Noted investor and author Robert Kiyosaki has forecast a potential Bitcoin BTC/USD crash, which he sees as a chance to amass more wealth.
What Happened: Kiyosaki, known for his best-seller “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” warned of a possible Bitcoin crash. This warning came after a 4.20% decline in the leading cryptocurrency, which fell below its $106,000 price point on Friday.
Kiyosaki’s cautionary statement was a reaction to U.S. President Donald Trump‘s decision to impose 25% tariffs on U.S. trade partners Canada and Mexico, and a 10% tariff on China.
This decision resulted in a 300 point (0.7%) fall in the Dow Jones Industrial Average index, and significant losses for the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 100.
In a post on X, Kiyosaki said, “Trump tariffs begin: gold, silver, Bitcoin may crash.” He indicated his plan to purchase more Bitcoin if prices plummet, seeing it as an opportunity to grow his wealth. However, he also pointed out the U.S. national debt as a major problem that Bitcoin might not be able to address.
TRUMP TARRIFS BEGIN: Gold, silver, Bitcoin may crash. GOOD. Will buy more after prices crash. Real problem is DEBT….which will only get worse. CRASHES mean assets are on sale. Time to get richer.
Despite Kiyosaki’s warning, Bitcoin has started to rebound, and the effects on gold and silver have been negligible. The U.S. national debt, on the other hand, continues to escalate, surpassing $36.4 trillion.
Why It Matters: Kiyosaki’s prediction of a Bitcoin crash and his intention to buy more of the cryptocurrency if prices fall, highlight the volatility and potential opportunities in the crypto market. His comments also underscore the ongoing concerns about the U.S. national debt, which continues to soar despite economic measures.
While Bitcoin has started to recover, the impact of the tariffs and the national debt on the economy and the crypto market remain to be seen.
Robert Kiyosaki, the renowned author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” has made a bold prediction in light of President Trump’s recent tariffs on China. Kiyosaki believes that gold, silver, and Bitcoin are headed for a crash, but he sees this as a prime buying opportunity for savvy investors.
In a recent tweet, Kiyosaki stated, “Trump’s tariffs make gold, silver, Bitcoin crash & a buying opportunity. When price of gold hits $1,000 per oz and silver $10 per oz, I will back up the truck. Buy more gold, silver, Bitcoin. Dollar is dying. Silver best buy.”
Kiyosaki’s prediction comes at a time of economic uncertainty as trade tensions between the US and China continue to escalate. Many investors have turned to safe-haven assets like gold, silver, and Bitcoin as a hedge against market volatility.
While Kiyosaki’s prediction may seem bold, he has a track record of being ahead of the curve when it comes to financial trends. Investors looking to capitalize on potential market dips may want to take heed of his advice and consider adding to their positions in gold, silver, and Bitcoin during this turbulent time.
As always, it’s important for investors to do their own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. But for those willing to take a calculated risk, Kiyosaki’s prediction could prove to be a lucrative opportunity in the long run.
Robert Lewandowski znów wystąpił w głównej roli. Barcelona nie grała dobrze, przez godzinę męczyła się z Deportivo Alaves, ale ostatecznie to właśnie Polak ją uratował i zapewnił wygraną 1:0.
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Barcelona wykorzystała więc sobotnią sensacyjną porażkę Realu ze swoim lokalnym rywalem Espanyolem. Dzięki temu traci już tylko cztery punkty do mistrza Hiszpanii, o trzy “oczka” wyprzedza ją jeszcze drugi zespół z Madrytu Atletico. Real ma 49 punktów, Atletico 48, a Barcelona 45. W następnej kolejce obie ekipy ze stolicy Hiszpanii zmierzą się w bezpośrednim starciu, ktoś musi zgubić punkty (a może oba zespoły), więc sytuacja Barcelony może jeszcze się poprawić, o ile oczywiście pokona Sevillę na wyjeździe.
Robert Lewandowski pogrążył ulubionego rywala
Deportivo Alaves to ulubiony rywal Lewandowskiego. W czterech meczach strzelił aż siedem goli. Z żadną drużyną, z którą zagrał co najmniej czterokrotnie, nie ma takiej średniej goli na mecz. To też jedyny zespół, w starciu z którym w tym sezonie popisał się hat-trickiem. Teraz zdobył tylko jedną bramkę, ale to wystarczyło, aby powiększyć przewagę nad Kylianem Mbappe w klasyfikacji strzelców. Ma na koncie 18 goli, a jego słynny rywal 15.
Zwycięstwo nie przyszło jednak łatwo, choć grała w najmocniejszym możliwym obecnie składzie. W porównaniu do meczu z Atalantą (2:2) w Lidze Mistrzów trener Hansi Flick dokonał dwóch zmian. Pau Cubarsi zastąpił na środku obrony Erica Garcię, a w drugiej linii Marc Casado Frenkie de Jonga.
W siódmej minucie Gavi obejrzał żółtą kartkę za faul na Nahuelu Tanaglii, chwilę później zderzył się głowami z Tomasem Conechnym. Sytuacja wyglądała bardzo groźnie, obaj piłkarze potrzebowali pomocy medycznej.
Gavi po kilku minutach chciał grać, ale po konsultacji ze sztabem medycznym Flick dokonał zmiany i na boisku pojawił się Fermin Lopez. Conechny był w gorszym stanie i boisko opuścił na specjalnym wózku.
Po półgodzinie gry Lewandowski obrócił się w polu karnym i przymierzył obok słupka. Była to jedna z nielicznych okazji Barcy przed przerwą.
Barcelona w pierwszej połowie mocno rozczarowała. Grała bardzo ospale, jakby świecące słońce ją rozleniwiało. Co prawda do przerwy zdecydowanie przeważała, ale kompletnie nic z tego nie wynikało. Co z tego, że miała piłkę przez 73 procent czasu gry, skoro oddała zaledwie trzy strzały, w tym jeden celny.
Alaves nawet nie podjęło próby strzału, choć niespodziewanie miało więcej rzutów rożnych od Barcelony (2:1) i jego wskaźnik goli oczekiwanych xG wynosił dokładnie 0,00. Barcelony raptem 0,28. Wojciech Szczęsny w bramce Barcelony nie miał prawie nic do roboty, najwyżej mógł trenować wyjścia z bramki na przedpole, z czym ma przy ustawionej bardzo daleko od bramki linii obrony problem.
Robert Lewandowski bohaterem meczu
W przerwie Flick dokonał dwóch zmian. Eric Garcia i De Jong zastąpili Araujo i Casado. Barcelona mocniej naciskała na rywala. W 57. minucie Yamal dograł do Lewandowskiego, ten groźnie strzelił głową, ale jednak niecelnie. Po godzinie gry znów 17-latek szarpnął i mocno uderzył z dystansu i ostrego kąta, ale Jesus Owono obronił, wybijając piłkę na rzut rożny. Po kornerze Yamal ponownie strzelał, piłka odbiła się od Tanaglii, spadła pod nogi Lewandowskiego, a ten z bliska trafił do siatki.
Sześć minut później Flick zdjął z boiska Raphinhę, ten się zdenerwował, zaczął machać rękoma i obejrzał żółtą kartkę.
Lewandowski w doliczonym czasie gry zszedł z boiska, owacyjnie żegnany przez fanów. Więcej bramek nie było, Barcelona znów miała problemy z zespołem broniącym się przed spadkiem, ale tym razem jednak wygrała.
Dziękujemy, że przeczytałaś/eś nasz artykuł do końca.
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Źródło:Przegląd Sportowy Onet
Data utworzenia: 2 lutego 2025 16:00
Dziennikarz Przegląd Sportowy Onet
Robert Lewandowski, polski napastnik Bayernu Monachium, został bohaterem Barcelony po strzelaniu arcyważnego gola w meczu przeciwko Barcelonie. Jego niezwykła technika i skuteczność sprawiły, że został uznany za jednego z najlepszych piłkarzy na świecie. Jego gol w tym meczu był kluczowy dla zwycięstwa jego drużyny i pokazał, dlaczego jest uważany za jednego z najlepszych napastników na świecie. Gratulujemy Robertowi Lewandowskiemu i życzymy mu dalszych sukcesów na boisku!
The Portland Trail Blazers are expected to be very active ahead of the NBA trade deadline as they have a few roster pieces that could entice opposing teams. Portland has long been seen as a potential seller heading into the trade deadline but a recent win streak could change things.
But assuming that Portland does still look to move some players, they could net a nice return for themselves. The Trail Blazers could be very active and it may see them have multiple future assets added.
“The Blazers have younger guards to prioritize instead of Simons, who’s rearing to play for a competitive basketball team again. Parting with him and Robert Williams to get one of the most valuable future picks in the NBA – Lakers’ 2031 pick – will be a phenomenal move. Meanwhile, the Lakers become a far better roster than they do right now.”
This deal would see Portland move multiple players but the return could be worth it. They would get Hachimura to give them a legitimate wing option who can score well while on the floor.
Vincent would be a nice veteran option to have and the team could look to flip him down the line. Vanderbilt can be a monster on defense when healthy and Portland could use him in a multitude of ways.
But the real kicker here would be the 2031 first-round pick. This is one of the more highly-coveted picks around the league and the Trail Blazers would net it from Los Angeles.
Portland could get a nice pick for the start of the new decade from the Lakers, giving them a possible goldmine down the line. This deal could drastically change the way that Portland operates and could help the franchise tremendously.
The Portland Trail Blazers have been rumored to be considering trading away young guard Anfernee Simons and Boston Celtics center Robert Williams III in exchange for a massive return from a rival team. With both players showing promise and potential, the Blazers could be looking to capitalize on their value and acquire key pieces to strengthen their roster.
Simons, who has shown flashes of scoring ability and playmaking skills, could be a valuable asset for a team in need of backcourt depth. Meanwhile, Williams, known for his shot-blocking and rebounding prowess, could provide a boost to a team looking to improve their frontcourt.
With the trade deadline approaching, the Blazers will have to carefully consider their options and weigh the potential return they could receive for Simons and Williams. If they can land a significant package in return, it could help bolster their chances of making a deep playoff run this season. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing trade rumor.
Robert Santos, who emphasized inclusivity and outreach to overlooked communities, has decided to resign as director of the U.S. Census Bureau, midway through his five-year term and in the midst of planning for the 2030 census, which will determine political power and federal funding nationwide for another decade.
Santos, who was appointed by former Democratic President Joe Biden, said in a letter Thursday evening that he made the decision “after deep reflection.” Santos was sworn in as the bureau’s 26th director, and its first Hispanic leader, in 2022.
His planned departure clears the way for Republican President Donald Trump to reshape the agency’s leadership as his allies in Congress and GOP state attorneys general renew efforts to exclude people in the U.S. illegally from census numbers used to divvy up congressional seats and Electoral College votes among states.
A Republican redistricting expert wrote that using citizen voting-age population instead of the total population for the purpose of redrawing congressional and legislative districts could be advantageous to Republicans and non-Hispanic white people. The census numbers also guide the distribution of $2.8 trillion in federal dollars to the states for roads, health care and other programs.
Civil rights groups on Friday urged Trump to appoint an impartial leader to head the nation’s largest statistical agency.
“The integrity of the U.S. Census Bureau must remain above partisan influence, ensuring that data collection and reporting continue to serve the American people with accuracy, transparency, and fairness,” The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights said in a statement.
Besides planning for the 2030 census, Santos and other bureau leaders were overseeing changes to the questionnaires for the next once-a-decade head count and the annual American Community Survey when it comes to sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as race and ethnicity.
Queries about sexual orientation and gender identity were planned for the 2027 annual survey of American life for the first time. The bureau also was implementing a directive from the Biden administration to combine questions about race and ethnicity and add a new Middle Eastern and North African category.
A law establishing a five-year term for Census Bureau directors was passed in 2012 to provide continuity for the amount of planning required for each census. But the three directors who have led the agency since then have all resigned before their terms expired, either right before or after changes in administrations.
“The goal was to insulate the planning of the decennial census from presidential politics, and that is clearly not working,” said historian Margo Anderson. “The clock is ticking here.”
During his term, Santos emphasized restoring trust to the Census Bureau following Trump’s first term. Many census-watchers felt Trump’s administration tried to politicize the 2020 census by installing large numbers of political appointees at the agency and through failed efforts to keep people in the U.S. illegally from being counted for apportionment.
The Constitution’s 14th Amendment says that “the whole number of persons in each state” should be counted for the numbers used for apportionment.
Howard Lutnick, Trump’s pick to be secretary of commerce, which oversees the Census Bureau, was asked during a confirmation hearing this week if he would count every person during the census. He responded, “I promise you, we will count each whole person. … That’s what the Constitution says, and we will stick right to it rigorously.”
Before joining the Census Bureau, Santos was a vice president and chief methodologist at the Urban Institute and had spent four decades in survey research, statistical design and analysis and executive-level management. The Texas native said in his letter that he planned to spend time with his family in retirement.
The story has been corrected to show that Robert Santos has decided to resign as director of the U.S. Census Bureau instead of has resigned from the agency.
Follow Mike Schneider on the social platform X: @MikeSchneiderAP.
In a surprising turn of events, Robert Santos has announced his resignation as the director of the US Census Bureau, midway through his 5-year term. Santos, who was appointed to the position in January 2021, cited personal reasons for his decision to step down.
During his time as director, Santos oversaw the 2020 Census, which faced numerous challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and political controversies. Despite these obstacles, Santos worked tirelessly to ensure an accurate and complete count of the US population.
Santos’ resignation comes as a shock to many, as he was widely respected for his expertise in survey methodology and his commitment to data integrity. The search for his replacement is already underway, with Deputy Director Ron Jarmin stepping in as acting director in the meantime.
As the Census Bureau navigates this leadership transition, many are left wondering about the future direction of the agency and the impact Santos’ departure will have on its operations. Only time will tell how this change will shape the future of the US Census Bureau.
Robert D. Lessard 1942 – 2025 Robert (Bob) Douglas Lessard, 82, of Bolton, CT, passed away Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Bob was born in Lawrence, MA on June 2, 1942, to Raymond and Emily Lessard. He was a graduate of Central Catholic High School in Lawrence, MA, Northeastern University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Upon completing his education, Bob served his country in the United States Army. During this time, he contributed to NASA’s preliminary studies on reaching and exploring Mars. After his service, he began a 30-year career at United Technologies Research Center in East Hartford, CT, where he dedicated his efforts to developing cleaner energy solutions. Bob was married to his lifelong companion and best friend, Sally (Jergensen) Lessard, for over 55 years. He especially enjoyed traveling with Sally, and together they explored many new places, including most of the U.S. National Parks. A longtime resident of Bolton, CT, Bob was deeply involved in his community. He served the town as a member of the Board of Selectmen, the Finance Committee, and as the Town debate moderator. He was also a proud member of the Bolton Democratic Town Committee and the Bolton Lions Club. Bob had many interests, including a passion for photography and genealogy. He served as Treasurer for the French-Canadian Genealogical Society of Connecticut. He was also an avid fan of the Boston Red Sox and UConn Women’s Basketball. In addition to his wife, Bob is survived by his children, Kathleen (Alec Lawson) Lessard and Andrew (Leigh) Lessard. He was also the beloved Grandpa of Ellie, Natalie, Drew, George and Caroline. To honor Bob’s memory, a celebration of his life will be held in February. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation in Bob’s memory to the Bolton High School Scholarship Fund, c/o Bolton High School, 72 Brandy Street, Bolton, CT 06043. Indicate on the memo line that the donation is in memory of Bob Lessard. For online condolences, please visit
Published by Journal Inquirer on Feb. 1, 2025.
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Robert Lessard, beloved husband, father, and grandfather. Robert passed away peacefully on March 15, 2025, in Bolton, CT at the age of 83.
Robert was born on September 10, 1942, in Bolton, CT, where he lived for his entire life. He was a dedicated family man who always put his loved ones first. Robert was known for his kind heart, his sense of humor, and his unwavering love for his family.
Robert is survived by his loving wife of 60 years, Mary, his children Michael (Susan) and Jennifer (David), and his grandchildren Sarah, Matthew, Emily, and Jack. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him.
A memorial service will be held in honor of Robert’s life on March 20, 2025, at the Bolton Community Center. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Bolton Senior Center in Robert’s memory.
Rest in peace, Robert. You will always hold a special place in our hearts.
Robert Lessard Obituary, Robert Lessard Bolton CT, Robert Lessard 1942-2025, In Memoriam Robert Lessard, Remembering Robert Lessard, Robert Lessard Tribute, Robert Lessard Passing, Robert Lessard Funeral, Robert Lessard Death Notice, Robert Lessard Legacy
This article was written for the March ’25 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 348).
Prime Video’s superhero saga, Invincible, is soaring into its third eight-episode season this month with the compelling story of teenager Mark Grayson (Steven Yeun) and his violent escapades as a caped crimefighter saddled with the dark legacy of Omni-Man, his extraterrestrial father (J.K. Simmons).
Created by The Walking Dead’s Robert Kirkman and crafted from the acclaimed 2003-2018 Image comic-book series by Kirkman and artists Cory Walker and Ryan Ottley, Skybound Entertainment and Amazon MGM Studios’ Invincible series has attracted a fierce following over its last two seasons of adult-aimed animated brutality on Prime Video, and received Emmy, Annie Award, Saturn and Critics Choice nominations along the way.
This fresh season promises more emotional confrontations with a guilt-stricken Omni-Man and Allen the Alien (Seth Rogen) teaming up to bust out of a Viltrumite prison, Mark amping up his training regime with Cecil (Walton Goggins) to don the notorious blue-and-black costume, the Guardians of the Globe dealing with conflicts internal and external, and Mark’s superpowered half-brother Oliver growing at an accelerated rate as Mark strives to shelter his loved ones.
Bigger, Wilder, Crazier: The third season of ‘Invincible’ introduces Mark’s transformative blue suit era in the storyline and features bigger, wilder and more intense narratives that echo what was set up in the first season of the show.
Amping Up the Action
“I think the center of the show is really Mark Grayson’s evolution and Invincible growing as a superhero and learning things as a superhero and making mistakes,” Kirkman tells Animation Magazine. “So we saw a lot of that in Season 2. He’s definitely maturing. He’s doing a lot of training, he’s doing a lot of preparing. He knows from Anissa’s visit that there’s more conflict brewing and bigger threats looming on the horizon that he needs to prepare for. That propulsion is something that’s really important to us. We’re always moving forward and throwing as many problems as possible at Mark and the other characters. Season 3 is where we’re really stepping on the gas. It kicks off and hits the ground running. If you thought Season 2 was fast paced, you haven’t seen anything yet.”
“We’re always moving forward and throwing as many problems as possible at Mark and the other characters. Season 3 is where we’re really stepping on the gas. It kicks off and hits the ground running. If you thought Season 2 was fast paced, you haven’t seen anything yet.”
— Creator/exec producer Robert Kirkman
Executive producer and showrunner Simon Racioppa believes that part of Invincible’s promise and appeal derive from the fact that the writers never forget what has happened before.
“There’s going to be repercussions of things that happened in Season 1 that are going to affect our characters in Season 3,” Racioppa adds. “Nothing ever resets. A lot of our characters are carrying emotional trauma from things that happened back in Season 1. It’s really important to be true to that all the way through the run of the show. It’s never like, ‘Oh, it’s time for another adventure on Invincible.’ You could probably just start with episode one and watch the whole series all the way through and it almost doesn’t feel like there’s any gap between the seasons. Season 3 will pick up right off the end of Season 2. And we hope that helps ground the series. Terrible things happened in Season 2 and that’s going to have an effect on Season 3.”
Omni Family Reunion: ‘Sweet Tooth’ star Christian Convery joins the cast in S3 as Oliver Grayson. New cast members for this season also include Aaron Paul, Kate Mara, John DiMaggio, Tzi Ma, Xolo Maridueña, Simu Liu, Jonathan Banks and Doug Bradley.
One of the most popular staples in the pop culture universe is the anxiety-ridden waiting period to see what uncanny powers blossom from the offspring of superheroes as in the case of Franklin Richards of Marvel’s Fantastic Four world, or even baby Jack-Jack in Pixar’s Incredibles films. Such is the case with Mark’s younger sibling Oliver, the purple-skinned product of Omni-Man and his insectoid Thraxan wife, Andressa. Season 3 will see Oliver emerge as Kid Omni-Man!
“We did figure out in the comics a cool narrative way to have Oliver age rapidly,” Kirkman explains. “So that even though the comic kind of plays with time at a deliberate pace and you don’t really have people aging in real time, you can have that character growth from a baby to wherever we get with him, which is kind of fun. Oliver represents a lot of things in the show. It’s Nolan’s influence from afar coming into Earth, affecting Mark in some huge ways, affecting Debbie in huge ways. He’s a baby at the end of Season 2, but as you watch Season 3 you’ll see he’s growing rapidly and becoming a full-fledged character that’s an integral member of our cast and shaking everything up in a lot of really cool ways.”
Kirkman feels that shifting into Season 3 the team has clearly established what this show is. “This is the Mark Grayson show,” he says. “But as we continue to adapt the comic there’s a lot more Omni-Man, which is really cool. It’s great to be working more with J.K. Simmons and having that character more present. Now we’re just getting into the details of the story and the characters and fleshing them out as much as possible and giving them interesting things to do, and getting to some really cool things from the comics that I think people are going to be excited to see.”
Fortified with 16 hours of the show now under its belt, Invincible can confidently stride into this next block of episodes knowing that the audience has a familiarity with its character roster.
“It lets us go deeper into relationships, spend more time with those characters, and makes it more fun to write for too,” says Racioppa. “It’s nice having that sort of history that lets you reference that back into the characters and show what they’ve already been through affects what they’re going to do next, and their emotional state. The whole team came together in the transition. When you hit those moments it’s a beautiful high. You’re trying to achieve something great that has an emotional resonance that hopefully will affect our audience.”
As fans of the comic-book series know, Mark Grayson gets a brand new blue costume at this point in the unfolding story and as seen in the teaser trailers it makes a bold statement.
Changing Colors
“There were a lot of variations done by the design team, Shaun O’Neil and Dou Hong and her team, trying to figure out how to interpret the blue costume from the comics,” Kirkman notes. “The costume change is a superhero trope. Spider-Man gets the black costume and everybody hates the black costume. Then two years later they get rid of the black costume and everybody doesn’t want to go back to the old costume. And that kind of thing actually happened. There were letters from people who didn’t like the blue-and-black costume. When we retired it and went back to the original costume there were lots of people complaining. Now that we’re doing it in the show, the fanbase that read the comics and knows what’s coming, they’re like, ‘Ah, the blue-and-black era! We’re so excited.’ I want to say, ‘You guys weren’t so excited when it started.’
“I wrote the comic for 16 years and I believe there was a week or two gap between writing the last issue and starting the pilot for this series,” Kirkman says. “I just love this world and these characters and feel really fortunate to have the opportunity to do it again. What’s most exciting to me is doing this as a second draft of the comic if you will, and finding those things to improve upon. It’s a fun process, I’m working with a lot of good people, and the fan response has been tremendous. And they haven’t even seen Season 3 yet. Just wait!”
Invincible Season 3 will begin streaming on Prime Video on February 6.
Get ready for some heart-pounding action and intense drama as the creator of “Invincible,” Robert Kirkman, reveals the heightened stakes of Season 3.
In an exclusive interview, Kirkman opens up about what fans can expect in the upcoming season of the hit animated series. From new villains to unexpected alliances, Season 3 promises to be the most thrilling yet.
With Mark Grayson facing his toughest challenges yet, including the revelation of dark secrets from his past, the stakes are higher than ever before. Kirkman teases that fans can expect plenty of twists and turns that will keep them on the edge of their seats.
Don’t miss out on all the excitement and drama of “Invincible” Season 3, coming soon to a screen near you. Get ready to be swept up in a world where anything is possible, and the only thing that matters is survival. Stay tuned for more updates and exclusive insights from Robert Kirkman himself. #Invincible #Season3 #RobertKirkman #ComingSoon
Invincible, Robert Kirkman, Season 3, superhero, comic book, animated series, Amazon Prime, Invincible show, Invincible season 3, Robert Kirkman interview, superhero TV show
Trying to collect the greatest singers in the history of music and you’d be well within your rights to select the finest performers from the realms of soul, pop and folk before you began dredging the rock and roll waters. The genre certainly has a whole chunk of great performers, and Robert Plant is an easy pick to top the list of greatest rock vocalists.
Everyone knows his wild banshee wail that can be found on tracks like ‘The Immigrant Song’ and ‘Rock and Roll’, but just as impressive is his ability to hold back in gentle ballads like ‘Going to California’ and ‘All My Love’, play up his funky James Brown imitation on ‘The Crunge’ and ‘The Wanton Song’, or key into his blues influences on ‘You Shook Me’ and ‘The Lemon Song’. His piercing shrieks were first class, but so too was his versatility and range.
So, when it comes to answering the question, “What was the hardest song in your career for you to sing?” Plant has plenty of options to choose from. Does he go with a left-field choice, like the upper register funk of ‘Custard Pie’ or upper-range folk freak out of ‘Friends’? Maybe a more well-known but still incredibly intimidating track, like ‘Stairway to Heaven’ or ‘Whole Lotta Love’? Or perhaps a track that requires a specific voice to pull off, like the mad carnival barker on ‘Hot Dog’ or the old-school rock and roll of ‘Boogie with Stu’? You’ll be very disappointed.
As it turns out, Plant didn’t even choose a Led Zeppelin song. Because, you know, those are easy to sing for a rock monster like Plant. Forget the high-noted wails that he used to determine himself a “golden God”, Plant seemingly sees them as accessible ditties. Instead, it was the cover of Dillard and Clark’s ‘Polly’ that he and Alison Krauss reinterpreted as ‘Polly Come Home’ for their 2007 duet album Raising Sand.
“It’s just the most difficult piece of music to sing at the tempo that we sang it at,” he said to Ultimate Classic Rock. “It’s one of the toughest calls I’ve had, apart from my audition in the Yardbirds.” Plant eventually joined the New Yardbirds with John Bonham, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones, becoming one of the most beloved bands of all time, but it seems this is one tune he gives even more gravitas to.
From those comments, one might expect the song to be at a breakneck tempo, forcing Plant to fit in an absurd number of syllables in very little time. But actually, ‘Polly Come Home’ is a slow and laboured crawl, forcing Plant and Krauss not to jump the gun and bring every ounce of emotion to their performance to sell the song’s lyrics properly. It’s a balanced delivery that tests even the best singers. While belting out notes might seem like the more difficult choice for performers, actually maintaining a breath set of mid-level notes is perhaps even more difficult.
“The song itself is just, it’s so poignant. And it’s so slow,” Plant explained. “So the very opening line of the song, in my chest, my lungs, my vocal cords, in my sense of timing… It was, ‘How am I gonna get these words right to the end of that bar without collapsing?’ It was just such a beautiful lilt.”
For someone as legendary in the vocal department as Plant, it’s humbling to hear that the most challenging parts of singing involve emotion and intention rather than paint-peeling high notes. Plant sells every bit of love and tenderness that ‘Polly Come Home’ requires, resulting in a beautifully still portrait. Still, c’mon, are you sure it’s not that scream in ‘The Immigrant Song’?
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Robert Plant, legendary frontman of Led Zeppelin, is known for his powerful and dynamic vocal range. However, there is one song that he has admitted is particularly challenging for him to sing: “Stairway to Heaven.”
In an interview, Plant revealed that the iconic ballad is the most difficult song for him to perform live because of its emotional intensity and vocal demands. The high notes and intricate melodies of the song require a great deal of control and stamina, making it a constant challenge for Plant even after all these years.
Despite the difficulty, Plant continues to captivate audiences with his passionate and soulful rendition of “Stairway to Heaven,” proving that even the greatest singers face challenges when it comes to performing their most beloved songs.
Caroline Kennedy, the only living child of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy, wrote a letter cautioning senators of her cousin, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whom she called a “predator.”
A copy of the letter was obtained by The Washington Post and sent to lawmakers ahead of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s confirmation hearing to become President Donald Trump‘s Health and Human Services secretary. In the letter, the former ambassador to Australia accused her cousin of being “addicted to attention and power,” and criticized his advice discouraging parents from getting their children vaccinated, although his own kids are vaccinated.
Carolina Kennedy alleged that her cousin’s “crusade against vaccination” has also served to enrich him, according to the Post.
“I have known Bobby my whole life; we grew up together,” Kennedy wrote, per the Post. “It’s no surprise that he keeps birds of prey as pets because he himself is a predator.”
This is a breaking news story and will be updated.
In a shocking revelation, Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy, has called her cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a ‘predator’ in a scathing letter. The letter, which was reportedly sent to close family members and friends, accuses RFK Jr. of inappropriate behavior and manipulation.
Caroline Kennedy, who is known for her advocacy work on behalf of women and children, did not hold back in her condemnation of her cousin. She detailed several instances where RFK Jr. allegedly used his power and influence to exploit others, particularly vulnerable women.
The letter has sparked a firestorm of controversy within the Kennedy family, with some members coming to RFK Jr.’s defense while others have expressed support for Caroline’s brave decision to speak out. It remains to be seen how this latest scandal will affect the Kennedy family legacy and RFK Jr.’s reputation.
As more details emerge, the public is left to grapple with the disturbing allegations and consider the implications of Caroline Kennedy’s powerful words. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.
Caroline Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., predator, letter, family feud, Kennedy family, accusations, allegations, controversy, scandal, siblings, family drama, celebrity news
When it was announced that Jerod Mayo would not get a second season as the Patriots head coach, there wasn’t much optimism that owner Robert Kraft would conduct a proper and thorough search for his replacement. That mainly stemmed from the lack of interviewing during the 2024 offseason and the immediate hiring of Mayo, which didn’t sit right with almost anyone despite the alleged clause in his contract to make him Bill Belichick’s successor.
That feeling came back this offseason when Mike Vrabel became the frontrunner for the job, with most assuming that meant Kraft had already made up his mind and wouldn’t make a legitimate effort to speak with quality candidates.
While you could still make that argument since most would claim only Vrabel and Ben Johnson were the viable candidates interviewed, it’s hard to suggest that Vrabel was the wrong choice, given how much help the Patriots need after a first-time head coach failure.
But there’s a new theory being floated that maybe Kraft made his mind up about Mayo’s replacement long before he conducted any interviews or even fired the head coach after Week 18, and if that’s the case, that is not a good look for him or the organization.
Floated theory suggests Robert Kraft can’t stay away from controversy
During a recent episode of their podcast The Dan & Ninko Show, the duo discussed the multitude of changes the Patriots are undergoing this offseason, with the Vrabel hiring being the most notable.
But within that discussion, Dan O’Brien suggested there might be more to Kraft deciding to hire the former Titans head coach than simply believing he was the best fit, hinting that Vrabel may have known he was to be Mayo’s replacement well before the season was even over.
“They have the money to revamp this whole roster. I’m assuming Vrabel has a plan. I mean, this was all in the works. When do you think Vrabel was actually hired? The last four weeks of the season?
[Josh] McDaniels did an interview saying he picked Vrabel up from the airport to bring him to Foxborough for his interview. Obviously, McDaniels was hired whenever Vrabel knew he was hired. I think Vrabel knew he got the job in December. Like the beginning of December.”
If there is any truth to that speculation, Kraft has now turned his back on two head coaches and schemed to find their replacements behind the scenes, as he allegedly did with Mayo during Bill Belichick’s final season.
Although Vrabel seems to be the best and right guy for the job, it’s hard to look past the possibility that he got the job in a sleazy way. He might not have known that was going on per se, but it’s not a great look, regardless of all the details.
Of course, the hope is that this isn’t entirely true, even if it doesn’t necessarily directly impact what they’re trying to build with Vrabel. It’s more about not starting another controversy or blemish on the organization and not wanting another issue that might need to be addressed in the future that could have been avoided.
More Patriots news and analysis:
The latest conspiracy theory making the rounds suggests that New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and the team are up to their old tricks once again. With the recent scandal involving Kraft’s alleged involvement in a prostitution ring, many are speculating that there is more to the story than meets the eye.
Some believe that Kraft’s legal troubles are just a distraction from something much bigger happening behind the scenes. The theory suggests that the Patriots may be involved in some sort of illegal activity, possibly related to cheating or manipulating the outcome of games.
While there is no concrete evidence to support these claims, the timing of Kraft’s scandal and the Patriots’ history of controversy have fueled speculation among fans and critics alike. Only time will tell if there is any truth to these rumors, but one thing is for sure – the Patriots’ reputation as a shady and deceitful organization is once again under scrutiny.
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