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  • WWE Royal Rumble 2025: Punk, Cena, Penta y las historias a seguir

    ¿Quién ponchará su boleto a WrestleMania 41? El camino a ‘La Vitrina de los Inmortales’ comienza este sábado 1 de febrero en el Royal Rumble.

    Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno. Suena la bocina, baja el siguiente luchador y así comienza el camino hacia WrestleMania, en lo que probablemente es el segundo evento más importante del año de la WWE (con respeto a SummerSlam), el Royal Rumble que se lleva a cabo este sábado 1 de febrero desde el Lucas Oil Stadium en Indianápolis.

    Luego de que Cody Rhodes hizo historia en 2024 como el cuarto luchador en ganar Rumbles consecutivos, la edición actual no contará con el Campeón Indiscutido de la WWE, quien tendrá las manos llenas con Kevin Owens en una Lucha de Escalera por el título.

    Pero no hay de que preocuparse. Triple HHH y compañía hicieron una labor magnífica alrededor del evento, sumando poder estelar al Rumble con CM Punk, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Drew McIntyre, Seth ‘Freakin’ Rollins, Logan Paul, Jey Uso y claro está John Cena para crear mucha incertidumbre sobre quién ponchará su boleto a WrestleMania 41 el fin de semana de 19-20 de abril en Las Vegas. Y si creen que me equivoco, solo consulten el promo cara a cara entre Punk y Rhodes del Raw antes del Rumble.

    Eso es sin contar las sorpresas inesperadas en el Rumble, los debuts y las otras luchas que hacen de este Rumble imperdible.

    Consulta aquí algunas de las historias que le darán forma al evento.

    CM Punk y un favor a cobrar

    Desde Survivor Series sabemos que Paul Heyman le debe un favor a CM Punk, y podemos adivinar que el mismo involucra a Reigns. Y con las dos superestrellas destinadas a encontrarse frente a frente en el Rumble con un boleto al main event de WrestleMania en juego, quizás llega el momento en que Heyman se ve obligado a pagar.

    Punk ha estado en fuego recientemente, creando mucho impulso alrededor de su historia rumbo a Mania. Sin duda estará en una de las peleas estelares, y cómo llega ahí y quién será su pareja de baile será de las primeras planas a través de los próximos meses. Nunca ha ganado el Rumble, lo que sería the cherry on top en su camino a WrestleMania.

    Y hablando de una posible pareja de baile…

    ¿Qué del Tribal Chief?

    El OTC de la WWE tiene los ojos puestos en ganar el Rumble por segunda vez y retar a Rhodes por el título que tuvo por 1,316 días antes de ser destronado el año pasado. Desde entonces, Roman estuvo involucrado en la puja con Solo Sikoa y el nuevo Bloodline, pero ese tema parece estar a un lado por el momento luego de la victoria de Roman sobre Sikoa y la bendición de The Rock en el debut de Netflix el pasado 6 de enero.

    De ser así, y asumiendo que The Rock no vuelva para reiniciar la acción familiar, Reigns está libre para ir por el Campeonato y ganar el Rumble lo dejaría al borde de completar solo la tercera trilogía de luchas en la historia de WrestleMania contra Rhodes (Austin vs The Rock, HHH-Taker)

    En teoría. En práctica, Reings no necesita el Campeonato para ser estelar de WrestleMania, y sabemos que el Rumble no es la única forma para llegar al main event. Es solo la primera.

    A menos que sea tu última.

    El último Royal Rumble de John Cena

    Hablando de historias a seguir. 2025 es el año de despedida de Cena, y el 16 veces campeón tendrá un rol protagónico a través del mismo, en especial durante los eventos grandes.

    El objetivo de Cena de ganar el Campeonato y romper un empate con Ric Flair por la mayor cantidad en la era WWE/WCW/NWA parece estar destinado a cumplirse en algún momento, y ganar el Rumble le daría dicha oportunidad, encabezando WrestleMania por 6ta y última vez.

    Sin embargo, el caso de Cena y su historia podría ser un maratón y no un sprint, culminando en algún evento grande post-Mania. Tiene muchas luchas disponibles para llenar su carta mientras tanto y cada una de ellas será especial, desde posibles revanchas con rivales del pasado (Punk, Owens, Randy Orton) a nuevos oponentes (Paul, Gunter).

    El otro lado de la moneda es que las luchas Cena-Rhodes o Cena-Gunther en Mania serían enorme, en especial si Cena logra destronar a ‘The American Nightmare’ o ‘The Ring General’. En el caso de Cena-Rhodes, aunque ambos son faces, solo la electricidad que generaría haría de la lucha memorable (tipo Hogan-Rock).

    Claro está, primero Rhodes tiene que manejar sus negocios.

    Cody vs. KO: dos cinturones, una escalera

    Rhodes tendrá sus manos llenas en el Rumble contra Owens en una Lucha de Escaleras por el Campeonato (con la faja Winged Eagle que carga Owens desde Saturday Night’s Main Event colgando junto al cinturón de Rhodes) en lo que sería la coronación de su rivalidad muy personal de los últimos meses, incluyendo dos luchas por el Campeonato desde finales de agosto.

    Aunque el resultado podría verse un poco coreografiado debido al tiempo restante antes de WrestleMania, todavía existe una ventana para que Owens logre la sorpresa Y Rhodes llega a Mania con el cinturón. Una victoria del villano Owens sería bienvenida por muchos que aprecian el gran trabajo que el ‘Prizefighter’ ha hecho en los últimos meses, mezclando la realidad con la ficción de manera brillante en sus promos y sus acciones.

    Lo que sí es seguro es que esta lucha puede ser la mejor de la noche, involucrando además varias piezas en juego de Campeonato como McIntyre, Zayn y Punk, entro otros.

    Y hablando de otros…

    ¿Regresará Randy Orton?

    Uno que podría estar asomándose de vuelta en el cuadrilátero es Randy Orton, quien lleva fuera desde que KO lo sacó de acción en noviembre. De seguro regresaría para costarle la lucha a KO, pero la relación previa entre Rhodes y Orton y la dinámica entre los tres, deja la puerta abierta para un RKO de la nada que afecte de manera inesperada el panorama de Campeonato.

    Orton siempre ha hecho su mejor trabajo como heel, pero parece estar en este punto de su carrera que será aplaudido eventualmente no importa el rol que tenga, sea de face o heel; similar a Shawn Michaels al final de su trayectoria.

    Y quién sabe, quizás Orton no solo se asoma en la pelea de campeonato, sino en el Rumble también. Si KO supera a Rhodes, que mejor forma de asegurar que podrá vengarse contra Owens que no sea ganando el Rumble para retarlo en WrestleMania; y si Rhodes es el que se impone, Orton fácilmente podría asumir el rol de villano.

    De cualquier forma, ver a Orton de vuelta catalogaría como sorpresa. Pero no necesariamente sería la más grande de la noche.

    Penta, Fatu, sorpresas y debuts



    El debut épico de Penta en WWE Raw

    El luchador mexicano Penta hace su tan esperado debut en el ring de la WWE durante el episodio del lunes 13 de enero.

    Qué sería de un Rumble sin un debut sorpresa o un regreso inesperado. Contestación: no sería un Rumble.

    Muchos de los momentos destacadas durante la historia del evento involucran debuts o regresos en función del factor sorpresa que indudablemente acompaña a este tipo de lucha. La cuenta regresiva se presta para eso.

    Ya hablamos de Orton y su regreso, y sabemos que Charlotte Flair estará de vuelta. Pero también podemos anticipar los debuts de luchadores en el Rumble como Penta y Jacob Fatu, dos apuestas de la empresa para el futuro, al igual que debuts y apariciones de luchadores de otras promociones, ya sea en calidad de prestamo o luchando para WWE a tiempo completo.

    Penta y Fatu, en específico, deben tener momentos destacados en el evento, comenzando a sembrar las semillas en sus respectivas travesías rumbo a WrestleMania. Ya hubo un ‘tease’ de Penta retando a Bron Breakker por el Campeonato Intercontinental, lo cual sería un emparejamiento que dejaría a los fans salivándose.

    Como mencionamos, Flair estará de vuelta y luce como una de las favoritas para ganar un Royal Rumble de mujeres que también podría presenciar los regresos de Jade Cargill y Becky Lynch.

    Y hablando de las mujeres.

    Flair de vuelta; ¿aparecerán Jade y Becky?

    Con las dos campeonas mundiales, Rhea Ripley y Tiffany Stratton, sin compromisos en el Rumble y pendientes a la acción, la contienda dentro del ring se intensifica más debido a la intriga que genera el nutrido campo de luchadoras.

    Flair ganando para retar a Tiffy suena lógico, con Ripley esperando hasta el Chamber para conocer a su rival (¿quizás es aquí que regresa The Man?). Rhea vs. Bianca Belair es probablemente la lucha de ensueño, pero el drama que podría existir entre Belair y su compañera lesionada Jade Cargill y quién la lastimó (¿Belair? ¿Naomi?), dede mantener ocupada a la EST en Mania.

    Fuera de eso, no cabe duda de que el Rumble de mujeres tiene el potencial de ser excelente. No solamente contará con los nombres ya mencionados y las estrellas ya confirmadas, sino que varias luchadoras de NXT deben hacer la caminata rumbo al ring, incluyendo Roxanne Perez, quien debe brincar al main roster pronto, y las internacionales Giulia (actual campeona de NXT) y Stephanie Vaquer.

    Los Campeonatos en Pareja podrían robarse el show en 2 de 3 caías

    Ok, los campeonatos en pareja – tanto en Raw como Smackdown – no han sido necesariamente una prioridad desde que Zayn y KO los perdieron luego de su memorable triunfo sobre los Usos en WrestleMania 39, pero por lo menos la lucha entre los campeones de la WWE, DIY (Johnny Gargano y Tommaso Ciampa) y los ex monarcas Motor Cirty Machine Guns (Chris Sabin y Alex Shelley), tiene todos los ingredientes para ser un clásico.

    La estipulación para la lucha de 2 de 3 caídas debe brindarles tiempo de más a estos cuatro veteranos del ring para montar un show entrenido y contar una buena historia. Gargano y Ciampa han hecho una gran labor luego de convertirse en heels para ganar los títulos, y es casi imposible que tengan una mala lucha con los MCMG.

    La gran pregunta rumbo al futuro es si el abuso y manipulación de DYI a Pretty Deadly terminará en un face turn de Elton Prince y Kit Wilson para desafiarlos en el Chamber o quizás Mania.

    WWE Royal Rumble 2025: Punk, Cena, Penta y las historias a seguir

    El WWE Royal Rumble 2025 promete ser uno de los eventos más emocionantes del año, con algunas de las superestrellas más grandes de la industria listas para enfrentarse en el ring. Entre los nombres más destacados que se espera que participen en el evento se encuentran CM Punk, John Cena y Penta El Zero Miedo, cada uno con su propia historia intrigante que promete mantener a los fanáticos al borde de sus asientos.

    CM Punk, quien ha regresado a la WWE después de varios años alejado de la empresa, está listo para demostrar que todavía tiene lo que se necesita para ser uno de los mejores en la industria. Con su carisma inigualable y su habilidad en el ring, Punk seguramente será una fuerza a tener en cuenta en el Royal Rumble.

    Por otro lado, John Cena, una leyenda viviente en la WWE, también estará en el evento, buscando agregar otro logro a su impresionante carrera. Con su dedicación y determinación, Cena siempre es un contendiente serio en cualquier combate en el que participe, y el Royal Rumble no será la excepción.

    Finalmente, Penta El Zero Miedo, conocido por su estilo único y su actitud desafiante, también estará en el Royal Rumble, listo para enfrentarse a cualquier oponente que se interponga en su camino. Con su capacidad para sorprender a los fanáticos y sus habilidades en el ring, Penta es definitivamente una superestrella a seguir en este evento.

    Con estas tres superestrellas listas para competir en el WWE Royal Rumble 2025, las historias y rivalidades que se desarrollarán en el ring prometen ser emocionantes y llenas de acción. Los fanáticos de la lucha libre no querrán perderse este evento, ya que promete ser uno de los más emocionantes y memorables de la historia reciente de la WWE. ¡Prepárense para el Royal Rumble!


    WWE Royal Rumble 2025, Punk, Cena, Penta, wrestling, WWE Superstars, Royal Rumble matches, wrestling stories, WWE champions, wrestling rivalries, WWE predictions, wrestling news, WWE updates, WWE events, wrestling entertainment

    #WWE #Royal #Rumble #Punk #Cena #Penta #las #historias #seguir

  • Penta Explains Significance Of WWE Debut, Former WWE Star Wants In Wyatt Sicks, CM Punk Gives AJ Lee/Rumble Update

    During a recent appearance on the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, Penta discussed his WWE debut on the January 13th episode of RAW.

    Penta noted that he had mixed feelings about his WWE debut.

    He said, “Oh, man, actually, I had mixed feelings and emotions. When I heard the ‘one, two, three,’ I turned around my head to the crowd, I see my daughter crying. I feel so proud about me, and next I feel so proud about my family. In my mind, it’s, ‘I did this because this is my dream.’ My family is here, the big place, California. California represents something special for me in my career because I started in LA. What a [special] night for me. Chad Gable, this match with Chad Gable, turning point in my career because Chad Gable is one of the beat wrestlers in the world. Very professional, very…he have something like me, the passion for this business. I said after my match, ‘Thank you, Chad because you is the person [in] the turning point of my career.’ Now, after the match, I take my family with Rey Mysterio, drink in cheers with something in my room, I take dinner with my family, talking about it after the match. I asked my daughter, ‘How you feel?’ My daughter said, ‘I don’t know, sad and happy.’ I understand why, because it’s 20 years, work every day for this dream. This is my feeling now.”

    Penta will compete in the men’s Royal Rumble match tomorrow night.

    TJP says he has some storyline ideas if he were ever to return to WWE.

    TJP, who was released from WWE in 2019, recently appeared on the “Straight Talk Wrestling” to discuss a variety of topics including what his Aswang character could do in WWE. He said,

    “They have a few monsters on the roster, they got some red mist on the roster, they got some spooky people on the roster. Who knows? Maybe they need one more. If it were up to me, everybody would be a scary, spooky monster. But that’s just me [laughs]. But yeah, I would love to do it. There’s a lot of things I would love to do, even in regards to the crossover of artistic connection. I would love for The Aswang to wrestle The Demon. I would love for The Aswang to wrestle Shinsuke [Nakamura] as this Ronin samurai. I would love for The Aswang to play a part in the Wyatt Sicks or whatever. There’s a lot of cool things that I think would be fun to do. But we’ll see. We’ll see how it goes. But yes, I would love to do it”

    Jackie Redmond recently asked CM Punk who he wanted to see in the women’s Royal Rumble, which Punk responded to by saying,

    “There’s a big one that I’m not going to say because I’m gonna get in trouble.”

    On today’s edition of “The Pat McAfee Show,” Punk was asked about his wife AJ Lee appearing in the women’s Royal Rumble match. He said,

    “There are no clues. There are no clues. She’s at home watching Larry.”

    Penta Explains Significance Of WWE Debut:

    In a recent interview with WWE.com, Penta El Zero Miedo, formerly known as Pentagon Jr., opened up about the significance of his debut in WWE. The Mexican wrestling star expressed his excitement and gratitude for the opportunity to showcase his skills on the biggest stage in professional wrestling.

    Penta stated, “My debut in WWE is a dream come true for me. I have worked hard for years to get to this point, and I am grateful for the chance to prove myself to the WWE Universe. I am determined to make a lasting impact and show the world what I am capable of.”

    Former WWE Star Wants In Wyatt Sicks:

    Former WWE star Bray Wyatt, who was released from the company earlier this year, has expressed his desire to join the newly formed wrestling promotion Wyatt Sicks. The enigmatic wrestler took to social media to share his interest in being a part of the up-and-coming promotion, which is led by former WWE executive Paul Heyman.

    Wyatt tweeted, “I have unfinished business in the wrestling world, and I believe Wyatt Sicks is the perfect place for me to continue my journey. I am ready to bring my unique brand of storytelling and character work to this exciting new promotion.”

    CM Punk Gives AJ Lee/Rumble Update:

    In a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, CM Punk provided an update on his wife AJ Lee’s potential involvement in the upcoming Royal Rumble event. The former WWE champion revealed that Lee is currently focused on her own projects outside of wrestling but did not rule out the possibility of her making a surprise appearance at the event.

    Punk stated, “AJ is doing great and pursuing her own passions right now. As for the Royal Rumble, anything is possible in the world of professional wrestling. We will just have to wait and see what the future holds for her.”


    1. Penta El Zero M explains significance of WWE debut
    2. Former WWE star Wyatt Sicks wants in on latest news
    3. CM Punk gives AJ Lee/Rumble update
    4. Wrestling news: Penta El Zero M, Wyatt Sicks, CM Punk, AJ Lee, Rumble
    5. WWE debut explained by Penta El Zero M
    6. Wyatt Sicks expresses interest in WWE return
    7. CM Punk shares update on AJ Lee and Royal Rumble
    8. Wrestling stars discuss WWE debut and return plans

    #Penta #Explains #Significance #WWE #Debut #WWE #Star #Wyatt #Sicks #Punk #LeeRumble #Update

  • CM Punk Compares Triple H And Vince McMahon’s Leadership Styles – PWMania

    CM Punk appeared on Friday’s edition of The Pat McAfee Show, where he discussed a range of topics, including the differences between working under Triple H and Vince McMahon.

    Punk highlighted Triple H’s openness to feedback and willingness to consider other people’s ideas—something he believes was less common under McMahon. However, he also acknowledged the importance of having a definitive leader in charge.

    “I think he’s receptive to other people’s ideas, whereas maybe Vince wasn’t. He was like, ‘I’m the boss. We’re doing this, and this is how we’re doing it.’ And that’s great. If you run a company, you need somebody who is the yes and no man and [has] the final say.”

    Punk continued, emphasizing Triple H’s collaborative approach:

    “But I think Triple H thinks he’s surrounded, and oftentimes is, by a lot of really, really genius wrestling minds. If he has an idea or see something one way, he’ll look at Michael Hayes and be like, ‘What do you think?’ He’ll turn and look at Paul Heyman. These are people who have Bonafide resumes. They have literally done everything you possibly could do in the sport. I think their voices should be heard. Not all the time everybody’s going to have this dynamite idea. But I think the best idea always wins in today’s WWE.”

    Punk also noted that he prefers not to discuss backstage dynamics publicly, as he believes it can come across as disingenuous.

    In a recent interview with PWMania, CM Punk opened up about his thoughts on the leadership styles of Triple H and Vince McMahon. Punk, who has worked closely with both men during his time in WWE, had some interesting insights to share.

    When asked about Triple H’s leadership style, Punk described him as a “player’s coach.” He praised Triple H for being approachable and for genuinely caring about the well-being of his talent. Punk also noted that Triple H is more willing to listen to the ideas and feedback of the wrestlers, which creates a more collaborative atmosphere backstage.

    On the other hand, Punk had a different perspective on Vince McMahon’s leadership style. He described McMahon as a “dictator” who rules with an iron fist. Punk acknowledged McMahon’s incredible success in building WWE into a global powerhouse but also criticized him for being out of touch with the current wrestling landscape. Punk suggested that McMahon’s stubbornness and unwillingness to change are holding WWE back from reaching its full potential.

    Overall, Punk’s comparison of Triple H and Vince McMahon’s leadership styles sheds light on the different approaches to running a wrestling company. While Triple H is seen as more open and collaborative, McMahon is viewed as a powerful but sometimes rigid leader. It will be interesting to see how these contrasting styles continue to shape the future of WWE.


    CM Punk, Triple H, Vince McMahon, leadership styles, comparison, WWE, wrestling, professional wrestling, CM Punk interview, WWE executives, leadership qualities, wrestling industry leaders, Triple H leadership style, Vince McMahon leadership style

    #Punk #Compares #Triple #Vince #McMahons #Leadership #Styles #PWMania

  • CM Punk Reveals Why WWE Is Much Better Now That Vince McMahon Is Gone

    WWE superstar CM Punk returned to the company after a 10-year absence just over a year ago, and he returned to a drastically different landscape. When Punk left, under a cloud, WWE was ruled with an iron fist by Vince McMahon. Now, Punk has opened up about the dramatic shift in WWE’s creative landscape since McMahon’s departure. The Voice of the Voiceless drew a clear line between the autocratic era under McMahon and the more collaborative environment ushered in by Triple H, arguing that this change has made the company a better place for creative minds, speaking on The Pat McAfee Show ahead of this weekend’s Royal Rumble.

    Punk recalled his experiences under McMahon’s reign, describing McMahon’s management style as a strict top-down approach. “I think he’s receptive to other people’s ideas, whereas maybe Vince wasn’t. He was like, ‘I’m the boss. We’re doing this, and this is how we’re doing it,’” Punk explained. While he acknowledged that any organization needs someone with the final say, he contended that McMahon’s methods left little room for creative input, and that his methods actually stifled any creativity when things got stale.

    CM Punk Says Triple H’s Approach is Working

    In stark contrast, Punk praised Triple H for his willingness to listen and adapt, which does have a certain irony given the well documented animosity between the pair when Punk left the company. Indeed, Punk’s release papers were allegedly sent to him on his wedding day. But time heals all wounds, and for Punk, the company is now in the right hands.

    “Triple H thinks he’s surrounded, and oftentimes is, by a lot of really, really genius wrestling minds. If he has an idea or sees something one way, he’ll look at Michael Hayes and be like, ‘What do you think?’ He’ll turn and look at Paul Heyman,” Punk noted.

    Despite his praise for the current leadership, Punk was quick to sidestep any in-depth discussion of the backstage dynamics. “I don’t like talking publicly about the backstage vibes because it comes across as BS,” he admitted.

    WWE is clearly embracing a new era where everyone has a say, and the clear collaboration between all parties is evidently making the product better for the fans and the wrestlers too, which is a huge factor in why the product is so hot now.

    WWE Raw streams every Monday on Netflix at 8 PM ET. Stay tuned to Collider for more WWE news.


    WWE Raw

    Release Date

    January 11, 1993


    Kevin Dunn

    • Cast Placeholder Image
    • Cast Placeholder Image

      Chris Mordetzky

      Chris Masters

    • Cast Placeholder Image

      Maria Kanellis-Bennett


    • Cast Placeholder Image

    In a recent interview, former WWE superstar CM Punk made a shocking revelation about the current state of the company, stating that WWE is much better now that Vince McMahon is no longer in charge. Punk, who left WWE in 2014 amidst controversy and has since found success in the world of MMA and acting, explained that McMahon’s departure has allowed for a new era of creativity and talent to flourish.

    According to Punk, McMahon’s micromanaging and outdated ideas were stifling the growth and potential of WWE superstars. With McMahon out of the picture, Punk believes that the younger generation of wrestlers have more freedom to showcase their skills and connect with audiences in a more authentic way.

    Punk also praised the new leadership in WWE for their willingness to listen to the feedback and ideas of the talent, creating a more collaborative and inclusive environment. This shift in mentality has led to more opportunities for wrestlers to shine and for fans to enjoy a fresh and exciting product.

    While McMahon’s influence will always be felt in WWE, Punk’s comments shed light on the positive changes that have occurred since his departure. With a renewed focus on innovation and talent development, WWE is poised to continue its evolution and provide fans with even more thrilling moments in the future.


    1. CM Punk
    2. WWE
    3. Vince McMahon
    4. Wrestling
    5. Professional wrestling
    6. WWE news
    7. CM Punk interview
    8. Vince McMahon departure
    9. Wrestling industry
    10. WWE changes

    #Punk #Reveals #WWE #Vince #McMahon

  • CM Punk Discusses His Creative Partnership With Triple H

    – During yesterday’s edition of The Pat McAfee Show, WWE Superstar CM Punk was asked about working with WWE Chief Creative Officer Paul “Triple H” Levesque, comparing his leadership to Vince McMahon Below are some highlights (via Fightful):

    CM Punk on Triple H: “I think he’s receptive to other people’s ideas, whereas maybe Vince wasn’t. He was, ‘I’m the boss, we’re doing this and this is how we’re doing it.’ That’s great. If you run a company, you need somebody who is the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ man, and the final say.”

    On Triple H surrounding himself with genius wrestling minds: Triple H thinks he’s surrounded, and oftentimes is, but a lot of really genius wrestling minds. If he has an idea or sees something one way, he’ll look at Michael Hayes and be like, ‘What do you think?’ He’ll look at Paul Heyman. These are people who have bonafide resumes and have literally done everything you could possibly do in the sport and their voices should be heard. Not all the time will everybody have this dynamite idea, but the best idea always wins in today’s WWE.”

    Punk will be competing in the men’s Rumble match later today at the WWE Royal Rumble 2025. The premium live event is being held at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana. It will be broadcast live on Peacock.

    In a recent interview, CM Punk opened up about his creative partnership with Triple H and how it has helped him grow as a performer.

    Punk spoke about how working alongside Triple H has allowed him to explore new ideas and push the boundaries of his character. He praised Triple H for his willingness to listen to his ideas and collaborate on developing compelling storylines.

    The former WWE champion also highlighted the importance of having a strong creative partnership in the wrestling industry, emphasizing that it is crucial for performers to have a voice in the creative process.

    Overall, Punk expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to work with Triple H and credited him for helping him elevate his game in the ring and on the mic.

    It’s clear that the creative partnership between CM Punk and Triple H has been a successful one, and fans can expect to see even more exciting collaborations between the two in the future.


    1. CM Punk
    2. Triple H
    3. Creative partnership
    4. Wrestling
    5. WWE
    6. Pro wrestling
    7. Collaboration
    8. Behind the scenes
    9. Professional wrestling
    10. Creative process

    #Punk #Discusses #Creative #Partnership #Triple

  • Here’s why CM Punk winning the Royal Rumble could be very bad for WWE

    CM Punk is one of the favorites to win the men’s Royal Rumble match this Saturday night (Feb. 1) at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana.

    Punk ranks among the biggest stars in WWE, and Paul Heyman happens to owe him a favor for helping The OG Bloodline win at War Games. The seeds are planted there for a WrestleMania headlining match between Punk and Roman Reigns.

    Punk also got up close and personal with Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes on this week’s episode of Raw, so that’s another potential ‘Mania main event that might be lined up for CM in April.

    The point is, there are plenty of reasons to think Punk has a good chance to win the men’s Royal Rumble match, point at the absurdly large WrestleMania sign, and realize his dream of main eventing WWE’s biggest show of the year.

    But what does that mean for the rest of Punk’s pro wrestling career if he finally checks that box off his to-do list? In an interview with Jackie Redmond, the 46-year-old Punk was asked about how much time he has left in the ring, and how it might feel to lose the Royal Rumble with so much on the line for him.

    CM said he knows exactly how empty he feels when he loses the Rumble, because he’s lost every Rumble match he’s ever competed in. It’s the thought of winning it that scares him, because what if that makes him less passionate about the business afterwards?

    “I’ll be very honest with you, that’s a scarier thought to me than losing. Because I haven’t experienced it.

    What if I do get there? You know, ‘cause we’re talking about career longevity, and we’re talking about my age. And you’re asking me very real questions.

    So, what if I win the Rumble? Great. What if I main event WrestleMania? And if my entire career, that has been my dream, and I accomplish that, maybe [I’m] a little bit scared that what I have in my heart for this business goes away, or fades, or is even less than the day before. Maybe what makes CM Punk so great is his constant hunger. And if I’m not hungry anymore, do I want to do this? Can I do this at this level? That scares me…be careful what you wish for, right?”

    I remember back around 2012 when Punk was in the midst of his 434 day WWE championship run, he suggested that he would walk away from pro wrestling earlier than anybody expected. That led to some fan speculation that maybe Vince McMahon intentionally kept him out of WrestleMania main events in order to keep him motivated to try reaching that spot again the following year.

    I doubt that’s the case, because The Rock vs. John Cena was always going to be the WrestleMania main events those years regardless of Punk’s comments about his future. That being said, CM’s thoughts in this new interview are feeding into the idea that he could lose his passion to continue wrestling if he does achieve his dream this year. Why would WWE book him to win the Royal Rumble and main event WrestleMania if it takes away the main thing that motivates CM Punk to be great and perform at the highest level?

    Do you think a Royal Rumble win for CM Punk could backfire on WWE? Let me know in the comments below, Cagesiders.

    CM Punk winning the Royal Rumble could be very bad for WWE

    With the Royal Rumble fast approaching, fans are buzzing with excitement and speculating about who will come out victorious in the iconic match. One name that has been making the rounds as a potential winner is none other than CM Punk.

    While the idea of seeing Punk back in the WWE and potentially winning the Royal Rumble may seem like a dream come true for many fans, there are several reasons why this could actually be very bad for the company.

    First and foremost, Punk has been out of the WWE for several years and has been critical of the company and its management in the past. Bringing him back and giving him such a high-profile win could potentially cause tension within the locker room and alienate other talent who have been working hard to earn their spot.

    Additionally, Punk’s win could overshadow other deserving wrestlers who have been putting in the work and building their characters within the company. Giving him such a big push could send the message that past success and name recognition are more important than current talent and hard work.

    Furthermore, Punk’s win could also send a negative message to fans, implying that WWE is relying on nostalgia and past stars to draw in viewers rather than investing in and building up their current roster.

    Overall, while the idea of CM Punk winning the Royal Rumble may be exciting for some fans, it could have negative consequences for WWE in the long run. It’s important for the company to focus on building up their current talent and creating new stars rather than relying on past successes to drive their product.


    1. CM Punk Royal Rumble win
    2. WWE Royal Rumble consequences
    3. CM Punk return to WWE
    4. Royal Rumble winner backlash
    5. WWE fan reactions to CM Punk win
    6. Impact of CM Punk Royal Rumble victory
    7. CM Punk WWE title shot
    8. Wrestling fans debate CM Punk Royal Rumble win
    9. CM Punk Royal Rumble booking
    10. WWE creative decision on CM Punk Royal Rumble win

    #Heres #Punk #winning #Royal #Rumble #bad #WWE

  • Paul Heyman blown away by success of this CM Punk in WWE

    CM Punk is finally learning where the person Phil Brooks and famous pro wrestling character begin and end — creating a character even more compelling than his younger self.

    That’s what longtime friend and former on-screen manager Paul Heyman has seen since Punk returned to WWE in November 2023 after a decade away from the company and a seven-year absence from pro wrestling.

    “I think Phil Brooks’ approach behind the scenes is far more mature and calculated,” Heyman said in a phone interview. “ I can say with great certainty, he has a far greater grasp of the persona of CM Punk than he had years ago. Because, much like anyone else caught up in the mix, and I’m certainly more guilty of this than probably anybody else in the locker room, you can get caught up in the persona and the persona can take on a life of its own, to the point where you have to be in the persona to think like the persona, instead of being able to strip that character from outside of its own skin.”

    CM Punk
    CM Punk Getty Images

    Punk’s first stint in WWE from 2005-14 saw him rail against the establishment on and off screen.

    Things ended abruptly and unceremoniously with him sick, injured and frustrated with how the company was booking him at the time and the medical treatment he was receiving from the company’s then-primary physician Dr. Chris Amann.

    Public comments Punk made led to Amann filing a defamation lawsuit against him but a jury ruled in favor of the wrestler in 2018.

    Punk, 46, has been a model citizen since rejoining WWE after his tumultuous and injury-riddled AEW tenure ended after two-plus years. He was fired with cause after a backstage scuffle with Jack Perry at All In in August 2023. 

    Now back in WWE, he is doing some of the best work of his career — especially in his feuds with Drew McIntyre and Seth Rollins — and has taken a great interest in going out of his way to help younger talent in NXT. 

    Heyman, currently “The “Wiseman” to Roman Reigns, stressed how much maturity it takes and the personal struggle some performers go through to get to the point where they can truly separate themselves from the persona they are portraying on screen — especially to “the degree that the CM Punk character or persona should be believed in.”

    “It’s a dangerous place to take yourself sometimes because you can get lost in it, but it also is the level of commitment that is necessary to be the best In the world and the greatest of all time,” Heyman said.

    Punk will look to finally secure his first WrestleMania main event match when he tries to win the 2025 Royal Rumble (6 p.m., Peacock) at Lucas Oil Stadium on Saturday.

    Heyman and Punk got to interact on screen together for the first time in more than 10 years in June, when Heyman interrupted a promo in Chicago to warn Punk about tangling with Solo Sikoa’s Bloodline and asked his friend to protect him from the group.

    Heyman also pulled “The Best in the World” into this version of Reigns’ orbit by recruiting him to be the fifth member of the Original Bloodline’s eventually victorious Survivor Series WarGames team.

    Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman
    Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman Craig Ambrosio/WWE

    Punk, in storyline, agreed to do it as a favor to an old friend and he can now ask a favor from Heyman down the road as WWE heads toward WrestleMania 41 in Las Vegas in April.

    For Heyman, it’s just another example of the intrigue that has made the Bloodline saga so successful, and the nature of the CM Punk character and the favor hanging over his head opens up a wide variety of possibilities for the story to go.

    “I always look for intrigue. What’s the mystery here? What’s the water cooler conversation after this airs?” Heyman said. “Where are the potential trajectories this story can argue it should take and therefore the possibilities the audience can sink its teeth into and get passionately behind or against? Punk adds so much of that because he is among the most unpredictable characters and personas in WWE history.”

    It’s what’s made Punk’s current run so fascinating to watch for Heyman because the former WWE champion is “presenting a character that on every level should not work.”

    During Punk’s first tenure in WWE, he was “The Voice of the Voiceless” for fans wanting to rebel against what they were unhappy about with the company at the time. WWE is currently as popular as it’s ever been, but Punk has still found his place and an outpouring of love from the audience.

    “How does a rebel continue to be the voice of rebellion against an establishment that is popular?” Heyman said. “How does a rebel age into his mid-40s and still be the voice that pushes for a progressive product? How does a rebel mature and not lose the very edge that made him so wildly popular?”

    Heyman attributes it to that professional maturity Punk has found both on and off screen — learning through experience “what not to do.”

    “It’s through the maturity he’s achieved that Phil Brooks can present the most articulate, most compelling rebel character not just in WWE, pro wrestling or sports entertainment history,” Heyman said. “I would suggest CM Punk is the most compelling rebel on screen today, be it television, movies or sports.”

    Paul Heyman, the legendary wrestling manager and advocate, has been left stunned by the remarkable success of CM Punk in WWE. The former UFC fighter turned professional wrestler has taken the wrestling world by storm since his return to the company, and Heyman has been quick to praise his achievements.

    In a recent interview, Heyman spoke about Punk’s impact on the industry, stating that he never expected him to reach the level of success that he has achieved in such a short amount of time. Heyman went on to say that Punk’s work ethic and dedication to his craft have been instrumental in his success, and that he is truly blown away by what Punk has been able to accomplish.

    Heyman, who has managed some of the biggest names in wrestling history, including Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns, has been vocal in his support of Punk and believes that he has the potential to be one of the all-time greats in WWE. With his undeniable talent and charisma, it’s no wonder that Punk has been able to win over fans and critics alike.

    As Punk continues to make waves in WWE, it’s clear that his success has not gone unnoticed by Heyman, who will no doubt continue to support and advocate for him as he climbs the ranks in the wrestling world. It’s an exciting time for both Punk and Heyman, and fans can’t wait to see what the future holds for this dynamic duo.


    1. Paul Heyman
    2. CM Punk
    3. WWE
    4. Success
    5. Wrestling
    6. Pro wrestling
    7. Superstar
    8. Paul Heyman reaction
    9. CM Punk return
    10. WWE news

    #Paul #Heyman #blown #success #Punk #WWE

  • Black Ties for Women, Womens Tie with Punk Metal Chain 2.76” Pre-Tied Necktie for Girl School Uniform Shirt Accessory

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    Are you looking to add a touch of edgy style to your school uniform or work attire? Look no further than our Black Tie for Women with Punk Metal Chain! This pre-tied necktie features a sleek black design with a unique metal chain detail, adding a hint of punk rock flair to your look.

    Measuring at 2.76 inches, this tie is the perfect accessory to pair with your school uniform shirt or professional attire. Whether you want to stand out from the crowd or simply add a touch of personality to your outfit, this women’s tie is sure to make a statement.

    Upgrade your wardrobe with our Black Tie for Women with Punk Metal Chain and show off your individual style in a bold and fashionable way. Order yours today and elevate your look with this trendy and chic accessory!
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  • CM Punk Blasts Seth Rollins For “Ignorant And Stupid” WWE Outfits – TJR Wrestling

    CM Punk isn’t a fan of what Seth “Freakin” Rollins likes to wear on WWE television.

    The main event of WWE Monday Night Raw’s first episode of Netflix saw former World Champions CM Punk and Seth “Freakin” Rollins face off in a highly anticipated main event.

    In the weeks leading up to the match, Punk and Rollins took personal shots at each other. While Rollins trashed Punk often for quitting WWE in 2014 and trashing the company after, Punk liked to mock Rollins for his theme song (Punk thinks it’s annoying) as well as Seth’s wardrobe choices on WWE television.

    For the past few years, Rollins went from dressing flashy to wearing some ridiculous, over-the-top outfits that make people wonder: “What is that guy wearing?” One outfit in particular that got a lot of attention saw Rollins wearing some giant red boots looking like they came from a video game or perhaps a clown in a circus.

    seth rollins wwe raw red boots

    In an interview that saw him go Sneaker Shopping with Complex, CM Punk didn’t hold back when Seth’s big red boots were mentioned.

    “Completely ignorant and stupid. I don’t know why anyone, outside of being in a movie or a television show, would wear those in real life. I’m not trying to gatekeep shoes or anything like that. It seems a little too ‘notice me’ for me.”

    CM Punk Considered A Favorite In Men’s Royal Rumble Match

    After his big win over Seth Rollins on Raw, CM Punk declared that he would be taking part in the Men’s Royal Rumble match on February 1st in Indianapolis.

    “46 [Punk’s age] is just a number. 1 through 30, just numbers. Royal Rumble, you’re next on the list. Gunther, I’m coming for you. Cody, I’m coming for you. I’m Mr. October. I’m Game 7. I am clutch. I am the best in the world.”

    A lot of other big names will be in the Royal Rumble including John Cena, Roman Reigns, Seth “Freakin” Rollins, Drew McIntyre, Sami Zayn, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Rey Mysterio. Many of those men have won Royal Rumbles in the past and have World Titles on their resume as well, so it won’t be easy for Punk or any of them to win this year’s Royal Rumble match.

    You can watch the WWE Royal Rumble when it streams live on Saturday, February 1, at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT, exclusively on Peacock in the United States and Netflix internationally.

    In a recent interview, CM Punk didn’t hold back his criticism of Seth Rollins’ WWE outfits, calling them “ignorant and stupid.” Punk, who is known for his own unique style in the ring, took issue with Rollins’ choice of attire, stating that it doesn’t reflect his personality or character.

    Punk went on to explain that Rollins’ outfits seem to be more about trying to stand out and get attention, rather than truly expressing who he is as a wrestler. He urged Rollins to take a step back and reconsider his wardrobe choices, suggesting that he should be more authentic and true to himself.

    This isn’t the first time Punk has spoken out about WWE superstars and their fashion choices, but his comments about Rollins have certainly sparked a debate among fans. While some agree with Punk’s assessment, others argue that Rollins’ outfits are a part of his persona and help him connect with the audience.

    Regardless of where you stand on the issue, it’s clear that Punk’s critique has struck a chord with many in the wrestling community. As Rollins continues to evolve his character and style, it will be interesting to see if he takes Punk’s advice to heart and makes changes to his wardrobe in the future.


    CM Punk, Seth Rollins, WWE, wrestling, outfits, criticism, rant, TJR Wrestling, professional wrestling, controversy, fashion choices, superstar feud, WWE Raw, SmackDown Live, wrestling news, sports entertainment, pro wrestling critique

    #Punk #Blasts #Seth #Rollins #Ignorant #Stupid #WWE #Outfits #TJR #Wrestling

  • Bully Ray Explores Scenarios For The Favor Paul Heyman Owes WWE’s CM Punk

    WWE legend Bully Ray has discussed the favor that CM Punk is owed by Paul Heyman and how that could potentially come into effect in the next few months. With Royal Rumble around the corner, several WWE stars have declared their entry into the Rumble match, one of whom is Punk, who has vowed to win the match and fulfill his long-awaited dream of main-eventing WrestleMania.

    Ray, in a recent edition of “Busted Open,” suggested a potential storyline for the favor that Heyman owes Punk, which could happen if Punk doesn’t win the men’s Royal Rumble match or the Elimination Chamber match. He proposed a story in which Roman Reigns wins the match, but Punk asks Heyman to remove Reigns from the spot in his favor.

    “Could you imagine if Roman wins the Rumble, and Roman is going to do exactly what he said and face Cody, and Punk goes to Paul [Heyman] and says, ‘I need you to talk Roman Reigns out of his match and give it to me.’ Holy sh*t. You want to talk about intriguing. Paul Heyman caught between Roman Reigns and CM Punk right before WrestleMania, Roman wins the match. Could you imagine the look on Paul’s face?” said Bully. “You kind of play it up. It’s like the Godfather asking his favor back in return.”

    Ray believes that Punk asking Heyman to get him into a WrestleMania main event match ahead of Reigns would get boos from the audience, despite how loved he is right now.

    The WWE Hall of Famer added that if Punk wins the Royal Rumble match, the storyline of Heyman owing him a favor would be “null and void,” unless it continues until SummerSlam later this year. He thinks that the favor story would not be needed if “The Second City Saint” wins either the Rumble match or Elimination Chamber.

    If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit “Busted Open” with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

    Bully Ray, former WWE superstar and current wrestling analyst, recently discussed the possibilities for the favor that Paul Heyman owes WWE’s CM Punk on his podcast. With Punk’s return to WWE and Heyman’s history of being a master manipulator, there are endless scenarios that could play out.

    One possibility is that Heyman could use his influence to book Punk in high-profile matches and help him secure championship opportunities. This could lead to Punk becoming a dominant force in WWE once again, thanks to Heyman’s connections and resources.

    Another scenario could involve Heyman assisting Punk in settling old scores with past rivals or helping him form new alliances within the company. Heyman’s ability to strategize and manipulate could prove invaluable in Punk’s quest for success.

    Additionally, Heyman could offer Punk advice and guidance on navigating the backstage politics of WWE, ensuring that Punk is able to maintain his momentum and avoid any potential roadblocks.

    Overall, the favor that Heyman owes Punk could open up a world of possibilities for the former WWE champion. With Heyman’s expertise and connections at his disposal, Punk’s return to WWE could be even more impactful than fans ever imagined.


    1. Bully Ray
    2. Paul Heyman
    3. WWE
    4. CM Punk
    5. Scenarios
    6. Favor
    7. Exploring
    8. Wrestling
    9. Sports Entertainment
    10. Professional Wrestling

    #Bully #Ray #Explores #Scenarios #Favor #Paul #Heyman #Owes #WWEs #Punk

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