Tag Archives: Release

Career Criminal’s Release Into Rural Essex County Town Delayed | Local News

NEWPORT — The Vermont Corrections Department is delaying the release of one of the state’s most dangerous career criminals from prison into Essex County following a large pushback from taxpayers and law enforcement.

Harley Breer Jr., 55, was scheduled to be furloughed from the Northern State Correctional Facility in Newport in the coming days, but Wednesday the Vermont Corrections officials said the plan had a last-minute postponement.

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Residents of the small rural town of Essex County were shocked to learn that the release of a career criminal into their community has been delayed. The criminal, who has a long history of violent offenses, was set to be released from prison this week.

Local officials have expressed concerns about the potential impact of the criminal’s release on the community. Many residents fear for their safety and worry about the potential for an increase in crime.

The delay in the criminal’s release has been attributed to a paperwork error, according to officials. The error has caused a delay in the processing of the criminal’s release and has left residents feeling uneasy about the situation.

Local law enforcement officials are urging residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity. They are also working to ensure that proper precautions are taken to protect the community in the event of the criminal’s release.

Residents are encouraged to stay informed and stay in contact with local officials for updates on the situation. The safety and well-being of the community are of utmost importance, and officials are working to address the concerns of residents as they arise.


  1. Career criminal release
  2. Rural Essex County
  3. Town news
  4. Local crime update
  5. Criminal justice system
  6. Community safety
  7. Essex County news
  8. Law enforcement update
  9. Rural town delay
  10. Criminal rehabilitation efforts

#Career #Criminals #Release #Rural #Essex #County #Town #Delayed #Local #News

Vt. Corrections delays release of notorious repeat offender Harley Breer

MONTPELIER, Vt. (WCAX) – The expected release of one of Vermont’s most notorious career criminals has prompted concerns in the community where he plans to live, but Vermont Corrections officials say Harley Breer’s release has now been delayed.

Breer has been in and out of jail since the late 1980s for a variety of crimes, including kidnapping, sexual assault, and assault. He has been in prison since his arrest following a five-day manhunt in April 2021. His minimum release date was Dec. 1, 2024, and Vermont’s Department of Corrections confirmed to WCAX News the state is preparing Breer for release. The news was first reported by freelance journalist Mike Donoghue. But Wednesday morning, a DOC spokesperson told WCAX News that they are now delaying Breer’s release until at least next week. We don’t know why.

Word of Breer’s release sent shockwaves through the small town of Canaan. “We got a close community here and I don’t think we need to be releasing a habitual offender like that into this community,” said Jeffery Juskewicz, a local resident.

Breer has been behind bars since his most recent arrest after a manhunt in 2021, serving the minimum amount of a four-to-10-year sentence. He passed his minimum release date at the beginning of December and while delayed, the DOC has been preparing to release him on furlough.

“Eventually, after he serves his time, he’s going to have to be released, but hopefully not released into this small community that barely has any police presence,” said Blanca d’Anjou of Canaan.

Essex County State’s Attorney Vince Illuzzi also questions the decision to release Breer to live in the community. “The rural Northeast Kingdom, the town of Canaan, is not an appropriate placement for someone with Mr. Breer’s history,” he said.

Illuzzi expressed frustration with the DOC for not notifying local law enforcement of their plan first. A notice from DOC did go out to law enforcement agencies in central Vermont, where Breer is from. Sources tell WCAX News that the notice states Breer is considered at high risk to re-offend.

Illuzzi says his remote county is ill-equipped to keep track of an offender like Breer. “When you have a rural area with no major law enforcement presence. and a department of corrections office that will supervise him almost an hour away, that spells trouble on the line,” he said.

Canaan is covered part-time by the Essex County Sheriff’s Department and U.S. Border Patrol. If Breer is released, Illuzzi says he communicated to DOC Commissioner Nick Deml that it be in a location with an adequate police presence.

And local residents echoed those hopes. “Peoples in jail — they ought to stay in jail, not loose to public peoples and do more harm. Eventually, they’re going to do it again,” said Canaan resident Marc Marchessault.


Harley Breer’s first brush with the law dates back to the ‘80s.

His first rape charge came in 1990. Dozens of felony charges would follow, including kidnappings. In one of his most notorious, a brutal kidnapping case in Barre in 1999, Breer abducted his ex-girlfriend’s mother, tied her up, and was accused of sexually assaulting her before abandoning the woman at a remote hunting camp. That crime put him away for eight years. But he did not leave prison rehabilitated.

Breer was arrested again in In 2011 for beating and raping another girlfriend and stealing her truck. He was captured in New Hampshire.

While awaiting trial, he was arrested again for contacting his victims.

Breer’s multiple charges were rolled into a plea deal in 2017. He received credit for the five years he served and his 20 to 45 year sentence was suspended. He was placed on probation for 45 years and claimed to be a “changed man.” “Some of it’s maturity, some of it’s — I’ve grown up. But today, I find myself looking at different things, like how I became a grandfather in the last five years. So, I’ve got a different set of priorities,” Breer said at the time.

But one year later he was back in custody again accused of kidnapping and assault. This time, he received more serious charges of being a “habitual offender.” He pleaded no contest and got probation again.

And just about a year later, in 2021, Breer triggered a manhunt after cutting off his ankle bracelet and escaping house arrest. It would be another month before authorities would find Breer and arrest him. The then 53-year-old took another plea deal and was sentenced to four to ten years in prison and 20 years of probation.

And last month, with credit for time served, Breer reached his minimum release date.

The Vermont Department of Corrections is facing criticism after announcing that the release of notorious repeat offender Harley Breer has been delayed. Breer, who has a long history of violent crimes, was set to be released on parole but will now remain behind bars for an indeterminate amount of time.

The decision to delay Breer’s release comes after concerns were raised about the potential danger he poses to the community. Breer has a rap sheet that includes multiple assaults, robberies, and even a manslaughter charge. Many fear that he will reoffend if released back into society.

The Vermont Department of Corrections has not provided a specific reason for the delay in Breer’s release, but officials have stated that they are taking the necessary precautions to ensure public safety. However, critics argue that the delay is a sign of the department’s failure to properly manage dangerous offenders like Breer.

As the debate over Breer’s release continues, the Vermont Department of Corrections is under increasing pressure to address the issue of repeat offenders and improve the system for managing high-risk individuals. The case of Harley Breer serves as a stark reminder of the challenges that the department faces in balancing public safety with the rights of prisoners.


  1. Vermont Corrections
  2. Harley Breer
  3. Repeat offender
  4. Release delay
  5. Notorious criminal
  6. Vermont Department of Corrections
  7. Criminal justice system
  8. Prison release delay
  9. Harley Breer case
  10. Criminal recidivism

#Corrections #delays #release #notorious #repeat #offender #Harley #Breer



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Release date and time, where to watch, and more

Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster” episode 2 will be released on Wednesday, January 14, 2025, at 12 AM JST. The anime will be available to watch on local television networks like TOKYO MX. It will also be available to stream on local streaming services and on Crunchyroll internationally.

The anime’s previous episode saw Light and Lena receive their Fruitmaster and Sword Saint skills. With that, the two childhood friends were forced to take separate paths. But in a twist of fate, Light happened to eat another skill fruit, which granted him his second skill Sword God.

Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster” episode 2 release date and time

Lena as seen in the anime (Image via Asahi Production)Lena as seen in the anime (Image via Asahi Production)
Lena as seen in the anime (Image via Asahi Production)

According to the anime’s website, Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster” episode 2 will be released on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 11:30 PM JST. The anime episode could be released on the next day in some regions due to the varying time zones and delayed simulcast schedules.

In addition, ABEMA could release the anime episode a week early on its streaming website.

The second episode of Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster” anime will be released internationally at the following times:

Time Zone Release Time Release Day Release Date
Pacific Daylight Time 07:30 AM Tuesday January 14
Eastern Daylight Time 10:30 AM Tuesday January 14
British Summer Time 03:30 PM Tuesday January 14
Central European Summer Time 04:30 PM Tuesday January 14
Indian Standard Time 08:00 PM Tuesday January 14
Philippine Standard Time 10:30 PM Tuesday January 14
Japanese Standard Time 11:30 PM Tuesday January 14
Australia Central Standard Time 12:00 AM Wednesday January 15

Where to watch Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster” episode 2?

Ayla as seen in the anime (Image via Asahi Production)Ayla as seen in the anime (Image via Asahi Production)
Ayla as seen in the anime (Image via Asahi Production)

Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster” episode 2 will first air on TOKYO MX, followed by other local Japanese television networks like BS Fuji and MBS. The anime will also be available to stream online locally on ABEMA, and other websites like d Anime Store, HULU, Lemino, Bandai Channel, and others.

As for international anime fans, Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster” will be available to watch on Crunchyroll in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, CIS, and India.

Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster” episode 1 Recap

Light as seen in the anime (Image via Asahi Production)Light as seen in the anime (Image via Asahi Production)
Light as seen in the anime (Image via Asahi Production)

Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster” episode 1, titled The Only Ingredient, established the anime’s lore. Any person who eats a skill fruit would be granted a skill. However, eating more than one fruit would mean certain death. Thus, when Light and Lena were granted the Fruitmaster and Sword Saint skills, the childhood friends went their own ways. Lena became an S-rank adventurer and Light became a fruit farmer.

Sometime later, the village chief left a girl named Ayla in Light’s care. Since then, the girl began living with Light and helped with chores. One such day, Ayla mistakenly used skill fruits to prepare a stew. Having eaten the stew, both Light and Ayla had consumed a skill fruit. Such a development should have meant certain death for Light, but instead, he received a second skill called Sword God. Meanwhile, Ayla was granted an Appraisal skill.

Moments later, the anime saw Light and Ayla complete their first mission as adventurers. While they were at the guild, Light spotted Lena, but his childhood friend seemingly didn’t recognize him.

What to expect from Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster” episode 2?

Lena&#039;s party member in the anime (Image via Asahi Production)Lena&#039;s party member in the anime (Image via Asahi Production)
Lena’s party member in the anime (Image via Asahi Production)

Bogus Skill “Fruitmaster” episode 2 will most likely reveal why Lena acted like she didn’t recognize Light. This is because the anime gave fans some glimpses of the next episode.

Light was notably shocked by Lena’s reaction upon seeing her. Lena herself was shown to have teared up, suggesting that she was forced not to interact with anyone. The one responsible for this could be her party member who will seemingly strike Lena in the next episode. As for Ayla, she will get to eat her pizza in the next episode.

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