Tag: Path

  • Trump Issues Crypto Executive Order to Pave U.S. Digital Assets Path

    U.S. President Donald Trump has come through with an eagerly awaited executive order on crypto that directs his administration to establish friendly policies to put the industry on solid U.S. footing and looking into establishing a “digital asset stockpile.”

    After years of courtroom combat with federal authorities, Trump’s order issued on Thursday could allow the digital assets sector to move forward in the U.S. with a more welcoming framework set by the White House. Such orders are more of a beginning than an end in federal policy, but the pro-crypto president has taken that first step.

    Bitcoin surged briefly above $106,000 from around $103,000 in the minutes following the news before retracing most of the gains. Recently, BTC changed hands at $103,500, down 0.51% over the past 24 hours.

    Thursday’s order said it would protect Americans from persecution if they developed software, were miners or validators or otherwise transacted “for lawful purposes.”

    The order created a working group, chaired by Trump’s czar for crypto and AI (venture capitalist David Sacks) and composed of various Cabinet officials, the heads of the Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission and other White House officials. Though the order does not itself establish a strategic bitcoin reserve, it does direct the working group to “evaluate the potential creation and maintenance of a national digital asset stockpile.”

    Trump’s order also bans work on a U.S. central bank digital currency in his administration, saying that the agencies under his authority are “prohibited from undertaking any action to establish, issue, or promote CBDCs within the jurisdiction of the United States or abroad.”

    When Trump had failed to issue the document among his opening flurry of executive orders, crypto insiders grew increasingly tense about the new relationship he’s promised. But behind the scenes, leaders at the U.S. markets regulators — the Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission — were already prepping this week to move digital assets businesses out of the multi-year penalty box the previous agency officials kept them in.

    UPDATE (Jan. 23, 2024, 20:58 UTC): Adds additional detail.

    President Donald Trump issued a landmark executive order today, paving the way for the regulation and growth of digital assets in the United States. The executive order, titled “Promoting Responsible Innovation in Digital Assets,” aims to establish a clear regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies and other digital assets, while also encouraging innovation in the space.

    This move comes as the popularity of cryptocurrencies continues to rise, with more and more investors and businesses looking to get involved in the digital asset space. By providing clarity and guidance on how these assets will be regulated, the executive order aims to create a more stable and secure environment for digital asset investors and businesses.

    In a statement, President Trump emphasized the importance of embracing new technologies and ensuring that the United States remains at the forefront of innovation. He stated, “We must embrace the opportunities that digital assets present, while also ensuring that they are used responsibly and in compliance with existing laws and regulations.”

    The executive order outlines a number of key initiatives, including the establishment of a task force to coordinate regulatory efforts, the development of a national strategy for digital assets, and the creation of a framework for overseeing and regulating digital asset exchanges.

    Overall, this executive order represents a major step forward in the regulation and growth of digital assets in the United States. By providing a clear regulatory framework and encouraging responsible innovation, the Trump administration is positioning the U.S. to be a leader in the digital asset space for years to come.


    1. Trump executive order
    2. U.S. digital assets
    3. Crypto regulation
    4. Cryptocurrency news
    5. Trump administration
    6. Digital asset policy
    7. Executive order on crypto
    8. U.S. blockchain industry
    9. Crypto executive order
    10. Trump crypto regulation

    #Trump #Issues #Crypto #Executive #Order #Pave #U.S #Digital #Assets #Path

  • Pokémon Go Steeled Resolve Timed Research quest steps, best Choose Path choice and Go Battle Week Dual Destiny

    Steeled Resolve is themed around Steel-type Pokémon to celebrate the release of Rookidee, along with its evolutions Corvisquire and Corviknight, in Pokémon Go!

    Alongside hunting down these new Gen 8 Pokémon, you can complete the Steeled Resolve field research tasks and Steeled Resolve Timed Research quest. Though it’s a good idea to know the best Choose Path choice between ‘Train with Blanche’ and ‘Train with Cliff’ before you make a start on this quest. There’s also some Pokémon Go bonuses to enjoy and a selection of featured attacks for a special selection of Pokémon.

    Steeled Resolve, however, isn’t the only Pokémon Go event running this week – you can also partake in Go Battle Week: Dual Destiny. Bringing a host of bonuses, including an increase of the daily battle set limit, now is the time to enjoy the Go Battle League.

    On this page:

    Watch us battle Guzzlord – one of the Ultra Beasts in Pokémon GoWatch on YouTube

    ‘Steeled Resolve Timed Research’ quest steps in Pokémon Go

    The Steeled Resolve Timed Research is the Pokémon Go quest released during the event sharing its name. As you can tell, it’s a Timed Research quest and that means you must complete it before Sunday 26th January at 8pm (local time) if you want to earn all of its rewards.

    Steeled Resolve is also a branching quest where, after completing its first quest step, you need to pick one of two paths – Train with Blanche or Train with Cliff. This decision changes two of the rewards you receive from this quest, so it’s a good idea to know what these rewards are before you make your decision. Especially since you can not change your path choice after it’s made. To help you out in this regard, we’ve outlined the quest steps for each path and taken a look at which Choose Path is best further along in this guide.

    For now, let’s take a look at the Steeled Resolve quest steps which occur before you select a path. Watch out for spoilers!

    Thank you to TwitchSpencxr from reddit for the help with this information.

    ‘Steeled Resolve’ Step 1 of 3

    • Catch 15 Pokémon – 5 Ultra Balls
    • Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms – Bunnelby encounter
    • Explore 2km – Paldean Wooper encounter

    Rewards: 1000 XP and 1000 Stardust

    ‘Train with Blanche’ path quest steps in Steeled Resolve Timed Research

    Here you’ll find the challenges and rewards you’ll receive for selecting the ‘Train with Blanche’ path through the Steeled Resolve Timed Research quest in Pokémon Go. Since you can’t change your path choice after it’s made, it’s a good idea to take a look at these steps and rewards before making your choice. Just watch out for spoilers!

    ‘Train with Blanche’ Step 2 of 3

    • Use 5 supereffective Charged Attacks – 500 Stardust
    • Power up Pokémon 5 times – 2 Fast TMs
    • Battle in the Go Battle League 5 times – 2 Charged TMs

    Rewards: 2000 XP and Marill encounter.

    ‘Train with Blanche’ Step 3 of 3

    • Catch 25 Pokémon – 10 Ultra Balls
    • Power up Pokémon 10 times – 1 Silver Pinap Berry
    • Win in the Go Battle League – Steelix encounter

    Rewards: 3000 XP, 2000 Stardust and a Magnetic Lure Module.

    ‘Train with Cliff’ path quest steps in Steeled Resolve Timed Research

    Below lie the ‘Train with Cliff’ path challenges and rewards for the Steeled Resolve Timed Research quest in Pokémon Go. Remember – you can’t change your path choice after it’s made, so, if you’re having trouble making your mind up, take a look at our best Choose Path choice section. Spoilers also lie below.

    ‘Train with Cliff’ Step 2 of 3

    Rewards: 2000 XP and Shadow Machop encounter.

    ‘Train with Cliff’ Step 3 of 3

    • Catch 25 Pokémon – 10 Ultra Balls
    • Power up Pokémon 10 times – 1 Silver Pinap Berry
    • Win in the Go Battle League – Marowak encounter

    Rewards: 3000 XP, 2000 Stardust and a Magnetic Lure Module.

    Train with Blanche or Train with Cliff: Best Choose Path choice for Steeled Resolve

    When it comes to picking between the ‘Train with Blanche’ or ‘Train with Cliff’ paths for the Steeled Resolve Timed Research quest in Pokémon Go, which path for you is, and I know this is annoying, subjective. There is a way, however, to easily decide which path you want to take and that’s down to the Pokémon encounters you receive.

    All of the challenges and the majority of the rewards remain the same between the two paths aside from the two Pokémon you can earn. ‘Train with Blanche’ offers a Marill and Steelix, while ‘Train with Cliff’ lets you catch a Shadow Machop and Marowak.

    Steelix is earned from the ‘Train with Blanche’ path, Marowak from ‘Train with Cliff’.

    For this reason, you can make your decision based on either what Pokémon you need for the Pokédex, for a Go Battle League team or whether you want to add some small progress to one of your catch medals.

    Marill evolves into Azumarill.

    The Marill ‘Train with Blanche’ rewards you with can be evolved into a Azumarill, which remains to be one of the best Pokémon you can use in the Great League. Since Pokémon earned from research quests tend to have better IV stats, this is a great way to add a strong Azumarill to your team. Meanwhile, if you’re missing Steelix from your Pokédex, then this path lets you fill in this entry without having to find a Metal Coat nor the required Onix Candy.

    On the other hand, the Shadow Machop offered by ‘Train with Cliff’ should not be purified since Shadow Machamp is one of the best Fighting-type Pokémon in the game. Whether you want it for raids or the Master League, Shadow Machamp will have your back. Admittedly the Marowak encounter is less useful since it is not a Shadow Pokémon. You’ll be getting a regular Kanto Marowak here, but it can still come in handy.

    Personally, I’ll be going with the ‘Train with Cliff’ path since I really want a powerful Shadow Machamp for my team. (And I have more than enough Machop Candy to properly power it up.) The advantage of being able to use it in both raids and the Master League makes it a good addition to multiple teams I have running in Pokémon Go.

    Steeled Resolve field research tasks in Pokémon Go

    Steeled Resolve event-exclusive research tasks can be earned by spinning PokéStop during this Pokémon Go event. As always these tasks can be saved in your field research collection and completed after the event ends.

    Here are the Steeled Resolve field research tasks in Pokémon Go:

    • Catch 5 Pokémon reward – Clefairy, Jigglypuff or Togetic encounter
    • Power up Pokémon 5 times reward – Hoppip, Dunsparce or Barboach encounter
    • Battle in the Go Battle League reward – Cubone, Marill or Inkay encounter
    • Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms reward – 5 Poké Balls, 3 Super Potions or 2 Revives

    Thank you raggedy10 from reddit for the help with this information.

    Cubone and Hoppip encounters can be earned through Steeled Resolve event-exclusive research tasks.

    Everything we know about Steeled Resolve in Pokémon Go

    Steeled Resolve is running until Sunday 26th January at 8pm (local time). The Go Battle Week: Dual Destiny event is running alongside Steeled Resolve, which we’ve covered in the next section.

    Returning to Steeled Resolve, this event has two bonuses. The first is a Shadow Pokémon related bonus where, once again, you can use a Charged TM to make these Pokémon forget the Frustration Charged Attack. The second bonus sees Magnetic Lure Modules attract different Pokémon during this event, including Onix, Beldum, Sheildon and Rookidee.

    More exciting than the bonuses (and that’s not hard in my opinion) is the release of three new Pokémon – Rookidee, Corvisquire and Corviknight. These three Pokémon make up the Rookidee evolution line of Gen 8 and, while the first two Pokémon are simply Flying-types, Corviknight adds Steel to become a dual type. If you want to learn more about these new Pokémon, check out our how to get Rookidee in Pokémon Go page.

    Steeled Resolve is also meant to mark the arrival of a new set of quest steps for the Dual Destiny seasonal Special Research quest. Yet, at the time of writing, we’re still waiting for those quest steps to be released. When they are made available, both this and the Dual Destiny Special Research quest page will be updated.

    The following Pokémon are appearing more frequently during Steeled Resolve:

    • Clefairy
    • Machop
    • Totodile
    • Marill
    • Hoppip
    • Paldean Wooper
    • Shieldon
    • Bunnelby
    • Carbink
    • Mareanie

    You can battle these Pokémon in raids during Steeled Resolve:

    One Star Three Star Five Star Mega
    Lickitung Muk Deoxys Attack Form (until 10am local time on Friday 24th January) Mega Gallade (until 10am local time on Friday 24th January)
    Skorupi Delcatty Deoxys Defense Form (until 10am local time on Friday 24th January) Mega Medicham (from 10am local time on Friday 24th January)
    Pancham Skuntank Dialga (from 10am local time on Friday 24th January)
    Amura Lumineon

    Spinning a PokéStop during Steeled Resolve may result in you receiving an event-exclusive 2km egg, which can hatch:

    • Shieldon
    • Carbink
    • Mareanie
    • Rookidee

    Shieldon and Carbink can be hatched from the event-exclusive eggs.

    If you fancy giving a Pokémon a featured attack, then the Steeled Resolve event is the time to do so. Just keep in mind that these featured attacks are earned via evolution, so you will need the previous Pokémon in the evolutionary line to grab the new attack.

    The Steeled Resolve featured attacks are:

    Machamp – Karate Chop (Fighting-type Fast Attack)

    • Evolve a Machoke into Machamp
    • Gyms and Raid Power – 10
    • Trainer Battles Power – 5

    Feraligatr – Hydro Cannon (Water-type Charged Attack)

    • Evolve a Croconaw into Feraligatr
    • Gyms and Raid Power – 90
    • Trainer Battles Power – 80

    Quagsire – Aqua Tail (Water-type Charged Attack)

    • Evolve a Wooper into Quagsire
    • Gyms and Raid Power – 50
    • Trainer Battles Power – 55

    Lickilicky – Body Slam (Normal-type Charged Attack)

    • Evolve a Lickitung into Lickilicky
    • Gyms and Raid Power – 50
    • Trainer Battles Power – 50

    Corviknight – Iron Head (Steel-type Charged Attack)

    • Evolve a Corvisquire into Corviknight
    • Gyms and Raid Power – 60
    • Trainer Battles Power – 70

    Clodsire – Megahorn (Bug-type Charged Attack)

    • Evolve a Paldean Wooper into Clodsire
    • Gyms and Raid Power – 105
    • Trainer Battles Power – 110

    There are, of course, PokéStop Showcases running throughout Steeled Resolve!

    Finally, as with the majority of Pokémon Go events now, there’s a pay-to-play Timed Research quest available during Steeled Resolve. Costing $5, or the equivalent in your local currency, this purchase unlocks a double hatch Stardust bonus alongside the quest itself. The purchase is nonrefundable, can’t be done using PokéCoin and can be given to players you’re Great Friends or higher with. Just make sure you complete the quest before 11:59pm (local time) on Sunday 26th January or else it will vanish forever,

    The Dual Destiny Season is here! The Steeled Resolve event is running and it’s brought Rookidee, Corvisquire and Corviknight to Pokémon Go.

    You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest.

    Don’t forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you’re hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.

    Go Battle Week Dual Destiny in Pokémon Go

    The Go Battle Week: Dual Destiny event is running alongside Steeled Resolve, ending at 11:59pm (local time) on Sunday 26th January, in Pokémon Go. Thanks to its bonuses, this event is perfect for anyone who partakes in the Go Battle League or needs to do some work towards a level up challenge.

    Firstly, the number of battle sets you can complete every day has been increased to 20. This means you can compete in 100 battles each day – coming to a total of 600 battles if you max out every day!

    The win rewards have also seen some changes for this event. The Pokémon you earn from win rewards will have a wider variance when it comes to their Attack, Defense and HP stats. Meanwhile, you’ll earn quadruple Stardust from win rewards. (This Stardust bonus does not affect end-of-set rewards.)

    Finally, there’s a free Timed Research quest focused around battling and, if you complete it, you’ll earn the Grimsely Shoes avatar item. (Though players who’ve already earned this item will not receive the shoes for a second time.)

    The Grimsley outfit, but you only get the blue shoes. | Image credit: Niantic

    When it comes to which leagues will be active during Go Battle Week: Dual Destiny, it’s important to note that both the Master League and Color Cup: Great League Edition will be running until 4am (GMT) in the UK, 5am (CET) in Europe, 11pm (EST) on the eastern US coast and 8pm (PST) on the western US coast.

    Once this time passes, the Great League, Ultra League and Master League will all be live until Tuesday 28th January. So whether it’s to earn medal progress or to use your preferred team, pick which league you want to focus on and get battling.

    Hope you enjoy both Steeled Resolve and Go Battle Week: Dual Destiny!

    Pokémon Go Steeled Resolve Timed Research Quest Steps

    Hey trainers! Are you ready for a new challenge in Pokémon Go? The Steeled Resolve Timed Research quest is now live, and it’s time to put your skills to the test. Here are the steps you’ll need to complete to earn some great rewards:

    1. Catch 15 Steel-type Pokémon
    2. Power up Pokémon 10 times
    3. Battle in a Raid
    4. Win a level 3 or higher raid
    5. Defeat Team Go Rocket Leader Arlo
    6. Defeat Team Go Rocket Leader Cliff
    7. Defeat Team Go Rocket Leader Sierra
    8. Complete 5 Go Battle League battles

      Once you’ve completed all these steps, you’ll earn some awesome rewards, including rare candies, stardust, and even encounters with Steel-type Pokémon like Beldum and Jirachi.

      Best Choose Path Choice

      When faced with the Choose Path decision in the Steeled Resolve Timed Research quest, the best choice to make will depend on your personal gameplay style and goals. If you’re looking to catch as many Steel-type Pokémon as possible, choose the path that leads you through areas with a high spawn rate of Steel-types. If you’re focused on powering up your Pokémon, choose the path that offers the most opportunities for catching and evolving Pokémon.

      Go Battle Week Dual Destiny

      In addition to the Steeled Resolve Timed Research quest, Pokémon Go is also celebrating Go Battle Week Dual Destiny. During this event, you’ll have the chance to participate in special Go Battle League battles, earn extra Stardust for wins, and even encounter some rare Pokémon in the wild.

      So get out there, trainers, and show off your skills in battle as you complete the Steeled Resolve Timed Research quest and take on the challenges of Go Battle Week Dual Destiny. Good luck!


    1. Pokémon Go
    2. Steeled Resolve
    3. Timed Research
    4. Quest Steps
    5. Choose Path
    6. Go Battle Week
    7. Dual Destiny
    8. Pokémon Go Battle
    9. Timed Research Quest
    10. Best Path Choice

    #Pokémon #Steeled #Resolve #Timed #Research #quest #steps #Choose #Path #choice #Battle #Week #Dual #Destiny

  • Kastar AAA 48-Pack Ni-MH 1000mAh Super High-Capacity Rechargeable Battery Replacement for Panasonic HHR-4DPA HHR-55AAABU HHR-65AAABU, Out Door Solar Light, Garden Landscaping Solar Light, Path Light

    Price: $55.99
    (as of Jan 18,2025 03:22:55 UTC – Details)

    Bullet Point 1 Super capacity – No longer to worry about the endurance of the batteries, Kastar 1000mAh will provide ultra strong power for your devices to performance well and operate longer. Bullet Point 2 1200 Cycle – Kastar add mix-protection additive to the cathode of batteries, protect the material from degradation in the progress of charge and discharge, extend lifespan up to 1200 cycles. Bullet Point 3 Low self-discharge – Embedded seal structure expand the space of crystal lattice, make more room for hydrogen, so Kastar batteries will holds 75% power after 3 years benefit from its concentration to low self-discharge project. Bullet Point 4 Safety assurance – Ni-MH eco-friendly cell, doesn’t contain Hg/Cd/Pb, makes no pollution to the environment, and using DBCK steel shell which can protect the battery against explosion due to overpressure. Bullet Point 5 Long warranty – Kastar batteries include 30-day Money Back and 3-YEAR Manufacturer Warranty. Description Details Package Includes: 28-Pack x AAA NI-MH 1000MAH Batteries Features: *Kastar batteries devote to low self-discharge technology, holds 75% power after 3 years while general rechargeable batteries will lose all the power if not using for a long time. *Doesn’t contain Hg/Cd/Pb, no pollution to the environment. *Made with supercell lattice method, high retention rate of electric charge, low loss of capacity, excellent discharge performance at high temperature, can be recharged up to 1200 times, super long life. *The batteries are 0.1V higher than others when full charged, more suitable for long time use. *Kastar AA Ni-MH rechargeable batteries are great for use in your household devices, such as digital cameras, toys, remote controls,hand held games2-way radios, PDAs, flashlights, alarm-clocks, LCD-TVs, toothbrushes, shavers and portable audio players, strong and durable power allowing you to enhance your music, gaming, computer, photography and other experiences. Note: Batteries come with low power juice due to safety reasons, should use it out and recharge it to full to test its performance. High capacity batteries are a little bit bigger than low capacity batteries, it won’t affect the usage. Quality Price Value
    Compatible with: Panasonic BK40AAABU HHR-4DPA HHR-55AAABU HHR-65AAA HHR-75AAA and KX-TG1031 KX-TG1032 KX-TG1033 KX-TG1034 KX-TG1035 KX-TG1061 KX-TG1062 KX-TG1063 KX-TG1064 KX-TG1211 KX-TG1212 KX-TG155 KX-TG223 KX-TG234 KX-TG235 KX-TG243 KX-TG254 KX-TG263 KX-TG2721 KX-TG2722 KX-TG273 KX-TG294 KX-TG313 KX-TG3600 KX-TG3611 KX-TG3612 KX-TG3620 KX-TG3634 KX-TG3640 KX-TG3645 KX-TG365 KX-TG3683 KX-TG3711 KX-TG3712 KX-TG3719 KX-TG3721 KX-TG3722 KX-TG3723 KX-TG3752 KX-TG3760 KX-TG3811 KX-TG3822 KX-TG385
    Compatible with: KX-TG4011 KX-TG4031 KX-TG4034B KX-TG4053B KX-TG4073N KX-TG4074N KX-TG4131M KX-TG4132 KX-TG4133 KX-TG4134 KX-TG4221 KX-TG4222 KX-TG4223 KX-TG4224 KX-TG4225 KX-TG4311 KX-TG4312 KX-TG4321 KX-TG4322B KX-TG4323B KX-TG4324B KX-TG4381 KX-TG443 KX-TG444 KX-TG454 KX-TG465 KX-TG4731 KX-TG4732 KX-TG4733 KX-TG4734 KX-TG4736B KX-TG4741 KX-TG4742 KX-TG4743 KX-TG4744 KX-TG4745 KX-TG4746B KX-TG4753 KX-TG4763 KX-TG4771 KX-TG4772 KX-TG4773 KX-TG4784 KX-TG4793 KX-TG484 KX-TG572 KX-TG585
    Compatible with: KX-TG6311 KX-TG6321 KX-TG6322 KX-TG6323 KX-TG6324 KX-TG633 KX-TG6340PK KX-TG6374PK KX-TG6411 KX-TG6421 KXTG6431 KX-TG6441 KX-TG6471 KX-TG6511 KX-TG6531 KX-TG6541 KX-TG6545 KX-TG6571 KX-TG6572 KX-TG6573R KX-TG6581 KX-TG6582T KX-TG6583T KX-TG6591T KX-TG6592T KX-TG6632 KX-TG6633 KX-TG6641 KX-TG6642B KX-TG6643 KX-TG6644 KX-TG6645 KX-TG6671B KX-TG6672B KX-TG6721 KX-TG6722 KX-TG674 KX-TG6821 KX-TG6822 KX-TG6841 KX-TG6842 KX-TG6843 KX-TG6844 KX-TG6845 KX-TG6872 KX-TG6873 KX-TG6891
    Compatible with: KX-TG732SK KX-TG733SK KX-TG734SK KX-TG7431 KX-TG7432B KX-TG7433B KX-TG7434B KX-TG743SK KX-TG744SK KX-TG7531B KX-TG7532B KX-TG7533B KX-TG7534B KX-TG7622B KX-TG7623B KX-TG7624 KX-TG7624 KX-TG7641M KX-TG7642M KX-TG7643M KX-TG7644M KX-TG7645M KX-TG7731 KX-TG7732 KX-TG7733 KX-TG7734S KX-TG7736S KX-TG7741 KX-TG7742 KX-TG7743 KX-TG7745 KX-TG7841 KX-TG7842 KX-TG7843 KX-TG7844 KX-TG7845 KX-TG785 KX-TG7871 KX-TG7872 KX-TG7873 KX-TG7874 KX-TG7875 KX-TG8162AL KX-TG8163AL KX-TG8231 KX-TG8232
    Compatible with: KX-TG9321 KX-TG9322 KX-TG9331 KX-TG9332 KX-TG9333 KX-TG9334 KX-TG9334PK KX-TG9334T KX-TG9341 KX-TG9341T KX-TG9342 KX-TG9342T KX-TG9343 KX-TG9344 KX-TG9345 KX-TG9348 KX-TG9361 KX-TG9371 KX-TG9372 KX-TG9381 KX-TG9382 KX-TG9391 KX-TG9392 KX-TG9472B KX-TG9473B KX-TG9541 KX-TG9542 KX-TG9543B KX-TG9544B KX-TG9545B KX-TG9546B KX-TG9581B KX-TG9582B

    If you’re tired of constantly replacing the batteries in your outdoor solar lights, it’s time to make the switch to Kastar AAA 48-Pack Ni-MH 1000mAh Super High-Capacity Rechargeable Batteries. These batteries are the perfect replacement for Panasonic HHR-4DPA, HHR-55AAABU, and HHR-65AAABU batteries, providing long-lasting power for your outdoor lighting needs.

    With a super high-capacity of 1000mAh, these rechargeable batteries are designed to last longer between charges, allowing you to enjoy your garden landscaping solar lights and path lights without interruption. Whether you’re illuminating your garden pathway or adding ambiance to your outdoor space, these batteries will keep your lights shining bright.

    Don’t let dead batteries dim your outdoor lighting experience. Upgrade to Kastar AAA 48-Pack Ni-MH 1000mAh Super High-Capacity Rechargeable Batteries and enjoy reliable, long-lasting power for your outdoor solar lights.
    #Kastar #AAA #48Pack #NiMH #1000mAh #Super #HighCapacity #Rechargeable #Battery #Replacement #Panasonic #HHR4DPA #HHR55AAABU #HHR65AAABU #Door #Solar #Light #Garden #Landscaping #Solar #Light #Path #Light,hhr-55aaabu 1.2v min 550 mah

  • Kastar AAA 2-Pack Ni-MH 1000mAh Super High-Capacity Rechargeable Battery Replacement for Panasonic HHR-4DPA HHR-55AAABU HHR-65AAABU, Out Door Solar Light, Solar Spinner, Solar Power Unite, Path Light

    Price: $6.99
    (as of Jan 17,2025 18:20:15 UTC – Details)

    Bullet Point 1 Super capacity – No longer to worry about the endurance of the batteries, Kastar 1000mAh will provide ultra strong power for your devices to performance well and operate longer. Bullet Point 2 1200 Cycle – Kastar add mix-protection additive to the cathode of batteries, protect the material from degradation in the progress of charge and discharge, extend lifespan up to 1200 cycles. Bullet Point 3 Low self-discharge – Embedded seal structure expand the space of crystal lattice, make more room for hydrogen, so Kastar batteries will holds 75% power after 3 years benefit from its concentration to low self-discharge project. Bullet Point 4 Safety assurance – Ni-MH eco-friendly cell, doesn’t contain Hg/Cd/Pb, makes no pollution to the environment, and using DBCK steel shell which can protect the battery against explosion due to overpressure. Bullet Point 5 Long warranty – Kastar batteries include 30-day Money Back and 3-YEAR Manufacturer Warranty. Description Details Package Includes: 2-Pack x AAA NI-MH 1000MAH Batteries Features: *Kastar batteries devote to low self-discharge technology, holds 75% power after 3 years while general rechargeable batteries will lose all the power if not using for a long time. *Doesn’t contain Hg/Cd/Pb, no pollution to the environment. *Made with supercell lattice method, high retention rate of electric charge, low loss of capacity, excellent discharge performance at high temperature, can be recharged up to 1200 times, super long life. *The batteries are 0.1V higher than others when full charged, more suitable for long time use. *Kastar AA Ni-MH rechargeable batteries are great for use in your household devices, such as digital cameras, toys, remote controls,hand held games2-way radios, PDAs, flashlights, alarm-clocks, LCD-TVs, toothbrushes, shavers and portable audio players, strong and durable power allowing you to enhance your music, gaming, computer, photography and other experiences. Note: Batteries come with low power juice due to safety reasons, should use it out and recharge it to full to test its performance. High capacity batteries are a little bit bigger than low capacity batteries, it won’t affect the usage. Quality Price Value
    Compatible with: Panasonic BK40AAABU HHR-4DPA HHR-55AAABU HHR-65AAA HHR-75AAA and KX-TG1031 KX-TG1032 KX-TG1033 KX-TG1034 KX-TG1035 KX-TG1061 KX-TG1062 KX-TG1063 KX-TG1064 KX-TG1211 KX-TG1212 KX-TG155 KX-TG223 KX-TG234 KX-TG235 KX-TG243 KX-TG254 KX-TG263 KX-TG2721 KX-TG2722 KX-TG273 KX-TG294 KX-TG313 KX-TG3600 KX-TG3611 KX-TG3612 KX-TG3620 KX-TG3634 KX-TG3640 KX-TG3645 KX-TG365 KX-TG3683 KX-TG3711 KX-TG3712 KX-TG3719 KX-TG3721 KX-TG3722 KX-TG3723 KX-TG3752 KX-TG3760 KX-TG3811 KX-TG3822 KX-TG385
    Compatible with: KX-TG4011 KX-TG4031 KX-TG4034B KX-TG4053B KX-TG4073N KX-TG4074N KX-TG4131M KX-TG4132 KX-TG4133 KX-TG4134 KX-TG4221 KX-TG4222 KX-TG4223 KX-TG4224 KX-TG4225 KX-TG4311 KX-TG4312 KX-TG4321 KX-TG4322B KX-TG4323B KX-TG4324B KX-TG4381 KX-TG443 KX-TG444 KX-TG454 KX-TG465 KX-TG4731 KX-TG4732 KX-TG4733 KX-TG4734 KX-TG4736B KX-TG4741 KX-TG4742 KX-TG4743 KX-TG4744 KX-TG4745 KX-TG4746B KX-TG4753 KX-TG4763 KX-TG4771 KX-TG4772 KX-TG4773 KX-TG4784 KX-TG4793 KX-TG484 KX-TG572 KX-TG585
    Compatible with: KX-TG6311 KX-TG6321 KX-TG6322 KX-TG6323 KX-TG6324 KX-TG633 KX-TG6340PK KX-TG6374PK KX-TG6411 KX-TG6421 KXTG6431 KX-TG6441 KX-TG6471 KX-TG6511 KX-TG6531 KX-TG6541 KX-TG6545 KX-TG6571 KX-TG6572 KX-TG6573R KX-TG6581 KX-TG6582T KX-TG6583T KX-TG6591T KX-TG6592T KX-TG6632 KX-TG6633 KX-TG6641 KX-TG6642B KX-TG6643 KX-TG6644 KX-TG6645 KX-TG6671B KX-TG6672B KX-TG6721 KX-TG6722 KX-TG674 KX-TG6821 KX-TG6822 KX-TG6841 KX-TG6842 KX-TG6843 KX-TG6844 KX-TG6845 KX-TG6872 KX-TG6873 KX-TG6891
    Compatible with: KX-TG732SK KX-TG733SK KX-TG734SK KX-TG7431 KX-TG7432B KX-TG7433B KX-TG7434B KX-TG743SK KX-TG744SK KX-TG7531B KX-TG7532B KX-TG7533B KX-TG7534B KX-TG7622B KX-TG7623B KX-TG7624 KX-TG7624 KX-TG7641M KX-TG7642M KX-TG7643M KX-TG7644M KX-TG7645M KX-TG7731 KX-TG7732 KX-TG7733 KX-TG7734S KX-TG7736S KX-TG7741 KX-TG7742 KX-TG7743 KX-TG7745 KX-TG7841 KX-TG7842 KX-TG7843 KX-TG7844 KX-TG7845 KX-TG785 KX-TG7871 KX-TG7872 KX-TG7873 KX-TG7874 KX-TG7875 KX-TG8162AL KX-TG8163AL KX-TG8231 KX-TG8232
    Compatible with: KX-TG9321 KX-TG9322 KX-TG9331 KX-TG9332 KX-TG9333 KX-TG9334 KX-TG9334PK KX-TG9334T KX-TG9341 KX-TG9341T KX-TG9342 KX-TG9342T KX-TG9343 KX-TG9344 KX-TG9345 KX-TG9348 KX-TG9361 KX-TG9371 KX-TG9372 KX-TG9381 KX-TG9382 KX-TG9391 KX-TG9392 KX-TG9472B KX-TG9473B KX-TG9541 KX-TG9542 KX-TG9543B KX-TG9544B KX-TG9545B KX-TG9546B KX-TG9581B KX-TG9582B

    Looking for a reliable rechargeable battery replacement for your outdoor solar lights, solar spinner, or solar power unit? Look no further than the Kastar AAA 2-Pack Ni-MH 1000mAh Super High-Capacity Rechargeable Batteries!

    Designed to replace batteries in popular models such as Panasonic HHR-4DPA, HHR-55AAABU, and HHR-65AAABU, these batteries are perfect for powering your outdoor lighting and solar-powered devices. With a high capacity of 1000mAh, these batteries provide long-lasting power for hours of use.

    Whether you’re looking to illuminate your garden path with path lights or add a decorative touch with a solar spinner, these batteries are the perfect solution. Don’t let dead batteries leave your outdoor space in the dark – upgrade to the Kastar AAA 2-Pack Ni-MH 1000mAh Super High-Capacity Rechargeable Batteries today!
    #Kastar #AAA #2Pack #NiMH #1000mAh #Super #HighCapacity #Rechargeable #Battery #Replacement #Panasonic #HHR4DPA #HHR55AAABU #HHR65AAABU #Door #Solar #Light #Solar #Spinner #Solar #Power #Unite #Path #Light,hhr-55aaabu 1.2v min 550 mah

  • Kastar AAA 12-Pack Ni-MH 1000mAh Super High-Capacity Rechargeable Battery Replacement for Panasonic HHR-4DPA HHR-55AAABU HHR-65AAABU, HHR-75AAA/BU, BK40AAABU, Garden Light, Path Light, Remotes

    Price: $15.99
    (as of Jan 17,2025 15:14:54 UTC – Details)

    Bullet Point 1 Super capacity – No longer to worry about the endurance of the batteries, Kastar 1000mAh will provide ultra strong power for your devices to performance well and operate longer. Bullet Point 2 1200 Cycle – Kastar add mix-protection additive to the cathode of batteries, protect the material from degradation in the progress of charge and discharge, extend lifespan up to 1200 cycles. Bullet Point 3 Low self-discharge – Embedded seal structure expand the space of crystal lattice, make more room for hydrogen, so Kastar batteries will holds 75% power after 3 years benefit from its concentration to low self-discharge project. Bullet Point 4 Safety assurance – Ni-MH eco-friendly cell, doesn’t contain Hg/Cd/Pb, makes no pollution to the environment, and using DBCK steel shell which can protect the battery against explosion due to overpressure. Bullet Point 5 Long warranty – Kastar batteries include 30-day Money Back and 3-YEAR Manufacturer Warranty. Description Details Package Includes: 12-Pack x AAA NI-MH 1000MAH Batteries Features: *Kastar batteries devote to low self-discharge technology, holds 75% power after 3 years while general rechargeable batteries will lose all the power if not using for a long time. *Doesn’t contain Hg/Cd/Pb, no pollution to the environment. *Made with supercell lattice method, high retention rate of electric charge, low loss of capacity, excellent discharge performance at high temperature, can be recharged up to 1200 times, super long life. *The batteries are 0.1V higher than others when full charged, more suitable for long time use. *Kastar AA Ni-MH rechargeable batteries are great for use in your household devices, such as digital cameras, toys, remote controls,hand held games2-way radios, PDAs, flashlights, alarm-clocks, LCD-TVs, toothbrushes, shavers and portable audio players, strong and durable power allowing you to enhance your music, gaming, computer, photography and other experiences. Note: Batteries come with low power juice due to safety reasons, should use it out and recharge it to full to test its performance. High capacity batteries are a little bit bigger than low capacity batteries, it won’t affect the usage. Quality Price Value
    Compatible with: Panasonic BK40AAABU HHR-4DPA HHR-55AAABU HHR-65AAA HHR-75AAA and KX-TG1031 KX-TG1032 KX-TG1033 KX-TG1034 KX-TG1035 KX-TG1061 KX-TG1062 KX-TG1063 KX-TG1064 KX-TG1211 KX-TG1212 KX-TG155 KX-TG223 KX-TG234 KX-TG235 KX-TG243 KX-TG254 KX-TG263 KX-TG2721 KX-TG2722 KX-TG273 KX-TG294 KX-TG313 KX-TG3600 KX-TG3611 KX-TG3612 KX-TG3620 KX-TG3634 KX-TG3640 KX-TG3645 KX-TG365 KX-TG3683 KX-TG3711 KX-TG3712 KX-TG3719 KX-TG3721 KX-TG3722 KX-TG3723 KX-TG3752 KX-TG3760 KX-TG3811 KX-TG3822 KX-TG385
    Compatible with: KX-TG4011 KX-TG4031 KX-TG4034B KX-TG4053B KX-TG4073N KX-TG4074N KX-TG4131M KX-TG4132 KX-TG4133 KX-TG4134 KX-TG4221 KX-TG4222 KX-TG4223 KX-TG4224 KX-TG4225 KX-TG4311 KX-TG4312 KX-TG4321 KX-TG4322B KX-TG4323B KX-TG4324B KX-TG4381 KX-TG443 KX-TG444 KX-TG454 KX-TG465 KX-TG4731 KX-TG4732 KX-TG4733 KX-TG4734 KX-TG4736B KX-TG4741 KX-TG4742 KX-TG4743 KX-TG4744 KX-TG4745 KX-TG4746B KX-TG4753 KX-TG4763 KX-TG4771 KX-TG4772 KX-TG4773 KX-TG4784 KX-TG4793 KX-TG484 KX-TG572 KX-TG585
    Compatible with: KX-TG6311 KX-TG6321 KX-TG6322 KX-TG6323 KX-TG6324 KX-TG633 KX-TG6340PK KX-TG6374PK KX-TG6411 KX-TG6421 KXTG6431 KX-TG6441 KX-TG6471 KX-TG6511 KX-TG6531 KX-TG6541 KX-TG6545 KX-TG6571 KX-TG6572 KX-TG6573R KX-TG6581 KX-TG6582T KX-TG6583T KX-TG6591T KX-TG6592T KX-TG6632 KX-TG6633 KX-TG6641 KX-TG6642B KX-TG6643 KX-TG6644 KX-TG6645 KX-TG6671B KX-TG6672B KX-TG6721 KX-TG6722 KX-TG674 KX-TG6821 KX-TG6822 KX-TG6841 KX-TG6842 KX-TG6843 KX-TG6844 KX-TG6845 KX-TG6872 KX-TG6873 KX-TG6891
    Compatible with: KX-TG732SK KX-TG733SK KX-TG734SK KX-TG7431 KX-TG7432B KX-TG7433B KX-TG7434B KX-TG743SK KX-TG744SK KX-TG7531B KX-TG7532B KX-TG7533B KX-TG7534B KX-TG7622B KX-TG7623B KX-TG7624 KX-TG7624 KX-TG7641M KX-TG7642M KX-TG7643M KX-TG7644M KX-TG7645M KX-TG7731 KX-TG7732 KX-TG7733 KX-TG7734S KX-TG7736S KX-TG7741 KX-TG7742 KX-TG7743 KX-TG7745 KX-TG7841 KX-TG7842 KX-TG7843 KX-TG7844 KX-TG7845 KX-TG785 KX-TG7871 KX-TG7872 KX-TG7873 KX-TG7874 KX-TG7875 KX-TG8162AL KX-TG8163AL KX-TG8231 KX-TG8232
    Compatible with: KX-TG9321 KX-TG9322 KX-TG9331 KX-TG9332 KX-TG9333 KX-TG9334 KX-TG9334PK KX-TG9334T KX-TG9341 KX-TG9341T KX-TG9342 KX-TG9342T KX-TG9343 KX-TG9344 KX-TG9345 KX-TG9348 KX-TG9361 KX-TG9371 KX-TG9372 KX-TG9381 KX-TG9382 KX-TG9391 KX-TG9392 KX-TG9472B KX-TG9473B KX-TG9541 KX-TG9542 KX-TG9543B KX-TG9544B KX-TG9545B KX-TG9546B KX-TG9581B KX-TG9582B

    Looking for a reliable and long-lasting rechargeable battery replacement for your Panasonic devices? Look no further than the Kastar AAA 12-Pack Ni-MH 1000mAh Super High-Capacity Rechargeable Battery.

    These batteries are perfect for replacing Panasonic HHR-4DPA, HHR-55AAABU, HHR-65AAABU, HHR-75AAA/BU, BK40AAABU, and more. They are also great for use in garden lights, path lights, remotes, and other electronic devices.

    With a capacity of 1000mAh, these batteries provide a super high-capacity that will keep your devices running for longer periods of time. Plus, they are rechargeable, so you can use them over and over again, saving you money in the long run.

    Don’t waste any more time and money on disposable batteries. Invest in the Kastar AAA 12-Pack Ni-MH 1000mAh Super High-Capacity Rechargeable Battery today and keep your devices powered up and ready to go!
    #Kastar #AAA #12Pack #NiMH #1000mAh #Super #HighCapacity #Rechargeable #Battery #Replacement #Panasonic #HHR4DPA #HHR55AAABU #HHR65AAABU #HHR75AAABU #BK40AAABU #Garden #Light #Path #Light #Remotes,hhr-55aaabu 1.2v min 550 mah

  • Jalen Green’s growth is boosting the Rockets. Can he stay on this flight path?

    HOUSTON — As Jalen Green charged through the tunnel, letting out unrivaled joy and bravado en route to the Houston Rockets’ locker room, his aura spoke louder than the Toyota Center crowd still reveling in a virtuoso performance.

    “Aaaaaaaaaaaah!” Green bellowed from the doldrums of the arena, his fists balled in victory. “Aaaaaaaaaah!!”

    At this moment, two things were made clear in a season that has continued to defy the odds and exceed expectations at every turnstile. The Rockets, who had just defeated the Memphis Grizzlies for the second time in five days, were now unrecognizable from the franchise that dwelled at the bottom for so long in the not-so-distant past. And this wasn’t the same Green.

    Not anymore.

    On Monday night, Green torched a top-five Grizzlies defense to the tune of 42 points on 13-of-18 shooting in a thrilling 120-118 win, marking his second-straight high-efficiency performance against one of the NBA’s stingiest oppositions (Green scored 27 points on 11-of-21 shooting on Thursday against Memphis).

    The 22-year-old guard has seen his fair share of hot streaks through his first three seasons in the NBA. For young, gifted talents, it’s the consistency that eludes them the most — and oftentimes becomes the development within the development. How to become better, longer.

    Up until now, the most prominent, devastating version — or evolution, really — of Green arrived last March. But even that scorching month — when he averaged 27.7 points, 6.3 rebounds and 3.9 assists on .492/.408/.767 splits — wasn’t truly organic. It was born out of necessity. The Rockets had been a fun story all season long, churning out a solid product following the arrival of coach Ime Udoka and veterans Fred VanVleet and Dillon Brooks. But after starting center Alperen Şengün was lost for the season with an ankle injury, someone had to step up.

    Things are a bit different now. The Rockets are still dealing with absences, as Jabari Smith Jr. (fractured left hand) and Tari Eason (left leg) remain in recovery. But Houston flies in a different airspace these days. The team is 26-12, having won four in a row and nine out of its last 12 — comfortably in the threshold right below the top-seeded Oklahoma City Thunder, boasting a similar record to the reigning champion Boston Celtics and a better mark than teams like the Milwaukee Bucks, New York Knicks, Denver Nuggets and Dallas Mavericks. The Rockets are feisty and doing their best “Bad Boys” impression. They’re a nightmare defensively (third in efficiency, per Cleaning the Glass) and dangerous in the open court.



    ‘No friends on the floor’: Ime Udoka’s vision to turn Rockets into the new Bad Boys

    And for all the growth on the roster — Şengün has emerged as a two-way centerpiece, and second-year forwards Amen Thompson and Cam Whitmore have handled defensive and offensive responsibilities well — all roads lead back to the kid with the curls. And this isn’t the same Green. Not anymore.

    “For sure,” Green told The Athletic. “I think it’s moreso just staying and being aggressive. Not floating out there. That’s probably one of my biggest things, when things ain’t going and I miss a couple of shots, I get to floating and not in the game. So, just finding ways to stay in the game and be involved.”

    Since the calendar flipped to 2025, Green is averaging a team-high 30 points, 4.5 rebounds and 2.3 assists per game, shooting an impressive 45.6 percent from 3 and 92.3 percent from the free-throw line. His usage has jumped to 28.7 percent, placing him in the 86th percentile, according to Cleaning the Glass. But that increase hasn’t correlated to lost possessions. Green is averaging just 1.4 turnovers this month — the lowest at any point during his four-year career — and ranks in the 89th percentile in ball security. And with each passing game, Green is becoming more confident and aware of who he is, what other teams perceive him to be and how best to react to their reactions.

    Monday night was a 48-minute bout of ethical hoops — Green and Grizzlies star Ja Morant exchanging buckets and words all under the umbrella of mutual respect. And Udoka, who rarely likes to single out his players, even in their great performances, couldn’t help but heap praise on his young, burgeoning star.

    “I love his defensive effort,” Udoka said. “It goes under-noticed for him, probably underrated. He’s taken the challenge of (Desmond) Bane and Morant, they’re trying to put him in actions and he’s holding up really well there, taking pride in that. Obviously, the scoring stands out. I saw he matched his career high, but taking care of the ball as well. Getting more used to teams going after him.”

    The Rockets certainly have immediate goals in mind, notably getting to the playoffs, securing home-court advantage and letting the chips fall where they may. Even with over half of a season left to play, a constant theme that has echoed from the locker room has been the absence of pressure and the presence of belief — two central forces in Green’s rapid ascension.

    But those closest to Green insist he has always stuck to the same script since he first entered the league in 2021, regardless if he shared a locker room with an NBA champion or Christian Wood. He never felt the need to force his way into anything, whether it be a leadership position or placing himself within the Rockets’ offensive hierarchy. As early as a month ago, Green had already privately shifted his focus toward next season, anticipating a playoff run and attempting to position himself for another summer of work. No mention of chasing an All-Star nod or other personal accolades, as exciting and tempting as they may be.

    Zoom in on what the Rockets have built, and it’s easy to see not only why Green is so comfortable being himself within the locker room, but also why his teammates have built the environment that is conducive to winning and growth. “Sometimes me, sometimes you, always us” was unofficially adopted as the team mantra earlier this season, the perfect remedy for an extroverted introvert in Green to flourish.

    “These guys make it easy already as it is,” Green said. “Just because it’s easy to communicate in here and talk through things.”

    If there’s any reason for optimism in Green’s hot start to the calendar year, it’s a combination of a subtle tweak in Udoka’s half-court offense and Green’s improving processor. It’s not perfect; the Rockets scored 96.7 points per 100 half-court plays, according to Cleaning the Glass (around league average), but Houston is making a concerted effort to get Green more looks — whether via multiple off-ball screens or simple relocation. Udoka referenced the fourth quarter of Monday’s game, highlighting the efforts of Şengün and Steven Adams in finding Green in pockets and being aggressive with their “flat spacing” to remove help defenders. Per Synergy, Green’s improved his floor-spacing efficiency, as evidenced by him scoring 1.054 points per possession (58th percentile), up from the 38th percentile last season.

    For Green to reach the consistent levels of his peers, the Morants (25 years old) and Anthony Edwards (23) of the world, the cerebral part of the game shoots to the forefront. All of the greats who have come before him have had moments like this, where it feels like the basket is the size of the ocean and the world is their oyster. The key is sustenance. And, regardless of whether he’s put in that class by the basketball world or not, there’s still work to be done.

    “I’m right there,” Green said. “And if not, and no one thinks that, I’m just going to keep showing it.”

    Sign up to get The Bounce, the essential NBA newsletter from Zach Harper and The Athletic staff, delivered free to your inbox.

    (Photo: Alex Slitz / Getty Images)

    Jalen Green’s growth is boosting the Rockets. Can he stay on this flight path?

    Rookie sensation Jalen Green has been making waves in the NBA with his electrifying performances on the court. The 20-year-old shooting guard has been a key factor in the Houston Rockets’ recent success, showcasing his scoring ability, athleticism, and overall potential.

    Green’s development has been impressive to watch, as he continues to improve and adapt to the demands of the NBA game. His confidence and fearlessness on the court have been evident, as he has shown a willingness to take on the biggest challenges and make clutch plays when it matters most.

    With each passing game, Green seems to be growing more comfortable and confident in his role with the team. His scoring output has been consistent, and his defensive effort has also been commendable. It is clear that he is a player with a bright future ahead of him, and his impact on the Rockets has been undeniable.

    The question now is whether Jalen Green can sustain this level of play and continue to improve as the season progresses. With his work ethic and determination, there is no doubt that he has the potential to become a star in the league. As long as he stays focused and continues to put in the work, the sky is the limit for Jalen Green and the Houston Rockets.


    Jalen Green, Houston Rockets, NBA, basketball, growth, young talent, rising star, player development, future success, team performance, sports analysis, player potential, NBA rookie, Houston sports, basketball analysis.

    #Jalen #Greens #growth #boosting #Rockets #stay #flight #path

  • Luke Littler: How the 17-year-old achieved sporting greatness and put himself on a path alongside Pele and Serena Williams

    Luke Littler: How the 17-year-old achieved sporting greatness and put himself on a path alongside Pele and Serena Williams

    At the end of the second set of the final of the World Darts Championship, the biggest game in one of the biggest indoor sports in the world, Luke Littler calmly strolled off stage, gave his family a wry, knowing smile and rubbed his hands together like he had the prescient foresight of the beating he was about to dish out.

    The man, no, the boy that 3,000 people had crammed inside London’s Alexandra Palace to see produce history, plus millions more watching at home and in pubs around the UK and the world, was doing it not just with dispassionate ease, or with flamboyant style, but with disdainful relish.

    Darts finals have been won more handsomely — the sport’s all-time great Phil Taylor dished out three 7-0 whitewashes in his heyday — but not like this. Never like this.

    Luke Littler is 17. He has facial hair that men many years his senior yearn to grow and in a sport that has its history rooted in pubs, Littler is not yet able to drink alcohol in one.

    And yet he already carries the bravado and stage persona of someone ready to lead the sport down roads it has never visited before, which is exactly what he is already doing.

    Like Pele and Serena Williams, Littler has won one of sport’s biggest prizes while still a teenager (Ben Stansall/AFP via Getty Images)

    Littler has already helped push darts further towards the mainstream in the UK, with viewing figures on Sky Sports, a subscription service, up almost 200 per cent for some tournaments in 2024, following record numbers of 4.8 million for last year’s final (the most watched non-football event in the broadcaster’s history), which a then-16-year-old Littler lost to Luke Humphries.

    Now, by becoming world champion, he has earned the right to enter the pantheon of youthful sporting legends. Sure, Pele was good with a football at 17, but could he throw three treble-20s at a red, green and black board from almost two-and-a-half metres away?

    Serena Williams won the US Open at 17, Ian Thorpe was the same age when he won Olympic gold in the pool, Sachin Tendulkar was 16 when he made his India debut and snooker magician Ronnie O’Sullivan was 17 when he won the UK Championship. What sets Littler apart in his particular field is that he has become the greatest current player in the world in the entire sport before he has become an adult.



    How darts, a traditional ‘pub game’, became must-watch sport for Britons

    Why is he so good? Is it natural talent? Well, he’s been playing darts since his dad bought him a magnetic dart board from the pound shop when he was 18 months old. He’s not old enough to vote, but he’s basically been practising for this moment almost his entire, short life.

    And it’s not all youthful exuberance and freshness, either. Littler had mental scars from losing last year’s final despite being 4-2 up (he watched it back just hours before Friday’s match to recap what went wrong), but he was relentless and merciless in his pursuit of victory here in north London, bulldozing into a 4-0 lead against one of the greatest players to ever chuck an arrow, three-time champion Michael van Gerwen.

    The youngster later said he felt nervous after taking that early lead, but his actions in obliterating one of the best players in the world suggested the exact opposite.

    He unyieldingly hammered the treble bed like he was using a dart-sized jackhammer, ploughing perfect tiny holes in the helpless board as he sculpted his journey to greatness.

    With the throwing hands of a sporting artist, Littler smiled and waved to the crowd, talking to them and himself throughout, in complete control of his own destiny.

    Littler surpassed Van Gerwen’s record as the youngest darts world champion in history (James Fearn/Getty Images)

    He didn’t just try to win, he tried to produce darts from the Gods while he was at it. He kept leaving himself on 170, darts’ biggest outshot to win a leg, which happened too frequently to not be deliberate. Darts players normally look pained when they miss a nine-darter (i.e. darting perfection of winning a leg with the smallest possible number of throws), but Littler just gave a nonchalant shrug when he missed the seventh dart like he knew he would get another chance.

    A powerless Van Gerwen, the winner of 157 PDC (Professional Darts Corporation) titles, could only scowl and grimace like Dick Dastardly in a lime green shirt.

    The Dutchman was once the youngest world champion, aged 24. The symbolism of a weighty dart-shaped baton being passed to the next generation here was irresistible.

    Van Gerwen rallied, as champions do, clinging to Littler’s coattails as they swapped the next six sets, but it was never going to be enough in front of a deliriously partisan crowd, drunk on booze and throwing. He may give off the appearance of a combination of Bond villains, part Blofeld with his shiny bald head, part Jaws with a grille across his chops, but he could only play the bad guy for so long against a tidal wave of trebles and tons.

    Littler was just too good. Whenever Van Gerwen came up for air, the teenager pushed him back underwater with one hand and hit double 10 with the other.

    “Wow… wow,” Littler said to himself as he welled up having just hit double 16 to win 7-3, confirm the title and become £500,000 ($621,056 at current conversion rates) richer. He muttered “I can’t believe it” three times in his immediate post-match interview.

    “At 2-0 up, I started getting nervous, but I said to myself, ‘Just relax’.

    “That first game against Ryan Meikle, it’s the game that really mattered.”

    Littler cried on stage after that second-round victory over Meikle before Christmas. He broke down, couldn’t finish an interview, left the stage and went to give his mum a hug.

    On the train journey down to London earlier that day, he couldn’t wait for the match to start, but when he threw his first dart he basically, paraphrasing his own words, bottled it.

    “I’ve never felt anything like that,” he later said after composing himself. “It was a weird feeling… it’s the biggest stage out there. It was probably the toughest game I’ve played.”

    To prove his otherworldly nature, he had somehow produced the greatest set of darts ever seen in the history of the world championships at the end of that “toughest” match, averaging more than 140, but yes, he had started it like a glorified pub player by his own incredibly high standards.

    “I’m thinking to myself; ‘What are you doing? Just relax’,” Littler said.

    Littler during his walk out for the final against Michael van Gerwen at Alexandra Palace (James Fearn/Getty Images)

    It’s no wonder, what with the enormous pressure on his young shoulders at being the favourite to lift the title aged just 17, a normal kid from Runcorn, a small town near Liverpool in the north-west of England, who eats kebabs and likes football.

    Thereafter, throughout almost the whole tournament, he was imperious, reflecting the form that saw him rise from 164th to fourth in the world rankings last year.

    Despite the unimaginable increase in money, fame, popularity and exposure, the 1.5 million Instagram followers, the endless television appearances and mixing it with Max Verstappen or his heroes at Manchester United, he stayed focused, winning 10 PDC titles, the Premier League, Grand Slam and World Series finals, plus hitting four perfect nine-darters along the way and earning more than £1million ($1.2m) in prize money.

    He was the most searched athlete of the year on Google and the runner-up in the BBC Sports Personality of the Year award.

    “Littler has captivated people because he’s relatable,” Sky Sports darts presenter Emma Paton told The Athletic earlier in the tournament. “He’s taken the sport to different places… Darts has never had this exposure before. It’s not even because of what he’s done in the sport, which has been ridiculous by the way, but it’s the impact he’s had on it.

    “Compared to a lot of other sportspeople, darts players are refreshingly honest and are basically just being themselves and Luke is no different. He’s just a kid at the end of the day.

    “People have asked me, ‘What’s it like speaking to Luke Littler? It doesn’t seem like he has loads to say’. I’m like, ‘He’s just very chilled out, he doesn’t really care that much, he’s just a 17-year-old kid’.”

    Darts obsessive Littler plays exactly like that, like a kid having fun on the stage, ticking off his own personal bucket list of darting dreams.

    He has an uncanny ability to detach himself completely from the enormity of the event, chat to the crowd, ignore his opponent and just play his own game, the old sporting cliche.

    He relishes showing off the skills he’s honed over years of practice, expanding on the possibilities and limits that we thought the sport previously had. He tries irregular setup shots, he hits double-doubles or two bullseyes. He essentially takes the practice board to the world stage.

    And then, when he needs to, a steely glint of determination emanates from his eyes and an unforgiving rhythm of 180s ensues. He can turn it on like few in the sport ever have before.

    An emotional Littler reacts after winning the PDC World Championship (Ben Stansall/AFP via Getty Images)

    “I sometimes say, every 17 years a star gets born,” a humbled Van Gerwen said. “He’s one of them… Every chance he got, every moment he had to hurt me, he did it.”

    World champion, famous, a millionaire. What on earth next, other than impending adulthood?

    “I just want to add to it, maybe get a few more,” Littler said. “If I want the 16 (Taylor’s record of world titles), then I’m sure I could possibly achieve it.

    “I’ve been doing this since 18 months old on a magnetic board wearing a nappy.

    “When I’d say to my mates I’ve got a darts competition, they’d be like, ‘Darts?!’ ‘Yeah, darts, have you not seen it?’”

    They’re all seeing it now, thanks to an unassuming 17-year-old lad who can throw arrows like few ever have before.

    (Top photo: Ben Stansall/AFP via Getty Images)

    At just 17 years old, Luke Littler has already made a name for himself in the world of sports. With a natural talent and a drive to succeed, he has achieved greatness in his chosen sport and is now on a path to join the ranks of legends like Pele and Serena Williams.

    Littler’s journey to success began at a young age, when he first discovered his passion for his sport. He dedicated countless hours to training and honing his skills, determined to become the best athlete he could be. His hard work paid off, and he quickly rose through the ranks, earning recognition and praise from coaches, teammates, and fans alike.

    But Littler’s success didn’t stop there. He continued to push himself to new heights, constantly striving to improve and reach his full potential. His dedication and commitment to his sport have set him apart from his peers, earning him a reputation as a rising star in the world of sports.

    Now, as Littler looks towards the future, he is setting his sights on even greater achievements. With a mindset focused on success and a drive to be the best, there is no doubt that he has the potential to join the ranks of sporting legends like Pele and Serena Williams. Watch out for Luke Littler – this 17-year-old is destined for greatness.


    Luke Littler, young athlete, sporting success, Pele, Serena Williams, rising star, athletic achievements, inspirational journey, sports prodigy, future superstar, sports legend in the making, athletic greatness, sports career milestones, sports success story

    #Luke #Littler #17yearold #achieved #sporting #greatness #put #path #Pele #Serena #Williams

  • Joining the Ranks: The Path to Becoming a Member of the Jujutsu Infinite Clan

    Joining the Ranks: The Path to Becoming a Member of the Jujutsu Infinite Clan

    Are you a fan of martial arts and looking to take your skills to the next level? If so, joining a reputable martial arts clan like the Jujutsu Infinite Clan may be the perfect opportunity for you. With a long history of excellence in jujutsu, the Jujutsu Infinite Clan is known for its rigorous training, skilled instructors, and strong sense of community.

    So, how can you become a member of this prestigious clan? Here’s a breakdown of the steps you’ll need to take to join the ranks of the Jujutsu Infinite Clan:

    1. Research the Clan: Before you can join the Jujutsu Infinite Clan, it’s important to do your homework. Learn about the history of the clan, its values, and its training methods. This will give you a better understanding of what to expect and whether the clan is the right fit for you.

    2. Find a Dojo: The Jujutsu Infinite Clan has dojos located all over the world, so chances are there’s one near you. Visit a few different dojos to get a feel for the training environment and to meet the instructors. Make sure to ask about the requirements for joining the clan and any specific training programs they offer.

    3. Start Training: Once you’ve found a dojo that feels right for you, it’s time to start training. The Jujutsu Infinite Clan is known for its demanding training regimen, so be prepared to work hard and push yourself to the limit. Attend classes regularly, listen to your instructors, and practice diligently to improve your skills.

    4. Demonstrate Your Skills: As you progress in your training, you’ll have the opportunity to demonstrate your skills to the instructors. Show them that you’re dedicated, disciplined, and have a strong grasp of the techniques and principles of jujutsu. This will prove that you’re ready to join the ranks of the Jujutsu Infinite Clan.

    5. Commit to the Clan: If the instructors believe you have what it takes to be a member of the Jujutsu Infinite Clan, you’ll be invited to officially join the clan. This is a great honor and a significant milestone in your martial arts journey. Make sure to commit fully to the clan, follow its traditions and values, and continue to train hard to improve your skills.

    Joining the Jujutsu Infinite Clan is a challenging but rewarding experience that can take your martial arts skills to new heights. If you’re passionate about jujutsu and willing to put in the work, joining this prestigious clan could be the perfect next step in your martial arts journey. So, lace up your gi, step onto the mat, and start your path to becoming a member of the Jujutsu Infinite Clan today.

    #Joining #Ranks #Path #Member #Jujutsu #Infinite #Clan,jujutsu infinite clan

  • NYC man charged with attempted murder after allegedly shoving commuter in path of subway

    NYC man charged with attempted murder after allegedly shoving commuter in path of subway

    A man is in critical condition after he was shoved onto New York City subway tracks on New Year’s Eve, adding to a recent spate of violent incidents in the nation’s busiest subway system. 

    The victim, a 45-year-old man, miraculously survived being struck by an incoming 1 train at the 18th Street station. He suffered a head injury and was listed in stable condition at Bellue Hospital on Tuesday night, the New York Post reported. 

    “By God’s own hand, he fell perfectly in the trench,” one law enforcement source told the Post. 

    The NYPD received a 911 call claiming there was an assault in progress at the subway station on Tuesday afternoon. 


    Kamel Hawkins, 23, has been charged with attempted murder for allegedly shoving a 45-year-old man onto subway tracks while a train approached. (MTA)

    Officers responded and found that the 45-year-old man had been struck by a southbound train after reportedly being shoved onto the subway tracks, according to authorities.

    The ordeal was captured on video and shows a hooded male on the edge of the platform and a victim looking at his phone as the train pulls into the station.

    The video then shows what appears to be an unsuspecting man being shoved onto the tracks and disappearing under the train.


    NYPD officers responded to an assault in progress and found that a 45-year-old man had been struck by a southbound train after being allegedly shoved onto the subway tracks. (Kyle Mazza/Anadolu via Getty Images)


    Kamel Hawkins, 23, has been charged with attempted murder after allegedly pushing the stranger, police said.

    The 45-year-old victim was taken to a hospital in critical condition.

    Tuesday’s violence comes less than two weeks after a woman — identified as 57-year-old Debrina Kawam — was set ablaze while asleep on a train in Brooklyn on Dec. 22. She died, and a man has been charged with murder and arson in her death.

    The Associated Press contributed to this report.

    In a shocking incident that has left New Yorkers in disbelief, a man has been charged with attempted murder after allegedly shoving a commuter in the path of an oncoming subway train in New York City.

    The incident, which took place at a crowded subway station during rush hour, has sent shockwaves through the city’s transportation system. The victim, who miraculously survived with only minor injuries, was able to pull himself back onto the platform before the train arrived.

    Authorities have arrested the suspect, who is said to have a history of mental health issues, and he is currently facing charges of attempted murder. The motive behind the attack is still unclear, but witnesses say the suspect appeared to be agitated and confrontational before pushing the victim.

    This harrowing incident serves as a reminder of the dangers that can lurk in even the most mundane of daily activities. As New Yorkers, we must remain vigilant and look out for one another to ensure the safety of our city. Let this be a wake-up call to always be aware of our surroundings and report any suspicious behavior to authorities.

    Our thoughts are with the victim and his loved ones as they recover from this traumatic experience. May justice be served for this senseless act of violence.


    NYC man, attempted murder, subway, commuter, shoving incident, NYC crime, criminal charges, violent crime, public transportation, New York City news

    #NYC #man #charged #attempted #murder #allegedly #shoving #commuter #path #subway