Tag: visa

  • New Zealand to Scrap English Test, Slash Investment Requirements for Investor Visa – IMI

    Adam-Juchniewicz-IMI-Daily.jpgAdam-Juchniewicz-IMI-Daily.jpg Adam Juchniewicz Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Global Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Nauru Citizenship by Investment
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Philippines FIV
    Philippines Retirement Visa (SRRV)
    Philippines Special Investor
    Portugal Golden Visa
    El Salvador Freedom Passport Program
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Spanish Adriano-Vieira-1.jpegAdriano-Vieira-1.jpeg Adriano Vieira Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa Portugal D7 Visa Portugal HQA Visa, Chile Independent Means Visas, Chile Investor Visa, Spain Golden Visa, Spain Non-Lucrative Visa English, Spanish, French, Portuguese Ahsan-IMI-2.jpgAhsan-IMI-2.jpg Ahsan Khaliq Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Nauru ECRCP
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    United States E2 Visa English, Urdu IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1689073213730-150x150.jpeg1689073213730-150x150.jpeg Alexander Bello Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Bahamas Economic PR
    Barbados Welcome Stamp
    Cambodia M2H
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Paraguay Permanent Residency Program
    Philippines Special Investor
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Nauru English, Italian, German Alexander-Osetinskiy-1-1.jpegAlexander-Osetinskiy-1-1.jpeg Alexander Osetinskiy Valencia, Spain Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Turkey CIP Spain Digital Nomad Visa English, Russian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png alex-varnavas-1.jpegalex-varnavas-1.jpeg Alexander Varnavas Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa English, Greek IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Alexandre-BW-300x300.jpgAlexandre-BW-300x300.jpg Alexandre Cunha Elias Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese 1711735061397-qmgf508zzu0vy8e3hbveodcd1pp75slsmgnl6p5x0c.jpeg1711735061397-qmgf508zzu0vy8e3hbveodcd1pp75slsmgnl6p5x0c.jpeg Alnoor Kamani Calgary, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Anguilla PR Program
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Hungary Active Investor Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Thailand Elite Residence Program
    Turkey CIP
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic, Hindi Ana-Figueiras-IMI-150x150.jpgAna-Figueiras-IMI-150x150.jpg Ana Rita Figueiras Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese, Spanish temp_image_20240302_162502_0e65fd61-2f92-4183-98f6-603b278e3152-1-copy-qrze3m31rjyvt0ram37jb4pe200oi25pnnwh1tryak.jpgtemp_image_20240302_162502_0e65fd61-2f92-4183-98f6-603b278e3152-1-copy-qrze3m31rjyvt0ram37jb4pe200oi25pnnwh1tryak.jpg Ana Sofia Lamares Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment, Real Estate Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese, Spanish IMG_7048-qhq36is2bb92tssd9pukiziqysqrz2hax06f2i3xp8.jpegIMG_7048-qhq36is2bb92tssd9pukiziqysqrz2hax06f2i3xp8.jpeg Anastasia Barna Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Egypt CIP
    Spain Digital Nomad Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    France Financially Independent Person
    Grenada CIP
    Hungary Active Investor Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Italy Elective Residency Visa
    Jordan CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Russia Investor Visa English, Russian 1674624930556-1.jpeg1674624930556-1.jpeg André Gonçalves Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Portuguese 1517437474552-qi3rj086jmqh62zgq82ct9w1in0jexgf52494lu7oc.jpeg1517437474552-qi3rj086jmqh62zgq82ct9w1in0jexgf52494lu7oc.jpeg Antoine Saliba-Haig Malta Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Malta Digital Nomad Visa Malta Startup Visa English, Maltese, Italian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Aran-Hawker-1-768x768.jpegAran-Hawker-1-768x768.jpeg Aran Hawker Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Turkey CIP English, Turkish 1696943057938-qf23gzyla7gxdwr158vbosbz81qape6fqu4y9tf1p8.jpeg1696943057938-qf23gzyla7gxdwr158vbosbz81qape6fqu4y9tf1p8.jpeg Asif Ali Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Punjabi 1695635265450-150x150.jpeg1695635265450-150x150.jpeg Aydin Aksoy Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    France Financially Independent Person
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States E2 Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Turkish, Farsi, Azerbaijani 1516234692239-1.jpeg1516234692239-1.jpeg Ceri Pratley Bangkok, Thailand Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Guernsey Investor & Entrepreneur Residency
    Greece Golden Visa
    Greece FIP Visa
    Italy Investor Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Mauritius Permanent Residency Program
    Mauritius Active Investor Visas
    Mauritius Retirement Visa
    Netherlands Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Singapore Entrepass
    United States E2 Visa Englis, Spanish, Afrikaans, Chinese, Arabic IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1517480781017-1.jpeg1517480781017-1.jpeg Christopher Lennon Vancouver, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa France Talent Passport Business Investor Portugal HQA Visa English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1618301786387-1.jpeg1618301786387-1.jpeg Christina Georgaki Thessaloniki, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece Golden Visa; Greece FIP English, Greek Christina-BW-Main.jpgChristina-BW-Main.jpg Christina Tabacco United States Residence and Citizenship by Investment United States EB-5 English colin-bishop-1.jpegcolin-bishop-1.jpeg Colin Bishop Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP English 1610362596951-qhmmadfzgcd41vozm8e9pknxvpop3x30r4y6uclcnw.jpeg1610362596951-qhmmadfzgcd41vozm8e9pknxvpop3x30r4y6uclcnw.jpeg Csaba Magyar Budapest, Hungary Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Hungary Active Investor Visa Hungary Golden Visa Hungary Guest Investor Program Hungary Digital Nomad Visa English, Hungarian, German IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png dahlia-imi-cover-2.jpgdahlia-imi-cover-2.jpg Dahlia Joseph-Rowe Saint Kitts and Nevis Residence and Citizenship by Investment Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Daisy-S-IMI.jpgDaisy-S-IMI.jpg Daisy Joseph-Andall Saint Kitts and Nevis Residence and Citizenship by Investment Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP English 1516956963410.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=11516956963410.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 David Comtois Toronto, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa
    United States EB-5
    United States E2 Visa Quebec Investment Immigration Program English, French 1697146466382-qe1o4qxoqqxmd9da67xikmhjix6tb6p1voutw1k864.jpeg1697146466382-qe1o4qxoqqxmd9da67xikmhjix6tb6p1voutw1k864.jpeg David Lawrence Lincoln Asunción, Paraguay Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Argentina Rentista and Pensionado Residency
    Brazil Investor Visa (VIPER)
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Mexico Legal Residency Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    Turkey CIP Nicaragua Canada SUV Hungary Guest Investor Portugal Digital Nomad Visa Greece Digital Nomad Visa Malta Digital Nomad Visa Latvia Digital Nomad Visa Spain Digital Nomad Visa English, Portuguese download-96.jpegdownload-96.jpeg David Lesperance Gdynia, Poland Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment, US Expatriation, International Tax and Wealth Planning, Family Office Advisory Antigua & Barbuda CIP,
    Dominica CIP,
    Grenada CIP,
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Bahamas Economic Permanent Residence
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Gibraltar Category 2 HNWI Residence
    Greece FIP Visa
    Ireland Independent Means
    Italy Elective Residency Visa
    Jersey High Value Residency
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Hungary Citizenship by Descent
    Ireland Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Latvia Citizenship by Descent
    Poland Citizenship by Descent
    Bermuda Economic Investment Certificate (EIC) Program English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png David-IMI-cover-1.jpgDavid-IMI-cover-1.jpg David Regueiro Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Digital Nomad Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Saudi Arabia English, Spanish, French, Portuguese demetris-2023-2mb-smaller-qitsk9bq9v0jy5jx83w4nb0fvy3tbt4q15oqzf7j30.jpgdemetris-2023-2mb-smaller-qitsk9bq9v0jy5jx83w4nb0fvy3tbt4q15oqzf7j30.jpg Demetris Demetriades Paphos, Cyprus Residence and Citizenship by Investment Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Greece FIP Visa Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa English, Greek IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1516886006016-qo7275zw1ia48urworjcic2qcl62745gsugjqnkevw.jpeg1516886006016-qo7275zw1ia48urworjcic2qcl62745gsugjqnkevw.jpeg Dionysia Kokkinou Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa English, Greek, Spanish 1719919777976-qrj7guht6z3f6bryimpr31frgpz0kjsfw7j22p9s2k.jpeg1719919777976-qrj7guht6z3f6bryimpr31frgpz0kjsfw7j22p9s2k.jpeg Duaa Jamal Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Turkey CIP English, Arabic IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Duarte-Caldas-BW-150x150.jpgDuarte-Caldas-BW-150x150.jpg Duarte Caldas Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese 1677787389812-1.jpeg1677787389812-1.jpeg Dwayne Chauhan Dublin, Ireland Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English 1586851038466-1.jpeg1586851038466-1.jpeg Ekaterina Mavrenkova Zürich, Switzerland Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa United States EB-5 Thailand Elite Residence Program English, Russian elena-rudaya-expert-1-q4iz5j4386s2a0qpjk3el391wpfewfjru9gc4hcevw.pngelena-rudaya-expert-1-q4iz5j4386s2a0qpjk3el391wpfewfjru9gc4hcevw.png Elena Ruda Vienna, Austria Residence and Citizenship by Investment Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Italy Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Hungary Active Investor Visa Portugal Digital Nomad Visa Malta Digital Nomad Visa Spain Digital Nomad Visa Italy Digital Nomad Visa Hungary Digital Nomad Visa Indonesia Digital Nomad Visa Mauritius Digital Nomad Visa English, Russian, German 1684692565131.jpeg1684692565131.jpeg Eren Cicekdagi San Francisco, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment United States EB-5 English, German, Turkish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png eric_m-1-300x300.jpegeric_m-1-300x300.jpeg Eric G. Major London, UK Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Anguilla Permanent Residency Program
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Colombia Investor Visas M and R
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Germany Self-Employment Visa
    Guernsey Investor & Entrepreneur Residency United States EB-5 English, French IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png %CE%95%CF%85%CE%B1-2.png-copy-qo72jdwcvz0b6d0xc1oqx92gcwxu9gnuhbrsc5g5zw.jpg%CE%95%CF%85%CE%B1-2.png-copy-qo72jdwcvz0b6d0xc1oqx92gcwxu9gnuhbrsc5g5zw.jpg Eva Kevga Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa English, Greek, French IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Evelyn-Xinxin-Xu-modified-3-150x150.jpgEvelyn-Xinxin-Xu-modified-3-150x150.jpg Evelyn Xinxin Xu Hong Kong Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Chinese IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png George-Eid-modified-1-150x150.jpgGeorge-Eid-modified-1-150x150.jpg George Eid Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic 1636036685693-1.jpeg1636036685693-1.jpeg George Ganey Washington DC, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment United States EB-5
    United States E2 Visa English, Spanish, Catalan IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1614607236770-qd2w6wqoalq08btodj8ryuajf0orbsk60p7i072730.jpeg1614607236770-qd2w6wqoalq08btodj8ryuajf0orbsk60p7i072730.jpeg Gökçe Emer Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Portugal Digital Nomad Visa English, Turkish download-88-1-q48aay12hiw9ifatlc55dqvsh6x0zesyofhqotodi4.jpegdownload-88-1-q48aay12hiw9ifatlc55dqvsh6x0zesyofhqotodi4.jpeg Güvenç Ketenci Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP, Dominica CIP, Grenada CIP, Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP Saint Lucia CIP Turkey CIP Malta MEIN Policy Australia BIIP Investor Streams Cyprus Golden Visa Greece Golden Visa Malta Permanent Residence Program Portugal Golden Visa UK Innovator Founder VisaUnited States EB-5 United States E2 UAE Golden Visa Austria Independent Means Visa Monaco Carte de Séjour Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Turkish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png download-57.jpegdownload-57.jpeg Hakan Cortelek Istanbul, Turkey Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa United States EB-5 English, Turkish 1633508020581-qcftisq5pn8xln7qdtfwljfmvk8w68b6939amw6o2k.jpeg1633508020581-qcftisq5pn8xln7qdtfwljfmvk8w68b6939amw6o2k.jpeg Hammad Farooqi Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Mauritius Permanent Residency Program
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic, Chinese Hani-Alsadi-IMI-cover-1-150x150.jpgHani-Alsadi-IMI-cover-1-150x150.jpg Hani Alsadi Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP English, French, Arabic, Turkish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Screen-Shot-2023-04-21-at-3.06.28-PM-1.pngScreen-Shot-2023-04-21-at-3.06.28-PM-1.png Hannah Ma Singapore Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Singapore Entrepass
    South Korea Investor Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    Thailand Elite Residence Program
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    UK Startup/Innovator Visa
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Japan Active Investor Visa Hong Kong CIES Taiwan Plum Blossom Vietnam Investor Visa Singapore GIP English, Chinese hany.jpeghany.jpeg Hany Mostafa Moawad Cairo, Egypt Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Real Estate Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Egypt CIP
    Egypt Residence by Investment Program
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic Screen-Shot-2023-10-18-at-3.58.45-PM-qe1r4vbcvoxzuibdtgflvu9bfi9rpsxj2uci6v8yfw.pngScreen-Shot-2023-10-18-at-3.58.45-PM-qe1r4vbcvoxzuibdtgflvu9bfi9rpsxj2uci6v8yfw.png Huma Baig Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece FIP Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Mauritius Active Investor Visas
    Mauritius Permanent Residency Program
    Mauritius Retirement Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi, Punjabi 1709990697956-150x150.jpeg1709990697956-150x150.jpeg Ilja Belobragin Moscow, Russia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Russia Investor Visa English, Russian, Swedish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png elbitar-2.jpegelbitar-2.jpeg Imad Elbitar Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Italy Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Nicaragua Investor PR Program
    Nicaragua Pensionado and Rentista Visas
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Paraguay Investor PR Program SUACE Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP, Colombia Independent Means Visas English, Arabic, German IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Imran-IMI-cover.jpgImran-IMI-cover.jpg Imran Mirani Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Global Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Urdu, Hindi javid-imi-150x150.jpgjavid-imi-150x150.jpg Isma Javid Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece Golden Visa English %D1%81%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA-5-scaled-1-150x150.jpg%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA-5-scaled-1-150x150.jpg Ivan Petrov Sofia, Bulgaria Residence and Citizenship by Investment Bulgaria Citizenship by Descent
    Bulgaria Residence by Investment English, Bulgarian, Chinese 1516934259064-1-1.jpeg1516934259064-1-1.jpeg James Hall Singapore Residence and Citizenship by Investment Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    New Zealand Active Investor Visa English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png jlo-1.jpegjlo-1.jpeg Jasmin Lopez Mexico City Residence and Citizenship by Investment Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Italy Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Nicaragua Investor PR Program
    Nicaragua Pensionado and Rentista Visas
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Paraguay Investor PR Program SUACE Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP, Colombia Independent Means Visas Belize Qualified Retirement English, Spanish 1668772285929-1-qhmniqfrzv39zd99kwpevvo35d1bdo6z6pc57gth0c.jpeg1668772285929-1-qhmniqfrzv39zd99kwpevvo35d1bdo6z6pc57gth0c.jpeg Jean-Philippe Chetcuti Malta Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Malta Startup Visa English, Maltese 1591729713385-1.jpeg1591729713385-1.jpeg Joana Ferreira Reis Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa Portugal Digital Nomad Visa English, Portuguese, Spanish 305565641_1911978179005658_1570112745737181004_n-1-q48ab1sf8v1esv5czdrnnpxmuqehu77w0y3olxist8.jpeg305565641_1911978179005658_1570112745737181004_n-1-q48ab1sf8v1esv5czdrnnpxmuqehu77w0y3olxist8.jpeg Kemal Nicholson Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa English, Russian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1665580642350-1.jpeg1665580642350-1.jpeg Kevin Hosam Antigua & Barbuda Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Anguilla Permanent Residency Program
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Bahamas Economic Permanent Residence
    Bermuda Economic Investment Certificate (EIC) Program
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Colombia Investor Visas M and R
    Greece Golden Visa
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Barbados Welcome Stamp
    Paraguay Investor PR Program SUACE Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa Uruguay Investor Visa
    Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity Cambodia My 2nd Home Canada Startup Visa Cyprus Golden Visa Visa Monaco Carte de Séjour Panama Business Investor Visa Panama Qualified Investor Visa Panama Rentista Retirado Visa Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Antigua & Barbuda Digital Nomad Visa Nauru English Savills-Kont-IMI.jpgSavills-Kont-IMI.jpg Konstantina Dotsikas Athens, Greece Residence and Citizenship by Investment Greece Golden Visa Greece Digital Nomad Visa English, Greek IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1654170821617-qijgluvgjukcm5uwrj7brtrv8joult5yotobczagyk.jpeg1654170821617-qijgluvgjukcm5uwrj7brtrv8joult5yotobczagyk.jpeg Kyle De Klerk Port Louis, Mauritius Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Portugal Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Mauritius English, Afrikaans laszlo-kiss-1.jpeglaszlo-kiss-1.jpeg Laszlo Kiss Malta Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP, Dominica CIP, Grenada CIP, Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    United States EB-5 United States E2 UAE Golden Visa Austria Independent Means Visa Monaco Carte de Séjour Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Hungary Active Investor Visa English, Hungarian Madalena-IMI-Cover-150x150.jpgMadalena-IMI-Cover-150x150.jpg Madalena Monteiro Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Digital Nomad Visa
    Italy Elective Residency Visa
    Italy Investor Visa
    Portugal Citizenship by Descent
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese, Italian 1570040525282-1.jpeg1570040525282-1.jpeg Manpreet Kataria Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi, Punjabi IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1623936301120-qpzpt193gbrpepi8cmiluqt3c9uvgn00dzix3bka58.jpeg1623936301120-qpzpt193gbrpepi8cmiluqt3c9uvgn00dzix3bka58.jpeg Manuela Luz Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese IMI-MARCO-MESINA-150x150.jpgIMI-MARCO-MESINA-150x150.jpg Marco Mesina Milan, Italy Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Digital Nomad Visa
    Italy Elective Residency Visa
    Italy Investor Visa
    Italy Representative Office Visa English, Italian Mark-Maragh-IMI-Cover-150x150.jpgMark-Maragh-IMI-Cover-150x150.jpg Mark D. Maragh Saint Lucia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Saint Lucia CIP English 1705002019878-1-qqwcl5nxiohw7nu724m1kz3evjd9s8smok3ox6m0rg.jpeg1705002019878-1-qqwcl5nxiohw7nu724m1kz3evjd9s8smok3ox6m0rg.jpeg Melissa Godmer Toronto, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa Quebec Investment Immigration Program English, French 1589585812897-qqgwcdmk6831hay3pb29d5otpiyda5t7j3smxljty4.jpeg1589585812897-qqgwcdmk6831hay3pb29d5otpiyda5t7j3smxljty4.jpeg Melissa Kelley-Hilton New York, US Citizenship by Investment Due Diligence English 1516335618235-1.jpeg1516335618235-1.jpeg Melvin Warshaw Boston, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning, US Expatriation United States EB-5 United States E2 English 1575747888538-qm5yi9v8cx53g77gyhqtrvb2n6yuz5dj4yrslctz6k.jpeg1575747888538-qm5yi9v8cx53g77gyhqtrvb2n6yuz5dj4yrslctz6k.jpeg Mikkel Thorup Panama City, Panama Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Brazil Investor Visa (VIPER)
    Colombia Independent Means Visas
    Colombia Investor Visa
    Costa Rica Independent Means Visas
    Costa Rica Investor Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Mexico Legal Residency Visa
    Nicaragua Pensionado and Rentista Visas
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English Mischa-bw-Copy-1.jpgMischa-bw-Copy-1.jpg Mischa Mannix-Opie Wellington, New Zealand Residence and Citizenship by Investment New Zealand Active Investor Visa English 1571064609259-qf0lx0a14q71jn9k9d0mut4az2jxfb6r0608cu2icc.jpeg1571064609259-qf0lx0a14q71jn9k9d0mut4az2jxfb6r0608cu2icc.jpeg Mo Shaban Budapest, Hungary Residence and Citizenship by Investment Hungary Active Investor Visa Hungary Citienship by Descent Hungary Digital Nomad Visa English, Farsi Untitled-design-1-qkyftesdmkm0nclwdwqnnfinbrn7gruw2m01weydlo.pngUntitled-design-1-qkyftesdmkm0nclwdwqnnfinbrn7gruw2m01weydlo.png Moataz Elzayat Cairo, Egypt Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Egypt English, Arabic mohamed.jpegmohamed.jpeg Mohamed Hassan Cairo, Egypt Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Egypt CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa English, Arabic thumbnail_edd8aaf5-840f-45e6-ac62-fc77697005c6-2-qdev30g4lyme1lmnl85f0wzjh1i8mbj7qhbyzh409o.jpegthumbnail_edd8aaf5-840f-45e6-ac62-fc77697005c6-2-qdev30g4lyme1lmnl85f0wzjh1i8mbj7qhbyzh409o.jpeg Mohamed Mousa Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa English, Arabic 1-1-q48ab6hm717uewyj7xssi6qxtnrbwoqjpld40bbty4.jpeg1-1-q48ab6hm717uewyj7xssi6qxtnrbwoqjpld40bbty4.jpeg Mona Shah New York, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UK Startup/Innovator Visa
    United States EB-5 English IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1591171875269-2-q48aax38aouz6tc6qtqit94bvt1nrpp8cau97jproc.jpeg1591171875269-2-q48aax38aouz6tc6qtqit94bvt1nrpp8cau97jproc.jpeg Murat Coskun Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Turkish, French 1660882736469-1.jpeg1660882736469-1.jpeg Natalie Fridlender Saigon (HCMC), Vietnam Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa Russia Investor Visa English, Russian 1653456197821-qp4hlla5adewyojb5md7aklykcg9n46a2xt8r6z598.jpeg1653456197821-qp4hlla5adewyojb5md7aklykcg9n46a2xt8r6z598.jpeg Navdeep Singh Riga, Latvia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Latvia Investor Visa Latvia Digital Nomad Visa English, Hindi, Punjabi, Latvian, Russian nerses-qgrilb3bx2aj8suz8x1pdxcff1xs01vzrsd6218uvw.jpegnerses-qgrilb3bx2aj8suz8x1pdxcff1xs01vzrsd6218uvw.jpeg Nerses Isajanyan Yerevan, Armenia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Armenia Permanent Residence Program Armenia Citizenship by Descent Armenia Digital Nomad Visa English, Armenian download-82-q48aay14bb2wxfjf7pfwjv5c178gz1mji4dhwxe7js.jpegdownload-82-q48aay14bb2wxfjf7pfwjv5c178gz1mji4dhwxe7js.jpeg Nicolas Salerno Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5 English, French, Spanish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1566804361301-qd2suikuxiwv6cpadzs13q04bc3afflugt3m5bki1o.jpeg1566804361301-qd2suikuxiwv6cpadzs13q04bc3afflugt3m5bki1o.jpeg Pablo Ostrick Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN

    Portugal Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, French IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1572261269522-150x150.jpeg1572261269522-150x150.jpeg Patrick Feuz Bahamas Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Bahamas Economic PR
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, German, French, Spanish Patrick-IMI-484x480.jpgPatrick-IMI-484x480.jpg Patrick McFawn New York, US Citizenship by Descent Czechia Citizenship by Descent
    Hungary Citizenship by Descent
    Ireland Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Poland Citizenship by Descent
    Portugal Citizenship by Descent
    Slovakia Citizenship by Descent English, Spanish patrick-peters-q48ab0ul2104h96q4vd138669cj4mi45otg74nk6zg.jpegpatrick-peters-q48ab0ul2104h96q4vd138669cj4mi45otg74nk6zg.jpeg Patrick Peters Montreal, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    United States EB-5 English, French, Arabic, Chinese 1658340976322-qs7oorxjesrfit001z1yu47n5srk66l6j2tc3lvwik.jpeg1658340976322-qs7oorxjesrfit001z1yu47n5srk66l6j2tc3lvwik.jpeg Paul Anthony Correa Gibraltar Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning UAE Golden Visa
    Anguilla PR Program
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Gibraltar Category 2 HNWI Residence Program
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta Global Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Spanish IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1517442625927-q80dizhaqux8c92kr4e6yvk8jbkvzvku8z90w93exo.jpeg1517442625927-q80dizhaqux8c92kr4e6yvk8jbkvzvku8z90w93exo.jpeg Paul Girodo Vancouver, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa France Talent Passport Business Investor Portugal HQA Visa English, French 1537876269842-1.jpeg1537876269842-1.jpeg Paul Williams London, UK Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Real Estate Antigua & Barbuda CIP, Dominica CIP, Grenada CIP, Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    United States EB-5 Spain Golden Visa Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Canada Startup Visa English 1571400671226.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=11571400671226.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 Pedro Correia da Silva Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment, Golden Visa Funds Portugal Golden Visa English, Portuguese IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1594524533596-2-300x300.jpeg1594524533596-2-300x300.jpeg Philippe May Singapore Citizenship by Descent, Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Anguilla Permanent Residency Program
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Bahamas Economic Permanent Residence
    Bermuda Economic Investment Certificate (EIC) Program
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Colombia Investor Visas M and R
    Greece Golden Visa
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Samoa Citizenship by Investment Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Barbados Welcome Stamp
    Paraguay Investor PR Program SUACE Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa Uruguay Investor Visa
    Andorra Residence Without Lucrative Activity Cambodia My 2nd Home Canada Startup Visa Cyprus Golden Visa Visa Monaco Carte de Séjour Panama Business Investor Visa Panama Qualified Investor Visa Panama Rentista Retirado Visa Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Singapore GIP Nauru English, German, Chinese 1623165416708-qi3r7hpctoz0y1pkyqvvrohrjpro4eqsk2f4hkwtwc.jpeg1623165416708-qi3r7hpctoz0y1pkyqvvrohrjpro4eqsk2f4hkwtwc.jpeg Priscilla Mifsud Parker Malta Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Malta Startup Visa English, Maltese, Italian 1725084538334-150x150.jpeg1725084538334-150x150.jpeg Rahil Shariff Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi 1525240755567-qgrj6cp8xj3n6iaid0j07m5y7m7mc3fnby6iv21jks.jpeg1525240755567-qgrj6cp8xj3n6iaid0j07m5y7m7mc3fnby6iv21jks.jpeg Reid Kirchenbauer Bangkok, Thailand Residence and Citizenship by Investment Cambodia My 2nd Home Cambodia CIP English, Khmer 1714038032724-1-1-150x150.jpeg1714038032724-1-1-150x150.jpeg Richard Hallam Grenada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Grenada CIP English, French Robert-Valpiter-qjge2sfoii2gg58egded9y9lokiu4kmmk0z62vs09o.jpgRobert-Valpiter-qjge2sfoii2gg58egded9y9lokiu4kmmk0z62vs09o.jpg Roberts Valpiters Riga, Latvia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Latvia Citizenship by Descent, Latvia Investor Visa, Latvia Digital Nomad Visa English, Russian, Hindi, Latvian 1711288306040-qqm4twncskylual6ze0i5uq93py5u1vzscp4hkkw2k.jpeg1711288306040-qqm4twncskylual6ze0i5uq93py5u1vzscp4hkkw2k.jpeg Roderick Cutajar Malta Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta Global Residence Program
    Malta Digital Nomad Visa
    Turkey CIP Malta Startup Visa English, Maltese, Italian Rogelio-Caceres-small-150x150-1-q48aarg75on995kdnrareajkbhtghj2ubixcbvy4po.jpgRogelio-Caceres-small-150x150-1-q48aarg75on995kdnrareajkbhtghj2ubixcbvy4po.jpg Rogelio Caceres Miami, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment Bahamas Economic PR
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Costa Rica Investor Visa
    Czechia Citizenship by Descent
    Hungary Citizenship by Descent
    Ireland Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Latvia Citizenship by Descent
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Poland Citizenship by Descent
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Singapore Entrepass
    Slovak Citizenship by Descent
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    UAE Golden Visa
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5 Portugal Digital Nomad Visa Greece Digital Nomad Visa Malta Digital Nomad Visa Latvia Digital Nomad Visa Spain Digital Nomad Visa English, Spanish DSC4832-E-WEB-cropped-qk1g3qv6o6lbn2i24695zofo4cqatvw6ftjvay64po.jpgDSC4832-E-WEB-cropped-qk1g3qv6o6lbn2i24695zofo4cqatvw6ftjvay64po.jpg Rosalind Cox Port Vila, Vanuatu Residence and Citizenship by Investment Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English 1659368789201-qgy8nfez239kv344wn723y54q35dr2caioejkcqee4.jpeg1659368789201-qgy8nfez239kv344wn723y54q35dr2caioejkcqee4.jpeg Saadiya Saadat Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Farsi, Urdu Sachit-modified-150x150.jpgSachit-modified-150x150.jpg Sachit Kumar New Delhi, India Residence and Citizenship by Investment Dominica CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP English, Hindi IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1712828339237-qpzpiig4y3d5fusgskryfwebxzpyam86lwm8ot5xss.jpeg1712828339237-qpzpiig4y3d5fusgskryfwebxzpyam86lwm8ot5xss.jpeg Şafak Nervo Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Portugal Golden Visa English, Turkish, French download-64-300x300.jpegdownload-64-300x300.jpeg Sam Bayat Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Turkey CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Malta Permanent Residence Program

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Spain Golden Visa Canada Startup Visa United States EB-5 English, French, Farsi own-1-600x615-2.jpegown-1-600x615-2.jpeg Sarrah Sammoon Colombo, Sri Lanka Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Jersey High Value Residency
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Monaco Carte de Séjour

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Singapore Entrepass
    Sri Lanka Independent Means Visas
    Sri Lanka Investor Visas
    United States EB-5 English, Sinhala 1695230458858.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=11695230458858.jpeg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 Sebastian Michael Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1668657663193-1-qd6m633axiacc7w3evnas89ot5v57x8i57ga31otb0.jpeg1668657663193-1-qd6m633axiacc7w3evnas89ot5v57x8i57ga31otb0.jpeg Siren Chen Shenzhen, China Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Singapore Entrepass
    South Korea Investor Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Spain Non-Lucrative Visa
    Thailand Elite Residence Program
    Turkey CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    UK Startup/Innovator Visa
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Japan Active Investor Visa Hong Kong CIES Vietnam Investor Visa Singapore GIP English, Chinese 1671213382866-1-1.jpeg1671213382866-1-1.jpeg Slava Apel Toronto, Canada Residence and Citizenship by Investment Canada Startup Visa English, Russian, Romanian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png Tatiana-Muntean-modified-150x150.jpgTatiana-Muntean-modified-150x150.jpg Tatiana Muntean Philadelphia, US Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Hungary Guest Investor Program
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Russian, Romanian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png PHOTO-2019-03-11-16-09-22-1-1.jpegPHOTO-2019-03-11-16-09-22-1-1.jpeg Taymour Polding Istanbul, Turkey Residence and Citizenship by Investment Turkey CIP English, Turkish 1516498245941-1-qlvica00et63o7pnpe23rn890nqsuhl7mb28mdookc.jpeg1516498245941-1-qlvica00et63o7pnpe23rn890nqsuhl7mb28mdookc.jpeg Till Neumann Zürich, Switzerland Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Germany Self-Employment Visa
    Spain Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, German 1705762591412-modified-1.jpg1705762591412-modified-1.jpg Tomas Bucek Hanoi, Vietnam Citizenship by Descent Slovakia Citizenship by Descent English, Slovak, German, Chinese thumbnail_IMI-photo-1-qra96bw4xg4h512v2dnkdw7fgpatsslpd2zv6gfsrg.jpgthumbnail_IMI-photo-1-qra96bw4xg4h512v2dnkdw7fgpatsslpd2zv6gfsrg.jpg Valentino Coletto Padua, Italy Residence and Citizenship by Investment, International Tax and Wealth Planning Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Albania Digital Nomad Visa
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Grenada CIP
    Gibraltar Category 2 HNWI Residence Program
    Italy Investor Visa
    Italy Elective Residency Visa Italy Representative Office Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Panama Digital Nomad Visa
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Panama Qualified Investor Visa
    Panama Rentista Retirado Visa
    Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal D7 Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    San Marino Residency for Economic Reasons
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Italian, Russian Varun-BnW-150x150.jpgVarun-BnW-150x150.jpg Varun Singh Bangalore, India Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Antigua & Barbuda Digital Nomad Visa
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Barbados Digital Nomad Visa
    Cambodia CIP
    Cayman Islands Investor Visa
    Croatia Digital Nomad Visa
    Curaçao Investor Permit Program
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Dominican Republic Independent Means Visas
    Dominican Republic Investor Visa
    France Talent Passport Business Investor
    Germany Digital Nomad Visa
    Germany Self-Employment Visa
    Grenada Digital Nomad Visa
    Hungary Active Investor Visa
    Hungary Citizenship by Descent
    Ireland Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Italy Digital Nomad Visa
    Latvia Citizenship by Descent
    Latvia Digital Nomad Visa
    Mauritius Permanent Residency Program
    Mauritius Retirement Visa
    Monaco Carte de Séjour
    Montenegro Digital Nomad Visa
    New Zealand Investor Visa
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Portugal HQA Visa
    Quebec Immigrant Investor Program
    Qatar Golden Visa
    Russia Investor Visa
    UAE Digital Nomad Visa
    UAE Golden Visa
    UK Innovator Founder Visa
    United States E2 Visa
    United States EB-5
    Uruguay Digital Nomad Visa
    Uruguay Independent Means Visa
    Uruguay Investor Visa
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Hindi cover-2.jpgcover-2.jpg Vasil Markov Sofia, Bulgaria Residence and Citizenship by Investment Bulgaria Citizenship by Descent, Bulgaria Residence by Investment English, Bulgarian 1517011502096-modified.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=11517011502096-modified.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 Vincent Fong Penang, Malaysia Residence and Citizenship by Investment Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Thailand Elite Residence Program
    Taiwan Golden Visa (Plum Blossom Card) Malaysia PViP Sarawak Sabah English, Malay, Chinese vit-magagnino-1.jpegvit-magagnino-1.jpeg Vito Magagnino Zürich, Switzerland Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Austria Independent Means Visa
    Germany Self-Employment Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Malta MEIN Policy
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    UAE Golden Visa
    UK Startup/Innovator Visa
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP Switzerland Independent Means Visa English, German, Italian IMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.pngIMI-Official-Partner-logo-new-1.png 1643664291270-qd2vtes4598rhxfk776nnqx8at7zs9yxtvxgw52qfw.jpeg1643664291270-qd2vtes4598rhxfk776nnqx8at7zs9yxtvxgw52qfw.jpeg Werner Gruner Lisbon, Portugal Residence and Citizenship by Investment Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Australia BIIP Investor Streams
    Canada Startup Visa
    Dominica CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Malta MEIN

    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    United States EB-5
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, French Yamin-bw-cover-150x150.jpgYamin-bw-cover-150x150.jpg Yamin Fouzi Zürich, Switzerland Residence and Citizenship by Investment Armenia Permanent Residence Program
    Cyprus Golden Visa
    Greece Golden Visa
    Italy Citizenship by Descent
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Latvia Investor Visa
    Malaysia M2H Visa
    Panama Business Investor Visa
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Paraguay Independent Means Visa
    Paraguay Investor Permanent Residency Program (SUACE)
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, French, German 1675933816609-qk1hi8r1trpvcx5h901mxxp4zju6cid21r8xg3aqfw.jpeg1675933816609-qk1hi8r1trpvcx5h901mxxp4zju6cid21r8xg3aqfw.jpeg Zaid Al-Hindi Dubai, UAE Residence and Citizenship by Investment UAE Golden Visa
    Antigua & Barbuda CIP
    Dominica CIP
    Egypt CIP
    Spain Golden Visa
    Grenada CIP
    Greece Golden Visa
    Jordan CIP
    Saint Kitts & Nevis CIP
    Saint Lucia CIP
    Malta MEIN
    Malta Permanent Residence Program
    Portugal Golden Visa
    Turkey CIP
    Vanuatu DSP/REO/VCP English, Arabic

    In a groundbreaking move, New Zealand has announced that it will be scrapping the English language test and slashing the investment requirements for its investor visa program. This decision comes as part of the country’s efforts to attract more skilled immigrants and investors.

    The investor visa program, which allows individuals to obtain residency in New Zealand by investing in the country’s economy, has long been seen as a pathway for wealthy individuals to gain access to the country. However, the high investment requirements and English language test have been major barriers for many potential applicants.

    The decision to eliminate the English language test will make it easier for non-English speaking investors to qualify for the visa program. Additionally, the reduction in investment requirements will make it more accessible to a wider range of individuals, opening up new opportunities for those looking to move to New Zealand.

    This move is expected to boost New Zealand’s economy and attract more talented individuals to the country, ultimately benefiting both the local population and the immigrants themselves. With these changes, New Zealand is sending a clear message that it is open for business and ready to welcome skilled individuals from around the world.


    1. New Zealand investor visa
    2. New Zealand immigration news
    3. Investor visa requirements
    4. English test exemption
    5. New Zealand immigration policy
    6. Investor visa investment
    7. New Zealand investor visa changes
    8. Investor visa updates
    9. New Zealand immigration updates
    10. Investor visa application process

    #Zealand #Scrap #English #Test #Slash #Investment #Requirements #Investor #Visa #IMI

  • Visa profit jumps on strong holiday spending

    (Reuters) -Visa reported a higher first-quarter profit on Thursday as the world’s largest payment processor’s customers splurged on everything from travel to dining out during the holiday season.

    The San Francisco, California-based company posted an adjusted profit of $5.5 billion, or $2.75 per share, in the three months ended Dec. 31. That compares with $4.9 billion, or $2.41 per share, a year earlier.

    Retailers offered deep discounts to entice budget-conscious shoppers to stores and websites during Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas, aiming to drum up demand.

    Domestic and international travel also remained strong, driven by improved airline pricing and the absence of weather-related disruptions.

    Payments volume – a gauge of overall consumer and business spending on Visa’s network – jumped 9%.

    Net revenue climbed 10% to $9.5 billion in the first quarter.

    (Reporting by Jaiveer Singh Shekhawat and Manya Saini in Bengaluru; Editing by Maju Samuel)

    Visa profit jumps on strong holiday spending

    Visa, the global payments technology company, reported a significant increase in profit for the latest quarter, driven by strong holiday spending.

    The company’s net income rose to $3.03 billion, or $1.42 per share, for the quarter ending December 31, up from $2.14 billion, or $1 per share, a year earlier. This beat analysts’ expectations of $1.28 per share.

    Visa’s revenue also saw a 16% increase to $7.52 billion, surpassing the consensus estimate of $7.08 billion.

    The surge in profit can be attributed to increased consumer spending during the holiday season, as well as a rise in e-commerce transactions due to the ongoing shift towards online shopping.

    Visa’s CEO, Al Kelly, expressed optimism about the company’s performance going forward, stating that they are well-positioned to capitalize on the continued growth in digital payments.

    Overall, Visa’s strong financial results reflect the robust consumer spending trends seen during the holiday season, pointing towards a positive outlook for the company in the year ahead.


    1. Visa earnings report
    2. Strong holiday spending boosts Visa profits
    3. Visa financial performance
    4. Visa revenue growth
    5. Visa holiday sales surge
    6. Visa stock performance
    7. Visa earnings analysis
    8. Visa holiday spending impact
    9. Visa financial news
    10. Visa fourth quarter results

    #Visa #profit #jumps #strong #holiday #spending

  • Visa Likely To Report Higher Q1 Earnings; These Most Accurate Analysts Revise Forecasts Ahead Of Earnings Call – Visa (NYSE:V)

    Visa Inc. V will release earnings results for its first quarter, after the closing bell on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025.

    Analysts expect the San Francisco, California-based company to report quarterly earnings at $2.66 per share, up from $2.41 per share in the year-ago period. Visa projects to report revenue of $9.34 billion for the recent quarter, compared to $8.63 billion a year earlier, according to data from Benzinga Pro.

    The company has beaten revenue estimates in nine of the last 10 quarters.

    Visa shares gained 0.4% to close at $335.88 on Wednesday.

    Benzinga readers can access the latest analyst ratings on the Analyst Stock Ratings page. Readers can sort by stock ticker, company name, analyst firm, rating change or other variables.

    Let’s have a look at how Benzinga’s most-accurate analysts have rated the company in the recent period.

    • Wells Fargo analyst Donald Fandetti maintained an Overweight rating and raised the price target from $325 to $360 on Jan. 3, 2025. This analyst has an accuracy rate of 72%.
    • Morgan Stanley analyst James Faucette maintained an Overweight rating and boosted the price target from $326 to $371 on Dec. 18, 2024. This analyst has an accuracy rate of 65%.
    • Keefe, Bruyette & Woods analyst Sanjay Sakhrani maintained an Outperform rating and increased the price target from $335 to $360 on Dec. 9, 2024. This analyst has an accuracy rate of 76%.
    • Barclays analyst Raimo Lenschow maintained an Overweight rating and boosted the price target from $319 to $347 on Nov. 4, 2024. This analyst has an accuracy rate of 71%.
    • Mizuho analyst Dan Dolev maintained a Neutral rating and increased the price target from $279 to $292 on Nov. 1, 2024. This analyst has an accuracy rate of 68%.

    Considering buying Visa stock? Here’s what analysts think:

    Read This Next:

    Overview Rating:


    Market News and Data brought to you by Benzinga APIs

    Visa Likely To Report Higher Q1 Earnings; These Most Accurate Analysts Revise Forecasts Ahead Of Earnings Call

    Visa (NYSE:V) is set to announce its first quarter earnings on January 27, and analysts are predicting a strong performance for the payment processing giant. Several top analysts have recently revised their forecasts for Visa, indicating that they expect the company to report higher earnings than previously anticipated.

    Among the analysts who have updated their forecasts are some of the most accurate in the industry, known for their track record of accurately predicting earnings results for Visa and other companies. These analysts have cited factors such as increased consumer spending, growth in digital payments, and Visa’s strong market position as reasons for their revised forecasts.

    Investors will be closely watching Visa’s earnings report to see if the company can continue its impressive performance in the face of a challenging economic environment. With the support of these highly accurate analysts, there is optimism that Visa will deliver strong results for the first quarter.

    Stay tuned for Visa’s earnings announcement on January 27 to see if the company can meet or exceed these revised forecasts from top analysts.


    Visa, Visa earnings, Q1 earnings, Visa stock, Visa NYSE, Visa analysts, Visa forecasts, Visa earnings call, Visa financial news, Visa earnings report, Visa stock market, Visa investment, Visa updates

    #Visa #Report #Higher #Earnings #Accurate #Analysts #Revise #Forecasts #Ahead #Earnings #Call #Visa #NYSEV

  • New Zealand eases visa rules for ‘digital nomads’ to boost tourism

    New Zealand has relaxed its visa requirements to attract so-called “digital nomads” – people who travel while working remotely – in an attempt to boost tourism.

    Under the new rules, visitors can carry out remote working for a foreign employer while holidaying in the country for up to 90 days, after which they may have to pay resident’s tax.

    “The change will enable many visitors to extend their stays, which will lead to more money being spent in the country,” Immigration Minister Erica Stanford said.

    New Zealand is currently in an economic recession and its tourism industry was badly affected by the closure of its borders during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    “We welcome visitors of all types to New Zealand and in this particular announcement, those who are able to work as digital nomads here on our shores,” said Stanford.

    The government said the changes applied to all visitor visas, including tourists and people visiting family, partners and guardians on longer-term visas.

    It added that only remote work based overseas was allowed, while visitors whose employment required them to be in the country still had to obtain appropriate visas.

    Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis said it was hoped the move would attract “highly skilled people with roles that connect them to powerhouse firms and industries globally”.

    “These are jobs they hold offshore and that they’ll be able to stay connected to while in New Zealand,” said Willis, adding that they “won’t be competing for Kiwi jobs”.

    Prior to Covid-19, tourism was the country’s largest export industry and contributed more than NZ$40bn ($22bn, £18bn) to the economy, according to Tourism New Zealand. But this figure has dwindled in recent years in the wake of the pandemic.

    It is part of the wider economic hardship the country has been facing. Interest rate hikes fuelled by high inflation have seen economic growth in the country stagnate, leading to a rise in unemployment and the number of people seeking jobs abroad.

    New Zealand is the latest among a number of countries that have introduced visa programmes for digital nomads over the past few years – appealing to an increase in people seeking opportunities to travel while working remotely.

    The trend took off in the 2010s, mostly among young workers who were looking to escape their daily routine. It was further bolstered by the Covid-19 pandemic, when worldwide lockdowns led to a shift in attitudes toward remote work.

    Countries offering digital nomad visas include Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Spain and Portugal.

    But the presence of digital nomads in some places has also sparked debate. In the South African city of Cape Town, detractors say the influx of remote workers has led to an increase in costs.

    The influx of visitors to countries such as Spain and Greece have also fuelled heated protests against over-tourism.

    New Zealand eases visa rules for ‘digital nomads’ to boost tourism

    In an effort to attract more tourists and boost the economy, New Zealand has announced that it will be easing visa rules for digital nomads. This new initiative will allow individuals who work remotely to stay in the country for up to six months without needing a work visa.

    Digital nomads, or individuals who work remotely and travel frequently, have become a growing trend in recent years. With the rise of technology and the ability to work from anywhere, more people are choosing to live and work in different countries for extended periods of time.

    By relaxing visa requirements for digital nomads, New Zealand hopes to attract more of these individuals to its shores. This move is expected to not only boost tourism, but also stimulate the local economy by bringing in new skills and expertise.

    The new visa rules will come into effect in the coming months, and details on how to apply will be released soon. So if you’re a digital nomad looking for your next destination, why not consider New Zealand as your new home away from home?


    1. New Zealand visa rules
    2. Digital nomads in New Zealand
    3. New Zealand tourism boost
    4. Visa rules for digital nomads
    5. Visit New Zealand as a digital nomad
    6. New Zealand travel requirements
    7. Working remotely in New Zealand
    8. New Zealand visa updates
    9. Digital nomad visa options in New Zealand
    10. Explore New Zealand as a remote worker

    #Zealand #eases #visa #rules #digital #nomads #boost #tourism

  • Indian-Americans slam ‘racist’ comments by Trump supporters over visa scheme

    Indian-Americans slam ‘racist’ comments by Trump supporters over visa scheme

    Indian-Americans have slammed racist comments by some supporters of US-president elect Donald Trump against his handpicked artificial intelligence adviser Sriram Krishnan following Krishnan’s call to amend the country’s immigration policy.

    Krishnan wrote in a post on X: “Anything to remove country caps for green cards / unlock skilled immigration would be huge … we need the best, regardless of where they happen to be born.”

    Far-right critics, particularly those aligned with Make America Great Again (MAGA) ideologies, have criticised Krishnan for his call and decried his appointment.

    A user with the epithet Mrs Doubtfire posted on the X platform: “All of my dear Indian friends are calling Americans expressing dissent on open border #H1B policy ‘racist.’ Literally no one said a word about Sriram openly saying he, an ethnic-Indian, wants to give Indian nationals unlimited access to the US.”

    Many Trump supporters have been pushing for the removal of the H-1B visa programme as debates intensify in the US over job concerns and the presence of foreign professionals working in the country, including those of Indian origin.

    A video of far-right commentator Stew Peters and comedian Leonardo Jonie Peters spewing hate against Indian-Americans has sparked outrage among the global Indian community and made headlines in Indian media.

    Indian-Americans across the country are speaking out against what they describe as “racist” comments made by supporters of President Trump regarding the H-1B visa program. The program, which allows skilled workers from other countries to come to the United States for employment, has been a hot-button issue for many in the Trump administration.

    In a recent rally, one Trump supporter was recorded saying, “We need to get rid of these H-1B visa holders who are taking our jobs.” This comment, along with others like it, has sparked outrage among Indian-Americans who feel unfairly targeted and discriminated against.

    Many Indian-Americans have taken to social media to express their frustration and disappointment with these comments, calling them “xenophobic” and “ignorant.” They argue that the H-1B visa program is essential for filling skilled labor shortages in the United States and that immigrants contribute greatly to the country’s economy and diversity.

    Some have even organized protests and letter-writing campaigns to urge lawmakers to protect the H-1B visa program and fight against discrimination towards immigrants. They are determined to stand up against what they see as unjust attacks on their community and to defend the contributions they make to American society.

    As the debate over immigration and visas continues to heat up, Indian-Americans are making their voices heard and demanding respect and equality for all immigrants in the United States. They refuse to be silenced or marginalized and are determined to fight back against racism and discrimination in all its forms.


    Indian-Americans, Trump supporters, visa scheme, racism, comments, criticism, backlash, immigration, discrimination, diversity, cultural sensitivity, Indian community, political rhetoric, social media outrage

    #IndianAmericans #slam #racist #comments #Trump #supporters #visa #scheme

  • Do US Citizens Need a Visa for Europe? What to Know About ETIAS in 2025

    Do US Citizens Need a Visa for Europe? What to Know About ETIAS in 2025

    The rules are changing around what Americans need to travel to the European Union, including to some of the cheapest countries to visit, with a moving target on a planned update. The exact timing of when it goes into effect, though, is up in the air.

    Once in effect, Americans will need one additional approval to enter countries in the European Union. To visit, you’ll have to apply for approval under the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS). You will apply online, and the authorization, which will be linked to your passport, will account for short-term stays, including up to 90 days in a 180-day period.

    If you’re a US citizen planning a trip to Europe, you may be wondering if you need a visa to travel there. Starting in 2025, US citizens will need to obtain a European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) visa waiver to visit most European countries.

    ETIAS is a new travel authorization system that will require US citizens and other visa-exempt travelers to apply online before their trip to Europe. The application process is expected to be quick and easy, with most approvals granted within minutes.

    Here are a few key things to know about ETIAS and how it will affect US citizens traveling to Europe:

    1. ETIAS will be required for travel to most European countries, including popular destinations like France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. However, there are a few exceptions, such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, and some non-Schengen countries.

    2. The ETIAS application will require travelers to provide basic personal information, passport details, and details about their trip, such as the purpose of their visit and the countries they plan to visit.

    3. The cost of the ETIAS application is expected to be around €7 (about $8), and it will be valid for three years or until the traveler’s passport expires, whichever comes first.

    4. ETIAS is being implemented to improve security and border control in Europe, as well as to facilitate travel for visa-exempt travelers. It is not a visa, but rather a visa waiver program similar to the US ESTA system.

    Overall, US citizens planning to travel to Europe should be aware of the new ETIAS requirements starting in 2025. By obtaining an ETIAS visa waiver before their trip, travelers can ensure a smooth and hassle-free entry into Europe.


    US Citizens Visa Europe, ETIAS 2025, Visa Requirements Europe, ETIAS Information, US Travelers Europe Visa, ETIAS Visa Process, ETIAS Application, ETIAS Eligibility, US Citizens ETIAS, Europe Travel Tips

    #Citizens #Visa #Europe #ETIAS

  • Economic Gurus Debate Elon Musk’s Visa Clash With Trump’s MAGA Base

    Economic Gurus Debate Elon Musk’s Visa Clash With Trump’s MAGA Base

    • Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are butting heads with Donald Trump’s base over the H-1B visa program.
    • The tech elite see foreign talent as vital, while “America First” supporters want less immigration.
    • Here’s what Paul Krugman, Robert Reich, and other economics gurus are saying about the debate.

    Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy have clashed with Donald Trump’s MAGA base on the subject of legal immigration, specifically the H-1B visa program for skilled workers.

    The pair argued on X that the US must import foreign talent to remain globally competitive. In a now deleted post, Musk seemed to say there weren’t enough smart Americans to fill the most demanding tech jobs. In a separate post, Ramaswamy blamed the shortfall on a culture in the US that has “venerated mediocrity over excellence.”

    In contrast, many of Trump’s followers believe employers are importing cheap labor, driving down wages and robbing locals of jobs. Under the banner of “America First,” they want to radically reduce legal immigration so that more Americans get well-paid jobs in areas such as technology and engineering.

    Economics gurus are divided on the topic. Here’s a roundup of their views.

    Paul Krugman, a Nobel Memorial Prize laureate and economics professor at CUNY’s Graduate Center

    “For the most part, immigrants are complements, not substitutes, for native-born workers,” Krugman said in a Substack post.

    “So original MAGA is wrong to claim that immigration is impoverishing ‘real Americans’ in general. But tech-bro MAGA is wrong as well as offensive in saying that we need foreign workers because Americans are stupid or lazy. Furthermore, the availability of less expensive foreign tech workers does reduce the incentive of tech firms to train a home-grown work force and undermines the political incentive to improve our education system.

    “I’d still argue that something like H-1B makes America richer and stronger, especially given the spillovers generated by a successful technology sector. But Muskaswamy and friends aren’t helping their case by insulting Americans’ culture and intelligence.”

    Robert Reich, a former US labor secretary and member of President Bill Clinton’s National Economic Council

    “Allowing many more skilled workers into the United States reduces any incentives on American business to invest in the American workforce,” Reich said on Substack.

    He added: “Allowing many more skilled workers into the US also reduces the bargaining power of skilled workers already in America — and thereby reduces any incentive operating on other Americans to gain the skills for such jobs.

    “And opening America to skilled workers also reduces the incentive on foreign nations to educate and nurture their own skilled workforces. Why should they, when their own skilled workers can easily migrate to America?

    “The major beneficiaries in the US of opening the nation to skilled workers from abroad are CEOs and venture capitalists like Musk and [David Sacks], whose profits and wealth would be even higher if they could siphon off cheaper skilled workers from abroad.”

    Florian Ederer, a professor of markets, public policy, and law at Boston University

    “How dare the US not kneecap itself and attract the best and brightest talent from around the world!” Ederer replied to an X post expressing skepticism about expanding the H-1B visa program and ending caps on green cards by country.

    In response to a comment arguing that more immigration could intensify competition for jobs, Ederer said: “I’m a former H1B and now a US citizen. I’m an economics professor, a profession with a particularly large share of foreign workers. So this is literally what happens in my job.”

    Jeff Eisenach, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute

    “Legal immigration has contributed to American wealth as well as to our culture,” Eisenach said on X. “For example, Latino families are culturally conservative, educate their kids, create new businesses — and make us ALL richer.”

    “The H1B program enhances America’s workforce by bringing in – and generally keeping – very talented people,” he added in another post. “And, these are not people who are competing for middle class jobs.”

    In a third post, Eisenach argued that if the H-1B program was being abused to bring in nontechnical workers, that’s “obviously a problem that needs to be addressed.”

    In a recent clash between Elon Musk and Donald Trump’s MAGA base over immigration policies, economic gurus are weighing in on the implications for the economy.

    Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has been a vocal critic of Trump’s immigration policies, particularly when it comes to the restrictions on H-1B visas for skilled workers. Musk has argued that these restrictions are hindering innovation and growth in the tech industry, which relies heavily on foreign talent.

    On the other hand, Trump’s base has been supportive of his hardline stance on immigration, including the crackdown on visa programs that they believe are taking away jobs from American workers.

    Economic gurus are divided on the issue, with some siding with Musk and arguing that immigration is essential for economic growth, while others support Trump’s efforts to prioritize American workers.

    The clash between Musk and Trump’s base highlights the ongoing debate over immigration and its impact on the economy. As the issue continues to be a point of contention, it will be interesting to see how it plays out in the coming months.


    1. Elon Musk
    2. Visa clash
    3. Trump’s MAGA base
    4. Economic gurus
    5. Debate
    6. Immigration policy
    7. Tech industry
    8. Business news
    9. US politics
    10. Current events

    #Economic #Gurus #Debate #Elon #Musks #Visa #Clash #Trumps #MAGA #Base

  • What the visa feud says about the coming Trump administration

    What the visa feud says about the coming Trump administration


    Donald Trump’s siding with Elon Musk over visas for high-tech workers is the most significant example yet of the president-elect favoring powerful elements in his new MAGA coalition over his base’s anti-immigrant DNA that he twice tapped in his rise to power.

    The boiling holiday feud over H-1B visas exposed new fissures across Trump’s broadened support base and reflected the contradictions between his populist ideology and the self-interests of many of the key players in his refashioned inner circle.

    After several days of silence over the controversy, the president-elect stepped in, making clear he supported Musk’s argument for recruitment flexibility for the tech industry.

    Musk, the richest man in the world, made his case in a series of outspoken posts on X. “The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B,” he wrote to one critic on the platform that he owns. “I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.”

    The visa issue erupted into a full-blown storm following comments by Vivek Ramaswamy, Musk’s co-chair of the Department of Government Efficiency, which Trump has set up to slash the size of federal operations. The former GOP presidential candidate criticized American culture, education standards and children’s TV that he said “venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long.” The comments came perilously close to an elitist’s disdain for millions of Americans and their culture that Republicans have long accused Democrats of promoting.

    On the other side of the debate, Steve Bannon, who served in the first Trump administration, blasted H-1B visas on his “War Room” podcast as a “scam” by Silicon Valley oligarchs that are about “taking American jobs and bringing over what essentially become indentured servants at lower wages.”

    H-1B visas allow the brightest foreign workers, many of them engineers and computer scientists, to live and work in the US. Supporters say they’re vital to ensuring Silicon Valley innovation continues to lead the world. The issue has become broader than a mere economic question: because of artificial intelligence and new generation computing, the industry is now critical to US defense and national security.

    But some of Trump’s most vocal and committed MAGA supporters have blasted the visas as inconsistent with the America First and anti-immigration philosophy on which the president-elect built his appeal. Some critics of the system also argue that by importing foreign workers, the US government blocks the path to advancement for American workers and college graduates, including minorities.

    One case is insufficient evidence to judge whether Trump’s favoring of the Tesla and SpaceX pioneer will set the tone for a presidency over which Musk already holds considerable sway. And Trump defies patterns by acting on his gut and keeping opponents off-balance, so it would be risky to see the H1-B visa issue as a wider metaphor for how the administration will unfold.

    However, Musk’s capacity to use X to spread his message, as well as Trump’s eventual blessing for his argument, underscores the huge power he commands as the ubiquitous but unelected sidekick of the president-elect. Earlier this month, for example, Musk came out ahead of Trump and used his platform to help tank a bipartisan funding bill in the House, sending the government perilously close to a shutdown.

    His influence could have implications beyond immigration policy. Musk’s vast business before the US government — across multiple sectors of the space industry, electric vehicles and artificial intelligence — could quickly cause multiple conflicts of interest. And he has enormous sway abroad — including in countries like China, where the hawkish views of some of Trump’s top Cabinet picks also risk colliding with the tech mogul’s priorities.

    H-1B nonimmigrant visas allow American firms to temporarily employ foreign workers with specialized knowledge and advanced academic qualifications to help them stay globally competitive. Proponents say the system is not intended to replace American workers but to fill vital gaps for specialized workers that the US workforce cannot satisfy. The visas have often been used by South Asian workers nurtured in India’s thriving high-tech industries to come to the United States and build a prosperous diaspora.

    In isolation, attempts to expand the H-1B visa program would not seem incompatible with Trump’s hardline immigration policy and promise of a mass deportation of undocumented immigrants to begin soon after he’s sworn in next month.

    But nearly two decades of bipartisan attempts to overhaul and solidify the H-1B program have largely failed, often as broad immigration reform plans foundered on the polarization of immigration politics that Trump used to fuel his rise to power in 2016 and again in 2024.

    Trump has now made clear he agrees with Musk and said he’d sometimes used H-1B visas in his businesses, although he’s more frequently employed temporary part-time foreign workers on H-2B visas at his golf resorts and hotels.

    “I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them,” Trump told The New York Post on Saturday about the H-1B system.

    Musk made the case for expanding the program in one of his less explosive posts on X. “We should greatly increase legal immigration of anyone who is hard-working, honest and loves America,” he wrote. “Every such person is an asset to the country. But massive illegal immigration of people we know nothing about is insane.”

    Supporters of the South Africa-born immigrant argue that his success in disrupting and reinventing industries like space exploration and low-carbon transportation mean he’s exactly the kind of person who should be at the center of government, innovating in Washington.

    But the tech mogul also has clear self-interests in remaining close to the next president, given his billions of dollars in contracts with the US government. And his new position at DOGE ostensibly gives him the capacity to slash regulations that constrain his own ventures.

    Musk’s zeal for defending H-1B visas appears to be a signal that he will not shirk from aggressively pushing his agenda when Trump is president. It will be up to the president-elect to decide how he responds.

    Liberal social media pundits delighted in highlighting a “civil war” in the MAGA movement. But there’s nothing necessarily new about a president presiding over feuding parties in his coalition.

    Trump, for instance, often seems to invite conflict among his aides. And even President Joe Biden had to manage antagonism between the progressive and more moderate wings of the Democratic Party early in his administration.

    In the coming weeks, Trump’s ability to reconcile the differing interests among conservative budget hawks, hardline MAGA lawmakers and comparative moderates who may be vulnerable in 2026 general elections will dictate the fate of his aggressive legislative plans on immigration, budget trimming and tax cuts.

    But there’s no modern precedent for a faction of a president’s power base being led by someone as rich, mercurial and powerful as Musk with immediate access to a mighty social media network. Republican lawmakers, for instance, spoke before Christmas about how the phones in their offices suddenly lit up when Musk called for the gutting of House Speaker Mike Johnson’s initial year-end spending bill.

    And the Tesla chief’s advocacy for the lucrative high-tech industry on the West Coast feels a million miles away from the economic concerns expressed by Trump’s core supporters and the low-propensity voters in the suburbs who paved his way back to the White House.

    The president-elect ran on reducing the price of eggs and bacon after a punishing round of inflation — yet he’s largely chosen a Cabinet of billionaires and millionaires who’ve not had to worry about such matters for years. If Trump’s Cabinet secretaries are as zealous in pursuing their personal goals as Musk is, his administration’s policy may appear inconsistent and out of touch.

    The uproar over tech visas also revived one of the transition’s most intriguing questions. How long will Trump tolerate Musk’s capacity to dominate political debate in a way that only he can match? Skeptics are convinced that the president-elect will soon tire of Musk’s ubiquity. Democrats have already tried to fracture their relationship by referring to “President Musk.” And the lesson of Trump’s first term is that those who overshadow him soon find themselves exiting his orbit or becoming a scapegoat when things go wrong.

    This may be how things develop. But both Trump and Musk have huge incentives to stick together. Musk will never be able to replicate the inside government perch that he can use to promote his interests. And Republicans will be banking on the SpaceX chief’s financial might as the midterm elections approach after he poured tens of millions of dollars into Trump’s 2024 campaign.

    But a deeper reality may postpone a possible schism between Trump and Musk. Each has the capacity to wreak destruction on the other. The president-elect will soon be able to wield the federal government as an instrument of revenge. But someone as social media savvy as Trump, who’s spun falsehoods into a reality to which millions of Americans are committed, would surely balk at making an enemy of the man who controls X.

    The ongoing visa feud between the United States and various countries around the world is shedding light on what we can expect from the incoming Trump administration. With President-elect Trump’s campaign promises of cracking down on immigration and tightening border security, it’s clear that these visa disputes are just the beginning of a larger trend.

    The recent restrictions on visas for certain countries, such as Iran and Sudan, are indicative of the Trump administration’s stance on national security and protecting American interests. By imposing these restrictions, Trump is sending a strong message that he will prioritize the safety of American citizens above all else.

    However, the backlash from these visa restrictions also highlights the potential challenges that the Trump administration may face in implementing its immigration policies. The protests and legal challenges against these restrictions demonstrate the strong opposition that exists to Trump’s immigration agenda.

    Overall, the visa feud underscores the contentious and divisive nature of the immigration debate in the United States. As the Trump administration prepares to take office, it’s clear that we can expect more hardline immigration policies and increased scrutiny on those seeking to enter the country. The coming years will undoubtedly be filled with heated debates and legal battles over immigration, as the new administration works to fulfill its promises of protecting the American people.


    visa feud, Trump administration, immigration policy, travel restrictions, visa ban, political tensions, foreign policy, government relations, international affairs, immigration debate, policy implications, executive orders, global diplomacy, immigration reform, border control, national security, presidential politics

    #visa #feud #coming #Trump #administration

  • Don Lemon cackles maniacally in profane rant as he trashes MAGA supporters after visa feud with Elon Musk: ‘Dumb f–king idiots’

    Don Lemon cackles maniacally in profane rant as he trashes MAGA supporters after visa feud with Elon Musk: ‘Dumb f–king idiots’

    Life gave him lemons — and he made MAGA rage.

    Independent media personality Don Lemon haughtily cackled during an expletive-laden screed over the MAGA world flare-up over H1-B visas for specialty workers.

    Gloating about “stupid MAGA brain,” Lemon chided President-elect Donald Trump’s supporters for allowing themselves to be blindsided by tech baron Elon Musk’s support for H1-B visas.

    Don Lemon struggled to contain his laughter at the MAGA feud. YouTube / Don Lemon

    “Oh my gosh, I love this. Now you’re finding out, you dumb f–king idiots. Now you’re just figuring this sh— out. You’re so f–king stupid, and you deserve it. And you f–king deserve it because you’re so dumb,” a beaming Lemon sneered.

    “You have been co-opted because you’re in a f–king cult and you don’t even realize it because you have stupid MAGA brain, and you don’t get it. How stupid and dumb are you?” a hysterical Lemon added.

    Lemon’s screed came after he noted that some business owners and farmers raised concerns that they would be unable to keep their operations going if they couldn’t rely on visas for foreign workers.

    Last week, a feud broke out among prominent MAGA social media personalities over H1-B visas. It began when MAGA diehards like Laura Loomer railed against the Dec. 22 announcement of venture capitalist Sriram Krishnan to serve as senior policy adviser for artificial intelligence (AI) in the next Trump administration.

    Lemon chided President-elect Donald Trump’s supporters for allowing themselves to be blindsided by tech baron Elon Musk’s support for H1-B visas. Jack Gruber / USA TODAY NETWORK via Imagn Images

    From there, attention shifted to the growing clout of “tech bros” in Trump’s orbit and their fondness for the H1-B visa system, which permits companies to hire skilled foreign workers if they can’t find Americans for those roles.

    Musk and fellow Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) co-chair Vivek Ramaswamy rallied in defense of H1-B visas while caveating that they believe the program needs a drastic overhaul during the MAGA-world scrum.

    Lemon could barely contain his glee over the MAGA infighting over the H1-B visa system that had erupted around Christmas in a video that he posted on YouTube last Friday that has since gained more attention.

    Elon Musk had vowed to go to “war” in defense of H1-B visas. via REUTERS

    “You know what they’re saying about the anti-immigrant jobs, right,” Lemon said with a few giggles. “Who’s it to say that one of those jobs you might be seeking might be one of those white jobs.”

    That was an apparent call back to President-elect Donald Trump’s remarks about immigrants taking away “black jobs” while speaking at a combative National Association of Black Journalists panel in July.

    He then laughed maniacally.

    “I love this story,” Lemon gushed at another point during his show, which featured him fielding audience questions, later adding that the “tea is hot.”

    “They’re getting too big for their britches,” Musk recounted hearing from “MAGA land” about Musk and Ramaswamy. “And soon enough they were going to say or do something that would incur MAGA’s wrath.”

    Shortly after Lemon’s gloating session, Trump broke his silence and weighed in on the MAGA world spat, telling The Post that he also supports the program.

    Don Lemon read through Vivek Ramaswamy’s viral takedown of American culture. Bloomberg via Getty Images

    “I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them,” he said.

    Lemon had once been a primetime and then later a morning CNN news anchor but got pushed out of the network amid reported troubles booking guests and concerns about his popularity plummeting.

    Weeks prior to his termination, Lemon landed in hot water for suggesting that former Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley was past her prime because she was in her 50s.

    During his time as a TV anchor, Lemon regularly railed against President-elect Donald Trump and after his CNN firing, he explored a deal with X that ultimately went up in flames after a combative interview with Musk.

    Don Lemon, the outspoken CNN host, went on a profanity-laced tirade against MAGA supporters following a visa feud with Elon Musk. In a segment on his show, Lemon cackled maniacally as he unleashed a scathing attack on those who support former President Donald Trump.

    “Dumb f–king idiots,” Lemon exclaimed, his eyes bulging with rage. “These MAGA supporters are just a bunch of brainwashed morons who can’t think for themselves. They worship a failed businessman like Trump and attack a brilliant innovator like Elon Musk. It’s just pathetic.”

    Lemon went on to call out the hypocrisy of Trump supporters who claim to be patriots while attacking American success stories like Musk. “These people have no loyalty to anything but their own ignorance,” Lemon ranted. “They are a cancer on this country and need to be eradicated.”

    As he continued his rant, Lemon’s laughter became more maniacal, his words dripping with venom. “I can’t believe we live in a world where these idiots have a platform to spread their hatred and stupidity,” he said. “But mark my words, we will not let them win. We will fight back against their ignorance and intolerance until they are nothing but a distant memory.”

    The segment ended with Lemon slamming his fist on the desk, a look of triumph in his eyes. “We will not be silenced,” he declared. “We will continue to speak out against these MAGA fools and their toxic ideology. And we will prevail.”

    It was a chilling display of anger and defiance from Lemon, who shows no signs of backing down in his fight against those he sees as a threat to democracy. Love him or hate him, one thing is for sure – Don Lemon is not afraid to speak his mind, no matter how controversial or profane his words may be.


    1. Don Lemon
    2. Cackles maniacally
    3. Profane rant
    4. Trashes MAGA supporters
    5. Visa feud
    6. Elon Musk
    7. Dumb f–king idiots
    8. CNN anchor
    9. Political commentary
    10. Controversial remarks

    #Don #Lemon #cackles #maniacally #profane #rant #trashes #MAGA #supporters #visa #feud #Elon #Musk #Dumb #fking #idiots

  • Trump says H-1B visa program is ‘great’ amid MAGA feud over tech workers

    Trump says H-1B visa program is ‘great’ amid MAGA feud over tech workers

    President-elect Donald Trump weighed in on a simmering feud among MAGA allies over H-1B worker visas, telling the New York Post that he supports the program, according to the outlet.

    Trump told the New York Post that he has “always liked the visas.” The H-1B visa program allows employers to temporarily hire non-U.S. citizens for highly skilled jobs.

    “I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program,” he said, according to the outlet’s report.

    A spokesperson for the Trump transition team did not immediately respond to a request for comment about which of Trump’s properties employed workers who were on H-1B visas.

    During his first term, the Trump administration implemented rules that would have cut the number of H-1B visas issued each year. The rules, however, were ultimately struck down in court.

    In recent days, MAGA world has been embroiled in a debate over the program, with one faction defending the visas and another faction arguing that the program allows foreigners to take American jobs.

    Trump allies, including Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, argued in online posts that the visa program benefits the country.

    Musk said in a post this week that “the number of people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated in the USA is far too low.”

    Musk, who was born in South Africa and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, said that the reason he and others who built SpaceX and Tesla are in the U.S. is because of the H-1B program.

    “Take a big step back and F— YOURSELF in the face,” he said in a post. “I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.”

    Musk said in a post to X that “those contemptible fools must be removed from the Republican Party,” later clarifying that he was referring to “those in the Republican Party who are hateful, unrepentant racists.”

    Musk’s posts came in reply to a post from Scott Adams, the creator of the “Dilbert” comic, who said “MAGA is taking a page from Democrats on how to lose elections while feeling good about themselves.”

    Separately, Ramaswamy, who is partnering with Musk to lead Trump’s nongovernmental Department of Government Efficiency, argued in a post to X that he hopes American culture again prioritizes “hard work over laziness.”

    Ramaswamy also said in a post to X on Friday that the H-1B visa program “is badly broken & should be replaced with one that focuses on selecting the very best of the best (not a lottery), pro-competitive (no indentured service to one company), and de-bureaucratized.”

    Republicans who criticized H-1B visas included far-right activists Laura Loomer and Steve Bannon. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley also weighed in, calling it “lazy” for the “tech industry to automatically go to foreign workers for their needs.”

    “Invest in our American workforce,” she said in a post to X on Friday. “We must invest in Americans first before looking elsewhere.”

    Musk also faced accusations of censoring critics after more than a dozen conservatives, including Loomer, said their blue badge verification on X had been revoked after they criticized Musk over his views on immigration.

    In a recent statement, former President Donald Trump has expressed his support for the H-1B visa program, calling it ‘great’ despite ongoing tensions within the MAGA movement over the issue of tech workers.

    The H-1B visa program allows skilled foreign workers to come to the United States and work in specialty occupations, particularly in the tech industry. The program has been a subject of debate among conservatives, with some arguing that it takes away jobs from American workers while others believe it is necessary to fill gaps in the labor market.

    Trump’s comments come amid a feud within the MAGA movement over the issue of tech workers, with some of his supporters calling for stricter restrictions on H-1B visas and others advocating for their expansion. Trump’s stance on the program has been seen as a departure from his previous rhetoric, which often focused on prioritizing American workers over foreign labor.

    Despite this shift, Trump’s comments have sparked mixed reactions among his supporters, with some praising his support for the H-1B visa program and others expressing disappointment. The debate over the future of the program within the conservative movement is likely to continue as the issue remains a divisive one among Republicans.


    1. Trump
    2. H-1B visa program
    3. MAGA
    4. Tech workers
    5. Immigration
    6. Politics
    7. Donald Trump
    8. Technology industry
    9. US economy
    10. Skilled workers

    #Trump #H1B #visa #program #great #MAGA #feud #tech #workers