X804671-003 is a versatile compound that has been gaining attention in the scientific community for its potential uses in various applications. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the compound and explores its potential uses in different fields.
X804671-003 is a synthetic compound that belongs to the class of organic compounds known as oximes. It has a molecular formula of C10H15NO4 and a molecular weight of 213.23 g/mol. The compound is typically obtained through chemical synthesis and is available in both liquid and solid forms.
One of the key features of X804671-003 is its ability to act as a chelating agent, forming stable complexes with metal ions. This property makes it a valuable tool in analytical chemistry, where it is used for the detection and quantification of metal ions in various samples. The compound’s chelating ability also makes it useful in water treatment applications, where it can be used to remove heavy metals from contaminated water sources.
In addition to its role as a chelating agent, X804671-003 also exhibits antioxidant properties. This makes it a potential candidate for use in the food and pharmaceutical industries, where it can be added to products to extend their shelf life and prevent oxidation. The compound’s antioxidant properties also make it a promising candidate for use in skincare products, where it can help protect the skin from oxidative damage.
X804671-003 has also shown potential as a drug delivery vehicle. Its ability to form stable complexes with metal ions can be exploited to encapsulate and deliver drugs to specific targets in the body. This makes it a promising candidate for use in targeted drug delivery systems, where it can help improve the efficacy and reduce the side effects of conventional drug formulations.
Overall, X804671-003 is a versatile compound with a wide range of potential uses in various fields. Its chelating, antioxidant, and drug delivery properties make it a valuable tool for researchers and industries looking to develop innovative solutions in areas such as analytical chemistry, water treatment, food and pharmaceuticals, and drug delivery. Further research and development efforts are needed to fully explore the potential uses of X804671-003 and unlock its full potential in different applications.
#Exploring #Potential #X804671003 #Comprehensive #Overview,x804671-003