Tag: Rita

  • Finding Your Roots | Rita Dove’s Ancestor Had Run-Ins With the Law | Season 11 | Episode 3

    Rita’s great-grandfather was charged with assault, but he pled not guilty and found himself on trial where he argued that his victim had threatened his wife after losing all his money gambling.

    According to the defense, your great-grandfather was simply trying to protect his home and his family, especially his wife.

    So what do you think really happened?


    I don’t know.

    I don’t know.

    I don’t know what really happened.

    Guilty or innocent?

    I think he’s guilty.

    Think he’s guilty?

    Would you please turn the page?

    Rita, this was published in the Evening Star on May 6th.

    Oh, yay!

    Would you please read the transcribed section?

    “Damon Jackson was tried in the criminal court yesterday for an assault with intent to kill and found not guilty.”

    Your great-grandfather was indeed acquitted.

    How does it feel to see that?

    Oh, I’m thrilled!

    I think this is kind of wonderful.

    I mean, if he had not been found not guilty, who knows whether I would’ve ended up being here at all for that matter.

    That’s true.

    That’s true.

    The records of Damon’s trial no longer survive.

    So we don’t know what inspired the jury to reach its verdict.

    It’s also unclear whether Damon’s brush with the law had a significant impact on his life.

    Just a few years later, now going by the name of Gates Jackson, we found him in trouble once again.

    “Speakeasies Raided.”

    Oh gosh.

    “Policemen O’Dea and Brawner yesterday raided three speakeasies in what is known as ‘Swampoodle’ and captured Gates Jackson of No.

    65 Jackson alley.

    Jackson was fined $250 with three months in the workhouse as the equivalent.”

    He was charged with running a speakeasy.

    Well, there he graduated into, you know– Business.


    He’s an entrepreneur.

    Remember, he was running the craps game.

    He was running the crap game but now he’s moved out and kind of done a speakeasy kind of thing.

    Well, you gotta get ahead.

    Do you identify with this ancestor of yours?

    He was a character.

    Well, what I identify with is the fact that he was staying alive, that he was trying to make it through in, questionable ways.

    Very definitely.

    But there’s an energy, it sounds like, to this person.

    Both with the incident before, but also with having a speakeasy in this crazy district.

    And also going by a name Gates.

    I mean, Gates Jackson has a certain great ring to it.

    I think it sounds noble.

    And so, yeah in a certain way I’m like, go on.

    Okay, let’s see what you’re gonna do.

    The jury’s out on whether he was good or bad.

    Unfortunately, we had little more to share with Rita about her great-grandfather.

    He passed away in September of 1909, and his death certificate, which lists his occupation as a laborer, suggests that he died suddenly.

    “Cause of death, tuberculous meningitis, exhaustion.

    Duration, eight days.”


    He was only about 40 years old.



    He had a bacterial infection in his spine and brain, and he was suffering from exhaustion.

    Worked to death.


    What’s it like to see that?

    It’s very sad.

    I feel very sad, and I don’t even know this man, but he basically came to life in two pages or three, some newspaper articles, and now it’s gone.

    And, think of all the lives out there like that.

    In the latest episode of Finding Your Roots, renowned poet Rita Dove delves into her family history and uncovers some surprising revelations about her ancestors. In this eye-opening episode, Dove discovers that one of her ancestors had multiple run-ins with the law, shedding new light on her family’s past.

    As Dove explores her roots, she uncovers the struggles and triumphs of her ancestors, painting a vivid picture of their lives and the challenges they faced. From tales of resilience to stories of hardship, Dove’s journey to uncover her family history is both enlightening and emotional.

    Join us as we follow Rita Dove on her journey to uncover her roots and learn more about the incredible stories of her ancestors. Don’t miss this captivating episode of Finding Your Roots, airing in Season 11, Episode 3.


    1. Rita Dove family history
    2. Finding Your Roots season 11
    3. Ancestor run-ins with the law
    4. Rita Dove genealogy
    5. Episode 3 recap
    6. Celebrity family tree
    7. Genealogy research tips
    8. Family history discoveries
    9. Ancestral scandals
    10. Genealogy journey with Rita Dove

    #Finding #Roots #Rita #Doves #Ancestor #RunIns #Law #Season #Episode

  • Estos son los colombianos que estarán en Nueva York en la celebración de fin de año más reconocida del mundo: se presentarán con Rita Ora, Carrie Underwood, Jonas Brothers y Sophie Ellis-Bextor

    Estos son los colombianos que estarán en Nueva York en la celebración de fin de año más reconocida del mundo: se presentarán con Rita Ora, Carrie Underwood, Jonas Brothers y Sophie Ellis-Bextor

    Artistas colombianos se presentarán en
    Artistas colombianos se presentarán en Nueva York – crédito Julia Demaree Nikhinson/AP Foto
    – @kapo – @greeicy/Instagram

    La icónica celebración de Año Nuevo en Times Square, Nueva York, contará este 31 de diciembre de 2024 con una destacada participación de artistas colombianos, destacando el impacto global de la música del país.

    Artistas como Greeicy Rendón y Kapo se presentarán en este evento que reúne a millones de personas en la Gran Manzana y a una audiencia global a través de transmisiones en vivo. Este espectáculo, que marca el inicio del 2025, incluirá la tradicional caída de la Bola de Nochevieja, un símbolo que desde hace más de un siglo ilumina el cambio de año en esta ciudad.

    Ahora puede seguirnos en Facebook y en nuestro WhatsApp Channel.

    -<La bola de Nochevieja, decorada
    -<La bola de Nochevieja, decorada con triángulos de cristal Waterford, será elevada horas antes de la medianoche en Nueva York – crédito Eduardo Munoz/REUTERS

    La celebración comenzará a las 6:00 p. m. (hora colombiana y estadounidense) con la iluminación y elevación de la Bola de Nochevieja, una estructura de cristal de aproximadamente 3 metros de diámetro, decorada con 2.688 triángulos de cristal Waterford y equipada con luces LED. Durante las horas previas al descenso de la bola, programado para las 11:59 p. m., los asistentes disfrutarán de una serie de presentaciones musicales y actividades culturales. Entre los artistas confirmados para esta edición se encuentran nombres de talla internacional como Carrie Underwood, Jonas Brothers, Rita Ora, TLC, Mickey Guyton, Sophie Ellis-Bextor y Megan Moroney, además de los colombianos Greeicy y Kapo.

    Greeicy Rendón, que subirá al escenario a las 10:01 p. m., interpretará sus éxitos en el escenario del Planet Fitness Center. Este ha sido un año crucial en la carrera de la artista vallecaucana, que realizó una gira internacional y recibió diversos reconocimientos.

    En sus redes sociales, la cantante compartió su emoción por participar en este evento, calificándolo como un sueño cumplido: “Mañana cantamos en T I M E S S Q U A R E Cumplir sueños con tu parche tiene otro V A L O R G R A C I A S . Es un honor soñar juntos. #feliz2025″.

    Greeicy Rendón se presentará con
    Greeicy Rendón se presentará con un sus éxitos en el icónico escenario del Planet Fitness Center – crédito @greeicy/Instagram

    Por su parte, Kapo, que se presentará a las 11:02 p. m., rompió récords con su éxito Ohnana y lo posicionó junto a artistas destacados de la música urbana como Feid, Karol G y Ryan Castro. Este logro le permitió consolidarse como una figura emergente en la escena musical internacional. Su participación en Times Square es un reflejo de su ascenso y la creciente influencia de los artistas colombianos en el panorama global.

    “2024 El año que me transformó GRACIAS por conectar , por sentir, por cantar, por estar aquí .. AQUÍ ESTOY YO Y SEGUIRÉ HACIENDO VALS POR SI ALGUIEN NOS ESCUCHA …Feliz año mis bestias salvajes recuerden que todo se logra APDM (a punta de mente)”, escribió el artista en su cuenta de Instagram.

    La tradición de celebrar el Año Nuevo en Times Square se remonta a 1904, cuando la ciudad comenzó a organizar eventos en sus terrazas y azoteas para despedir el año. La caída de la bola se incorporó en 1907 y desde entonces se ha convertido en un símbolo de esta festividad. Este año, el evento incluirá la distribución de sombreros, collares y lentes entre los asistentes, además de un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales que acompañará la cuenta regresiva hacia el 2025.

    La actuación de Kapo en
    La actuación de Kapo en Times Square representa un nuevo logro para la música urbana colombiana – @kapo/Instagram

    El programa musical estará dividido en bloques que comenzarán a las 6:50 p. m. con la presentación de Rita Ora y continuarán con actuaciones de artistas como Jonas Brothers (7:40 p. m.), Mark Ambor (8:03 p. m.), Megan Moroney (8:26 p. m.), Mickey Guyton (9:16 p. m.), Sophie Ellis-Bextor (9:37 p. m.), TLC (10:34 p. m.) y Carrie Underwood (11:37 p. m.). La noche culminará con la interpretación de Mickey Guyton minutos antes de la medianoche, seguida del descenso de la bola y la bienvenida oficial al nuevo año.

    La celebración de Año Nuevo en Times Square no solo es un evento emblemático para Nueva York, sino también una plataforma que destaca el talento musical de diversas partes del mundo. Este año, la presencia de artistas colombianos reafirma el lugar del país en la cima de la industria musical internacional.

    ¡No te pierdas la presentación de los colombianos en la celebración de fin de año más reconocida del mundo en Nueva York! Este año, artistas como Rita Ora, Carrie Underwood, Jonas Brothers y Sophie Ellis-Bextor compartirán escenario con talentosos colombianos que prometen dar un espectáculo inolvidable.

    Entre los artistas colombianos que estarán presentes en esta gran celebración se encuentran J Balvin, Shakira, Maluma y Karol G, quienes deleitarán al público con sus éxitos y su energía contagiosa. ¡Una oportunidad única para disfrutar de la música y la cultura colombiana en una de las ciudades más emblemáticas del mundo!

    No te pierdas la oportunidad de ser testigo de esta increíble colaboración entre artistas internacionales y talentosos colombianos en la celebración de fin de año más espectacular del mundo. ¡Prepárate para vivir una noche llena de música, diversión y sorpresas en Nueva York!


    • Colombianos en Nueva York
    • Celebración de fin de año en Nueva York
    • Rita Ora en Nueva York
    • Carrie Underwood en Nueva York
    • Jonas Brothers en Nueva York
    • Sophie Ellis-Bextor en Nueva York
    • Colombianos artistas en Nueva York
    • Espectáculo de fin de año en Nueva York
    • Celebridades en Nueva York
    • Colombianos famosos en Nueva York

    #Estos #son #los #colombianos #estarán #Nueva #York #celebración #fin #año #más #reconocida #del #mundo #presentarán #con #Rita #Ora #Carrie #Underwood #Jonas #Brothers #Sophie #EllisBextor

  • Is Rita Ora Single or Married? Her Husband Is an Oscar-Winning Filmmaker & Marvel Star! | Rita Ora, Taika Waititi | Just Jared: Celebrity News and Gossip

    Is Rita Ora Single or Married? Her Husband Is an Oscar-Winning Filmmaker & Marvel Star! | Rita Ora, Taika Waititi | Just Jared: Celebrity News and Gossip

    Rita Ora is co-hosting Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve 2025 in Times Square and fans will likely be wondering if she’ll be kissing anyone at midnight.

    The 34-year-old singer and actress is best known for hit songs like “How We Do (Party),” “Black Widow,” and “I Will Never Let You Down.” She has been a judge on several talent shows, including The Masked Singer, The X Factor UK, and multiple international versions of The Voice.

    Rita is also an actress who has been seen in the Fifty Shades movies and the Disney Channel film Descendants: The Rise of Red.

    Rita does indeed have a special someone in her life and he’s someone that is well known to movie fans and Marvel devotees.

    Keep reading to find out more…

    Rita Ora and Taika Waititi

    Rita Ora is married to Oscar-winning filmmaker Taika Waititi!

    Rita is married to filmmaker and actor Taika Waititi!

    The couple has been in a relationship since 2021, though they originally met in 2018, and they got married in August 2022.

    Rita and Taika‘s relationship went viral in May 2021 when they were spotted flaunting PDA with another very famous actress on a balcony in Australia.

    “I was doing nothing wrong,” Taika said about those photos. “I think in the world of the internet, everything goes away pretty quick. And also, ‘is it that big a deal?’ No, not really. I was doing nothing wrong. It’s fine.”

    Taika is best known for directing the Marvel movies Thor: Ragnarok and Thor: Love and Thunder, as well as appearing in the films as Korg. He won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for writing the movie Jojo Rabbit, a movie he also directed and starred in. He most recently released the movie Next Goal Wins, which is streaming on Hulu.

    He also directed a heartwarming holiday short film for Disney!

    Rita Ora has been making headlines recently, not just for her music career but also for her personal life. Many fans are wondering if the singer is single or married, and it looks like she may be off the market!

    It has been reported that Rita Ora is currently dating Oscar-winning filmmaker and Marvel star, Taika Waititi. The couple has been spotted together multiple times, sparking rumors of a budding romance.

    Taika Waititi is best known for his work on films like “Thor: Ragnarok” and “Jojo Rabbit,” which earned him an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. Rita Ora, on the other hand, has been making waves in the music industry with hits like “Anywhere” and “Let You Love Me.”

    While neither Rita nor Taika have confirmed their relationship status, the evidence seems to point towards them being more than just friends. Fans are eagerly waiting for an official announcement from the couple, but until then, we can only speculate about their blossoming romance.

    Stay tuned for more updates on Rita Ora and Taika Waititi’s relationship, and let us know your thoughts on this potential Hollywood power couple!


    Rita Ora relationship status, Rita Ora husband, Rita Ora marriage, Rita Ora partner, Rita Ora love life, Rita Ora dating, Rita Ora Taika Waititi, Rita Ora Marvel star, Rita Ora Oscar winner, Rita Ora celebrity news, Rita Ora gossip, Rita Ora latest updates, Rita Ora rumors, Rita Ora romance.

    #Rita #Ora #Single #Married #Husband #OscarWinning #Filmmaker #Marvel #Star #Rita #Ora #Taika #Waititi #Jared #Celebrity #News #Gossip

  • Rita Ora’s Husband & Dating History

    Rita Ora’s Husband & Dating History

    Rita Ora’s Long List of Exes Includes Drake, Chris Brown &amp; Andrew Garfield—See Who Else She’s Dated

    Rita Ora’s Long List of Exes Includes Drake, Chris Brown & Andrew Garfield—See Who Else She’s Dated

    Rita Ora is welcoming 2025 in style. The actress, singer, songwriter, and TV personality is set to join Ryan Seacrest in Times Square for “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve With Ryan Seacrest 2024,” which will air live on ABC. And though Seacrest is getting close to two decades of hosting the show and this will be Ora’s first year, Ora already feels like she’s been here for a while.

    “Honestly, it feels like we’ve been doing this for a long time together,” Seacrest told PEOPLE while the two did press promoting the event, with Ora adding, “Ryan does have the skill of just making everyone feel so comfortable.”

    Related: What is Drake’s net worth compared to Kendrick Lamar?

    It’s a very good thing the two get on so well, as they will be standing in the cold for hours. “It’s just such an iconic show and, for so many of us, it’s almost like it doesn’t feel real,” Ora told WWD. “When you’re watching it on TV, and you see all the incredible stars and Ryan, and all the interviews, you’re thinking, ‘wow, what a magic environment to be a part of.’ So that’s why I’m so excited to be a part of this. It’s a dream for me.”

    As Ora prepares to host the New Year’s Eve special, which will begin airing on ABC at 8 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Dec. 31. and will be available to stream on Hulu the next day, there’s a renewed interest in her personal life, including her relationships. So, who is Rita Ora married to and who has she dated? Here’s everything we know.

    Rita Ora’s husband and dating history

    Taika Waititi (2021-Present)

    Taika Waititi (2021-Present)

    Taika Waititi (2021-Present)

    Ora and Waititi confirmed their relationship in 2021, though they’d been spotted together a few times before they did so. The two went on to marry in August 2022 in London. Ora recently spoke about their relationship during E!’s After Party post the 2024 Emmys, telling the outlet, “We inspire each other,” and adding, “With me coming from music and him being a writer, a director, and a filmmaker, it’s a house full of ideas.”

    Andrew Garfield (2018)

    Andrew Garfield (2018)

    Andrew Garfield (2018)

    Ora and Garfield dated in 2018, but their relationship only lasted a few months. Reports indicated Garfield wanted a more private relationship than he could have had with someone as high profile as Ora.

    Andrew Watt (2016-2017)

    Andrew Watt (2016-2017)

    Andrew Watt (2016-2017)

    Ora dated Andrew Watt, a musician, in 2016, and it got serious enough to go Instagram official. But that, in Hollywood, means very little, and the two went their separate ways in 2017.

    Lewis Hamilton (Rumored)

    Lewis Hamilton (Rumored)

    Lewis Hamilton (Rumored)

    For a while there in 2016 Ora was rumored to be dating F1 driver Lewis Hamilton, after the pair were spotted together on more than one occasion. However, the relationship was never confirmed and whatever was going on soon fizzled out.

    Travis Barker (2015)

    Travis Barker (2015)

    Travis Barker (2015)

    Long before he married Kourtney Kardashian, Barker dated Ora in 2015. It reportedly didn’t last too long, with Barker ending the relationship before it could get serious.

    Chris Brown (Rumored)

    Chris Brown (Rumored)

    Chris Brown (Rumored)

    Ora was rumored to have dated famous and controversial Rihanna ex Chris Brown in 2015 after the two collaborated on the song “Body on Me.” If they did, though, their relationship didn’t last long.

    A$AP Rocky (2015)

    Ora and A$AP Rocky dated briefly in 2015, and there’s proof in the lyrics to his song “Better Things,” which mention Ora by name in a less than flattering way and which even he has admitted were in bad taste.

    Ricky Hill (2014-2015)

    Ricky Hill (2014-2015)

    Ricky Hill (2014-2015)

    Ora dated Tommy Hilfiger’s son starting in 2014 and into 2015. After the two broke up he also released a diss song about Ora, titled “Superman.”

    Calvin Harris (2013-2014)

    Calvin Harris (2013-2014)

    Calvin Harris (2013-2014)

    Ora and Harris dated for about a year, starting in 2013 and even delaying the release of her album “Phoenix,” which was set to have several collaborations between the two. Ouch.

    Drake (2012)

    Drake (2012)

    Drake (2012)

    Ora and Drake reportedly briefly dated in 2012 after he wrote a song for Rihanna called “RIP” that Ora ended up singing. The relationship, however, didn’t last long.

    Rob Kardashian (2012)

    Rob Kardashian (2012)

    Rob Kardashian (2012)

    Ora dated a Kardashian, even if only for a couple of months. And there was drama after the split, with Kardashian accusing her of cheating and Rita claiming their lifestyles were just incompatible.

    Bruno Mars (2009-2011)

    Bruno Mars (2009-2011)

    Bruno Mars (2009-2011)

    Ora dated Bruno Mars before either of them made it big, with the two splitting amicably and remaining cordial to this day.

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    Rita Ora’s Husband & Dating History: A Look Into the Singer’s Romantic Life

    Rita Ora is known for her powerhouse vocals, catchy songs, and stunning looks. But aside from her successful music career, the singer has also been in the spotlight for her romantic relationships. From high-profile romances to rumored flings, Rita Ora’s dating history has certainly kept fans intrigued.

    One of the most notable relationships in Rita Ora’s dating history was with Scottish DJ Calvin Harris. The two dated in 2013, but their romance was short-lived and ended on not-so-pleasant terms. Rita Ora has since spoken out about their breakup, claiming that Calvin Harris prevented her from performing their collaborative song “I Will Never Let You Down” at the 2014 Teen Choice Awards.

    Following her relationship with Calvin Harris, Rita Ora was linked to a number of other celebrities, including rapper Wiz Khalifa and musician Andrew Watt. However, it wasn’t until 2019 that Rita Ora made headlines with her relationship with filmmaker Romain Gavras. The two have been spotted together multiple times, sparking rumors of a budding romance.

    But while Rita Ora’s dating history may be filled with ups and downs, the singer seems to have found true love with her current partner, Romain Gavras. The couple has been seen out and about together, looking happy and in love. And while they may not be married just yet, fans are eagerly waiting to see what the future holds for this talented and beautiful pair.

    In conclusion, Rita Ora’s dating history may be full of twists and turns, but one thing is for sure – the singer knows how to keep fans guessing when it comes to her love life. Whether she’s dating a famous DJ or a filmmaker, Rita Ora always manages to capture the attention of the media and her dedicated fan base. And with her relationship with Romain Gavras heating up, it looks like Rita Ora may have finally found her happily ever after.


    1. Rita Ora husband
    2. Rita Ora dating history
    3. Rita Ora relationships
    4. Rita Ora boyfriend
    5. Rita Ora past lovers
    6. Rita Ora current partner
    7. Rita Ora romantic life
    8. Rita Ora love interests
    9. Rita Ora famous exes
    10. Rita Ora personal life.

    #Rita #Oras #Husband #Dating #History