Tampa leaders look for freshwater flooding solutions after flooding from storms

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, fla — Tampa leaders are looking for solutions to prevent freshwater flooding after last year’s hurricanes destroyed homes and cars.

People like Nikki Little tell us they are frustrated, and some of that is directed towards the city.

“I think they really need to work on drainage,” Little said.

Little rents on the third floor, so her home did not flood, but her friends in South Tampa were not as lucky.

“They’re very stressed out emotionally, but you know they’ll bounce back,” Little said. “They know they will. But it’s an emotional loss that’s impacting most of my friends more than anything,” Little said.

Many neighbors tell me they think the freshwater flooding could have been prevented. It is an issue that City Councilman Bill Carlson recognizes.

“We had lots of neighborhoods flooded. I’ve been to all of them multiple times. We need to do everything we can to prevent flooding the next time,” Carlson said.

He said on Thursday, the council will discuss the current stormwater plan, what went wrong, and the maintenance issues that contributed to the flooding.

“We’ve seen a lot of maintenance problems all over the city. Ditches that were filled in, some of them by homeowners, some just over time. Culverts filled in or broken. We need to get those fixed. We need to do everything we can to prevent flooding in the future,” Carlson said.

Some potential solutions they are considering include improving pump stations, roadway repaving, partnering with other agencies, and allocating money for maintenance.

“The public has a right to know the information,” Carlson said. “The public has a right to know what happened, why they flooded, and what we are going to do about fixing it.”

This is an issue that ABC Action News is committed to staying on top of until the city finds a solution.

“I’ve gotten exhausted from FEMA. We’re 62 and 72 years old, and we’re on Social Security/Disability. What the hell does this country want from us?”
John King shared with ABC Action News the flooding in his Zephyrhills community – more than 3 months after Hurricane Milton.

Pasco County community remains flooded months after Milton

In the wake of recent storms and subsequent flooding in Tampa, local leaders are actively seeking solutions to address freshwater flooding in the city. With climate change exacerbating extreme weather events and rising sea levels, finding effective strategies to mitigate flooding is crucial for the city’s resilience.

One potential solution being considered is the implementation of green infrastructure, such as rain gardens, permeable pavement, and green roofs, which can help absorb and filter stormwater runoff. These nature-based solutions not only reduce flooding but also improve water quality and create green spaces in urban areas.

Additionally, updating and expanding the city’s stormwater infrastructure, including drainage systems and culverts, is essential to better manage excess water during heavy rainfall. Investing in resilient infrastructure can help prevent future flooding events and protect communities from the impacts of climate change.

Collaboration between local government, businesses, and residents is key to developing and implementing effective freshwater flooding solutions in Tampa. By working together and prioritizing resilience, the city can better prepare for the challenges of a changing climate and ensure a safer, more sustainable future for all residents.


Tampa leaders, freshwater flooding, Tampa storm flooding, Tampa flood solutions, Tampa flood prevention, Tampa flood management, Tampa stormwater solutions, Tampa water management, Tampa infrastructure improvements

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