Tag: Vue

  • l’arrivée de Khvitcha Kvaratskhelia au PSG vue par Zouriko Davitachvili

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software

    « L’arrivée de Khvitcha Kvaratskhelia au Paris-SG constitue-t-elle une bonne surprise pour vous ?
    (Il sourit) Non, car nous échangeons souvent ensemble. J’étais donc au courant. Je savais qu’il allait venir à Paris. C’est super de se retrouver désormais à trois Géorgiens, en France, qui jouent déjà ensemble en équipe nationale (avec Georges Mikautadze à Lyon). Cela nous permet d’être encore plus près l’un de l’autre. On se connaît déjà très bien et nous entretenons tous les trois d’excellentes relations.

    Vous êtes si proches que cela, avec Kvaratskhelia ?
    Oui. J’avais 10 ans quand je l’ai connu. On a joué dans beaucoup de clubs ensemble. La première fois, c’était à l’académie du Dinamo Tbilissi, en Géorgie (2012-2017). Par la suite, on s’est séparés, avant de se retrouver au Rubin Kazan (en Russie, 2019-2020), puis au Dinamo Batoumi (en Géorgie, 2022) et en sélection, maintenant. Nous sommes très proches. Nos familles aussi. Khvticha est le parrain de mon fils. C’est comme un frère, pour moi.

    « À mon avis, c’est l’un des meilleurs ailiers gauche au monde »

    Quel footballeur est-il ?
    Tout d’abord, c’est un vrai professionnel. Il adore son métier. Il investit beaucoup d’énergie dedans et cela se voit. C’est quelqu’un qui s’entraîne énormément, qui travaille beaucoup sur lui-même, et qui donne toujours le maximum sur un terrain. Ensuite, il se montre capable de créer pour marquer un but et de jouer avec les deux pieds. S’il est droitier, il se sert également très bien de son pied gauche. À mon avis, c’est l’un des meilleurs ailiers gauche au monde. Il a d’ailleurs montré toute l’étendue de son talent, et dès son arrivée, à Naples (en juillet 2022). Il y est pour beaucoup si le Napoli a de nouveau gagné le titre de champion d’Italie (en 2023), après trente-trois ans d’attente. J’étais d’ailleurs sûr qu’il réussirait en Serie A.

    Comme vous êtes persuadé de sa réussite en Ligue 1 ?
    Oui, et c’est pour cela que lorsque le Paris-SG lui a fait une proposition, il l’a acceptée. Il rêvait de ça. Si la Ligue 1 est d’un très bon niveau, Khvitcha ne rencontrera pas de problèmes d’adaptation. Parce qu’il est également très fort dans sa tête. Cela l’aide beaucoup et dans tout.

    « Nous avons beau être très proches dans la vie, une fois sur le terrain, on laisse ça de côté »

    Et sur le plan humain, comment est-il ?
    C’est quelqu’un de chaleureux, doté d’une très belle personnalité et très rigolo. Quand nous avons un moment de vacances, nous le passons tous ensemble, avec femmes et enfants. On en profite pour beaucoup jouer, notamment à la PlayStation 4, à FIFA. Je le prends comme joueur et je gagne tout le temps (rire) ! Mais bon, il apprend à jouer à ce jeu vidéo et parfois, il gagne. On choisit Real-Barça, ou Liverpool, ou Manchester City, on a déjà joué aussi avec le Paris-SG. Mais le plus souvent, c’est moi qui gagne (il insiste) !

    Vous devez dès lors avoir hâte de l’affronter, le week-end du 29-30 mars ?
    Oui, et je vais tout faire pour le battre. Nous avons beau être très proches dans la vie, une fois sur un terrain, on laisse ça de côté. Chacun joue pour son équipe. Nous avons déjà vécu cette expérience une seule fois, en Russie. Je l’avais reçu avec Arsenal Toula, quand il évoluait au Rubin Kazan.

    Et qui en était sorti vainqueur ?
    Je ne me souviens plus lequel d’entre nous deux avait gagné. Juste du score. 3-0 ou 3-1 (3-0 pour le Rubin, le 30 juillet 2021). Maintenant, on va pouvoir voir ce que cela va donner l’un contre l’autre, en France. »

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software

    L’arrivée de Khvitcha Kvaratskhelia au PSG vue par Zouriko Davitachvili: Une nouvelle ère pour le club parisien !

    Dans un post récent, Zouriko Davitachvili, grand connaisseur du football et proche du PSG, a partagé son analyse sur l’arrivée de Khvitcha Kvaratskhelia au club parisien. Selon lui, cette signature marque le début d’une nouvelle ère pour le PSG, avec un joueur talentueux et prometteur qui pourrait bien changer la donne sur le terrain.

    Davitachvili a loué les qualités techniques et physiques de Kvaratskhelia, soulignant sa capacité à dribbler, sa vitesse et sa vision du jeu. Il a également mis en avant son potentiel pour devenir l’un des meilleurs joueurs de sa génération et faire la différence dans les matchs décisifs.

    Pour Zouriko Davitachvili, l’arrivée de Kvaratskhelia au PSG est un véritable coup de maître, qui renforce l’équipe et lui donne une dimension supplémentaire. Il est convaincu que le joueur géorgien saura s’adapter rapidement au club et s’intégrer parfaitement dans le collectif.

    En conclusion, Zouriko Davitachvili estime que le PSG a frappé fort en recrutant Khvitcha Kvaratskhelia et que les supporters peuvent se réjouir de voir évoluer un tel talent sous les couleurs parisiennes. Une nouvelle ère s’ouvre pour le club, et nul doute que Kvaratskhelia saura en être l’un des piliers.


    1. Khvitcha Kvaratskhelia
    2. PSG
    3. Zouriko Davitachvili
    4. Transfert de Khvitcha Kvaratskhelia au PSG
    5. Nouvelles recrues du PSG
    6. L’arrivée de Khvitcha Kvaratskhelia à Paris
    7. Footballeur géorgien Khvitcha Kvaratskhelia
    8. Analyse de Zouriko Davitachvili sur le transfert de Khvitcha Kvaratskhelia au PSG
    9. Mercato du PSG
    10. Réactions à l’arrivée de Khvitcha Kvaratskhelia au PSG

    #larrivée #Khvitcha #Kvaratskhelia #PSG #vue #par #Zouriko #Davitachvili

  • PrimoChill Vue Pre-Mix (32oz) -Computer WaterCooling Fluid – Toxic Candy

    PrimoChill Vue Pre-Mix (32oz) -Computer WaterCooling Fluid – Toxic Candy

    Price: $39.95
    (as of Dec 26,2024 22:28:42 UTC – Details)

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software

    Product Description

    Vue Banner

    Vue Banner



    PrimoChill has gone to great lengths to make Vue as easy to use as possible, but please keep in mind that it is for EXPERIENCED USERS looking for that extra aesthetic and requires more attention and maintenance and any other coolant Adding Vue to the system also requires more work than just pouring it in, but a spotless loop and ZERO air inductions during filling the system will make for less overall headaches.

    Vue has a HIGH attraction to dyes. It’s possible that it may leach old dyes out of components that had previously dyed coolants ran through them (radiators in particular). No amount of flushing with water will remove all previous dyes. This may result in Vue changing color slightly. For best results flush your system with PrimoChill System ReBoot prior to using VUE in existing systems that contained dyed coolant.

    Sys Reboot is for loops that have seen coolant before dyed or not dyed. Reboot is effective at removing previous dyes from the loop, especially from the radiator. It also works very well on neutralizing some coolant additives that are left behind from previous coolants.

    25 colors

    25 colors


    Water Based

    Water Based

    Water Based

    Small Batches

    Small Batches

    Handmade in Small Batches Unmatched Quality Control

    Flow Indicator

    Flow Indicator

    Fluid with a Visual Indicator



    Built in Safeguard for Longer Lasting Fluid

    Step 1 - Vue

    Step 1 - Vue

    Step 1 – Prepping

    If your system is brand new we recommend using both Rad Clean and Sys Prep. If you have existing system, utilize our Rad clean and then move to step 2.

    Step Two - Vue

    Step Two - Vue

    Step 2 – Cleaning old fluid out

    System Reboot was created to pull old dyes and fluid out of existing PC builds. This is essential to use if you had any other previous fluids in your build that you plan to use Vue in.

    Step 3 - Vue

    Step 3 - Vue

    Step 3 – Final Prep and Protection

    Primo Prep was created with Vue in mind. It has protective properties that help with both your Vue lasting longer and it’s ability to keep the same color throughout it’s duration.

    Step 4 - Vue

    Step 4 - Vue

    Step 4 – Add your final Vue

    After going through all the proper prepping (follow our guide) you’re ready to add your Vue!

    Step 1 - Vue

    Step 1 - Vue

    Step Two - Vue

    Step Two - Vue

    Step 3 - Vue

    Step 3 - Vue

    Step 4 - Vue

    Step 4 - Vue




    PrimoPrep was created with Vue in mind and should always be used when using Vue. The pre-treatment helps control the fluctuation of the PH levels in your system caused by high levels of copper typically due to large capacity radiators. With this treatment, it also prepares the system for use of coolants in a mix metal closed-loop leaving the guesswork a thing of the past. This is a MANDATORY prep if not your Vue will FAIL.

    Slowly add the prep fluid to your loop and avoid letting air into the system to prevent bubbles from slowing down the process. The more bubbles the more flushes are needed. Fill the reservoir, cycling the pump and repeating the process until the loop is full. is normally the best practice, for prep and the final coolant. Address leaks immediately, and if there are flow issues look at the entire loop to make sure that the coolant is flowing in the correct direction. Now it is time to let the system work its magic. We recommend running the prep for 24 – 48 hours. You may use the system during this process. After the waiting period is over, drain the system and inspect the loop for any debris that may have dislodged during the flush. If all looks well it is time to do a final rinse.
    Rinse the system until the water runs clear and is bubble-free. Next, drain the system completely. The goal is to get out as much leftover fluid. Tipping the system over, back to back, and upside down will help free any fluid hiding in corners of blocks and in tops or ends of radiators. You may be surprised by how much fluid remains, so take your time.
    Slowly add the coolant and fill the reservoir ¾ of the way before cycling the pump. Cycle the pump for five seconds, or until the water level drops on the reservoir to ¼. Stop and refill the reservoir ¾ of the way and cycle the pump again. Continue to do this until the loop is “bled” of air and residue fluid. Once the system is bled it should be very quiet. If you here churning, knocking and bubbling then there is still air in the system. Once it is quiet, put the cap back on the reservoir and top is all the way off through the port in the top. This process should take 2-3 hours depending on the size of your loop and it’s complexity.


    1. Running your pump at a slow RPM/speed will help keep your Vue together. Running at high speeds will create a shearing effect on the exist of the pump and inlet and outlets of water blocks. The shear is essentially ripping apart all the goodies inside your Vue coolant. You will start to see a collection of white residue on the inside of the tubes if so time to crank down the pump speed.

    2. Almost every case on the market has room to mount a radiator to the top of your case. When using this mount it can cause issues with Vue if you do not properly bleed all of the air out of that radiator. Take your time and tilt/rock your case back and forth and side to side so any air trapped in the radiator will hopefully get forced out. This can time a little bit of time so go slow and keep an eye out for bubbles.

    Pc Ice

    PC Ice


    Fluid Type
    Show Fluid (performance properties)
    Performance Fluid
    Performance Fluid
    Performance Fluid
    Performance Fluid

    Available Colors

    Recommended for Daily Use


    Water Based


    ALUMINUM WATER-COOLING COMPONENTS | Aluminum water-cooling components are not compatible with Vue as over a brief period Vue breaks apart and loses all Vue effects.
    SILVER COILS, SILVER COMPONENTS, SILVER PLATED COMPONENTS | Silver Coils, Silver components, and Silver plated components are not compatible with Vue as the release of silver from these sources break the structure of Vue and will cause the fluid to lose all effects.
    ADDITION FLUIDS | Addition of water, dyes, or other preps will cause Vue to break down as the chemical balance in Vue is altered with the addition of any of these. If you need to top of your loop then it needs to be topped off with Vue of the same color. Do not mix assorted colors of Vue as each color is balanced to specific levels that should not be altered.
    ANY FITTINGS THAT HAVE A NON-NICKEL INTERIOR FINISH | It’s important to choose the right set of fittings as Vue and the interior of each fitting make contact. Always choose a fitting that has a nickel finish inside. Stay away from non nickel finishes and interior painted fittings as this can cause Vue to breakdown.
    BAY RESERVOIRS | Bay reservoirs pose a difficult challenge for Vue as some manufactures require a gap of air to remain in the reservoir for it to function properly. Any additional air introduced to a loop running Vue will cause Vue to breakdown overtime.
    ALWAYS CHECK | with manufactures website for updated compatibility issues. www keepingit cool/vue

    Released in 2017, Vue has withstood the test of time and is still a favorite SHOW COOLANT in the watercooling community with its unique visual traits, Vue is sure to bring another dimension to any loop.
    Vue’s exclusive water-based formulation allows it to stay suspended longer allowing longevity.
    Safe to use with all rubber gaskets, acrylic tubing, pvc tubing, petg tubing, glass tubing, as well as nickel and copper components.
    Pre-Dyed and handmade in small batches for unmatched quality control right here in Boise, ID USA
    Vue’s visual indicator is useful to illustrate fluids flow patterns in your watercooling loop or product design.

    Customers say

    Customers appreciate the cleaning agent’s appearance and functionality. They find it looks cool and performs well. However, some customers report issues with staining, color accuracy, and scalability. There are mixed opinions on its cooling ability.

    AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

    Fix today. Protect forever. Secure your devices with the #1 malware removal and protection software
    Introducing the PrimoChill Vue Pre-Mix (32oz) – Computer WaterCooling Fluid in the vibrant and eye-catching shade of Toxic Candy!

    This fluid is not only designed to keep your computer running smoothly and efficiently, but it also adds a pop of color to your water cooling system. The Toxic Candy hue is perfect for those who want to make a statement with their PC build.

    Not only does this fluid look great, but it also provides excellent thermal conductivity and corrosion protection for your components. With its non-toxic, non-flammable formula, you can trust that your system will stay cool and safe.

    Upgrade your water cooling system with the PrimoChill Vue Pre-Mix in Toxic Candy and take your PC build to the next level! Available now for purchase.

    #PrimoChill #WaterCooling #ToxicCandy #PCBuild #TechEnthusiast
    #PrimoChill #Vue #PreMix #32oz #Computer #WaterCooling #Fluid #Toxic #Candy,water cooling

  • POWERTEC Flexible PVC Dust Collection Hose 4 in x 10 ft, Clear Vue (70111)

    POWERTEC Flexible PVC Dust Collection Hose 4 in x 10 ft, Clear Vue (70111)

    POWERTEC Flexible PVC Dust Collection Hose 4 in x 10 ft, Clear Vue (70111)

    Price : 43.99

    Ends on : N/A

    View on eBay
    Introducing the POWERTEC Flexible PVC Dust Collection Hose 4 in x 10 ft, Clear Vue (70111) – the ultimate solution for all your dust collection needs!

    This high-quality hose is designed to be flexible and durable, allowing you to easily maneuver around tight corners and obstacles in your workshop. The clear vue design provides visibility of any clogs or debris, making maintenance a breeze.

    With a 4 inch diameter and 10 foot length, this hose is perfect for connecting to your dust collector, shop vac, or any other dust extraction system. The PVC construction ensures long-lasting performance, while the smooth interior allows for optimal airflow and suction power.

    Don’t let dust and debris clutter up your workspace any longer – upgrade to the POWERTEC Flexible PVC Dust Collection Hose today and experience the difference for yourself!
    #POWERTEC #Flexible #PVC #Dust #Collection #Hose #Clear #Vue,dust

  • HVAC Blend Door Actuator for Chevy Equinox Pontiac Torrent Saturn Vue 604-114

    HVAC Blend Door Actuator for Chevy Equinox Pontiac Torrent Saturn Vue 604-114

    HVAC Blend Door Actuator for Chevy Equinox Pontiac Torrent Saturn Vue 604-114

    Price : 18.52

    Ends on : N/A

    View on eBay
    Are you experiencing issues with the HVAC system in your Chevy Equinox, Pontiac Torrent, or Saturn Vue? The blend door actuator is a crucial component that controls the flow of air through the heating and cooling system. If you’re hearing strange noises, experiencing inconsistent temperatures, or not getting any air flow at all, it may be time to replace your blend door actuator.

    Our 604-114 HVAC Blend Door Actuator is a direct fit replacement for the original part, ensuring proper fit and function. Made from high-quality materials, this actuator is built to last and will help restore proper air flow to your vehicle’s HVAC system. Don’t suffer through uncomfortable drives – replace your blend door actuator today and enjoy a comfortable ride once again.

    Visit our website or contact us for more information on this HVAC Blend Door Actuator for Chevy Equinox, Pontiac Torrent, and Saturn Vue. Keep your vehicle’s HVAC system running smoothly and stay comfortable on the road.
    #HVAC #Blend #Door #Actuator #Chevy #Equinox #Pontiac #Torrent #Saturn #Vue, Actuator

  • Air Filter + Cabin Pollen Filter for Chevy Equinox Pontiac Torrent Saturn Vue

    Air Filter + Cabin Pollen Filter for Chevy Equinox Pontiac Torrent Saturn Vue

    Air Filter + Cabin Pollen Filter for Chevy Equinox Pontiac Torrent Saturn Vue

    Price : 28.96

    Ends on : N/A

    View on eBay
    Are you looking to improve the air quality in your Chevy Equinox, Pontiac Torrent, or Saturn Vue? Consider upgrading your air filter and cabin pollen filter for a cleaner and healthier driving experience.

    By replacing your air filter, you can ensure that your vehicle’s engine is receiving clean air, which can lead to improved fuel efficiency and overall performance. Additionally, a cabin pollen filter can help to reduce allergens and pollutants in the air inside your vehicle, creating a more comfortable and enjoyable driving environment for you and your passengers.

    Investing in high-quality air and pollen filters is a simple and cost-effective way to improve the air quality in your vehicle and protect your health. So why wait? Upgrade your filters today and breathe easier on the road.
    #Air #Filter #Cabin #Pollen #Filter #Chevy #Equinox #Pontiac #Torrent #Saturn #Vue,pollen

  • OtterBox – Ultra-Slim Vue iPhone 11 Case (ONLY)-Protective Phone case(Fog Black)

    OtterBox – Ultra-Slim Vue iPhone 11 Case (ONLY)-Protective Phone case(Fog Black)

    OtterBox – Ultra-Slim Vue iPhone 11 Case (ONLY)-Protective Phone case(Fog Black)

    Price : 9.99

    Ends on : N/A

    View on eBay
    Introducing the OtterBox Ultra-Slim Vue iPhone 11 Case in Fog Black!

    Keep your iPhone 11 safe and stylish with this sleek and protective phone case from OtterBox. The Ultra-Slim Vue case offers a slim profile while still providing the rugged protection OtterBox is known for.

    Key Features:
    – Slim design for easy pocket storage
    – Dual-material construction for drop protection
    – Raised edges to protect your screen and camera
    – Easy installation and removal

    Don’t compromise on style or protection for your iPhone 11. Get the OtterBox Ultra-Slim Vue case in Fog Black today! #OtterBox #iPhone11 #PhoneCase #ProtectiveCase #FogBlack
    #OtterBox #UltraSlim #Vue #iPhone #Case #ONLYProtective #Phone #caseFog #Black

  • Front & Rear Drilled Brake Rotors + Pads for Chevy Equinox Saturn Vue Torrent

    Front & Rear Drilled Brake Rotors + Pads for Chevy Equinox Saturn Vue Torrent

    Front & Rear Drilled Brake Rotors + Pads for Chevy Equinox Saturn Vue Torrent

    Price : 202.63

    Ends on : N/A

    View on eBay
    Looking to upgrade your Chevy Equinox, Saturn Vue, or Pontiac Torrent’s braking system? Look no further than our Front & Rear Drilled Brake Rotors + Pads set!

    Our high-quality brake rotors are designed with precision-drilled holes to provide better heat dissipation and prevent brake fade. This results in improved braking performance and a longer lifespan for your brakes.

    Paired with our premium brake pads, you’ll experience smooth and consistent braking power every time you hit the pedal. These pads are formulated to provide excellent stopping power while also minimizing noise and dust.

    Don’t compromise on safety and performance – upgrade your vehicle’s braking system with our Front & Rear Drilled Brake Rotors + Pads set today!
    #Front #Rear #Drilled #Brake #Rotors #Pads #Chevy #Equinox #Saturn #Vue #Torrent

  • Alternator and Air Conditioning Accessory Drive Belt For Saturn Vue SD414DT

    Alternator and Air Conditioning Accessory Drive Belt For Saturn Vue SD414DT

    Alternator and Air Conditioning Accessory Drive Belt For Saturn Vue SD414DT

    Price : 24.03

    Ends on : N/A

    View on eBay
    Are you in need of a new alternator and air conditioning accessory drive belt for your Saturn Vue SD414DT? Look no further! Our high-quality belts are designed to keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently. Don’t let a worn-out belt leave you stranded on the side of the road – upgrade to a new belt today and drive with confidence. Visit our website or contact us to order yours now! #SaturnVue #DriveBelt #CarMaintenance
    #Alternator #Air #Conditioning #Accessory #Drive #Belt #Saturn #Vue #SD414DT
