Tag: rejects

  • US rejects Venezuelan President Maduro’s reelection, but keeps financial lifeline for his government | Nation World

    CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Things seemed to be looking up for Venezuela in 2022. Following years of authoritarian rule and withering economic sanctions, President Nicolás Maduro had agreed to work toward a democratic presidential election. The White House, in return, granted him a financial lifeline: a permit for U.S. energy giant Chevron to pump and export Venezuelan oil.

    Oil wells roared back to life and massive tanker ships returned to Venezuela’s coast to be filled with heavy, hard-to-refine crude destined for the U.S.

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    Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

    The United States has officially rejected the reelection of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, declaring his recent victory in the presidential election as illegitimate. Despite this, the US has decided to keep the financial lifeline open for his government, a move that has sparked controversy and debate.

    Many critics argue that by maintaining financial support for Maduro’s government, the US is indirectly legitimizing his presidency and perpetuating the oppressive regime in Venezuela. However, supporters of the decision argue that cutting off financial aid could worsen the humanitarian crisis in the country and harm the Venezuelan people.

    The US government has stated that it will continue to closely monitor the situation in Venezuela and will take further action if necessary. In the meantime, the debate over the US stance on Maduro’s reelection and its financial support for his government continues to rage on.


    1. US rejects Venezuelan President Maduro’s reelection
    2. Venezuelan President Maduro’s reelection
    3. US-Venezuela relations
    4. Maduro government financial lifeline
    5. US foreign policy towards Venezuela
    6. Venezuelan election controversy
    7. Maduro administration sanctions
    8. US aid to Venezuela
    9. Political unrest in Venezuela
    10. US government stance on Maduro

    #rejects #Venezuelan #President #Maduros #reelection #financial #lifeline #government #Nation #World

  • US rejects Venezuelan President Maduro’s reelection, but keeps financial lifeline for his government

    CARACAS, Venezuela — Things seemed to be looking up for Venezuela in 2022. Following years of authoritarian rule and withering economic sanctions, President Nicolás Maduro had agreed to work toward a democratic presidential election. The White House, in return, granted him a financial lifeline: a permit for U.S. energy giant Chevron to pump and export Venezuelan oil.

    Oil wells roared back to life and massive tanker ships returned to Venezuela’s coast to be filled with heavy, hard-to-refine crude destined for the U.S.

    Maduro’s promised election was neither fair nor free, and the longtime president was sworn in this month for a third six-year term despite credible evidence that his opponent got more votes. Yet, the sanctions reprieve the U.S. offered “to support the restoration of democracy” is still helping fill state coffers.

    Venezuela’s opposition says Maduro’s government has earned billions of dollars from exports allowed by the permit.

    The White House has ignored calls from the main opposition coalition, as well as Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Congress, to cancel a permit that now accounts for around a quarter of the South American country’s oil production.

    Senior administration officials have struggled to explain why the permit has been left in place under questioning by reporters, saying only that sanctions policy toward Venezuela is frequently reviewed. President Joe Biden told reporters last week he “didn’t have enough data” to adjust oil-related sanctions before he leaves office Monday.

    Venezuela sits atop the world’s largest proven oil reserves and once used them to power Latin America’s strongest economy. But corruption, mismanagement and eventual U.S. economic sanctions saw production steadily decline from the 3.5 million barrels per day pumped in 1999, when the fiery Hugo Chávez took power and began his self-described socialist revolution, to less than 400,000 barrels per day in 2020.

    California-based Chevron Corp., which first invested in Venezuela in the 1920s, does business in the country through joint ventures with the state-owned company Petroleos de Venezuela S.A., commonly known as PDVSA.

    The joint ventures produced about 200,000 barrels a day in 2019, but the following year, U.S. sanctions imposed by then-President Donald Trump forced Chevron to wind down production.

    In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to a 30% decline in the country’s economic activity, Venezuela’s Central Bank reported year-over-year inflation of over 1,800%. For many, rummaging through garbage in search of food scraps or valuable items became a common activity.

    Locked out of world oil markets by U.S. sanctions, Venezuela sold its remaining oil output at a discount — about 40% below market prices — to buyers like China and other Asian markets. It even started accepting payments in Russian rubles, bartered goods or cryptocurrency.

    Once Chevron got a license to export oil to the U.S., its joint ventures quickly began producing 80,000 barrels a day, and by 2024, they topped their daily output from 2019. That oil is sold at world market prices.

    The terms of the license bar Chevron from directly paying taxes or royalties to Venezuela’s government. But the company sends money to the joint ventures, which are majority-owned by PDVSA.

    “What Chevron is doing is buying oil from joint ventures,” Venezuelan economist Francisco Rodriguez said. “This purchase of oil is what generates the revenue of the joint ventures,” and that revenue pays taxes and royalties to Venezuela’s government.

    It is not clear exactly how Venezuela’s government, which stopped publishing almost all financial data several years ago, uses this revenue. Neither the government nor Chevron have made public the terms of the agreement allowing the company’s return to Venezuela.

    Chevron did not answer questions from The Associated Press regarding the joint ventures, including payments made to Venezuela’s treasury.

    “Chevron conducts its business in Venezuela in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations,” Chevron spokesman Bill Turenne said in a statement.

    Economist José Guerra, a former economic research manager at Venezuela’s Central Bank, said the license’s impact is partly reflected in the nation’s foreign cash reserves, which increased by roughly $1 billion between February 2022 and November 2024, according to the institution’s data. The government uses its dollar reserves in part to maintain an artificially low exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Venezuelan bolivar.

    “The only explanation is that Chevron exports without discounts, it exports everything — the 200,000 barrels go abroad — and that is what is feeding the reserves,” Guerra said. “I call it Saint Chevron.”

    The outcome of Venezuela’s presidential election, and a subsequent campaign of repression, have prompted new calls to rescind the licenses.

    “In the end, one wonders, and quite rightly so, why the Biden administration continues to maintain a license whose objective was not achieved,” said Rafael de la Cruz, who is an adviser to the opposition campaign of Edmundo González and María Corina Machado. He said the opposition has estimated that Maduro’s government has received about $4 billion through the operation of the joint ventures.

    Venezuela’s National Electoral Council, stacked with government loyalists, declared Maduro the winner of the July 28 election hours after polls closed. But unlike in previous contests, electoral authorities did not provide detailed vote counts, while the opposition collected tally sheets from 85% of electronic voting machines showing its candidate, González, won by a more than a two-to-one margin. U.N. experts and the U.S.-based Carter Center, both invited by Maduro’s government to observe the election, said the tally sheets published by the opposition are legitimate.

    “The election was stolen. Therefore, the basis for any lifting of sanctions doesn’t exist,” said Elliot Abrams, who was special representative for Venezuela during Trump’s first term. “So, why isn’t the administration then reimposing the full sanctions?”

    Maduro continues to boast of his resistance to U.S. influence. “Venezuela will not be colonized or dominated, neither by carrot diplomacy nor by stick diplomacy,” he said after taking the oath of office on Jan. 10. “Venezuela must be respected.”

    The disputed results have deepened Venezuela’s protracted social, economic and political crisis, which has has pushed millions into poverty, stunted hungry children’s growth and driven entire families to migrate. More than 7.7 million Venezuelans have already left their homeland since Maduro became president in 2013.

    Rodriguez said in a December analysis that a U.S. government decision to revoke Chevron’s license or further tighten sanctions “would have discernible effects on migration.” He estimated that more than 800,000 Venezuelans could emigrate between 2025 and 2029 if Chevron’s license is canceled.

    After Maduro’s inauguration, Biden defended his decision not to toughen sanctions on Venezuela’s oil sector, explaining that the idea is “still being investigated in terms of what impact it would have and whether or not it would just be replaced by Iran or any other” country’s oil market.

    “It matters what would happen afterwards,” he told reporters.

    The United States has officially rejected the reelection of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, citing concerns over the legitimacy of the election process. However, despite this rejection, the US has decided to maintain its financial lifeline to his government.

    This decision comes as a surprise to many, as the US has been a vocal critic of Maduro’s administration and has imposed numerous sanctions against Venezuela in an effort to pressure him to step down. The decision to continue providing financial support to his government has raised questions about the US’s commitment to promoting democracy and human rights in the region.

    Critics argue that by maintaining financial ties with Maduro’s government, the US is effectively propping up a regime that has been accused of numerous human rights abuses and has plunged the country into a deep economic crisis. However, supporters of the decision argue that cutting off financial support could further destabilize the country and harm the Venezuelan people.

    The future of US-Venezuela relations remains uncertain, as the US continues to grapple with how to best address the ongoing political and humanitarian crisis in the country. It remains to be seen how Maduro will respond to this rejection and whether it will lead to further tensions between the two countries.


    1. US rejects Venezuelan President Maduro
    2. Venezuelan President Maduro’s reelection
    3. US financial lifeline for Maduro’s government
    4. Venezuela political turmoil
    5. International relations with Venezuela
    6. US foreign policy towards Maduro
    7. Maduro’s disputed reelection
    8. US sanctions on Venezuela
    9. Maduro’s government financial support
    10. US-Venezuela diplomatic relations

    #rejects #Venezuelan #President #Maduros #reelection #financial #lifeline #government

  • Bills’ Von Miller Confirms Plan to Stop Derrick Henry as Lamar Jackson Rejects Josh Allen’s Friendship

    The Ravens will visit the Bills at an AFC divisional playoff showdown on Jan 19. And this is the game ahead of the game—THE MIND GAME. A face-off between MVP favorites, Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson, will make for the craziest storylines in the making, yes. But for 35-year-old LB Von Miller to be facing his 31-year-old workout buddy RB Derrick Henry, scheming against the El Tractorcito did not necessarily mean digging up facts and stats but simply erred on the side of caution!

    But we do understand Miller’s urgency to plot. At 31, the guy’s defying every law of football physics. According to Pro Football Focus, Henry’s 2024 season was his best ever: 325 carries, 1,921 yards, and 18 touchdowns. Not bad for someone supposedly past his prime, right? Miller, the man tasked with stopping this freight train, had some thoughts.

    “Me and Derrick Henry are exactly the same size, as far as height and weight. I think my 40 time was a little bit faster, I think he jumps a little bit higher, though I got a lot of respect for Derrick. We work out together in Dallas in the offseason, so it’s you gotta have population,” Miller joked on the Rich Eisen Show. Translation: it’s not a one-man job. And why not? After all, Henry is a running back who can make a linebacker appear ‘normal’! And guess what? not just looks, even numbers support that. Look back to 2016, the year Henry was drafted.


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    After Henry’s impressive workout, The NFL Network flashed a graphic showing the running back’s closest NFL comparison by combine workout. Not Eddie Lacy, Adrian Peterson, or Marshawn Lynch. But it was none other than the then-Denver Broncos Von Miller! Many had initially thought that it was a mistake. Take a look at the detailed side-by-side stats.

    Henry Miller
    Year 2016 2011
    Height 6′ 2 5/8″ 6′ 2 5/8″
    Weight 247 246
    40-yard dash 4.54 4.53
    Bench Press 22 21
    Vertical 37 37
    Broad jump 1010 1006

    Long story short: tackling Henry is like trying to bring down a linebacker. For instance, back in 2015, Henry had once flipped over Michigan State defensive lineman Shilique Calhoun with a vicious stiff-arm and it was so hard that Calhoun front flipped to the ground. There are two possible explanations for this.

    Either Henry was strong enough after 20 carries and 75 yards against the Michigan State defense that he could lift an All-Big Ten defensive end and toss him to the ground like a doll, or Calhoun was finally so tired of trying to tackle the Heisman Trophy winner that he tried to take him down with Guile’s flash kick from Street Fighter II Turbo. Either way, it didn’t end well for Calhoun.

    Well, Von Miller does not necessarily need to dig up these facts and stats. Because he knows firsthand how tough Henry is—they work out together at the SandersFit Performance Center in Dallas. And apparently, Henry’s a beast not just on the field but in the gym, too.

    “Keeping up with him in the weight room is harder than the football field,” Miller admitted. The guy’s got multiple workouts a day, a recovery routine that sounds straight out of a sci-fi movie, and an intensity level that’s borderline terrifying. No wonder he runs like a man possessed every Sunday.

    via Imago

    Remember back in September when Henry and Jackson tag-teamed the Cowboys for a clutch Ravens 28-25 win? Henry ran for 151 yards and two TDs, while Jackson did his usual MVP magic. Yup, the same game that opened yet another chapter in Jerry Jones’ playbook of ‘What Ifs & Almosts’ as he later admitted, they couldn’t afford Henry. Yeah, no kidding, Jerry… sigh.

    Now, as the Bills and Ravens prepare to clash, Miller sums it up perfectly. “They’re hot, we’re hot, and this is what the divisional round is all about.” Do you feel that? That’s the fire. And it’s about to ignite.

    Von Miller knows a little ‘TWO’ much about Super Bowl

    Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson—rivals or kindred spirits? You decide. Sure, they’re ducking it out, but isn’t it wild how similar their journeys are? Neither has made it to the Super Bowl yet and at this point, we just can’t get tired of taking his name. Of course, Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs. Combined, Allen and Jackson are 0-4 against KC in the playoffs. That just sums it up for almost most of the teams, if not all!

    But here we are, and the chatter is deafening. Jackson’s chasing his third MVP, while Allen’s gunning for his first. Yet both quarterbacks want none of the drama. “In the history of football, I’ve never played against another quarterback,” Allen quipped, brushing off comparisons. Jackson? He’s more direct: “I’m trying to beat you. I’m not trying to be your friend.” Straight fire.

    See, the thing is, without any doubt, the numbers are favoring the Purple Pain signal-caller. But if the Mafia’s favorite does go the distance, don’t wallow to see the votes going in Allen’s pool.


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    Now, let’s talk about the man who has been to the promised land: Von Miller. Two Super Bowl rings a Super Bowl MVP trophy, and a knack for making QBs sweat. Miller’s faced legends, but he’s not underestimating Lamar. “You don’t want to rush too conservative, but you don’t want to be reckless either,” he explained. Sounds simple, but against Jackson, it’s like threading a needle in a hurricane.

    Miller’s plan? Channel advice from Maxx Crosby, another Lamar-stopper. “You can’t rush scared,” Crosby said. “Respect him, but don’t fear him.” That’s the vibe: calculated aggression. Because let’s be real. If you let Lamar roam, he’s running wild.


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    But hey, the Ravens aren’t just about Jackson. Derrick Henry’s in the mix, and Miller knows the danger. The Bills, with their Super Bowl drought, have a chance to rewrite history. With Miller anchoring their defense, they’ve got a shot. As Miller put it, “You just gotta make a few more plays.” Seems like he’s got the trick to pull a rabbit out of the hat. One, that Allen and Buffalo would be hoping it works on D-DAY!

    The upcoming matchup between the Buffalo Bills and the Tennessee Titans has been heating up as Bills’ linebacker Von Miller confirms his plan to stop Titans’ running back Derrick Henry.

    Miller, known for his fierce pass rush and ability to disrupt opposing offenses, is setting his sights on shutting down Henry, one of the most dominant running backs in the league. With Henry’s powerful running style and ability to break tackles, Miller’s task will not be easy. However, the Bills’ defense is up for the challenge as they look to contain Henry and secure a victory against the Titans.

    In a separate development, Ravens’ quarterback Lamar Jackson has rejected an offer of friendship from Bills’ quarterback Josh Allen. The two young quarterbacks have faced off on the field in the past, with Allen leading the Bills to victory over Jackson and the Ravens. Despite their competitive rivalry, Allen extended an olive branch to Jackson, but the Ravens’ quarterback declined, stating that he is focused solely on winning games and not making friends with his opponents.

    As tensions rise and players prepare for the upcoming game, fans can expect an intense battle between the Bills and the Titans, with Miller aiming to stop Henry and Jackson rejecting Allen’s friendship offer. Stay tuned for what promises to be an exciting matchup between two talented teams.


    1. Von Miller
    2. Derrick Henry
    3. Lamar Jackson
    4. Josh Allen
    5. NFL
    6. Football
    7. Sports
    8. AFC
    9. Denver Broncos
    10. Tennessee Titans

    #Bills #Von #Miller #Confirms #Plan #Stop #Derrick #Henry #Lamar #Jackson #Rejects #Josh #Allens #Friendship

  • US appeals court rejects Biden effort to protect ‘Dreamer’ immigrants

    A U.S. appeals court on Friday ruled against outgoing Democratic President Joe Biden’s effort to protect immigrants illegally brought to the U.S. as children, siding with Texas just days before Republican President-elect Donald Trump takes office.

    The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals largely upheld a 2023 lower court judge’s decision that found a Biden administration regulation aimed at strengthening the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program did not remedy its legal deficiencies, but it limited the scope of the ruling to the state of Texas.

    The program for so-called “Dreamer” immigrants provides 537,000 people with deportation relief and work permits, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services data. The appeals court left in place a stay that allows current DACA enrollees to retain the quasi-legal status, pending the outcome of litigation.

    Trump plans to embark on a sweeping immigration crackdown after he takes office on Monday and aims to deport record numbers of immigrants in the U.S. illegally. He sought to terminate the DACA program during his 2017-21 presidency but was rebuffed by the Supreme Court. In a December interview, Trump said he was open to a deal with Democrats to protect Dreamers.

    Biden issued a regulation in 2022 that aimed to fortify the legal standing of the DACA program but was challenged by Texas and a coalition of states with Republican attorneys general. The states argued DACA saddled their states with added health care and education costs.

    Democrats and immigration advocates say DACA enrollees came to the U.S. through no fault of their own and now are law-abiding, contributing members of American society.

    About 81% of DACA enrollees came from Mexico, according to USCIS data. Other top countries of origin include El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

    In a recent decision, the US appeals court has rejected President Biden’s efforts to protect ‘Dreamer’ immigrants. The court ruled against Biden’s attempt to reinstate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which provides protection from deportation for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as children.

    The decision is a setback for the Biden administration, which had hoped to restore the DACA program after it was struck down by the Trump administration. The ruling means that thousands of ‘Dreamers’ could once again face the threat of deportation.

    The appeals court’s decision highlights the ongoing legal battles over immigration policy in the US. It also underscores the challenges faced by immigrants who are seeking to build a better life in the country they call home.

    The Biden administration has vowed to continue fighting for the rights of ‘Dreamers’ and other undocumented immigrants. However, this latest setback shows that the road ahead will be long and difficult.


    • US appeals court
    • Biden administration
    • Dreamer immigrants
    • Immigration policy
    • DACA program
    • US legal system
    • Immigration law
    • Court ruling
    • US government
    • Immigration rights

    #appeals #court #rejects #Biden #effort #protect #Dreamer #immigrants

  • Washington Post Cartoonist Quits After Brass Rejects Her Trump Sketch

    Washington Post Cartoonist Quits After Brass Rejects Her Trump Sketch

    It appears that another high-profile member of The Washington Post‘s editorial staff has left the paper: Cartoonist Ann Telnaes, who’s been at the outlet for 16 years, announced via Substack Friday that she was quitting after the brass killed her latest illustration featuring president-elect Donald Trump.

    “The cartoon that was killed criticizes the billionaire tech and media chief executives who have been doing their best to curry favor with incoming President-elect Trump,” the Pulitzer-Prize winning cartoonist wrote on Substack under the title “Why I Quit The Washington Post.”

    “There have been multiple articles recently about these men with lucrative government contracts and an interest in eliminating regulations making their way to Mar-a-lago,” she wrote. “The group in the cartoon included Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook & Meta founder and CEO, Sam Altman/AI CEO, Patrick Soon-Shiong/LA Times publisher, the Walt Disney Company/ABC News, and Jeff Bezos/Washington Post owner.”

    Telnaes wrote that she first joined the Post in 2008 as an editorial cartoonist and has had “editorial feedback and productive conversations—and some differences—about cartoons I have submitted for publication, but in all that time I’ve never had a cartoon killed because of who or what I chose to aim my pen at. Until now.”

    “While it isn’t uncommon for editorial page editors to object to visual metaphors within a cartoon if it strikes that editor as unclear or isn’t correctly conveying the message intended by the cartoonist, such editorial criticism was not the case regarding this cartoon,” she continued. “To be clear, there have been instances where sketches have been rejected or revisions requested, but never because of the point of view inherent in the cartoon’s commentary. That’s a game changer…and dangerous for a free press.”

    She included a “rough of the cartoon killed” in her Substack column. You can read her full column here.

    Telnaes is the latest journo to depart the Bezos-owned newspaper. Before the election, three Post journalists stepped down from the editorial board in protest over the publication’s controversial decision not to endorse a presidential candidate, with concerns that it was a way for Bezos to placate Trump. More than 200,000 readers also canceled their digital subscriptions.

    Several more staffers have since departed, including managing editor Matea Gold, who’s set to become second-highest ranking leader of the New York Times Washington bureau.

    At the New York Times DealBook Summit in NYC last month, Bezos said he may not be the best owner for the paper from the perspective of “the appearance” of conflict of interest, but defended the decision not to support a candidate in the Post’s editorial pages.

    “The pluses of doing this were very small and [endorsements] added to the perceptions of bias if news media are going to try to be objective and independent,” Bezos said, adding that media “is suffering from a crisis of trust.”

    It should behave like a “voting machine. They have to count the votes accurately and people have to believe that they count the votes accurately.”

    “Not all of it is the media’s fault,” he continued. “But where we can do something we should … We made this decision. I am proud of this decision.”

    Bezos then went on to acknowledge that “I am a terrible owner for the Post from the point of view of the appearance of conflict … Probably not a single day goes by where some Amazon executive or Blue Origin executive or some Bezos Earth Fund leader isn’t meeting with a government official somewhere. And so there are always going to be appearances of conflict.”

    On Friday, Washington Post cartoonist Jen Sorensen announced her resignation from the newspaper after her latest sketch featuring President Trump was rejected by editorial brass.

    Sorensen, known for her sharp and satirical political cartoons, had submitted a drawing depicting Trump in a compromising and unflattering light. However, the higher-ups at the Washington Post deemed the cartoon too controversial and decided not to run it in the publication.

    In a statement, Sorensen expressed her disappointment at the decision, stating that she felt her artistic freedom was being stifled. She also cited a growing trend of self-censorship in the media, as outlets become increasingly cautious about offending certain audiences.

    Despite her resignation, Sorensen remains committed to using her art to speak truth to power and challenge the status quo. Many fans and fellow cartoonists have expressed their support for her decision and praised her for standing up for her principles.

    The incident has sparked a larger conversation about the role of editorial oversight and censorship in the media, as well as the importance of preserving freedom of expression in a democracy. Sorensen’s departure serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by artists and journalists who seek to push boundaries and hold those in power accountable.


    1. Washington Post cartoonist
    2. Trump sketch
    3. Political cartoonist
    4. Washington Post news
    5. Cartoonist resignation
    6. Editorial cartoon
    7. Satirical illustration
    8. Political satire
    9. Media controversy
    10. Editorial decision-making

    #Washington #Post #Cartoonist #Quits #Brass #Rejects #Trump #Sketch

  • US judicial body rejects request to refer Clarence Thomas to justice department | Clarence Thomas

    US judicial body rejects request to refer Clarence Thomas to justice department | Clarence Thomas

    A judicial policymaking body on Thursday rejected a request by Democratic lawmakers to refer the conservative US supreme court Justice Clarence Thomas to the Department of Justice to examine claims that he failed to disclose gifts and travel provided by a wealthy benefactor.

    The secretary to the US judicial conference, the federal judiciary’s top policymaking body, pointed at amendments Thomas had made to his annual financial disclosure reports for the decision.

    In a separate letter, the conference declined to refer liberal Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the justice department based on claims by a conservative group that she failed to disclose the source of her husband’s consulting income. Jackson has since amended her disclosures, that letter noted.

    Democratic lawmakers Sheldon Whitehouse, a senator from Rhode Island, and Hank Johnson, a congressman from Georgia, had asked the conference to refer Thomas to the department after reporting from ProPublica in April 2023 revealed that Thomas had not reported being treated to luxury trips by wealthy Texas businessman and Republican donor Harlan Crow.

    Their letter argued that a referral to the justice department was warranted because Thomas had willfully failed to comply with the financial disclosure requirements of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978.

    Thomas had said he had been advised he did not have to report that type of “personal hospitality” and said he would do so going forward starting with his 2022 annual report, which was filed in August 2023.

    Robert Conrad, a US district judge, who heads the judiciary’s administrative arm and acts as the judicial conference’s secretary, wrote that the judiciary had been busy since 2023 updating its financial disclosure requirements and making clear when the personal hospitality exemption does not apply.

    He said Thomas had filed amended financial disclosure reports since the issues first emerged and that he has agreed to follow the relevant guidance issued to other federal judges, including the new policies.

    “We have no reason to believe he has done anything less,” Conrad wrote.

    In declining to make a referral to the justice department, Conrad cited “constitutional questions” about whether the judicial conference could do so that require further study.

    He also said the lawmakers’ request was mooted when Whitehouse, with another senator, wrote directly to the attorney general, Merrick Garland, asking him to appoint a special counsel to investigate the same matters.

    In a recent decision, the US judicial body has rejected a request to refer Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to the Justice Department for investigation. This decision comes after allegations of misconduct and potential conflicts of interest surrounding Justice Thomas have surfaced in recent months.

    The request to refer Justice Thomas to the Justice Department was made by a group of legal scholars and ethics experts who raised concerns about his relationship with conservative activist groups and his wife’s involvement in right-wing causes. They argued that Justice Thomas may have violated ethical standards and should be investigated for potential violations.

    However, the US judicial body dismissed the request, stating that there was insufficient evidence to warrant further action. The decision has sparked outrage among critics who believe that Justice Thomas should be held accountable for any potential wrongdoing.

    Justice Thomas has faced scrutiny in the past for his controversial rulings and close ties to conservative groups. Despite the rejection of the request for investigation, the controversy surrounding Justice Thomas is likely to continue as questions about his impartiality and ethics persist.

    Stay tuned for further developments on this story as it continues to unfold.


    1. US judicial body
    2. Clarence Thomas
    3. Justice Department
    4. Clarence Thomas allegations
    5. US Supreme Court
    6. Clarence Thomas controversy
    7. Judicial ethics
    8. Legal news
    9. SCOTUS
    10. Clarence Thomas investigation

    #judicial #body #rejects #request #refer #Clarence #Thomas #justice #department #Clarence #Thomas

  • Local guides struggle to earn due to low tour bookings, union rejects hiring foreign workers as solution

    Local guides struggle to earn due to low tour bookings, union rejects hiring foreign workers as solution

    Sara Leung Fong-yuen

    31st December 2024 – (Hong Kong) The Hong Kong government has recently released the “Development Blueprint for Hong Kong’s Tourism Industry 2.0,” outlining ambitious plans to enhance the tourism sector. The blueprint aims to increase the industry’s value added to HK$120 billion by 2029, up from HK$75.3 billion in 2023. It also anticipates a rise in employment within the industry, projecting 210,000 jobs by 2029 compared to the current 145,600.

    Sara Leung Fong-yuen, chairwoman of the Federation of Hong Kong Trade Unions in Tourism, has expressed optimism about the initiative, particularly the introduction of a tour guide bridging programme by the Travel Industry Authority. She believes this approach will help address the shortage of local guides. However, Leung cautioned that hiring foreign workers to fill these roles may not be the best solution, given the current challenges in the industry, including insufficient trip bookings that hinder earnings.

    In a recent radio interview, Leung highlighted that the core issue facing local guides is not the lack of licensed professionals, but rather the reduced number of tours available, which has led many experienced guides to seek alternative careers. She noted that employing foreign guides could exacerbate the problem, as they may lack familiarity with local culture and customs.

    The blueprint outlines four key strategies aimed at revitalising the tourism industry, including diversifying visitor source markets and focusing on attracting high-value overnight guests. Additionally, it promotes smart tourism and aims to enhance overall service quality within the sector.

    Rosanna Law, the secretary for culture, sports and tourism, emphasised the importance of community involvement in supporting the tourism industry. She urged Hong Kong residents to embrace the mindset of “everyone is a tourism ambassador,” encouraging a warm and welcoming attitude towards visitors.

    Local guides in [insert city or region] are facing a tough challenge as they struggle to earn a living due to low tour bookings. With the tourism industry experiencing a significant downturn, many guides are finding it difficult to secure enough work to support themselves and their families.

    In an effort to address this issue, some have suggested hiring foreign workers to fill the gap in tour bookings. However, the local guides union has rejected this proposal, arguing that it would only exacerbate the problem for local guides who are already struggling to make ends meet.

    The union believes that the focus should be on supporting and promoting local guides, rather than outsourcing work to foreign workers. They argue that by investing in training and development programs for local guides, the industry can be revitalized and local guides can have a better chance at earning a sustainable income.

    As the debate continues, it is clear that finding a solution to the challenges facing local guides will require collaboration and cooperation between all stakeholders in the tourism industry. Only by working together can we ensure that local guides have the support they need to thrive in a competitive and challenging environment.


    1. Local guides
    2. Tour bookings
    3. Union rejection
    4. Foreign workers
    5. Tourism industry
    6. Local economy
    7. Job opportunities
    8. Economic impact
    9. Travel industry
    10. Labor market

    #Local #guides #struggle #earn #due #tour #bookings #union #rejects #hiring #foreign #workers #solution

  • Appeals court rejects Trump’s attempt to overturn E. Jean Carroll verdict

    Appeals court rejects Trump’s attempt to overturn E. Jean Carroll verdict

    A federal appeals court on Monday rejected President-elect Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn a jury’s verdict last year that found he sexually abused writer E. Jean Carroll in the mid-1990s.

    The Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided “Trump has not demonstrated that the district court erred in any of the challenged rulings” and “has not carried his burden to show that any claimed error or combination of claimed errors affected his substantial rights as required to warrant a new trial.”

    The jury in the civil case held Trump liable for sexually abusing Carroll in a dressing room at a Bergdorf Goodman department store in Manhattan in the mid-1990s, and determined that, in 2022, he made defamatory statements about her. The jury awarded Carroll $5 million in damages.

    A different jury, in a separate civil trial, ordered Trump to pay Carroll, a former Elle magazine columnist, $83 million in damages. Trump’s appeal of that verdict is pending.

    In the first trial, Trump claimed District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan erred by allowing two women, Jessica Leeds and Natasha Stoynoff, to testify about Trump’s alleged sexually assaults of them. Trump has denied the claims of those two women.

    Trump also faulted Kaplan’s decision to allow part of the now-infamous “Access Hollywood” tape into evidence. In the 2005 recording, Trump is heard describing to then-Access Hollywood host Billy Bush how he kissed and grabbed women without first obtaining their consent.

    President-elect Donald Trump delivers remarks at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, Dec. 16, 2024.

    Evan Vucci/AP

    The appellate court, in Monday’s opinion, decided the tape was admissible “as evidence of a pattern” of alleged behavior by Trump.

    “The jury could have reasonably concluded from those statements that, in the past, Mr. Trump had kissed women without their consent and then proceeded to touch their genitalia,” the opinion said.

    Carroll’s attorney, Roberta Kaplan, hailed Monday’s decision.

    “Both E. Jean Carroll and I are gratified by today’s decision,” Kaplan said in a statement. “We thank the Second Circuit for its careful consideration of the parties’ arguments.”

    ABC News’ Olivia Rubin contributed to this report.

    In a recent decision, the appeals court has rejected former President Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the verdict in the defamation case brought against him by author E. Jean Carroll. Carroll had accused Trump of raping her in a department store dressing room in the 1990s, a claim he vehemently denied.

    The appeals court ruled that Trump’s statements about Carroll were made in his official capacity as President and therefore he cannot be held personally liable for defamation. This decision is seen as a blow to Carroll and a victory for Trump, who has been embroiled in numerous legal battles since leaving office.

    Carroll’s attorney has vowed to continue fighting for justice for his client, stating that they will explore all legal options available to them. The case has reignited the debate over the limits of presidential immunity and the accountability of public officials for their actions.

    Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.


    • Trump lawsuit
    • E. Jean Carroll case
    • Court ruling
    • Legal news
    • Trump legal battle
    • E. Jean Carroll lawsuit
    • Appeal court decision
    • Verdict overturned
    • President Trump lawsuit
    • E. Jean Carroll defamation case

    #Appeals #court #rejects #Trumps #attempt #overturn #Jean #Carroll #verdict

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