Tag: Soros

  • Hillary Clinton, George Soros y Denzel Washington recibirán la máxima condecoración civil de EEUU

    Hillary Clinton, George Soros y Denzel Washington recibirán la máxima condecoración civil de EEUU

    WASHINGTON (AP) — La exsecretaria de Estado Hillary Clinton, el filántropo demócrata George Soros y el actor-director Denzel Washington recibirán el sábado la más alta condecoración civil de la nación en una ceremonia en la Casa Blanca.

    El presidente Joe Biden otorgará la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad a 19 de los nombres más famosos en política, deportes, entretenimiento, derechos civiles, defensa de los derechos LGBTQ+ y ciencia.

    La Casa Blanca indicó que los galardonados han realizado “contribuciones ejemplares a la prosperidad, valores o seguridad de Estados Unidos, la paz mundial u otros significativos esfuerzos sociales, públicos o privados.”

    Cuatro medallas serán otorgadas póstumamente. Se entregarán a Fannie Lou Hamer, quien fundó el Partido Democrático de la Libertad de Mississippi y sentó las bases para la Ley de Derechos Electorales de 1965; al ex fiscal general Robert F. Kennedy; a George W. Romney, quien fue gobernador de Michigan y secretario de vivienda y desarrollo urbano; y a Ash Carter, exsecretario de defensa.

    Kennedy es padre de Robert F. Kennedy Jr., el nominado por el presidente electo Donald Trump para secretario de salud y servicios humanos. Romney es el padre del exsenador republicano de Utah Mitt Romney, uno de los críticos conservadores más fuertes de Trump.

    Entre los grandes filántropos que recibirán el premio se incluye al chef hispanoamericano José Andrés, cuya organización benéfica World Central Kitchen se ha convertido en una de las organizaciones de ayuda alimentaria más reconocidas del mundo, y a Bono, el líder de la banda de rock U2 y activista de justicia social.

    Las estrellas de deportes y entretenimiento reconocidas incluyen al futbolista Lionel Messi; al basquetbolista y empresario Earvin “Magic” Johnson; el actor Michael J. Fox, activista a favor de investigaciones sobre la enfermedad de Parkinson; y William Sanford Nye, conocido por generaciones de estudiantes como “Bill Nye the Science Guy”.

    Otros galardonados incluyen a la conservacionista Jane Goodall; la editora de Vogue Magazine Anna Wintour; el diseñador de moda Ralph Lauren; el fundador del Instituto de Cine George Stevens Jr.; el empresario y activista LGBTQ+ Tim Gill; y David Rubenstein, cofundador de la firma global de inversiones The Carlyle Group.

    El año pasado, Biden otorgó la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad a 19 personas, incluyendo al fallecido Medgar Evers, la expresidenta de la Cámara de Representantes Nancy Pelosi, el representante James Clyburn de Carolina del Sur y la actriz Michelle Yeoh.


    Esta historia fue traducida del inglés por un editor de AP con la ayuda de una herramienta de inteligencia artificial generativa.

    ¡Grandes noticias! La ex candidata presidencial Hillary Clinton, el magnate George Soros y el aclamado actor Denzel Washington serán galardonados con la máxima condecoración civil de Estados Unidos en una ceremonia especial que se llevará a cabo próximamente.

    Estos tres influyentes personajes han demostrado un compromiso excepcional con la sociedad y han dedicado sus vidas a causas nobles y a la defensa de los derechos humanos. Hillary Clinton, con su larga trayectoria política y su incansable lucha por la igualdad de género y la justicia social, ha sido una figura clave en la historia reciente de Estados Unidos.

    Por su parte, George Soros ha destacado por su filantropía y su apoyo a organizaciones que promueven la democracia y los derechos civiles en todo el mundo. Su labor ha sido fundamental en la lucha contra la discriminación y la injusticia.

    Y no podemos olvidar a Denzel Washington, un actor talentoso y comprometido que ha utilizado su fama para concienciar sobre importantes problemas sociales y para promover la diversidad en la industria del entretenimiento.

    Estos tres merecedores recibirán la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad, la más alta distinción que un civil puede recibir en Estados Unidos. ¡Felicidades a ellos por este merecido reconocimiento! #HillaryClinton #GeorgeSoros #DenzelWashington #MedallaPresidencialLibertad #EEUU


    Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Denzel Washington, máxima condecoración civil, EEUU, Presidential Medal of Freedom, honores civiles, distinción, premio, reconocimiento, personalidades destacadas, influencia política, activismo social, logros sobresalientes, contribución a la sociedad.

    #Hillary #Clinton #George #Soros #Denzel #Washington #recibirán #máxima #condecoración #civil #EEUU

  • Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Denzel Washington will receive the highest US civilian honor

    Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Denzel Washington will receive the highest US civilian honor

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Democratic philanthropist George Soros and actor-director Denzel Washington will be awarded the nation’s highest civilian honor on Saturday in a White House ceremony.

    President Joe Biden will bestow the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 19 of the most famous names in politics, sports, entertainment, civil rights, LGBTQ+ advocacy and science.

    The White House said the recipients have made “exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors.”

    Four medals are to be awarded posthumously. They are going to Fannie Lou Hamer, who founded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party and laid the groundwork for the 1965 Voting Rights Act; former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy; George W. Romney, who served as both a Michigan governor and secretary of housing and urban development; and Ash Carter, the former secretary of defense.

    Kennedy is father to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for health and human services secretary. Romney is the father of former Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney, one of Trump’s strongest conservative critics.

    Major philanthropists receiving the award include Spanish American chef José Andrés, whose World Central Kitchen charity has become one of the world’s most recognized food relief organizations, and Bono, the frontman for rock band U2 and a social justice activist.

    Sports and entertainment stars being recognized include professional soccer player Lionel Messi; retired Los Angeles Lakers basketball legend and businessman Earvin “Magic” Johnson; actor Michael J. Fox, who is an outspoken advocate for Parkinson’s disease research and development; and William Sanford Nye, known to generations of students as “Bill Nye the Science Guy.”

    Other awardees include conservationist Jane Goodall; longtime Vogue Magazine editor-in-chief Anna Wintour; American fashion designer Ralph Lauren; American Film Institute founder George Stevens Jr.; entrepreneur and LGBTQ+ activist Tim Gill; and David Rubenstein, co-founder of The Carlyle Group global investment firm.

    Last year, Biden bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom on 19 people, including the late Medgar Evers, House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina and actor Michelle Yeoh.

    In a historic move, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and Denzel Washington are set to receive the highest US civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. This prestigious award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to society and have demonstrated exceptional leadership in their respective fields.

    Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State and first woman to be nominated for President by a major political party, is being honored for her years of public service and tireless advocacy for women’s rights and equality.

    George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist and founder of the Open Society Foundations, is being recognized for his commitment to promoting democracy, human rights, and social justice around the world.

    Denzel Washington, the award-winning actor and director, is being celebrated for his iconic performances and powerful portrayals of complex characters that have inspired audiences for decades.

    These three individuals have each made a lasting impact on society in their own unique ways, and their contributions will be celebrated and honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Join us in congratulating Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and Denzel Washington on this well-deserved recognition.


    Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Denzel Washington, US civilian honor, Presidential Medal of Freedom, recipients, awards, highest honor, American citizens, influential figures, public service, philanthropy, activism, recognition.

    #Hillary #Clinton #George #Soros #Denzel #Washington #receive #highest #civilian #honor

  • Hillary Clinton, George Soros to receive Presidential Medal of Freedom

    Hillary Clinton, George Soros to receive Presidential Medal of Freedom

    WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden will award the nation’s highest civilian honor to more than a dozen politicians, philanthropists and cultural icons, the White House announced Saturday.

    The list of 19 Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients includes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and billionaire donor George Soros. The recipients are scheduled to receive the awards at a White House ceremony Saturday. Four people are being honored posthumously.

    The medal is “presented to individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors,” the White House said in a news release.

    “These nineteen Americans are great leaders who have made America a better place,” the statement added. “They are great leaders because they are good people who have made extraordinary contributions to their country and the world.”

    Clinton is set to receive the award about two weeks before her former political rival, President-elect Donald Trump, is sworn in for a second term. In 2016, Clinton became the first woman nominated by a major party for president before losing to Trump.

    Soros, who founded the Open Society Foundations, has contributed more than $32 billion to his organization, which supports a variety of human rights and pro-democracy causes, according to his website. He is also a major Democratic donor.

    Other recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Saturday include humanitarian and chef José Andrés, whose World Central Kitchen has helped provide food for civilians in war zones and areas hit by natural disasters; Jane Goodall, a highly acclaimed conservationist and scientist; and Bill Nye, a science educator who rose to fame with the show “Bill Nye the Science Guy.”

    Several entertainment, sports and cultural icons will also be honored, including U2 singer Bono, actors Michael J. Fox and Denzel Washington, athletes Lionel Messi and Earvin “Magic Johnson, and fashion icons Anna Wintour and Ralph Lauren.

    Biden will honor multiple recipients posthumously, including Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968 during a presidential run. Kennedy was a senator representing New York and had served as attorney general during the administration of his brother, President John F. Kennedy.

    Also being honored posthumously is Ashton Carter, who was secretary of defense during the Obama administration and oversaw the United States’ push against the Islamic State, and George Romney, the governor of Michigan during the 1960s and the father of former Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah.

    Biden himself received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2017 during the final days of the Obama administration. Then-President Barack Obama surprised Biden with the award, which was presented “with distinction,” an added honor.

    Biden has awarded the medal to dozens of others during his four years in office. The ceremonies usually take place about once a year, though Biden also awarded former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards with the medal in November.

    Earlier this week, Biden awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal to 20 recipients, including Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo. Thompson and Cheney served on the House Jan. 6 committee and have faced Trump’s ire. The Presidential Citizens Medal is the second-highest civilian honor, behind the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

    In a surprising announcement, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and billionaire philanthropist George Soros are set to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor.

    The decision to award this prestigious honor to Clinton and Soros has sparked controversy and divided opinions across the political spectrum. Supporters of the two recipients see them as champions of democracy and human rights, while critics argue that their actions and beliefs do not align with the values of the Medal of Freedom.

    Clinton, who made history as the first woman to be nominated for president by a major political party in 2016, has been a trailblazer for women’s rights and has dedicated her life to public service. Soros, known for his philanthropic efforts and support for progressive causes, has been a vocal advocate for democracy and social justice.

    The Presidential Medal of Freedom is typically awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors. The decision to award it to Clinton and Soros is sure to generate continued debate and discussion in the coming weeks.

    What are your thoughts on this controversial decision? Let us know in the comments below.


    Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Presidential Medal of Freedom, award recipients, political figures, philanthropy, activism, honors, United States, government recognition

    #Hillary #Clinton #George #Soros #receive #Presidential #Medal #Freedom