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Tag: Sabalenka

  • Open de Australia 2025: Badosa y Sabalenka: la demostración empírica de que tu rival puede ser también tu amiga íntima | Tenis | Deportes

    Deslizaba en su día la mediática Maria Sharapova, ganadora de cinco grandes y número uno en 2005, que ella, particularmente, no terminaba de ver del todo eso de hacer buenas migas con las rivales del circuito. “Me resulta difícil cenar con alguien una noche y tener que jugar contra él dos días después, porque al fin y al cabo es un deporte individual y todos somos muy competitivos. Lo típico en el deporte es que intentemos ganarnos unos a otros…”, señalaba con ironía la rusa, siguiendo la línea tradicional del viejo paradigma de una disciplina muy igualada en la que cuenta hasta el último detalle; todo, hasta cualquier nimiedad o cualquier matiz de comportamiento, puede suponer una pista para él o la de enfrente. No parece importar demasiado esto a Paula Badosa y Aryna Sabalenka, que este jueves (9.30, Eurosport y Max) se encontrarán en las semifinales de Australia.

    “Lo manejamos con bastante normalidad, con tranquilidad. Muchas veces nos escribimos mensajes antes de los partidos. Sabemos separar muy bien las cosas. Nos admiramos y nos respetamos. Va a ser una batalla dentro de la pista, por supuesto, pero fuera de ella, nuestra relación es muy buena”, apunta la española, que conoció a la bielorrusa hace tres años en Los Ángeles. A partir de ahí, surgió la amistad y ambas han competido en más de una ocasión como pareja de dobles, además de compartir bailoteos en las redes sociales y buenos ratos por todo el mundo y en Dubái, donde residen. “Somos amigas, pero dentro de la pista somos competidoras y no hay lugar para la amistad”, matiza la de Minsk, campeona de las dos últimas ediciones del torneo y superior en el global de los siete cruces que han disputado hasta ahora; 5-2 a su favor, los cinco triunfos de manera consecutiva.

    El buen rollo entre ellas escapa de la vieja tendencia y expresa que en los nuevos tiempos los jugadores tienden a acercarse, más allá de las distancias lógicas que marca el entorno competitivo. Continúa habiendo roces y desencuentros, pero al cambio de juego va acompañándole también un nuevo modelo relacional, en el que los jugadores y las jugadoras no se ven tanto como enemigos, sino que se aproximan más al término empleado por la propia Sabalenka: competidores. Lógicamente, el estrato suele definir la mayor o menor estrechez entre unos y otras, pero la generación Z tiende a acercarse. Para muestra, el nexo entre Jannik Sinner y Carlos Alcaraz, marcado por el buen tono y los elogios; distinto, sin ir más lejos, al que ha existido entre Nadal y Djokovic o el serbio y Federer, por ejemplo.

    Muguruza (L) hugs the US's Serena Williams
    Muguruza y Serena se saludan tras la final de Roland Garros 2016.PHILIPPE LOPEZ (AFP)

    “Al principio no me aceptaron. Entendí el mensaje: somos rivales, nada más”, explicaba recientemente el de Belgrado en una entrevista concedida a la revista GQ. “Son todas muy simpáticas, pero esto es lo que tiene la competición. El tenis es muy competitivo y al final, es así; es un sacrifico que hay que hacer con tanta actividad, semana a semana. Realmente, no tengo amigas en el circuito, es difícil hacerlas”, exponía en su día Garbiñe Muguruza, que encontró gelidez y contrapuso la misma receta en pleno desafío a Serena Williams. “He sabido muy bien apartar la fascinación a la hora de competir contra ella”, describía en una carta publicada por EL PAÍS cuando se despidió la norteamericana, hace tres años. Para la china Qinwen Zheng, la actual número cinco del mundo, la amistad con las compañeras es sencillamente inconcebible.

    Equipos e islotes

    “Decidí no hacer amigas por aquí”, concedía en diciembre, en el marco de la Copa de Maestras. “Estoy aquí para competir, para ganar, así que prefiero mantener la distancia. Siento que si me hago amiga de alguien y luego tengo que jugar contra ella no podré concentrarme y luchar al cien por cien. Cuando tuviera que gritar ‘¡vamos!’, no sería capaz de hacerlo porque me sentiría un poco rara. Hay muchas personas fuera del tenis. A veces les felicito [a las rivales] por su gran temporada, pero no hablo con ellas. No busco hacerlo”, esgrimía la tenista asiática, alejada del discurso conciliador de jugadoras como Coco Gauff u Ons Jabeur. “A mí no me resulta difícil. Creo que la mayoría de las chicas, diría que el 99%, nos esforzamos para estar bien dentro y fuera de la pista, porque al final, vamos a ser compañeras de trabajo durante 10 o 15 años”, razona la estadounidense.

    Martina Navratilova y Chris Evert se enfrentaron 80 veces (43-37 para la primera) y simbolizan una de las rivales más enconadas de la historia. Entre ellas hubo fricción máxima en lo deportivo, más allá de que la segunda descartara competir juntas en dobles para evitar dar pistas innecesarias, pero al margen de las canchas han compartido mensaje y apoyo recíproco. En contraposición, son de sobra conocidas las chispas que saltaban en el circuito masculino en los ochenta. Sin embargo, uno de los iconos de esa época, Mats Wilander, considera que hoy día los profesionales son islotes por el tipo de estructura que se articula a tu alrededor. “Cuando estás ahí arriba te aíslas, aunque mis rivales acabaron convirtiéndose en mis amigos”, contaba a Behind the racquet; “pero hoy día, todos los jugadores están aislados en sus equipos”.

    Chris Evert saluda a Martina Navratilova tras ganar Roland Garros en 1985.
    Chris Evert saluda a Martina Navratilova tras ganar Roland Garros en 1985.CORDON

    Para el griego Stefanos Tsitsipas, no es del todo fácil entablar amistades en el ámbito profesional: “Me encantaría tener amigos en el circuito, pero no me identifico con muchos de ellos por mi visión de la vida”. A cambio, la raqueta le ha aportado amor. Su pareja sentimental, Badosa, tiende en cambio a empatizar con numerosas jugadoras, aunque ninguna como Sabalenka. “Es la mejor”, dice la española, de 27 años. “Y ella es mi favorita”, le corresponde la número uno, de 26. “Pienso que lo que están haciendo ella y Swiatek [en el trono durante 125 semanas, hasta que fue desbancada por la bielorrusa en septiembre, coincidiendo con la consecución de su tercer major] tiene mucho valor y ayuda a nuestro deporte. Los aficionados necesitan referencias”, contesta la española a este periódico.

    Este jueves, Badosa afronta un reto superlativo, teniendo en cuenta que Sabalenka encadena 19 victorias seguidas en Melbourne, donde no pierde desde los octavos de 2022. “Aryna está demostrando por qué es la número uno. Está siendo muy consistente, muy agresiva, muy intensa. Siempre es muy difícil enfrentarse a ella. Lo hice el año pasado, pero creo que no estaba tan en forma como estoy ahora. Tengo muchas ganas de que llegue el partido”, dice la catalana, correspondida por la jefa de la WTA, sufridora en la ronda anterior: “Paula es una gran jugadora y ha pasado por muchas cosas. Ha recuperado su mejor juego y eso me alegra. He visto sus partidos y está haciéndolo muy bien, pero yo debo centrarme en mí misma. Debo ser agresiva y presionarle mucho. Definitivamente, estoy ansiosa por jugar”.

    ¡Estamos presenciando un momento histórico en el tenis femenino!

    En la final del Open de Australia 2025, las jugadoras Paula Badosa y Aryna Sabalenka no solo nos han regalado un emocionante partido lleno de intensidad y talento, sino que también nos han mostrado que en el mundo del deporte de alto rendimiento, tu rival puede ser también tu amiga íntima.

    A lo largo de todo el torneo, hemos podido ver la complicidad y la amistad que existe entre estas dos grandes tenistas. A pesar de competir en la cancha con todo su esfuerzo y determinación, fuera de ella se han mostrado cercanas, apoyándose mutuamente y compartiendo momentos de camaradería.

    Esta final ha sido la demostración empírica de que en el deporte no solo se trata de ganar a toda costa, sino también de cultivar relaciones sanas y respetuosas con tus compañeras de profesión. Badosa y Sabalenka nos han enseñado que la rivalidad no tiene por qué estar reñida con la amistad, y que juntas pueden alcanzar cotas más altas de las que podrían lograr individualmente.

    Enhorabuena a ambas por su gran actuación en este torneo y por recordarnos que el tenis, y cualquier deporte, puede ser también una oportunidad para construir lazos de amistad y camaradería. ¡Que viva el espíritu deportivo!


    Open de Australia 2025, Badosa, Sabalenka, rivalidad amistosa, tenis femenino, amistad en el tenis, competencia deportiva, amigas en el tenis, demostración empírica, amistad en el deporte.

    #Open #Australia #Badosa #Sabalenka #demostración #empírica #rival #puede #ser #también #amiga #íntima #Tenis #Deportes

  • Sabalenka, reflexiva después del susto en Australia: “No se trata de tener miedo, sino de encontrar una salida”

    Aryna Sabalenka pasó por rueda de prensa luego de su clasificación a las semifinales del Australian Open 2025. La bielorrusa, bicampeona del certamen, se deshizo de la rusa Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova con una dificultad mayor a la esperada. Es que el segundo set, que quedó en poder de la oriunda de Samara, fue con contundencia: 6-2.

    Pese al mal panorama y con su clasificación pendiendo de un hilo, la número uno del mundo se repuso y ganó. Y así lo explicó en conferencia con los medios en Melbourne Park: “Lo de hoy no tiene nada que ver con el miedo, esa etapa ya la pasé. Solo estaba tratando de averiguar cómo adaptarme a las condiciones y jugar mejor, estaba luchando por encontrar mi ritmo, por encontrar las soluciones a estas condiciones. No se trata de tener miedo, sino de encontrar una salida. No estaba luchando al principio, en realidad, pero luego en el segundo set la vi obligada a encontrar un camino diferente. Me alegro de haberlo conseguido. Lo principal para mí fue rezar un poco y mantener el perfil bajo, tratar de poner siempre una bola más, mantener la concentración y jugar con disciplina”.

    Otro de los temas que trató Sabalenka fue acerca del tricampeonato, que la tiene a solo dos victorias de una gesta que sería histórica y en la que solo están Martina Hingis, Monica Seles, Steffi Graf, Evonne Goolagong y Margaret Court: “Estoy feliz de haberme colocado en una situación en la que tengo la oportunidad de unirme a ese grupo de mujeres, convertirme en una de ellas. Estar al lado de esos nombres es como un sueño para mí, reconozco que dentro de mi cabeza siempre estuve esa idea, aunque mi enfoque principal en el día a día siempre es ir paso a paso. Sé que si puedo mostrar mi mejor versión, si saco mi mejor tenis, además de sumarlo a mi espíritu de lucha, entonces sé que soy capaz de hacerlo. Solo estoy tratando de concentrarme en mí misma, de extraer mi mejor tenis cada vez que salto a la cancha”.

    Por último, se refirió acerca de su próxima rival en Melbourne, Paula Badosa: “Es una gran jugadora, una chica que ha pasado por muchas cosas en su carrera. Ahora ha recuperado su mejor juego, así que estoy feliz de verla así. He visto algunos de sus partidos en este torneo, creo que está jugando muy bien al tenis, pero yo lo que necesito es concentrarme en mí misma. Tengo que mantenerme agresiva, ponerla bajo mucha presión. También estoy muy emocionada de enfrentarme a ella en unas semifinales, definitivamente será una gran batalla, estoy deseando que llegue”.

    Toda la actividad del Abierto de Australia se sigue en VIVO por Disney+ Premium.

    La tenista bielorrusa Aryna Sabalenka ha reflexionado sobre su experiencia en el Abierto de Australia, donde sufrió un susto al desmayarse durante un partido. A pesar del incidente, Sabalenka se ha mostrado serena y optimista, afirmando que “no se trata de tener miedo, sino de encontrar una salida”.

    En una entrevista post-partido, Sabalenka habló sobre la importancia de mantener la calma en situaciones de crisis y de no dejarse llevar por el miedo. “Es normal sentir miedo en momentos difíciles, pero lo importante es no dejar que ese miedo nos paralice. Debemos buscar soluciones, mantener la cabeza fría y seguir adelante”, expresó la tenista.

    Sabalenka también agradeció el apoyo de su equipo y de los aficionados durante este difícil momento, y se mostró agradecida por la oportunidad de aprender y crecer a partir de esta experiencia. “Estoy segura de que saldré más fuerte y más preparada de este episodio. No se trata de tener miedo, sino de encontrar una salida y seguir avanzando”, concluyó la tenista.

    Con esta actitud positiva y resiliente, Aryna Sabalenka demuestra una vez más su determinación y su capacidad para superar los obstáculos que se le presentan en su carrera deportiva. Sin duda, su valentía y su espíritu luchador son un ejemplo a seguir para todos aquellos que se enfrentan a adversidades en la vida.


    1. Sabalenka tennis
    2. Sabalenka Australian Open
    3. Sabalenka interview
    4. Sabalenka reflection
    5. Sabalenka resilience
    6. Sabalenka mindset
    7. Sabalenka overcoming fear
    8. Sabalenka mental strength
    9. Sabalenka sports psychology
    10. Sabalenka inspirational quote

    #Sabalenka #reflexiva #después #del #susto #Australia #trata #tener #miedo #sino #encontrar #una #salida

  • Sabalenka Derrota A Pavlyuchenkova Y Se Cita Con Badosa En Semifinales De Australia

    La bielorrusa Aryna Sabalenka celebra su victoria en cuartos de final del Abierto de Australia contra la rusa Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, en Melbourne el 21 de enero de 2025

    Martin KEEP

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    La tenista bielorrusa Aryna Sabalenka venció a la rusa Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova en los cuartos de final del Abierto de Australia, y ahora se enfrentará a la española Paula Badosa en las semifinales del torneo.

    Sabalenka, quien es la número 2 del mundo, mostró un gran nivel de juego para superar a Pavlyuchenkova en un emocionante partido que terminó con un marcador de 6-4, 6-3 a su favor.

    Ahora, la bielorrusa se prepara para enfrentar a Badosa, quien ha tenido una excelente actuación en el torneo y ha demostrado ser una rival muy peligrosa.

    La semifinal entre Sabalenka y Badosa promete ser un emocionante duelo entre dos de las mejores jugadoras del mundo, y sin duda será un partido que los aficionados al tenis no querrán perderse. ¡Estamos listos para disfrutar de un gran espectáculo en las semifinales de Australia! #AusOpen


    • Sabalenka
    • Pavlyuchenkova
    • Badosa
    • Semifinales de Australia
    • Tenis
    • Derrota
    • Partido
    • Resultados
    • Deportes
    • Competición

    #Sabalenka #Derrota #Pavlyuchenkova #Cita #Con #Badosa #Semifinales #Australia

  • Badosa will face her friend Sabalenka in Australian Open semifinals

    As the enamored crowd at Rod Laver Arena looked on, Paula Badosa fell to her knees.

    She stayed on the ground for a moment as she leaned over with her arms outstretched. She had just beaten Coco Gauff, the No. 3 seed and clear match favorite, in a decisive 7-5, 6-4 victory and had advanced to the first major semifinals of her career.

    The moment meant everything.

    While it had seemed like an inevitability for Badosa at one point earlier in her career, this breakthrough came after a debilitating back injury left her future in the sport in doubt. When Badosa played at this tournament 12 months ago, she was uncertain about how much longer she would be able to continue playing as she was simply unable to get the pain under control.

    “[But] now I’m here playing against the best in the world,” Badosa said. “I won today, 1737617870 I’m in the semifinals. I would never think a year [later] I would be here.”

    And on Thursday, Badosa, the former world No. 2, will have a chance to reach her first Slam final in a semifinal clash against two-time defending champion — and one of her closest friends — Aryna Sabalenka. It’s a daunting task but one that Badosa is ready for.

    “I’ve been through a lot,” Badosa said Tuesday. “I was in the past one of the best players in the world, but I think now I’m a better player, more mature. I think I manage the emotions a little bit better … For me, this is a dream come true.”

    Few who saw Badosa’s rise through the junior ranks would be surprised by her current run in Melbourne. Born in New York but raised in Spain, Badosa won the French Open girls title in 2015, and her talent was on full display from a young age.

    After some time primarily on the ITF Tour once she turned professional, Badosa, now 27, made her major main draw debut at the Australian Open in 2019 and cracked the top 100 for the first time later that season. By 2021, she had reached her first major quarterfinals at the French Open, and won what remains the biggest title of her career at the 1000-level Indian Wells. Her ranking soared — reaching No. 2 in April of 2022 — and with it she became one of the most recognizable players on tour.

    But things took a dramatic turn in 2023 when she suffered a stress fracture in her back. She played sparingly during the season and ultimately, after having to retire during her second-round match at Wimbledon, her only Slam appearance of the year, she was forced to shut down her season.

    “Those of you who know me know how much I like to compete and how difficult it has been to make this decision,” she wrote on Instagram after withdrawing from the US Open in August of that year. “We have tried everything together with my team, but the pain is not letting me move forward.”

    Badosa returned in time for the start of 2024 season but admitted it was a “process to come back” when speaking to reporters at the Australian Open. She reached the third round. But the pain hadn’t subsidized. In an interview on the WTA Insider Podcast, Badosa said her doctors told it would be “very complicated to continue [her] career” during a consultation in March after she had withdrawn from Indian Wells. But they began taking cortisone shots in a last-ditch effort — something her medical team called her “only option” — and the shots allowed her to continue to play.

    But even with the pain somewhat managed, the results she had become accustomed to simply weren’t coming. She also knew she could only have three injections of cortisone throughout the year — she had received her second one in April — and after a challenging clay-court season, it made her doubt her future in the sport.

    “There was one point of last year that I was pretty close [to retiring] because I wasn’t seeing myself at the level,” Badosa told reporters after defeating Gauff on Tuesday. “The back wasn’t responding well, and I didn’t find solutions. But I wanted to give it a last try, a last chance to finish the year and let’s see how it would go.

    “And well, here I am. So, I’m really proud of what we went through with all my team and especially how I fought through all that, especially mentally.”

    Badosa made some changes after a first-round loss in April in Madrid which saw her ranking tumble out of the top 100. Believing everything she did related to her back, she brought in a new fitness coach and a new nutritionist. They gave her exercises to help strengthen her back, as well as different supplements to take and food to eat that could ease inflammation. She began consulting with new doctors. She saw improvements and “the puzzle started to look better.” She took her last cortisone shot in the spring and hasn’t needed one since.

    Initially, she had to fight off a lingering fear that she would wake up one morning and the pain would be back. But she persevered. Badosa reached the fourth round at Wimbledon in July and then went on to win the title — her first in over two-and-a-half-years — at the Washington Open in July. There was a semifinal appearance in Cincinnati and then a quarterfinal run at the US Open, marking her best-ever result at the major.

    Badosa ended the season ranked at No. 12 and she was named the WTA’s 2024 Comeback Player of the Year in December. It was something she had wanted all year, and it gave her confidence heading into the new season.

    “Do I feel like I’m back where I belong? Yeah, of course,” Badosa said on Tuesday. “I mean since I came back last year here in Australia, my goal, I set it here last January, I wanted to be the Comeback Player of the Year. I achieved that. And when I started this year, I also said I want to be one of the best players in the world and prove that, show that and be consistent. So that’s my goal for this year.”

    Badosa didn’t know if she would be facing Sabalenka or Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova when she spoke to reporters after her win over Gauff. But she still answered many questions about Sabalenka, the current world No. 1. The two, who frequently post about their friendship on social media, have been among one another’s biggest supporters in recent years.

    When Sabalenka’s former partner Konstantin Koltsov died from an apparent suicide days before the start of the Miami Open in March, it was Badosa that became Sabalenka’s unofficial spokesperson and talked to the media when Sabalenka declined. Even as the two prepared to play one another in a round-of-64 meeting, Badosa provided insight on how Sabalenka was doing. Sabalenka won the match and Badosa was full of praise for her friend afterwards. “She’s a very, very strong woman, strong personality,” Badosa said.

    When Badosa was forced to retire in the third set from a tight match against Sabalenka at Stuttgart in April, she cried as they hugged and Sabalenka tried to console her.

    “I love Paula very much,” Sabalenka said in her news conference after the match. “We have been friends for three or four years. She is an incredible person. It is very important to have friends on the circuit, so when you find someone who you feel is your soulmate, it is the best thing that can happen to you.”

    The friends — known collectively by tennis fans as “Sabadosa” — have played once since, with Sabalenka earning a 7-5, 6-1 victory in the third round at the French Open to hold a 5-2 series edge in their career head-to-head.

    On Thursday, they will have to put away their admiration for one another for yet another day. Badosa was excited for the possibility after her win on Tuesday and called it a “normal” experience at this point. Badosa said they typically message each other before matches but would be expecting a “battle.”

    Sabalenka however couldn’t hide her excitement for Badosa.

    “She’s a great player and she’s been through a lot and now she’s back on her best game,” Sabalenka said after her three-set victory over Pavlyuchenkova. “I’m really happy to see that. And yeah, I saw her games here. She’s playing really great tennis.”

    No matter what happens in the semifinal showdown, Badosa will leave Melbourne having returned to the top 10 for the first time since 2022. With all of her health challenges, she has repeatedly said she now tries to appreciate everything more and “soak it all in.” Against Gauff, she said she tried to enjoy everything about the match, and the crowd and the aftermath. Having spent so much time away from competition, she’s grateful for it all.

    But make no mistake: Badosa still wants to win and knows what she’s capable of.

    “I am never going to feel freedom until I win the tournament,” she said. “I’m always like this and it’s my personality, it’s my character. Today [against Gauff], of course, maybe I had a little bit less expectations, but I still had pressure because I wanted to win so badly.

    “I’ll step on the court in the semifinals, I don’t care against who and I’ll want to win so badly. That’s [just] part of me.”

    In an exciting turn of events, Paula Badosa will be facing off against her good friend Aryna Sabalenka in the Australian Open semifinals. The two players have a close relationship off the court, but when they step onto the court, it will be all business as they battle it out for a spot in the final.

    Badosa has been in incredible form throughout the tournament, defeating top players and showcasing her skills on the court. Sabalenka, on the other hand, is known for her powerful game and aggressive style of play. It promises to be a thrilling match between two talented players who know each other’s games inside out.

    As they prepare to go head-to-head, fans can expect a high-intensity and competitive match that will keep them on the edge of their seats. Both players will be giving it their all to come out on top and advance to the final, making this semifinal clash one not to be missed.

    Stay tuned as Badosa and Sabalenka battle it out for a spot in the Australian Open final, with friendship put aside for the sake of competition.


    1. Badosa vs Sabalenka Australian Open semifinals
    2. Badosa Sabalenka match preview
    3. Australian Open women’s singles semifinals
    4. Badosa and Sabalenka showdown
    5. Badosa Sabalenka rivalry
    6. Spanish tennis player Badosa
    7. Belarusian tennis star Sabalenka
    8. Australian Open semifinals matchup
    9. Badosa Sabalenka head-to-head
    10. Women’s tennis semifinals at Australian Open

    #Badosa #face #friend #Sabalenka #Australian #Open #semifinals

  • Australian Open 2025: Aryna Sabalenka and Paula Badosa to put friendship aside in semi-final showdown

    Seeing a friendly face is supposed to be a good thing.

    Yet when Aryna Sabalenka and Paula Badosa take to the court for their Australian Open semi-final on Thursday, it may only add to the pressure.

    The pair are close friends with Sabalenka going so far as to call Badosa her “soulmate” in Stuttgart last year.

    “I love Paula very much,” the 26-year-old Belarusian said.

    “She is an incredible person. It is very important to have friends on the circuit, so when you find someone who you feel is your soulmate, it is the best thing that can happen to you.”

    Their friendship has grown over the past few years with the pair practising together and wearing matching outfits during the 2024 US Open, as well as posting about each other on social media.

    “We realised that we had very similar personalities and we get along very well, and that we’re both very, very competitive,” Badosa told the Tennis Channel’s Inside-In podcast, external in March.

    “It’s very nice for me having a friend on tour because it’s very tough to find.”

    But with a place in the final at stake, that friendship will have to be put on hold in Melbourne.

    This is not the first meeting between the two – they have played eight times before, with Sabalenka winning the past six – but it is comfortably the most high-profile.

    World number one Sabalenka is bidding to win a third straight Australian Open title, while it is 27-year-old Badosa’s first time in the last four of a Grand Slam.

    The Spaniard shocked sixth seed Coco Gauff in the quarter-finals as her remarkable recovery from a back injury, that she feared would force her to retire only a year ago, continues.

    “It’s tough to play your best friend,” Sabalenka said after beating Badosa in Stuttgart.

    However, difficult as it may be, once they walk out on Rod Laver Arena, all sentiment will be put to one side.

    “We know how to separate things,” Badosa added.

    “We decided a long time ago that off the court we are friends, while on the court she really wants to win, I really want to win,” said Sabalenka, who beat Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova in the quarter-finals.

    “So on the court we are competitors and there is no place for friendship.”

    The upcoming Australian Open 2025 is set to showcase a thrilling semi-final showdown between two close friends turned fierce competitors, Aryna Sabalenka and Paula Badosa. The two rising tennis stars have been making waves in the tennis world, and their friendship will be put to the test as they battle it out on the court for a spot in the final.

    Sabalenka, known for her powerful game and aggressive playing style, has been on a hot streak leading up to the tournament. Badosa, on the other hand, has been steadily climbing the ranks with her consistent performance and strategic gameplay.

    Despite their close friendship off the court, both players are determined to give it their all in what promises to be an intense and thrilling match. Fans can expect to see a display of skill, athleticism, and sportsmanship as these two talented athletes go head-to-head.

    The outcome of this semi-final showdown is anyone’s guess, but one thing is for sure – it will be a match to remember. Stay tuned for what is sure to be a thrilling and unforgettable showdown between Sabalenka and Badosa at the Australian Open 2025.


    Australian Open 2025, Aryna Sabalenka, Paula Badosa, semi-final showdown, tennis, friendship, rivalry, Grand Slam, Australian Open 2025 semi-final, tennis stars, sports news, competitive spirit.

    #Australian #Open #Aryna #Sabalenka #Paula #Badosa #put #friendship #semifinal #showdown

  • EN DIRECT – Open d’Australie : Sabalenka en piste en attendant le choc Djokovic-Alcaraz

    Le premier Grand Chelem de l’année bat son plein avec l’Open d’Australie et les fans de tennis du monde entier sont en effervescence. Aujourd’hui, c’est la joueuse biélorusse Aryna Sabalenka qui entre en piste pour tenter de se qualifier pour les quarts de finale.

    Mais ce n’est pas le seul match attendu de la journée, car le choc entre Novak Djokovic, numéro un mondial, et le jeune prodige espagnol Carlos Alcaraz promet d’être un véritable spectacle. Les deux joueurs sont en grande forme et la tension est à son comble avant cette rencontre.

    Restez connectés pour suivre en direct les derniers résultats et les temps forts de l’Open d’Australie, où les surprises et les exploits ne manquent pas. Qui sortira vainqueur de ces affrontements de haut niveau ? Réponse dans les prochaines heures.


    1. Open d’Australie
    2. Sabalenka
    3. Djokovic
    4. Alcaraz
    5. Tennis
    6. Grand Chelem
    7. Match en direct
    8. Tournoi de tennis
    9. Melbourne
    10. Sabalenka vs Djokovic vs Alcaraz

    #DIRECT #Open #dAustralie #Sabalenka #piste #attendant #choc #DjokovicAlcaraz

  • Sabalenka en piste avant le choc Djokovic-Alcaraz

    La double tenante du titre Aryna Sabalenka ouvre le bal des quarts à l’Open d’Australie face à Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova. Mais tous les regards sont braqués sur le choc à venir entre Novak Djokovic et Carlos Alcaraz. Qui l’emportera ?

    C’est une journée qui promet d’être électrique à l’Open d’Australie ! Les quarts de finale du tableau masculin et féminin réservent leur lot de chocs et de suspense. En lever de rideau, la Biélorusse Aryna Sabalenka, actuelle n°5 mondiale et tête de série n°1, affronte la Russe Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, 27ème à la WTA.

    Sabalenka, la favorite solide comme un roc

    Archi favorite de ce duel face à la surprenante Pavlyuchenkova, Aryna Sabalenka a clairement affiché ses ambitions. Titrée à deux reprises en Grand Chelem, en Australie en 2021 et 2022, elle compte bien confirmer son statut et rallier le dernier carré. Avec déjà 10 titres WTA à son actif, la protégée de Dmitry Tursunov fait figure d’épouvantail du tableau féminin.

    Grâce à sa puissance de frappe redoutable en fond de court et son jeu tout en agressivité, Aryna Sabalenka impressionne depuis le début du tournoi. Elle n’a laissé aucune chance à ses adversaires, s’imposant à chaque fois en deux sets secs. Si elle affiche ce même visage des grands jours, Pavlyuchenkova risque de ne pas voir le jour.

    La Russe veut déjouer les pronostics

    Mais la native de Samara ne compte pas se laisser impressionner. Bien qu’elle n’ait jamais atteint le dernier carré en Australie, Pavlyuchenkova sait se sublimer dans les grands rendez-vous. Demi-finaliste à Roland-Garros en 2021, elle tentera de reproduire la même performance et de créer la surprise face à la redoutable Biélorusse.

    Le match s’annonce indécis et pourrait bien se jouer sur des détails. L’expérience du très haut niveau plaide en faveur de Pavlyuchenkova, qui dispute son 52ème tournoi du Grand Chelem. La jeunesse et la fougue sont du côté de Sabalenka. Réponse dans quelques heures sur le court central de la Rod Laver Arena !

    Djokovic-Alcaraz, le choc tant attendu

    Mais le clou du spectacle est prévu dans la soirée, avec le duel au sommet entre Novak Djokovic et Carlos Alcaraz. Le Serbe, aux 21 titres du Grand Chelem, contre le prodige espagnol de 19 ans, n°1 mondial. L’expérience face à l’insouciance. Tous les ingrédients sont réunis pour un match d’anthologie.

    Novak Djokovic a juré qu’il prendrait sa revanche après sa défaite en demi-finale à Madrid en 2022, leur seul affrontement en date. Diminué physiquement la saison dernière, le « Djoker » s’est parfaitement remis de sa blessure aux abdominaux. Son jeu s’est étoffé et sa condition physique fait peur à voir. Il vise un 10ème sacre à Melbourne pour égaler le record de Rafael Nadal en Grand Chelem.

    Alcaraz, la fougue de la jeunesse

    De son côté, Carlos Alcaraz s’est affirmé comme le nouveau patron du circuit depuis sa victoire à l’US Open en septembre dernier. Devenu à 19 ans le plus jeune n°1 mondial de l’histoire, celui qu’on surnomme déjà le « Nouveau Nadal » croit plus que jamais en son étoile. Il rêve de remporter son 2ème Majeur à Melbourne et de s’affirmer comme le rival n°1 de Djokovic.

    Un match à la saveur si particulière entre le maître et l’élève, entre le présent et le futur du tennis mondial. Plusieurs générations les séparent mais un même objectif les anime : soulever le trophée de l’Open d’Australie dimanche prochain. Pour cela, il faudra écarter l’adversaire du jour et offrir un spectacle d’exception. Comme on les aime !

    C’est le match que tout le monde attend depuis le tirage au sort. Ça va être un sacré combat !

    D’après une source proche de l’organisation

    Les clés du match

    Bien malin celui qui pourra prédire l’issue de cette rencontre au sommet. Deux styles de jeu diamétralement opposés mais terriblement efficaces. D’un côté la science tactique de Djokovic, son jeu tout en contrôle et sa couverture de terrain exceptionnelle. De l’autre, la fougue d’Alcaraz, son coup droit dévastateur et son mental à toute épreuve. Une opposition de style qui promet des étincelles !

    • L’expérience des grands rendez-vous pour Djokovic
    • La jeunesse et l’insouciance côté Alcaraz
    • Un match en 3 sets gagnants, au meilleur des 5 manches

    On suivra avec attention l’évolution des débats, qui pourraient bien durer jusqu’au bout de la nuit à Melbourne. Le vainqueur affrontera ensuite en demi-finale Stefanos Tsitsipas ou Jiri Lehecka, pour tenter de se hisser en finale. Quel que soit le gagnant, le spectacle et l’émotion seront au rendez-vous. Allumez vos télés, le duel que vous attendiez tous va enfin avoir lieu !

    Dans un match de tennis qui promet d’être explosif, Aryna Sabalenka est prête à en découdre avant le choc tant attendu entre Novak Djokovic et Carlos Alcaraz. La numéro un mondiale féminine est en pleine forme et compte bien afficher tout son talent sur le court pour remporter la victoire.

    Sabalenka, qui a déjà remporté plusieurs titres cette saison, est déterminée à poursuivre sa lancée et à montrer sa supériorité face à ses adversaires. Son jeu agressif et sa puissance de frappe font d’elle une redoutable adversaire sur le circuit féminin, et elle sait qu’elle a toutes les chances de l’emporter dans ce match crucial.

    Alors que tous les regards sont tournés vers le choc entre Djokovic et Alcaraz, Sabalenka compte bien se faire remarquer et marquer les esprits avec une performance exceptionnelle. Les fans de tennis peuvent s’attendre à un spectacle de haut niveau et à une lutte acharnée sur le court, avec Sabalenka en piste pour enflammer les tribunes.


    Sabalenka, piste, choc, Djokovic, Alcaraz, tennis, match, tournoi, sport, athlete, Belarus, Espagne, rivalité, performance, victoire, compétition

    #Sabalenka #piste #avant #choc #DjokovicAlcaraz

  • Australian Open 2025 LIVE: Sabalenka vs Pavlyuchenkova, Djokovic vs Alcaraz – scores, radio & updates

    What happened on day nine?published at 07:12 Greenwich Mean Time

    Iga SwiatekImage source, Getty Images

    Iga Swiatek raced past lucky loser Eva Lys in 59 minutes to set up a quarter-final with eighth seed Emma Navarro, who clinched a narrow 6-4 5-7 7-5 win against Russian Daria Kasatkina.

    American 19th seed Madison Keys knocked out 2023 runner-up Elena Rybakina with a 6-3 1-6 6-3 win to reach the quarter-finals.

    Keys will face Ukraine’s Elina Svitolina, who stormed to a 6-4 6-1 win against Russian Veronika Kudermetova.

    In the men’s draw, defending champion Jannik Sinner struggled physically before moving past Denmark’s Holger Rune.

    Sinner will take on Australia’s Alex De Minaur after the eighth seed claimed a 6-0 7-6 (7-5) 6-3 over American Alex Michelsen.

    Italy’s Lorenzo Sonego beat American qualifier Learner Tien 6-3 6-2 3-6 6-1 to reach his first Grand Slam quarter-final.

    Sonego will play 21st seed Ben Shelton next after the American’s fourth-round opponent, Frenchman Gael Monfils, retired while trailing 7-6 (7-3) 6-7 (3-7) 7-6 (7-2) 1-0.

    Jannik SinnerImage source, Getty Images

    The Australian Open 2025 is heating up with some exciting matches lined up for today!

    In the women’s singles, Aryna Sabalenka will be facing off against Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova in what is sure to be a thrilling encounter. Both players are known for their powerful games, so expect some explosive rallies and big serves in this match.

    On the men’s side, Novak Djokovic will be taking on the young and talented Carlos Alcaraz. Djokovic, a multiple-time Australian Open champion, will be looking to assert his dominance on the court, but Alcaraz is a rising star who has the potential to cause an upset.

    Stay tuned for live scores, radio commentary, and updates on these matches as they unfold. Who will come out on top? Follow along to find out! #AusOpen2025 #Sabalenka #Pavlyuchenkova #Djokovic #Alcaraz


    Australian Open 2025, Sabalenka vs Pavlyuchenkova, Djokovic vs Alcaraz, live scores, radio broadcast, match updates, tennis tournament, Grand Slam, Melbourne, sports news

    #Australian #Open #LIVE #Sabalenka #Pavlyuchenkova #Djokovic #Alcaraz #scores #radio #updates

  • Aryna Sabalenka vs. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova Prediction, Odds, Picks for 2025 Australian Open Women Singles

    Aryna Sabalenka and Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova are scheduled to meet in the quarterfinals of the 2025 Australian Open Women Singles on Tuesday.

    Based on the latest simulations, Dimers’ advanced tennis model (see Dimers Pro for full access) predicts Aryna Sabalenka as the most likely winner of the match.

    “We have analyzed the latest data and conducted 10,000 simulations for Tuesday’s Sabalenka-Pavlyuchenkova match,” said Dimers data analyst Greg Butyn.

    “By incorporating recent updates and various factors, our prediction shows Aryna Sabalenka with a win probability of 88%, compared to 12% for Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova.”

    For a closer look at Tuesday’s match, including best bets and an expanded look at the predicted final score, visit our interactive Sabalenka vs. Pavlyuchenkova predictions page.

    READER EXCLUSIVE: Use code 20TENNIS at checkout now to get 20% off your first month of Dimers Pro! Hurry, this offer won’t last long.

    Sabalenka vs. Pavlyuchenkova Updates and Essential Details

    The 2025 Australian Open Women Singles match between Aryna Sabalenka and Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova is scheduled to start on Tuesday at 3:00AM ET.

    • Who: Aryna Sabalenka vs. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova
    • Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
    • Approx. Time: 3:00AM ET/12:00AM PT
    • Tournament: 2025 Australian Open Women’s Singles
    • Round: Quarterfinals

    All dates and times mentioned in this article are United States Eastern Time unless otherwise noted.

    Dimers.com‘s full preview of Tuesday’s Sabalenka vs. Pavlyuchenkova match includes our prediction, picks and the latest betting odds.

    Before making any Aryna Sabalenka vs. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova picks, be sure to check out the latest tennis predictions and betting advice from Dimers Pro.

    Sabalenka vs. Pavlyuchenkova Prediction: Who Will Win?

    Using trusted machine learning and data, we have simulated the result of Tuesday’s Sabalenka-Pavlyuchenkova women’s singles match 10,000 times as part of our tennis predictions coverage.

    Our leading predictive model gives Sabalenka an 88% chance of beating Pavlyuchenkova in the 2025 Australian Open Women Singles.

    Additionally, Sabalenka has an 82% chance of winning the first set, according to our model.


    Aryna Sabalenka vs. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova Odds

    We have sourced the most up-to-date betting odds in America for this match, which are listed here:

    Bet Type Sabalenka Pavlyuchenkova
    Moneyline -1250 +700
    First Set -625 +400

    All odds are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change.

    Sabalenka vs. Pavlyuchenkova Picks

    Our model’s biggest edge in today’s Sabalenka vs. Pavlyuchenkova match is on the moneyline.

    Our expert predictions, aligned with the best odds, reveal the best tennis picks for every match throughout the year.

    Unlimited access to our complete set of picks, including this one, is available via Dimers Pro.


    We predict Aryna Sabalenka, with an 88% win probability, will likely beat Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova at the 2025 Australian Open Women Singles.

    AI and automation have enhanced this article to quickly deliver accurate Sabalenka vs. Pavlyuchenkova insights, with human oversight ensuring high editorial quality. Our predictions are sourced from up-to-date data to help you make informed decisions. For additional resources and advice on responsible gambling, please call 1-800-GAMBLER.

    Note: Clicking links to our partners may earn us a referral fee. Learn about how we review products and services.

    More on Tennis

    Keep up with the latest tennis betting news, tennis best bets and parlay picks throughout the year. Plus, Dimers’ ATP and WTA world rankings showcase our in-house approach to accurately ranking every men’s and women’s player in the world.

    The 2025 Australian Open Women Singles is set to feature a thrilling match between Aryna Sabalenka and Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova. Both players are known for their powerful games and fierce competitiveness, making this match one to watch.

    In terms of predictions, Sabalenka is currently ranked higher than Pavlyuchenkova and has been in excellent form in recent tournaments. Her aggressive style of play and strong serve make her a formidable opponent on any surface. On the other hand, Pavlyuchenkova is a seasoned player with a knack for rising to the occasion in big matches. Her experience and versatility on the court could give her an edge in this matchup.

    As for the odds, Sabalenka is likely to be the favorite heading into the match. However, Pavlyuchenkova should not be underestimated, as she has the ability to pull off upsets against higher-ranked players.

    In terms of picks, it’s tough to predict a winner in this matchup. Both players have the skills and determination to come out on top, so it could go either way. Fans can expect a thrilling and closely contested match between Sabalenka and Pavlyuchenkova at the 2025 Australian Open Women Singles.


    Aryna Sabalenka vs. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova Prediction, Odds, Picks, Australian Open Women Singles 2025, Tennis Betting, Match Preview, Player Analysis, Sports Betting, Tennis Predictions

    #Aryna #Sabalenka #Anastasia #Pavlyuchenkova #Prediction #Odds #Picks #Australian #Open #Women #Singles

  • Novak Djokovic v Jiri Lehecka, Tony Jones Nine Network boycott, Aryna Sabalenka v Mirra Andrews; Coco Gauff v Belinda Bencic; Jack Draper v Carlos Alcaraz; results, scores, schedule, draw, how to watch

    UPDATED: Novak Djokovic skipped an on-court interview with Channel Nine after his win at the Australian Open on Sunday night because he was aggrieved by comments made by the host broadcaster’s sports anchor Tony Jones he deemed to be “insulting and offensive”.

    The 10-times Australian Open champion chose not to speak on court to Jim Courier after booking his spot in the quarter-finals.

    Novak Djokovic addresses fans at Rod Laver Arena on Sunday night.

    Novak Djokovic addresses fans at Rod Laver Arena on Sunday night.Credit: Getty Images

    “A couple of days ago a famous sports journalist who works for official broadcaster Channel Nine here in Australia made a mockery of Serbian fans, and also made insulting and offensive comments towards me,” Djokovic said.

    “Since then he chose not to issue an official public apology. Neither did Channel Nine.”

    Djokovic told media he would continue his boycott until he gets an apology.

    His action stemmed from footage of presenter Jones doing a cross from Melbourne Park with flag-waving supporters in the background.

    The footage has been circulating widely on social media.

    In it, Jones references the Serbians fans, but also makes several references about Djokovic, including “Novak, kick him out” – in reference to the former world No.1’s deportation from Australia three years ago.

    “The Novak Djokovic fans there in full voice,” Jones says in the video.

    “The chants are quite extraordinary.”

    He then chants the following: “Novak, he’s overrated. “Novak’s a has-been … Novak, kick him out.

    “Boy, I’m glad they can’t hear me.”

    Djokovic insisted that his complaint was only about the behaviour of Jones.

    “I have nothing against Jim Courier, neither the Australian public. And it was a very awkward situation for me to face the court today,” he said.

    Nine is the owner of this masthead. The network has been contacted for comment.

    Tony Jones has also been contacted for comment.

    Tennis Australia was contacted for comment.

    Novak Djokovic v Jiri Lehecka, Tony Jones Nine Network boycott, Aryna Sabalenka v Mirra Andrews; Coco Gauff v Belinda Bencic; Jack Draper v Carlos Alcaraz: Results, Scores, Schedule, Draw, How to Watch

    In a thrilling match-up, Novak Djokovic faced off against Jiri Lehecka in a highly anticipated showdown on the court. Despite a valiant effort from Lehecka, Djokovic ultimately emerged victorious with a commanding performance.

    Meanwhile, the Tony Jones Nine Network boycott continued to make waves in the tennis world, as fans and players alike voiced their support for Jones and his decision to stand up against unfair treatment.

    In the women’s singles, Aryna Sabalenka clashed with Mirra Andrews in a fierce battle that kept fans on the edge of their seats. Sabalenka showcased her formidable skills and secured a well-deserved win.

    On the other hand, Coco Gauff went head-to-head with Belinda Bencic in a thrilling match that highlighted the talents of both players. In the end, Bencic emerged victorious after a hard-fought battle.

    In the men’s singles, Jack Draper faced off against Carlos Alcaraz in a highly anticipated match-up. Alcaraz showcased his skill and determination, ultimately securing a well-deserved win.

    For those looking to catch all the action, here is the schedule for the upcoming matches:

    – Novak Djokovic vs. Aryna Sabalenka
    – Coco Gauff vs. Belinda Bencic
    – Jack Draper vs. Carlos Alcaraz

    As for the draw, fans can expect to see some exciting match-ups in the upcoming rounds as the competition heats up.

    If you’re looking to catch all the action, be sure to tune in to your local sports channel or check online for live streaming options. Don’t miss out on the excitement of these epic match-ups!


    1. Novak Djokovic vs Jiri Lehecka match results
    2. Tony Jones Nine Network boycott news
    3. Aryna Sabalenka vs Mirra Andrews match scores
    4. Coco Gauff vs Belinda Bencic match schedule
    5. Jack Draper vs Carlos Alcaraz match draw
    6. Novak Djokovic vs Jiri Lehecka match highlights
    7. Aryna Sabalenka vs Mirra Andrews live stream
    8. Coco Gauff vs Belinda Bencic match preview
    9. Jack Draper vs Carlos Alcaraz match analysis
    10. How to watch Novak Djokovic v Jiri Lehecka, Aryna Sabalenka v Mirra Andrews, Coco Gauff v Belinda Bencic matches live

    #Novak #Djokovic #Jiri #Lehecka #Tony #Jones #Network #boycott #Aryna #Sabalenka #Mirra #Andrews #Coco #Gauff #Belinda #Bencic #Jack #Draper #Carlos #Alcaraz #results #scores #schedule #draw #watch

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