Tag: Slash

  • New Zealand to Scrap English Test, Slash Investment Requirements for Investor Visa – IMI

    Adam-Juchniewicz-IMI-Daily.jpgAdam-Juchniewicz-IMI-Daily.jpg Adam Juchniewicz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Global Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Nauru Citizenship by Investment
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Philippines FIV
    Philippines Retirement Visa (SRRV)
    Philippines Special Investor
    Portugal Golden Visa
    El Salvador Freedom Passport Program
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Spanish Adriano-Vieira-1.jpegAdriano-Vieira-1.jpeg Adriano Vieira Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa Portugal D7 Visa Portugal HQA Visa, Chile Independent Means Visas, Chile Investor Visa, Spain Golden Visa, Spain Non-Lucrative Visa English, Spanish, French, Portuguese Ahsan-IMI-2.jpgAhsan-IMI-2.jpg Ahsan Khaliq Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Nauru ECRCP
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    United States E2 Visa English, Urdu IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1689073213730-150x150.jpeg1689073213730-150x150.jpeg Alexander Bello Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Bahamas Economic PR
    Barbados Welcome Stamp
    Cambodia M2H
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Paraguay Permanent Residency Program
    Philippines Special Investor
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Nauru English, Italian, German Alexander-Osetinskiy-1-1.jpegAlexander-Osetinskiy-1-1.jpeg Alexander Osetinskiy Valencia, Spain Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Turkey CIP Spain Digital Nomad Visa English, Russian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png alex-varnavas-1.jpegalex-varnavas-1.jpeg Alexander Varnavas Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa English, Greek IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Alexandre-BW-300x300.jpgAlexandre-BW-300x300.jpg Alexandre Cunha Elias Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese 1711735061397-qmgf508zzu0vy8e3hbveodcd1pp75slsmgnl6p5x0c.jpeg1711735061397-qmgf508zzu0vy8e3hbveodcd1pp75slsmgnl6p5x0c.jpeg Alnoor Kamani Calgary, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Anguilla PR Program
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Hungary Active Investor Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Thailand Elite Residence Program
    Turkey CIP
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic, Hindi Ana-Figueiras-IMI-150x150.jpgAna-Figueiras-IMI-150x150.jpg Ana Rita Figueiras Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese, Spanish temp_image_20240302_162502_0e65fd61-2f92-4183-98f6-603b278e3152-1-copy-qrze3m31rjyvt0ram37jb4pe200oi25pnnwh1tryak.jpgtemp_image_20240302_162502_0e65fd61-2f92-4183-98f6-603b278e3152-1-copy-qrze3m31rjyvt0ram37jb4pe200oi25pnnwh1tryak.jpg Ana Sofia Lamares Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment, Real Estate Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese, Spanish IMG_7048-qhq36is2bb92tssd9pukiziqysqrz2hax06f2i3xp8.jpegIMG_7048-qhq36is2bb92tssd9pukiziqysqrz2hax06f2i3xp8.jpeg Anastasia Barna Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Egypt CIP
    Spain Digital Nomad Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    France Financially Independent Person
    Grenada CIP
    Hungary Active Investor Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Italy Elective Residency Visa
    Jordan CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Russia Investor Visa English, Russian 1674624930556-1.jpeg1674624930556-1.jpeg André Gonçalves Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Portuguese 1517437474552-qi3rj086jmqh62zgq82ct9w1in0jexgf52494lu7oc.jpeg1517437474552-qi3rj086jmqh62zgq82ct9w1in0jexgf52494lu7oc.jpeg Antoine Saliba-Haig Malta Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Malta Digital Nomad Visa Malta Startup Visa English, Maltese, Italian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Aran-Hawker-1-768x768.jpegAran-Hawker-1-768x768.jpeg Aran Hawker Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Turkey CIP English, Turkish 1696943057938-qf23gzyla7gxdwr158vbosbz81qape6fqu4y9tf1p8.jpeg1696943057938-qf23gzyla7gxdwr158vbosbz81qape6fqu4y9tf1p8.jpeg Asif Ali Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Punjabi 1695635265450-150x150.jpeg1695635265450-150x150.jpeg Aydin Aksoy Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    France Financially Independent Person
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States E2 Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Turkish, Farsi, Azerbaijani 1516234692239-1.jpeg1516234692239-1.jpeg Ceri Pratley Bangkok, Thailand Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Guernsey Investor & Entrepreneur Residency
    Greece Golden Visa
    Greece FIP Visa
    Italy Investor Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Mauritius Permanent Residency Program
    Mauritius Active Investor Visas
    Mauritius Retirement Visa
    Netherlands Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Singapore Entrepass
    United States E2 Visa Englis, Spanish, Afrikaans, Chinese, Arabic IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1517480781017-1.jpeg1517480781017-1.jpeg Christopher Lennon Vancouver, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa France Talent Passport Business Investor Portugal HQA Visa English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1618301786387-1.jpeg1618301786387-1.jpeg Christina Georgaki Thessaloniki, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece Golden Visa; Greece FIP English, Greek Christina-BW-Main.jpgChristina-BW-Main.jpg Christina Tabacco United States Residence and Citizenship by Investment United States EB-5 English colin-bishop-1.jpegcolin-bishop-1.jpeg Colin Bishop Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP English 1610362596951-qhmmadfzgcd41vozm8e9pknxvpop3x30r4y6uclcnw.jpeg1610362596951-qhmmadfzgcd41vozm8e9pknxvpop3x30r4y6uclcnw.jpeg Csaba Magyar Budapest, Hungary Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Hungary Active Investor Visa Hungary Golden Visa Hungary Guest Investor Program Hungary Digital Nomad Visa English, Hungarian, German IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png dahlia-imi-cover-2.jpgdahlia-imi-cover-2.jpg Dahlia Joseph-Rowe Saint Kitts and Nevis Residence and Citizenship by Investment Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Daisy-S-IMI.jpgDaisy-S-IMI.jpg Daisy Joseph-Andall Saint Kitts and Nevis Residence and Citizenship by Investment Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP English 1516956963410.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=11516956963410.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 David Comtois Toronto, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa
    United States EB-5
    United States E2 Visa Quebec Investment Immigration Program English, French 1697146466382-qe1o4qxoqqxmd9da67xikmhjix6tb6p1voutw1k864.jpeg1697146466382-qe1o4qxoqqxmd9da67xikmhjix6tb6p1voutw1k864.jpeg David Lawrence Lincoln Asunción, Paraguay Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Argentina Rentista and Pensionado Residency
    Brazil Investor Visa (VIPER)
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Mexico Legal Residency Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    Turkey CIP Nicaragua Canada SUV Hungary Guest Investor Portugal Digital Nomad Visa Greece Digital Nomad Visa Malta Digital Nomad Visa Latvia Digital Nomad Visa Spain Digital Nomad Visa English, Portuguese download-96.jpegdownload-96.jpeg David Lesperance Gdynia, Poland Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment, US Expatriation, International Tax and Wealth Planning, Family Office Advisory Antigua & Barbuda CIP,
    Dominica CIP,
    Grenada CIP,
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Bahamas Economic Permanent Residence
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Gibraltar Category 2 HNWI Residence
    Greece FIP Visa
    Ireland Independent Means
    Italy Elective Residency Visa
    Jersey High Value Residency
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Hungary Citizenship by Descent
    Ireland Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Latvia Citizenship by Descent
    Poland Citizenship by Descent
    Bermuda Economic Investment Certificate (EIC) Program English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png David-IMI-cover-1.jpgDavid-IMI-cover-1.jpg David Regueiro Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Digital Nomad Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Saudi Arabia English, Spanish, French, Portuguese demetris-2023-2mb-smaller-qitsk9bq9v0jy5jx83w4nb0fvy3tbt4q15oqzf7j30.jpgdemetris-2023-2mb-smaller-qitsk9bq9v0jy5jx83w4nb0fvy3tbt4q15oqzf7j30.jpg Demetris Demetriades Paphos, Cyprus Residence and Citizenship by Investment Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Greece FIP Visa Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa English, Greek IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1516886006016-qo7275zw1ia48urworjcic2qcl62745gsugjqnkevw.jpeg1516886006016-qo7275zw1ia48urworjcic2qcl62745gsugjqnkevw.jpeg Dionysia Kokkinou Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa English, Greek, Spanish 1719919777976-qrj7guht6z3f6bryimpr31frgpz0kjsfw7j22p9s2k.jpeg1719919777976-qrj7guht6z3f6bryimpr31frgpz0kjsfw7j22p9s2k.jpeg Duaa Jamal Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Turkey CIP English, Arabic IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Duarte-Caldas-BW-150x150.jpgDuarte-Caldas-BW-150x150.jpg Duarte Caldas Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese 1677787389812-1.jpeg1677787389812-1.jpeg Dwayne Chauhan Dublin, Ireland Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English 1586851038466-1.jpeg1586851038466-1.jpeg Ekaterina Mavrenkova Zürich, Switzerland Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa United States EB-5 Thailand Elite Residence Program English, Russian elena-rudaya-expert-1-q4iz5j4386s2a0qpjk3el391wpfewfjru9gc4hcevw.pngelena-rudaya-expert-1-q4iz5j4386s2a0qpjk3el391wpfewfjru9gc4hcevw.png Elena Ruda Vienna, Austria Residence and Citizenship by Investment Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Italy Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Hungary Active Investor Visa Portugal Digital Nomad Visa Malta Digital Nomad Visa Spain Digital Nomad Visa Italy Digital Nomad Visa Hungary Digital Nomad Visa Indonesia Digital Nomad Visa Mauritius Digital Nomad Visa English, Russian, German 1684692565131.jpeg1684692565131.jpeg Eren Cicekdagi San Francisco, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment United States EB-5 English, German, Turkish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png eric_m-1-300x300.jpegeric_m-1-300x300.jpeg Eric G. Major London, UK Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Anguilla Permanent Residency Program
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Colombia Investor Visas M and R
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Germany Self-Employment Visa
    Guernsey Investor & Entrepreneur Residency United States EB-5 English, French IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png %CE%95%CF%85%CE%B1-2.png-copy-qo72jdwcvz0b6d0xc1oqx92gcwxu9gnuhbrsc5g5zw.jpg%CE%95%CF%85%CE%B1-2.png-copy-qo72jdwcvz0b6d0xc1oqx92gcwxu9gnuhbrsc5g5zw.jpg Eva Kevga Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa English, Greek, French IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Evelyn-Xinxin-Xu-modified-3-150x150.jpgEvelyn-Xinxin-Xu-modified-3-150x150.jpg Evelyn Xinxin Xu Hong Kong Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Chinese IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png George-Eid-modified-1-150x150.jpgGeorge-Eid-modified-1-150x150.jpg George Eid Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic 1636036685693-1.jpeg1636036685693-1.jpeg George Ganey Washington DC, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment United States EB-5
    United States E2 Visa English, Spanish, Catalan IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1614607236770-qd2w6wqoalq08btodj8ryuajf0orbsk60p7i072730.jpeg1614607236770-qd2w6wqoalq08btodj8ryuajf0orbsk60p7i072730.jpeg Gökçe Emer Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Portugal Digital Nomad Visa English, Turkish download-88-1-q48aay12hiw9ifatlc55dqvsh6x0zesyofhqotodi4.jpegdownload-88-1-q48aay12hiw9ifatlc55dqvsh6x0zesyofhqotodi4.jpeg Güvenç Ketenci Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP, Dominica CIP, Grenada CIP, Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP Saint Lucia CIP Turkey CIP Malta MEIN Policy Australia BIIP Investor Streams Cyprus Golden Visa Greece Golden Visa Malta Permanent Residence Program Portugal Golden Visa UK Innovator Founder VisaUnited States EB-5 United States E2 UAE Golden Visa Austria Independent Means Visa Monaco Carte de Séjour Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Turkish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png download-57.jpegdownload-57.jpeg Hakan Cortelek Istanbul, Turkey Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa United States EB-5 English, Turkish 1633508020581-qcftisq5pn8xln7qdtfwljfmvk8w68b6939amw6o2k.jpeg1633508020581-qcftisq5pn8xln7qdtfwljfmvk8w68b6939amw6o2k.jpeg Hammad Farooqi Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Mauritius Permanent Residency Program
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic, Chinese Hani-Alsadi-IMI-cover-1-150x150.jpgHani-Alsadi-IMI-cover-1-150x150.jpg Hani Alsadi Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP English, French, Arabic, Turkish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Screen-Shot-2023-04-21-at-3.06.28-PM-1.pngScreen-Shot-2023-04-21-at-3.06.28-PM-1.png Hannah Ma Singapore Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Singapore Entrepass
    South Korea Investor Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    Thailand Elite Residence Program
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    UK Startup/Innovator Visa
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Japan Active Investor Visa Hong Kong CIES Taiwan Plum Blossom Vietnam Investor Visa Singapore GIP English, Chinese hany.jpeghany.jpeg Hany Mostafa Moawad Cairo, Egypt Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Real Estate Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Egypt CIP
    Egypt Residence by Investment Program
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic Screen-Shot-2023-10-18-at-3.58.45-PM-qe1r4vbcvoxzuibdtgflvu9bfi9rpsxj2uci6v8yfw.pngScreen-Shot-2023-10-18-at-3.58.45-PM-qe1r4vbcvoxzuibdtgflvu9bfi9rpsxj2uci6v8yfw.png Huma Baig Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Mauritius Active Investor Visas
    Mauritius Permanent Residency Program
    Mauritius Retirement Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi, Punjabi 1709990697956-150x150.jpeg1709990697956-150x150.jpeg Ilja Belobragin Moscow, Russia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Russia Investor Visa English, Russian, Swedish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png elbitar-2.jpegelbitar-2.jpeg Imad Elbitar Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Italy Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Nicaragua Investor PR Program
    Nicaragua Pensionado and Rentista Visas
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Paraguay Investor PR Program SUACE Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP, Colombia Independent Means Visas English, Arabic, German IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Imran-IMI-cover.jpgImran-IMI-cover.jpg Imran Mirani Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Global Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Urdu, Hindi javid-imi-150x150.jpgjavid-imi-150x150.jpg Isma Javid Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece Golden Visa English %D1%81%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA-5-scaled-1-150x150.jpg%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA-5-scaled-1-150x150.jpg Ivan Petrov Sofia, Bulgaria Residence and Citizenship by Investment Bulgaria Citizenship by Descent
    Bulgaria Residence by Investment English, Bulgarian, Chinese 1516934259064-1-1.jpeg1516934259064-1-1.jpeg James Hall Singapore Residence and Citizenship by Investment Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    New Zealand Active Investor Visa English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png jlo-1.jpegjlo-1.jpeg Jasmin Lopez Mexico City Residence and Citizenship by Investment Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Italy Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Nicaragua Investor PR Program
    Nicaragua Pensionado and Rentista Visas
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Paraguay Investor PR Program SUACE Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP, Colombia Independent Means Visas Belize Qualified Retirement English, Spanish 1668772285929-1-qhmniqfrzv39zd99kwpevvo35d1bdo6z6pc57gth0c.jpeg1668772285929-1-qhmniqfrzv39zd99kwpevvo35d1bdo6z6pc57gth0c.jpeg Jean-Philippe Chetcuti Malta Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Malta Startup Visa English, Maltese 1591729713385-1.jpeg1591729713385-1.jpeg Joana Ferreira Reis Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa Portugal Digital Nomad Visa English, Portuguese, Spanish 305565641_1911978179005658_1570112745737181004_n-1-q48ab1sf8v1esv5czdrnnpxmuqehu77w0y3olxist8.jpeg305565641_1911978179005658_1570112745737181004_n-1-q48ab1sf8v1esv5czdrnnpxmuqehu77w0y3olxist8.jpeg Kemal Nicholson Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa English, Russian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1665580642350-1.jpeg1665580642350-1.jpeg Kevin Hosam Antigua & Barbuda Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Anguilla Permanent Residency Program
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Bahamas Economic Permanent Residence
    Bermuda Economic Investment Certificate (EIC) Program
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Colombia Investor Visas M and R
    Greece Golden Visa
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Barbados Welcome Stamp
    Paraguay Investor PR Program SUACE Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa Uruguay Investor Visa
    Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity Cambodia My 2nd Home Canada Startup Visa Cyprus Golden Visa Visa Monaco Carte de Séjour Panama Business Investor Visa Panama Qualified Investor Visa Panama Rentista Retirado Visa Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Antigua & Barbuda Digital Nomad Visa Nauru English Savills-Kont-IMI.jpgSavills-Kont-IMI.jpg Konstantina Dotsikas Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece Golden Visa Greece Digital Nomad Visa English, Greek IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1654170821617-qijgluvgjukcm5uwrj7brtrv8joult5yotobczagyk.jpeg1654170821617-qijgluvgjukcm5uwrj7brtrv8joult5yotobczagyk.jpeg Kyle De Klerk Port Louis, Mauritius Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Portugal Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Mauritius English, Afrikaans laszlo-kiss-1.jpeglaszlo-kiss-1.jpeg Laszlo Kiss Malta Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP, Dominica CIP, Grenada CIP, Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    United States EB-5 United States E2 UAE Golden Visa Austria Independent Means Visa Monaco Carte de Séjour Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Hungary Active Investor Visa English, Hungarian Madalena-IMI-Cover-150x150.jpgMadalena-IMI-Cover-150x150.jpg Madalena Monteiro Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Digital Nomad Visa
    Italy Elective Residency Visa
    Italy Investor Visa
    Portugal Citizenship by Descent
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese, Italian 1570040525282-1.jpeg1570040525282-1.jpeg Manpreet Kataria Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi, Punjabi IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1623936301120-qpzpt193gbrpepi8cmiluqt3c9uvgn00dzix3bka58.jpeg1623936301120-qpzpt193gbrpepi8cmiluqt3c9uvgn00dzix3bka58.jpeg Manuela Luz Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese IMI-MARCO-MESINA-150x150.jpgIMI-MARCO-MESINA-150x150.jpg Marco Mesina Milan, Italy Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Digital Nomad Visa
    Italy Elective Residency Visa
    Italy Investor Visa
    Italy Representative Office Visa English, Italian Mark-Maragh-IMI-Cover-150x150.jpgMark-Maragh-IMI-Cover-150x150.jpg Mark D. Maragh Saint Lucia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Saint Lucia CIP English 1705002019878-1-qqwcl5nxiohw7nu724m1kz3evjd9s8smok3ox6m0rg.jpeg1705002019878-1-qqwcl5nxiohw7nu724m1kz3evjd9s8smok3ox6m0rg.jpeg Melissa Godmer Toronto, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa Quebec Investment Immigration Program English, French 1589585812897-qqgwcdmk6831hay3pb29d5otpiyda5t7j3smxljty4.jpeg1589585812897-qqgwcdmk6831hay3pb29d5otpiyda5t7j3smxljty4.jpeg Melissa Kelley-Hilton New York, US Citizenship by Investment Due Diligence English 1516335618235-1.jpeg1516335618235-1.jpeg Melvin Warshaw Boston, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning, US Expatriation United States EB-5 United States E2 English 1575747888538-qm5yi9v8cx53g77gyhqtrvb2n6yuz5dj4yrslctz6k.jpeg1575747888538-qm5yi9v8cx53g77gyhqtrvb2n6yuz5dj4yrslctz6k.jpeg Mikkel Thorup Panama City, Panama Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Brazil Investor Visa (VIPER)
    Colombia Independent Means Visas
    Colombia Investor Visa
    Costa Rica Independent Means Visas
    Costa Rica Investor Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Mexico Legal Residency Visa
    Nicaragua Pensionado and Rentista Visas
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English Mischa-bw-Copy-1.jpgMischa-bw-Copy-1.jpg Mischa Mannix-Opie Wellington, New Zealand Residence and Citizenship by Investment New Zealand Active Investor Visa English 1571064609259-qf0lx0a14q71jn9k9d0mut4az2jxfb6r0608cu2icc.jpeg1571064609259-qf0lx0a14q71jn9k9d0mut4az2jxfb6r0608cu2icc.jpeg Mo Shaban Budapest, Hungary Residence and Citizenship by Investment Hungary Active Investor Visa Hungary Citienship by Descent Hungary Digital Nomad Visa English, Farsi Untitled-design-1-qkyftesdmkm0nclwdwqnnfinbrn7gruw2m01weydlo.pngUntitled-design-1-qkyftesdmkm0nclwdwqnnfinbrn7gruw2m01weydlo.png Moataz Elzayat Cairo, Egypt Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Egypt English, Arabic mohamed.jpegmohamed.jpeg Mohamed Hassan Cairo, Egypt Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Egypt CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa English, Arabic thumbnail_edd8aaf5-840f-45e6-ac62-fc77697005c6-2-qdev30g4lyme1lmnl85f0wzjh1i8mbj7qhbyzh409o.jpegthumbnail_edd8aaf5-840f-45e6-ac62-fc77697005c6-2-qdev30g4lyme1lmnl85f0wzjh1i8mbj7qhbyzh409o.jpeg Mohamed Mousa Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa English, Arabic 1-1-q48ab6hm717uewyj7xssi6qxtnrbwoqjpld40bbty4.jpeg1-1-q48ab6hm717uewyj7xssi6qxtnrbwoqjpld40bbty4.jpeg Mona Shah New York, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UK Startup/Innovator Visa
    United States EB-5 English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1591171875269-2-q48aax38aouz6tc6qtqit94bvt1nrpp8cau97jproc.jpeg1591171875269-2-q48aax38aouz6tc6qtqit94bvt1nrpp8cau97jproc.jpeg Murat Coskun Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Turkish, French 1660882736469-1.jpeg1660882736469-1.jpeg Natalie Fridlender Saigon (HCMC), Vietnam Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa Russia Investor Visa English, Russian 1653456197821-qp4hlla5adewyojb5md7aklykcg9n46a2xt8r6z598.jpeg1653456197821-qp4hlla5adewyojb5md7aklykcg9n46a2xt8r6z598.jpeg Navdeep Singh Riga, Latvia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Latvia Investor Visa Latvia Digital Nomad Visa English, Hindi, Punjabi, Latvian, Russian nerses-qgrilb3bx2aj8suz8x1pdxcff1xs01vzrsd6218uvw.jpegnerses-qgrilb3bx2aj8suz8x1pdxcff1xs01vzrsd6218uvw.jpeg Nerses Isajanyan Yerevan, Armenia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Armenia Permanent Residence Program Armenia Citizenship by Descent Armenia Digital Nomad Visa English, Armenian download-82-q48aay14bb2wxfjf7pfwjv5c178gz1mji4dhwxe7js.jpegdownload-82-q48aay14bb2wxfjf7pfwjv5c178gz1mji4dhwxe7js.jpeg Nicolas Salerno Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5 English, French, Spanish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1566804361301-qd2suikuxiwv6cpadzs13q04bc3afflugt3m5bki1o.jpeg1566804361301-qd2suikuxiwv6cpadzs13q04bc3afflugt3m5bki1o.jpeg Pablo Ostrick Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN

    Portugal Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, French IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1572261269522-150x150.jpeg1572261269522-150x150.jpeg Patrick Feuz Bahamas Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Bahamas Economic PR
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, German, French, Spanish Patrick-IMI-484x480.jpgPatrick-IMI-484x480.jpg Patrick McFawn New York, US Citizenship by Descent Czechia Citizenship by Descent
    Hungary Citizenship by Descent
    Ireland Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Poland Citizenship by Descent
    Portugal Citizenship by Descent
    Slovakia Citizenship by Descent English, Spanish patrick-peters-q48ab0ul2104h96q4vd138669cj4mi45otg74nk6zg.jpegpatrick-peters-q48ab0ul2104h96q4vd138669cj4mi45otg74nk6zg.jpeg Patrick Peters Montreal, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    United States EB-5 English, French, Arabic, Chinese 1658340976322-qs7oorxjesrfit001z1yu47n5srk66l6j2tc3lvwik.jpeg1658340976322-qs7oorxjesrfit001z1yu47n5srk66l6j2tc3lvwik.jpeg Paul Anthony Correa Gibraltar Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Anguilla PR Program
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Gibraltar Category 2 HNWI Residence Program
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta Global Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Spanish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1517442625927-q80dizhaqux8c92kr4e6yvk8jbkvzvku8z90w93exo.jpeg1517442625927-q80dizhaqux8c92kr4e6yvk8jbkvzvku8z90w93exo.jpeg Paul Girodo Vancouver, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa France Talent Passport Business Investor Portugal HQA Visa English, French 1537876269842-1.jpeg1537876269842-1.jpeg Paul Williams London, UK Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Real Estate Antigua & Barbuda CIP, Dominica CIP, Grenada CIP, Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    United States EB-5 Spain Golden Visa Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Canada Startup Visa English 1571400671226.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=11571400671226.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 Pedro Correia da Silva Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment, Golden Visa Funds Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1594524533596-2-300x300.jpeg1594524533596-2-300x300.jpeg Philippe May Singapore Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Anguilla Permanent Residency Program
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Bahamas Economic Permanent Residence
    Bermuda Economic Investment Certificate (EIC) Program
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Colombia Investor Visas M and R
    Greece Golden Visa
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Samoa Citizenship by Investment Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Barbados Welcome Stamp
    Paraguay Investor PR Program SUACE Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa Uruguay Investor Visa
    Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity Cambodia My 2nd Home Canada Startup Visa Cyprus Golden Visa Visa Monaco Carte de Séjour Panama Business Investor Visa Panama Qualified Investor Visa Panama Rentista Retirado Visa Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Singapore GIP Nauru English, German, Chinese 1623165416708-qi3r7hpctoz0y1pkyqvvrohrjpro4eqsk2f4hkwtwc.jpeg1623165416708-qi3r7hpctoz0y1pkyqvvrohrjpro4eqsk2f4hkwtwc.jpeg Priscilla Mifsud Parker Malta Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Malta Startup Visa English, Maltese, Italian 1725084538334-150x150.jpeg1725084538334-150x150.jpeg Rahil Shariff Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi 1525240755567-qgrj6cp8xj3n6iaid0j07m5y7m7mc3fnby6iv21jks.jpeg1525240755567-qgrj6cp8xj3n6iaid0j07m5y7m7mc3fnby6iv21jks.jpeg Reid Kirchenbauer Bangkok, Thailand Residence and Citizenship by Investment Cambodia My 2nd Home Cambodia CIP English, Khmer 1714038032724-1-1-150x150.jpeg1714038032724-1-1-150x150.jpeg Richard Hallam Grenada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Grenada CIP English, French Robert-Valpiter-qjge2sfoii2gg58egded9y9lokiu4kmmk0z62vs09o.jpgRobert-Valpiter-qjge2sfoii2gg58egded9y9lokiu4kmmk0z62vs09o.jpg Roberts Valpiters Riga, Latvia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Latvia Citizenship by Descent, Latvia Investor Visa, Latvia Digital Nomad Visa English, Russian, Hindi, Latvian 1711288306040-qqm4twncskylual6ze0i5uq93py5u1vzscp4hkkw2k.jpeg1711288306040-qqm4twncskylual6ze0i5uq93py5u1vzscp4hkkw2k.jpeg Roderick Cutajar Malta Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta Global Residence Program
    Malta Digital Nomad Visa
    Turkey CIP Malta Startup Visa English, Maltese, Italian Rogelio-Caceres-small-150x150-1-q48aarg75on995kdnrareajkbhtghj2ubixcbvy4po.jpgRogelio-Caceres-small-150x150-1-q48aarg75on995kdnrareajkbhtghj2ubixcbvy4po.jpg Rogelio Caceres Miami, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment Bahamas Economic PR
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Costa Rica Investor Visa
    Czechia Citizenship by Descent
    Hungary Citizenship by Descent
    Ireland Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Latvia Citizenship by Descent
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Poland Citizenship by Descent
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Singapore Entrepass
    Slovak Citizenship by Descent
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    UAE Golden Visa
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5 Portugal Digital Nomad Visa Greece Digital Nomad Visa Malta Digital Nomad Visa Latvia Digital Nomad Visa Spain Digital Nomad Visa English, Spanish DSC4832-E-WEB-cropped-qk1g3qv6o6lbn2i24695zofo4cqatvw6ftjvay64po.jpgDSC4832-E-WEB-cropped-qk1g3qv6o6lbn2i24695zofo4cqatvw6ftjvay64po.jpg Rosalind Cox Port Vila, Vanuatu Residence and Citizenship by Investment Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English 1659368789201-qgy8nfez239kv344wn723y54q35dr2caioejkcqee4.jpeg1659368789201-qgy8nfez239kv344wn723y54q35dr2caioejkcqee4.jpeg Saadiya Saadat Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Farsi, Urdu Sachit-modified-150x150.jpgSachit-modified-150x150.jpg Sachit Kumar New Delhi, India Residence and Citizenship by Investment Dominica CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP English, Hindi IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1712828339237-qpzpiig4y3d5fusgskryfwebxzpyam86lwm8ot5xss.jpeg1712828339237-qpzpiig4y3d5fusgskryfwebxzpyam86lwm8ot5xss.jpeg Şafak Nervo Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Turkish, French download-64-300x300.jpegdownload-64-300x300.jpeg Sam Bayat Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa Canada Startup Visa United States EB-5 English, French, Farsi own-1-600x615-2.jpegown-1-600x615-2.jpeg Sarrah Sammoon Colombo, Sri Lanka Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Jersey High Value Residency
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Monaco Carte de Séjour

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Singapore Entrepass
    Sri Lanka Independent Means Visas
    Sri Lanka Investor Visas
    United States EB-5 English, Sinhala 1695230458858.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=11695230458858.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 Sebastian Michael Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1668657663193-1-qd6m633axiacc7w3evnas89ot5v57x8i57ga31otb0.jpeg1668657663193-1-qd6m633axiacc7w3evnas89ot5v57x8i57ga31otb0.jpeg Siren Chen Shenzhen, China Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Singapore Entrepass
    South Korea Investor Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    Thailand Elite Residence Program
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    UK Startup/Innovator Visa
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Japan Active Investor Visa Hong Kong CIES Vietnam Investor Visa Singapore GIP English, Chinese 1671213382866-1-1.jpeg1671213382866-1-1.jpeg Slava Apel Toronto, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa English, Russian, Romanian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Tatiana-Muntean-modified-150x150.jpgTatiana-Muntean-modified-150x150.jpg Tatiana Muntean Philadelphia, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Russian, Romanian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png PHOTO-2019-03-11-16-09-22-1-1.jpegPHOTO-2019-03-11-16-09-22-1-1.jpeg Taymour Polding Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Turkey CIP English, Turkish 1516498245941-1-qlvica00et63o7pnpe23rn890nqsuhl7mb28mdookc.jpeg1516498245941-1-qlvica00et63o7pnpe23rn890nqsuhl7mb28mdookc.jpeg Till Neumann Zürich, Switzerland Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Germany Self-Employment Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, German 1705762591412-modified-1.jpg1705762591412-modified-1.jpg Tomas Bucek Hanoi, Vietnam Citizenship by Descent Slovakia Citizenship by Descent English, Slovak, German, Chinese thumbnail_IMI-photo-1-qra96bw4xg4h512v2dnkdw7fgpatsslpd2zv6gfsrg.jpgthumbnail_IMI-photo-1-qra96bw4xg4h512v2dnkdw7fgpatsslpd2zv6gfsrg.jpg Valentino Coletto Padua, Italy Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Albania Digital Nomad Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Gibraltar Category 2 HNWI Residence Program
    Italy Investor Visa
    Italy Elective Residency Visa Italy Representative Office Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Panama Digital Nomad Visa
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    San Marino Residency for Economic Reasons
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Italian, Russian Varun-BnW-150x150.jpgVarun-BnW-150x150.jpg Varun Singh Bangalore, India Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Antigua & Barbuda Digital Nomad Visa
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Barbados Digital Nomad Visa
    Cambodia CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Croatia Digital Nomad Visa
    Curaçao Investor Permit Program
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Dominican Republic Independent Means Visas
    Dominican Republic Investor Visa
    France Talent Passport Business Investor
    Germany Digital Nomad Visa
    Germany Self-Employment Visa
    Grenada Digital Nomad Visa
    Hungary Active Investor Visa
    Hungary Citizenship by Descent
    Ireland Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Digital Nomad Visa
    Latvia Citizenship by Descent
    Latvia Digital Nomad Visa
    Mauritius Permanent Residency Program
    Mauritius Retirement Visa
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Montenegro Digital Nomad Visa
    New Zealand Investor Visa
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Quebec Immigrant Investor Program
    Qatar Golden Visa
    Russia Investor Visa
    UAE Digital Nomad Visa
    UAE Golden Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5
    Uruguay Digital Nomad Visa
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi cover-2.jpgcover-2.jpg Vasil Markov Sofia, Bulgaria Residence and Citizenship by Investment Bulgaria Citizenship by Descent, Bulgaria Residence by Investment English, Bulgarian 1517011502096-modified.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=11517011502096-modified.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 Vincent Fong Penang, Malaysia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Thailand Elite Residence Program
    Taiwan Golden Visa (Plum Blossom Card) Malaysia PViP Sarawak Sabah English, Malay, Chinese vit-magagnino-1.jpegvit-magagnino-1.jpeg Vito Magagnino Zürich, Switzerland Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Germany Self-Employment Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    UK Startup/Innovator Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Switzerland Independent Means Visa English, German, Italian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1643664291270-qd2vtes4598rhxfk776nnqx8at7zs9yxtvxgw52qfw.jpeg1643664291270-qd2vtes4598rhxfk776nnqx8at7zs9yxtvxgw52qfw.jpeg Werner Gruner Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, French Yamin-bw-cover-150x150.jpgYamin-bw-cover-150x150.jpg Yamin Fouzi Zürich, Switzerland Residence and Citizenship by Investment Armenia Permanent Residence Program
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, French, German 1675933816609-qk1hi8r1trpvcx5h901mxxp4zju6cid21r8xg3aqfw.jpeg1675933816609-qk1hi8r1trpvcx5h901mxxp4zju6cid21r8xg3aqfw.jpeg Zaid Al-Hindi Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Egypt CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Jordan CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic

    In a groundbreaking move, New Zealand has announced that it will be scrapping the English language test and slashing the investment requirements for its investor visa program. This decision comes as part of the country’s efforts to attract more skilled immigrants and investors.

    The investor visa program, which allows individuals to obtain residency in New Zealand by investing in the country’s economy, has long been seen as a pathway for wealthy individuals to gain access to the country. However, the high investment requirements and English language test have been major barriers for many potential applicants.

    The decision to eliminate the English language test will make it easier for non-English speaking investors to qualify for the visa program. Additionally, the reduction in investment requirements will make it more accessible to a wider range of individuals, opening up new opportunities for those looking to move to New Zealand.

    This move is expected to boost New Zealand’s economy and attract more talented individuals to the country, ultimately benefiting both the local population and the immigrants themselves. With these changes, New Zealand is sending a clear message that it is open for business and ready to welcome skilled individuals from around the world.


    1. New Zealand investor visa
    2. New Zealand immigration news
    3. Investor visa requirements
    4. English test exemption
    5. New Zealand immigration policy
    6. Investor visa investment
    7. New Zealand investor visa changes
    8. Investor visa updates
    9. New Zealand immigration updates
    10. Investor visa application process

    #Zealand #Scrap #English #Test #Slash #Investment #Requirements #Investor #Visa #IMI

  • To Pay for Trump Tax Cuts, House GOP Could Slash Benefits for Poor, Working Class — ProPublica

    One of the hallmarks of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was a promise of sweeping tax cuts, for the rich, for working people and for companies alike.

    Now congressional Republicans have the job of figuring out which of those cuts to propose into law. In order to pay for the cuts, they have started to eye some targets to raise money. Among them: cutting benefits for single mothers and poor people who rely on government health care.

    The proposals are included in a menu of tax and spending cut options circulated this month by House Republicans. Whether or not Republicans enact any of the ideas remains to be seen. Some of the potential targets are popular tax breaks and cuts could be politically treacherous. And cutting taxes for the wealthy could risk damaging the populist image that Trump has cultivated.

    For the ultrawealthy, the document floats eliminating the federal estate tax, at an estimated cost of $370 billion in revenue for the government over a decade. The tax, which charges a percentage of the value of a person’s fortune after they die, kicks in only for estates worth more than around $14 million.

    Among those very few Americans who do get hit with the tax, nearly 30% of the tax is paid by the top 0.1% by income, according to estimates by the Tax Policy Center think tank. (Many ultra-wealthy people already largely avoid the tax. Over the years, lawyers and accountants have devised ways to pass fortunes to heirs tax free, often by using complex trust structures, as ProPublica has previously reported.)

    Another proposal aims to slash the top tax rate paid by corporations by almost a third.

    Trump promised such a cut during the campaign. But Vice President JD Vance came out against it before Trump picked him as his running mate. “We’re sort of in line with the OECD right now,” he said in an interview last year, referring to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group of 38 wealthy developed nations. “I don’t think we need to be cutting the corporate tax rate further.”

    What We’re Watching

    During Donald Trump’s second presidency, ProPublica will focus on the areas most in need of scrutiny. Here are some of the issues our reporters will be watching — and how to get in touch with them securely.

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    In Trump’s first term, he brought the top corporate rate down from 35% to 21%, where it’s at now, taking the U.S. from a high rate compared to other OECD nations to about average. The proposed cut to 15% would make the United States’ rate among the lowest of such countries.

    To pay for new tax cuts, the House Republicans’ proposal floats a series of potential overhauls of government programs. One major focus is possible cuts to Medicaid, the health care program for people with low incomes that is administered by the states. Medicaid expansion was a key tenet of the Affordable Care Act, passed under President Barack Obama. Many Republican governors initially chose not to take advantage of the new federal subsidies to expand the program. In the intervening years, several states reversed course, and the program has expanded the number of people enrolled in Medicaid by more than 20 million, as of last year.

    The deep cuts to the program floated in the document include slashing reimbursements to the states. States would need to “raise new revenues or reduce Medicaid spending by eliminating coverage for some people, covering fewer services, and (or) cutting rates paid to physicians, hospitals, and nursing homes,” according to an analysis by KFF, a health policy organization.

    Trump has been inconsistent in his position on Medicaid over the years. He sought to slash the program in his first term. But he has also made statements about protecting it over the years.

    As recently as a 2023 campaign event, Trump promised that “we’re not going to play around with Medicare, Medicaid.” But it’s not clear whether the comment was a throwaway: While preserving Medicare, the program that covers health care for the elderly, has been a focus for Trump, maintaining Medicaid has not. The official GOP platform rolled out by Trump last year, for example, promised not to cut “one penny” from Medicare but was silent on Medicaid. In separate remarks during the campaign last year, Trump appeared to endorse cuts to “entitlements,” after an interviewer asked about Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

    Other proposals would eliminate tax breaks for families with children.

    Currently, parents can get a tax credit of up to $2,100 for child care expenses. The House Republican plan floats the elimination of that break. The cut is estimated to save $55 billion over a decade.

    Vance, in particular, had promised economic policies that would lessen the load on parents. “It is the task of our government to make it easier for young moms and dads to afford to have kids,” he said last week. (He campaigned on a proposal to more than double the child tax credit.)

    Another proposal in the list of options takes aim squarely at parents raising children on their own. The provision would eliminate the “head of household” filing status to collect almost $200 billion more in taxes over a decade from single parents and other adults caring for dependents on their own.

    The “head of household” status was created in the 1950s under the rationale that single parents should have a lighter tax burden. Eliminating it would affect millions of Americans, largely women. (The after-tax pay of people with incomes between the 20th and 80th percentiles, those making between about $14,000 and $100,000, would fall by the highest percentage, according to an analysis by the Tax Foundation.)

    Democrats have criticized the proposals as a gift to the wealthy at the expense of the working class. “Republicans are gearing up for a class war against everyday families in America,” Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said in a statement.

    A White House spokesperson did not respond to questions about the specifics in the House GOP document but said in an email that “This is an active negotiation and process one that the President and his team are working productively with congress. His visit to the House Retreat [Monday] was a sign that he wants to prioritize unity and a good deal for American that achieves his campaign promises.”

    A spokesperson for the House Budget Committee declined to answer specific questions but said “this is a menu of policy options for authorizing committees to consider as members navigate the reconciliation process.”

    Some of the proposals would fulfill Trump’s campaign promises geared toward the working class.

    The document includes a plan to eliminate income taxes (but maintain payroll taxes) on tips, at a cost of $106 billion over a decade. The proposal is one Trump touted while campaigning in Las Vegas to win support from the city’s huge contingent of service workers. Trump’s Democratic opponent, former Vice President Kamala Harris, later pledged to do the same. Economists have criticized the idea as one that unfairly benefits one group of working-class employees over others who get paid the same but work in other industries that don’t deal in tips.

    Another Trump campaign promise included in the document is ending taxes on overtime pay, at a price of $750 billion over a decade. That proposal has also been criticized by tax experts as an inefficient way to provide relief for lower-paid workers who are eligible for overtime because they’re paid hourly and perform repetitive tasks. The provision, critics say, would invite gaming and further complicate tax reporting by creating new reporting requirements about the hours a taxpayer worked.

    One of the biggest-ticket proposals to raise new revenue in the House Republicans’ document would hit a tax break cherished by upper-income Americans: eliminating the mortgage interest deduction. The document estimates $1 trillion in savings over 10 years by eliminating the break. Because of a complex interplay of different features of the tax code, an estimated 60% of the value of this deduction flows to Americans making over $200,000 per year, according to the Tax Foundation.

    Eliminating the mortgage interest deduction would have an uneven geographic impact: analyses have found the tax break is more valuable to Americans in Democratic-dominated states such as California, Massachusetts and New Jersey.

    Pratheek Rebala contributed research.

    Do you have any information about the tax proposals that we should know? Robert Faturechi can be reached by email at [email protected] and by Signal or WhatsApp at 213-271-7217. Justin Elliott can be reached by email at [email protected] or by Signal or WhatsApp at 774-826-6240.

    In a recent report by ProPublica, it has been revealed that in order to pay for Trump’s tax cuts, the House GOP is considering slashing benefits for the poor and working class. This move could have devastating consequences for those who are already struggling to make ends meet.

    As the wealthy continue to benefit from tax breaks, it is the most vulnerable members of society who are being asked to bear the brunt of these cuts. Programs such as Medicaid, food stamps, and housing assistance could all be on the chopping block, leaving millions of Americans without the support they need to survive.

    It is clear that these proposed cuts are not about fiscal responsibility, but rather about prioritizing the interests of the wealthy over those of the most disadvantaged. It is up to us to speak out against these unjust policies and demand that our lawmakers put the needs of the people first. We cannot allow the most vulnerable members of our society to be sacrificed in the name of tax cuts for the rich.


    • Trump tax cuts
    • House GOP
    • Benefits cuts
    • Poor
    • Working class
    • Tax reform
    • Economic policy
    • Government spending
    • ProPublica
    • Social welfare
    • Income inequality
    • Budget cuts

    #Pay #Trump #Tax #Cuts #House #GOP #Slash #Benefits #Poor #Working #Class #ProPublica

  • Visual Studio Copilot Improves Feature Search, Shortcuts, Slash Commands — Visual Studio Magazine


    Visual Studio Copilot Improves Feature Search, Shortcuts, Slash Commands

    Microsoft’s Visual Studio dev team has been working on the next release of its flagship IDE, Visual Studio 2022 v17.13, with an emphasis on improving the GitHub Copilot AI-powered coding assistant.

    After shipping v17.12 last November, the team has shipped three previews, the latest being last week.

    The big news for the next release is already known: a free GitHub Copilot. “We’re excited to announce an all new free plan for GitHub Copilot, available for everyone today in Visual Studio. All you need is a GitHub account. No trial. No subscription. No credit card,” the company said.

    Here’s a summary of what else is new for Copilot in the preview release notes:

    AI-Enhanced Feature Search
    You can now ask GitHub Copilot to get detailed responses for your queries.

    Copilot Edits
    [Click on image for larger view.] Copilot Feature Search (source: Microsoft).

    GitHub Copilot now offers detailed responses for queries within Visual Studio through Feature Search. If you’re unsure about a menu item, command, or feature name, you can use the “Ask Copilot” button in Feature Search to send your query to Copilot Chat. It interprets the semantic meaning of your query, considers your Visual Studio version, and provides accurate, context-aware answers without leaving the IDE. This integration improves your workflow by offering immediate assistance, such as identifying and explaining settings like “format document” when searching for terms like “prettify file.”

    GitHub Copilot Shortcuts
    New keyboard shortcuts for threads in GitHub Copilot Chat.

    GitHub Copilot Chat now includes new keyboard shortcuts for navigating threads:

    • Ctrl+N: Start a new thread
    • Ctrl+PgDown: Move to the previous thread (cycles past the first thread)
    • Ctrl+PgUp: Move to the next thread (cycles past the last thread)
    • Ctrl+Shift+T: Expand and focus the thread drop-down

    These shortcuts work only when the Copilot Chat pane is active and can be customized in Visual Studio’s Keybinding dialog.

    Slash Command Expansions
    Enhance slash commands by expanding into natural language.

    Slash commands have been enhanced to expand into natural language as users type, incorporating active context and displaying it in the prompt. This improvement provides users with:

    • A clearer understanding of what the command will do.
    • Insight into the context the command will use.
    • The option to modify the prompt before sending it.

    Use GitHub Copilot Edits Across Files
    Iterate across multiple files more efficiently.

    Copilot Edits
    [Click on image for larger view.] Copilot Edits (source: Microsoft).

    Copilot Edits streamline iteration across multiple files. This feature combines chat’s conversational flow with an inline review experience, enabling developers to:

    • Preview with clarity: View a summary of affected files and proposed changes.
    • Review with flo: See code diffs inline, accept/reject changes individually using TAB or Alt+Del, or apply/dismiss all changes at once.
    • Iterate with confidence: Use checkpoints to revisit earlier file versions or explore alternative approaches.

    To start, describe your desired changes in natural language and reference files, errors, or solutions using the “#” key, just like in Copilot Chat.

    About the Author

    David Ramel is an editor and writer at Converge 360.

    Visual Studio Copilot is the latest tool from Microsoft that aims to improve developers’ productivity by enhancing their search for features, shortcuts, and slash commands. With its advanced AI capabilities, Visual Studio Copilot can anticipate developers’ needs and provide relevant suggestions in real time.

    One of the key features of Visual Studio Copilot is its improved feature search functionality. Developers can now quickly search for specific features or commands within Visual Studio, saving time and effort in navigating through menus and options. This feature is especially helpful for developers who are working on complex projects with multiple files and components.

    In addition, Visual Studio Copilot also offers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts to streamline the coding process. By simply typing a few characters, developers can access commonly used commands and functions without having to manually search for them. This feature is designed to improve developers’ efficiency and reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks.

    Furthermore, Visual Studio Copilot introduces slash commands, which allow developers to perform actions directly from the editor by typing a forward slash followed by a command. This feature enables developers to quickly execute tasks such as searching for files, running tests, and navigating through code, making it easier to focus on coding without interruptions.

    Overall, Visual Studio Copilot is a powerful tool that enhances developers’ productivity and streamlines their workflow. With its advanced feature search, shortcuts, and slash commands, developers can work more efficiently and effectively within Visual Studio.


    Visual Studio Copilot, feature search, shortcuts, slash commands, Visual Studio Magazine, coding tools, software development, AI-powered coding assistant

    #Visual #Studio #Copilot #Improves #Feature #Search #Shortcuts #Slash #Commands #Visual #Studio #Magazine

  • The one album Slash called “perfect”

    The one album Slash called “perfect”

    Guns N’ Roses might get an awful lot of flack for being one of the tackier acts in the history of rock, but it’s pretty hard to deny Slash’s prowess as a great guitarist. The hat-wearing high priest of riffs is rightfully regarded as one of the finest to ever pick up a six-string, and his lead guitar playing is pretty hard to be on the same level as, even if you’re vehemently against ever sounding like him.

    To be called perfect by Slash must mean you’re doing something extraordinary, and it automatically places you among the greats. It’s an honour to have this title bestowed on you by such a proficient player, and it is also indicative of how much attention Slash pays to the rest of his kind. There have been many guitarists who wouldn’t be doing what they do without the direct influence of the Guns N’ Roses guitarists, but there are also several guitarists who came before him who did more than just steer the direction of his playing style.

    To call Eddie Van Halen anything less than one of the greats would be something of a disservice to his majestic guitar work and would be ignorant of the fact that some of the techniques that he employed as a player were groundbreaking and innovative, both at the time and now. Van Halen held something of a mysterious power over the fretboard that many guitarists can only dream of replicating, and alongside the band that he gave his name to, he became a pioneer of hard rock and heavy metal that virtually all in his field have aspired to emulate since.

    When Van Halen emerged with their eponymous debut album in 1978, the minds of many impressionable young guitarists were blown away by the sheer wizardry on display from Eddie, and the courses of many lives were altered in the sense that they had found their calling in life and were determined to one day be as good as their newfound guitar god. The young Saul Hudson would be one of those, and when he himself emerged with Guns N’ Roses less than a decade later under his infamous moniker, his talents were similarly mindblowing.

    Speaking to Paste about just how life-changing hearing the self-titled debut album from Van Halen was for him, Slash marvelled at how flawless they were and how fully formed their identity was from the beginning. “Some bands come out with the perfect first album,” he said, “And that first record is so indicative of the band’s unique sound.”

    While it takes most bands several years to find their feet and deliver their most spellbinding work, the California group had such an incredible panache right out of the gates, and most would agree that despite having an illustrious career for many years after, they never reached the dizzy heights of their debut record again on any subsequent releases. Arguably, Guns N’ Roses would achieve the very same feat with Appetite for Destruction in 1987 and produced an album so great they could never surpass it.

    Continuing in his praise for the band, Slash said, “Van Halen’s one of those bands that had it down pat on their first record. It’s raw and beautiful, and it’s got a real energy, like a fuckin’ in-your-face guitar tour-de-force.” Packed with face-melting riffs and jaw-droppingly stylish finger-tapped guitar solos, it’s hard to argue otherwise, and it’s no surprise that Slash, of all people, was so enchanted by Van Halen from the get-go.

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    Guns N’ Roses’ iconic debut album, “Appetite for Destruction,” is the one album that Slash has famously referred to as “perfect.” Released in 1987, this album features hits like “Sweet Child o’ Mine,” “Welcome to the Jungle,” and “Paradise City,” showcasing the band’s raw energy and talent. Slash’s blistering guitar solos and Axl Rose’s powerful vocals make this album a timeless classic in rock music history. With its gritty lyrics and hard-hitting sound, “Appetite for Destruction” has stood the test of time and continues to be praised by fans and critics alike. Slash’s endorsement of this album as “perfect” only solidifies its status as one of the greatest rock albums of all time.


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    5. Perfect album recommended by Slash
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    9. Album review: Slash’s perfect pick
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    #album #Slash #called #perfect

  • Slash Gets Roasted For Less Than Stellar Acoustic Guitar Solo

    Slash Gets Roasted For Less Than Stellar Acoustic Guitar Solo

    When you are famous, there is no hiding from the public. Everybody has an opinion on what you wear, what you say, and what you weigh. With the advent of social media, it’s impossible to elude the onslaught of comments – some of them blistering and barbed – from people who consider themselves experts on practically everything under the sun. Having said that, be aware that Slash, 59, (actual name Saul Hudson) the former lead guitarist from Guns N’ Roses, is coming under a barrage of unkind scrutiny for what onlookers believe was a not-up-to-par acoustic guitar performance.

    Slash Played ‘Crossroads’ At The Grammy Museum In Los Angeles Last October

    It Was A Small Live Event

    Let me set the stage for you, so to speak. Per Whiskey Riff, Slash was with renowned music producer Mike Clink. They got together for a small-scale event at the Grammy Museum titled An Evening With Slash And Mike Clink. The pair treated the audience to a song called “Crossroads.” According to the outlet, “…the original “Crossroad” or “Cross Road Blues” written and released by Robert Johnson back in 1936,…”

    People Jumped On Slash On X With Harsh Words For His Acoustic Guitar Playing

    “Seems like he is trying too hard.”

    “He ain’t no Billy Strings that for damn sure!”

    “Not clean and somehow soulless? Never understood the fuss about this guy’s playing. SRV [Stevie Ray Vaughan] this isn’t…”

    “play acustic is sooooooooo different to play electric….average”

    Others Praised Slash’s Performance With Equal Vehemence

    The strings met their true master.”

    “Love it!”

    “He is so good.”

    Good stuff.”

    Slash has been demonstrating his talent on guitar for 40 years.

    Guns N’ Roses Was Inducted Into The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame In 2012

    Slash And His Band Mates Deserved The Prestigious Honor

    Per the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame web site, “Mainstream hard rock wasn’t the same after the members of Guns n’ Roses sank their teeth into it. The band’s sound combined a reverence for classic rock titans (to name a few, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Aerosmith and Queen) with metal’s abrasive snarls and punk’s sneering dislike of authority.”

    Well said!

    Earlier this week, rock legend Slash found himself in the hot seat after a less than stellar acoustic guitar solo during a live performance. Fans and critics alike took to social media to roast the iconic guitarist for the lackluster performance.

    Many fans were quick to point out that Slash is known for his electric guitar skills, and that perhaps the acoustic guitar just isn’t his strong suit. Others joked that it sounded like he had never picked up an acoustic guitar before in his life.

    While Slash is undeniably a guitar virtuoso, this mishap just goes to show that even the best can have an off night. Hopefully, Slash will take this as a learning experience and come back stronger than ever in his future performances.

    In the meantime, the internet continues to buzz with memes and jokes about Slash’s less than stellar acoustic guitar solo. It’s all in good fun, but it’s definitely a reminder that even the greatest rock stars have their off days.


    1. Slash acoustic guitar solo
    2. Slash gets roasted
    3. Slash guitar solo criticism
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    5. Slash acoustic performance
    6. Guitar solo critique
    7. Slash music news
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    #Slash #Roasted #Stellar #Acoustic #Guitar #Solo

  • The one concert Slash called the peak of Guns N’ Roses

    The one concert Slash called the peak of Guns N’ Roses

    A gig is always made better when an artist looks like they want to be there. When you see Slash perform, you can rest easily knowing that you’re enjoying yourself, watching someone play who is having equally good a time. Slash has always been committed to his music and dedicated to life on the road, which can be seen not only through his work with Guns N’ Roses but also his work on other projects.

    “I’m a road guy. That’s why the pandemic was such a shock,” said Slash, discussing how much time he dedicates to life on the road. “I’d say I spend probably 85 per cent of my time touring and have done for as long as I can remember – since 1985 or ’86. And that’s what I love to do.”

    The Guns N’ Roses guitarist continued: “People think I’m crazy because the older I get, the more I love touring – it’s, like, the more exciting it is for me… But a lot of it is because of the simple fact that I love guitar playing, and my favourite venue for actually playing is live as opposed to being in the studio or being at home. So if I really wanna get off on guitar playing, I’ve gotta go out on tour.” 

    Even when Guns N’ Roses split up, what seemed like a massive blow to one of the biggest hard rock bands on the planet was swiftly met with a range of side projects that Slash put forward in a bid to get back on the road. These included recording solo music with a range of different artists, playing in Velvet Revolver and forming the supergroup Slash’s Snakepit.

    Given how much emphasis Slash places on going out on the road, it’s unsurprising to hear that he measures success based on the size of the venues he plays. Given that he loves performing, the more people adamant about seeing him, the better his career will be going. This was the case when he was playing in Guns N’ Roses, and they started performing in arenas for the first time, which he described as the band’s peak.

    Interestingly, his love for live music means that he is sometimes hesitant to play in huge venues, which seems counterintuitive. Playing anywhere bigger than an arena, such as a huge festival or football stadium, notoriously comes with sound problems. As such, Slash lives in an awkward constant contradiction, where he wants to play in bigger venues but doesn’t want to succumb to the logistical problems of performing in them.

    “I was surprised when my manager said that we were going to be doing venues like Wembley Arena, but it’s been a nice steady ascent from where we started to where we are now; we didn’t pay anyone off or anything,” he concluded. “So we’ll see how all that goes; I don’t wanna be in any big huge places too much. I remember playing Wembley Arena with Guns N’ Roses back in the day, and that was, like, the peak of where you want to be. You know, beyond that, it starts to become complicated.”

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    Guns N’ Roses is a legendary rock band that has played countless exhilarating concerts throughout their career. However, there is one particular concert that even Slash, their iconic guitarist, has deemed as the peak of their performance.

    The concert in question took place on July 2, 1991 at the Riverport Amphitheater in St. Louis, Missouri. This show is often referred to as the “Riot at Riverport” due to the chaotic events that unfolded during the performance.

    As Guns N’ Roses took the stage, tensions were already high among the crowd. The band arrived late, causing frustration among the audience. Despite this, they launched into their set with incredible energy and passion, delivering electrifying renditions of their hit songs.

    However, as the concert progressed, things took a turn for the worse. A crowd member threw a plastic beer bottle onto the stage, hitting Axl Rose, the band’s lead singer. In response, Rose abruptly stopped the show and stormed off stage, leaving the rest of the band members bewildered and unsure of what to do.

    The situation escalated quickly, with fans becoming unruly and violent. The chaos culminated in a full-blown riot, with fans destroying property and causing mayhem throughout the venue.

    Despite the tumultuous events of that night, Slash has stated in interviews that he believes the energy and intensity of that performance was unparalleled. He has referred to it as the peak of Guns N’ Roses’ career, a moment where the band’s raw talent and rebellious spirit shone brightest.

    While the “Riot at Riverport” may not have been a typical concert experience, it remains a defining moment in the history of Guns N’ Roses. It serves as a reminder of the band’s ability to captivate and incite passion in their fans, even in the most tumultuous of circumstances.


    Guns N’ Roses concert, Slash, peak performance, live music, rock band, iconic show, Axl Rose, legendary guitarist, music history, rock and roll, memorable concert

    #concert #Slash #called #peak #Guns #Roses

  • Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition Switch Brand New Game (2018 Hack & Slash)

    Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition Switch Brand New Game (2018 Hack & Slash)

    Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition Switch Brand New Game (2018 Hack & Slash)

    Price : 50.99

    Ends on : N/A

    View on eBay
    Are you ready to dive back into the world of Hyrule like never before? Look no further than Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition for the Nintendo Switch! This brand new game, released in 2018, combines the epic action of the Dynasty Warriors series with the beloved characters and lore of The Legend of Zelda franchise.

    In this hack and slash adventure, you’ll take control of iconic heroes like Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf as you battle hordes of enemies on the battlefield. With new features and content exclusive to the Switch version, including all previously released DLC, there’s never been a better time to experience the thrill of Hyrule Warriors.

    Whether you’re a long-time fan of the series or a newcomer looking for an exciting new game to sink your teeth into, Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition promises hours of action-packed gameplay and endless possibilities. So grab your sword and shield, and prepare for an epic journey through the land of Hyrule like never before!
    #Hyrule #Warriors #Definitive #Edition #Switch #Brand #Game #Hack #Slash

  • Fox n Forests Nintendo Switch New Includes Post Card 2D Action RPG Shooter Slash

    Fox n Forests Nintendo Switch New Includes Post Card 2D Action RPG Shooter Slash

    Fox n Forests Nintendo Switch New Includes Post Card 2D Action RPG Shooter Slash

    Price : 423.00 – 253.80

    Ends on : N/A

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    Introducing the exciting new game for Nintendo Switch – Fox n Forests! This 2D action RPG shooter slash game will have you hooked from the moment you pick up your controller.

    Not only does Fox n Forests offer thrilling gameplay and stunning graphics, but it also includes a special bonus – a collectible postcard! This unique feature allows you to take a piece of the game with you wherever you go.

    Embark on a magical journey through a beautiful pixelated world, where you play as a cunning fox armed with a magical crossbow. Explore lush forests, battle fierce enemies, and uncover hidden secrets as you strive to save the forest from an evil force.

    Don’t miss out on the chance to experience this epic adventure on the Nintendo Switch. Get your hands on Fox n Forests today and start slashing your way to victory!
    #Fox #Forests #Nintendo #Switch #Includes #Post #Card #Action #RPG #Shooter #Slash

  • Redefining the Hack and Slash Genre: The Legacy of Ninja Gaiden

    Redefining the Hack and Slash Genre: The Legacy of Ninja Gaiden

    Hack and slash games have been a staple in the world of video games for decades, with titles like Devil May Cry, God of War, and Bayonetta captivating players with their fast-paced combat and over-the-top action. However, one game stands out as a true pioneer in the genre, redefining what it means to hack and slash your way through enemies: Ninja Gaiden.

    Originally released in 1988 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Ninja Gaiden quickly gained a reputation for its challenging gameplay, stunning graphics, and intense combat. Players took on the role of Ryu Hayabusa, a skilled ninja on a quest to avenge his father’s death and retrieve a stolen artifact. The game’s smooth controls and intricate level design set a new standard for action games, paving the way for future titles in the genre.

    Fast forward to 2004, and Team Ninja, the developers behind the Dead or Alive series, decided to reboot the Ninja Gaiden franchise for the Xbox. The result was Ninja Gaiden, a game that would go on to redefine the hack and slash genre for a new generation of players. With its fluid combat system, challenging difficulty, and stunning visuals, Ninja Gaiden set a new bar for action games, pushing players to master the art of swordplay and precision timing.

    One of the key features that set Ninja Gaiden apart from other hack and slash games was its focus on skill-based combat. Players had to carefully time their attacks, dodges, and blocks to overcome the game’s relentless enemies and bosses. The game rewarded players who took the time to master its complex combat system, offering a sense of satisfaction unlike any other game in the genre.

    In addition to its challenging gameplay, Ninja Gaiden also featured a deep and engaging story, with memorable characters and twists and turns that kept players on the edge of their seats. The game’s stunning visuals and atmospheric soundtrack further added to the immersive experience, drawing players into its dark and dangerous world.

    Ninja Gaiden’s legacy can still be felt in the world of video games today, with many modern hack and slash titles drawing inspiration from its innovative combat system and challenging gameplay. While the franchise may have had its ups and downs over the years, there is no denying the impact that Ninja Gaiden has had on the genre as a whole.

    As we look to the future of hack and slash games, it is clear that Ninja Gaiden’s legacy will continue to inspire developers to push the boundaries of what is possible in the genre. Whether it’s through its skill-based combat, engaging story, or stunning visuals, Ninja Gaiden will always be remembered as a true pioneer in the world of action games.