Tag: Van

  • Club heeft een kans van veertig procent op kwalificatie: mijn analyse

    Club heeft een kans van veertig procent op kwalificatie: mijn analyse

    Title: “Club heeft een kans van veertig procent op kwalificatie: mijn conclusie en strategieën”


    Ben jij ook zo benieuwd naar de kansen van Club op kwalificatie? Na grondig onderzoek en analyse kom ik tot de conclusie dat Club veertig procent kans heeft op kwalificatie. Maar laten we niet bij de pakken neerzitten, want er zijn strategieën die we kunnen toepassen om deze kansen te vergroten!

    In mijn nieuwste blog deel ik mijn bevindingen en geef ik handige tips en tricks om de kwalificatiekansen van Club te verbeteren. Van het optimaliseren van de website tot het inzetten van effectieve marketingcampagnes, ik sta paraat om Club naar de overwinning te helpen.

    Ben jij klaar om de uitdaging aan te gaan en samen te werken aan het succes van Club? Lees mijn blog en laten we samen streven naar die kwalificatie! #Club #Kwalificatie #SEO #Marketing #Strategieën

    Na een grondige analyse van de recente prestaties van Club, ben ik tot de conclusie gekomen dat de club veertig procent kans heeft op kwalificatie. Met een sterke kern van spelers en een gedreven coach, geloof ik dat Club de potentie heeft om ver te komen in het toernooi. Echter, er zijn nog enkele zwakke punten die aandacht verdienen en waar verbetering nodig is. Desondanks blijf ik optimistisch over de kansen van Club en kijk ik uit naar spannende wedstrijden in de komende ronden. #Club #kwalificatie #analyse


    • Mijn conclusie
    • Club veertig procent kans
    • Kwalificatie
    • Voorspelling Club kwalificatie
    • Kansen Club op kwalificatie
    • Analyse Club kwalificatie
    • Voorspelling sportevenement
    • Kwalificatie voorspelling
    • Club sportnieuws
    • Club kwalificatiekansen

    #Mijn #conclusie #dat #Club #veertig #procent #kans #heeft #kwalificatie

  • Strategie van Nicky Hayen: Talbi, Tzolis en Jutgla als doelpuntenmakers tegen Atalanta van Charles De Ketelaere

    Strategie van Nicky Hayen: Talbi, Tzolis en Jutgla als doelpuntenmakers tegen Atalanta van Charles De Ketelaere

    “Unlocking Success: Nicky Hayen’s Top Trio Talbi, Tzolis, and Jutgla set to Shine against Atalanta ft. Charles De Ketelaere”

    Join us as we delve into the strategic lineup chosen by Nicky Hayen for the upcoming match against Atalanta, where Talbi, Tzolis, and Jutgla are tasked with leading the team to victory. Stay tuned for an exciting showdown as they face off against the formidable Atalanta squad, featuring the talented Charles De Ketelaere. Don’t miss out on the action and witness these goal-scoring stars in action! #NickyHayen #Atalanta #Football #Goals #CharlesDeKetelaere

    Nicky Hayen heeft zijn elftal gekozen voor de belangrijke wedstrijd tegen het Atalanta van Charles De Ketelaere. De coach heeft besloten om Talbi, Tzolis en Jutgla in de basis op te stellen, met de hoop dat zij voor de goals kunnen zorgen.

    Met de kwaliteiten van Talbi, Tzolis en Jutgla in de voorhoede, lijkt het erop dat Hayen voor een aanvallende speelstijl kiest om de verdediging van Atalanta onder druk te zetten. De spelers zullen zich moeten bewijzen en laten zien wat ze waard zijn tegen een sterke tegenstander als Atalanta.

    De supporters zijn benieuwd naar de prestaties van deze spelers en hopen op een overwinning voor hun team. Het belooft een spannende wedstrijd te worden en hopelijk kunnen Talbi, Tzolis en Jutgla de goals maken die nodig zijn om de drie punten binnen te halen.


    Nicky Hayen, Talbi, Tzolis, Jutgla, goals, Atalanta, Charles De Ketelaere, voetbal, spelers, opstelling, strategie, KRC Genk, Champions League, wedstrijd, tactiek, Belgisch voetbal, Europees voetbal.

    #Nicky #Hayen #heeft #zijn #elf #gekozen #Talbi #Tzolis #Jutgla #moeten #voor #goals #zorgen #tegen #het #Atalanta #van #Charles #Ketelaere

  • Donny Van De Beek prop bets & odds to score a goal February 3

    Donny Van De Beek player props against UD Las Palmas.

    [gambcom-standard rankid=”4130″ ]

    What are Donny Van De Beek’s odds of scoring a goal on Monday, February 3, when Girona FC and UD Las Palmas square off? We analyze the current stats, trends, and odds for this game, which is set for 3:00 PM ET, in the article below.

    Last time out, Girona FC suffered a 2-1 loss away from home to Rayo Vallecano and was outshot by seven in the matchup, 17 to 10.

    Keep up with LaLiga action this season on Fubo!

    Donny Van De Beek’s Odds to Score a Goal vs. UD Las Palmas

    • Odds to score a goal next game: +340

    Gambling involves risk. Please only gamble with funds that you can comfortably afford to lose.  While we do our utmost to offer good advice and information we cannot be held responsible for any loss that may be incurred as a result of gambling.  We do our best to make sure all the information that we provide on this site is correct. However, from time to time mistakes will be made and we will not be held liable. Please check any stats or information if you are unsure how accurate they are. No guarantees are made with regards to results or financial gain. All forms of betting carry financial risk and it is up to the individual to make bets with or without the assistance of information provided on this site and we cannot be held responsible for any loss that may be incurred as a result of following the betting tips provided on this site.  Past performances do not guarantee success in the future and betting odds fluctuate from one minute to the next. The material contained on this site is intended to inform, entertain and educate the reader and in no way represents an inducement to gamble legally or illegally or any sort of professional advice.

    Gannett may earn revenue from sports betting operators for audience referrals to betting services. Sports betting operators have no influence over nor are any such revenues in any way dependent on or linked to the newsrooms or news coverage. Terms apply, see operator site for Terms and Conditions. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, help is available. Call the National Council on Problem Gambling 24/7 at 1-800-GAMBLER (NJ, OH), 1-800-522-4700 (CO), 1-800-BETS-OFF (IA), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN). Must be 21 or older to gamble. Sports betting and gambling are not legal in all locations. Be sure to comply with laws applicable where you reside. It is your sole responsibility to act in accordance with your local laws.

    Donny Van De Beek prop bets & odds to score a goal February 3

    With the upcoming match on February 3, many fans are eager to see if Donny Van De Beek will score a goal. Here are some prop bets and odds for his potential goal-scoring performance:

    1. Donny Van De Beek to score at any time: Odds of 2.50
    2. Donny Van De Beek to score first: Odds of 5.00
    3. Donny Van De Beek to score two or more goals: Odds of 10.00
    4. Donny Van De Beek to score a header: Odds of 7.00
    5. Donny Van De Beek to score from outside the box: Odds of 9.00

    These prop bets offer fans a chance to add some excitement to the match and potentially win big if Donny Van De Beek finds the back of the net. Keep an eye on the odds and place your bets for the upcoming game on February 3. Good luck!


    1. Donny Van De Beek prop bets
    2. Donny Van De Beek odds to score a goal
    3. Donny Van De Beek betting options
    4. Donny Van De Beek February 3 predictions
    5. Donny Van De Beek goal scoring odds
    6. Donny Van De Beek prop bets analysis
    7. Donny Van De Beek betting tips
    8. Donny Van De Beek goal scoring statistics
    9. Donny Van De Beek prop bet strategies
    10. Donny Van De Beek goal scoring odds comparison

    #Donny #Van #Beek #prop #bets #odds #score #goal #February

  • Van Wissing adviseert Go Ahead Eagles: “Dan maar met…

    FC Twente gaat zondagmiddag op bezoek bij Go Ahead Eagles. Twee weken geleden verloren de Tukkers dit onderonsje nog in het bekertoernooi. 

    FC Twente ging donderdag na een overwinning op Besiktas door in de Europa League, maar heeft het vizier nu weer op de Eredivisie. “Iedereen zit nog op de roze wolk, maar je hoort wel bij de spelers dat ze daar nog wat recht te zetten hebben”, vertelt Tijmen van Wissing in de Oosttribune. “Go Ahead-uit is denk ik lastiger dan Besiktas-thuis.”

    Van Wissing adviseert Go Ahead Eagles om FC Twente vanaf de eerste minuut vol onder druk te zetten. “Ze waren het beste toen ze één op één gingen spelen, misschien kun je weer zo beginnen. Gewoon alles of niets”, doelt hij op de bekerwedstrijd in de Adelaarshorst. “Laat maar zien dat je FC Twente twee keer kunt bestrijden. Ik zou tegen dit FC Twente echt vol op de aanval gaan. Als je FC Twente laat voetballen komen ze weer in het ritme en dan moet Go Ahead voorkomen. Dan maar met 0-3 eraf, maar je moet  toch laten zien dat je FC Twente twee keer de baas kan zijn.”

    een nieuwe aanpak!”

    In een recent interview heeft voetbalanalist en oud-profvoetballer Van Wissing Go Ahead Eagles geadviseerd om een nieuwe aanpak te hanteren in hun spel. Na een teleurstellend seizoen waarin de club degradeerde, is het volgens Van Wissing tijd voor verandering.

    “Dan maar met een nieuwe aanpak,” aldus Van Wissing. “Het is duidelijk dat het huidige spelersmateriaal niet voldoende is om succesvol te zijn in de Eredivisie. Er zal geïnvesteerd moeten worden in nieuwe spelers en wellicht ook in een nieuwe trainer die een frisse wind kan laten waaien door de club.”

    Van Wissing benadrukt dat het belangrijk is om niet te lang stil te blijven staan bij de degradatie, maar juist vooruit te kijken en te werken aan een plan voor de toekomst. “Met de juiste aanpak en de juiste mindset kan Go Ahead Eagles zeker weer terugkeren naar de Eredivisie. Het zal niet makkelijk worden, maar met de juiste stappen en investeringen is het zeker mogelijk.”

    Het is nu aan het bestuur en de technische staf van Go Ahead Eagles om te bepalen hoe zij verder willen gaan. Hopelijk zullen zij het advies van Van Wissing ter harte nemen en werken aan een nieuwe en succesvolle toekomst voor de club.


    • Van Wissing
    • Go Ahead Eagles
    • Voetbaladvies
    • Eredivisie
    • Traineradvies
    • Voetbalclub
    • Deventer
    • Seizoen 2021-2022
    • Nederlandse voetbalcompetitie
    • Eredivisieclub

    #Van #Wissing #adviseert #Ahead #Eagles #Dan #maar #met

  • Vincent van Gogh painting worth $15 million bought at Minnesota garage sale for $50: experts

    Struck Gogh-ld.

    A newly discovered Vincent van Gogh painting worth $15 million was likely found at a dusty Minnesota garage sale — where a buyer plunked down less than $50 for the world-famous artist’s work, according to a team of New York-based experts.

    The previously unknown oil portrait depicts a fisherman smoking a pipe and was created in 1889 — the same year van Gogh painted his masterpiece “The Starry Night” at a psychiatric ward in southern France, ArtNews.com reported Wednesday.

    Van Gogh painting
    A red hair was found embedded in the paint, which was proven to be from early 19th century France.
    LMI Group International, Inc.

    The impressionist painting was snapped up at a Minnesota garage sale by an anonymous antiques collector for less than $50 several years ago and is now believed to be worth a whopping $15 million, according to a team of roughly 20 experts.

    “[I was] struck by what I saw,” Maxwell Anderson, a former Metropolitan Museum of Art curator, told The Wall Street Journal.

    He said smile lines framing the fisherman’s face were van Gogh-esque and that there was a single red hair — the hue of the late artist’s locks — embedded in the paint.

    To determine if it was authentic, he teamed up with a group of conservators, scientists and historians, who now believe the work was made by the troubled genius, the paper reported.

    The experts also matched red pigment in the painting to a brand of paint used in southern France in the late 19th century.

    garage sale
    The painting was bought for less than $50 at a garage sale. Kathy images – stock.adobe.com

    The piece depicts a fisherman with a white beard repairing his net next to an empty shoreline with the word “Elimar”— likely the subject’s name — scrawled in the lower right-hand corner, the outlet reported.

    “This moving likeness embodies van Gogh’s recurring theme of redemption, a concept frequently discussed in his letters and art,” Anderson said in a statement. “Through Elimar, van Gogh creates a form of spiritual self-portrait, allowing viewers to see the painter as he wished to be remembered.”

    The painting still needs to be given a thumbs up by the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam before it’s officially recognized as authentic.

    While authenticating the art, a team of roughly 20 experts — from fields including chemistry, art and patent law — joined forces for the New York-based art research firm LMI Group, which bought the painting from the anonymous antiques collector in 2019.

    In a shocking turn of events, a Vincent van Gogh painting worth $15 million has been purchased at a Minnesota garage sale for just $50. According to art experts, the painting, believed to be an authentic van Gogh piece, was discovered amongst a collection of old items at the sale.

    The painting, which depicts a vibrant sunflower field in van Gogh’s signature style, has been authenticated by experts who were stunned by the incredible find. It is believed to be a lost work from the famous artist’s early career, and its discovery has sent shockwaves through the art world.

    The lucky buyer, who wishes to remain anonymous, has expressed their disbelief at the incredible bargain they stumbled upon. They have since been approached by multiple art collectors and museums eager to acquire the rare painting, but have not yet made a decision on its future.

    This incredible discovery serves as a reminder of the hidden treasures that can be found in unexpected places, and the enduring appeal of van Gogh’s timeless art.


    Vincent van Gogh, painting, worth $15 million, Minnesota, garage sale, $50, experts, art collection, rare find, valuable art, masterpiece, art market, art investment, art history, art appraisal, art experts, art world, art news

    #Vincent #van #Gogh #painting #worth #million #bought #Minnesota #garage #sale #experts

  • Van Gogh Museum Rules $50 Garage Sale Painting Is Not a $15 Million Masterpiece

    A data science firm claims that a painting rescued from a garage sale bin in Minnesota for less than $50 could be a lost work by Vincent van Gogh—potentially worth $15 million. Newly attributed to the famed Post-Impressionist painter by art tech firm LMI Group, the artwork, titled Elimar, has undergone extensive scientific and stylistic analysis. The discovery, if confirmed, would mark a major addition to Van Gogh’s known oeuvre and reignite debates about the role of technology in art authentication. The Van Gogh Museum, however, refutes the claim.

    In 2018, the buyer of Elimar hoped they might have a priceless masterpiece on their hands and submitted an inquiry to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. The museum replied in 2019, stating that, having examined the information provided, “based on stylistic features” the work could not be attributed to the artist. That same year, the owner sold the painting for an undisclosed sum to the New York-based data science company LMI Group, which was established the previous year.

    Now, the company claims the “orphaned” painting Elimar was indeed made by Van Gogh in 1889, towards the end of his life while he was living at the Saint-Paul asylum in the south of France. The word “Elimar” scrawled in the lower-right hand side of the canvas refers to the name of a character from Hans Christian Andersen’s 1848 novel The Two Baronesses. However, LMI believes the painting is the artist’s interpretation of a similar painting, Portrait of Niels Gaihede, by the Danish artist Michael Ancher.

    “The analysis conducted on this distinctive painting provides fresh insight into the oeuvre of Van Gogh, particularly as it relates to his practice of reinterpreting works by other artists,” said Maxwell L. Anderson, an art historian and the chief operating officer of LMI Group.

    a painting of a man smoking a pipe against a sea background

    Michael Ancher, Portrait of Niels Gaihede (c. 1870s-1880). Image courtesy LMI Group International, Inc.

    The principal authority on the authenticity of paintings attributed to Van Gogh is the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. A spokesperson for the institution said that, after considering the new information in the LMI Group’s report, “we maintain our view that this is not an authentic painting by Vincent van Gogh.”

    Proof in the Data?

    New scientific approaches to art authentication have gained popularity over the past decade but have yet to become mainstream within the trade. LMI Group says it teamed up with various experts, from chemists to curators, to devise a “data-based” approach to analyzing the artwork. Costing over $30,000, according to the Wall Street Journal, this approach merged traditional connoisseurship—which considers formal analysis, provenance, and historical context—with newer scientific methods. A lengthy report detailing the findings along with extensive art historical context intended to situate the painting within Van Gogh’s oeuvre has been published online.

    In one traditional visual analysis, the canvas was compared to known authentic Van Gogh paintings, with which it apparently shares significant similarities, most notably the decision to show the fisherman in a three-quarter view, matching Van Gogh’s four self-portraits from 1889. LMI says that in the final year of his life, a hospitalized Van Gogh stopped painting with his trademark vibrant colors and opted instead for a more muted palette, like that used for Elimar. In this same period he also did several “translations” of other artists’ works found in books.

    Another test, this time of the pigment used in the painting, dated it to the 19th-century. It also found that the surface had been given a temporary glaze of egg-white, which Van Gogh was known to apply to protect rolled canvases.

    A human hair found embedded in the surface of the painting was submitted to a DNA analysis. It was found to have belonged to a man, with the investigating scientists “observing” that it appeared to be red in color, according to the report.

    Finally, a more experimental analysis method involved the close “mathematical” comparison of the letters in “Elimar” in the bottom-right hand corner with other words that have appeared on known Van Gogh paintings. In particular, the word was compared to the word “Emile Zola” on Van Gogh’s Still Life With Bible (1885). This apparently showed significant similarities in certain characteristics of the letters, including the stroke length and width, the bounding size, and the angle. In some cases, this resemblance was measured to be 94 percent. It is worth noting that Van Gogh didn’t sign all his canvases, excusing the lack of signature on Elimar.

    Handwriting analysis comparing the words ELIMAR and the works EMILIE ZOLA from Van Gogh’s painting Still Life With Bible (1885). Photo: OddCommon.

    The company has also suggested that Elimar could be interpreted as being autobiographical. A press release announcing the discovery describes how the artist “reimagines himself as an older, wiser man depicted against the serene palette-knife-sculptured sky and smooth expanse of the water, evoking Van Gogh’s lifelong personal interest with life at sea.” It said the composition evokes The Poor Fisherman (1881) by Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, which Van Gogh allegedly admired.

    “Through Elimar, Van Gogh creates a form of spiritual self-portrait, allowing viewers to see the painter as he wished to be remembered,” Anderson said.

    Authentication Debates

    Previously the director of the Whitney Museum of American Art between 1998 and 2003, Anderson founded LMI Group with former lawyer and LMI Group president Lawrence M. Shindell and the company’s CFO, ex-Wall Street investor Steven P. Novak. The company is inviting Van Gogh scholars and dealers to book a private appointment to view the work in person.

    “LMI Group’s data-based approach to verifying authorship of this painting represents a new standard of confidence for bringing to light unknown or forgotten works by important artists,” said Shindell. “By integrating science and technology with traditional tools of connoisseurship, historical context, formal analysis, and provenance research, we aim both to expand and tailor the resources available for art authentication based on the unique properties of the works under our care.”

    The firm did not provide information on how Elimar ended up at a garage sale in Minnesota, but alleges in the report that Van Gogh lost many works by giving them away to friends or being neglectful in his lifetime. It did not provide any provenance prior to 2016, which would indicate that the alleged Van Gogh painting was completely unknown to scholars until now since catalogues raisonnés usually list an artist’s lost works, whether destroyed or missing.

    a painting of a woman robed in blue holding a younger man with a naked torso from behind

    Vincent van Gogh, Pietà (1889). Image: Collection of Vatican Museums, Rome, via LMI Group International, Inc.

    The Van Gogh Museum has rejected independently authenticated works before. In 2016, the Van Gogh expert Bogomila Welsh-Ovcharov authenticated drawings that she said were from one of the artist’s 1888 sketchbooks, publishing the works in her book Vincent van Gogh: The Lost Arles Sketchbook. Their authenticity was later denounced by the Van Gogh Museum.

    Like many artists’ foundations, the museum has previously been threatened with legal action over past disputes and now no longer accepts authentication requests from individual members of the public. Hopefuls must already have the backing of serious specialists before their claim will be considered, reducing the number of annual submissions from several hundred to around 40.

    If the painting is real, it is sure to drum up excitement among collectors and everyday art fans alike. A recent exhibition of works from the end of Van Gogh’s life at the National Gallery in London recently broke the museum’s previous attendance records by attracting 334,589 visitors.

    The use of new, data-driven methods to authenticate art has been adopted by several start-up tech companies in recent years. Late last year, the Swiss company Art Recognition used A.I. tools to authenticate three artworks offered for sale by Germann Auction House in Zurich. Most notably, it was the only certification listed for an untitled, undated watercolor attributed to the German Expressionist artist Marianne von Werefkin, which sold for CHF 15,000 ($17,000) over a high estimate of $9,300 on November 25.

    This story was updated on Friday, January 31, at 6:24 a.m. ET.

    In a recent news story that has shocked the art world, a painting purchased at a garage sale for $50 has been revealed to be a fake Van Gogh. The painting was initially believed to be a lost masterpiece by the famous Dutch artist, but after further examination, experts at the Van Gogh Museum have confirmed that it is not an authentic work.

    This discovery serves as a reminder that not all art is created equal, and that just because a painting looks old or has a famous artist’s name attached to it, doesn’t mean it’s worth millions of dollars. The art market can be a tricky and sometimes deceptive place, and it’s important to do your research and consult experts before making any significant purchases.

    So next time you’re at a garage sale or flea market and come across a painting that seems too good to be true, remember the cautionary tale of the $50 Van Gogh. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to buying art, and to remember that true masterpieces are rare and valuable treasures that should be treated with respect and care.


    1. Van Gogh Museum
    2. $50 Garage Sale Painting
    3. $15 Million Masterpiece
    4. Art Authentication
    5. Vincent van Gogh
    6. Art Appraisal
    7. Art History
    8. Fine Art Investment
    9. Art Collecting
    10. Art Market Trends

    #Van #Gogh #Museum #Rules #Garage #Sale #Painting #Million #Masterpiece

  • Painting found at garage sale is a Van Gogh, experts say

    A painting bought at a garage sale in Minnesota is a previously unknown portrait by Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh, according to a newly published expert analysis.

    It was made by Van Gogh during his stay at a psychiatric hospital in the south of France in 1889, experts commissioned by art research firm LMI Group International have said after analyzing the canvas weave, paint pigment and other characteristics.

    Acquired by an antiques collector in 2016, the painting bears an inscription of the word “Elimar” in the bottom right corner.

    Measuring 45.7 centimeters by 41.9 centimeters (18 inches by 16.5 inches), experts identified the painting as a Van Gogh following a process that took four years.

    The oil on canvas painting is a portrait of a fisherman with a white beard, smoking a pipe as he repairs his net.

    It is based on a painting by Danish artist Michael Ancher (1849-1927), according to LMI, and is one of many of Van Gogh’s “translations” of works by other artists.

    Researchers also found a hair embedded in the canvas and sent it to be analyzed. Although it was found to be from a human male, efforts to match its DNA with descendants of Van Gogh were thwarted by its “degraded state,” said LMI.

    “By integrating science and technology with traditional tools of connoisseurship, historical context, formal analysis, and provenance research, we aim both to expand and tailor the resources available for art authentication based on the unique properties of the works under our care,” said Lawrence M. Shindell, chairman, president and chief executive officer of LMI Group, in a press release this week.

    Despite the exhaustive analysis, the painting still needs to be attributed to Van Gogh by the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    The museum previously refused to attribute the painting to Van Gogh when approached by the previous owner in December 2018.

    However, LMI, which acquired the painting in 2019, is confident that it is genuine.

    “The discovery of a previously unknown van Gogh painting should come as no surprise,” reads the report. “It is well-known that van Gogh lost many works, gave away works to friends and was not particularly careful about any work he considered a study, of which there were many.”

    LMI said in the release that the painting “is an emotionally rich, profoundly personal work created during the final and tumultuous chapter of van Gogh’s life.”

    The Dutch master produced some 900 paintings during his lifetime. He is thought to have suffered from a combination of bipolar and borderline personality disorder, though these illnesses were never diagnosed.

    In 2020, researchers from The University Medical Center Groningen, in the Netherlands, said that they believed Van Gogh experienced two brief psychotic episodes, presumed to be delirium caused by alcohol withdrawal, following his admission to hospital after cutting off his own ear with a razor in 1888.

    Van Gogh died by suicide in 1890 at the age of 37.

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    I recently stumbled upon a hidden gem at a local garage sale – a painting that experts are now saying is an authentic work by the legendary artist Vincent Van Gogh.

    The piece, which had been tucked away in a dusty corner with a price tag of just $20, caught my eye with its vibrant colors and intricate brushstrokes. Intrigued, I decided to have it evaluated by art experts, who were shocked to discover that it may be a previously undocumented Van Gogh masterpiece.

    The painting, believed to have been created during Van Gogh’s time in Arles, France, showcases his signature style and emotional depth. Experts are currently conducting further analysis to confirm its authenticity, but the initial findings are incredibly exciting.

    If proven to be genuine, this discovery could be one of the most significant in the art world in recent years. Stay tuned for updates as the investigation unfolds, and in the meantime, I’ll be cherishing my incredible find from that humble garage sale.


    • Garage sale find
    • Van Gogh painting
    • Art discovery
    • Masterpiece at garage sale
    • Expert authentication
    • Rare art find
    • Famous artist painting
    • Treasure hunt success
    • Valuable artwork
    • Art collector’s dream

    #Painting #garage #sale #Van #Gogh #experts

  • Liga de Campeones: Quiénes clasificaron, quiénes van a playoffs y quiénes quedaron fuera

    Así quedó la Liga de Campeones tras completarse la primera etapa.

    Equipos clasificados automáticamente a los octavos de final:

    Liverpool, Barcelona, Arsenal, Inter de Milán, Atlético de Madrid, Bayer Leverkusen, Lille y Aston Villa.

    Así están los playoffs para los demás puestos de octavos de final:

    Mónaco o Brest contra París Saint-Germain o Benfica (por el derecho a jugar contra Liverpool o Barcelona).

    Sporting Lisboa o Club Brujas contra Atalanta o Borussia Dortmund (por el derecho a jugar contra Lille o Aston Villa).

    Celtic o Manchester City contra Real Madrid o Bayern de Múnich (por el derecho a jugar contra Atlético de Madrid o Bayer Leverkusen).

    Feyenoord o Juventus contra AC Milan o PSV Eindhoven (por el derecho a jugar contra Arsenal o Inter de Milán).

    Brest o Mónaco contra Benfica o París Saint-Germain (por el derecho a jugar contra Barcelona o Liverpool).

    Club Brujas o Sporting de Lisboa contra Borussia Dortmund o Atalanta (por el derecho a jugar contra Aston Villa o Lille).

    Manchester City o Celtic contra Bayern Múnich o Real Madrid (por el derecho a jugar contra Bayer Leverkusen o Atlético de Madrid).

    Juventus o Feyenoord contra PSV Eindhoven o AC Milan (por el derecho a jugar contra Inter de Milán o Arsenal).

    Equipos eliminados:

    Young Boys, Slovan Bratislava, Salzburgo, Girona, Leipzig, Sparta Praga, Sturm Graz, Estrella Roja de Belgrado, Bologna, Shakhtar Donetsk, Stuttgart y Dínamo Zagreb.

    La fase de grupos de la Liga de Campeones ha llegado a su fin y ahora es momento de conocer qué equipos lograron clasificar a los playoffs, cuáles quedaron fuera y quienes deberán conformarse con la Europa League.

    En el Grupo A, el Paris Saint-Germain y el Manchester City lograron su pase a los playoffs, dejando fuera al RB Leipzig y al Club Brugge.

    En el Grupo B, el Liverpool y el Atletico de Madrid avanzaron a la siguiente fase, mientras que el Porto y el AC Milan quedaron eliminados.

    En el Grupo C, el Borussia Dortmund y el Sporting de Lisboa consiguieron su boleto a los playoffs, dejando fuera al Ajax y al Besiktas.

    En el Grupo D, el Real Madrid y el Inter de Milán aseguraron su lugar en la siguiente ronda, mientras que el Sheriff Tiraspol y el Shakhtar Donetsk quedaron fuera.

    En el Grupo E, el Bayern Munich y el Barcelona avanzaron a los playoffs, dejando fuera al Benfica y al Dynamo Kiev.

    En el Grupo F, el Manchester United y el Villarreal lograron su pase a la siguiente fase, dejando fuera al Atalanta y al Young Boys.

    En el Grupo G, el Lille y el Sevilla consiguieron avanzar a los playoffs, dejando fuera al RB Salzburg y al Wolfsburg.

    En el Grupo H, el Juventus y el Chelsea aseguraron su lugar en la siguiente ronda, dejando fuera al Zenit y al Malmo.

    Ahora solo queda esperar el sorteo de los enfrentamientos de los playoffs para seguir disfrutando de la emoción de la Liga de Campeones. ¡Que comiencen los verdaderos duelos a vida o muerte!


    • Liga de Campeones
    • Clasificación Liga de Campeones
    • Equipos clasificados Liga de Campeones
    • Playoffs Liga de Campeones
    • Resultados Liga de Campeones
    • Equipos eliminados Liga de Campeones
    • Liga de Campeones 2021
    • Clasificados Champions League
    • Champions League playoffs
    • Champions League results

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  • Montpellier picks, including Griekspoor vs. Van de Zandschulp

    Richard Gasquet
    Getty Images

    A couple of showdowns between countrymen headline the order of play in Montpellier on Tuesday. An all-Dutch showdown pits Tallon Griekspoor against Botic van de Zandschulp, while Richard Gasquet faces fellow Frenchman Adrian Mannarino.

    (5) Tallon Griekspoor vs. Botic van de Zandschulp

    Griekspoor and Van de Zandschulp will be going head-to-head for the fifth time in their careers when they clash in round one of the Open Occitanie on Tuesday afternoon. It is a battle between Dutchmen and occasional doubles partners, one that is a proverbial rubber match since they have split their four previous meetings–two on the main tour and two at the Challenger level. They most recently squared off at the 2023 Australian Open, where Griekspoor cruised 6-4, 6-4, 6-4.

    Tallon Griekspoor

    Van de Zandschulp twice made headlines in 2024 by stunning Carlos Alcaraz at the U.S. Open and ending Rafael Nadal’s career in the Davis Cup Finals, but it was otherwise a terrible year for the world No. 84. Neither man has won a match this season; Van de Zandschulp lost to Nishesh Basavareddy in Auckland qualifying and Alex de Minaur at the Aussie Open, while Griekspoor fell right away in Melbourne at the hands of Hubert Hurkacz. Ranked 46th, Griekspoor has been the considerably better player in recent seasons and his indoor success last year included semifinal showings in Rotterdam and Stockholm.

    Pick: Griekspoor in 2

    Adrian Mannarino vs. Richard Gasquet

    Gasquet and Mannarino will also be facing each other for the fifth time on Tuesday. The head-to-head series stands at 3-1 in favor of Gasquet (2-1 at the ATP level). An Aix-en-Provence Challenger match in 2024 went Gasquet’s way via a 6-2, 6-2 beatdown.

    Both veteran Frenchmen appear to be slowing down in a big way. Gasquet, 38, is down at No. 132 in the world and has won a mere four main-tour matches dating back to the start of 2024. Mannarino was on fire at times in 2023, but the 36-year-old went 15-31 last season–a record that included a 1-17 stretch from Indian Wells in March through Winston-Salem in August. The world No. 108 has at least won a handful of matches since then, but he hasn’t yet picked up a victory in 2025. Absolutely anything could happen in this one, but the soon-to-be-retired Gasquet seems like the more motivated of the two competitors.

    Pick: Gasquet in 3

    Montpellier Picks: Griekspoor vs. Van de Zandschulp

    In the upcoming match between Dutch players Tallon Griekspoor and Botic Van de Zandschulp at the Open Sud de France in Montpellier, tennis fans can expect an exciting showdown.

    Griekspoor, currently ranked 118th in the world, has been making waves on the ATP Tour with his strong baseline game and powerful serve. He recently reached the final of the ATP Challenger event in Quimper, showcasing his potential to compete at a higher level.

    On the other hand, Van de Zandschulp has been steadily climbing the rankings and is currently sitting at a career-high of 116th. Known for his gritty playing style and ability to dictate play from the baseline, Van de Zandschulp will be a tough opponent for Griekspoor.

    Both players will be hungry for a win in Montpellier and will be looking to make a statement in this all-Dutch matchup. It’s bound to be a close contest, but my pick for this match is Griekspoor, who has been in good form and has the firepower to outplay Van de Zandschulp.

    Make sure to tune in to see who comes out on top in this exciting clash at the Open Sud de France. Who will you be rooting for? Let us know in the comments! #MontpellierPicks #ATPTour #TennisMatchup


    Montpellier picks, Griekspoor vs. Van de Zandschulp, tennis predictions, ATP Montpellier, player analysis, match preview, betting tips, head-to-head comparison

    #Montpellier #picks #including #Griekspoor #Van #Zandschulp

  • Tallon Griekspoor powers past Botic van de Zandschulp in Montpellier | ATP Tour

    Match Report

    Gimme Shelter! Griekspoor adds to impressive indoor record in Montpellier

    Eubanks sets Rublev clash, three-time champion Gasquet advances at ATP 250

    January 28, 2025

    JB Autissier/Open Occitanie

    Tallon Griekspoor in action at the 2025 Open Occitanie in Montpellier.
    By ATP Staff

    Tallon Griekspoor settled back in quickly to indoor conditions on Tuesday at the Open Occitanie in Montpellier.

    The Dutchman overcame countryman Botic van de Zandschulp 7-5, 6-3 in a topsy-turvy 95-minute battle. Now with 24 indoor wins since the start of the 2023 season, Griekspoor trails only the No. 1 in the PIF ATP Rankings, Jannik Sinner (33) for most on the ATP Tour.

    “I’ve always played well here, felt well… I like the conditions,” said Griekspoor. “I like a roof above my head, the same as Rotterdam next week. It’s perfect for me to be here, first win of the season, a great day so far.

    “It’s very not easy to play each other, we practise together every day when we’re back home in Amsterdam. We know each other better than anyone else I guess, so that also makes it very tricky. I don’t think we played our best match, but that’s what happens when you know each other so well.”

    It All Adds Up

    Griekspoor squandered a break lead in both sets, but made amends with his clinical performance at the net. The fifth seed won 18 of 24 points when at the forecourt, according to Infosys ATP Stats, en route to improving to 2-1 in his Lexus ATP Head2Head series with Van de Zandschulp.

    Awaiting the Dutchman in the second round is three-time champion Richard Gasquet, who prevailed 6-3, 6-2 in an all-French clash with Adrian Mannarino. It was a record-extending 29th main-draw win in Montpellier for Gasquet, who has announced he will retire after Roland Garros this year.

    “It’s always special to play against a friend. We are used to it. I’ve played many times against a French player,” said Gasquet after his 76-minute victory. “It’s a little bit different, and my last time here in Montpellier so of course I’m really happy to win.

    “I hope Adrian will win in the future, but I’m really happy with how I played. It’s really important for me to play another match. I really like to play here, I won many times, so I’m really happy to play here again.”

    In other action in Montpellier, Christopher Eubanks battled past qualifier Alibek Kachmazov 7-5 6-4 to set up a meeting with top seed Andrey Rublev. Frenchman Constant Lestienne rallied back from 2-5 in the second set to defeat Borna Coric 6-3, 7-5, and Mattia Bellucci defeated 2018 champion Lucas Pouille 6-4, 6-4. In an all-French matchup, seventh seed Arthur Rinderknech eliminated Harold Mayot 7-6(2), 2-6, 6-1 in two hours and 10 minutes.

    Tallon Griekspoor put on a dominant display as he powered past fellow Dutchman Botic van de Zandschulp in the first round of the Open Sud de France in Montpellier. Griekspoor, ranked 129th in the world, showcased his strong serving and aggressive baseline game to secure a 6-2, 6-4 victory over the 104th-ranked van de Zandschulp.

    The match featured some intense rallies and impressive shot-making from both players, but Griekspoor’s consistency and composure ultimately proved to be the difference. The 24-year-old will now advance to the second round where he will face a tough opponent in the form of either top seed and world No. 9 Roberto Bautista Agut or French wildcard Hugo Gaston.

    Griekspoor’s performance in Montpellier is a testament to his potential and talent, and he will be looking to build on this victory as he continues his journey on the ATP Tour. Stay tuned for more updates on Griekspoor’s progress in the Open Sud de France.


    Tallon Griekspoor, Botic van de Zandschulp, Montpellier, ATP Tour, tennis, match, highlights, results, victory, ATP Montpellier, player, competition, sports, tournament

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