ISO OPTION 3 PERM KIT for Extra Firm Curl Normal to Resistant Hair Wave Perming
Price : 16.89
Ends on : N/A
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Are you tired of struggling to find the perfect perm kit for your extra firm curl, normal to resistant hair? Look no further! I am in search of an ISO Option 3 Perm Kit specifically designed for those with stubborn hair that needs a little extra help holding a curl. If you have any recommendations or know where I can find this product, please let me know! #PermKit #ExtraFirmCurl #HairWavePerming #ISOOption3
#ISO #OPTION #PERM #KIT #Extra #Firm #Curl #Normal #Resistant #Hair #Wave #Perming,ages 3+
Tag: Perming
ISO OPTION 3 PERM KIT for Extra Firm Curl Normal to Resistant Hair Wave Perming
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