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Tag: Penta

  • WWE Royal Rumble 2025: Punk, Cena, Penta y las historias a seguir

    ¿Quién ponchará su boleto a WrestleMania 41? El camino a ‘La Vitrina de los Inmortales’ comienza este sábado 1 de febrero en el Royal Rumble.

    Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno. Suena la bocina, baja el siguiente luchador y así comienza el camino hacia WrestleMania, en lo que probablemente es el segundo evento más importante del año de la WWE (con respeto a SummerSlam), el Royal Rumble que se lleva a cabo este sábado 1 de febrero desde el Lucas Oil Stadium en Indianápolis.

    Luego de que Cody Rhodes hizo historia en 2024 como el cuarto luchador en ganar Rumbles consecutivos, la edición actual no contará con el Campeón Indiscutido de la WWE, quien tendrá las manos llenas con Kevin Owens en una Lucha de Escalera por el título.

    Pero no hay de que preocuparse. Triple HHH y compañía hicieron una labor magnífica alrededor del evento, sumando poder estelar al Rumble con CM Punk, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Drew McIntyre, Seth ‘Freakin’ Rollins, Logan Paul, Jey Uso y claro está John Cena para crear mucha incertidumbre sobre quién ponchará su boleto a WrestleMania 41 el fin de semana de 19-20 de abril en Las Vegas. Y si creen que me equivoco, solo consulten el promo cara a cara entre Punk y Rhodes del Raw antes del Rumble.

    Eso es sin contar las sorpresas inesperadas en el Rumble, los debuts y las otras luchas que hacen de este Rumble imperdible.

    Consulta aquí algunas de las historias que le darán forma al evento.

    CM Punk y un favor a cobrar

    Desde Survivor Series sabemos que Paul Heyman le debe un favor a CM Punk, y podemos adivinar que el mismo involucra a Reigns. Y con las dos superestrellas destinadas a encontrarse frente a frente en el Rumble con un boleto al main event de WrestleMania en juego, quizás llega el momento en que Heyman se ve obligado a pagar.

    Punk ha estado en fuego recientemente, creando mucho impulso alrededor de su historia rumbo a Mania. Sin duda estará en una de las peleas estelares, y cómo llega ahí y quién será su pareja de baile será de las primeras planas a través de los próximos meses. Nunca ha ganado el Rumble, lo que sería the cherry on top en su camino a WrestleMania.

    Y hablando de una posible pareja de baile…

    ¿Qué del Tribal Chief?

    El OTC de la WWE tiene los ojos puestos en ganar el Rumble por segunda vez y retar a Rhodes por el título que tuvo por 1,316 días antes de ser destronado el año pasado. Desde entonces, Roman estuvo involucrado en la puja con Solo Sikoa y el nuevo Bloodline, pero ese tema parece estar a un lado por el momento luego de la victoria de Roman sobre Sikoa y la bendición de The Rock en el debut de Netflix el pasado 6 de enero.

    De ser así, y asumiendo que The Rock no vuelva para reiniciar la acción familiar, Reigns está libre para ir por el Campeonato y ganar el Rumble lo dejaría al borde de completar solo la tercera trilogía de luchas en la historia de WrestleMania contra Rhodes (Austin vs The Rock, HHH-Taker)

    En teoría. En práctica, Reings no necesita el Campeonato para ser estelar de WrestleMania, y sabemos que el Rumble no es la única forma para llegar al main event. Es solo la primera.

    A menos que sea tu última.

    El último Royal Rumble de John Cena

    Hablando de historias a seguir. 2025 es el año de despedida de Cena, y el 16 veces campeón tendrá un rol protagónico a través del mismo, en especial durante los eventos grandes.

    El objetivo de Cena de ganar el Campeonato y romper un empate con Ric Flair por la mayor cantidad en la era WWE/WCW/NWA parece estar destinado a cumplirse en algún momento, y ganar el Rumble le daría dicha oportunidad, encabezando WrestleMania por 6ta y última vez.

    Sin embargo, el caso de Cena y su historia podría ser un maratón y no un sprint, culminando en algún evento grande post-Mania. Tiene muchas luchas disponibles para llenar su carta mientras tanto y cada una de ellas será especial, desde posibles revanchas con rivales del pasado (Punk, Owens, Randy Orton) a nuevos oponentes (Paul, Gunter).

    El otro lado de la moneda es que las luchas Cena-Rhodes o Cena-Gunther en Mania serían enorme, en especial si Cena logra destronar a ‘The American Nightmare’ o ‘The Ring General’. En el caso de Cena-Rhodes, aunque ambos son faces, solo la electricidad que generaría haría de la lucha memorable (tipo Hogan-Rock).

    Claro está, primero Rhodes tiene que manejar sus negocios.

    Cody vs. KO: dos cinturones, una escalera

    Rhodes tendrá sus manos llenas en el Rumble contra Owens en una Lucha de Escaleras por el Campeonato (con la faja Winged Eagle que carga Owens desde Saturday Night’s Main Event colgando junto al cinturón de Rhodes) en lo que sería la coronación de su rivalidad muy personal de los últimos meses, incluyendo dos luchas por el Campeonato desde finales de agosto.

    Aunque el resultado podría verse un poco coreografiado debido al tiempo restante antes de WrestleMania, todavía existe una ventana para que Owens logre la sorpresa Y Rhodes llega a Mania con el cinturón. Una victoria del villano Owens sería bienvenida por muchos que aprecian el gran trabajo que el ‘Prizefighter’ ha hecho en los últimos meses, mezclando la realidad con la ficción de manera brillante en sus promos y sus acciones.

    Lo que sí es seguro es que esta lucha puede ser la mejor de la noche, involucrando además varias piezas en juego de Campeonato como McIntyre, Zayn y Punk, entro otros.

    Y hablando de otros…

    ¿Regresará Randy Orton?

    Uno que podría estar asomándose de vuelta en el cuadrilátero es Randy Orton, quien lleva fuera desde que KO lo sacó de acción en noviembre. De seguro regresaría para costarle la lucha a KO, pero la relación previa entre Rhodes y Orton y la dinámica entre los tres, deja la puerta abierta para un RKO de la nada que afecte de manera inesperada el panorama de Campeonato.

    Orton siempre ha hecho su mejor trabajo como heel, pero parece estar en este punto de su carrera que será aplaudido eventualmente no importa el rol que tenga, sea de face o heel; similar a Shawn Michaels al final de su trayectoria.

    Y quién sabe, quizás Orton no solo se asoma en la pelea de campeonato, sino en el Rumble también. Si KO supera a Rhodes, que mejor forma de asegurar que podrá vengarse contra Owens que no sea ganando el Rumble para retarlo en WrestleMania; y si Rhodes es el que se impone, Orton fácilmente podría asumir el rol de villano.

    De cualquier forma, ver a Orton de vuelta catalogaría como sorpresa. Pero no necesariamente sería la más grande de la noche.

    Penta, Fatu, sorpresas y debuts



    El debut épico de Penta en WWE Raw

    El luchador mexicano Penta hace su tan esperado debut en el ring de la WWE durante el episodio del lunes 13 de enero.

    Qué sería de un Rumble sin un debut sorpresa o un regreso inesperado. Contestación: no sería un Rumble.

    Muchos de los momentos destacadas durante la historia del evento involucran debuts o regresos en función del factor sorpresa que indudablemente acompaña a este tipo de lucha. La cuenta regresiva se presta para eso.

    Ya hablamos de Orton y su regreso, y sabemos que Charlotte Flair estará de vuelta. Pero también podemos anticipar los debuts de luchadores en el Rumble como Penta y Jacob Fatu, dos apuestas de la empresa para el futuro, al igual que debuts y apariciones de luchadores de otras promociones, ya sea en calidad de prestamo o luchando para WWE a tiempo completo.

    Penta y Fatu, en específico, deben tener momentos destacados en el evento, comenzando a sembrar las semillas en sus respectivas travesías rumbo a WrestleMania. Ya hubo un ‘tease’ de Penta retando a Bron Breakker por el Campeonato Intercontinental, lo cual sería un emparejamiento que dejaría a los fans salivándose.

    Como mencionamos, Flair estará de vuelta y luce como una de las favoritas para ganar un Royal Rumble de mujeres que también podría presenciar los regresos de Jade Cargill y Becky Lynch.

    Y hablando de las mujeres.

    Flair de vuelta; ¿aparecerán Jade y Becky?

    Con las dos campeonas mundiales, Rhea Ripley y Tiffany Stratton, sin compromisos en el Rumble y pendientes a la acción, la contienda dentro del ring se intensifica más debido a la intriga que genera el nutrido campo de luchadoras.

    Flair ganando para retar a Tiffy suena lógico, con Ripley esperando hasta el Chamber para conocer a su rival (¿quizás es aquí que regresa The Man?). Rhea vs. Bianca Belair es probablemente la lucha de ensueño, pero el drama que podría existir entre Belair y su compañera lesionada Jade Cargill y quién la lastimó (¿Belair? ¿Naomi?), dede mantener ocupada a la EST en Mania.

    Fuera de eso, no cabe duda de que el Rumble de mujeres tiene el potencial de ser excelente. No solamente contará con los nombres ya mencionados y las estrellas ya confirmadas, sino que varias luchadoras de NXT deben hacer la caminata rumbo al ring, incluyendo Roxanne Perez, quien debe brincar al main roster pronto, y las internacionales Giulia (actual campeona de NXT) y Stephanie Vaquer.

    Los Campeonatos en Pareja podrían robarse el show en 2 de 3 caías

    Ok, los campeonatos en pareja – tanto en Raw como Smackdown – no han sido necesariamente una prioridad desde que Zayn y KO los perdieron luego de su memorable triunfo sobre los Usos en WrestleMania 39, pero por lo menos la lucha entre los campeones de la WWE, DIY (Johnny Gargano y Tommaso Ciampa) y los ex monarcas Motor Cirty Machine Guns (Chris Sabin y Alex Shelley), tiene todos los ingredientes para ser un clásico.

    La estipulación para la lucha de 2 de 3 caídas debe brindarles tiempo de más a estos cuatro veteranos del ring para montar un show entrenido y contar una buena historia. Gargano y Ciampa han hecho una gran labor luego de convertirse en heels para ganar los títulos, y es casi imposible que tengan una mala lucha con los MCMG.

    La gran pregunta rumbo al futuro es si el abuso y manipulación de DYI a Pretty Deadly terminará en un face turn de Elton Prince y Kit Wilson para desafiarlos en el Chamber o quizás Mania.

    WWE Royal Rumble 2025: Punk, Cena, Penta y las historias a seguir

    El WWE Royal Rumble 2025 promete ser uno de los eventos más emocionantes del año, con algunas de las superestrellas más grandes de la industria listas para enfrentarse en el ring. Entre los nombres más destacados que se espera que participen en el evento se encuentran CM Punk, John Cena y Penta El Zero Miedo, cada uno con su propia historia intrigante que promete mantener a los fanáticos al borde de sus asientos.

    CM Punk, quien ha regresado a la WWE después de varios años alejado de la empresa, está listo para demostrar que todavía tiene lo que se necesita para ser uno de los mejores en la industria. Con su carisma inigualable y su habilidad en el ring, Punk seguramente será una fuerza a tener en cuenta en el Royal Rumble.

    Por otro lado, John Cena, una leyenda viviente en la WWE, también estará en el evento, buscando agregar otro logro a su impresionante carrera. Con su dedicación y determinación, Cena siempre es un contendiente serio en cualquier combate en el que participe, y el Royal Rumble no será la excepción.

    Finalmente, Penta El Zero Miedo, conocido por su estilo único y su actitud desafiante, también estará en el Royal Rumble, listo para enfrentarse a cualquier oponente que se interponga en su camino. Con su capacidad para sorprender a los fanáticos y sus habilidades en el ring, Penta es definitivamente una superestrella a seguir en este evento.

    Con estas tres superestrellas listas para competir en el WWE Royal Rumble 2025, las historias y rivalidades que se desarrollarán en el ring prometen ser emocionantes y llenas de acción. Los fanáticos de la lucha libre no querrán perderse este evento, ya que promete ser uno de los más emocionantes y memorables de la historia reciente de la WWE. ¡Prepárense para el Royal Rumble!


    WWE Royal Rumble 2025, Punk, Cena, Penta, wrestling, WWE Superstars, Royal Rumble matches, wrestling stories, WWE champions, wrestling rivalries, WWE predictions, wrestling news, WWE updates, WWE events, wrestling entertainment

    #WWE #Royal #Rumble #Punk #Cena #Penta #las #historias #seguir

  • Penta Says WWE Debut Was A Turning Point In His Career,

    Penta looks back on his WWE RAW debut and praises Chad Gable.

    Penta’s buzzworthy WWE debut came on the January 13th episode of WWE RAW. He was revealed to be Chad Gable’s mystery opponent, and he defeated Gable in a buzzworthy match.

    During a recent appearance on Busted Open Radio, Penta opened up about the special night, and he spoke highly of Chad Gable. (H/t F4WOnline.com)

    “Chad Gable, this match with Chad Gable — turning point in my career,” Penta said. “Because Chad Gable is one of the best wrestlers in the world,” Penta said. “Oh man, very professional. He has something like me. The very passion for this business, you know? Thank you, Chad. I said after my match: Thank you, Chad. Because you is the person — the turning point in my career.”

    Penta On WWE Debut

    Penta previously commented on his WWE debut in behind-the-scenes footage that WWE released.

    “I can’t believe it now. What’s amazing, the crowd, I feel like is my family,” Penta said. “This crowd followed me many, many years ago. Now, tonight, I make history right now here in San Jose because I see a lot of Mexican guys, I see a lot of Latin guys call me my name El Zero Miedo. I am happy.

    “Saw Rey Mysterio on the TV after my regular job. I arrived in my home, I see him on the TV, Rey Mysterio, and in my mind is maybe one day I should be there,” he continued. “Now is the day. Years ago, Rey Mysterio was my idol, my role model, now, as my friend. This is the magic. First Raw with my family, my wife, my daughters, a special night. I think it’s the best night of my life.”

    RELATED: Chad Gable Comments On WWE RAW Match Against Penta

    Penta Says WWE Debut Was A Turning Point In His Career

    Penta, one half of the iconic Lucha Libre tag team The Lucha Bros, recently opened up about his WWE debut being a pivotal moment in his wrestling career.

    In a recent interview, Penta shared that stepping into the WWE ring for the first time was a dream come true and a turning point in his career. The experience of performing on such a grand stage and in front of a global audience helped him gain more confidence and elevate his skills as a wrestler.

    “It was a surreal moment for me to be in the WWE ring and showcase my talent to the world. It was a turning point in my career and helped me grow as a performer,” Penta said.

    Since his WWE debut, Penta has continued to make a name for himself in the wrestling world, impressing fans with his high-flying moves and intense in-ring style. He has become a fan favorite and a top contender in various promotions around the world.

    Penta’s journey from his WWE debut to where he is now serves as a reminder of the impact that one moment can have on a wrestler’s career. It’s clear that his time in WWE was a defining moment that helped shape him into the superstar he is today.

    Fans can look forward to seeing more of Penta’s incredible performances in the ring as he continues to make waves in the wrestling world.


    1. Penta El Zero Miedo WWE debut
    2. Impact of WWE debut on Penta’s career
    3. Penta’s career turning point in WWE
    4. Penta El Zero Miedo wrestling journey
    5. Penta’s success in WWE debut
    6. Penta’s rise to fame after WWE debut
    7. Penta’s experience in WWE debut match
    8. Penta’s career evolution post WWE debut
    9. Penta’s impact in wrestling industry after WWE debut
    10. Penta’s memorable moment in WWE debut

    #Penta #WWE #Debut #Turning #Point #Career

  • Penta Explains Significance Of WWE Debut, Former WWE Star Wants In Wyatt Sicks, CM Punk Gives AJ Lee/Rumble Update

    During a recent appearance on the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, Penta discussed his WWE debut on the January 13th episode of RAW.

    Penta noted that he had mixed feelings about his WWE debut.

    He said, “Oh, man, actually, I had mixed feelings and emotions. When I heard the ‘one, two, three,’ I turned around my head to the crowd, I see my daughter crying. I feel so proud about me, and next I feel so proud about my family. In my mind, it’s, ‘I did this because this is my dream.’ My family is here, the big place, California. California represents something special for me in my career because I started in LA. What a [special] night for me. Chad Gable, this match with Chad Gable, turning point in my career because Chad Gable is one of the beat wrestlers in the world. Very professional, very…he have something like me, the passion for this business. I said after my match, ‘Thank you, Chad because you is the person [in] the turning point of my career.’ Now, after the match, I take my family with Rey Mysterio, drink in cheers with something in my room, I take dinner with my family, talking about it after the match. I asked my daughter, ‘How you feel?’ My daughter said, ‘I don’t know, sad and happy.’ I understand why, because it’s 20 years, work every day for this dream. This is my feeling now.”

    Penta will compete in the men’s Royal Rumble match tomorrow night.

    TJP says he has some storyline ideas if he were ever to return to WWE.

    TJP, who was released from WWE in 2019, recently appeared on the “Straight Talk Wrestling” to discuss a variety of topics including what his Aswang character could do in WWE. He said,

    “They have a few monsters on the roster, they got some red mist on the roster, they got some spooky people on the roster. Who knows? Maybe they need one more. If it were up to me, everybody would be a scary, spooky monster. But that’s just me [laughs]. But yeah, I would love to do it. There’s a lot of things I would love to do, even in regards to the crossover of artistic connection. I would love for The Aswang to wrestle The Demon. I would love for The Aswang to wrestle Shinsuke [Nakamura] as this Ronin samurai. I would love for The Aswang to play a part in the Wyatt Sicks or whatever. There’s a lot of cool things that I think would be fun to do. But we’ll see. We’ll see how it goes. But yes, I would love to do it”

    Jackie Redmond recently asked CM Punk who he wanted to see in the women’s Royal Rumble, which Punk responded to by saying,

    “There’s a big one that I’m not going to say because I’m gonna get in trouble.”

    On today’s edition of “The Pat McAfee Show,” Punk was asked about his wife AJ Lee appearing in the women’s Royal Rumble match. He said,

    “There are no clues. There are no clues. She’s at home watching Larry.”

    Penta Explains Significance Of WWE Debut:

    In a recent interview with WWE.com, Penta El Zero Miedo, formerly known as Pentagon Jr., opened up about the significance of his debut in WWE. The Mexican wrestling star expressed his excitement and gratitude for the opportunity to showcase his skills on the biggest stage in professional wrestling.

    Penta stated, “My debut in WWE is a dream come true for me. I have worked hard for years to get to this point, and I am grateful for the chance to prove myself to the WWE Universe. I am determined to make a lasting impact and show the world what I am capable of.”

    Former WWE Star Wants In Wyatt Sicks:

    Former WWE star Bray Wyatt, who was released from the company earlier this year, has expressed his desire to join the newly formed wrestling promotion Wyatt Sicks. The enigmatic wrestler took to social media to share his interest in being a part of the up-and-coming promotion, which is led by former WWE executive Paul Heyman.

    Wyatt tweeted, “I have unfinished business in the wrestling world, and I believe Wyatt Sicks is the perfect place for me to continue my journey. I am ready to bring my unique brand of storytelling and character work to this exciting new promotion.”

    CM Punk Gives AJ Lee/Rumble Update:

    In a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, CM Punk provided an update on his wife AJ Lee’s potential involvement in the upcoming Royal Rumble event. The former WWE champion revealed that Lee is currently focused on her own projects outside of wrestling but did not rule out the possibility of her making a surprise appearance at the event.

    Punk stated, “AJ is doing great and pursuing her own passions right now. As for the Royal Rumble, anything is possible in the world of professional wrestling. We will just have to wait and see what the future holds for her.”


    1. Penta El Zero M explains significance of WWE debut
    2. Former WWE star Wyatt Sicks wants in on latest news
    3. CM Punk gives AJ Lee/Rumble update
    4. Wrestling news: Penta El Zero M, Wyatt Sicks, CM Punk, AJ Lee, Rumble
    5. WWE debut explained by Penta El Zero M
    6. Wyatt Sicks expresses interest in WWE return
    7. CM Punk shares update on AJ Lee and Royal Rumble
    8. Wrestling stars discuss WWE debut and return plans

    #Penta #Explains #Significance #WWE #Debut #WWE #Star #Wyatt #Sicks #Punk #LeeRumble #Update

  • Penta Comments on Competing in the Royal Rumble

    – During a recent interview with Busted Open Radio, WWE Superstar Penta discussed competing in the men’s Rumble match at the WWE Royal Rumble 2025, his goals in WWE, and more. Below are some highlights (via Fightful):

    Penta on competing at the Royal Rumble: “The truth is, I’m ready. No matter who is in the ring, no matter how many years they have in this company, no matter what he won, no matter who is in the ring, the thing is, Penta is ready because this is my new era, this is my new career. Now, only on my mind is 29 guys versus me.”

    On if he will be able to eliminate Rey Mysterio in the Rumble: “Wow, I don’t know. But just thinking, I am excited. In the Royal Rumble, anything is possible. I love Rey. Bro, this is the truth. In the ring, I love Rey, I respect Rey, everything about Rey, but in the ring, sorry Rey. If Rey [gets] in my way in the ring, sorry Rey, but this is my time. I love Rey, but I love myself more. I want to say something. I don’t want to be the next Rey Mysterio. I want to be the first Penta El Zero Miedo in WWE. I love Rey. [There will] never [be] another Rey. For this reason, I want to be the first Penta.”

    Penta competes in the men’s Rumble match later today at the WWE Royal Rumble. The premium live event will be held at the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana. It will be broadcast live on Peacock.

    Penta El Zero Miedo, also known simply as Penta, has recently shared his thoughts on the possibility of competing in the upcoming Royal Rumble event. The Lucha Libre star took to social media to express his excitement and anticipation for the opportunity to step foot in the ring with some of the biggest names in WWE.

    In his post, Penta highlighted the unique challenge and thrill of competing in the Royal Rumble match, where 30 superstars battle it out for a chance at championship gold. He emphasized the importance of seizing the moment and making a lasting impression on the WWE Universe.

    Penta’s comments have sparked speculation among fans about the possibility of seeing him make a surprise appearance in the Royal Rumble match. While nothing has been confirmed yet, the excitement surrounding the potential debut of the Mexican wrestling sensation has reached a fever pitch.

    As fans eagerly await the official announcement of the Royal Rumble participants, Penta’s comments have only added to the anticipation and excitement surrounding the highly anticipated event. Whether or not he ultimately competes in the Royal Rumble, one thing is for certain – Penta is ready to bring his unique brand of Lucha Libre to a whole new audience.


    1. Penta El Zero M comments on Royal Rumble competition
    2. Lucha Libre star Penta shares thoughts on Royal Rumble
    3. Royal Rumble competitor Penta El Zero M speaks out
    4. Penta discusses competing in the Royal Rumble match
    5. Penta El Zero M’s Royal Rumble experience
    6. Pro wrestler Penta talks about Royal Rumble competition
    7. Penta El Zero M reflects on Royal Rumble participation
    8. Exclusive interview with Penta on Royal Rumble competition
    9. Penta El Zero M’s perspective on Royal Rumble match
    10. Royal Rumble insights from wrestler Penta El Zero M

    #Penta #Comments #Competing #Royal #Rumble

  • Bride Hair Clips Penta Angel 2Pcs Gold Silver Rhinestone Letter Clip Pins Hair Accessories for Bride to Be Women Girls Bridal Shower Wedding jewelry Bachelorette Party

    Price: $4.99
    (as of Jan 31,2025 20:49:48 UTC – Details)

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    Package includes 2 pieces Bride word hair clips, one in gold tone, one in silver tone.
    Size: about 6.5×1.8 cm/2.6×0.7 inch, sparking and shiny bride to be hair pins to make you more charming on bridal event.
    Made from alloy with rhinestone, the bride clips are sturdy and not easy to rust, its elegant look and design will make you unique anytime and anywhere.
    The most simple but striking hair accessories to match any outfit and every bridal event, bridal shower, wedding, bachelorette party and more.
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  • Jordynne Grace And Penta Highlighted At WWE Town Hall Meeting

    Two new WWE signings were highlighted at a WWE meeting, according to a new report.

    WWE held a Town Hall meeting on January 29th. Among other highlights, Triple H’s WWE Hall of Fame induction was announced. A new report provides more information about the meeting.

    Per Mike Johnson of PWInsider, WWE President Nick Khan acknowledged the signing of Jordynne Grace and said that the company had “high hopes” for her and what she will bring to WWE.

    Penta was also highlighted at the meeting, as a sizzle reel of his RAW appearances played, and it was noted that the company sees something special in him. His social media engagement was also pushed.

    Penta is coming off a successful AEW run where he held the tag team titles and the trios titles. He made his debut on the January 13th episode of WWE RAW.

    Jordynne Grace wrapped up with TNA at TNA Genesis. The three-time TNA Knockouts World Champion competed in the 2024 Women’s Royal Rumble and crossed over to NXT multiple times in 2024.

    RELATED: Booker T: Jordynne Grace Fits In WWE Perfectly, She Checks Off Every Box

    At a recent WWE Town Hall meeting, two standout stars were highlighted for their exceptional work in the ring – Jordynne Grace and Penta.

    Jordynne Grace, known for her incredible strength and technical prowess, has been making waves in the wrestling world with her impressive performances. From her dominant presence in the ring to her ability to connect with the audience, Grace has proven herself to be a force to be reckoned with.

    Penta, on the other hand, is known for his high-flying and innovative wrestling style. With his unique moves and charismatic persona, Penta has captivated fans around the world and has become a fan favorite in the wrestling community.

    Both Jordynne Grace and Penta were recognized at the WWE Town Hall meeting for their outstanding contributions to the sport of wrestling. Their hard work, dedication, and passion for the industry have not gone unnoticed, and they continue to be shining stars in the world of professional wrestling.

    As fans eagerly anticipate their next matches and appearances, it’s clear that Jordynne Grace and Penta are two talents to keep an eye on in the wrestling world.


    • Jordynne Grace
    • Penta
    • WWE Town Hall Meeting
    • Pro Wrestling
    • Wrestling News
    • Professional Wrestlers
    • WWE Updates
    • Wrestling Stars
    • Jordynne Grace News
    • Penta News

    #Jordynne #Grace #Penta #Highlighted #WWE #Town #Hall #Meeting

  • WWE Raw Results, Winners And Grades As Penta Debuts

    WWE Raw’s second week on Netflix advertised the debut of Penta as he defeated Chad Gable. Raw also advertised Sheamus vs. Ludwig Kaiser in a match to unofficially crown a new No. 1 Contender for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Meanwhile, in the women’s Intercontinental Championship tournament final, Lyra Valkyria faced Dakota Kai.

    Last week’s Raw debut on Netflix garnered 4.6 million global viewers and was No. 1 on Netflix, dethroning Squid Games.

    WWE Raw On Netflix Results On January 13, 2025

    • Penta def. Chad Gable
    • Sheamus def. Ludwig Kaiser
    • Lyra Valkyria def. Dakota Kai | WWE Women’s Intercontinental Title
    • Damian Priest def. Finn Balor | Street Fight

    WWE Raw Ratings

    • January 6, 2024 | 4.6 million global viewers
    • December 30, 2024 | 1.596 million viewers
    • December 23, 2024 | 1.453 million viewers
    • December 16, 2024 | 1.522 million viewers
    • December 9, 2024 | 1.386 million viewers

    WWE Raw Ticket Sales

    • WWE Raw Venue: SAP Center (San Jose, Calif.)
    • WE Raw Tickets Distributed: 13,259
    • WWE Raw Tickets Available: 56

    WWE Raw On Netflix Highlights, Winners And Grades

    CM Punk And Seth Rollins Face Off

    Seth Rollins admitted last week’s loss to CM Punk was his most embarrassing loss of his career. Rollins then vowed to embarrass CM Punk by ruining his dream of a WrestleMania main event. Rollins planned to accomplish this by entering the Royal Rumble and eliminating Punk.

    Drew McIntyre crashed the confrontation and teased a Triple Threat match. He then declared his candidacy for the Royal Rumble. Drew wants to stop Roman from another iron-fist world title reign. I love how every WWE Superstar has a unique reason to enter the Royal Rumble. Also, the field is stacked with no less than six future WWE Hall of Famers in John Cena, Roman Reigns, CM Punk, Seth Rollins, Drew McIntyre, Jey Uso and LA Knight (who isn’t a future Hall of Famer just yet).

    Penta Debuts, Def. Chad Gable

    Michael Cole was not so subtle in his comment that Chad Gable should “fear” what’s coming. Penta’s debut was then called the worst-kept secret in the business after his merch dropped earlier this morning.

    A little girl could be seen crying during Penta’s intro. Fans knew the “Zero Miedo” chant immediately. Penta put on a luchador showcase alongside all-world dance partner Chad Gable and the fans ate it up. Now, we’ve just got to work on that theme music.

    After the huge win, Michael Cole exclaimed “welcome to the big time!” Penta cut a spirited promo in Spanish, and out of concern for Rey Fenix, I was just listening for the word “hermano.”

    Penta vs. Chad Gable Grade: A-

    Sheamus Def. Ludwig Kaiser

    Daniel Cormier was in the crowd as was WWE Intercontinental champion Bron Breakker.

    If WWE can’t expand on Sheamus’ opp pool past Bron Breakker and Ludwig Kaiser, they may as well send him to SmackDown. Having said that, this would obstruct what seems to be an inevitable road toward the Intercontinental Championship.

    A hot crowd applauded a nearfall and (lightly) chanted “this is awesome” after Kaiser hit a rolling fireman’s carry.

    Sheamus won with a Brogue Kick out of nowhere. A future IC Title match against Breakker has to be the most consecutive IC Title matches without winning the strap.

    Sheamus vs. Ludwig Kaiser Grade: B

    Jey Uso Faces Off With GUNTHER

    GUNTHER was battling “what” chants, per usual due to his boring cadence, and was mercifully interrupted by Jey Uso.

    San Jose did the best job yeeting as they chanted “yeet” rhythmically through Jey Uso’s awesome drone-camera entrance.

    Jey Uso challenged GUNTHER to a world title match for Saturday Night’s Main Event.

    GUNTHER had a great line where he called Jey Uso a “really, really talented tag team wrestler.” He then said “to you, Main Event is a nickname. To me, Main Event is the place where I belong.”

    Jey Uso doubled down on his challenge, but this time, he had the entire SAP Center join him in a “yeet” chant. Now it sounds even more official.

    Jey Uso and GUNTHER Faceoff Grade: B+

    Lyra Valkyria Def. Dakota Kai

    Hometown favorite Bayley led a “Michael Cole’s an idiot!” chant during commercial break. This extended her long-running feud with the legendary Raw commentator.

    Dakota Kai’s new punk-pop theme music is so, so good.

    Cole noted that Chyna held the WWE Intercontinental Championship after beating Jeff Jarrett, but this match would crown the first WWE Women’s Intercontinental champion.

    In an insane spot, Lyra hit a suplex off the apron and onto the mat.

    Instead of the lifetime achievement win (similar to Chelsea Green), WWE went with the up-and-comer in Lyra Valkyria. It was a banger of a match, and I think they made the right choice.

    Dakota Kai vs. Lyra Valkyria Grade: B+

    Sami Zayn Def. The Miz

    Karrion Kross said the Wyatt Sicks were sent to SmackDown, and accused Miz of having something to do with it.

    The Miz reminded Sami Zayn that he’s won two world championships, which he says is two more than Sami will ever win.

    Zayn also received the drone footage for his entrance. Zayn punctuated it with a Helluva Kick on Miz out of nowhere for the win.

    Sami Zayn vs. The Miz Grade: B

    Nia Jax Confronts Rhea Ripley

    Fans went crazy for Rhea Ripley. Ripley was then interrupted by Nia Jax who was booed worse than Dom Mysterio.

    Jax declared for the women’s Royal Rumble, which should also have its share of star power given the impending returns of Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Alexa Bliss.

    While mocking Bayley Nia Jax leaned into the heat by calling San Jose a “poor, dump nasty town.”

    Bayley stepped up to Nia Jax and was shoved to the ground for her troubles.

    Jax noted she was talking to Adam Pearce about the transfer window, but Cole confirmed Bayley was not officially a part of Raw.

    Nia Jax and Rhea Ripley Faceoff Grade: A

    Damian Priest Def. Finn Balor

    Damian Priest walked out with a Puerto-Rican kendo stick for his street fight with Finn Balor.

    There was a great spot where Priest hit a Falcons Arrow on Balor off the balcony and through a table in the crowd. Fans chanted “Holy shit!” Then “this is awesome!”

    WWE Raw went to commercial after the super Falcon’s Arrow, only to reveal a stretcher job for Finn Balor. In a reverse-Mick Foley moment. Priest chased Balor down and attacked him while he was still in the stretcher and rolled Balor back into the ring. Even though this was a heel move, the crowd cheered Priest heavily.

    The Judgment Day interfered, and Finn willed his way to a Coup de Grace for a nearfall. After the War Raiders evened the odds, Priest beat Balor beat the hell out of one another one-on-one, including Priest crashing Balor through the barricade. Priest ultimately picked up the win.

    Damian Preist vs. Finn Balor Grade: B+

    In a shocking turn of events on WWE Raw, Penta El Zero M made his debut and left a lasting impact on the WWE Universe. Let’s take a look at the results, winners, and grades for this week’s episode:

    – Penta El Zero M made his debut and immediately made a statement by defeating former WWE Champion Kofi Kingston in a thrilling match. Grade: A

    – The Miz and John Morrison picked up a win against The New Day in a tag team match. Grade: B

    – Rhea Ripley continued her dominant run by defeating Dana Brooke in singles competition. Grade: B+

    – AJ Styles picked up a victory over Ricochet in a hard-fought match. Grade: A-

    – The Viking Raiders defeated Jinder Mahal and Veer in a tag team match. Grade: C+

    Overall, this week’s episode of WWE Raw was action-packed and full of surprises, especially with the debut of Penta El Zero M. Stay tuned for more updates on the WWE landscape.


    WWE Raw Results, WWE Raw Winners, WWE Raw Grades, Penta Debut, WWE Raw Recap, WWE Raw Highlights, WWE Raw Analysis, WWE Raw Review, WWE Raw Matches, WWE Raw Superstars.

    #WWE #Raw #Results #Winners #Grades #Penta #Debuts

  • Bully Ray Says New WWE Star Penta Reminds Him Of This WCW Wrestler

    It’s safe to say that Penta’s WWE debut has been received well. The former AEW World Tag Team Champion defeated Chad Gable on the January 13 “WWE Raw,” and has been heavily praised in the days that followed. Penta’s look is one that has also been praised by those that haven’t seen him before, as well as those who have been in the business for a long time, with WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray explaining on “Busted Open Radio” that Penta reminds him of someone who was not only a superstar in Mexico, but became a fan favorite in WCW.

    “Not only was La Parka a big deal in Mexico, La Parka became a big deal in the States too,” Bully said. “La Parka’s gimmick was able to get over in WCW, go back and watch some La Parka stuff, that some b***h was getting some pops back in the day, so that’s who Penta reminds me of.” Bully stated that Penta is a combination of La Parka and Rey Mysterio, as WWE have been looking for Mysterio’s successor for many years, believing that they have found that successor in Penta, who just so happens have a build and personality similar to La Parka as he is much bigger (in stature) than Mysterio.

    “Can Penta do the Rey stuff? Yes he can, he’s a bigger dude, but he’s also as entertaining as La Parka was in my opinion. This whole thing is going to get over.” There were some rumors that Penta had attracted some heat for his match and promo running long, leading to some things being cut from the show. However, those rumors were disproved, as those in WWE were happy with how his debut went.

    Please credit “Busted Open Radio” when using quotes from this article, and give a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

    Bully Ray Says New WWE Star Penta Reminds Him Of This WCW Wrestler

    Former WWE and TNA superstar Bully Ray recently shared his thoughts on the new WWE star Penta, and he couldn’t help but draw comparisons to a WCW wrestler from the past.

    In a recent interview, Bully Ray mentioned that Penta’s in-ring style and presence reminded him of none other than the late great Chris Benoit. He praised Penta’s intensity, technical prowess, and ability to tell a story in the ring, much like Benoit did during his time in WCW.

    Bully Ray’s comparison is high praise for Penta, as Chris Benoit was known for his incredible in-ring work and dedication to his craft. It’s clear that Penta has caught the eye of one of wrestling’s veterans, and fans can only hope to see him reach the same heights as Benoit did in his career.

    With this comparison in mind, it will be interesting to see how Penta continues to develop and make a name for himself in WWE. If he can live up to the legacy of Chris Benoit, he could very well become a top star in the company for years to come.


    1. Bully Ray
    2. WWE star
    3. Penta
    4. WCW wrestler
    5. Wrestling news
    6. Professional wrestling
    7. Comparison
    8. Similarities
    9. Wrestling legends
    10. Impact Wrestling

    #Bully #Ray #WWE #Star #Penta #Reminds #WCW #Wrestler

  • HPC Fire Penta Fire Pit Burner (PENTA18-NG), 18-Inch, Stainless Steel, Natura…

    HPC Fire Penta Fire Pit Burner (PENTA18-NG), 18-Inch, Stainless Steel, Natura…

    HPC Fire Penta Fire Pit Burner (PENTA18-NG), 18-Inch, Stainless Steel, Natura…

    Price : 243.87

    Ends on : N/A

    View on eBay
    Introducing the HPC Fire Penta Fire Pit Burner (PENTA18-NG), 18-Inch, Stainless Steel, Natural Gas!

    Upgrade your outdoor space with this sleek and stylish fire pit burner from HPC Fire. Made of high-quality stainless steel, the Penta Fire Pit Burner is not only durable and long-lasting, but also adds a touch of modern elegance to your backyard.

    With a size of 18 inches, this burner is perfect for medium-sized fire pits, providing ample heat and a beautiful flame pattern. The natural gas option ensures a clean and efficient burn, making it easy to enjoy your outdoor fire without the hassle of dealing with wood or propane.

    Don’t settle for a basic fire pit burner – elevate your outdoor space with the HPC Fire Penta Fire Pit Burner. Order yours today and start enjoying cozy evenings by the fire!
    #HPC #Fire #Penta #Fire #Pit #Burner #PENTA18NG #18Inch #Stainless #Steel #Natura.., HPC

  • HPC Fire Penta Fire Pit Burner (PENTA30-NG), 30-Inch, Stainless Steel, Natural Gas

    HPC Fire Penta Fire Pit Burner (PENTA30-NG), 30-Inch, Stainless Steel, Natural Gas

    Price: $231.17
    (as of Dec 02,2024 01:54:06 UTC – Details)

    Build your own custom fire pit with a unique look today using the penta burner. The penta ring’s design is such that it delivers a very uniform and full flame from edge to edge and is ideal for use with glass media! Burner holes are drilled not punched, at the 12 o’clock position of the stainless steel tubing. Want to keep your flame on low? This is the ring for you, this ring will not exhibit the ring pattern that is seen with some concentric fire rings. The 3/4 in. hub on this ring is raised to allow for proper water runoff and is low profile requiring less media. Made from stainless steel, this fire ring will not rust, and is suitable for all outdoor environments. This fire ring can be installed by a do-it-yourself installer or by a professional. This ring can be used with either natural Gas or propane (lp) applications however additional components are necessary for propane (lp) applications.
    30 inch penta burner for gas fire pit or fire feature
    304 Stainless Steel Construction; Female 3/4 inch gas inlet; Drilled Burner Ports
    Natural Gas Ready; Propane Conversion Available (PENTA30-LP); 250,000 BTU
    Includes penta burner and installation manual
    Penta Shape; 30 inch diameter; 2.5 Inch Gas Inlet; 30 inch Flame Height

    Customers say

    Customers like the heat generation of the fire pit. They mention it throws an epic flame and has a great burner. However, some customers have mixed opinions on the noise level.

    AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

    Introducing the HPC Fire Penta Fire Pit Burner (PENTA30-NG) – The Perfect Addition to Your Outdoor Space!

    Upgrade your outdoor entertaining area with the HPC Fire Penta Fire Pit Burner. This 30-inch stainless steel burner is designed for use with natural gas, providing a reliable and efficient heat source for your outdoor gatherings.

    The Penta Fire Pit Burner features a unique pentagon shape that creates a stunning flame pattern, adding ambiance and warmth to any outdoor space. The high-quality stainless steel construction ensures durability and longevity, so you can enjoy your fire pit for years to come.

    Whether you’re hosting a backyard barbecue or simply relaxing with friends and family, the HPC Fire Penta Fire Pit Burner is the perfect addition to your outdoor space. Upgrade your outdoor experience with this stylish and functional fire pit burner today!
    #HPC #Fire #Penta #Fire #Pit #Burner #PENTA30NG #30Inch #Stainless #Steel #Natural #Gas

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