he holds dear.”

    The series is co-created and co-written by Eric Newman, who served as the showrunner of the Netflix series Narcos and its spin-off Narcos: Mexico. The cast includes Jesse Plemons, Lizzy Caplan, Connie Britton, Joan Allen, Bill Camp, Dan Stevens, McKinley Belcher III, Matthew Modine, Clark Gregg, and Gaby Hoffman. Zero Day also marks De Niro’s second-ever television role as a series regular, with the first being the Argentine limited series Nada, which aired exclusively on Disney Plus.

    All six episodes of Zero Day are set to hit Netflix on February 20. For more, check out our list of the best Netflix shows and the best Netflix movies to stream right now.

    Legendary actor Robert De Niro is making his comeback to the small screen in a big way with his new Netflix thriller series, “Mission: Save the World.” In the first trailer released today, we see De Niro in the role of a former president who is on a mission to save the world from a global threat.

    From the mind of acclaimed Narcos showrunner, this epic new series promises to be a thrilling ride filled with action, suspense, and political intrigue. De Niro’s character is a man of power and influence, but he is also a man with a dark past and a personal vendetta that drives him to take on this dangerous mission.

    As the trailer unfolds, we see De Niro’s character assembling a team of skilled operatives and navigating through a web of conspiracy and deception to uncover the truth behind the impending catastrophe. With his signature intensity and gravitas, De Niro brings a commanding presence to the screen, promising a performance that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

    “Mission: Save the World” is set to be a must-watch series for fans of political thrillers and action-packed dramas. Stay tuned for its premiere on Netflix and get ready to join De Niro on his mission to save the world.


    Robert De Niro, former president, Netflix thriller, Narcos showrunner, mission to save the world, epic series, trailer, new release

    #Robert #Niro #president #mission #save #world #trailer #epic #Netflix #thriller #series #Narcos #showrunner

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