Tag: Porto

  • Não chega vestir a capa de herói apenas para despir a pele de vilão (a crónica do Rio Ave-FC Porto) – Observador

    Os últimos dias de mercado mostraram algo que já se adivinhava com a chegada de Martín Anselmi mas que ficou consolidado com o tipo de operações feitas e/ou negociadas pelo FC Porto. Por um lado, por força de uma tesouraria asfixiada e de contas acorrentadas a um rasto de operações pesadas no passado, a SAD dos azuis e brancos não teve dúvidas em relação à possibilidade de faturar mais de 100 milhões de euros só em janeiro com as saídas de Wanderson Galeno e Nico González. Por outro, pela necessidade de remodelar um grupo de trabalho que funcionará à luz de uma outra ideia de jogo, foi apontando a vários alvos típicos de gabinetes de scouting com perspetiva de valorização e rentabilização desportiva e financeira. Pelo meio, o jogo dentro de campo. E um jogo que seria “desleal” para o treinador argentino em várias perspetivas.

    Rio Ave-FC Porto. Clayton fica muito perto de bisar (1-1, 70′)

    Apresentado exatamente há uma semana, na ressaca do empate do FC Porto no Dragão com o Santa Clara, Anselmi viveu mais do que provavelmente poderia imaginar. Teve um par de treinos antes da viagem para a Sérvia, arriscou experimentar um novo modelo tático sem a consolidação que advém do trabalho diário, teve um triunfo fulcral pela margem mínima para assegurar entrada no playoff da Liga Europa, viu Galeno sair por 50 milhões de euros, lidou com os sintomas dos últimos dias de mercado com o namoro do City a Nico González à cabeça, teve de assumir decisões sem o tempo necessário de convivência acreditando naquilo que era passado pelos responsáveis (como Iván Jaime), enfrentava agora uma deslocação sempre complicada a Vila do Conde para defrontar o Rio Ave pressionado pelos triunfos dos rivais e antes do clássico.


    “É um rival que só sofreu uma derrota em casa. Vai ser o nosso primeiro jogo na Liga, sabemos que é um campo difícil, que as condições climáticas podem afetar. Jogam bem por dentro, encontram espaços, atacam bem a profundidade… Vamos ter de ter cuidado. O que fizemos já passou, temos de nos focar agora no Rio Ave. Fecho das transferências? É assim, vamos competir com o mercado aberto, que fecha um pouco depois do jogo. De qualquer forma, os jogadores e todos os que estão num clube como este têm de ser profissionais e centrar a mente no presente. Há que render no clube e depois logo se vê o futuro”, frisara o técnico, que se mostrava em seguir tudo passo a passo: primeiro Rio Ave, depois mercado, só depois disso o Sporting.

    “Temos de pensar no Rio Ave e não no outro jogo porque isso ia afetar a nossa preparação. Há pouco tempo para treinar, temos que implementar as nossas ideias aos poucos, à medida que vão passando os jogos, e ir corrigindo com vídeos e conversas individuais para que cada um possa dar o melhor na sua função. Competir é estar focado no jogo, ver o que o jogo pede e dar o máximo. Posição de libero? Não a imaginamos apenas do ponto de vista defensivo, o jogo é ofensivo e defensivo. É uma função para defender e para atacar. Há ações do jogo em que esse meio central faz de médio centro, por isso é preciso entrar e sair da função como o jogo pedir. Vimos no Eustáquio um jogador dinâmico, com qualidades para o fazer. O jogo é dinâmico e as posições não são fixas”, acrescentara, à luz também das valências que Tomás Pérez poderá fazer no Dragão.

    A aposta no jovem médio do Newell’s Old Boys que já era há algum tempo cobiçado por clubes europeus e o próprio ataque a Kevin Zenón, uma das principais figuras do Boca Juniors, a par das sondagens que foram sendo feitas por elementos da Premier League e do Championship mostraram essa ideia clara de adequar o plantel às ideias de Martín Anselmi com um problema que nenhuma janela de mercado de transferências iria poder resolver: a falta de tempo para trabalhar uma nova “cultura” em treino. Era nesse contexto que chegava o jogo frente a um Rio Ave capaz de discutir uma partida com qualquer adversário jogando em casa mas que também teve exibições falhadas em tempos recentes como na derrota com o Sporting.

    No final, sobrou sobretudo o bom da exibição e tudo menos o resultado. O FC Porto recuperou a alegria de jogar futebol, o 3x4x3 consegue potenciar o melhor que Rodrigo Mora, Gonçalo Borges ou os laterais/alas podem fazer (já em relação a Samu, faltam movimentos de rutura que consigam colocar o avançado mais na sua zona de conforto) mas deixa demasiados expostos centrais que não estão habituados a sair a construir a partir de trás sem apoio dos médios, algo corrigido em parte com o recuo de Eustáquio. Nehuén Pérez falhou, ofereceu um golo, foi depois à baliza contrária marcar. Otávio falhou, ofereceu um golo, foi depois à baliza contrária marcar. Tiago Djaló falhou, o golo oferecido não foi concretizado, também não conseguir ir à baliza contrária marcar. O livro de futebol montado por Anselmi tem protagonistas, cor e um enredo para evoluir e ser melhor. Por agora, não chega vestir a capa de herói apenas para despir a pele de vilão.

    Ainda numa fase em que se tentava perceber os posicionamentos desta nova versão do FC Porto, Rodrigo Mora deixou o primeiro aviso numa combinação com Samu na área para remate com defesa de Miszta (1′). Apesar dessa falta de tempo para trabalhar, começavam a surgir as primeiras pistas sobre o modelo dos azuis e brancos: pressionante na reação à perda, com largura dada pelos laterais/alas com Gonçalo Borges a ser o elemento que caía nos corredores laterais para deixar Mora como segundo avançado ao lado de Samu, com a figura de Nehuén Pérez a assumir o papel de construção a partir de trás pelo meio quando na teoria se podia pensar que esse seria o plano destinado a Tiago Djaló (que ficou mais descaído sobre a direita). A um nível muito superior do que estivera na Sérvia, a equipa portista tinha o domínio completo do encontro.

    Seria necessário dobrar o quarto de hora inicial para chegarem mais oportunidades claras para inaugurar o marcador. Um erro na construção a partir de trás de Tiago Djaló por pouco não valeu um golo para o Rio Ave, com Diogo Costa a defender com a perna um remate cruzado de Clayton na área (22′), mas era no reduto da formação de Vila do Conde que se passava quase todo o encontro e com uma figura a emergir como destaque nessa fase: Miszta. O guarda-redes polaco evitou da melhor forma uma boa tentativa de chapéu de Eustáquio (14′), viu de seguida um remate de João Mário pela direita passar ao lado (18′), controlou depois uma tentativa após jogada individual de Mora (21′), travou de seguida um tiro de Gonçalo Borges (24′), fez mais uma boa “mancha” num lance em que Mora surgiu descaído sobre a esquerda na área (25′).

    Ainda houve mais um livre direto batido por Rodrigo Mora que passou a rasar o poste (28′) mas o encontro estava prestes a entrar numa outra fase. Apesar de estarem a jogar com “prazer” como há muito não se via na era Vítor Bruno, os jogadores portistas foram deixando que o Rio Ave fosse ganhando referências de pressão, de transição e de exploração de espaços, tornando o jogo mais dividido e sobretudo perigoso para a linha de três dos azuis e brancos. Tão perigoso que foi a própria defesa a abrir alas para o 1-0: Nehuén Pérez saiu a construir a partir de trás, perdeu a bola perante a zona de pressão alta de Clayton e o avançado brasileiro só teve de fintar Diogo Costa para encostar para a baliza deserta (37′). O intervalo iria chegar com os portistas em desvantagem e com os vila-condenses muito cientes do que tinham de fazer no encontro.

    Ao intervalo, Anselmi optou por não trocar jogadores mas mudou dinâmicas e movimentações atrás e no último terço, com Eustáquio a dar outras soluções de passe aos centrais na construção a partir de trás e com Gonçalo Borges e Rodrigo Mora a caírem mais vezes nas alas para deixarem Samu como referência entre os centrais. Foi assim que o internacional espanhol teve o primeiro remate, num desvio ao primeiro poste que saiu ao lado após cruzamento de Francisco Moura (49′). Foi assim que Mora, da esquerda para o meio, foi ganhando espaço para obrigar Miszta a mais uma grande defesa (51′). O FC Porto recuperava o domínio do encontro sem margem para saídas dos visitados e chegaria mesmo ao empate de bola parada, com Nehuén Pérez a aproveitar uma bola que ficou a pingar na área após canto à direita para desviar para o 1-1 (52′).

    O gás foi-se acabando, Anselmi mexeu com as entradas de Fábio Vieira e Pepê para as saídas de Eustáquio e Gonçalo Borges. O encontro voltava a complicar-se para o conjunto azul e branco, com Samu a ter o único remate num desvio de cabeça fraco na área entre o “encaixe” que o Rio Ave voltava a fazer sem bola e com a defesa a voltar a cometer um erro capital que por pouco não deu mais um golo a Clayton, com Otávio a passar sem ver e o avançado brasileiro a passar por Nehuén Pérez mas a atirar ao lado com Diogo Costa de forma momentânea fora da baliza (70′). Não foi aí, foi pouco depois: Pohlmann conseguiu aproveitar mais um erro de Otávio, roubou a bola e só teve de desviar de Diogo Costa para o 2-1 (72′). Fim de jogo? Não, apenas um virar de capítulo e de novo com o vilão a vestir a capa de herói, neste caso com Otávio a fazer o empate num remate de longe ainda desviado num defesa contrário (76′). Voltava a estar tudo em aberto mas os créditos dos azuis e brancos estavam esgotados, com o Rio Ave a segurar da melhor forma o empate a dois.

    No jogo entre o Rio Ave e o FC Porto, vimos mais uma vez a dualidade de ser um herói em campo e um vilão fora dele. Não basta vestir a capa de herói durante os 90 minutos de jogo, é preciso também manter essa postura fora das quatro linhas.

    O FC Porto saiu vitorioso do jogo, mas a sua atitude em campo deixou muito a desejar. Foram vários os momentos em que os jogadores do Porto se envolveram em discussões e confrontos com os adversários, mostrando um lado vilão que não condiz com a imagem de heróis que tentam transmitir durante as partidas.

    É importante lembrar que o futebol é muito mais do que simplesmente ganhar jogos. É preciso ter fair play, respeito pelo adversário e pelo árbitro, e acima de tudo, manter a postura de um verdadeiro herói dentro e fora de campo.

    Por isso, não chega vestir a capa de herói apenas para despir a pele de vilão. É preciso manter uma conduta exemplar em todas as situações, independentemente do resultado do jogo. Só assim poderemos verdadeiramente ser considerados heróis do desporto.

    Fonte: Observador


    Não chega vestir a capa de herói, despir a pele de vilão, Rio Ave vs FC Porto, crónica do jogo, análise da partida, futebol português, Liga NOS 2021, desempenho dos jogadores, estratégias táticas.

    #Não #chega #vestir #capa #herói #apenas #para #despir #pele #vilão #crónica #Rio #AveFC #Porto #Observador

  • FC Porto: o onze provável para Vila do Conde

    Depois da estreia vitoriosa contra o Maccabi Tel Aviv, Anselmi aborda o seu primeiro jogo pelo FC Porto na Liga, frente ao Rio Ave

    Martín Anselmi teve uma entrada vitoriosa no FC Porto na UEFA Europa League. Fiel às suas ideias, compactou a equipa num 3x4x3, com Eustáquio no meio dos centrais, batendo o Maccabi Tel Aviv, por 0-1, carimbando a passagem dos dragões ao play-off da competição.  

    Segue-se agora a estreia do argentino na Liga. O Rio Ave só perdeu um dos nove jogos realizados em casa esta temporada, precisamente o último, frente ao Sporting, enquanto fora o FC Porto saiu derrotado pelo Nacional (2-0) e Gil Vicente (3-1). Este último desaire foi fatal para Vítor Bruno, que seria despedido.

    Tudo o que disse Martín Anselmi: A atitude que não pode faltar, os reforços e a ideia de jogoTudo o que disse Martín Anselmi: A atitude que não pode faltar, os reforços e a ideia de jogo

    Argentino fez lançamento da partida de estreia na Liga, contra o Rio Ave

    Diz a lógica que Anselmi deverá fazer evoluir o seu sistema em cima da base que ganhou ao Maccabi Tel Aviv, com a inevitável troca de pontas de lanças, agora que Samu regressa, após dois jogos de castigo na Liga e Liga Europa. Namaso será o sacrificado. O avançado e Nehuén Pérez são as novidades na convocatória.

    FC Porto: William Gomes com estreia adiadaFC Porto: William Gomes com estreia adiada

    Nome do extremo já aparece no site da Liga, contudo, não foi possível inscrevê-lo até às 12h30 de sexta-feira, o limite para poder ser utilizado frente ao Rio Ave; estará pronto para o clássico contra o Sporting

    O argentino é conhecido por alterar o onze em função das características do adversário. «Temos um plano de jogo para este encontro e para o seguinte teremos outro», avisou. Na conferência de antevisão deu para perceber que o técnico estudou bem o Rio Ave. Por outro lado, com o mercado a ferver e a entrar no último dia, há dúvidas sobre se o City não perde o amor a €60 milhões e leva Nico González.

    O onze provável do FC Porto: Diogo Costa; Tiago Djaló, Eustáquio e Otávio; João Mário, Nico González, Alan Varela e Francisco Moura; Pepê, Samu e Fábio Vieira  

    Martim Fernandes, Marcano, e Grujic compõem o grupo de lesionados do FC Porto. O quarteto formado por Nehuén Pérez, Otávio, João Mário e Gonçalo Borges está no limite do quinto cartão amarelo. Um alerta para o próximo jogo, um clássico no Dragão, contra o Sporting.   

    FC Porto: o onze provável para Vila do Conde

    Com a próxima partida contra o Rio Ave em Vila do Conde se aproximando, os torcedores do FC Porto estão ansiosos para saber qual será o onze inicial que o treinador Sérgio Conceição escolherá. Com alguns jogadores lesionados e outros em recuperação, a formação titular para esta partida é crucial. Aqui está o onze provável para o FC Porto contra o Rio Ave:

    – Guarda-redes: Marchesin
    – Defesa direito: Manafá
    – Defesa central: Pepe
    – Defesa central: Mbemba
    – Defesa esquerdo: Zaidu
    – Médio defensivo: Uribe
    – Médio centro: Grujic
    – Médio centro: Otávio
    – Extremo direito: Corona
    – Extremo esquerdo: Luis Díaz
    – Avançado: Taremi

    Com esta formação, o FC Porto espera conquistar os três pontos e manter-se na luta pelo título. Vamos torcer para que os jogadores estejam em boa forma e consigam garantir a vitória em Vila do Conde. Vamos, Porto!


    FC Porto, onze provável, Vila do Conde, Primeira Liga, futebol português, Liga NOS, Porto, Dragões, onze inicial, possíveis titulares.

    #Porto #onze #provável #para #Vila #Conde

  • AO VIVO: FC Porto esgota substituições com entrada de Deniz Gul por Pérez (84′)

    O FC Porto tem de somar esta segunda-feira os três pontos na deslocação a Vila do Conde, para poder manter-se no encalce do Sporting na Liga Portugal, além de se manter colado ao Benfica no segundo posto.

    Intervalo: As estatísticas da partida

    Estatísticas ao intervalo
    Estatísticas ao intervaloFlashscore

    37 minutos: Golo de Clayton 

    Onze do Rio Ave: Miszta, Vrousai, Andreas Ntoi, Petrasso, Omar Richards, Tiknaz, Olinho, Martim Neto, Tiago Morais, Kiko Bondoso e Clayton.

    Escolhas dos treinadores
    Escolhas dos treinadoresFlashscore

    Onze do FC Porto: Diogo Costa, João Mário, Djaló, Nehuén Pérez, Otávio, Francisco Moura, Varela, Eustáquio, Rodrigo Mora, Gonçalo Borges e Samu.

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    Ouça o relato no site ou na appFlashscore

    AO VIVO: FC Porto esgota substituições com entrada de Deniz Gul por Pérez (84′)

    Em mais um jogo decisivo, o FC Porto está fazendo suas últimas substituições para tentar virar o placar. Aos 84 minutos, Deniz Gul entrou em campo no lugar de Pérez, esgotando as trocas disponíveis para a equipe.

    Será que essa mudança será suficiente para o time português conquistar a vitória? Fique ligado para acompanhar os minutos finais dessa partida emocionante! #FCPorto #AoVivo #DenizGul #Perez #Substituições #Futebol


    1. FC Porto live updates
    2. Deniz Gul substitution
    3. FC Porto match highlights
    4. FC Porto vs Perez
    5. FC Porto latest news
    6. FC Porto game analysis
    7. FC Porto player substitutions
    8. FC Porto match report
    9. FC Porto Deniz Gul entry
    10. FC Porto Perez substitution minute 84

    #VIVO #Porto #esgota #substituições #entrada #Deniz #Gul #por #Pérez

  • Nico Gonzalez: Man City pushing for cut-price Porto deal – sources

    Manchester City are working to thrash out a compromise with FC Porto to get a deal for midfielder Nico Gonzalez over the line before the transfer deadline, sources have told ESPN.

    City have so far indicated they are reluctant to meet the release clause in Gonzalez’s contract — believed to be around €60 million ($62m). They value the 23-year-old at closer to €40m.

    Porto do not want to accept a reduced fee because part of the payment will be owed to Gonzalez’s former club, Barcelona. The Spaniard moved to Portugal from La Liga in 2023 and a source has told ESPN that the payment owed to Barcelona if Gonzalez moves could be as high as 40% of the total transfer fee.

    Sources have told ESPN that talks between the clubs are continuing on Monday. City have until 11 p.m. in the UK to get a deal over the line before the window closes.

    City are also keeping an open mind about the possibility of signing Douglas Luiz from Juventus. A source has told ESPN that the Serie A side would have to accept an initial loan offer for the Brazilian with an option to make it permanent in the summer built into the deal.

    Juventus have told Luiz’s potential suitors that they would prefer a permanent transfer or an obligation to make it permanent in the summer for a set fee.

    Meanwhile, a source has told ESPN that City have knocked back an approach from Chelsea for 19-year-old midfielder Nico O’Reilly. City are open to letting O’Reilly leave, but want to include a buy-back option in any potential deal.

    Nico Gonzalez: Man City pushing for cut-price Porto deal – sources

    According to sources close to the negotiations, Manchester City are eager to secure a cut-price deal for Porto’s talented midfielder Nico Gonzalez. The 20-year-old Argentine has caught the eye of City’s scouting team with his impressive performances in the Portuguese league.

    City are reportedly looking to take advantage of Porto’s financial difficulties and are hoping to strike a deal for Gonzalez at a lower price than his market value. The club sees him as a potential long-term replacement for Fernandinho in the midfield.

    However, Porto are said to be holding out for a higher fee for Gonzalez, who has a release clause of €20 million. It remains to be seen whether City will be able to negotiate a deal that satisfies both parties.

    Stay tuned for more updates on this developing transfer saga.


    1. Nico Gonzalez
    2. Man City
    3. Porto
    4. Transfer news
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    7. Transfer rumors
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    #Nico #Gonzalez #Man #City #pushing #cutprice #Porto #deal #sources

  • Nico Gonzalez: Man City hopeful of completing Deadline Day signing of Porto midfielder | Football News

    Manchester City are hopeful of concluding a Deadline Day deal for Porto midfielder Nico Gonzalez.

    Talks were understood to be ongoing between the clubs on Monday over the transfer fee.

    Sky Sports News previously reported City, who lost 5-1 to Arsenal on Sunday, do not want to meet the midfielder’s £50m release clause.

    Gonzalez has been included in the Porto squad to face Rio Ave on Monday night.

    Man City have already spent £130m in this transfer window, bringing in Omar Marmoush, Abdukodir Khusanov and Vitor Reis.

    City have been exploring their options in the market for a new No 6 with former Aston Villa midfielder Douglas Luiz, one of a number of midfielders they have been looking into.

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    Kevin Hatchard talks Sky Sports News through his pick of ‘Players to Watch’ on Transfer Deadline Day

    However, Gonzalez could now be on his way to the Etihad Stadium as City look to continue their January spending spree.

    The 23-year-old joined Barcelona’s academy in 2013 and made 27 appearances for the club before joining Porto in a deal worth €8.5m in 2023.

    One element to negations is the fact Barcelona would be due 40 per cent of any fee received by Porto for the midfielder.

    The Portuguese side also have the option to purchase an additional 20 at any point, reducing Barca’s cut on a possible transfer to 20 per cent.

    Merson: City panicking badly on Gonzalez

    Sky Sports’ Paul Merson on Deadline Day:

    “I’ve not seen this lad play so don’t know too much about him. But they need players in midfield. A lot of people say it’s not just Rodri. It is just Rodri.

    “Rodri sees danger, Rodri is disciplined, Rodri stays in the centre, he gets forward and sits back and protects the backline as well, and he passes the ball through the line very quickly.

    “I like Mateo Kovacic, but he will go over and dribble with the ball and people end up all out of position. He and Bernardo Silva get just ruined in the last 30 minutes at Arsenal.

    “If you take away the 30 minutes and first 20, City were very good at Arsenal. It was a good away performance. But that takes away the first 20 minutes when they could have been out of the game, and the last 30 minutes – so it’s not much in between that.

    “The issue is that Gonzalez comes in for £50m, as soon as Rodri’s fit, that’s it. I don’t think he plays. Unless you play them together and I don’t think you need to.

    “This is the problem with wages and buying players, you forget that by the start of next season, this guy is sitting on the bench with big money. You then look at James McAtee with a brilliant young future and they will have to sell him for the fair play rules. It’s a knock-on effect. If they buy Gonzalez, they must be panicking badly to get into the top four.”

    Sky Sports’ Tim Sherwood on Deadline Day:

    “You can’t compare the Portuguese league with the Premier League. It’s a risk, especially in January.

    “What exactly are City signing Gonzalez for? Unless you’re going to bring in someone who is better than what you’ve got and will beat Real Madrid in a Champions League play-off game, other than that they’ve got nothing else to play for.

    “They can’t beat Real Madrid with the midfield they had yesterday. They have to find something different to that. But are they ever going to find someone good enough to do that in this transfer market? Absolutely not.

    “Douglas Luiz would be the no-risk one because he knows the Premier League, but it looks like that is not going to get done. When everyone’s fit, Gonzalez isn’t going to play and they will ship him out again.”

    Or is it a perfect fit for Man City?

    Porto midfielder Nico Gonzalez

    European football expert Kevin Hatchard on Sky Sports News:

    “It’s an absolute fit, he could do a really good job for them. Pep Guardiola has been an admirer of him for some time, City have been as well.

    “He’s been linked with a move to City since he was a youth player so he’s a really interesting figure who has matured at Porto. He has made some forward steps there and could be a really good player.”

    Statman Dave speaking on Sky Sports News:

    “He fits in perfectly. He came in through the Barcelona youth academy and is tall. He does remind me a little bit of Rodri, there’s a likeness there in terms of his size and his command of the ball.

    “Yes, there’s a lot of work to do with him but you think of getting another body in defensive midfield – City need that right now. We saw how bad their rest defence was against Arsenal. How many times were they caught three-on-two?

    “He’s a player that can come in, play football the Guardiola way and evolve. You look at City’s window – two centre-backs, one of the best attackers in Europe in Omar Marmoush and a defensive midfielder.”

    ‘Negotiations tricky in City’s pursuit of Gonzalez’

    Sky Sports News’ Ben Ransom at Man City’s training ground:

    “He’s a player Man City really like.

    “Midfield has been a problem for City this season in the absence of the injured Rodri, so Gonzalez fits the bill. He’s a player City have scouted extensively.

    “Gonzalez’s dad, Fran, who was a player for Deportivo, has worked in City’s academy and City, when Nico was 14 and 16 tried to sign him twice.

    “He has now impressed at Porto in the 18 months since his move from Barcelona.

    “It’s the move from Barca that actually makes this move tricky because negotiations are revolving over the fee. The player has a £50m release clause and as it stands Porto want that paid in full.

    “That’s due in part because Barcelona have a 40 per cent sell-on clause, so that would be quite a chunk on any potential fee.

    “There’s also a second element to this deal where Porto can buy half of that fee from Barca for €6m. So, essentially, they can reduce that outlay to €18m IF City pay the full release clause.

    “However, City are playing hardball. They don’t want to meet that valuation as things stand.

    “This deal is a bit of a wait-and-see. One source has told me that if City do not meet the release clause the deal would be off and that would be their transfer window over.

    “But this is transfer deadline day and we know money talks. The two clubs are talking so there could still be some movement.”

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    Manchester City are reportedly hopeful of completing a Deadline Day signing of Porto midfielder Nico Gonzalez. The 20-year-old Argentine has been on the radar of the Premier League champions for some time now, and it appears that a deal could be in the works.

    Gonzalez has impressed with his performances for Porto this season, showcasing his technical ability and composure on the ball. His potential has caught the eye of City’s scouts, who see him as a long-term prospect for the club.

    With just hours left in the transfer window, City are working hard to finalize a deal for Gonzalez. The midfielder’s representatives are said to be in talks with the club, and there is optimism that an agreement can be reached before the deadline passes.

    If the deal goes through, Gonzalez would provide City with additional depth in midfield and give manager Pep Guardiola more options in the middle of the park. His arrival would be a welcome boost for the team as they look to defend their Premier League title and compete for silverware on multiple fronts.

    Stay tuned for more updates on this developing transfer saga as Deadline Day unfolds. City fans will be hoping that Gonzalez arrives at the Etihad Stadium to bolster their squad for the rest of the season.


    1. Nico Gonzalez
    2. Man City
    3. Deadline Day signing
    4. Porto midfielder
    5. Football News
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    9. Transfer deadline
    10. Man City transfer news

    #Nico #Gonzalez #Man #City #hopeful #completing #Deadline #Day #signing #Porto #midfielder #Football #News

  • Man City close to agreement to sign Porto midfielder Nico Gonzalez

    Manchester City are close to an agreement to sign midfielder Nico Gonzalez from Porto.

    The Athletic reported earlier today (Monday) that City were attempting to complete a deadline day move for Gonzalez, with negotiations ongoing.

    Personal terms are not thought to be an issue and while a deal is not yet done it is advancing towards a conclusion.

    The 23-year-old is capable of playing in both the No. 6 and No. 8 positions and fits the profile of midfielder City are looking for.

    City have been weighing up a move for a midfielder during the winter window, with Pep Guardiola’s squad short on options following the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury sustained by Rodri in September.

    Juventus’s Douglas Luiz was one of multiple options being considered before Gonzalez emerged as City’s primary target.

    Gonzalez is a product of Barcelona’s La Masia youth system and made 37 first-team appearances for the Catalan club before spending 2022-23 on loan at Valencia. He then joined Porto in the summer of 2023.

    Barca have a 40 per cent sell-on clause as part of the €8.5million deal that saw him sold to Porto.

    City have had a busy January window, signing centre-backs Vitor Reis, Juma Bah and Abdukodir Khusanov from Palmeiras, Real Valladolid and and Lens respectively, while also adding forward Omar Marmoush from Eintracht Frankfurt.



    City needed a new midfielder six weeks ago. Now it’s deadline day and they still need one

    (Andrej Isakovic/AFP via Getty Images)

    According to multiple reports, Manchester City are on the verge of reaching an agreement to sign Porto midfielder Nico Gonzalez. The 19-year-old Argentine has been highly sought after by several top European clubs, but it appears that City have made significant progress in their pursuit of the talented youngster.

    Gonzalez, who has been dubbed as a rising star in the football world, has impressed with his performances for Porto this season. His technical ability, vision, and passing range have caught the eye of City’s scouts, who see him as a potential long-term replacement for their aging midfield.

    While the deal is not yet finalized, it is believed that City are close to agreeing on a transfer fee with Porto and personal terms with Gonzalez. If all goes well, the young midfielder could be wearing the sky-blue jersey of Manchester City in the near future.

    Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story as City look to bolster their squad with another exciting young talent.


    1. Man City transfer news
    2. Porto midfielder Nico Gonzalez
    3. Man City transfer rumors
    4. Nico Gonzalez transfer update
    5. Man City latest signing
    6. Nico Gonzalez transfer deal
    7. Man City transfer targets
    8. Nico Gonzalez Porto
    9. Premier League transfer news
    10. Man City transfer updates

    #Man #City #close #agreement #sign #Porto #midfielder #Nico #Gonzalez

  • Manchester City targeting Porto midfielder Nico Gonzalez as Monday transfer deadline looms

    Getty Images

    Manchester City are working to complete the signing of Porto midfielder Nico Gonzalez before Monday’s transfer deadline with a view to boosting Pep Guardiola’s faltering midfield. The English champions are yet to reach a breakthrough with Porto in talks that began on Sunday and there is no guarantee that they will be able to secure an agreement before the window closes at 6 p.m. ET.

    Gonzalez has a release clause in his contract understood to be worth $61.5 million and City would have the option to simply activate that if they cannot find a breakthrough in talks with Porto. That would require them to pay the lump sum in one go, something which would be within their means but would constitute a serious commitment. Historically City are not a club willing to overpay to add to their squad.

    Arsenal humble Manchester City: Myles Lewis-Skelly signals a new era in dominant 5-1 win at the Emirates

    James Benge

    Arsenal humble Manchester City: Myles Lewis-Skelly signals a new era in dominant 5-1 win at the Emirates

    Equally, City’s midfield evidently needs strengthening after Sunday’s 5-1 demolition at the hands of Arsenal. Gonzalez is a strong, dynamic presence in the center of the park, his five goals and three assists suggesting a player who can make a big contribution in the penalty area as well.

    Complicating matters for Porto is the presence of a sell on clause to Barcelona, through whose academy Gonzalez developed before making his senior debut. It is believed that the Portuguese side would be obliged to hand 40 percent of any sale fee to Barcelona, heightening the pressure for them to receive as big a fee as possible.

    Amid onfield struggles, City have been notably active in January, adding three players to Guardiola’s squad already for a combined $150 million. Defenders Vitor Reis, Abdukodir Khusanov and Juma Bah have already arrived, the latter joining Lens on loan. Forward Omar Marmoush was also signed from Eintracht Frankfurt.

    Manchester City are reportedly eyeing up Porto midfielder Nico Gonzalez as the Monday transfer deadline approaches. The Premier League champions are said to be keen on adding the Argentine youngster to their squad before the window closes.

    Gonzalez, who is just 19 years old, has been impressing at Porto with his performances in midfield. City see him as a potential long-term prospect who could develop into a key player for the club in the future.

    With just days left before the transfer deadline, City are said to be working hard to secure a deal for Gonzalez. The midfielder is believed to be open to a move to the Etihad Stadium and could provide valuable depth in City’s midfield ranks.

    It remains to be seen whether City will be able to complete a deal for Gonzalez before Monday’s deadline, but fans will be hoping that they can get the deal over the line in time. Stay tuned for further updates as the transfer deadline looms.


    1. Manchester City transfer news
    2. Nico Gonzalez transfer rumors
    3. Manchester City transfer targets
    4. Porto midfielder Nico Gonzalez
    5. Monday transfer deadline
    6. Manchester City latest signings
    7. Nico Gonzalez potential move
    8. Football transfer updates
    9. Premier League transfer gossip
    10. Manchester City transfer deadline deals

    #Manchester #City #targeting #Porto #midfielder #Nico #Gonzalez #Monday #transfer #deadline #looms

  • Maccabi Tel Aviv vs Porto: UEFA Europa League stats & head-to-head

    1 8 6 1 1 17 5 12 19
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    2 8 6 1 1 15 7 8 19
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    3 8 5 3 0 16 9 7 18
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    • W

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    4 8 5 2 1 17 9 8 17
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    5 8 5 1 2 14 10 4 16
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    6 8 4 3 1 16 8 8 15
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    • D

      Result Draw


    8 4 3 1 9 3 6 15
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    8 8 4 2 2 16 10 6 14
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    8 4 2 2 14 11 3 14
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      Result Draw


    8 4 2 2 14 12 2 14
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    • L

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    8 4 2 2 10 9 1 14
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    8 4 1 3 16 8 8 13
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    13 8 4 1 3 13 9 4 13
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    8 3 4 1 19 16 3 13
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      Result Draw

    • D

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    15 8 3 3 2 10 6 4 12
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    8 3 3 2 13 12 1 12
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    • L

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    8 4 0 4 15 15 0 12
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    • L

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      Result Win


    8 3 2 3 13 11 2 11
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    • W

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    8 3 2 3 13 13 0 11
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      Result Draw

    • D

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      Result Loss


    8 3 2 3 9 9 0 11
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      Result Loss

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    • D

      Result Draw


    8 3 2 3 8 8 0 11
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    8 3 1 4 12 10 2 10
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      Result Loss


    8 2 4 2 8 9 -1 10
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      Result Draw

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      Result Win

    • W

      Result Win


    8 2 4 2 9 11 -2 10
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      Result Loss

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      Result Loss

    • D

      Result Draw

    • D

      Result Draw


    8 3 1 4 9 12 -3 10
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      Result Draw

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      Result Loss

    • L

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      Result Win


    8 3 1 4 9 14 -5 10
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      Result Draw

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      Result Loss

    27 8 2 3 3 11 14 -3 9
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      Result Draw

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    • W

      Result Win


    8 3 0 5 10 15 -5 9
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      Result Loss

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    8 2 0 6 8 17 -9 6
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      Result Loss

    • L

      Result Loss


    8 1 2 5 7 11 -4 5
    • L

      Result Loss

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      Result Loss

    • L

      Result Loss

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      Result Loss

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      Result Loss

    • D

      Result Draw


    8 1 2 5 10 17 -7 5
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      Result Loss

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      Result Draw

    • L

      Result Loss

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      Result Draw


    8 1 2 5 6 13 -7 5
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      Result Draw

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      Result Loss

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      Result Win

    • L

      Result Loss


    8 0 4 4 4 11 -7 4
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    • D

      Result Draw

    • D

      Result Draw

    • L

      Result Loss

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      Result Draw


    8 1 1 6 5 18 -13 4
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      Result Loss

    • L

      Result Loss

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    • D

      Result Draw

    • W

      Result Win

    35 8 0 3 5 7 16 -9 3
    • L

      Result Loss

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      Result Draw

    • L

      Result Loss

    • L

      Result Loss

    • L

      Result Loss

    • D

      Result Draw


    8 1 0 7 6 20 -14 3
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    • L

      Result Loss

    • L

      Result Loss

    • L

      Result Loss

    Maccabi Tel Aviv and Porto are set to face off in the UEFA Europa League, and fans are eagerly anticipating this exciting matchup. Let’s take a look at some key stats and the head-to-head record between these two teams.

    Maccabi Tel Aviv:
    – Maccabi Tel Aviv is currently playing in the Israeli Premier League and has a strong record in domestic competitions.
    – The team has a solid defense, conceding only a few goals in their recent matches.
    – Maccabi Tel Aviv has shown great form in the Europa League, winning important games and advancing to the knockout stages.

    – Porto is a well-known Portuguese team that has a rich history in European competitions.
    – The team is currently competing in the Primeira Liga and has been performing well in both domestic and international competitions.
    – Porto has a talented squad with skilled players who can make a difference in crucial moments.

    Head-to-head record:
    – Maccabi Tel Aviv and Porto have faced each other in European competitions before, with Porto having the upper hand in most of their encounters.
    – Despite this, Maccabi Tel Aviv has shown that they can compete with top teams and will be looking to cause an upset in this match.

    Overall, this promises to be an exciting and competitive match between Maccabi Tel Aviv and Porto in the UEFA Europa League. Fans can expect a thrilling game with both teams giving their all to secure a victory. Stay tuned for more updates and analysis on this highly anticipated matchup.


    Maccabi Tel Aviv, Porto, UEFA Europa League, stats, head-to-head, match analysis, team comparison, football, soccer, European competition, sports, Maccabi vs Porto

    #Maccabi #Tel #Aviv #Porto #UEFA #Europa #League #stats #headtohead

  • Manchester City formally approach FC Porto over midfielder Nico Gonzalez

    Premier League champions Manchester City have made a late formal approach to FC Porto for midfielder Nico Gonzalez, according to emerging reports.

    Txiki Begiristain and his recruitment colleagues have been active in the ongoing January transfer market, and having already spent in excess of £120 million on three new players, the club remain very much active in the final days of the window.

    That ongoing search centres around the middle of Pep Guardiola’s operation, and having seen midfield struggles emerge throughout the season particularly in light of Rodri’s long-term injury, there is an awareness that investment must be made in the position.

    So far, Manchester City have had little luck in bringing in a new central midfielder, having showing an interest in a short-term loan deal for Juventus’ Douglas Luiz, and holding admiration in Atalanta’s Éderson.

    But with just a few days remaining in the market, it appears as though the pursuit of a new name in the central role is intensifying, with Txiki Begiristain now taking the search and conversation over to Portuguese football.

    According to exclusive information from transfer market insider Fabrizio Romano, Manchester City have now made a formal approach to FC Porto over central midfielder, Nico González with talks now underway.

    It is detailed that the Portuguese giants still hope to keep Gonzalez and are set to ask for an important transfer fee from Manchester City or else the player will not make the move to the Etihad Stadium this month.

    Interestingly, it is pointed out that the 23-year-old Spaniard has a release clause in his Porto contract worth €60 million and his former club, FC Barcelona retain a 40 per cent sell-on clause as part of the deal that saw the player head to Portugal in 2023.

    Additional reporting from Sky Sports News’ Lyall Thomas has further revealed that Manchester City are not prepared to meet the player’s release clause, and it remains to be seen whether Porto are open to negotiation.

    Gonzalez has been at the Portuguese side for only one-year-and-a-half after joining Porto from Barcelona in July 2023, signing a five-year contract in the Primeira Liga for a reported fee of €8.5 million.

    Should Manchester City manage to find an agreement with Porto, any such deal would represent a significant profit for the club, and make Gonzalez the latest player from Estadio do Dragao to represent the Etihad Stadium club, too.

    In total, there have been four connections linking Manchester City with FC Porto, after Nicolas Otamendi, Fernando Reges, Danilo, and Eliaquim Mangala represented the two clubs with varying success when it came to their Premier League careers.

    Manchester City has officially made their move to sign FC Porto midfielder Nico Gonzalez, as the Premier League champions have formally approached the Portuguese club for talks.

    Gonzalez, who has been impressing in the midfield for Porto, has caught the eye of City’s scouts and manager Pep Guardiola. The 23-year-old Argentine has been a standout performer for Porto this season, showcasing his technical ability, passing range, and defensive awareness.

    City are reportedly keen on bolstering their midfield options and see Gonzalez as a player who can add depth and quality to their squad. The club is said to be in discussions with Porto over a potential transfer fee and contract terms for the talented midfielder.

    Gonzalez’s potential move to City would represent a significant step up in his career, as he would have the opportunity to play for one of the top clubs in Europe and compete for major trophies on a regular basis.

    Stay tuned for further updates on this developing transfer saga as City look to secure the services of Nico Gonzalez from FC Porto.


    Manchester City, FC Porto, Nico Gonzalez, transfer news, football, Premier League, Portuguese Liga, transfer negotiations, player recruitment, sports news

    #Manchester #City #formally #approach #Porto #midfielder #Nico #Gonzalez

  • Manchester City formally approach FC Porto over midfielder Nico Gonzalez

    Premier League champions Manchester City have made a late formal approach to FC Porto for midfielder Nico Gonzalez, according to emerging reports.

    Txiki Begiristain and his recruitment colleagues have been active in the ongoing January transfer market, and having already spent in excess of £120 million on three new players, the club remain very much active in the final days of the window.

    That ongoing search centres around the middle of Pep Guardiola’s operation, and having seen midfield struggles emerge throughout the season particularly in light of Rodri’s long-term injury, there is an awareness that investment must be made in the position.

    So far, Manchester City have had little luck in bringing in a new central midfielder, having showing an interest in a short-term loan deal for Juventus’ Douglas Luiz, and holding admiration in Atalanta’s Éderson.

    But with just a few days remaining in the market, it appears as though the pursuit of a new name in the central role is intensifying, with Txiki Begiristain now taking the search and conversation over to Portuguese football.

    According to exclusive information from transfer market insider Fabrizio Romano, Manchester City have now made a formal approach to FC Porto over central midfielder, Nico González with talks now underway.

    It is detailed that the Portuguese giants still hope to keep Gonzalez and are set to ask for an important transfer fee from Manchester City or else the player will not make the move to the Etihad Stadium this month.

    Interestingly, it is pointed out that the 23-year-old Spaniard has a release clause in his Porto contract worth €60 million and his former club, FC Barcelona retain a 40 per cent sell-on clause as part of the deal that saw the player head to Portugal in 2023.

    Additional reporting from Sky Sports News’ Lyall Thomas has further revealed that Manchester City are not prepared to meet the player’s release clause, and it remains to be seen whether Porto are open to negotiation.

    Gonzalez has been at the Portuguese side for only one-year-and-a-half after joining Porto from Barcelona in July 2023, signing a five-year contract in the Primeira Liga for a reported fee of €8.5 million.

    Should Manchester City manage to find an agreement with Porto, any such deal would represent a significant profit for the club, and make Gonzalez the latest player from Estadio do Dragao to represent the Etihad Stadium club, too.

    In total, there have been four connections linking Manchester City with FC Porto, after Nicolas Otamendi, Fernando Reges, Danilo, and Eliaquim Mangala represented the two clubs with varying success when it came to their Premier League careers.

    View publisher imprint

    English Premier League champions Manchester City have officially approached Portuguese club FC Porto over Argentine midfielder Nico Gonzalez. The 20-year-old has been a standout performer for Porto this season, catching the eye of many top clubs across Europe.

    Manchester City’s interest in Gonzalez comes as no surprise, as they look to bolster their midfield options ahead of next season. The talented youngster has been compared to City’s very own Kevin De Bruyne, with his vision, passing range, and ability to dictate play from deep midfield positions.

    Gonzalez has been a key player for Porto this season, helping them in their quest for domestic and European success. His performances have not gone unnoticed by City’s scouting team, who have been monitoring his progress closely.

    It remains to be seen whether Porto will be willing to part ways with Gonzalez, but Manchester City are believed to be preparing a lucrative offer to tempt them into selling. With Pep Guardiola’s side looking to strengthen their squad in the coming months, Gonzalez could prove to be a valuable addition to their midfield ranks.

    Stay tuned for further updates on this developing transfer story as Manchester City look to secure the services of Nico Gonzalez from FC Porto.


    1. Manchester City transfer news
    2. FC Porto midfielder Nico Gonzalez
    3. Nico Gonzalez transfer update
    4. Manchester City transfer rumors
    5. Premier League transfer gossip
    6. Football transfer news
    7. Manchester City FC updates
    8. FC Porto transfer negotiations
    9. Nico Gonzalez potential move
    10. Manchester City latest signings

    #Manchester #City #formally #approach #Porto #midfielder #Nico #Gonzalez